PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1953 4 ________________________________________ N_____________________N __________ , .. .. . . _ _I I THE BOOK LISTS: Literary Censorship- Why It Doesn't Work By DONNA HENDLEMAN Daily Associate Editor RETREATING from an untenable position, the Washtenaw County prosecutor's of- fice has agreed that local enforcement of the Michigan law against'obscene literature will not follow the questionable procedures used in Wayne County. Instead, Prosecutor De- Vine now holds that "traditional" steps will be followed in determining what constitutes "obscene" literature. This means that be- fore any book is banned, it will be judged on its own merits, in court and by a jury. According to local police officials, Wayne County's list of objectionable books may be used as a guide, but a book's appearance on the list will not constitute a violation of the law. It is not known whether this new police stand means that the local crusade against objectionable literature will be allowed to die peaceably. Last week's ruling which gave all book dealers a month to rid their shelves of of- fensive fare, still stands. But the danger involved in using the Wayne list has been considerably lessened. More important than the immediate prob- lem, however, is the principle behind the cen- sorship pressures. The question posed is as old as the printing business itself, and the history of literary censorship is loaded with offenses against the literate public. Censor- ship is highly subjective business, and usual- ly those who read for pleasure or educational purposes disagree with those who wield the blue pencils. Hardy, Zola, Flaubert, Joyce, just to ipention a few, have been challenged from time to time and in various locales, for having produced "offensive" works, most of which have stood the test of time and have become classics. One of the lesser works of Ernest Hemingway is on Wayne County's list. To deny any student access to a Hem- ingway book, any Hemingway book, is ab- surd. The fact is that there is no real agreement on the meaning of "immorality" in litera- ture. Without this agreement there can be no equitable censorship of printed literature, and outrages are bound to occur. THE STATUTE upon which the current dispute is based is one of those laws en- acted with no eye to practical enforcemept. First passed in 1857 and most recently re- vised in 1947, the law is a sweeping prohibi- tion against importing, printing, publishing, selling, distributing or even possessing print- ed matter deemed obscene or immoral. Ob- scenity is nowhere defined for the purpose of the statute, its nature being usually left up to a jury. An attempt to enforce such a broad pros- cription can either fall short of its intent or transgress far beyond reasonable limits. The process has zig-zagged in both direc- tions in Detroit, where a shoddy censor- ship program is all too evident. Since 1950 a group of policemen have been desig- nated as the Wayne County Police Censor Bureau. It is this group's job to read new- ly issued paper-bound books. When the ex- perts come across something they construe as "obscene," they refer it to the prosecu- tor, who in turn decides if a case against the book will hold up in court. A decision to the affirmative puts the book on the list. The deficiencies of such a scheme are ap- parent. There were a good many books pub- lished before 1950 which could conceivably be listed as objectionable. There are still oth- ers which are not out in paper-backed edi- tions, and, of course, there are the pulp mag- azines which so far, have not been touched. If the censors are using uniform criteria, it noes not show on, the list. Hemingway's "Across the River" and two of James Far- rell's "Danny O'Neil" books are noted, but there is no mention of Mickey Spillane. The total endeavor seems a hodge-podge of a few tenth rate thrillers and sex stories, some good realistic literature mistaken for smut, some books comparatively unknown but of literary merit, and some poor, but harmless, novels. Many people believe censorship is nec- essary suggest that a more equitable list could be compiled if the board were com- posed of better qualified people. But poor as a police board is, it is doubtful that one composed of clergymen, teachers, business- men or even university professors would do much better. Inevitably mistakes would be made; people simply do not agree on what constitutes literary indecency. In Boston, promoter of the best in banned books, there is a new scheme by which the dealers agree among themselves whether or not to stock a book. This idea of self-imposed conscience has its draw- backs, too. Booksellers are apt to fall vic- tim to intimidation, or to reflect unintelli- gent more rather than considered judg- ment. , Self-imposed censorship