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May 05, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-05

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La test Deadline in the State


Ira. W rWYW 7 - * A 1

V Uia. LAJI, [NO. .L'1
Ike Budget
To Cut Size
Of Services
Decrease in Drafi
Calls Predicte 1 ' d
By the Associated Press
President Eisenhower's econom3
budget calls for a $2,100,000,00(
cut in military spending and 2
drop of nearly 200,000 men in th
size of the Armed Forces, defens
officials said yesterday in Wash-
The proposed reduction in the
military budget would bring th
military force down to 3,300,00(
Press. At present, there aren abu
3,500,000 men in the Armed Ser-
OFFICIALS said the reductior
in military manpower would sav
an estimated one billion dollars
The estimate is based on the
theory that it costs $5,000 a yeai
to keep a mnan in uniform.
Savings in spendings for miii-
tary procurement would account
for the other billion dollar slash
in former President Truman's
' defense budget.
Most of the manpower reduc-
tion is expected to be in the Army
and probably will mean lower
draft calls.
dIf"Koranwarn should en
year starting July 1 will jump tc
about 250,000 men, defense offi-
cials stated.
* * .*e
32,000, compared to a draft call
of 53,000 during the first five
months of 1953. The Defense De-
partment has presumably not yet
' decided on the size of next month's
draft call.
Former President Truman's
budget, presented to Congress
just before he left office, called
for defense spending of $45,-
500,000,000 for the 1954 fiscal
Under the new Administration's
economy drive, defense officials
said the best estimate for the
year's defense spending is $43,-
Plans to reduce by five billion
dollars Truman's request for $41,-
300,000,000 in new funds for the
Armed Services in fiscal 1954 were
also revealed by Defense officials.
The cut would be accomplished by
drawing on "carry-over" funds
from previous years, they said.
Military expenditures for the
current fiscal year ending June 30
are expected to be 43,400,000,000
officials said. Estimates of mili-
tary spending last January ran
about $1,600,000,000 higher than
the present defense department's
Young Democrats will hear
Warren Miller, assistant study
director of the Survey Research
Center, discuss the voting results
of the 1952 elections at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 3D of the Union.
Miller will analyze the election
in view of findings of the Center
which have been made public.
Plans for next year will also be
discussed at the meeting.

Faculty Students
To Discuss Finals
Thir will be a faculty-student
Finl Eamias? at 73 p~m.
today in the student - faculty
-th Lterary Clee Conference
Applications for the Special
College Qualification Deferment
Test to be ghten May 21 must be
in by May 11, Selective Service of-
ficials said yesterday.
t h o e w o m s s e t e A r i 2 3 t e s



, ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _X__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



IFC Ball Slated for Saturday

--Daily-Ed Chodoroff
I.F.C. BALL.-Lambda Chi Alpha mascot Major last night asked Delta Upsilon's Brandy to the I.F.C.
Ball given from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday in the Intramural Bldg. Ralph Flanagan's orchestra
will play for the dance. Tickets are on sale in the Administration Bldg. lobby daily and are priced
at $3.60 per couple.

