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April 30, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-30

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Busboys'A ction;
Grad Students'
THE PLIGHT OF West Quad's striking
busboys points up the futility of a few
dozen students attempting to deal with the
administration. Having hired replacements
for the strikers, the quad managers con-
sider their side'of the question settled. They
are content to wait until the dissatisfied
busboys see "reason" and return to their
low wage jobs.
By comparing raises in quad room ex-
penses with salary increases granted stu-
dent employes, it is apparent that stu-
dent employes' wages are lagging behind
the stiff rent hikes. At the same time
resident comment indicates that quad
living conditions, never of the best, are
declining in the face of rising rents.
Rather than sitting back and waiting for
the busboys to come to heel, the quad ad-
ministration might better give a slight wage
increase for the balance of' this semester
and guarantee a substantial hike in the
fall. At the same time, officials should look
toward improving general living conditions.
Concern has been voiced over the future
of the much publicized Michigan Hose
Plan in the face of fraternity competition
and higher costs. A greater threat to the
system. lies in such disregard of student
needs and problems as has been evidenced
in the busboy case. Students who are work-
ing their way through the University by
waiting table can hardly be impressed with
the Michigan House Plan when they see
Ann Arbor high school girls hired to break
up their protest measures. The House Plan
will fail if these conditions continue and if
living standards continue to deteriorate in
the residence halls.
THE ACADEMIC freedom statement re-
cently adopted by the Graduate Student
Council. should not go unnoticed by the
campus. A well-written, timely mesage, the
statement points out that worthwhile study
"can exist and flourish only in an atmos-
phere of free inquiry and research in an in-
stitution dedicated to the preservation and
protection of academic freedom."
The Council also expressed an expecta-
tion "that the University will be ever
more prepared to maintain and defend
the academic freedom of its faculty and
student body" and pledged its support to
the maintenance of this freedom.
As less responsible elements in Congress
and public life sneer at academic freedom,
we can only be encouraged when a thought-
ful statement of this type is adopted by re-
presentatives of University graduate stu-
dents. Though statements of this type may
seemingly have little effect against Mc-
Carthy bombast, it can be hoped that in the
final analysis they will stand as the realistic
approach to the problem.
-Harry Lunn
Le Tartuffe, presented by Le Cercle Francais
bers of the cast undertook a difficult
task in producing Moliere's Le Tartuffe, one
of the most difficult plays of the French
theater, but James Davies as Tartuffe, Mur-
ray Budney as Orgon and Lillian Bickert as

Dorine overcame these difficulties to give
commendable performances.
Additional -praise should go to Joan
Alan as Elmire, Frank Richardson as Da-
mie, Claude Prevots as Valere, and Carole
Lofgren as Mariane.
After a rather stiff and overly studied be-
ginning, both the action and the actors be-
gan to pick up and hold the interest of the
audience. The actors overcame the diffi-
culties of Moliere's subtle wit successfully.
Especially clever scenes between Tartuffe
and Orgon, Dorine and Elmire seemed to
particularly delight the audience.
Occasional poor intonation and'pronounci-
ation distracted from the comprehension of
the French. Many of the actors were too stiff
and stood interminably in one spot, especial-
ly in scenes where the entire cast was on-
One cannot justifiiably criticize the ef-
forts of French language students and
teaching fellows on an equal plane with
a performance by a French professional
Any foreign play presents the difficulty of
overcoming a language barrier while develop-
ing competent acting. Le Tartuffe makes it
even more difficult by requiring an under-
standing of the keen French subtlety of wit.
A few of the actors managed to combine
their skills in overcoming the difficulty com-
-Ruth Gowa

