See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
4 ii
Joint Boards
Form Policy
Activities Center
To Be Studied
Meeting in joint session for the
first time in the history of either
group, the Union Board of Direc-
tors and the League Board of Gov-
ernors last night voted to create a
joint student-faculty study group
of both boards to study and make
policy recommendations on the
student activity facilities problem.
Set up by unanimous vote of the
two groups, the sub-committee will
consist of three student represen-
tatives from each of the boards,
two alumni representatives from
each and one faculty member from
each, making a total membership
of 12.
In addition the business man-
agers of both the Union and the
League will serve in an advisory
capacity on the committee.
LEAGUE representatives on the
committee include Sue Riggs, '54,
League president, Ann Plumton,
'54, Mrs. Herbert F. Taggart and
Mrs. O. E. Boehnke of the alumnae
and Prof. Claribel Baird of the
speech department. One student
member has yet to be appointed.
Committee members repre-
senting the Union will be Jay
Strickler, '54, Union president,
Phil Flarsheim, '54, Union sec-
retary, Prof. William Palmer of
the economics department, Jo-
seph C. Hooper, Ann Arbor at-
torney, and T. Hawley Tapping,
alumni secretary for the Union
The 'proposal for the creation of
the sub-committee was embodied
in the report of the joint meeting
of the subcommittees of the Union
and League which met Monday.
*- * *
AS CONTAINED in the report,
the proposal called for only two
* student members. However, a mo-
tion before the joint session in-
creased the number of student rep-
resentation to three from each or-
Chairman of the sub-com-
mittee will be chosen by the
group when it meets Tuesday.
The report cited a basic agree-
ment as to the need for additional
student activities facilities. It also
recorded opposition to the meth-
od of a general poll of the student
Judges Announce Case Club Victors
* * *
« * *
SHOWN above is the panel of
four judges which yesterday
declared Law School juniors Donn
B. Miller and Theodore J. St. An-
toine victors in the final round
of the Law School's Henry M.
Campbell Case Club competition.
Left to right are Dean E. Blythe
Stason of the Law School, Justice
William L. Hart of the Ohio Su-
preme Court, Justice George E.
Bushnell of the Michigan Supreme
Court and Harrison Tweed, presi-
dent of the American Law Insti-
tute, who heard the oral argu-
ments in an imaginary case in-
volving anti-trust violations yes-
Runners-up in yesterday's argu-
ments were the team of David W.
Belin and Hugh G. Harness. Both
teams had survived three rounds
of eliminations from a group of
the 16 best Case Club participants
to reach the finals.
Debate Freezes SL Action
On, Specific Driving Rules,
Student Legislature failed to come to agreement on a specific
driving ban proposal last night despite a two-and-a-half hour wrangle
involving amendments, substitutions and parliamentary disputes.
Most of the debate centered about the question of whether to
submit a driving ban proposal which the students favor unreservedlyj
but which has little chance of administration approval, or a proposalj
less solidly backed by the students but more likely to be put into effect.
The judges announced their de-
cision at a banquet in the League
last night. Tweed related some ob-
servations on general law prac-
tice gained in 43 years experience
during the evening program.
Miller and St. Antoine will re-
ceive $100 each. Belin and Harness{
will each be awarded $50.
Announcement of Miller's ap-
pointment as presiding judge of
the Case Clubs was also made yes-
Students will have an oppor-
tunity to contribute towards
sending underprivileged boys to
the University's Fresh Air Camp
at Patterson Lake tomorrow
and Saturday as the annual Tag
Day drive gets under way.
Donation posts will be set up
at strategic points in the city
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomor-
row, and from 8 a.m. to noonI
Saturday to raise funds for the
camp's operation.
The fundamental purpose of
the Camp is to provide camp-
ing experience for boys who
because of financial limitations
or behavior problems would not
otherwise have the opportunity.
House OK's
State Levy
On Income
Tax Bill Passes
By Large Vote
LANSING-)-The House yes-
terday passed both the Cloon Bill
to tax business ea-nings and per-
sonal income and the Nill Bill to
tax corporation profits.
The Cloon Bill passed 76-12 and
the corporation profits tax 70-15
all negative votes were cast by
Republicans who opposed the
ATTACHED as a substitute to a
House measure levying a straight
income tax the bill must go
through the regular Senate com-
mittee study.
But the corporation profits
tax was inserted into a measure
already passed by the Senate
under the sponsorship of George
N. Higgins (R-Ferndale), chair-
man of the Senate Taxation
The House strategy is to give
the Senate a club through the
corporation profits tax to hold
over Higgins' head if he refused
to cooperate on the Cloon Bill.