Hemingway, Inge Win
1953Pulizer wards
.NEW YORK-(£)-Ernest Hemingway won the first Pulitzer Prize
in his 30-year career as a rugged, outdoor novelist yesterday for his
vivid short novel, "The Old Man and the Sea."
The 1953 Pulitzer drama award went to William Inge, Kansas-
born playwright, for his Broadway hit, "Picnic," a play with a
Midwest setting.
* * * *
THERE WERE TWO repeat winners in this year's lists of awards
made by the trustees of Columbia University.
They were Archibald MacLeish
in the field of poetry, and Don
11 Whitehead of Th1e Associated
W orld News Press, in the realm of national
reporting. MacLeish last was
Ihonored in 1933, and Whitehead
QM~g in 1951.
- h ae The New York Times won its
By Th ssociae Press second special Pulitzer citation'.
NEW YORK - Former Sen., this time for its Sunday edition
Robert F. Wagner, author of the section, "Review of the Week."
New Deal's Wagner' Labor Rela- IOther Pulitzer awards included:
tions Act, died yesterday at 75. International Reporting - Austin
German born, Wagner was Wehrwein of the Milwaukee, Wis.,
brought to this country as a child. Journal for a series of articles on
A lifelong Democrat, he was a Canada.
lawyer whose first political post Cartoofi--Edward D. Kuekes of
was as a member of the New Yorkth Cevan,.,PinD lr,
Stat Asemby i 195. e ws afor his sketch of two soldiers in
U. S. Senator from 1927 until he Korea, commenting on the fact
resigned in 1949. that their fallen buddy was old
* * * enough to die but too young to
CHICAGO - Irenee du Pont vote,.
yesterday denied the govern-
ment's civil anti-trust complaint *
that the du Pont Company con- Plot To Kill
~rols the U. S. Rubber Co. F ie
Irenee, a defense witness in INehiru F ied
the monopoly trial being heard ____
by Federal Judge Walter J. La- I
buy, testified he and seven rela- BOMBAY, India-UP)-A police-
tives bought .about a one-third man foiled an attempt to assas-
interest in U. S. Rubber in 1927. sinate Prime Minister Nehru yes-
He said the group acted as indi- terday when he picked up a live
viduals, not as officers of E. I bomb from a railway track in the
dii Pont de Nemours & Co. locomotive headlight glare of the
* A *Indian leader's own onrushing
WASHINGTON - The White The incident occurred at Kalvan
nuse aid ay resi rk trailroad hub, 35 miles from Bom-
~enhwerwil fl toNewYor tobay, at 5 a.m., a few minutes be-
npaka twor$100-a-plate political fore the Amritsar Express thun-
liner Thrsay dered along carrying Nehru from
. Jalna to Bombay.
LONDON-Britain has protest- * * *
ad to Colombia against an attack PATROLLING the track, the
)n a British Protestant missionary policeman fired on an unidentified
~t Ubate on April 12, the govern- man believed to have placed the
nent announced Monday, bomb on the track. His bullets
bon Nttingtold theHouse ofcapetdi he earlymonin gom
Dommons Britain had demanded As Nehru's train bore down,
ser ious unprov ed t tck " o n boh b n t e p oli em n em ov
hev.s Samue ep.e inedrla t eposve wiu t reog-i
on-Coed Stniying itmat theai momen ty fo
live an proert in four Neru wntr on fro Bombay
sh . torNe elis bplnarvg
Them______meetin latee e ith dauwreohs
UnonedCoed Unin-Layu Tebmpoalofate
tudy comitteo draw up plic Seniors Contin e

Ike, States
WASHINGT0N-(P-The gov-
ernors of 44 states and five terri-
tories consulted with President
Eisenhower and his lieutenants
yesterday on "the overriding
questionu ote pace and secur-
It was the first time in 20 years
that an Armerican President has
sought te counsel of state lead.-
ers in such a meeting.
THERE WERE signs that the
governors not only are being given
a first hand picture of the state of
the world but are being told, in
part at least, what the United
States proposes to do about it.
All sessions of the two-day
conference that ends today are
being held behind closed doors.
What goes on at the extraordin-
ary meeting will be held strictly
confidential, James C. Hagerty'
the President's press secretary,
told reporters.
The President reminded the
governors that the Constitution
places the responsibility for "the
conduct of foreign affairs and the
business of war and peace" on the
federal government.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
the briefings included a report on
the situation in the Kingdom of
Laos, which the Communists are
threatening to overrun. He de-
clined to elaborate. '
On Mathematics
Prof. Hidehiko Yamabe of Osaka
University, Japan,C wil address
the Mahematis Collqum a
4 .m. today in Rm. 3011 Angell
His topic is "A Conjecture of
Iwasawa and Gleason."