may be what lo- cal police were aiming for when they an- nounced their "get-tough" policy. There is shrewdness in appealing to the book- sellers' sense of decency; there are degrees of quality in books and magazines, just as there are degrees of quality in any merchandise. But local dealers seem already to deal in high quality merchandise, and there does not appear to be any need for a widespread clean-up in Ann Arbor. There is one level - the publishers' - at which censorship could be applied with less damage than at present. A publishers' code of ethics could do more to wipe out pornographic literature than any other method. Such a code, self-imposed, would act as a publisher's conscience, and under it real obscenity, which has no excuse for being printed, would never reach the mar- ket. The catch in this scheme, of course, is the unhappy socio-economic fact that producing tenth rate pulp pornography is lucrative business; is doubtful that the publishers would voluntarily give it up. Until this is done, however, there will be no real protection, either from obscene lit- erature or from the even worse dangers in- volved in censorship from without. Three Segments Of 'U' Life WITH GREEK WEEK, the Inter-Coouer- ative Council birthday and Interna- tional Week all coming together within the space of two weeks, the campus has a chance to recognize and evaluate the work of three major segments of the University community. Representing differing conceptions of college life, the Greek houses and the co- ops have both enjoyed prosperity in the last years even in face of increased resi- dence hall competition. Both groups seemu able to face further competition, from the University residences without too disas- trous results since they offer types of col- lege life that the dorms could never pro- vide under the present system. The Interfraternity Council has complet- ed a particularly fruitful year under excel- lent leadership. Rescuing itself from the lethargy and oblivion which seemed ready to overtake it a year ago, the IFC has moved forward organizationally and has provided an increasingly effective public relations spokesman for local fraternities. In its con- cern with internal problems, the IFC did not pursue the strong anti-bias clause policy that was hoped for, but the coming year should bring more work in this area. Probably the most unique housing groups, the co-ops for 21 years have given students the chance to live in self-governed, econo- mical housing. At the 'same time, they have stressed the responsibilities which go along with self-sufficiency and have tried to maintain democratic standards. Both the co-ops and Greek houses have been extremely successful in integrating their members into campus life and acti- vities, but the foreign students, who cele- brate International Week next week, un- fortunately have not been as successful in unifying themselves with the campus. Although the 900 foreign students have a highly organized social and cultural pro- gram among themselves, they have never become as much a part of student life as might be wished. The election of Rajesh Gupta to Student Legislature last fall marked the possible be- ginning of a new trend in foreign student participation which was strengthened when an International Students Association re- presentative sat on the reorganization com- mittee. Greater participation in these acti- vities is certainly possible and deserves con- tinued consideration, for the foreign stu- dents potentially have much to offer to the campus as well as much to gain from fur- ther activity in student affairs. -Harry Lunn A SLEEP OF PRISONERS, presented at Saint Andrew's Church by The Arts Theater Club. CHRISTOPHER FRY has written a mo- rality play about the nature of man, about his suffering in "the stresses of this furnace" the world, and about human un- derstanding. A vast enterprise for a ninety minute parable. But Fry carries it off main- ly by grace of language, wit, and the intense handling of the four myths which make up the play's action. It is the language which carries the bur- den of the play's meaning, and last night's performance succeeded only so far as the actors were able to speak their lines with clarity and precision. Since there were times when whole speeches were garbled by poor diction or swallowed up in the echoes of the church, I felt it was not a wholly successful performance. Mr. Jones did unwarranted violence to his lines, es- pecially in the earlier portions of the play: his conception of Cain was my idea of Caliban. As Abraham he was more suc- cessful, adding his own impressiveness to the pobility of the language. The play tells of four soldiers imprisoned in a church in enemy territory, and of how they dream themselves into the four myths- Old Testament stories embodying basic hu- man