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May 07, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-07

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Latest Deadline in the State



________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________


County File
Won't Guide
AA Censors
Hemingway Tale,
Appears on List
The Wayne County Listing of
"obscene" books will not be the
criterion employed by local offi-
cials attempting to have book
dealers clear their shelves of such
literature, the prosecutor's office
revealed yesterday.
Pulitzer Prize-winner Ernest
Hemingway's book "Across the
River and Into the Trees" is one
of the books mentioned on the
Wayne County list. Novels by
James T. Farrell and Erskine
Caldwell have also been cited as
* * *
Vine, also a member of the Law
School faculty said traditional
steps would be used by his office
in determining what constitutes
"obscene" literature.
He outlined the possible steps
to be taken in determining
which books fall into this cate-
1) The prosecutor's office will
take no action on any book unless
a citizen or a member of the po-
lice department registers a com-
plaint against the circulation of
a specific work by local book deal-
2) Once having received such a
yomplaint, the prosecutor would
investigate the work named.
3) The final step would be to
take the case to court where a
jury would judge the veracity of
the charge.
SEVERAL local book dealers re-
port that they have received cop-
ies of a list from a local publish-
ing company enumerating a num-
ber of books which are labeled
However, none of the dealers
contacted would reveal the con.
tents of the list.
Last week Sgt. Claude Damron
of the Ann Arbor police force ad-
vised book dealers to rid their
stock of the literature within
thirty days or face public prose-,
Two merchants immediately af-
ter the order decided to take the
case to court if they are challeng-
ed. As of yesterday both merch-
ants had not abandoned their
plans for a court battle.
The Wayne County list of books
contains the works of over one
hundred authors and close to two
hundred books which have been
questioned on moral grounds.
From'neath the heals of dusty feet,
Within the vitals of the Arch,
The great bronze seal called loyal
In dead of night to march.
So came the men of Triangles.
Once more beneath the pointed
New faces toiled with fear;
The seal of Triangles again shone
Cleansed with blood and tear.
So came-
Frank Adams
Joe Atkins
Tom Benner
Dave Davies

Jim ~Ford
Ron Geyer
Fritz Glover
Santo Ponticello
Kingsley Joneson
Jim Walters
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon
The plans are drawn; the die is
May those called prove their worth.
Heller Files
Reporter Bill
Heller (D-NY) introduced a bill
to accord news reporters the priv-
ilege under law of refusing to re-
veal sources of information except
in special circumstances.
These would include national
security or concealment of a crime.
The Heller proposal provides
that newspaper and radio report-
ers would not be required to di-
ertllr. -. - "'o o *

Legislature May


U' Grant

Budget Slated for Vote Today;
Automotive Lab Possible Cut
An economy minded State Senate, expected to vote today on a
proposed $335,000,000 budget for next year, may remove a new Uni-
versity Automotive Laboratory from its fiscal considerations.
The indication came yesterday when eight Republican Senators
introduced a bill into the legislative chamber which would slash
$4,494,000 from a $7,938,000 grant for new constructions at state

The 1954 Michiganensian is
beginning a program for pho-
tographers for next year's staff.
For those interested in grain-
ing experience in this field there
will be a meeting at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Student Publica-
tions Building. Those unable to
attend the meeting but wish to
be on the staff should contact
the 'Ensian office at 2-3241.
U' Surgeon
To Operate
On Godfrey

Vote on SL
Motion Hits
Word Snarl

Red Invasion of Laos
Halts. as Supplies Fail;

Move Would Bar French Receive 'US Aid
OSA 'Bias' List

Wrangling over the wording of
a motion to request the Office of
Student Affairs to exclude housing
with racial or national origin re-
strictions from its off-campus
housing file kept the proposal
from reaching a vote at last night's
Student Legislature meeting.
Amendments, substitutions and
an amendment to an amendment

