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April 29, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-29

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AkAiL 4a, 1953


States' Rights vs. Public Profits

to commit one of the biggest legal steals
in American history. Under the guise of
protecting archaic states' rights, 56 members
of the senior legislative chamber have voted
to table the Anderson Amendment, a bill
which would give the federal government a
clear and final claim to mineral resources
nder marginal seas.
The Senate has now turned to debate
te unamended Graham-Holland Bill,
which will give three states-Louisiana,
Texas and California-what is rightfully
the property of residents in every state
of the Union. Sponsored by President
Eisenhower and the Republican Party and
supported by powerful business lobbies,
the Graham-Holland Bill recognizes so-
called "historic boundaries" of states bor-
dering on seas. Although most states mo-
destly claim three miles of marginal sea,
Texas says it has a historic right to three
leagues (101 miles)-making its claim
greater than that of the United States
Government, which asks only three'miles.
Although the Supreme Court has, in three
separate decisions, ruled that submerged
mineral resources do not belong to the
states, the issue of the erroneously-labelled
"tidelands oil" measure is not primarily one
of constitutionality. Congress has a right
to utilize every legal device available to
insure execution of its policies. This is why
the Graham-Holland Bill gives both own-
ership and control of marginal seas to the
states, but has a "separability clause" by
which, if the Supreme Court decides that
ownership cannot be given to the -states,
control of marginal seas by states will still
be legal.
What the Supreme Court's decisions do
indicate is that, at present, marginal seas
do not belong to individual states. Thus

Texas, Louisiana and California have no
present claim to "basic and historic boun-
daries" and the Anderson Bill would not
have "stolen" state property.
The real questions at stake are: wheth-
er Congress has a right to give away pub-
lic domain to private interests, whether
Texas should be allowed to claim more
sea area around its border than does the
United States, and, finally, whether three
states should be allowed to take the pro-
fit from resources that belong to all 48.
Each of these issues must be answered
negatively by those who believe the inter-
ests of nearly 160 million Americans are
more important than the profits accru-
ing to businessmen of three states.
Although Congress has twice passed laws
giving submerged sea resources to states,
the public was not well enough informed of
facts involved in such legislation at the
times of previous passage to effectively pres-
sure Congressmen into voting negatively on
the issue. Even with the dramatic Senate
filibusters of the past four weeks, it is
dubious whether the average voter realizes
that the federal government, -end thus the
American people, will lose million's of dol-
lars to these states if the Graham-Holland
Bill is passed. If the money which has and
will be accumulated from leasing rights to
mineral resources in submerged seas had
been used by the federal government for
national defense, education and worthy pub-
lic projects, taxpayers would have been
spared the expense of these necessary bud-
get items.
As the issue now stands in Congress it
seems inevitable that the Republican-led
Senate will succeed in its attempt to bull-
doze the Graham-Holland Bill through at
the expense of a public which has prior
claim to and need for the profits.
--Dorothy Myers


Washington Merry-Ito-Round

WASHINGTON-For years it has been 'a
White House custom to publish the
names of Presidential callers. This is done
on the theory that the American people
have a right to know who talks to or tries
to influence the most important personage
in the nation,
However, the White House has declined
to make public the golfing partners of the
Preseident--except for an occasional Sen-
ator such as Taft-on the ground that
Ike's golfing partners would be hounded
by lobbyists who would try to influence
the President through his golfing part-
Actually, those who golf or visit with the
President in Augusta or at the Burning
Tree Club in Washington can vitally in-
fluence national policy.
For instance, William Faricy, astute,
charming president of the Association of
American Rilroads, visited with Ike at
Burning Tree recently. Farcy, one of the
ablest and most personable representatives
of big business in the capital, is anxious to
block construction of the St. Lawrence Sea-
way because of its competition with the
Every President of the United States,
so far, has been for the St. Lawrence
project. So have such top Republicans
as Dewey and Taft. However, Burning
Tree golfer Farcy apparently performed
For, after talking with him, Ike told Sen-
ator Wiley of Wisconsin that he was op-
posed to the seaway. Furthermore, he used
all the arguments of the railroads against.
the seaway. Wiley, who used to be council
for the Milwaukee Railroad when Faricy
was counsel for the Northwestern, recog-
nized the arguments immediately.
Wiley is a staunch advocate of the pro-
ject which would connect the Great Lakes
with the Atlantic Ocean. Uninfluenced by
the President, he proceeded with his St.
Lawrence hearings.
Later the President changed his mind. He
did not do so, however, until after the news
leaked of his visit with persuasive railroad-~
man Farlcy at the Burning Tree Country
Club. After the leak Ike reversed himself,
lined up with other Presidents of the Uni-
ted States for the seaway.
In other words, it looks as if the tra-
ditional policy of making public the
names of Presidential callers, whether at
the White House or on the golf course,
was a good one. (Lists of those cruising
with Truman on the Williamsburg were
published. Ike is substituting the golf
links for the Presidential yacht.)
NOTE: Publication of White House call-
ers and golfing partners carries out the
spirit of the Lobbyist Registration Act and
the Foreign Agents Registration Act, name-
ly that there may be nothing wrong about
representing certain business groups or cer-
tain foreign countries as -long as it's not
concealed from the public.
* * *
so publicly but some of them are not
at all happy about the Tidelands oil policy
of their administration.
The mail of Sen.'Leverett Saltonstall of
Massachusetts, for instance, is running
200 to I1 against. him beausein o f his n.-

