PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1953 The Case for a Film Course THE REAPPEARANCE of "Metamorpho- sis" on campus this week is more than an occasion to applaud amateur films. The mere fact that a small group, op- erating within financial and technical limitations, could produce a full-length feature with such success, is of course im- portant. The basic crudity of "Metamor- phosis" cannot be ignored, but it aims at a standard of artistic excellence that the professional film industry constantly overlooks despite its technical perfection. An amateur film such as "Metamorpho- sis" underscores the still-undeveloped po- tentialities of the cinema art. But "Metamorphosis" also indicates that the time has come for the film to be more than an appendage to the academic world. The influence of the cinema has become too important for its history, function and pos- sibilities to be ignored in a liberal educa- tion. If there is enough film interest now to produce a full-length feature, why isn't this interest expanded in the classroom? Groups such as the Gothic Film Society and Student Legislature Cinema Guild are able to make films available to the general pub- lic, but they cannot provide for film analy- sis. The logical solution is to incorporate the film in the college curriculum. The University does maintain an Audio- Visual Education Center that makes films available for classroom use, supplementing the course material. But no course is of- fered here that considers the film as a spe- cific form of expression. At the University of Southern California, movies are accepted as part of the American cultural scene, and a major in motion pictures is offered. Un- fortunately this acceptance hasn't pene- trated further than the seat of the motion- picture industry. However, the creation of a film appre- ciation course here is more than an in- teresting possibility. Student and faculty interest and available facilities all can- cel out objections to expanding the elab- orate art appreciation program of the University, encompassing art, music, dra- ma, and literature, to include the film. First of all, there is a large supply of significant films available for study, both in the more convenient 16 mm. size, and the 33 mm. films shown commercially. The Film Library of the Museum of Modern Art circulates programs of films to almost 2,000 institutions throughout the country at low rental rates of $20 for a 16 mm. movie and $40 for 35 mm. films. A number of groups, both in Chicago and New York, circulate representative foreign and American films, although their selection is not as complete as the Museum of Modern Art Film Library. Facilities on this campus for presenting both 16 mm. and 35 mm. films are ex- cellent. The Audio-Visual Center is able to furnish projectors and operators as part of its service for all 16 mm. films. These can be shown in any classroom, and in most auditoriums on campus. As for the commercial films, there are four places on campus which have the more extensive facilities necessary for their showing: Hill Auditorium, Lydia Mendelssohn and Rack- ham Amphitheater. The only additional cost involved in showing 35 mm. films (outside the rental fee) would be a un- ion operator.. The scene is set for a film appreciation course-the next step is up to the adminis- tration. The motion picture has come a long way since its first public showing in 1895. It is now a contemporary art worthy of serious consideration, worthy of being recognized in the University's curriculum. -Debra Durchslag T D Tag Day THE TRADITIONAL Tag Day bucket will. be replaced today and tomorrow by tin cans carefully marked with Fresh Air Camp signs. The containers are different, but the cause is no less worthy than in previous years. The drive gives the campus an opportunity to contribute to the Univer- sity Fresh Air Camp which provides sum- mer recreation for over 400 underprivi- leged Michigan boys. The camp, which over the past years has taken on socio- logical functions, provides a rehabilita- tion program for the campers and a training program for students in this field. According to tradition the tin cans will be manned by students, faculty members and alumni. The campus will have a chance today and tomorrow to show a sense of com- munity responsibility by contributing generously to Tag Day. --The Senior Staff "Hey - Here I Am" 99. f: ' "'j ybt r J - rcrr:-t Ij ~ "c .,rI x~e ette'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. i, Cairo Riots **. To the Editor: I SHOULD LIKE to see Profes- sor Ramzi's evidence that the burnings in Cairo on January 26, 1952, were the work of "the agents of Farouk and the British." It will take a lotto convince me that Britain instigated the destruction of British property