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May 08, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-08

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See rage 4

Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t i49




To Increase
Freshman Class
Makes Big Gain
The second 25 percent increase
in freshman enrollment in two
years will bring an anticipated
3,000 new first year students into
the University in September.
With more than 80 percent of
the freshmen class already ad-
mitted, enrollment figures indi-
) cate that roughly 600 miore ap-
plicants than last fall's class of
2,400 will be accepted.
ACCORDING to Gayle C. Wil-
son, assistant director of admis-
sions, the overall enrollment pic-
ture will not increase very much,
however, because of fewer stu-
dents at the upper class levels.
Enrollment in junior and sen-
ior classes is much lower than
the present sophomore and
freshman classes partly as the
result of lower birthrates dur-
ing the years prior to 1932.-
Indications are that there will
be a considerable upswing in theI
enrollment of the engineering col-
lege as more entering men seem to
be taking a greater interest in
this field.
A BREAKDOWN of those appli-
cants admitted so far for the fall
class indicates that the two-to-one
i in state-out state ratio will remain
the same as it has for the last
seven years.
The male-female ratio, how-
ever, indicates ,a decided turn
in favor of men with about
three women to every four men
already admitted to the fall
According to Robert L. Williams,
assistant dean of faculties, the
total University enrollment should
be slightly more than 17,000 next
WILLIAMS explained that the!
current trend toward an increase
a in enrollment began last fall when
the University admitted 500 more
freshmen than the previous year.
M> Williams pointed out that the
total enrollment of all students
enrolled in colleges in Michigan
in 1939-1940 was 52,000 com-
pared with almost twice that
number, 102,000 in the peak
postwar year 1948-1949.
At present there are 87,000 en-
rolled in colleges in the state and
according to Williams this figure
may very well jump to 150,000 by
How this increase in student
population will affect the Uni-
versity enrollment of the future is
almost impossible to say, Williams
"Population trends as well as
social and economic factors
coupled with increased interest in
higher education largely explain
the upward trend in college en-
rollment," Williams said.
Rabbi Cites
World's Needs
"We are living in a very diffi-
cult world, in which faith and hope

are needed," said Rabbi Morton M.
V Berman last night speaking in-'
formally to a group on "Judiasm's
Message for Today."
"We are not living in an age
where man is depraved, but rather
k in a great age, morally and social-
ly, said the Rabbi. It is in this age
that the state of Israel was born.
Before opening a discussion per-
iod, Rabbi Berman said that Jud-
aism's pertinent message to the
world is to bring our wills intoI
conformance with the will of God."s
Cadets Fill ROTC
Honor Positions
Four ROTC cadets were elected
to office in Scabbard and Blade,
national ROTC honor society last
The four include Bob Littleson,
'53BAd.; captain; Bill Stansell,
'54, first lieutenant; John Layman,

State Senate
Approves 'U'
." a U






inance Bill ides
Republicans Fail
To Stop Measure

o l


LANSING - Beating down an
"economy drive" by eight Repub-
lican legislators, the State Senate
yesterday approved $1,320,000 in
capital outlay appropriations for
the University 22 to 9.
Bucking a fierce floor fight the
bill was passed as recommended
by the Senate Finance Committee.
The measure grants the Univer-
sity the full amount promised
earlier for construction.
* * *
PENDING House approval later'
this month the bill will provide
the University with funds to be-
gin construction of an automotive
laboratory, a new undergraduate
library, roads and utilities in the
North Campus area and to make
Boiler repairs.
University officials declined
comment on the Senate's pas-
sage of the bill until action is
taken by the lower house.
Stoutly opposing the appropria-
tions bill, eight GOP senators'
contended it was"incomprehen-
sible" that the state should be
planning new construction when
it is running so deeply in the red.
*. * .; -

High School'
Press Meets
World news and its relationship
to high school publications will be
the theme of the 26th annual
Michigan Interscholastic Press As-
sociation convention, which will
be held today in Rackham Lecture
Thirteen hundred strident writ-
ers and their faculty advisers from
state high school publications will
meet to study the plan of "The
School Community in Today's
--rd." * * *
THE CONVENTION is divided4
into a morning and an afternoon
session. A keynote address, deal-
ing with "Interpreting the Day'sI
News," presented by Guy Nunn,
Detroit radio news analyst, will