Brave New World---600 Years Early

. oeeri to [l4' &cltor *

APRIL, 1953: The brave' new world is
upon us.
In 1932 Aldous Huxley wrote a book about
a Utopia in which he projected 600 years
into the future. In 1945, in a preface to a
reissue of "The Brave New World," Huxley
'suggested that the passing of 16 years had
changed his foresight somewhat; many of
his predictions seemed possible within but a
Ninety-two years sooner than he dared
allow for his Utopia, we turn off the
alarm clock, stretch, yawn stnd awake in
that brave new world.
Huxley's world worshipped Ford, while we
genuflect before a worthy competitor, Gen-
eral Motors. Aldous oply missed the boat
here by a few defense contracts.
Huxley wrote of a highly centralized so-
ciety where few people could recall Shakes-
peare, where history is abolished and books
are burned. Save for a few Alpha plus pro-
fessors, who can recall the great bard? (The
younger generation is more apt to attribute
a Shakespearean quote to Milton Berle.) A
look at a. daily newspaper will show us how
history is erased or ignored or rearranged
and the burning of books fills our lungs with
A society of, Alphas, Betas, Gammas
and Epsilons such as Huxley described
-stylized, conforming to a single mold-

would be only too familiar to most college
students with their classic Greek white
bucks, grey flannels and yellow slickers.
Huxley painted a Utopia with everything
and every person cellophane-wrapped and
carefully labeled (super market style); the
population freed from the bonds of par-
ents (as, in our age, the hot rod and hard-
top convertible tear youth from the fireside
and the apronstrings); where the masses
are taught to love the state blindly ("I love
my country right or wrong," says McCar-
thy; "I pledge allegiance to the flag and
the Daughters of the American Revolution."
comes the echo); where people would enjoy
a casual sexual promiscuity (our changing
moral code and flexible divorce laws allow
for the taking of the fourteenth wife);
where the population would be educated by
sleep hynosis (a modern age scientific re-
ality, five dollars down and twelve small
monthly, payments) and lulled to sleep by
drugs (such as television, movies and an
injection of the needle); and "feelies" (only
slightly more dimensionally exciting than
our own Three Dimensional Frankenstein-
"You are in the picture.")
In this world of mass production and con-
sumption, of the scientist always one-up
on the masses and the masses lulled into
peaceful acquiescense, we greet the brave
new world.
--Gayle Greene

It Might Have Been .. .

ALOCAL LIBRARY yesterday was the
scene of an elaborate soul-searching
and shelf-cleaning ceremony.
Starting the rites off with a solemn
pledge of allegiance to the flag, the Ii-
brarians built a small bonfire to receive
any material which, as Rep. Kit Clardy
said, "might corrupt the innocent."
The first publication to go. of course, was
the obscure magazine, "New World Review,"
which lauded Russia and which was blat-
antly immoral and indecent. It was also
Speaking in a low whisper, the head li-
brarian explained to the press that no one
had complained about the objectionable
magazine and, that it had somehow sneaked
onto the shelf.
He comented that in the future he per-

sonally would inspect all incoming pub-.
lications and that all librarians would
be held responsible for any ' dangerous
literature which might possibly tend to
undermine God and country. (He cited
the bad tendency and clear and present
danger doctrines.)
One librarian said, as she dropped ten
books in the blaze, "there was all sorts of
subversion in these . . . one named Stalin
a world leader and another called for a
strong UN as the only answer to war."
And so after a feverish day of book
burning, the library is purified and ready
for Kit Clardy and his committee next
The appetite of the inquisitors has been
satiated here. It is hoped that other Michi-
gan libraries wil.l follow suit.
-Alice Bogdonoff