SENATE leaders were quick to
pick up the club the House hadj
handed them to use against Hig-
They said, informally, that
the corporation profits tax
would be sent to a House-Sen-
ate conference committee and
held there until they see what
Higgins' Senate Taxation Com-
mittee does to the Cloon Bill.
They hinted the conference
committee would be carefully
picked to obey the Senate major-
ity and not Higgins.
S * *
AND THE Senate drove Higgins
to the wall on his own pet pack-
age of $20,000,000 in so-called
"nuisance" taxes.
Senator Joseph P. Cloon (R-
Wakefield), long angry becauset
Higgins bottled up his incomeI
tax bill in the taxation commit-
tee, opened a steady drum-fire
on the package bills: increases1
in the corporation franchise tax,
the liquor tax and the horse race
Higgins was forced to retreat,
three times. He was forced to cut
the tie he had attached between
all three bills in an attempt to
declare that none of them shall.
be effective unless all are passed
and not vetoed.c
And his lieutenant, Senatort
Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo)t
had to admit that Cloon was right
in saying the liquor tax increase
would produce $16,000,000 instead
of the $7,000,000 Higgins had
promised. Morris moved to cut the
increase from five to four per cent,
saying that would produce $8,-
Panel Discussion
In Any
Asiatic Nation
Might Exert
More Prisoners
En Route Home
By The Associated Press
The Allies rejected any Asiatic
nation as a neutral to supervise
Communist prisoners of war who
do not want to return to Red rule.
Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison
Jr. said nobAsiatic nation would
be acceptable because all Asian
countries "are located very close
to countries dominated by Com-
munists and might therefore be
subjected to Communist military,
-economicor political influence."
Allies Reject Proposal
For POW Trusteeship
, '
.. . can-can, Paris
Jpoint Judie
Set To Hear
The fine of $40 levied on Bob
Perry, '53E, for "door to, door
soliciting" during this spring's
all-campus election will be ap-
pealed today.
Objecting to the fine imposed
by the Inter-House Council ju-
diciary last Friday, Perry will
make his appeal to the Joint Ju-
diciary through the office of the
KEITH BEERS, Grad., told leg-
islators that according to the stu-
dent referendum inlast fall's elec-
tions and comments received fromr
other colleges in a survey conduct-
ed by SL, student opinion here and
elsewhere was overwhelmingly in
favor of no driving regulations.
However, he expressed the
view that such a proposal would
meet with administration disap-
proval at present and instead
suggested SL adopt a modified'
plan calling for driving restric-
tions on freshmen and sopho-
mores only.
Although no vote was taken,
general sentiment during the dis-
cussion seemed to indicate that
SL favored no driving ban, restric-
tions on freshmen, and curtail-
ment of sophomore and freshmen
driving, in that order.
Chairmen of SL committees
for the next semester were also
announced last night. Ned Simon,
'55, will head the Campus Action
Committee; Ruth, Rossner, '55, the
Culture and Education Commit-
tee; and Steve Jelin, '55, Public
Relations Committee.
Janet Netzer, '54, was appoint-
ed Student Affairs Committee
representative along with Bob
Neary, '54BAd., president of SL.
Lecture Committee Representa-
body on the question, rather urg- Dean of Men.
ing creation of a study committee. Commentin
Following adoption of the joint peal, Dean
study committee motion, the Rea said th
boards adjourned into a committee difficult one.
of the whole for purposes of gen- disiunton
eral discussion of problems facing wasnunfertun
the creation of a student activities tion like this
center.when everyon
g on Perry's ap-
f Men Walter B.
at the "case is a
" He felt that it
ate that "a situa-
arises at a time
e is so busy."
World News
By the Associated Press
LANSING-The smallest Mich-
igan draft call of the year-1,611
men-was , issued today for June
by State Selective Service head-
The June call was a decrease
of 1,039 men from the May call'
for 2,650 men.
* *
NEW ORLEANS-Violent wind-
driven thunderstorms, deluging up
to 10 inches of rain and spawning
small tornadoes, lashed in an
eastward sweep across Louisiana
and Mississippi yesterday driving
hundreds from flooded homes and
derailing a crack passenger train
on washed out tracks.
carrying live ammunition on a
* *
Daily Spons
For Movie Rt
Would be critics and critics of
their critical libidos in a contest
local theater..
Twenty-five students will be
review the film "Moulin Rouge," w
reviews receiving prizes.