in Cairo valu- ed, at the time, at three to five million pounds sterling. Accord- ing to my information, from reli- able neutral sources, the burnings were the work of a well-organized Egyptian group, possibly Ahmad Husayn's party; they were allow- ed to proceed unhindered 'by the Egyptian police; and the Wafdist Minister of the Interior, Fu'ad Serag ad-Din, made no move to call in the Egyptian army. After a whole day of riots, the army was called in by the King and promptly restored order. -George F. Hourani Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies :-I-((( demonstrating proper respect-a deep-rooted trait of a real man, and their need of manliness-an assumed quality of a Gentleman, not a child; of a University stu dent, not a mere adolescent. With the support of the fairer sex, shown' by their intense applause and their scattered antagonistic remarks directed toward our com- petitors, we were encouraged to continue our singing. Several male residents appeared in the court jeering with white sheets over their heads. What were the intentions of these "gen- tlemen?" Were they merely trying to scare us out of the court - a foolish trick instigated to frighten twenty men away? After directing our last song to- ward these "practical jokers," we left with our warm and hearty spirits replaced with a feeling of indignation toward tlese inci- dents. -James Echols Arthur M. Townsend, III Walter M .McMurtry * * * MUSIC =1Z L cr - -- - - e1 ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round ; with DREW PEARSON I' ': l _ .. 21 WASHINGTON-Behind all the furor ov- er the dismissal of Dr. Allen V. Astin as head of the Bureau of Standards are some interesting maneuvers hitherto un- known to the public. These quiet tactics center around the Bureau's vital development work on fuses for bombs, shells and guided missiles. For years several large corporations have' been anxious to take over the Bureau's fuse program. Naturally if a private com- pany gets in on the ground floor in de- signing fuses, it would be in the best po- sition to get subsequent multimillion-dol- lar fuse-production contracts. As far back as March 2, little more than a month after Sinclair Weeks was sworn in as Secretary of Commerce and as boss of the Bureau of Standards, Moorehead Pat- terson, President of the American Machine and Foundry Co., paid a visit to the Bureau of Standards. As head of the huge A.M.&F. Co., and a good friend of Secretary Weeks, Mr. Patterson was given a warm reception. "I understand," said Patterson, "that this whole research and development pro- gram on fuses will soon be taken away from the Bureau. I want you all to know my company will be happy to pick up the pieces." "In addition," he told the startled scientists, "I'm ready to move the whole operation, including personnel, to my Bos- ton plant." This was well before Sinclair Weeks fired Dr. Astin. It was also the first inkling the scientists had that the nation's vital fuse program was to be put on the auction block. In fact, they were skeptical about Patterson's pre- diction and went Ahead with their work. Patterson, however, was so sure of his in- formation that, before leaving Washington, he made attractive financial offers to sev- eral key scientists. PENS AND FUSES THE FOLLOWING WEEK, Fred K. Pow- ell, Jr., vice-president of American Ma- chine and Foundry, arrived in Washington. Powell went so far as to tell Pentagon and Commerce Departngnt officials that his CURRENTn MOVE aAt the Michigan.. . AGAINST ALL FLAGS, with Maureen O'Hara and Errol Flynn. AS MIGHT BE expected from the title and previews, this picture is not of the highest calibre. It has nothing new to offer except Maureen O'Hara wielding a wicked sword. The story is the usual cut-and-dried pi- rates and British navy clash, with the Invincible xood Men scoring their inevi- table victory. Miss O'Hara is a bad-on- the-outside but good-down-deep pirate captain who uses Errol Flynn, a king's spy, to make her escape from the barbar- ism of the piratical life to the wonders of urban society. What mistakes the story fails to commit' are amply replaced by the inefficiency of company was ready to absorb the whole fuse program "on a moment's notice." Then, on March 25, Secretary Weeks wrote a confidential letter to defense boss Charlie Wilson urging the Pentagon to remove the fuse program from Weeks' own Bureau of Standards. Weeks' letter to Wilson was disguised in official double- talk, but its meaning was clear. He wrote: "I bring this (fuse program) to your at- tention in case you wish to delegate some- one to check these expenditures and, per- haps, suggest an examination and even a re-evaluation of the research program." At first this got no favorable response from the Defense Department. Armed