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
yesterday's cloudy weather, several students could be found on the
Island ready to brave the weather for a quick swim. With warmer
weather forecast for today, there are expected to be many more
at the picnicing site.
Several Dealers Remove
'Obscene' Books From Sale'
In compliance with an order sent them by a book distributor,
several local book merchants have removed from their shelves litera-
ture termed "obscene" by the Wayne County censor board, a survey
of dealers revealed yesterday.
The forty-seven books taken from the larger Wayne listing was
sent to dealers this week in an effort to comply with the Ann Arbor
police department directive stating all "obscene" literature must be

NEW SEAL-A workman begins placing the la
of the Class of" 1953 in the center of the Diag.M
the finishing touches will be put on the seal
University guards keep a 24-hour vigil over th

Says Editor'
still A Red
.WASHINGTON -- (R) -- Bulky
volumes of printed words have dis-
closed'howS.en. McCarthy (R-
Ois) accused James Wechsler of
a "phony break" with communism
and how the New York Post edi-
tor fired back protests of intimi-
dation and "brain washing."
McCarthy and Wechsler con-
fronted each other in closed hear-
ings of the Senate investigations
subcommittee April 24 and May 5.
McCarthy released a steno.
graphic transcript of the ses-
sions Wednesday, minus a list
of persons Wechsler named as
Communists or members of the
Young Communist League at
the time the editor belonged to
the YCL years ago.
Wechsler swore his break with
communism in 1937 was sincere,
complete and proven. He cited
writings and actions, and supplied
numerous documents for the rec-
ord, as proof of his change.
"I may say." McCarthy told him,
"that your purported reformation
does not convince me at all.'r
officials Say
Godfrey Not
At 'U'_Hospital
University Hospital authorities
yesterday denied rumors that
famed television and radio star
Arthur Godfrey is now a patient
at the Hospital.
The announcement followed
persistently mounting rumors that
the red-haired radio personality
had entered the hospital for sur-
gery to correct a knee injury suf-
fered, in an accident several years
' Recently-issued national tele-
vision and radio magazines re-
ported that Godfrey was warned
to have the operation or be "in a
wheelchair within 10 or 15 years.
He asked his network for a leave
of absence of at least six weeks,
they said.
Name of the hospital and of the
operating surgeon were withheld
from the public but the articles
indicated that Godfrey would be
operated on in the Massachu-
setts General Hospital in Boston.

removed from news stands by
April 1.
* * *
ON THE LIST were books by
James T. Farrell and John O'Hara.
The distributors note to sellers
"The following list of books
have been banned by the Ann
Arbor police department, re-
move these books from your
stand immediately . .
However, Prosecutor Edmond
rip 'tnna harz tfai f lip lie fis

ON THE other side of the fence, open the morning assembly. #
supporters of the measure termed The students will then report 'U Professors
the "economy drive" false econ- the speech in an "on the spot
omy and said the state is now pay- coverage" contest for the Don- *f
ing for its building program over al Hamilton Haines Memorial 1115
20-year period. Award, sponsored by Sigma Del-
The upper chamber also wvent Ita Chi, national journalism fra-
along with its Appropriations ternity. Last year's prize, a By ABLE
a new $2,000,000 hospital for portable typewriter, was won by Commenting on the 5.8 billion
mentally disturbed be built at the a student from Redford High technical aid that Eisenhower has
University of Michigan and oper- School, Detroit. versity professors clarified the rea
ated by the University instead of Following lunch, the students more assistance than she has receiv
being built at Northville State will attend discussion meetings The largest single appropriati
Hospital and operated by the and critical service conferences. million dollars earmarked for defer
State Mental Health Commission. The convention will conclude with er countries in that area to receiv
The senate voted $1,000,000 to a.-general assembly, the Philippines, Indonesia, Formo
start the institution as part of a The journalism department, un- * *
$6,343,000 appropriation for men- der whose auspices the Michigan PROF. ROBERT E. WARD o
tal hospital construction. Interscholastic Press Association - -- --- --- '--4
-Added-to- the bill at 4-the-lasts has als plced on
minute was $550,000 to build two exhibit prize winning photographs G Club
110-bed units for mentally defec- from the Seventh Annual Na-
tive children at th% Plesant Home; tional High School PhotographicV
and Training School. Awards. H ears Stern
The photographs are on display
Busboys M ay outside the department's office.
Recent analysis of the uranium

is on
dollars in m
requested fro
asons for givi
ved in the past
on to any cou
nse payments
e substantial;
sa. India and
* *

