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May 05, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-05

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TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1953


Campus Political Inertia



HE UNIVERSITY is politically dead.
All. the outward signs of political di-
vergence remain but they have lost their
deeper convictions.
The Young Republicans and the Young
Democrats continue to abuse each other
regularly, but is merely from force of long
standing and socially condonable habit.
Basic differences have temporarily been
buried as both groups reshuffle their or-
ganizations to fit their reversed political
positions in society.
The Young Progressives are silent.. Their
organization has fallen into decay and has
been abandoned. A Marxist study group has
died in the embryonic stage of development.
The Civil Liberties Committee has lost its
enthusiasm and with it its membership.
The Students for Democratic Action are
present on campus in name only and it has
been quite some time since they have done
anything of value.
Remaining is the Student Legislature
which is suffering from an accute attack
of disillusionment and sophistry.
And so, the campus political scene is
At the Michigan..*.
Harris and Ethel Waters.
To BE A MEMBER of the wedding is a
universal longing, expressed here in a
film version of the Carson McCullers novel
and play. It is the story of a young girl
on the threshold of adolescence who is con-
fronted by the consuming passion to share
some experience of mutual human need.
The marriage of her brother becomes the
symbol of this ideal to the girl. Her eventual
failure to become a member. of his wedding
is a part of the failure of all childhood
dreams, necessitating her reconciled, half-
aware acceptance of substitutes es the
things of her girlhood pass away.
Because Director Fred Zinneman has
obtained fine performances from Julie
Harris, Ethel Waters, and Brandon De-
Wilde in the major roles, the film version
of the story retains the remote, nostalgic


sterile of imagination, conviction and ap-
The cause has been interpreted on various
occasions' as the result of apathy, or the
search of the student for something more
lasting, or just outright laziness.
These, too, are merely superficial causes.
Political evaporation, on this campus at
least, has been the result of the realization
by these various groups that they have been
totally and indiscriminately whipped by
powers greater than themselves.
These once dynamic organizations per-
haps for the first time have managed to
see themselves for what they are-an im-
portant, yet powerless part of the campus
This view laden with bitter pessimism and
disillusionment has resulted in the inacti-
vity of these organizations.
The "will to do" has been smashed by
the grim realization that while there is
much to be done, there is little which these
political groups can actually accomplish.
-Mark Reader
quality of the play with full integrity.
The rich fabric of the lives of these three
people is absorbed and revealed by a
finely sensitive camera and a screenplay
that has tampered little with the original
stage script.
The single qualification that must be
made for the screen translation is the same
one that applied to Producer Stanley Kra-
mer's last two adaptations of stage plays
("Death of a Salesman" and "Eight Iron
Men.") That is, his adaptations continue
too conservative. Because he relies too much
on dialogue to catch the moment of arrested
experience, he neglects the potential of the
film to create its own mood. What the
stage can catch with lighting and the pe-
culiar power of the live performance. the
film must achieve in its own medium.
Kramer and Zinneman, who had the filmic
imagination to turn out "High Noon," might
do with less reverence for stage scripts.
B-Bill Wiegand

* *eCII the/Uediko .



Evening . .

. . .