Bill Wiegand, Grad, will choo
on the basis of a letter telling in
50 words or less why the student!
wants to review the film.
A JOHN HOUSTON production,
"Moulin Rouge" is an adaption
of Rene la Mure's novel based on
the life of Henri Toulouse-Lau-
tree, complete with can-can, Paris
and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
The rules of the contest are
as follows:
1. Entrants must submit a
statement in 50 words or less,
telling why they would like to
review "Moulin Rouge," before
midnight, May 7.
2. Entries may be sent or
mailed to The Michigan Daily,
Student Publications Building.
THE SENIOR allied negotiator
made his position clear during a
51 minute truce session with the
Communists in the conference hut.
Harrison called on the Com-
munists to nominate a non-Asi-
atic nation as neutral supervisor
OULOUSE-LAUTREC at tomorrow's meeting.
and ZsaZsa Gabor "Since without agreement on
* such a neutral state it would be
* * impossible to reach an armistice
accord based on your original pro-
rs L ontes posal" Harrison said, "we see no
advantage in discussing seriously
* the other elements of your pro-
t ew ers posal until we have come at least
some measure of.-understanding
on the neutral state."
critics will have a chance to vent MEANWHILE the second group
sponsored by The Daily and a of released American prisoners is
scheduled to start its homeward
given free passes and asked to flight todgy. The first set of men
ive frerpase andhe ke ton arrived in California yesterday and
'ith the writers of the best fifteen army officials began flying them
to hospitals throughout the na-
se the twenty-five student critics tion.
~ - ---- - - - - - In Hawaii, a returning Amer-
DOLLARS:nican prisoner of war told army
DOLLARS:authorities that 50 Americans
listed as missing or dead were
Dulles rGives actually alive and well in Com-
ti s munist prison camps.
A pThe repatriate, a member of the
Aid lepo first group of 35 sick and wounded
homeward bound from Korea, told
-Secre-Army intelligence agents he had
WASHINGTON - memorized the names and ad-
tary of State Dulles said yesterday dresses of all 50 men.
he has notified the European- Al- The Army confirmed the report
lies that the "crutch" of U.S. !but declined to release the pris-
economic aid should be thrown Ioner's name or the names of his
away now although this country 50 fellow prisoners. An, Army
will continue to spend "substan- spokesman explained that use of
tial sums" with them. the names "might lead to reprisals
against men still in Communist.
Ike To Give
Defense Plan
White House said yesterday Presi-
dent Eisenhower will "make a ma-
jor pronouncement on the defense
of the United States and a pro-
gram for that defense," at a news
conference today.
James C. Hagerty, press secre-
tary, made clear in response to
newsmen's questions that the
President would disclose the ad-
ministration's long-awaited de-
fense spending laws.
Eisenhower told his news con-
ference last week he is confident
that defense spending can be cut,
but he declined to estimate how'
much might be trimmed off the
46 billion dollar defense budget;
recommended by former President
Meanwhile, 'the administration'
was reported preparing to ask
Congress for about $5,800,000,000
for foreign aid-military and eco-
mnomic-to nearly 60 friendly gov-
Drama Festival
Ticket Sale Opens
Tickets for the 1953 Drama Sea-
son are now on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater box-office.
Price ranges for main floor and
balcony season tickets are $12.50,
$10 .0 and R$ 80 for nerformanees
Dean Rea explained at the time
of the judiciary decision that the
action could not be questioned on
the grounds of authority since the
governing bodies of the residence
halls are empowered to impose
penalties on men living in the
quads who violate quad or Univer-
sity rules.
Perry is basing his appeal on
the -grounds that the judiciary
was set up ex-post facto.
He based his case also on a
previous Men's Judiciary ruling
that a candidate is not bound by
the rules of any house other than
the one in which he lives. Perry
said that he had not broken the
rules of Strauss House, the house
in East Quad where he resides.
In his report, Dulles said the!
Europeans "do not need to antici-
pate too great reduction in their
dollar income."
On the other battle front yes-
terday ground fighting dropped to
a low ebb and most Allied war
tives will be Neary, appointed for a practice combat flight caught The University UNESCO Council
one year term, and Bob Baker, fire and crashed six miles north will present a panel discussion of3
'55L, appointed for one semester. of Randolph Air Force base the Arab-Israel situation at 8 p.m.