De vine nas s aedLeisL is
merely to serve as a recampenda-;
tion and the decision of removal
would be left to book dealers and
* * *
UNDER THE LAW any citizen
or member of the police depart-
ment can ask to have the book
investigated for obscenity. Once
the charge has been made and
investigated no final decision can
be attained until a jury rules on
the validity of the accusations.
In the hope the list already
distributed would serve as a fu-
ture guide, De Vine indicated
the proposed investigation of
"girlie" magazines would prob-
ably be dropped.
Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
English department, however,I
termed the procedure used by the
county as being "indirect intimi-
"The spirit of Comstock is run-
ning rampant again," Prof. East-
man said.
Russian Group Act
'Methusula' Today'
The Russian Circle will present
as its annual Russian program and
play, "Methusula" by P. Yaltzer
at 8 p.m. today in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
Attendance at the program is
by invitation only.


Hear Decision Smoke Damages
Busboy representatives will meet Sigia Phi House
with Leonard A. Schaadt, resi-
dence halls business manager, in A small blaze wrought "consid-
an effort to settle a wage dispute erable smoke damage" to the
which has been boiling in the downstairs of the Sigma Phi fra-
dorms during the past three ternity house at 426 Ingalls last
weeks. ;night.
Schaadt is expected to give his night-
decision on a wage plan proposed According to the house manag-
uo him Tuesday by representatives er, the fire began in the pantry
of the three male quads. and probably started in a waste-
Workers at Stockwell Hall were basket. Residents of the house
approached yesterday by wait- quenched the flames before se-
:esses of Alice Lloyd Hall and rious destruction could be done.
asked to support the student em- Noaestimation of the damages
l in the ale ads in their Iwasavailable.

ores in the Colorado Plateau area
has virtually invalidated the theo-
ry that these ores are the same
age as rocks in which they are de-
posited, Thomas Stern of the
Atomic Energy Commission Lab-
oratory, said yesterday.
"Study of 150 uranium samples
made by the Raw Materials and
Research Divisions of the U.S.
Geologic Survey shows samples are
at least 40 to 50 million years
younger than sedimentary rocks in
which they were found," Stern
Greek Bike Race
Slated TomorrowI
The First Annual Greek Week
Bike Race will be held at 2 p.m.
tomorrow in the Arboretum.
Participating fraternities have
been divided into five districts,
each with one bicycle in the con-
A trophy will be awarded the
winning group.


ployesn m II qeIll gUaIItII
quest for a salary increase.
However, no formal statement{
of support -was forthcoming.
Donovan To Talk
The Newman Club will sponsor
a Communion Breakfast Sundayt
after 9:30 Mass.
Rev. Donovan of the Maryknollf
Fathers who has recently returned
from Communist China will be
the speaker.'

Graduate Council
Elects Officers
The Graduate StudentCouncil
elected William Matheson, Grad.,
president of the council in elec-
tions held last night.
Nancy Teeters, Grad., was elect-
ed secretary and Charles Sleicher,
Grad., treasurer.

f the politica
said the lar
necessary if.
of Communi
per cent of
china, Prof
may seem
but it is n
dochina is i
Prof. War
itary aid is
to the Indo
said the Fre
cessions to t
nlake a mor
feat the Con
fected by t
ation is Th
Prof. Charl
economics d
"The later
ably carries
which would
cause Thail
Southeast A
Noting Bu
ther Ameri
expressed a
handling of
may establis
The Civil
last night
steering coi
group until
ginning oft
John Ham
per', '56M,
and Pat Mu
to the comm
During th
of the Hous
ities Commi
also examin
ing of clipp
dom from 7
The orgar
for an all-
To Sc)
Jack M.