WASHINGTON-The real meaning of the
new American defense policy was all too
clearly, although perhaps unintentionally,
stated by the President himself. The state-
ment took the form of an answer to a ques-
tion at the President's defense press confer-
ence-the first such Eisenhower answer that
hasever caused serious concern at the White
James Shepley, the able correspondent
of "Time" and. "Life," pointed out that
there had ben a good reason for the now-
discarded target dates of the American
defense buildup. "In simple English," said
Shepley, "the Joint Chiefs of Staff thought
(that) in 1954 the Soviets could deliver an
atomic attack on the United States."
"Is there something available to you,"
Shepley asked the President, "that indicates
that will not be a possibility?"
The President replied that "he was not
going to quarrel with the estimate as to
when (the Soviets) will have the atomic
bomb, because he did not admit that any one
can predict when, if ever, another govern-
ment would want to launch into a global
war." He added that he "just didn't believe
there was a necessary relationship between
the two."
Such were the President's own words, un-
changed in any important way by the con-
ventional translation into indirect discourse.
The President's meaning was painfully plain.
On the one hand, he did not "quarrel"
with the Joint Chiefs' estimate of the
growth of Soviet air-atomic power. With
characteristic honesty, he in effect ad-
mitted that this estimate was sound. On
the other hand, he argued that the growth
of Soviet power did not mean that the
Kremlin "would want to launch a global
war." In effect, he maintained that the
Kremlin would not want to do so, and
therefore we did not have to worry about
the year 1954.
In other words, the threat to America of
the growth of Soviet air atomic power is now
to be ignored, because the President thinks
that the Kremlin's intentions are basically
Put crudely like that, it looks pretty hard
to take. Yet there is no other possible inter-
pretation, either of the President's own frank
words, or of the plain facts of the case.
The facts, if anything, speak more clear-
ly than the President's words as Shepley
pointed out, the joint chiefs chose 1954 as
the year of danger, against which we must
be safeguarded, because of their forecast
of the growth of the Soviet atomic stock-
pile and strategic air force. The Kremlin
will have the power to cripple thiscountry
by the end of 1954 according to this fore-
cast of the joint chiefs, which is still un-
changed. Which the President has not
The Joint Chiefs' forecast has now been
elaborated by the most highly qualified
scientific task force assembled in America
since the end of the war-the Massachusett
Institute of Technology's Project Lincoln.
The Lincoln scientists have warned that
within two years or a little more (for some
place the time of danger as far away as
1956) the Kremlin will be able to "devastate"
America by air-atomic attack. "Devastation"
was defined, moreover, as the extent of
atomic destruction that would force this
country to surrender to the enemy.
In addition, the Lincoln scientists hive
also waried that the existing and presently
planned American air defenses are virtually
useless. In this vital sector, in other words,
the safeguards provided by the Truman de-
fense program have been found to be hope-
lessly inadequate by careful scientific test.
Meanwhile, it can now be revealed that the
Truman defense program is to be slashed
even more deeply than people imagine. The

President told the Congressional leaders that
his $8.5 billion of projected economies in-
cluded a $5 billion cut in the defense expen-
ditures. What he left out was the fact that
this is a net cut. Heavy increases have been
made in certain items in the Truman pro-
gram-especially the appropriations for ar-
tillery ammunition procurement and the
equipment of South Korean divisions. These
increases amount to nearly $2 billion. Hence,
the gross cut in the over-all Truman pro-
gram amounts to about $7 billion.
With such a gigantic gross cut in pros-
pect, certain predictions can be made with
unqualified confidence. It is certain that
little can be done to strengthen our hope-
lessly inadequate air defenses, despite the
warnings of the scientists. In fact, the
Truman air defense outlays are virtually
certain to be cut back. By the same token.
little or nothing can be done to strengthen
the strategic air command in step with
the rapid build-up of Soviet :ir defenses.
The outlays for strategic air are much
more likely to be slashed. Many other such
developments can also be discerned.
With this country coming within range of
air-atomic destruction, with our own deter-
rent to Soviet agression progressively weak-
ening, it is to be hoped that the President
isrvyfamif t fbpK'mlin Co norinfintinns.

