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See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State COOLER AND SHOWERS
Alteration Posed
In Language Plan
Two-Year Requirement for New
Freshmen Okayed by Lit College
Entering freshmen may face a two-year language requirement,
if a resolution passed by the literary college faculty is approved by
University President Harlan H. Hatcher and the Board of Regents.
The resolution, passed by a majority of the members at Monday's
meeting, stated that "all candidates for a bachelor's degree from this
College shall complete a fourth semester course in a foreign language,
or display equivalent proficiency in an achievement test to be ad-
ministred by the department concerned."
AN IDENTICAL recommendation, approved by the facutly on May
14, 1951, camebefore President Hatcher in his first months of office.
9 At that time he returned the reso-'
Norton Hits
'U' Location su-a
For Hospital
Blast Countered
By Rabinovitch_
An attack by the president of 151e P
the Michigan Society for Mental I
Health on the proposed State Leg-
islature-financed children's men-R
tal hospital at the University ye-R e c i a
terday drew a thorough retort ~
from; the director of the Neuro- Vote Today
psychiatric Institute's Children's
Dispute hinged mainly on the The Senate education bill con-
establishment of a hospital site. taining an appropriation of $18,-
* * * 116,000 for the University and
IN A MESSAGE to the chair- $14,535,566 for Michigan State
man of the Senate Finance Com- College will come to a final vote
mittee, mental 'health society today before the House in Lan-!
president W. J. Norton yesterday sing.
asked that Northville, Mich., be Following a caucus decision, the
reestablishedaasaaclocationifor the
hospitabl shPrasRal o atonRabo -hHouse yesterday advanced with
ho-f.. little fuss $225,947,000 worth - of
vitch of the NeuropsychiatricIn- appropriation bills for final votes
:titute stood by the proposed Annt aer oin vpte
Arborsodeay, after voting to put te
Arbor site. state Naval Militia out of busi-
Tiortsiville had been rejected ness. *
as a hospital site by the Financej
Committee because of its dis- THE CAUCUS decided to permitI
tance from any established med- House appropriation bills to pass
ical center. the house and be held in the
New Chiefs,
OK'd by iHC
The Inter-House - Council last
night elected a new president and
vice-president, voted unanimous
approval of its newly drafted con-
stitution and heard a report on
the still simmering Bert Braun
Roger Kidston, '54, president of
& the East Quad Council, was elect-
ed president of the top-level men's
residence halls organization. The
vice-presidential post went to Tom
APPROVAL for the proposed
IHC constitution was unanimous,
'k but strong differences of opinion
were in evidenceon the question
of a West Quad Council apology
to Michigan House and Braun.
Braun, Michigan House rep-
resentative on the West Quad
Council, was booted off the
Quad group last semester for
.x . S
lution to the Curriculum Commit-
tee of the literary college faculty
for reconsideration.
The present resolution, how-
ever, made no essential changes
in the former propsal. Members
of the eight-man Curriculum
Committee which drew up the
proposal, were not in unanimous
agreement with the resolution,
but passed it by the necessary
simple majority, Dean Charles
E. Odegaard of the literary col-
lege said.
Discussion of the resolution at
the faculty meeting was long and
involved. Strong support for the
measure came from members of
the various language departments.
CURRICULUM Committee and
language department members de-
clineq to comment on the propos-
, The 1951 resolution met strong
opposition from state high
schools. Among their reasons for
opposing the proposal were that
it would force them to add lan-
guages to the curricula of schools
not already offering them.
Other high school educators
said that the language placement
test would jeopardize the reputa-
tions of high school students al-
ready teaching languages and dis-
courage the continuance of lan-
guage education on a secondary
level. The high school educators'
suggested that the two-year study
course might better be allocated
to the study of American history.
At that time, several literary
college faculty members pledged
strong support of the proposed
One member of the Germanic
language department said that "In
this shrinking world of ours, it
seems to be of great educational
value to be language conscious, re-
gardless of what language one
takes." He went on to say that a
"mono-lingual intellectual elite
would be harmful to the United
States in its contact with other,
A member of the French depart-
ment felt that a greater knowledge
of languages would serve as a
channel to a better understand-
ing of the cultures of foreign coun-
Mayor Reappoints
Engelke, James
Reservations for 1200 stu-
dents in next fall's football
flashcard section will be avail-
able May 18, 19 and 20 in Bar-
bour Gymnasium, Stan Bohr-
er, '55, chairman of the Wol-
verine Club's Block 'M' com-
mittee, said yesterday.