* * *


ALSO THREATENED by an appropriation cut would be proposed

building of campus roads, plans for
500 Saved
In Harwich
Sea, Crash
HARWICH, England - P} -
Two American freighters rescued
nearly 500 persons, including scores
of Americans, from a British
steamship sliced through in a col-
lision with one of the freighters
40 miles out in the North Sea be-
fore dawn yesterday.
The Duke of York, a 4,190-ton
'vessel operated by the British
Railways on the 106-mile ferry run
between the hook of Holland and
Harwich, lost all her bow forward
of the superstructure in the crash
with the U.S. government freight-
er Haiti Victory.
* * *
A SPOKESMAN for the British
Railways said last night a radio
message to Harwich reported one
body had been s'een in the wreck-
age of the crippled Duke of York
and it was feared two other per-
sons might be dead. He said he did
not know the source of the re-
port, however, and had no official
Survivors told dramatic stories
of the terror in this potential
tragedy of the sea, but said there
was no panie.
The lifeboat drill precision of
the rescue operations minimized
caseualties among the 436 passen-
gers and 72 crewmen.
EARLIER, a regional manager
of the Railways Shipping Service,
Capt. Robert Davis, said "we ap-
pear, on the figures, to be six pas-
sengers missing." Six of the sur-
vivors were injured. No Americans
were known to be among them.
The Duke of York and the
7,607-ton Haiti Victory, headed
from Bremen to the United
States, rammed into each other
in the darkness near the Gal-
loper Point lightship.
The crash sliced off and sank
the entiresforward section of the
British vessel and startled passen-
gers from sleep. The Haiti vic-
tory, standing higher in the wa-
ter, escapednwith a gash in her
* * *
of the crewmen abandoned ship
under orders from Capt. R. B.
Adams, her master, and the 10,687-
ton American of the American-
Hawaiian Steamship Co., which
was nearby.'

a new
of an

boiler and the construction
undergraduate library.

1Arthur Godfrey, well known ra-| were all discussed before time ran
President Harlan H. Hatcher dio and television personality, is out on the session with no action
declined comment on the con- in University Hospital awaiting taken on the original motion.
templated budget reduction. anoeainacrigt*ji
- an operation according to Uni- * *
The University appropriations versity Hospital nurses. EARLIER in the meeting SL
were termed by the Senators The operation, scheduled to be president Bob Nea'y, '54B.Ad., re-
who introduced the bill as "un- performed within a few dad's by ported that the Legislature's pro-
necessary when the state is Dr. Carl E. Badgley, head of the posal for a return to the "old" ex-
broke." orthopedics department, is a vi- amination schedule with its "dead
The proposed economy move is tallium cup arthroplasty. An op- weekend" before the first day of
slated for a Senate vote today. eration of this sort involves in- exams has been submitted to the
* * * serting a metal cup over the head Deans' Conference.
COMMENTING on the bill, of the femur bone, providing a Neary commented that it ap-
the head of the Automotive Lab- false joint to enable the leg to peared. "highly unlikely" that
oratory said the present campus move more easily. any change could be made this
building which was erected in * semester, but expressed hopeful-
1865 is a dangerous fire hazard. ACCORDING to a University ness that a future return to the
He maintained that half of doctor, after such an operation old schedule might be granted.
the laboratory is constructed of the patient would be required to !The parliamentary hassle on the
wood and that the roof of the remain in bed from two to three housing discrimination motion re-
building leaks during the heavy weeks. During this time he would volved around two sentences of
Ann Arbor rains. have to undergo physio-therapy the proposal as originally framed
Leaders in the Senate were re- treatment. by Sam Davis, '53, who moved that
portedly regrouping their forces ,He would probably not fully re- SL recommend:
in an effort to defeat the pro- cover for six weeks and then would "That upon being informed by
jected budget manuever, and it still require the use of crutches, a landlord that a housing unit is
appeared doubtful that the "econ- the doctor added. already rented, the student may
omy" faction could muster enough Dr. Badgley who is a renowned request OSA to remove the listing
votes to bottle up the construc-' orthopedic surgeon previously from the file."
tion items. operated on Godfrey at Harvard. Such action should be taken
. _ _The operations were necessitat- provided the OSA finds either that
el by injuries Godfrey received thethousing actually is occupied
in an automobile accident sev- or that occupancy has been re-
eral years ago. fused on the basis of prior rental'
fame after World War u when he Opposition to the clause was
started his coast-to-coast morn- based on the contention that it
i ~ing radio program.' would hurt landlords who barred

,: _. .

i '

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
TABLE' CARVING - Seniors Russell H. Baily Jr. and Howard
0. Christenson continue the tradition and leave their signatures
carved for posterity on the table top in the Union Stag Room.
Until May 28, any male senior can carve his name in the table
after receiving a chisel from the basement cloak room.