situations. Each soldier has his human dimension as a prisoner of war; he has also his allegorical character, the abstract hu- man quality he personifies as a prisoner of his own nature and of the world. David King is the bad brother and the anguished father, Cain and the passionate, suffering King of Israel. Peter Able is marked as the victim and equivocator-- and because of his moral weakness, ulti- mately the betrayer. He Is Abel, Isaac, and Absalom. Tim Meadows is God and Christ; Sgt. Adams is Adam, awaiting orders, ac- cepting necessity, and unwilling to defy the universe. Able, Meadows, and Adams were acted by John Devoe, Ken Rosbn, and Gerald Rich- ards respectively, and all performed well except where they failed to communicate Fry's rich and intricate verse. Ken Rosen's voice seemed to overcome best the has- ards of the poetry, although I objected to his occasional rustic intonation: his comin' and goin' and livin'. -Harvey Gross WHAT WE HAVE to learn in this twen- tieth century is how to maintain col- lective peace in the world and still enable people to change their governments. And - - - - -- --- eL/ee to the 6k0or 'if Rebuttal to Kidston ...I To The Editor: AS A REBUTTAL to Mr. Kid- ston's expressed opinion in the May 1st edition of The Daily that the current bus boy strike does not involve the Quad residents at large, I would like to state the fol- lowing: As a result of the strike, the residents of the Quadrangle are not receiving in full measure those services for which they have paid. For example, a portion of the room and board rates pre- sumably covers the labor expense of staffing dining hall facilities and providing services. When the residents are asked to bus their own dishes, this would appear to be a moral if not a legal breach of contract on the part of the ad- ministration, affecting all Quad residents and not just the strikers. While only a small number of the residents of the Quads find it necessary to work -in the dining hall to defray the extremely high costs of obtaining a college edu- cation, this is not sufficient rea- son for Mr. Kidston to say that residents of the quads will not be concerned over the. cause of strik- ing busboys, who are their fellow residents, and whose cause ap- pears justifiable on all counts. Further, outside labor is being brought into the Quadrangles to break the strike. It appears in- contestable from the evidence thus far submitted that this labor is being paid at a substantially high- er rate than were the bus boys.l The question then follows: to what account will this increased labor cost be. charged? Is it pos- sible that these costs will not be charged to the residence halls bud- get? Will this policy aid the cur- rent residence hall financial diffi- culties? It would seem that every resi- dent of the Quadrangles has a stake in the present situation and its, outcome. Admittedly the bus boys have the more vital and dir- ect stake, but action such as this cannot be isolated and confined to them alone. Instead, the cause- effect relationship of such events will be reflected eventually in the status of all Quad residents, bus boy or not! -John C. Curry * * * In Praise of Kidston .. . To the Editor: THE INTER-HOUSE Council has good reason to be proud of the man it has selected to lead it thru the next year. Roger Kid- ston is indeed one of the most capable leaders in the Residence Halls, and the men living in the Halls candlook forward to a fruit- ful year. The Inter-House Council is an organization with a great poten- tial for service to the men in the Residence Halls and the entire University. We can be certain that in its relationships with other campus organizations and with the University Administration, the IHC will grow and take the place in the Michigan community that! I believe is richly deserves. Cer- tainly the representatives at Tues- day night's meeting made a fine choice of leadership. The IHC and the campus will gain much in the next year through Roger Kidston's leadership. -Bert Braun * * * Festival Reviews . . To the Editor: I SMILED when I read motif-' maddened Tom Reed's review complaining about the lack of "central theme orupurpose" in the May Festival concerts and iden- tifying himself with the mistreated "rabble." This was nothing though. When I read the reviews by Don- ald Harris and the inimitable Har- vey Gross the next day I doubled! up with unforgivable raucous! laughter. It began with Harris' mention of "chestnut time," "time worn" repertory," pageantry seek- ing audience," and "the ItalianJ opera singer of the violin" (like Caruso, Mr. Harris?), but the real climax was Gross' monumental 1 e- view, in which he spoke of the May Festival being "depressing," of "depraved motorists," plump1 ladies in long white gloves," "hom- icidal automobiles," prices at the State Theater, State Street soda saloons, the poor acoustics at Hill, "large padded tomato cans," Ce- . sare Siepi's "exceptional physique" "white tights and open shirts" the draftiness of Hill and incidentally, his enjoyment ("despite his en-, vironmental unhappiness) of theF musical performance. Are these venerable music crit- ics simply confused, tired boys who need a long rest from the demand- ing rigors of reviewing, or are they members of a newly-evolving super} species whom we lowly mortals cannot hope to understand and appreciate. -Louis Zako . 