states has become pretty well educated
by the Senate Filibuster.
Another thing worrying some Eisenhower
Senators is the President's failure to sup-
port his own Cabinet members regarding
the extent of the tidelands oil concession.
Both Secretary of State Dulles and At-
torney General Brownell were emphatic in
congressional testimony that the three tide-
lands states must not have title to more
than the ' historical boundaries-namely,
three miles offshore except in the case of
Texas and Florida which get 10% miles. In
contrast, some tidelands senators want 100
miles or more offshore and the present bill
leaves this to be decided in the vague fu-
However, the President, queried by the
Senate regarding the deliberate vagueness
of the current bill, ducked a definite stand.
He did not side with his two Cabinet mem-
bers, worried that Russia and Mexico might
press similar offshore claims.
* * *
ANOTHER PROBLEM worrying Republi-
cans is the new trademark which the
Democrats are cleverly conspiring to pin on
Ike's Administration-namely "The Give-
away Administration."
"You don't practice economy by giving
away national assets," argue the Demo-
crats. "Nor does this giveaway policy bal-
ance the budget."
Democratic leaders are already preparing
a list of so-called "giveaways" upon which
they will ring all the changes. Here are
some of them:
were built at a cost of millions of dollars
after Japan cut off rubber from the Malays
and Indonesia. Now, with the Communists
staging a new drive into French Indo-China
on the borders of this same rubber area, the
Administration is insisting on selling these
rubber factories for about 15 cents on the
-This experimental laboratory at Louisi-
ana, Mo., for making oil out of coal, cost
the Government $75,000,000. However, the
oil lobbies are opposed, and Secretary of
the Interior McKay plans to sell it to pri-
vate industry for a song.
TIDELANDS OIL-Revenue from this
wealthy oil area would bring several mil-
lions annually into the treasury, help bal-
lance the budget. Democrats plan to list
the heavy oil-company contributions to
Ike's campaign chest to show that this is
a political pay-off not in the national
PUBLIC LANDS-Western senators are
already talking about giving the public lands
held by the Federal Government to each
DUCKS AND SALMON-The firing of
Albert M. Day, head of wildlife and fisher-
ies bureau, at the behest of certain private
game-preserve owners will be shown by the
Democrats as a move to benefit the wealthy
few who can afford game-hunting reserva-
POWER DAMS-This may turn out to be
the biggest giveaway of all. If the plan
goes through to turn government power over
to private utilities, Democrats will show that
the billions of dollars ;invested in dams by
the taxpayers will actually benefit the pri-

New Security
nounced' in an executive order his ad-
ministration's new plan for a more strict
security plan for civil service employes which
differs in several respects from Truman's
Under the new program there are seven
standards by which an employe's security
and loyalty will be judged. The first pro-
vision concerns behavior befitting a fed-
eral employe and falls in the security
category. The other six mainly deal with
loyalty and involve sabotage, espionage,
treason, associating with those opposed to
the United States, advocating the violent
overthrow of the government, being a
member of a subversive group, disclosing
unauthorized information and perform-
ing one's work in a manner detrimental to
the United States.
One of the main differences between this
new program and that of the Truman ad-
ministration lies in the addition of security
as a basis for dismissal. The new program
with its lack of differentiation between se-
curity and loyalty will involve more investi-
gation prior to hiring and will entail inves-
tigation of countless employees already on
the rolls.
Another change brought into effect by the
executive order is the dissolution of the
Loyalty Review Board and its subordinate
regional boards of citizens unconnected with
the government. The boards had served as
a final court of appeal for loyalty cases.
Under Eisenhower's plan, the main re-
sponsibility for investigatiig a suspected
loyalty or security risk would be in the
hands of the department head. It would be
left to his discretion whether, upon re-
ceiving an accusation, he would disregard
it as groundless, transfer the employe to a
less sensitive post or suspend him and re-
quest further investigation.
If the circumstances were considered ser-
ious the employe's case would be heard by
a three-man board composed of federal
officials chosen by the employe's chief, but
not from his department. The department
chief could then accept or reject the board's
AttorneyhGeneral Herbert Brownell has
claimed that under this machinery "the
system is more workable and an employe's
case can't be dragged along for several
This may be true and certainly, quick
justice is always desirable. However, quick
justice is not always good justice and the
new plan has no provision for appeals
against injustice. This appears to be a
dangerous flaw in the plan since there is
still a possibility that a civil servant might
be dismissed on the basis of anonymous
Under the old system whereby one could
appeal to the Loyalty Review Board, there
were still many abuses and innocent people
were smeared and often dismissed on ques-
tionable grounds. Without any system for
appeal it is conceivable that there will be
even more accusations based on flimsy ex-
cuses or petty jealousies.
In addition, mere association with per-
sons who hold unpopular beliefs or belief in
such views oneself may condemn an em-
ploye. This can lead to an atmosphere of
suspicion which is detrimental to the effi-
cient functioning of government. This at-
mosphere tends to establish orthodoxy in
the civil service and render employes fear-
ful of expressing their true opinions. This
cannot in the long run be in the interests
of the United States.
President Eisenhower has tried to pre-
sent a program which will institute great-
er security for the country, but in doing
so he is greatly impairing the freedom of
the individual.
He has indicated that he is not com-