Kavinoky's Boobk.. s
To the Editor:.
AS AN ALUMNAE of the Uni- f
versity and a former ,reporter
on The Daily, I still take an in-
terest in the publication. In your
April 15 issue I saw the review of
"All the Young Summer Days" by ~'
former Hopwood winner, Bernice U
Kavinoky. ,
It was in such striking contrast
to the favorable New York reviews
of her novel that I thought those E'/
of your readers who are interested > f
in serious writing might like to y
see a few other opinions.
On Sunday, April 5, for in- 't x
stance, The New York Times saysf
in part:r
"The writing is sensitive and R
unpretentious. There is a fine #
control to the book; it is a com-
posed novel, with its parts fitting "<
all together to make up a living
whole,.. There is a feeling for
both interdependence andnclash
in this quiet prose; and there are
some real penetrations into / the a
depths of consanguinity and af- x
finity, of love and hate." '*y.: w
The following is from The New "DDaily-Walt Kelly
York Herald Tribune for Sunday, Pogo would like to appear in The Daily, and The Daily would like
April 12:
. it has beauty and 'truth. to have him - but cartoon syndicates' regulations say otherwise.
Combining an unhackneyed prose
-which at its best is often poetic persons have long since stilled dents in the matter of private
-with an insight which manages their thoughts; more are doing so housing.
to make relatively common things each day. It will be easy. While at the same time the 'U'
new again and uncommon things The command will go quietly uses discriminatory practices in
understandable . . . To miss this out one morning: THINKING IS the employment of student help
book would be to miss reading the! FORBIDDEN. And the eyes will for the dining halls. How discrim-
very interesting first work of a be on YOU! inatory? Part time help from the
very promising new novelist." -Lawrence Hulack outside is paid a fifth more than
-Helen Worth * * * student help. Is this in keeping
*'*o* with the F.E.P.C. idea? The stu-
*Accolades .*.. dent help is not only discriminat-
Perry & IHC .To the Editor: ed against, but is kept from tak-
To the Editor: [O PRAISE would to me seem ing leave of 'U' employment by
IT WAS noted, during World War too great for the Speech De- the threat of having a black mark
Two, certain prisoners on the partment's production of "Deep added to University records. Yet
so - called concentration camps Art The Roots" which I had the many students must work in the
went to great lengths to imitate great pleasure of witnessing. Aside dining halls due to the conveni-
the actions of their guards; even from the play's centering on a to- ence afforded by this employment.
setting up "courts" which punish- pic which is of utmost importance This leaves studen't help at the
ed, even killed other prisoners. in the world today-that of race mercy of 'U' administrators. Un-
Psychologists have advanced sev- relations, the acting from start to less they are successful in the pre-
eral explanations for this pheno- finish was little short of magni- sent dispute the help will again
menon, some of which seem fairly 11ficient. I had already attended be subject to these unfair prac-
reasonable. one previous production of the tices. And also the 'U' will feel
Here at the University, I have Speech Department this year, and that it can reach out and impose
also noticed that certain of the was not much impressed by it, and its will, undisputed, on other stu-
student judicial bodies tend to merely went to "Deep Are The dent affairs.
adopt many of the University's Roots" because a personal friend, -David Richardson
policies in dealing with "wrong- A. Vernon Lapps, who starred in Robert Kay
doers." I refer particularly to the the play as Senator Langdon, had * * *
recent use, by the IHC Jud Com, mentioned to me over a month
of an old University weapon, the ago that when this play came Workingman's Plight .
fine, in dealing with Bob Perry, along, it would be worth going to. To the Editor:
It is to be hoped that Perry will My expectations were really not HE BUSBOYS' strike vividly
not be forced, by the University too great after my reaction to the g TOYS' srer ivdly
(who, after all, has all the au- other department production, but brings to' the foreground the
thority) to pay the $40. I was in for a big surprise. The position of the working students
Actually, Perry's offense ap- acting was all smooth and almost gon campus. With the cot of liv-
pears to be somewhat ridiculous, flawlessly executed so far as I was ing in Ann Arbor one of the high-
Door to door soliciting is one of able to judge. The display and est in the nation, it is despicable
the best methods known to ac- control of emotions by the various that student wages should be at
quaint students with candidates. members of the cast was marvel- the low level they are. Students
Andtheproessis vidntl ile-ous and I am sure that everyone1 who are forced to earn their way
Aned the process is evidently ile- sanIamsrthteryn through school deserve applause
gal only on the college level. I who was able to see the play was tnu cho dsr applause
am sure that Senator Ferguson well rewarded for their time spent. and consideration, not hinderance
would not be arrested if he went I shall certainly welcome similar in their efforts. It is no easy load
from door to door in Ann Arbor, productions by the speech depart- to go to school and earn one's liv-
soliciting votes. Perry doubtless ment particularly those along a ing at the same time.
r a I do that th t similar serious vein, and will make The University has felt "justi-
another of the endless string of it a definite point to try to see fd" i raisig tuition, in hiking
rules which serves no purpose them.domtrrae;ytitflsn
other than needless regulationsef° -Victor E. Nelson obligation to make commensurate
ts* adjustments in wage rates to stu-
student affairs. sydents who Are trying to get an
-Persse O'Reilly Busboys . .. education.
* * * To the Editor: Ann Arbor has long existed on
o-Think . .. HE STAND of the West Quad the exorbitant prices derived from
To the Editor: busboys is to be commended, student spending.
To te Edtor:for the 'U' has maintained an in- in face of these conditions a
IT IS comforting to see that the ;consistent policy toward student student who is trying to "work his
administration of the Massa- affairs long enough. On the one way" through college is presented
chusetts Institute of Technology hand the Office of Student Af- with a wage rate which is in no
has kept pace with the numerous fairs d e c r i e s discrimination way sufficient to provide his basic
o t h e r educational institutions I against foreign and colored stu- needs of room, board, and tuition,
which have cleansed suspect ma-j
thematicians from their staffs.