TWO CONTEMPORARY works highlight-
ed the fifth concert of the May Festival;
"Prairie," for chorus and orchestra, by Nor-
man Lockwood with text by Carl Sandburg,
was given its first performance by Thor
Johnson, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and
the University Choral Union. It was com-
missioned by Mr. Johnson especially for this
festival. The other contemporary piece was
Bohuslav Martinu's second piano concerto,
with Rudolf Firkusny as soloist.
Recently there has been a trend in
choral music towards musical imitation of
the spoken word. It is a trend championed
by Benjamin Britten in his operas. Wil-
liam Walton, at times Gian-Carlo Menot-
ti, and in a great deal of American choral
works. The idea seems to consist of sacri-
ficing musical line in deference to verbal
realism. The result, as shown in Menotti's
"Consul" and in this work of Norman
Lockwood, is the absence of profound
musical emotion, of feelings indigenous to
the composer's temperament, and in place
of this the promulgation of propagandistic
theories. The theory in the Lockwood is of
course Sandburg's viewing real humanity
as coming from the prairie and contrasted
with the sordid atmosphere of the city.
Music of this type demands the visual im-
age. It will not stand up in the concert hall
because it is vicarious; it imitates instead of
portraying. From a purely musical stand-
point this method negates musical struc-
ture. The organic growth of the musical
germ or the temporal plan, both structurally
confined by their own demands, has been
lost in favor of a rambling text, whose only
form in this case, seems to be a consistent
message. To be effective the music should
give structure to the text in order to bring
a focus which is heard by the ear.
But with the visual image this latter ob-
jection is easily overcome. And Lockwood's
music being so cinematic in flavor would
excel as a score for a documentary film.
It handles the choir with ease, and like-
wise the orchestra.
After intermission Rudolf Firkusny reached
one of the interpretive heights of the Fes-
tival. The Martinu concerto is virtuostic and
pianistic, a work the performer enjoys play-
ing. Its content is simple and straight-for-
ward with a style reminiscent of the nine-
teenth century. But structually it forsakes
that tradition as it belongs to the formal
renaissance of the twentieth century com-
poser. The fact that its aims are not pom-
pous, but the exploitation of plain melodies
circuiting functional tonal points, is its
greatest virtue.
Firkusny, a close friend of the composer,
performed with a devotion and under-
standing that perhaps only such intimacy
can know, at least in music so new. His -

HE FINAL concert of the May Festival
Sunday night was an eventful one, and
its diversified program provided something'
of interest for almost every type of musical
taste. To say that the featured soloist, Zinka
Milanov, was warmly received would subject
one to suspicion of carping about the tem-
perature of the auditorium in May, which
was very warm, as well as constitute an
understatement of the true facts. To coin
a hackneyed cliche, she wowed 'em.
Mme. Milanov first sang Beethoven's
concert aria, "Ah! Perfido." It was im-
mediately apparent that there would be
no problem of the orchestra overpowering
the voice, for hers is one of those rich
and expansive instruments that seems
capable of infinite volume. Such a large
voice, however, is more difficult to control,
and there were moments when vocal and
emotive force were too dominant, at the
expense of true pitch. Happily, these mo-
ments were fewer in her return after in-
termission, when she sang arias from Aida
and La Forza del Destino.
Milanov has a number of different vocal
qualities which seem interchangeable over
her entire range. This results in an inter-
esting variety, although the changes are oc-
casionally so rapid (each note in a scale-
wise passage having a different shading) one
could easily become confused as to her exact
intentions. After many gracious bows she
encored "Vissi d'arte" from Puccini's Tos-
ca, in which her ability to expand on a high
climax undoubtedly captivated what few
non-believers remained. It was amazing. to
me that she had any power or control left,
because the steep incline of the ramp neces-
sitated. her approaching it at a dead run
every time she took a bow. For a few min-
utes it looked more like a track meet than
a concert! Certainly a more dignified ar-
rangement could be devised.
Since the Beethoven aria only reasserted
that composer's extreme debt to Mr. Mo-
zart, stylistically the program was halved
neatly into classical and romantic cate-
gories. Haydn's Seventh Symphony, "Le
Midi," opened the concert, and was easily
the most interesting course of the even-
ing's musical fare. The solo passages for
two violins and cello were well handled by
Jacob Krachmalnick, David Madison and
Lorne Munroe, respectively, and related
the work more to the class of concerto
grosso or triple concerto than symphony.
The romantic portion began with Bar-
ber's Second Essay, which contained his
I usual sumptuous orchestration of sparse
harmonies not unlike Sibelius', but with a
generous amount of the idioms, such as the
echoing of a motif back and forth among
the brass, which typify Barber's style. The

