CONGRESSAND THE PRESS See Page 2 I.I Latest Deadline in the State Daitt D ; :.. ; Y I. + 1 g f Y~ ( k CLOUDY, MILD VOL. LXIII, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1953 FOUR PAGES I S * * 0 * * * * * * I Seaway Project Favored by Ike St. Lawrence Proposal Seen 'Highly R Desirable' by Cabinet at Meeting 'M' Baseball Team Romps Over MSC Corbett Credited With 9-1Victory By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Eisenhower and his Cabinet, terming the controversial St. Lawrence seaway project "highly desirable," yesterday advocated limited U. S. participation in the big undertaking. The idea of the seaway is to allow ocean going ships to proceed from the Atlantic up the St. Lawrence to the Great Lakes. * ** * THE WHITE HOUSE, in making what Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent said was a "statement of intention," said Eisen- hower and the Cabinet unanimously accepted the recommendations of a special committee named by the President to study the subject. St. Laurent, who had been - shown the recommendations QG rant during a White House visit, told s reporters after its issuance that his government is ready to dis- cuss the project. He emphasized that the key to the whole undertaking of joint S Busboys nU. S.-Canada participation in the Federal Power Commission issues a license for construction of a re- 3 a '> i By DAVE LIVINGSTON Michigan State pounded out nine hits to Michigan's seven yes- terday, but the Wolverines added their safeties to a rash of Spar- tan errors and walks to gain an easy 9-1 victory on the Ferry Field diamond. The two Big Ten rivals go at it again today, this time in a twin- bill at East Lansing. MICHIGAN bunched all of its runs into two big innings yester- day as it broke a two-game confer- ence losing streak. Ace righthander Jack Corbett went the route for the Wolver- ines, scattering the State hits effectively while issuing only two free passes and striking out four. With one out in the home half of the first inning, two consecutive infield errors put Captain Bill Mogk and centerfielder Frank Howell on first and second. DON EADDY brought MogkI home with a sharp single to left, and Paul Lepley kept things going with a long double to center to score two more runs. Spartan starter Ernie Erickson settled down momentarily to re- tire Gil Sabuco on an infield grounder, but Dan Cline followed with a clean hit through the box to drive Lepley across withj the fourth run of the inning. Catcher. Dick Leach was safe See WOLVERINE, page 4 A. ,y4 All i " h. 4 x i s x y s , r, a a o ti4 LYag7r" .A+i } EEC- , 'Ad'* . MG ]. dl# {{2 4. .. rte. . t +c., if * - -.-0 :L.' t Rs .4:R i .*I p . .4 #~V4 ~% ~? ~ ~,'~t3 By TOM LADENDORF lated power development of the After three weeks of strikes and river in the International Rapids negotiations, student busboys and section, near Massena, -N. Y. negoiatons stden buboy an Detroit backers of the St. Law- waitresses yesterday were grant- rero ec voed con- ed' rence Seaway project voiced con- ed a higher wage scale effective flicting reactions last night to r next semester by Leonard Schaadt, limitations imposed on United residence halls business manager. States participation in its con- The increase will amount tostuin.Hre Caplex about ten cents more per hour. struction. Harvey Campbell, ex- ecutive vice-president of the De- troit Board of Commerce, said he THE DECISION came out of a had no worry about the question meeting between Schaadt, the of dredging in the Great Lakes three men's quads and Alice system." Lloyd H-all. Satisfaction was ex- "I believe Mr. Eisenhower's ac- pressed by both Schaadt and bus- tion is the long-awaited key to boy leaders over the outcome of getting the seaway constructed. the meeting. Lct's not cluter up the issue with The new plan provides for: other questions. 1) A base pay of 85 cents per s c , .{.., 4to R( texts, t: b' , _! POWER PACKAGE-Here is a cutaway view of the nuclear reactor to be built with the million dollar grant from the Ford Motor Company Fund to the Memorial-Phoenix Project at the University ** * * * * r } ~*4 :K:' hour for all beginning busboys and waitresses. 2) Raises of five cents per hour after the completion of 50 and 200 hours of work. Seniority will be measured from last September and will not be effective if an employee quits and then returns to work. The partici- pants in the recent West Quad walkout, however, will not be af- fected by this last restriction, * . * 3) A BONUS of five cents per hour for those workers doing spe- cial jobs such as headwaiting, mopping, scouring, and running dish, glass, and silver machines. 