unless he chooses to work an inor-
dinate number of hours at the risk
of harming his scholastic endeav-
ors. And is this not defeating the
purpose of getting an education in
the first place?
The busboys at the WestQuad
are not an isolated group. All
working students on campus are
faced with this same situation.
It is high time the University,
that employs so many of these
students leads the way to estab-
lishing a more equitable wage
Otherwise, the attempt to
achieve an education on one's
own, minus a "rich papa" will
truly be a.farce. The picture of
educational opportunity is a dis-
mal one indeed!
-Sylvia Diederick
Diana Styler
* * *






Quad Menues
To the Editor:
DINNER MENU-Monday, April
27, East Quad.
Tossed Salad (nine tenths
Bread & Butter
Butterscotch Sundae
One glass of milk & tea or
Thecabove menu is one of the
poorest excuses for a dinner pos-
sible particularly when it follow-
ed one of East Quad's famous
"sandwich" lunches. I find it dif-
ficult to believe I'm eating over
$2.00 worth of food and labor a
Also, I would like to point out
that since spring vacation the
food menus have been particular:
ly under par.
--Mitchel Drake
Blusboys and Realism. ,
To the Editor:
I HAVE A modest proposal that
I should like to offer to the Uni-
versity in order that it may bring
the solution of the 'busboy con-
troversy' more closely within an
even greater "reality," than Jane
Howard suggests in her editorial
"What Price Busboys." Miss How-
ard hopes that the busboys' wages
remain at the present level be-
cause of the lack of funds.
I suggest that all dormitory bus-
boys work with no pay. Since the
University is working with "al-
ready reduced appropriations,"
this would seem to be the only
honorable, 'realistic' step. With
the added funds the University
could build a bigger and better
football team, thereby enhancing
the University's prestige.
To be - thoroughly consistent
(and who doesn't want to be con-
sistent today?"), I propose that
the University become truly 're-
alistic,' and allow all its st dent
employees to work with no say.
I further offer that student em-
ployees be allowed to work ten
hours a day so that we might re-
turn to the 'realistic' days of our
I feel confident that such a
plan would be successful, for its
very basis is 'reality.' The few
who might still claim that-student
employees should be paid for their
labors could easily be shown as
crackpots if not agitators merely
by calling them 'un-Realists.'
This plan would also prevent any
further "too-ostentatious pleas"
for pay increases. As the Univer-
sity is always operating with "re-
duced appropriations," pay raises
will always be 'unrealistic' under
the plan. Therefore, students
seeking pay raises in the future
would not be incessantly frustrat-
ed by their inability to obtain the
said pay raises.
As a final suggestion to those
busboys who find this plan 'un-
realistic' because they still have
that swindled feeling, I would
suggest that they 'realistically'
ask themselves, "Isn't this feeling
unrealistic, isn't it only in my