Ike Opposes
Simpson Bill
On Imports
Tariff Ban May
Jolt World Allies
WASHINGTON -- (A') -- The
Eisenhower administration said
yesterday that any new bars
against imports of foreign goods
into the U.S. would jolt the econ-
omy of "jittery" free world allies
and drive them toward the Com-
munist camp..
The administration thus opened
a broad-gauge fight to killaa movne
other influential House Republi-
cans to bolster tariff protection for
some sections of American indus-
try now compaining against in-
jurious competition from foreign
A *
and a Defense Department spokes-
man told the House Ways and
Means Committee that the Simp-
son bill would seriously injure na-
tional security and the anti-Com-
munist alliance.
They urged approval of Presi-
dent Eisenhower's request for a
straight one-year extension of
the present Reciprocal Trade
Act without the many new trade
restrictions proposed by Simp-
son House S ekr hMartin
ministration's side in the sharp
GOP schism.
The speaker's stand--and Dulles'
uncompromising testiamony -- in-
dicated enough Republicans may
fall in line to give the President
what he wants. Democratic leaders
already have said they prefer an
extension of present trade frogram
without changes.
By Mcarthy
McCarthy (R.-Wis.) said yester-
day some ship owners of Ameri-
ca's Western allies are engaging
in an "unholy dual trade" with
Red China and the United States,
taking money from both sides.
McCarthy made the statement
as testimony at a hearing before
his Senate investigations sub-
committee developed these salient
1. THAT 19 owners of 82 ships
flying the flags of this country's
allies are carrying cargoes to Com-
munist, China and also hauling
U.S. for'eign aid goods to combat
communism abroad.
2 . Thtte U.S. government-
from the outbreak of the Korean
War in mid-1950 up to this mo-
nient-has never had any offi-
cial policy to "refrain from aid-
ing shipping companies that are
aiding the enemy."
"Inconceivable-the most inex-
cusable thing I've ever heard of,"
McCarthy exclaimed as the story
barked an order for two former
foreign aid chiefs in the Truman
administration--Paul G. Hoffman
and Averell Harriman - to be
called as witnesses.
Later, however, the senator told
his staff to hold fire on the order
until he could get further facts on

the situation.

Petitionsfor the men's gen-
eral co-chairmanship of next
bI "e due at5 pmMa11ith
Arrangements for interview-
ing on the afternoon and eve-
ning of May 13 may be made
by calling Union President Jay
oStk;e; '54, at either 2-4431
Petitions and reports from
other years will be available in
the Student Offices for any one
desiring to look them over,
Strickler said.
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON -- Michigan's golf
team completed its four-day inva-
sion of Big Ten links by over-
whelming Northwestern and Iowa
yesterday to make it two meets in
a row over conference linksters.
Playing under sunny skies, the
Wolverines added to their triple
win on Saturday and firmly es-
tablished themselves as the team
to beat for the conference title by
downing the Wildcats, 21-15, and
handing a 24-12 thrashing to the
JACK STUMPFIG highlighted
the double victory by shooting a
two-under-par 69 on his morning
round. Adding to this an after-
noon round of 74, Stumpfig gained
a tie for medalist honors with
Wolverine Bud Stevens, who card-
ed 70-73-143.
Stumfig took 11% of aps
sibleu12 points for the Wolver-
iewhile Svens toten val-
Wright finished with 74-73-147
to capture another ten points
for the Maize and Blue.
The fourth Michigan golfer to
break 150 was Tad Stanford, who
carded 74-75 - 149. Sophomore
Andy Andrews, playing in his
second Big Ten meet, came in
with 80-78-158. Warren Gast's
85-81-166 completes Michigan's
spot on the scoreboard.
The Wolverines took advantage
of the sub-par rounds by Stump-
fig and Stevens in the morning to
jump into a 12-6> lead over North-
western andi a 14-4 advantage over
the Hawkeyes after the first half
of the meet.
.The only other golfer to break
into the elite group below 150
was Iowa's captain, John Barton,
who carded 75-72-147 playing
See 'M' GOLFERS, Page 3
Prof. Bruno Meinecke of the
romance language department
will address a meeting of the Pre-
Medical Society at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Auditorium D, Angell Hall.
Officers for next year will also
be elected at the meeting, which
is open to all pre-medical stu-
Wolverine Club
The Wolverine Club will hold
an open meeting to discuss Block
'M' plans at '7:30 tonight in the