2. - "It's Over Here, Foster" oil- they are expressed." (Excerpts lic considers to be an authority. from A.A.U. statement, endorsed They become destructive when op- by President Harlan Hatcher). portunistically selected and used On April 29, President Hatcher by such reactionaries as Allan spoke to the Michigan Parent- Zoll as "documentation" for their Teacher Congress. In my opinion, anti-public school demagoguery. much of what he said was "ill- The public schools and the advised" and did not demonstrate people who work in them will con- a recognition on his part of' a tinue to improve under construc- "heavy responsibility to weigh the tive, informed criticism. We all soundness of his opinions." bear the "heavy responsibility" to He said: "I think we have done accord them no less than that. a disservice to our children by -.Risdee, Grad. Ed. taking from their training the process of learning by memory." Indeed! Today's sound empha- sis is upon learning with under- standing, and, where drill is re- quired, the attempt is to make the process as interesting as possible. But, there should be no memoriz- ing for the sake of the ordeal! The latter is scarcely a matter of opinion and teachers shouldn't be blamed for taking their cues from psychological findings. Again, President Hatcher propagates the completely dis- credited (but still romantic) 19th century "mental discipline" theory of learning. "I think schools, should place more emphasis on fundamentals that will . . . . in- still in (pupils) an inner discipline which they must have if they are to achieve any success in life." The study of Greek was once a favorite for this purpose. Presum- ably, English is to be substituted as Dr. Hatcher's conditioner of mind tonus. Need it be pointed out that the mind is not a muscle? "Unsound" statements about education become "ill-advised" when made by one whom the pub- "Anna" .. . To the Editor: IT IS important in a sophisticat- ed community like Ann Arbor to have challenging perceptive critics. Not only is it important, but it is impossible to avoid. Re- cently a splendid example of criti- cal insight was given in the re- view of the movie, "Anna." We should thank Mr. Robert Holloway for his sympathetic un- derstanding and his fine grasp of human relationships. On severtl points-he achieves a beautiful syn- thesis of callous incapacity and pontifical crudity. The significance of the film, its charm and colorful hospital scenes are not considered in his submar- ginal criticism. The simple pres- entation of personalities and their soft shadowed development is seen as "straight line, onecolor atti- tudes." Further he says, these at- titudes "are never bent, or shaded by anything the picture produces in the way of complication." But has Mr. Holloway considered the complication of trying to commu- nicate a gentle tone or shading to the highly polished critic in the audience. Which weighs more heavily, the subtlety of the drama or the flood of a critic's personal- ity? The critic states in an obsequious tone, "a kindly farmer simply a lover of goodness." The farmer in question was the "good" individ- ual. in opposition' to the amoral bartender in the contest over the lusty Miss Mangano. Silvano Mangano is divided be- tween her physical attraction for the bartender and her desire to find a personal feeling of moral integrity. The farmer offers the understanding she desires. He rep- resents a man of courage and mor- al responsibility. His love is a gen- uine belief in her basic sincerity and will to change. Possibly he also finds her attractive. The critic pushes aside.the quiet excellence of the film, and attacks its English sound track, its dubbed in voices, and everything else but the ushers. The Daily is not held for the views its writers claim, but a good newspaper seeks a staff at least superficially capable. A review which laughs at morality, derides innovating film techniques, and does nothing but b'etray the author, is not a mark of journalistic com- petence. -Tom Linton * * * On Censorship ... To the Editor: THE ONLY plausible definition of pornography is "that which throws dirt on sex." And I remem- ber Mencken having said that there is no one so foul, so obscene, as a vice-crusader. This is the voi'e of wisdom; for the censors, the