WASHINGTON-- Admiral Arthur Rad-
ford looks a better and better bet to
replace Gen. Omar Bradley as Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The decision
will presumably be made as soon as Secre-
tary of Defense Charles Wilson can reach
agreement with President Eisenhower. The
question is whether Wilson's wishes or Eis-
enhower's doubts will finally prevail.
Wilson has wanted Radford for Chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs ever since the
President's pre-inauguration trip to Ko-
rea. When the Eisenhower party was on
itsaway back, Radford met them at Pearl
Harbor. ie so much impressed and
charmed Wilson that Wilson proposed him
for the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs
then and there, without further ado.
According to undoubted reports, the
President answered that Admiral Radford
was one of the two or three ablest senior
officers in American uniform, fully quali-
fied in every way to head the Joint Chiefs.
But he added that Wilson had better not
name Radford to the chairmanship until
he had made quite sure that Radford's first
loyalty would be to the Secretary of De-
fense, instead of to the Navy.
Admiral Radford has since made a long
visit to Washington; which seems, if any-
thing, to have increased Secretary Wilson's
enthusiasm for him. Wilson is one'of those
who "wants what they want when they want
it." He wanted the famous radio entertain-
er, Arthur Godfrey, for a Defense Depart-
ment number of the President's special
commission onpsychological warfare. When
he encountered opposition, he carried his
fight for Godfrey to the length of refusing
to name anyone else for a considerable
time. In the infinitely more important case
of Radford, he is 'said to be equally deter-
The President, meanwhile, has always
opposed the extreme naval viewpoint
which Admiral Radford has always stood
for hitherto. Since the Admiral is a man
who fights for his view to the last ditch,
it can be seen why the President has hesi-
tated to approve Secretary Wilson's pro-
posal. The Air Force, where Admiral Rad-
ford's stand on the B-36 is only too well
remembered, is also moving heaven and
earth to block his nomination.
If Admiral Radford is not named, other

Harold Talbott has claimed the chairman-
ship of the Joint Chiefs for the Air branch,
and has taken the position that Gen. Spaatz
should be called back from retirement if
Gen. Vandenberg is not to be promoted. The
argument that the chairmanship should ro-
tate, which the Air Force presses, would
stand in the way of the appointment of
Gruenther. But he is favored by his close-
ness to the President, and his personal ac-
ceptability to almost everyone as a com-
promise choice.
Nonetheless, Admiral Radford is the best
bet because of the strength and determina-
tion of Secretary Wilson's support. It must
be added that the appointment, if it goes
through, can be counted on to influence
American policy in all sorts of significant
In the first place, Secretary Wilson is
a man of strong likes and dislikes whose
personal opinions are seldom subject to
change except by the very small number
of persons he fully trusts and approves
of. The opinions that he brought to
Washington, about the right relationship
between the defense effort and the bud-
get, do not appear to have been shaken
very much by anyone now on duty in
the Pentagon. But Admiral Radford can
be counted on to plead the cause of ade-
quate national defense with great force,
and he can also be counted on to impress
Secretary Wilson.
Then too, the Admiral belongs to the
school of American officers who have little
or no patience with mere containment in
the contest of the cold war. He has strongly
advocated a blockade of Communist China,
as part of a larger program to make the
Peking government regret its intervention
in Korea. He has shown a strong prefer-
ence, in many other ways, for bringing the
cold war contest to a rapid and complete
In this respect, Radford could hardly
differ more widely from the present Joint
Chiefs, whose caution is illustrated by
their intensely hostile reception of the
Radford blockade plan and Gen. James
Van Fleet's comparable plan for a ground
offensive on the Korean peninsula. In
fact, this new quality and outlook Rad-
ford would bring to the Joint Chiefs would
probably prove far more important, in