serv- ices knew the amazing job the Bureau of Standards had done on fuses. When others failed, Bureau scientists had developed the proximity fuse during World War II, the fuse which explodes when it approaches its target, and which causes the amazing guid- ed missile to steer a course toward its tar- get. In fact, Army-Navy experts wrote a confidential memo to Secretary of De- fense Wilson warning against danger to the guided-missile program if Dr. Astin was not reinstated. Later, however, Secretary of Commerce Weeks got his way. His colleague, Secretary of Defense Wilson, has now issued instruc- tions to curtail further military research funds for the Bureau of Standards. NOTE: Assistant Secretary of Commerce Sheaffer, the fountain-pen manufacturer, told friends that one of the first things he would do in Washington was shake up the Bureau of Standards. He claimed they had been unfair in testing one of his pens. HEADLINES AND FOOTNOTES COMPTROLLER GENERAL Lindsay War- ren has ordered his accoupting sleuths to audit the huge "mail payments" the gov- ernment is ladling out to the airlines. It was a similar investigation that led to re- form of the Maritime Commission . It's a neat trick if h'e can do it, but Con- gressman Miller of Nebraska has promised to make daylight saving time retroactive for the Nation's Capital. In other words, D.C. residents can turn their clocks ahead an hour beginning last Sunday. This proposal was made in all serious- ness by Miller, after Congressman Bender of Ohio urged quick action on the daylight saving bill . . . . "I suppose we might try to make it retroactive," offered Miller .. . The Chinese Communists are quietly with- drawing a full division from the Korean front. Captured prisoners say it is on its way back to China. This may be evidence that the latest Chinese truce bid is gen- uine. Senator Chaves of New Mexico is flat on his back at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. Friends say he was driven there by worry over Pat Hurley's unrelenting campaign against him in New Mexico .'. . . Karl Schlotterbeck is chief counsel of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee now trying to sabotage social security. In his spare time, he also serves as a special consultant to the new Secretary of Welfare, Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, who is supposed to look out for social security . . . . Communists are trying to plant the rumor that the three atomic explosions in Russia were misfires and that At Hill Auditorium.. . May Festival EUGENE ORMANDY opened our sixtieth May Festival by paying homage to Serge Prokofieff, the Russian composer whose death a few months ago signaled the end of an era. He was the last Russian composer who was able to practice his art on foreign shores. His seventh symphony is a shocking de- parture from the works that preceded it. Gone is the heavy orchestration and thick texture that had made his music so weigh- ty and ponderous. Gone is intensity, the dynamic crescendos that related him to the symphonic tradition, and perhaps earned him the dubious Soviet epithet, bourgeois formalist. Gone are the disson- ances and clashes, a style from which he was gradually taking leave through the years anyway. Gone are the rather exotic- ally contoured melodic intervals that had defined his themes, and the motor rhythm from which he had occasionally created strength. What is left is simplicity, banal simplici- ty. Prokofieff's defenders have called this work the composer's answer to his Com- munist critics, to the purges of the last few years. Though documented information on this issue is most certainly not available, I feel that this -is only half an answer. I have never felt that Prokofieff reached maturity as a composer. The modernity of the twen- ties, to which he was exposed in Paris, has always seemed to me inherently hostile to his temperament. . Prokofieff felt the seventh symphony. It is almost Mahlerian in that it finds expres- sivity in contrasting melodic sections, dwell- ing on striking though simple harmonies, reaching for romantic heights and epigra- matic flavors, and leaving structure to the su- perficial though obvious method of using four movements related only in the return of the first movement in the finale. Organic structure, emotional depth is not in this music. It is more like a French ballet, music for the cinema, and at times symphonic arrangements a la Kostalan- etz. But throughout Prokofieff's career this strain has been underlying. Is it not at bottom basic to Peter and the Wolf, Romeo and Juliet, and his fifth sympho- ny? But here, where Prokofieff lays it bare, it lacks individuality of style. There is too much of other composers. At times the work contains satire, a qulity