Comment On

Urges Air,
Naval Power
Dulles Supports
ForeignAid Plan
By The Associated Press
The Communist Vietminh in-
vasion of Laos kingdom yesterday
appeared to have halted abruptly
because the Reds had overstretch-
ed their supply lines.
Elements of Ho Chi Minh's
forces, in numbers described as
impressive, were heading north-
ward from the heart of Laos af-
ter over-running a third of the
country since their lightning
thrust invasion began April 12.
ENEMY UNITS were withdraw-
ing northward from sectors em-
bracing the royal seat of Luang
Prabang, the Plaine des Jarras,
and Xieng Khouang.
The reason appeared to be olb-
vious-the enemy could no long-
er sustain advanced spearheads
which have been encamped in
the hills around Luang Prabang
the. Plaine des Jarras to the
south, and within 35 miles of
Paksame south of Xieng Khou
Meanwhile in Washington Sen.
Knowland (R-Calif.) advised Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
"not to foreclose the possibility
of using our air and naval power"
if it should prove necessary to
stop Communist aggression in
Southeast Asia.
The Californian offered this ad-
vice as Dulles appeared before the
Senate Foreign Relations -Com-
mittee in support of the admin-
istration's proposed $5,800,000,000
foreign aid bill.
DULLES SAID the United States
has started talks with several al-
lies on a possible appeal to the
United Nations for action to deal
with the Communist-led invasion
of the Indochinese state of Laos.
He said flatly, however, that
this country had no plans to
send, American troops to fight
the Communists in Southeast
The apparent turn in events in
favor of the French Union forces
came as six U.S. Flying Boxcars-
the first of possibly two or three
dozen under stepped-up American
ald - reached Hanoi yesterday


New LanguageProposal

POW Plan
By The Associated Press
The senior Allied negotiator said
the Communists agreed this morn-
ing to the Allied proposal to keep
prisoners refusing immediate re-#
patriation in Korea after an ar-
Lt. Gen. William K. Harrisont
Jr., said the Reds accepted theI
Allied position on balky prisoners
in an important eight-point Com-
munist proposal.
* * *
THE PROPOSAL was presented
during a 26-minute session.
The Allies then asked for a re-
cess until 8 p.m. today, and the
Communists agreed immediately.
A Communist source outside
the conference hut said the new
Red proposal called for the re-
turn to. their homelands within
two months after an armistice
of all prisoners who want to go
This source said the Communists
also suggested that a neutral na-
tions repatriation commission be
set up to facilitate the rturn to
their homelands of the remaining
prisoners of war, but the Reds
again refused to name their choice
of a neutral guardian.

Value of Law
Career Cited
By Bonisteel
Terming law "the greatest pro-
fession of all," University Regent
Roscoe O. Bonisteel spoke to the
Michigan Crib, pre-law society yes-
terday on "Opportunities for Law-
While emphasizing that oppor-
tunities in law result only after
hard work, Regent Bonisteel said
the rewards of a law practice more
than compensate for the effort.
He related personal experiences
from his years as a practicing at-
torney and State Bar Association
Regent Bonisteel listed a
lawyer's ability to render serv-
ice to the community as his
greatest reward.
The following Crib officers were
also elected at this meeting: Don
Kenney, '54, president; -George
Kircos, '54, vice-president; Louise
Milligan, '56, recording secretary;
Frank Spence, '57, treasurer; Lynn
Epstein, '54, corresponding secre-

students merely because they wereI
individually "undesirable," not be-
cause' of race or national origin.
The Legislature also appointed
Fred Hicks, '54, as a permanent
representative to the University's
Committee on Student Loans.
Opening the meeting, Neary told
the legislators that the President's
Conference had "improved since
last year and that "honest and!
forthright discussion" had char-
acterized the top-level parley.
* .*
Student Role
Cited at SL's I
Annual Dinner'
The role of activities in the life
of the student, and the role of the
student in the formation of ad-
ministrative policy highlighted
talks given at the annual Student
Legislature banquet last night.
In a brief address to the Legis-
lature at the annual affair honor-
ing the retiring Cabinet and grad-
uating members, President Har-
Ian H. Hatcher urged campus lead-
er:s to familiarize themselves with
the world-famous points of inter-
est on campus such as Clements
Library and the Museum of Egyp-
Prof. Roger W. Heyns of the
psychology department, a close
associate of the Legislature and a
member of the Student Affairs
Committee, addressed the group on
student responsibility and the po-
sition of the student in decision
Prof. Heyns pointed out that the
greatest misunderstanding be-
tween students and the adminis-
tration lies in the three general
fields: validity of group decisions,
responsibility of youth and the at-
titude of the administration.
Claiming that there was a def-
inite need for "clearing specified
and agreed upon areas" Prof.
Heyns cited as examples the re-
cent controversy over the rent
increase in the dormitories and the
administration's decision concern-
ing the final exam schedule.
Howard Willens '53, retiring SL.
president pointed out that student
opinion must necessarily play an
important part in the decision
making of the administration by

"An understanding experience
in the study of a foreign language
is one of the important elements
of 'higher education," said Prof.
Charles N. Staubach, chairman of
the department of Romance Lan-