Members of the flash card
section net fall will sit between
the 20 and 35 yard lines at the
north end of the football field,
he said.
Seniors and old members may
register on May 18, juniors on
the second day and other stu-
dents on May 20.
Movies of last year's flash
card section will be shown on
May 16.
Pan Called
Norton yesterday reiterated hisc
society's claim that the hospitali
should be built at a spot acces-j
sable to the facilities of both this
University and Wayne University.
IN HIS statement, Norton said
that Prof. Rabinovitch had gone
on record as opposing the present-
building of a hospital primarily
designed for treatment of severely
disturbed children.t
Prof. Rabinovitch chargedj
misstatement on the count ande
said that he had at no time
"felt nor stated that a hospital
for severely disturbed children
should not be built."j
The plan Norton referred to, he
said, was one which he felt would
have a "very selective in-take pol-
icy and very little turn-over of.
Norton also objected to thet
assumption that the $1,000,000
children's institution would be
combined with a pediatric hos-
pital whichthe University wants.
Claiming that "the time has
passed when we ostracize the
emotionally disturbed child,"
Prof. Rabinovitch upheld the
possible merger.
Norton had stated that "the}
children are of such a disturbed
character that they have no place
in an ordinary pediatric hospital."
Fear that "placing the institu-
tion on the University campusI
completely writes out the Wayne£
University faculty" was expressedj
in Norton's statement to the
Senate. The Senate has already
decided to do the same thing with
its appropriation bills.
The upper house is still con-
sidering a capital outlays bill
providingathe University' with
$1,320,000 of the requested $9,-
930,000 and is not expected to
complete work on its bill until
May 16.
The University had requested
total appropriations amounting to
$20,631,000. In the 1952-53 ap-
propriation the Legislature grant-
ed the University $16,936,000.
If passed the House bill repre-
sents an increase of $1,200,000
over last year's sum.
The State Budget Bureau rec-
ommended that the Legislature
grant the University $17,866,000.
Michigan State in drawing up
its budget requests asked for $13,-
375,000. The Budget Bureau rec-
ommended that the Legislature
grant MSC $11,707,000.
Study Group
Elects Head
The Union-League student ac-
tivities center study committee in
By Schaadt
A wage and grievance plan de-j
veloped by representatives of the
three quadrangles and Alice Lloyd
Hall was termed "quite reasonable"
by Leonard A. Schaadt, residence
halls business manager at a meet-
ing yesterday between Schaadt and
10 student workers.
"We had a very successful dis-
cussion" said Schaadt, "and we
will meet again Friday when I will
be able to give a final'"decision."
The plan proposed by the bus-
boys provides for a base hourly
wage of 85 cents with raises of
1A cents and 5 cents after com-
pletition of 100 and 300 hours
It also sets up a bonus of 10
cents per hour for employees do-
ing jobs deemed especially dirty"
or messy by the workers. Such jobs
would include dish and glass ma-
chine work, mopping, and scour-
Also discussed at yesterday's
meeting was the organization of
a permanent grievance committee
in each of the quads.
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
SURE SIGNS OF SPRING-Wading in the League fountain and-
Generation. Lou Stinson previews a copy of the spring issue of the
student inter-arts magazine, making its appearance on campus
today. Renaissance in theme, this issue contains fiction, poetry,
art, music and essays by former contributors as well as many
newcomers-among them several Hopwood contest entrants.
Education Underworld'
Attacked by Ednionson
A blast at the "diploma mills" in the "underworld" of American
education was issued yesterday by Dean Emeritus James B. Edmonson
of the educational school.
Dean Edmonson told of "so-called universities, colleges and
schools that have no buildings, no competent instructional staffs, no
well-equipped libraries or laboratories."
"Some are engaged in a racket of selling degrees and diplomas.
While some make a pretense of having requirements, it would appear
that any person with the 'fee' can meet these without difficulty,"
he said. * *
DEAN EDMONSON made his remarks in the annual reports of
Roll Call Vote
Drives To Amend
Senate ended its longest debate
in 15 years yesterday by passing
the Eisenhower-backed bill to es-
tablish state ownership of the oil
riches lying under coastal waters.
The roll call vote was 56 to 35.