he immortalized in his Classical symphony. This was shown by the cinematic theme in the first movement, and by the rondo theme of the last movement. But even here it is too trite to be more than passively effective. There is nothing irritating about this work. It is tuneful, and pleasant. However it lacks style, and thereby greatness. Taken as a whole and also with his entire creative output it represents a testimonial of a com- poser who never found his expressive man- ner, but who did approach the threshold. Perhaps this is only justice to a man who, from the reports we do have, also never com- pleted his intellectual struggle. Needless to say Mr. Ormandy gave the work a stunning performance, with his magnificent string section having free play throughout. The Philadelphia orchestra is the world's finest symphonic instrument, and their playing of the "Academic Festi- val Overture" of Brahms stated this fact at the outset of the concert. The soloist of the evening was Alexan- der Brailowsky who performed the Cho- pin E minor Concerto for Piano and Or- chestra. Here is a work where the inspec- chestra. Here is a work where interpre- purposes there is none, expect for what the repetition of themes gives. The concerto has plenty of the melodic lyricism for which the composer is fa- mous. Brailowsky gave it a robust interpre- tation, something not usually considered - - - .. o DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Plant Layout Engineer, Chemist, As- sociate Chemist; and for women: Asso- ciate Organic Chemist, Assistant Mi- crobiologist, Bacteriologist. The Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion announces examination for Mer- cantile Inspector I, Blind Typist I, and Architectural Engineer. Applica- tions for the exams must be in no lat- er than May 20. Further details con- cerning the positions may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments. Cooper Bessemer Co., of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, is interested in hearing from Mechanical and Industrial Engineers as well as Business Administration stu- dents with some Engineering training for positions as salesmen within the firm. Robert Hal, Inc., New York City, has openings for Sales Trainees. June or recent graduates may apply for the openings, and placement may be ob- tained in various locations throughout the country. Ypsilanti State Hopsital has available positions for Rehabilitation Therapists. Those men and women with degrees in Psychology, Sociology, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Correction may apply. Solvay Process Division, Allied Chem- ical & Dye Corp., of Detroit, has open- ings in their Sales, Technical Service, and Research Departments for Chemi- cal Engineers or Chemists. The Department of Highway, State of Ohio, has open a Highway Training Program for Civil Engineers. Those graduating in June may apply for the program. Mueller Brass Co., of Port Huron, Mich., is in need of Civil, Metallurgi- cal, and Mechanical Engineers, in addi- tion to Business Administration gradu- ates for their Sales Organization. Frankford Arsenal, of Philadelphia, Pa., has available openings for Mechan- ical, Electrical, and Electronic Engineers, as well as Physicists. A bulletin and de- tails concerning the positions are avail- able at the Bureau of Appointments. For appointments, applications, and further information concerning these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of History, "What Luther Means in Germany Today," Dr. Gerhard Ritter, Professor of Modern History, the University of Freiburg, Fri., May 1, 4:15 p.m., Angell Hall Auditorium A. Fac- ulty, students, and the general public are invited. Academ*ic Notices Doctoral Examination for John Wal- ter Gyr, Social Psychology; thesis: "Theory of Interpersonal Decision," Fri., May 1, East Co'uncil Room, Rackham Building, at 4 p.m. Chairman, A. F. Zander. Doctoral Examination for Prahliad C. Rajam, Bacteriology; thesis: "The Effect ' of Pneumonia, Produced by D. Pneu- moniae, Type I on the Ascorbic Acid of Tissues of the Guinea Pig," Sat., May 2, 1564 East Medical Building, at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester. Concerts May Festival Programs. Second Concert, Fri., May 1, 8:30: Bach Mass in B minor-soloists: Doro- thy Warenskjold, soprano; Janice Mou- dry, contralto; Harold Haugh, tenor; Kenneth Smith, bass; with University Choral Union, Philadelphia Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor. Third concert, Sat., May 2, 2:30: Zino Francescatti, violinist. Program: Ros- sini Overture "L'Italiana in Algeri"; Tschaikowsky Overture-Fantasia, "Ro- meo and Juliet"; Beethoven Concerto in D major for Violin and Orchestra; Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. Festival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, con- ductor, in