Ann Arbor High School, Thad
Carr, said "Languages may not be
important for every student and a
subject such as American history
may be equally as valuable in a
student's education."



guages yesterday.
Staubach's statement was in ac- Fry's 'A Sleep
cord with opinions expressed by -
both University and local educa- o f ri n
tors concerning the proposed Prisoners
change in the literary college,
language requirement from one

THE PROPOSAL, passed by the'
literary college faculty Monday,
states that "all candidates for a
bachelor's degree from this Col-I
lege shall complete a fourth se-
mester course in a foreign lan-
guage, or display equivalent pro-
ficiency in an achievement test."
Prof. Ernest Pulgram, of the ro-
mance languages department,
thought the proposal "a good idea.
The present requirement of one
year is too little to accomplish the
best ends. Learning to read and
talk a language is important but
it is more important to learn how
other people think, which can only
be accomplished through further
French professor, Charles E.
Koella, advocated the mastery of
at least one foreign language for'
every American college student.
"The Latin-American countries
follow the practice of requiring
students to learn niore than one
language," he pointed out.
A social science instructor from

"A Sleep of.Prisoners," a post-
season production of Art Theater,
will give its opening performance
at 8:30 p.m. tonight at St. An-
drew's Church.
The play, written by British
playwright Christopher Fry, is la-
beled one of his mature lyrics. In
"A Sleep of Prisoners," Fry tells
the story of four soldiers impris-
oned in a church in enemy terri-
Gerald Richards, Ken Rosen

and John DeVoe of the Arts Thea loaded with troops and war Car-
ter group will play three of the goes. They took off immediately
four soldiers. James Jones, '53, re- to reinforce the .French Union
cently cast in "Deep Are The IfL
Roots," will play the fourth GI. forces in aos.
The production of the play will
mark the first time that Arts Lloyd Workers
Theater has performed in a I
church. T. S. Eliot's "Murder In
A Cathedral'" was given in simi- Vote Support
lar surroundings in Ann Arbor, by
another theater.To Busbo
Tickets for the performance may
still be obtained at the Theater,
2091/ E. Washington.-hirty-five waitresses and bus-

Three One-Act Plays To Be Presented


boys of Alice Lloyd Hall voted to
support student workers in the
three men's quadrangles in their
demands for a wage increase at
an organizational meeting last

* * * *

Three one-act plays, including
a student written original and a
pre-Shakespearian farce, plus a
condensed version of a Greek
classic, will be presented by the
Speech Department at 8 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
Eugene Hockman, graduate stu-
dent in creative writing and alum-
nus of universities in Hungary,
Czechoslavakia and Austria, wrote
the one-act play "Address in
Prague" last year.
According to playwright Hock-
man, "Address in Prague" has uni-
versal application, for it symbo-
lizes" the spiritual pheonomena
of great numbers of people who
feel they are fugitives from the
Leading roles in the first play
of the evening, directed by Frances
Reitz, '53, are being taken by Jo-
ann Tracar . ci' - r Rihx? . A


Famous Quotations Brin
Varied Student Reaction
By MARK READER "I wouldn't sign a thing like tb
Several hundred students were in my life."
asked to sign excerpts from the Others who recognized t
Declaration of Independence on Declaration either didn't "belie
campus yesterday. in declarations of faith" or f
One hundred ninety-one signed that actions and not signatui
the document, but the majority of really count:"
those approached either outright- However, as the day progress
ly refused to affix their signatures arguments became more serio
or became involved in heated ar- and heated. *
guments and sober discussions of The .disputes revolved arou
the desirability of doing so. the following quotes from the D
* .laration:
UNDER a petition entitled 1) "All men are cre'ated equa
"Statement in Reaffirmation of Many maintained that this w


At the meeting a grievance com-
mittee of five student workers was
set up, four of whom will meet to-
morrow with Leonard A. Schaadt,
business manager of the residence
hat halls and representatives of the
East, South, and West Quad-
he rangles.
eve In a formal statement drawn up
elt by last night's meeting the stu-
res dent workers said, "We agree that
the raises proposed by the quad
sed groups are just, and will lend our
ous I strong support to those groups and
call on all other student employees
nd to do likewise."
ec- At tomorrow's meeting Schaadt
will give his decision on a wage
l " plan proposed to him by represen-
was tatives of the three quads last

enabling a better understanding Basic American Principles," the not a true statement. Tuesday,
of any problem. Civil Liberties Committee took 2) "When a long train of abuses
-- -- --three phrases from the Declara- and usurpations, pursuing invar-EO Bans Son
111 F lT -1 m- .,,fi-,,.w- ~ +v inhlv thp uim nhiant nonn U D n R


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