vice-crusaders, do indeed degrade sex, and seriously. They are the real pornographers. Beside these, the writers of modern fiction are clean and healthy. The mere exist- ence of the Legion of Decency does more to befoul the sex experience than a thousand erotic novels. Personal morality is not the bus- iness ofthe state; it is not the ous- iness of women's clubs. It is abso- lutely outside the province of.any social unit larger than the family. By this I mean that if certain par- ents do not want their children to read certain books, they must see to it that the children do not. They have no right whatsoever to meddle in the morality of others. Censorship is tyranny, no matter what is censored. Libel and slander are the only exceptions. This inva- sion of privacy, this encroachment on personal liberty, must be ap- posed with all the force of atavis- tic devotion to dying ideals. But that is only half the story. Our town, our county - with the charms of spring at hand-has met with further demonstration of the sickness, the inner rot, of our society. Obscenity, like commun- ism, is a mere symbol, a mask for the crusaders of crypto-fascism, the mongers of thought-control. Of course it was only a question of time. The enemies of freedom are the big dogs now, and they will not rest until our minds are fumi- gated, until the corpus of democ- racy lies in state upon a slab. The books are burning. This is the beginning of the end. And the end will surely come unless we, the people- and especially we in the universities-begin to realize that our freedoms are being reduced to mere verbiage, mere sops to the memory of our forebears. A free- dom compromised is a freedom no longer. There are great risks at- tendant upon liberty, but none so great as to warrant tyrany, an censorship is tyranny. -Jack Danielson Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young...... Managing Editor Barnes Connable..........City Editor Cal Samra .........,Editorial Director Zander Hollander.....Feature Editor Sid Klaus Associate City, Editor Harland Britz........ Associate Editor Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor Ed Whipple .....Sports Editor John Jenke ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ...Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbeil...Chief Photographer Business Staff Al Green ........ Business Manager Milt Goetz ........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston . Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager Harlean Hankin Circulation Manager I ki 4~ Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN J 4 WASHINGTON-Biggest hassle inside the Defense Department, following Eisen- hower's military reorganization, is to pick the new Joint Chiefs of Staff. Since Generals Bradley, Vandenberg and Collins are nearing the ends of their terms anyway, this means Admiral Wil- liam Fechteler would be the only joint chief to be fired outright. However, Secre- tary of Navy Bob Anderson objects to fir- ing Fechteler and was summoned to Naples last week to thresh the matter out with Secretary of Defense Wilson and Admiral Robert Carney, the man touted as Fech- teler's successor. Meanwhile, Ike has made it clear that he, himself, will appoint the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs, though he has promised Secretary Wilson not to pick someone Wilson can't work with. Inside fact is that Ike's favorite is General Carl "Toughy" Spaatz, the retired air force general and Pennsylvania Dutchman, who worked so well with Ike in Europe during the invasion. Secretary Wilson, believe it or not, leans toward Admiral Arthur Radford, the redheaded trouble maker who attacked the air force and set the Pentagon on its ear in the "Battle of the B-36." Another Pentagon mogul opposing Spaatz is Deputy Secretary of Defense Kyes who fears that "Toughy," an old personal friend of Ike's, will go over Wilson's head to the White House. PRESIDENTIAL BREAKFAST BREAKFASTING with Senator Bridges of New Hampshire the other day, the Presi- dent dropped further hints regarding the men he wants to run the armed services. Chief of Staff of the Air Force, he indi- cated, will probably be General Nate Twin- ing, though General Ben Chidlow, now in Colorada Springs, is also under considera- tion. Ike said he considered it. Gen. Lauris Norstad the top young officer of the air force, though he needed more seasoning. Ike stated quite bluntly that he was not NATO. If Clark is picked, then Gruenther would take over Clark's command in the Far East. Note-Eisenhower made it plain that in reorganizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff he was following the philosophy and advice of the man who has now come to be literally co-President-Senator Bob Taft. Taft has been urging that the Pentagon be turned back to civilian control and that