a Suite of Songs by Benjamin Britten; and Philadelphia Orchestra. Fourth concert, Sat., May 2, 8:30: Ce- sare Siepi, bass; Philadelphia Orches- tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Pro- gram: Strauss "Don Juan"; Hinremith "Mathis der Maler"; Weinberger Polka and Fugue from "Schwanda"; and arias-Mozart "Mentre ti lascio"; Ver- di* "Ella giammai m'amno" from "Don Carlo"; and Gomez "Di sposo di pa- dre" from "Salvator Rosa." Fifth concert, Sun., May 3, 2:30: Ru- dolf Firkusny, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra; University Choral Union; Thor Johnson, conductor. Program: Schubert Overture in the Italian Style; Martin u Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra; two choral works-Brahms "Triuphlied,",and "Prairie" by Norm- and Lockwood with baritone solo by Ara Berberian. Carillon Recital. Wendell Westcott, Carillonneur of Michigan State Col- lege, will appear as guest carillonneur at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, May 2, play- ing on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include selections from Handel's "Water Music," three songs by Stephen Foster, Praeludium by Rtters; two works by Debussy, Berceuse, written by Mr. Westcott, and Rachmaninoff's Pre- lude in C-sharp minor. Composers Forum, Monday evening, May 4, 8:30, Rackham Assembly Hall. The program is as follows: Sonata for Horn and Piano by Leslie Bassett; Dance Suite by William Doppmann; .String Trio by Reginald Hall; Piano Sonata by Don-David Lusterman; String Trio by Jerome Jelinek, and Sonata for Cello and Piano by George Wilson. The works will be performed by Ted Evans, horn; Darlene Rhodus, flute; Robert Onofrey. clarinet; Rov Yttrehus, tim- pani; Unto Erkkila, violin; David Ire- land, viola; Jerome Jelinek and Camil- la Heller, cello; Wilbur Perry and Wil- liam Doppmann, piano. The general public is invited. Events Today Forum on College and University Teaching. Final session today from 3 to 5 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater. Top- le: How to Evaluate the Student's Prog- ress. Professors Bradley M. atten and Leo A. Schmidt will discuss "Good' and Bad Examinations"; Professors Edward J. Furst and Mabel E. Rugen will dis- cuss "Additional Factors to Consider." Professor Algo D. Henderson will serve as chairman. Faculty of the Universi- ty and graduate students are invited. Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, 8 p.m. Mr. L. R. Doherty will speak on "Shooting Stars." After the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic ob- servation of Saturn and a double star, if the sky is clear, or forinspection of the telescopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. The Episcopal Student Foundation presents the Series of Five, a series of informal lectures by outstanding speakers. The third of the series will be the Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emrich, Bishop of Michigan, who will speak on "Birth Control - Sin? Christian?" Fri., May 1, at 7 p.m., 218 N. Division. All interested persons invited. Westminster Guild Great Books Sem- inar at 8 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church Student Center. Discussion of "Roadsrto Agreement" by Stuart Chase. Sponsored by the Graduate Group. Ev- eryone welcome. Refreshments. The Student Center is open Friday and Sat- urday evenings until 12o'clock. Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Today In the Union from 2 to 4 p.m. All "Pin- afore" principals. Motion Pictures, auspices of Univers- sity Museums, "Earth," "Mountain Building" and "Work of Rivers." 7:30 p.m. Kellogg Auditorium. No admis- sion charge. Freshman Rendezvous Reunion and Work Day at the Fresh Air Camp. Breakfast at Lane Hall, 6:30 a.m. Transportation by bus. Call Ext. 2851 for reservationis. Wesley Foundation. Rollerskating Meet in the Wesley Lounge at 8 p.m. Psychology Club. Discussion and planning for future programs, 3 p.m. 3415 Mason Hall. All interested students are invited. SL International Week Sub-Commit- tee will meet at 3:10 at the SL Building. Congregational Disciples Guild. Meet at Guild House for supper hike, 5;30- 8:00 p.m. The Tennis Club will meet today at 4 p.m. at W.A.B. All interested coeds are invited to attend. Roger Williams Guild. At 8 p.m. we hold an informal party in and out of the Fellowship Hall. Come dressed to hike. Coming Events Economics Club. Professor Gottfried Haberler, of the Department of Eco- nomics, Harvard University, will speak on "Recent Developments in Business Cycle Theory," at 8 p.m., Mon., May 4, Rackham Amphitheater. All staff mem- bers and students in Economics and Business Administration are invited. Others who are interested will be wel- 11 