V. ' -

To the Busboys . ..
To the Editor:
IT WAS WITH much misgiving
that I read about the "no strike"
vote taken at Friday night's bus-
boy meetings in East and South
Quads. Apparently Roger Kidston,
East Quad president is a smooth
talker or is it that the busboys
after their first memorable stand
are giving way.
A point of interest is that Kid-
ston has said that if the strikers
return to work "outside help will
remain to relieve the busboy's
burden." (Daily quote) "Busing"
must be quite a burden, a new-
found one, and this is a most gen-
erous concession on the Univer-
sity's part. 7I wonder if the "out-
side help" will receive $1.03 an
hour as they have been during the
strike while working side by side
with the 80c an hour working stu-
Kidston has also told us that
"Schaadt has to plan his wage
schedule in accordance with the'
residence halls budget . . . " and
"no wage increase seems possible
at this time." (Daily quotes.) Yet
Schaadt is willing to foresake this
wage schedule by hiring help at
$1.03 an hour during the strike.
Where does this extra money come
from at an "appropriate" time; at
a time when students are exerting
pressure for a wage increase?
I sincerely hope that the busboysi
in all three quads seriously recon-
sider their position and vote for a
tri-quad strike when they meeti
In that way only can they regain
the admiration and trust all other
working students have in them,
and make the much needed wage
increase a reality for themselves
and all working students on cam-1
-Diana Styler
* * *M
Quad Serenade . ..
To The Editor:1
MISS GREENE, you miss the
point. In your jaded view of
the situation occurring from the
East Quad serenade you show that
you do not understand it in the
least. No one called the actions
of the sheet covered pranksters
"perfectly normal and not malic-
ious." Read the letter again. The
point is that whether they were
making like Ku Klux Klaners or
not is emphatically not represen-
tative of the feeling that inspired
the general noise-making. ,
The question of propriety is a
secondary consideration in this
incident. The real injustice has;
been done the fraternity men who
misunderstood the situation Your
editorial in its "unforgivable in-;
sensitivity" has worsened the mis-
understanding by exploiting a very
real problem. It seems it is the
place of someone who actually
witnessed the situation to differ-
entiate between the motivations
for the sheet wearing and the,
general stir. The object in this
lies in avoiding the type of mis-
construment which you have un-
wisely magnified.
-Jerry Wisniewski
* * *
Why They Kill ..
To the Editor:
sponsoring dances for the
kids-one night he phoned Mrs.
Dellinger from a dance; 'The'kids
are drinking . . . they're fighting
.. they set fire to a girl's formal
.. they're under the table, and
I'm up here with a microphone-
can't you send a uniformed man
out,' None was available."
Sleepy Head Ted, as you may
remember, was a disc-jockey for
a local radio station; Mrs. Delling-
er, a policewoman; the kids were
?nn Arbor youths. This quotation

came from a recently published
book called, Why Did They Kill?,
by John Bartlow Martin. So ex-
plains this sad commentary on the
adequacy of the Ann Arbor police
to handle the juvenile problem.
Yet, as any Ann Arbor motorist
must know, there seems to be an
abundance of available "uniform-
ed men" to handle parking viola-
tions. It must take a virtual army
of paid policemen to keep such an
inscrutably close watch on every
meter, limitedparking zone, re-
stricted lot, etc.
Could the fact have anything to
do with it that the apprehension
of parking violators, trivial though
the offense may be, is much more
rewarding to the city coffers than
is the control of juvenile delin-
-Robert Lawson.
To the Other Quads . . .
To The Editor:
THE BUSBOYS who went out
on strike for higher wages last
Monday went out with the idea
that South and East Quadrangles

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influence on every member of West and to urge the busboys in the

Quadrangle. Since the strike be-+
gan, West Quadders have been
inconvenienced by slow-moving
food lines, a lack of clean table
space for latecomers, and other
discomforts plus the usual poor
food. To save the price of a glass
washer, milk is now ,being served
in cartons. Also many new people
have been hired at wages higher
than those which busboys receive.
The administration is willing to
sit back and allow the students to
eat under conditions which are
even poorer than beforeinorder
to defy the strikers. The only de-
fense we 'as students can put up
is to support the striking busboys

other quadrangles to follow suit.
This is the only way anything can
possibly be accomplished. Other-
wise this action will eventually
die out and the Administration
will be able to chalk up another
"victory" over the student body.
Are we merely pawns which the
Administration can manipulate as
they see fit???
-Sam Kunin
i*ind Washing *
To The Editor:
ON MAY 1, the Associated Press
released an article stating that
two military transport planes were

"Can I Get Your Autograph, Mister?"