the Joint Chiefs of Staff play a decided second fiddle to the civilian Secretary of Defense. Under Roosevelt, and especially under Truman, it was the Joint Chiefs of Staff who ran the show. TEMPEST AT UN IT NOW DEVELOPS that Andrei Vishin- sky did not talk, about Russian peace when he first returned from Moscow nearly as much as reported in the press or as the State Department believed. What happened was that Sen. Cabot Lodge,' our hard-working ambassador to the United Nations, got a little optimistic. At a closed meeting of the Security Coun- cil, just after Vishinsky returned from Sta- lin's funeral, the Russian envoy came up to Lodge and said: "Hello, Mr. Lodge. I'm certainly happy to see you." And he pumped his hand at great length with an air of genuine cordiality. Lodge took this as an optimistic sign and telephoned the White House. As a result Ike passed word out around the cabinet table that Vishinsky was in a much more cordial mood and some encouraging devel- opments were expected. Shortly thereafter Vishinsky telephoned Lodge that he wanted to visit him. Again Lodge got enthusiastic and phoned Wash- ington. When Vishinsky arrived to keep his ap- pointment, however, he talked about the weather, about his trip to New York, about the nice spirit around the United Nations, and how well Ambassador Lodge looked. On the issue of peace, he said nothing. (Continued from page 2) Refreshments will be served at 3:45 p.m. in 3415 Mason Hall. Concerts Student Recital. Jeanne Kress, pian- ist, will present a recital at 4:15 Sun- day afternoon, May 10, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of John Kollen, Miss Kress will play composi- tions by Domenico Scariatti, Mozart, Beethoven, Bartok, and Chopin. The general public is invited. Student Recital. Marjorie Kingland, student of piano with Helen Titus, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday evening, May 10, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Her program will include works by Haydn, Schubert, Kodaly, and Debussy, and will be open to the general public. It is being played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Student Recital, Donald Van Every, baritone, will be heard in a public re- cital at 8:30 Monday evening, May 11, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. His program will include two groups of English songs as well as compositions by Brahms, Verdi, and Respighi. Mr. Van Every is a pupil of Thelma Lewis. Events Today Congregational Disciple Guild. Young married students will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Guild House to go on a picnic. Hillel Foundation. Friday evening services at 7:45. Mr. Gil Banner will speak on "Can Israel's Natural Re- sources Help the World," following the services. Sabbath services at 0 a.m. Saturday. SRA Coffee Hour. Come and share the food and discussion. Lane Hail Li- brary, Fri., May 8, 4:15-5:30. The nisnnal Student Foindation Lutheran Student Association. Wiener roast Fridaydevening. Meet at the Cen- ter, Hill and Forest Ave., at 7:30. Wesley Foundation. Surprise party Fri , May 8, in Wesley Lounge at 8 p.m. The Tennis Club will meet today at 4 p.m. on the W.A.A. tennis courts. In case of rain the meeting will be held in W. A. B. All interested coeds are in- vited to attend. Coming Events University Hospital Open House. In celebration of National Hospital Week, there will be an open house Sun., May 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. in the main hos- pital and from 3 .to 4 p.m. in the Ma- ternity Hospital.3Faculty members, stu- dents, University personnel, and the general public are invited. There will be exhibits, displays, and conducted tours to Occupational Therapy, Phy- sical Therapy, an operating room, the Pharmacy, and various laboratories, in- cluding the atomic energy products lab- oratory. The Undergraduate Botany Club meets with Bob Whitmire's Trees and Shrubs Class on Saturday morning, May 9. Meet at 2023 Natural Science Building at 9:45 a.m. The trip will be to Sagi- naw Forest. If you need or can provide transportation, callElizabeth Brede, 6043 Alice Lloyd Hall, 3-1561. Roger Williams Guild. Installation Banquet and semi-formal party in the Fellowship Hall of the First Baptist Church at 6:30 p.m., Sat., May 9, be- gins the week of celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Roger Williams Guild and of organized student guilds in the United States. Call 7332 for reserva- tions by Saturday noon. Dr. Frank A. Sharp of N. Y., Executive Secretary of the Department of University Pastors and Student Workers, will discuss "Spiritual Values and Tomorrow's World." Newman Club will sponsor a Com- munion Breakfast Sunday, May 10, after 9:30 Mass. Father Donovan, of the Mary- knoll Fathers, who has - recently re- tnrned frnm nmmnnist China. will he .1 L ,E 4 R