WMNESDAY, MAY C 1953 T- HE MICH19AN DAILY" rAGL lift= hi WEDYESDAY, MAY 6, 1953 THE MR~1TT~AN 1~AILY ?AGK TWRE~ 4 I }... ---4 Happy Birthday INTER-COOPERATIVE COUNCIL, INC. The Michigan Cooperatives First in the Country Pioneers for over 50,000 years old College Students living cooperatively A I The Wa we tire a a Ad9t respons, 9htyeaFanduprivileges in homes that are stu- dent-controlled, student-owned Economical living -- sharing work cuts costs, large-r° scale purchasing means good food at wholesale prices Democra tiC ideals - no racial, religious, political, socia discrimination E ual vote, equal responsibility for ALA members proves ' democracy works, makes co-opers better citizens MIA Social and educational program - parties, athletic events, movies, speakers on important topics Robert Owen Co-op. - Home of the Inter-Cooperative Council We build... wegrow.. . WE PROVE THAT.. . ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE living together can flourish as a unit and as individuals - each maintaining his own person- ality while adding a vital factor to the group. We want members who will fulfill their responsibilities and help build co-ops. We invite mature young adults who will help prove that democracy can be put into action. We want people who are not afraid of work. _dq, contact j~Ifr(a QuaI~fV? Inter-Cooperative Council Membership Secretary 1017 Oakland Office Hours 1-5 Phone 6872 cop p :r}}en MICHIGAN 315 N. State Coopr, # r e MURIEL LESTER 900 Oakland JOHN NAKAMURA 807 S. State' ROBERT OWEN 1017 Oakland HAROLD OSTERWEIL 338 E. Jefferson A. K. STEVENS 816 S. Forest K tAL A r f%,^r t ^ktTO 1 1 1i rnrDC I I I Ill A M I- [ l l- ( ( l P NJ 1 K 1 19 l) i C 1 K-% I 1