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(Continued from Page 2)
these positions or for appointments,
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, Ext. 371.
Department of Journalism Lecture.
I"The Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand" is the subject of a film
program sponsored by the Department
of Journalism Tues., May 5, 4:15 p.m.,
Auditorium C, Angell Hall. The lecture
will be given by S. Gordon Gapper, re-
porter for the Newv Zealand Herald, who
is on leave from his newspaper todstudy
journalism here on a two-year Uni-
versity Press Club of Michigan fellow-
ship. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Milton J.
Rosenberg, Social Psychology; thesis:
"The Experimental Verification of a
Value Theory of Attitude Structure"
Tues., May 5, 5631 Haven Hall, at 8:30
a.m. Chairman, Helen Peak.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Rothenberg Kohn, Zoology; thesis:
"In Vitro Studies on the Relationships
between Glutathione, Intermedin and
Melanin Synthesis," Wed., May 6, 2089
Natural Science Building, at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. Wright.
Doctoral Examination for Norman
Gustaf Benson, Fisheries; thesis: "The
Relationship among Certain Ecological
Conditions and Trout Populations in
the Pigeon River," Wed., May 6, 2122
Natural Science Building, 2 p.m. Chair-
man, K. F. Lagler.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Gor-
don Carson, Jr., Mechanical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Consistency in Rating
Method and Speed of Industrial Op-
eraion bya Group of Time-Study
Men with Similar Training," Wed., May
6, East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. B. Gordy.
Doctoral Examination for Clifford
Louis Larsen, Education; Thesis: "Para
ticipation in Adult Groups: The Re-
lationship between Participation aid
Valence in Two Air Force Reserve
Squadrons," Wed., May 6, West Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building, at 3 p.m.
Chairman, H. Y. McClusky.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Dean
Boyd, Psychology; thesis: "Reading Re-
tardation as Related to Personality
Factors of Chilaren and Their Par-
ents," Wed., May 6, 6625 Haven Hll, at
3 p.m. Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Logic Seminar. Tues., May 5, 3:10
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. J. E. Barry,
Willow Run Research Center, will speak
on a theory of logical design of com-
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tues., May 5, at 7 p.m. in 247
West Engineering. Dr. E. L. Griffin, Jr.,
will speak on "Riemann Surfaces."
Seminar in Hubert Spaces will meet
Tues., May 5, at 7:30 p.m. in 246 West
Engineering Building.
Part II Actuarial Review Class. Tues.,
May 5, 2:10 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Dis-
cussion of practice comprehensiire exam-

Student Recital. Russell Christopher,
baritone, will be heard in a recital at
8:30 Tuesday evenng, May 5, in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. His pro-
gram will include works by Monteverdi,
Legrenzi, Rosa, Scarlatti, Handel, Of-
fenbach, Thomas, Schubert, Brahms,
and a group of English songs. Mr.
Christopher studies voice with Philip
Duey and the recital will be open to
the general public.
Events Today
Science Research Club. The May
meeting will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheater at 7:30 p.m.
Subsistence Problems in the Near
East by W. D. Schorger, Anthropology
and Near Eastern Studies.
Clinical Use of Blood Volume Deter-
minations by P. E. Hodgson, Surgery.
Election of Officers.
U. of M, Pre-Medical Society will pre-
sent Professor Bruno Meinecke and a
panel of four University medical stu-
dents in a discussion of medical student
needs and experiences at their meeting
tonight in Audirtorium D, Angell Hall,
at 7:30. A short business meeting will
follow at which time next year's offi-
cers will be elected. All pre-medical
students are invited to attend.
Young Democrats. Meeting at 7:30
p.m., Union. Mr. Warren E. Miller, As-
sistant Director of the Institute for
Survey Research, will speak on "Visible
Trends of the 1952 Election." All in-
terested persons are invited.
The 195 J-Hop Committee will meet
in Room 3-K of the Union at 3:30 p.m.
Sociedad Hispanica. Weekly Tea at
International Center for all members
and friends,
Motion Picture. Ten-minute film (col-
lor) "Forest Conservation," shown Mon.
through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3, and 4
o'clock and on Sun. at 3 and 4 o'clock
only, 4th floor, University Museums
Ballet Club. Meeting tonight in Bar-
bour Gym Dance Studio. Intermediates:
7:15; Beginners: 8:15. All interested per-
sons are invited to attend.
Square and Folk Dance Group. Sev-
eral new records and dances. Everyone
welcome. Lane Hall. Tuesday, 7:30-10:00.
Comning Events
The Michigan Crib Pre-Law Society
invites you to hear Regent Roscoe Bon-
isteelat 8 p.m. on Wednesday evening,
May 6, in Room 3-A of the Michigan
Union. Regent Bonisteel will speak on
"Opportunities for Lawyers." The meet-
ing is open to students, faculty, and in-
terested townspeople.
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin
7:30-7:50, Wed., May 6. Also Refresher
tea from 4 to 4:30.
Roger Williams Guild. Midweek Chat
wednesday from 4:30 until 5:45 in the
Guild House. This is the last opportu-
nity to vote for your next year's officers.