Red Korean
POW Return
Plan .Studied
Indefinite Talks
Cited by Dulles
=a'By The Associated Press
President Eisenhower conferred
with his top diplomatic and mili-
tary advisors for 30 minutes late
yesterday on an eight-point plan
submitted by the Communists for
settling the problem of repatria-
tion of prisoners of war after an
armistice in Korea.
They decided, according to au-
thoritative informants, that the
plan needed further extremely
careful study and that certain
rge bronze 'M', gift provisions were unacceptable.
Weather permitting, * *
today. Meanwhile PARTICULAR objection was
e plaque. registered to the proposal to in-
troduce some European Commu-
A. dnist troops into South Korea for
la n0i the purpose of enforcing the au-
thority of a proposed "neutral na-
tion repartiation Commission."
However, it was also under-
si stood that there was a general
feeling that the plan offered a
basis for further negotiations.
ilitary economic and Yesterday the administration
mi Congress, two Uni- reportedly sent a message to Gen.
ng Asia substantially Mark Clark, UN commander in
Tokyo, asking his reaction to the
t. wCommunist proposition arr his ad-
untry will be the 400 vice on what steps might be taken
to Indo-China. Oth- in future negotiations.
aid will be Thailand, The next meeting of the truce
Pakistan. is scheduled for tomorrow.
** *
il science department FOLLOWING these top level
ge amount of aid is talks, Secretary of State Dulles
Asia is to remain free said yesterday the UN Command
st domination. is "not prepared indefinitely to
is already bearing 40 continue" truce talks with the
f the costs in Indo- Communists in Korea.
. Ward noted. "This "We earnestly desire and seek
awfully generous," an honorable peace in Korea,"
ecessary because In- Dulles said, "but we shall not
n a strategic spot for' allow our enemies to use peace
"o the south," he said. talk as a strategem for gaining
d remarked that mil- military advantages in their way
not the only solution milar advn,,
-Chinese problem. He o aggression.
nch must make con- President Eisenhower said last
he natives so they will night the United States "must stay
e active effort to de- strong to stay free' and must nev-
nimunists. er pursue a foreign policy which
* * amounts to reaction to the policy
tR strategic area af- of other nations.
he Indo-Chinese situ- Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy yes-
ailand, according to terday dealt the East Coast port
es F. Remer of the of Wonsan its second smashing
lepartment. blow of the week, with the battle-
st move in Laos prob- ship New Jersey once more lead-
a threat to Thailand ing the way with its 16-inch rifles,
I indeed be crucial be-
and supplies most of
sia with rice," he said. M chiga I na
irma has refused fur-
can aid, Prof. RemeBravesTake
t hope "the skillful r v s .~fX
the threat to Thailand
h better relations with To Warpath
When from out the palefa e
hooses wigwam
From behind the staring
S Board moonf ace
[ng a Came the slow and solemn
five booms
Liberties Committee Telling that the evening spirit
elected a four-person Danders over woods and
mmittee to - pilot the meadows,
an election at the be- Lights the campfires of the
the fall semester. heavens,

Gietchen White, '54, In their feathers and their
irphy, '54, were elected warpaint
nittee. Soon will, gather 'round the
ae meeting a recording oak tree:
se Un-American Activ- 'Round the oak tree called the
ittee's investigations in Tappan,
was played. The CLC There to greet the trembling
ed a pamphlet consist- paleface
ings on academic free- Who in number wait the
The Daily. bidding
nization discussed plans Of the loud rejoicing redskins;
campus Declaration of But, before the long trail
ce party May 16. To the home of Michigamua
Many trials and many tortures
AppoiteFirst must prove their strength
A pp mtedand courage
Ere the redman bids them
Ere he calls each paleface
Elzay, superintendent "Indian"

'Constant Wife'
Katharine Cornell, known to F
many as "the first lady of the
theater," will start off this year's
drama season with Somerset
Maugham's "The Constant Wife."
When the curtain goes up at
8:30 p.m. Monday in Lydia Men-Y
delssohn Theatre, the audience will :
see Miss Cornell in her first light t
comedy role in many years. Cast as <
the wise and witty Constance Mid-
dleton, she is, according to her
philandering doctor-husband, "the.
most maddening, willful, capri-
cious, wrongheaded, delightful and
enchanting woman man was ever '
cursed with having for a wife."m

Set To Open Monday
* *4 * t-- -- -

lemma, "The Barretts of Wimpole
Street' and "Romeo and Juliet."
** *
AMONG THE plays in which
Flemyng has been cast are "No
Time For Comedy," "The Cock-
tail Party," "The Importance of
Being Earnest," "Who Is Sylvia"
and "Adventure Story." Flemyng
served in the Royal American Med-
ical Corps during the war.
Emery, who will be remember-
ed for his hilarious John Barry-
more in "The Royal Family" has
played with Miss Cornell in "The
Barretts of Wimpole Street" and
"St. Joan." In addition to his

. .
. . .

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