4) A drop to the base wage of any worker with more than three unexcused absences. An excused world News Roundup By The Associated Press The Allies, answering a Communist compromise proposal for an armistice in Korea, yesterday hurled a multitude of questions at the Reds. The Allies did not turn down the Red compromise plan nor did they accept it. They asked the Communists to clear up a grea', rmany points. * * * * IIANOI Indochina-One Vietminh garrison clurt, myster- iously to a strategic base in the heart of Laos yesterday while the rest of the Communist-led invasion force pushed northward in a general withdrawal. * * * WASHINGTON-Mutual Security Director Stassen disclosed yes- terday the United States has given France an extra 60 million dollars for the war against the Communist guerrillas in Indochina.I Michi gamua Calls Braves To Wigwam Listen to this tale of romance Tale of Indian warriors bold- In the early moon of green leaves Came they forth, the stoics val- iant; Forth they romped to paleface wigwam Wigwam one of friendly Great Chief, Came they forth to take their token Then to the mighty oak of Tappan Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen ; To the tree of Indian legend Where the white men pale and trembling Stood around the mighty oak tree Phoenix Tops Dr: Grant Earmarke Of North Camp By GENEI A one million dollar gra pany Fund for the constructio yesterday pushed the Universi $800,000 over its original ca Acknowledging receipt o in Dearborn yesterday, Unive said the reactor would be u energy research for. education -* .* The University plans to Commission for the loan of t the reactor, President Hatche "This reactor represent Fund's first substantial cont Henry Ford II, president o "WE HAVE' complete confidence that, in the hands of the Univer- sity's scientists it will be a signifi- cant contribution to this age of new challenge." Combined with the existing cyclotron, synchrotron and 10 kilocurie source of cobalt 60 (the most powerful in any private in- stallation) the reactor or "pow- er package" will provide atomic research facilities unsurpassed at any other educational insti- tution, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, of the Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies and director of the Phoenix Project, maintained. The University, under contract with the Atomic Energy Commis- sion, has agreed to provide the de- tailed design of the research re- actor with a plan for its opera- tion and an analysis of the health and safety hazards and security considerations involved in it operation. Present plans call for the re- actor to be housed on the new 267 acre North Campus in a specially built structure three stories high with concrete walls five feet thick to shield workers from the dangerous radiation created in the equipment. THE APPARATUS will be in- stalled in a water-filled tank 30 feet high and 12 by 18 feet on the sides. Construction is scheduled to get underway this year, Univer- sity officials announced. Ford said the grant, which is based upon an estimate of the cost of building such a reactor, will cover construction of the ap- paratus and building, and any basic and essential equipment which is an integral part of the reactor. According to University officials the only other known reactor on a college campus is nearing com- pletion at Raleigh, North Caro- lina, for the Consolidated Uni- versity of North Carolina. *. * PROF. Henry Gomberg,. assist- ant director of the Phoenix Pro- ject said that the University's re- actor will be of a different design and have a higher power rating than the one in Raleigh. The nuclear "power package, is the only device that taps a basic source of enerv riot dependent in S'. PHOENIX LABORATORY-The specially built three story struc- - ture housing the reactor will be located at the extreme left of the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory not yet under construction on the North Campus. 'dean Edmonson Blasts U.S. t I T T , .I a S 1 l S e ._ e s z n ' ~ c n Fve IVe Warriors choice of paleface nation Choice of-tribe to run the gauntlet. Down the warriors, painted demons Swooped and caught their prey Project ive Goal 2d for Construction us Nuclear Reactor HARTWIG nt from the Ford Motor Com. n of a nuclear research reactor ity's Memorial-Phoenix Project mpaign goal of $6,500,000. F the gift at a press conference rsity President Harlan Hatcher sed in basic peacetime atomic al purposes. * * apply to the Atomic Energy Uranium-235 necessary to fuel r said. s the Ford Motor Company ribution to atomic research," f the Fund said. S* * * Years absence will be one for academic* x or health reasons. LONDON-British Laborites scored landslide gains at the 5) The election of permanent expense of both the Conservatives and all other rivals in returns Student - Employment Relations last night from local council elections in England and Wales. Committees in each of the res- * * * * idence halls to register any com-, LAS VEGAS-One of America's more powerful A-bombs blastedj plaints of student workers with simulated military installations and set flaming torches amid a mock' Schaadt. forest yesterday on the barren desert of Nevada Proving Ground. Deil Wright, '53BAd., student supervisor of the West Quad bus- WASHINGTON-Republican hopes of achieving a balanced boys commented on the plan, "It budget next year were dashed yesterday when Secretary of the seems very satisfactory to me treasury Humphrey declared it can't be done. right now, and will depend on how * * * * well m grievance provisions can WASHINGTON-Gov. George Craig of Indiana yesterday declared civil defense service should be compulsory-"The same as we compel Meetings of student workers mnpeople to take part in war through the draft." into operation Monday night by Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan said the voluntary system electing representatives to act on "should be given a chance" but also urged greater congressional their grievance committees. support. Show Gain Of Phoenix By PAT ROELOFS Begun exacly five years ago this month, the University's Memorial- Phoenix Project is fast reaching maturity-as a program of investi- gation, discovery, education and service in the constructive use of atomic energy. The project takes its name from the Phoenix, the fabulous, sacred bird of the Egyptians, which des- troyed itself every five hundred years and emerged from its own ashes into a new life. It is the Uni- versity's memorial to the 520 stu- dents, alumni and faculty members who lost their lives in World War II. * ** HEADED BY Dean Ralph A Sawyer of the graduate school, Phoenix has now spent more than' $500,000 on research, .fellowships and educational meetings, and for laboratory construction and equip- ment. Fourteerf projects have al- ready been completed and 63 research projects are currently under way. The most dramatic demonstra- tion of the Project's attempt to balance research programs has been the large allotment of funds and study hours to the humanities field. Approximately $75,000 of the $140,000 already spent in peace- time atomic research has gone in- to such programs as legal and public administration aspects of atomic energy. * * * OUT OF Phoenix research has already come wet process autora- diography, a new method of radi- ation detection, useful in studies calling for great magnifications. A new form of microscope is also under development that will utilize atomic radiation directly With a $25,000 grant from Pho- enix funds, the Institute of Social Research is completing a study of the impact of atomic-weapon and atomic-power development on public opinion and social attitudes. The new Phoeniyx Memorial. Building not yet under construc- tion on the North Campus will make possible radiation studies jat levels which cannot now be contemplated because of their hazards. As Dean Sawyer observed in his second annual report last Novem- ber, "In four short years the Pho- enix Project has grown from an idea to a vigorous reality." LI ixnty in iyster u onieges like eagles Loud the war -cry stirred the stillness By BOB JAFFE As they seized their hapless Following up his blast leveled Wednesday at "eliminating tht I captives 3 shysters" in American education Dean Emeritus James B. Edmonson of the education school said yesterday that many states do not even require a charter for a college to officially operate. "No other major country is as lax as the United States in permit- ting shyster schools and diploma mills to sell certificates and degrees," he charged. "TO CLOSE DOWN such unscrupulous institutions is largely the responsibilty of the several states," and should not come under federal jurisdiction, the Dean commented. In a questionnaire sent to all state education departments,{ the Committee on Fraudulent Schools and Colleges of which Dean Edmonson is chairman made inquiries into the degree of control over the large num- ber of "diploma mills" now in r-M-U 4-N -K_ 71 2existence. Forth they bore them to their wigwam There to torture at their pleasure There around the glowing bonfires Heard the words of mighty wisdom Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship Thus there came to Michigamua: Dick Balzhiser, Tom Benner, John Codewell, John Corbett, Bob Ely, Phil Flarsheim, Jim Haas, Don Hill, Willard Ikola, Roger Kidston, Gene Knutson, Pete; Lardner, Harry . Lunn, Clifford' Mitts, Norvard Nalan, Bob Neary, Howard Nemorovski, Dick O'Shau- CONTINENTAL TONIGHT- -- -H r 0 - Flanagan Band 'lo Play at IFC Ball Y Ralph Flanagan and his or- chestra will board the luxury lin- er, "Cruise Continental," from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight at the In- tramural Building for the annual all-campus Interfraternity Coun- cil Ball. Spotlighting intermission time at the dance, Beta Theta Pi Fra- ternity, winners of last night's IFC Sin CAmnptition . m ai n f *: N M X Many of these institutions, gnesytta rvineili ivis which are frequently named aft- Scherer, Bob Schrayer, Thad Stan- er famous men, sprang up after ford, Jay Strickler, Tom Treeger, the war. Particularly was this true Eric Vetter. of fraudulent trade schools. Some of these schools had to face Con- Godfrey Surgery gressional hearings in 1950 and T pI oso The committee found that nine teen states do not require a charter In an effort to squelch rumors or license before an educational that Arthur Godfrey is at Uni- institution can operate at the col- versity Hospital, The Daily yes- lege level, terday called Dr. M. N. Smith-Pe- Dean Edmonson said that the terson, one of few surgical special- ' some way on the sun, University scientists said. Uranium-235 is the fuel for the reactor, in the form of fuel plates or elements, which are submerged in' the tank filled with about 30,000 gallons of water. ha number of specific projects have been proposed for study, utilizing the reactor in such varied scientific fields as medicine, bot- any, bacteriology, engineering, physics, chemistry and architec- ture. "The University has already in- itiated a graduate program for the training of nuclear engineers