bringing 63 Americans homeward.
On May 2, the AP reports, "A
planeload of repatriated American
prisoners of war from Korea des-
ignated by the Air Force as 'vic-
tims of Communist propaganda,'
arrived here yesterday under a
cloak of military secrecy." The
only way this latter fact became
known was by the arrival of one
of the PdW's in a hospital in San
Francisco. The military explains
this secrecy by the statement that
"these men may have been misled
under conditions of hardship and
duress during the period of their
First'of all, we don't know how
many of the 63 Americans were
considered as having their "minds
washed," but I doubt if there are
many who will disagree that under
conditions of hardship and duress,
ideas of the enemy would be ac-
cepted, at most, only on the sur-
face. It seems that thestatements
of four or five returning POW's
have been widely publicized but
any statements by the rest of
them have not received benefit
of the press. It seems more than
coincidence that the statements
that were publicized were those
that agreed with what everyone in
the United States is supposed to
know is right, and the rest were
discounted because those POW's
had been indoctrinated with Com-
munist ideas.
As a result of this "indoctrina-
tion" they are being isolated in
hospitals until they can be re-
indoctrinated, with the press
meanwhile ignoring them. Actu-
ally, these men are being deprived
of the right of free expression and
the public is being kept in ignor-
ance of all ideas that do not "fit
in" with the current trend of
thought. It is up to all of us to
protest this action before this in-
Idictment of freedom is extended,
-Jack Harper
Apology Asked.. .
To the Editor:
ON NOVEMBER 18, 1952, the
West Quadrangle Council re-
moved Michigan House's repre-
sentative, Bert Braun, from his
seat. On January 7, 1953, Michi-
gan House withdrew its represent-
atives from the Council in protest.
On March 1, 1953, a committee
from Michigan House began meet-
ing with a committee from the
West Quad Council to resolve the
dispute arising from the suspen-
sion of Bert Braun. During the
meetings an IHC committee head-
ed by Pat Firmin acted as media-
On March 26 both groups agreed
to take the two compromise pro-
posals arrived at to their respective
councils to settle the last remain-
ing issue. The following proposal
was accepted by both parties:
1. Bert Braun would resign for
the remainder of this term.
2. Michigan House would return
representatives to the Quad Coun-
3. The issue of the Council's
power to remove representatives
would be dropped.
4. The West Quad Council would
apologize publicly to Bert Braun
and to Michigan House.
On April 1, Bert resigned; on
April 2nd the Michigan House
Committee formally approved the
compromise. This action was ap-
proved by the Michigan House
Council on April 15, and our repre-
sentatives to the Quad Council ap-
pointed. The West Quad Council
approved the Compromise on
March 30.
They have failed to apologize.
In view of the defamatory
charges circulated and printed
against Braun and Michigan
House, which we can disprove, we
consider an apology necessary.
The Michigan House Committee

-John Somers,






Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander....... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ........ Associate City Editor
HarlandBritz .......... Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman .......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple............Sports Editor
John Jenke...... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewel......Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell...Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager



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