prisoners to a neutral Asian nation
proposed by the Communists.
He added that it "in effect
means securing the forced re-
patriation of all the prisoners."
"THAT IS merely a smoke
screen," Harrison commented.
The U.N. Command yesterday
nominated Pakistan as the neu-
tral -- one of four Asian nations
suggested by the Communists
themselves as a possible choice.
In saying the UN would not
agree to sending the prisoners to
the neutral nation, Harrison was
replying to a question raised by
North Korean Gen. Nam Il, chief
Red negotiator.
Nam Il noted that the UN Com-
mand yesterday had nominated
Pakistansas a neutral custodin of
still wanted to know whether the
UN would agree to send the pris-
oners to the neutral country.
Harrison said such a movement
was impractical. The Allies pre-
viously had rejected the Commu-
nist proposal on this score.
Meanwhile, South Koreans
fought North Koreans along the
Eastern Front yesterday, waging
war as usual, but hundreds of
thousands of Allied soldiers
marked time.
'U' Settlement
Busboy representatives from the
three quadrangles will meet today
with Leonard A. Schaadt, business
manager of the residence halls,
to press for the adoption of a new
wage and grievance plan worked
out last night.
The plan, developed by student
workers from Alice Llyod hail and
the East, South and West Quads
in a meeting at Souith Quad last
night, provides for a higher base
pay for next year and wage dif-
ferentials based on the type of
Students d ee to give the de-
tails of the plan until after to-
day's meeting with Schaadt but
added that it included the organi-
ration of a permanent grievance
committee in each of the residence
USNSA Offers
Delegate Posts
The United States National
Student Association has announc-
ed that applications are being ac-
cepted for positions in the Japan-
America Student Conference to
be held in Japan from July 10
through Aug. 15.
Further information and appli-
cations may be obtained from the
USNSA, 52 Boylston St., Cam-
bridge, Mass.

Service Held
For Students
Acombined Rosar service was
held last night for Marcia . Bab-
bidge, '54, and Jerome B. Schaack,
'53BAd., who drowned Sunday
when the1' canoe capsized on
North Lake, 18 miles northwest of
Ann Arbor.
The couple, who were said tQ
have been informally engaged,
went down in water six or seven
WITNESSES said Miss Babbidge
apparently sacrificed her life in
a futile attemnpt to save Schaack.
Both bodies were recovered by
nearby cottagers within min-
utes after the canoe in which the
pair was riding overturned 100
yards from shore.
The couple had gone out in the
canoe about 5:30 p.m. after a rain
storm. According to Prof. Philip
M. Northrop of the dental school,
at whose home the couple was
the lake wa not vy rough
dont kowwhy te canoe cap-
Prof. Northrop continue4,
"There were no other boats avail-
able for a rescue because it was
so early in the season."
Miss Babbidge was a member of
Pi Beta Phi sorority. Schaack was
a Theta Chi fraternity member.
Miss Babbidge will be buried
near her family's summer cottage
in Main. Funeral services for
Schaack will be held at St. Athan-
asius Church in Evanston, Ill.
Senate To Vote
On Submegd

POW Transport
BocksU Talks
Harrison Charges Communists
For Use of 'Smoke Screen' Tactics
By The Associated Press
PANMUNJOM - (A') -- The senior Allied truce delegate said
after yesterday's fruitless meeting with the Reds: "I have nothing
to indicate that the Communists really desire an armistice."
Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison Jr. charged the Communists with
"smoke screen" tactics In refusing to nominate a neutral nation to
take custody of prisoners refusing to go home after a truce in Korea.
HARRISON told the Reds again yesterday the UN Command
could not agree to send 48,000 such $

In a

showdown vote today the
is expected to terminate
on the controversial Gra-


FryPlay To Be Performed by Arts Theater Group
tIn a opost-seaso prd uction the
topherFrs " e of risoners"-a
prisoned in a church in enemy ter- i s
.In a sleep each of the four men
interpret their actions as sug-
gested by the ecclesiastical sur-
This productio will mark th ......."

ham-Holland submerged lands
acts giving the states control of
disputed coastal lands within
their historic boundaries.
The vote comes as the result
of a Senate agreement last Wed-
nesday to liit debate on the
leader of both paties In the
houseerto carry on marathon ses-
sions -in an effort to delay the
oay' d deadline which was
Anderon(D-NM.), a lader in
the eopposition forces,a had prev-
iously been suggested by Repub-
lican leader Robert A. Taft of
For most states, control of -the
submerged lands, will mean to the
three mile limit. Texas and Flor-
ida claim three leagues - about
makes no provisions for lands be--
An amendment by en.Dog
la (DIl. whic would hae im-
won a test of strength on their
bill1when a Taft motionilast Mon-
day to "lay on the table," and
thereby kill a federal control sub-
stitute by Sen. Anderson was de-
feated 56 to 23.
Judi eceie

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