Before approving the bitterly-
fought legislation, the Senate re-
jected a dozen last-ditch amend-
ments aimed at cancelling or lim-
iting what the opposition called a
gigantic "giveaway" of federal
property worth billions.
* * *
THE BILL now goes to the
House, which passed its own ver-
ion of the legislation five weeks
ago. A conference committee may
have to be appointed later to iron
out differences in the measures.
Administration leaders com-
mended the vote as "just and
equitable" recognition of 150-
year-old claims the states have
made to valuable submerged
lands lying off their coastlines.
But senators who fought the bill
through 27 days of acrimonious de-
bate in what Majority Leader Taft
of Ohio called "an honest to God
filibuster" said the battle would
be carried on in the courts and.
into the election campaign of
THE PARTY lineup on the final
vote was 35 Republicans and 21
Democrats for the bill and 25
Democrats and nine Republicans
against it. Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore
also opposed it.'
Michigan's Republican sena-
tors took opposite sides today as
the senate passed the submerged
lands bills and sent it' back to
the house for consideration of
senate amendments. Sen. Pot-
ter voted for the bill and Sen.
Ferguson voted against it.
Taft reported that through last
Friday opponents of the bill had
spoken 970,872 words against it,
while proponehts had defended it
with 270,542 words.
AS THE LONG debate drew to
a close, Sen. Humphery (R-Minn)
told his colleagues:
"There will be a day of reckon-
ing when the American people
realize we have only legalized the
scandal of Teapot Dome on the
floor of Congress."
Humphrey declared it was
"nothing short of preposterous to
say a particular state has owner-
ship or control of the bottom of
the ocean."
World News
its first meeting last night elected 112 ill
William Van't Hoff, '54L, chair- m n Ie0cs01tS
man and voted to close all further
policy discussions to the press. Sc holairshi -
Van't Hoff will serve as chair- r
man of the committee which is
expected to make specific policy A speech by Dean of S
recommendations to the Union Erich A. Walter highligh
Board of Directors and the League semi-annual IFC Presiden
ited the
t's Din-
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
... New IHC Head
acting to the detriment of te
council." Michigan House then Two University professors were
seceded from the Quad council, among 15 persons reappointed yes-
soetuer m A hrQla15,o1954. ,terday to Ann Arbor boards and
to return April 15, 1954. commissions, by Mayor William
In a letter to The Daily yester- E. Brown.
day, Michigan House spokesman Prof. Otto K. Engelke of the
John Somers, said that the Mich- public health school was named
igan House representatives' return City Health Officer for a three
to the Quad council was based on year term.
the agreement that Braun would Prof. Laylin K. James of the
resign for the remainder of the law school will serve another three
semester and that the West Quad year term on the Police Commis-
Council would apologize publicly sion.
to Braun and Michigan House.T
Braun resigned April 1. 'PINA FORE', 'TRI
Somers' letter said, "They have G
failed to apologize."
* *V.C 1*1
finance committee. Board of Governors on the pro-
Prof. Rabinovitch objected that posed student activities center.
"in our present Children's Service * * *
we are now conducting teaching THE DECISION to close all fur-
in many areas and in the past ther meetings to the public came
Wayne University students have after permission hadl been grant-;
been welcome in our program and ed for coverage of last T'hursday's
have participated." joint meeting of the Union and!
League Boards.
Vietin OffensePermissionto report that
meeting had not implied simi-
HANOI, Indochina-UP)-Rein- lar privileges for future meet-
forced Vietminh troops applied ings of the study committee,
heavy pressure yesterday in an Jay Strickler, '54, Union presi-
effort to knock out two stoutly de- dent said.
fended French-Laotian outposts Strickler explained the move as
holding up strong enemy units at- designed to allow the committee
tempting to join the threatened to discuss questions of finance,
Communist siege of Luang Pra- location and policy in a freer and
bang, royal Laotian capital. more uninhibited atmosphere.
ner held last night as part of
Greek Week festivities.
At the dinner, held at the Phi
Kappa Psi house, two scholarship
awards were presented. Sigma Phi
Epsilon received the Sigma Chi
Foundation trophy for the fra-
ternity pledge class with the high-
Miller Speaks
on '52 Election
Greater emphasis on foreign
policy must be given by the Demo-
crats if they expect to get back
into power, Warren Miller assist-'
ant study director of Survey Re-
search Center said last night.
Speaking at a Young Demo-
crats meetingz Miller cited studies
the committee on fraudulent!
schools and colleges, of which he
is chairman.