There is security in knowing
that in the near future young'
Americans will no longer have to
be wary lest an insidious instruc-
tor slip the malignant surplus-
profit concept in between the lec-
ture on differential calculus and
the lecture on integral calculus.
(Let us hope our economic in-
structors are more careful than
our mathematicians in what they
There is only one annoying
thought. If many more mathe-
maticians are removed for suspi-
cion of infiltrating the super-pli-
able minds of their students, there
will be no Math educators left to
In that event, I suppose Fulton
Lewis can be drafted to teach the
Theory of Transfinite Numbers.
If the burden becomes too heavy
for Mr. Lewis, he can then have a
loyalty clearance of a sufficient
number of clean-right-thinking
music teachers to take over the
teaching of Mathematics.
Of course, this thing could get
out of hand should further inves-
tigation disclose large-scale poli-
tical plots within departments of
learning other than Mathematics.
This might necessitate swearing
in the National Guard as mem-
bers of the American Association
of University Professors (after
signing a loyalty oath) and hav-
ing these newly appointed schol-
.r PAm wnnnml,,o the ,'nrlc. f


(Continued from Page 2)
Room 3-D of the Michigan Union. Mr.
Walter Doll, technical and research en-
gineer at Pratt and whitney Aircraft
Corp., will speak on "Gas Turbine De-
velopment at Pratt and Whitney Air-
craft." Refreshments will be served.
La Petite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria, Union. All interested students
International Committee of SL. Meet-
ing at 3:10 in the Conference Room of
the League. All interested persons are
invited to attend.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside
Room, Lane Hall.
University of Michigan Sailing Club
will hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the west Engineering Building. MCSA
Regional regatta will be held this week-
end at Michigan State. Members are
urged to attend this meeting.
Kappa Phi. Supper, program, and elec-
tion of officers at 5:15. All members and
pledges please plan to be present.
Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting in
the Madelon Pound House (1024 Hil St.)
at 7 p.m. Guests are welcome.
Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting
in the Madelon Pound House (1024 Hill
St.) at 7 p.m. Guests are welcome.

Stars." After the illustrated lecture in
2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Obser-
vatbry on the fifth floor will be open
for,telescopic observation of Saturn and
a double star, if the sky is clear, or for
inspection of the telescopes and plan-
etarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
The Episcopal Student Foundation
presents the Series of Five, a series
of informal lectures by outstanding
speakers. The third of the series will
be the Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emrick,I
Bishop of Michigan, whQ will speak
on "Birth Control - sin? Christian?"
Fri., May 1, at 7 p.m., 218 N.dDivision.
All interested persons invited.
Psychology Club. Discussion and
planning for future programs, May 1,1
3 p.m. 3415 Mason Hal. All interested
students are invited.-
Westminster Guild Great Books Sem-'
inar Friday evening at 8 p.m. at the
Presbyterian Church Student Center.
Discussion of "Roads to Agreement"
by Stuart Chase. Sponsored by the
Graduate Group. Everyone welcome. Re-
freshments. The Student Center is open
&Friday and Saturday evenings until 12
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Earth," "Mountain
Building" and "Work of Rivers." 7:30
p.m., Fri., May 1, Kellog Auditorium.
No admission charge.


-Paul Dormont
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the Univ~ersity of Michigan under type
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra .. ......Editorial Director
Zander Hollander........Feature Editor
Sid Klaus. .... Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple............... Sports Editor
John Jenke.... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell......Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler ...... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
DonyCampbell. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.....Assoc. Business Mgr.
JudvLrQ enhnberg..-..Finance Manager


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