Robin Renfrew, '55, will be near here Wednesday. today in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
chairman of the Human Relations Ten airmen were killed. Five Prof. Marshall Knappan, of the
Committee; Lorraine Baldwin, '55, others escaped by parachute, political science department, will
will head the Intercollegiate R - WASHINGTON - Republican moderate the discussion, which isf
lations Committee, and Tony Bon- edeTatf h sdtdya one program in the series on in-~k
adio, '55, and Enid Stenn, '55, will Leader Taft of Ohio said today a on rga nth eiso n
air 'th, ndtentional Rte laios proposal to give President Eisen- ternational relations currently be-
chair the International Relati hower standby authority to freeze ing presented by the Council.
and Varsity committees, respec- prices and wages probably will be Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tively. the next controversy to come be- tory department, William Haber
fore the Senate. of the economy department, Clark
h: Because many Democratic Sen- Hopkins of the mathematics de-
HT:rBwere away from the Senate, partment and Taufic Ramzi of po-
Taft said he would request no litical science department will
Taftsaidhe wuld equet nocompose the discussion panel.
iointed T etv votes today on amendments to Thoposethemiscop nel.
the controversial submerged lands The program is open to the pub-
bill. lic.
'ay C ha Tim an i iAgreement was reached to lim-
( A Idebate on this and reach a final M A V 1 %TIVAl T
3. The writers of the best 25 "But our goyernment," he said. i planes were grounded.
letters will be given a pass to "will be specifically getting, for There was speculation that th
the opening performance of the dollars it spends abroad, what opposing forces were taking it eas
"Moulin Rouge" May 8, and may enable it to save in other se- while truce negotiators at Pan
should submit their reviews be- curity measures and thus, on bal- munjom tried to arrange an a
fore 6 p.m. May 9.re ance, get more security for less mistice.
4. Wiegand will choose the The idea that the Eisenhower .
best 15 reviews. Teie htteEsnoe Strikers Vote
b administration has arranged to
First prize will be five large provide greater Atlantic Alliance To
Toulouse-Lautrec posters, second defenses at lower cost forms the ToContinue
prize, a portfolio of smaller prints; theme of Dulles' report on the
third prize, the novel on which meeting in Paris last week of the Q W a
the film was adapted; fourth and North Atlantic Treaty Council. Q ad W alkout
fifth prizes, the record of "The Dulles declared the council had
Song from Moulin Rouge." The provided for a steady buildup of; West Quad busboys voted to re
next 15 winners will be awarded Western European defenses aimed main on strike indefinitely la,
two passes to the theater's next at improving existing forces as night in a closed meeting.
attraction. well as adding some new strength. John Curry, '53NR, leader of th
Scherer Ap
vote Tuesday. .
Mike Scherer, '54, was appoint- CAIRO, Egypt-The present
ed last night by the Union Board stage of British-Egyptian talks O rm andy
of Directors to head the 1953 on withdrawal of Britain's troops
Union Opera as general chairman. from the Suez Canal Zone are>
Scherer, a 20-year-old economics nearing an end, and a new stage By BECKY CONRAD
major from Ottawa,Ill., served as will start on Saturday, official The May Festival, a tradition
last year's general secretary of the sources said yesterday. nearly half as old as the Univer-
sity, will open its 60th season at
show and will succeed retiring HANOI, Indochina - Vietminh
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
chairman, Herb Harrington, '53. 1 troops stung the French with a Alexander Brailowsky, whose in-
He is a member of Sphinx junior diversionary raid on a native mili- terpretations of Chopin have made
men's honorary, Mimes, Phi Eta tary training camp in the Red him famous the world over, will
Sigma, freshmen men's honor so- River delta yesterday. open the first program in the six-
ciety, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, concert series.
and was elected president of the N C icit.fs Posts Featured in the series are nine
Featured in I
* *
strikers, reported that the bus-
boys discussed doubling their ef-
forts to enlist support 'from other
residence halls. They also dis-
l * ~cussed strategy to be used in gain-
1 rs t C on cert ing the support of residents of the
West Quad, and job opportunities
----- ----- - - available to the men while they
Choral Union, conducted by continue the walkout.
Thor Johnson. Meanwhile outside help is-suc-
hconcertcessfully handling meal service,
Saturday afternoon the n leaving residents unaffected by the
will feature the French-Italian strike. Thirteen new workers are
violinist Zino Francescatti and the being paid $1.03 an hour while
Festival Youth Chorus directed by 'eight high school girls are getting
Marguerite Hood. an 80 cent hourly wage plus meals.
Cesare Siepi will be the Festival
Quad administrators complained
last night that some residents are
not bussing their dishes, are de-