He pointed out that some of
the criticized institutions have a
large foreign enrollment.
"When such buyers of cheap de-
grees and diplomas discover they
have been gypped, they are likely
to be critical of all education in
the United States," he said.
THERE is considerable alarm
among officials of accrediting in-
stitutions for religious education
over activities of dipolma mills in
est overall scholastic achievement , v ' t ('1U 1
for the past semester. by the Center which showed Re- the field of religion, he sai'&
At the same time, Phi Gamma publican voters listed foreign pol- He said lax laws in several
Delta was awarded the Alumni icy as a major factor in the bal- states permit racketeers to op-'
Improvement Trophy for the fra- loting last fall. Democrats, on the erate in the field of education.
ternity showing the most scholar- other hand, failed to include their Dean Edmonson added, however,
ship improvement during the past party's foreign policy stand as an that Michigan' does not have any
semester. influence on their voting, Miller "diploma mills." Pointing out that
To the outgoing president, said. it is forbidden to open a school
Peter B. Thorpe, '53, a gavel Surveys made before and after without receiving a charter from
was presented by the 1FC mem- the election showed other cam- the state, he said Michigan does
bers. paign issues tended to balance not grant charters to "suspicious"
A special gold key was present- each other out as vote getters. individuals or institutions.
ed to William Zerman, assistant to
the Dean and counselor to frater- LIT CONFERENCE:
nities, for meritorious work. Gold,
keys also went to John Messer, v'
Grad., Sanford Robertson,'53 Final Exams Discussed
BAd., Eli Schoenfield, '53 and.
Silver keys were awarded to Doubt over the educational values of this semester's shortened
John Baity, '55, William Capitan, final examination schedule was voiced by several students and one
'54, Henry Crapo, '54, Kenneth;
Cutler, '54 BAd., Richard Man- faculty member at last night's discussion of the importance of final
shee, '54, Clifford A. Mitts, '54, exams sponsored by the Literary College Conference Steering Com-
Samuel Siporin, '54, Robert Stein- mittee.
berg, '53' and Robert Weinbaum, Agreeing with Associate Dean of the Literary College Burton D.
FOLLOWING a report on the
present status of the Braun case"
by IHC Judiciary Committee head
Pete Firmin, Grad., West Quad
Council president Sam Alfieri,
'54A&D, agreed to meet with Fir-
min and Somers to work out a
statement of apology to Michigan
House and Braun, "within a week."
Michigan House representatives
claimed Alfieri was "stalling" on
the apology.
Alfieri replied he was hearing
the report on the Braun case for
the first time at last night's meet-
ing and that no apology could be
given "until he hears the precise
G&3 Doune Fr eature upens ioday
S -* * * *
"H.M.S. Pinafore'' and "Trial
By Jury" will be presented at 8
p.m. today through Saturday in
Pattengill Auditorium by the Gil-
bert and Sullivan Society.
"Trial By Jury," a satire on the
English legal system, will start off
the double bill program. Robert
E. Moore, '54SM, will play the
judge; Lois Wasserman, '54, the
plaintiff; Chuck Wingert, '55SM,
the defendent and Walter Flick-
inger, '53L, the counsel. Sidney
By the Associated Press
PANMUNJOM-The Reds today
angrily rejected an Allied propo-
sal that could free *Korean War
prisoners immediatelyafter an
armistice and let them settle
where they choose.
"At the moment I should say
progress is zero," said Lt. Gen.
William K. Harrison Jr. after the
* * * ,
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower yesterday asked Congress
for $5,828,000,000 in a new foreign
aid program which he called a bul-
wark for America's own defense
against "the threat of Soviet ag-
Eisenhower coupled his request
with a sharp warning to the Krem-
lin that the United States plans a
substantial step-up in military aid
to Communist-threatened South-
east Asia, notably in embattled
French Indochina.
* * *
VTENNA. Aiistiia--Thp IT SL
"Post Season Play
Opens Tomorrow
"A Sleep of Prisoners" by Brit-
ish playwright Christopher Fry
Thuma that final exams had the educational benefit of making stu-
dents review a course as a whole, students pointed out that the crowd-
ed schedule defeated the purpose by making adequate course re-
view impossible.
* * * *
PROF. MARVIN FELHEIM of the English department reported
that instructors will have less time to grade papers because of the
new schedule.
Critici(inz the lak of time available for consideration of stu-