Busboys and Unions . . . Con jested Hallways To the Editor: To the Editor: A LOOK AT some figures will WAS IN total sympathy with show that the wage demands the remarks of Mr. Davis in of the West Quad strikers are Wednesday's Daily on the deplor- completely justified. Before 1949, ably conjected condition at the dorm fees averaged $475-$500 per junction of Haven, Mason, and year (as stated in University ca- Angell Halls. talogue). In the same period, bus- There are several ways in which boys earned $.65 and $.70 per this situation might be improved. hour. Taking the lower figure in For one the Mason Hall stairwell each case, that means that a bus- which is located directly off the boy had to work 731 hours in or- lobby might be widened to'take der to earn room and board. more traffic. This would be an In 1952, dorm fees averaged expensive undertaking but in view $650, while busboys earned $.80 of the seriousness of the conjes- per hour the first semester (150 tion and the likelihood of acci. hours) and $.85 thereafter. That dents it might be a small price to means that at $.80 per hour a bus- pay. boy had to work 813 hours to earn Also at the point where the new his room and board. building joins Angell Hall a wider The difference between 813 staircase or possibly a ramp might hours and 731 hours is the extra be installed to take the heavy amount busboys had to work last flow of traffic. There is presently year, compared with -1949, to earn sufficient lobby space to do this their room and board. so teiat the costs of alterations Thus the busboys are subsidiz- rnighit not be unreasonable. At ing the University by 82 hours of least the possibility might be in- free work, or, at $.80 per hour, vestigated. they are subsidizing the Univer- The one area that is difficult to sity by $65.60 per year. solve and that we must resign To express the same thing in ourselves to is the corridor be- percentages, dorm costs have in- tween the auditoriums. Here the creased 36% in this period, while architects were faced with a limit- busboys' wages have gone up only ed amount of space between An- 23%. gell and Haven Halls in which to In light of these facts, the strik- cram four auditoriums. As a result ers deserve the full support of the the circulation space was dras- I student body, and particularly of tically cut down below what it the other working students. We should be. 11 ,d t should offer to help them in every possible way so they. can win a decent wage. The University is attempting to break this strike by hiring young high school women to work at the evening meal. What right does the University have to engage in strikebreaking when working peo- ple's taxes in this state pay for a large part of University costs? In spite of this, the students can win if they cooperate and work for the raise in an organized way.' Now is a good time to form a un- ion of every working student in Ann Arbor to secure a decent, minimum $1.00 hourly wage. -Mike Sharpe, Chairman Labor Youth League .* * * Cat Calls . . To the Editor: AFTER HAVING been received graciously by five of the wo- men's dormitories on the campus of the great Michigan University, Kappa Alpia Psi Fraternity, in high spirits, journeyed toward its destination: the co-ed dormitory, East Quadrangle. With the sing- ing of our initial greeting song, the ladies, by their immediate ap- pearance at the windows and their anticipatory applause indicated the extent of their interest and inspired our group to give its all. But no sooner had we begun, we were impeded by discourteous jeering and cat-calls which were initiated by the "gentlemen" on the opposite side of the court, thus displaying their dire need of Little Man On Campus -Joseph Savin Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by studentsof the University of Michlgan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young......Managing Editor Barnes Connable..........City Editor Cal Samra....,.....Editorial Director Zander Hollander........Feature Editor Sid Klaus. . . Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman..... Associate Editor Ed Whipple. ...... Sports Editor John Jenke .... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewld -..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler . . Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.., .Chief Photographer Business Staff Al Green............ Business Manager Milt Goetz......... Advertising Manager Diane Johnston. .. . Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg.... Finance Manager Harlean Hankin.. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to .the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail $7.00. I I. by Bibler - AN IDpHEP TH'rSOtFF IN' 15 MINUTES -- S'POSE I CQJLV71R . GET AN"A'oYN MYNEXT J