pletely satisfied with the system by speci-
fying that the Civil Service Commission and
National Security Council study the program
for deficiencies or injustices. It is to be
hoped that the system can soon be revised
so as to insure greater protection for the
civil servants as well as for the rest of the
-Arlene Liss
Looking Back
To the 1950's
AVERAGE Americans were oppressed by
two fears, fear of communism and fear
of the income tax. So long as the Democrats
remained in power these two fears worked
in opposite directions, But McCarthy dis-
covered how to reconcile them. The real
enemy, he said, is the Communist in our
midst, and it is very much cheaper to fight
the Communist than to fight Russia. So
long as Americans are united and loyal--
so he told the nation-they are invincible
and have no need to fear machinations of
alien despotisms. If we purge our country
of disloyal elements we shall be safe.
But, in order by this policy to slake the
popular thirst for combatting communism,
it was necessary to discover continually
new internal enemies. By acquiring con-
trol of the F.B.I. and by the help of a
band of subservient ex-Communists, Mc-
Carthy succeeded in spreading the dread
of internal treachery to a point where
every prominent member of the Demo-

e1 t}{ k G. .yv

,fettei'4 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its rders on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Ma(ison & Angell er could understand why we com-
To the Editor: plained about food like that, and
To thE diTor:somhave done nothing to improve the
I FEEL THAT some comment food as a whole. Such tactics by
M should be made upon a de- Quad administrators have not
plorable condition which affects gone unnoticed by the residents.
a large proportion of the campus As for services, I feel that they
wilpopulationffect and,y futueremedied, have decreased instead of increas-
bodies. This condition, in short, icenthoughr ropaid for busboy
is the Mason and Angell Hall service inorro adbad
isteMsonprnd.AellHallon:g since the beginning of last fall
gestion problem. Although it we have had to bus our own soiled
may not seem like a major issue, dishes for the majority of the
I think that, because of the many meals. The maids still only shift
complaints I have heard from the balls of dust from under the
faculty and students alike, atten-i bed to the center of the room. The
tion should be called to both the janitors still do so little that if
proper authorities and the stu- their services decreased, they
Dest teuiidywould be going in reverse.
Despite the utility of having our To sumarize the whole situation,
"lit school" courses in one central' Tom say thetwhersiduto
location (as contrasted to the let me say that the residents of
widely scattered locations of the the West Quad have real com-
past) the new addition has cre- plaints. Any unruly behavior is
ated at least three new centers due to frustrations caused by the
of congestion. Tlhe most congested pblcking of improvements through
of these three centers is on the proper channels. Only when the
ground floor of Mason Hall at administration seriously puts forth
the entrance to the middle stair- this dormitory, will the dissatis-
well. Between almost any class faction of Quad residents cease.
hour there Will be found at this I -Ae .o ir
point many twisting and writhing * * --AbeMoier
streams of student traffic trying
to go in at least six different di-
rections. Why does everyone use To the Editor:
this stairwell when ther~e is a THE IRRITATING feature about
practically empty one at the far the hissing that goes on in
north end of Mason Hall? I can Ann Arbor's movie-houses is that
only answer that it seems to be it is not primarily to indicate the
human nature to want to take hisser's displeasure - this would
the shortest route; therefore the be annoying enough-rather, it
architects of this new addition has become a means of enhancing
certainly lacked an understanding the social standing of the hisser.
of human nature. The other two He who hisses displays discern-
greatest congestion centers are at ment, wisdom, great critical in-
the foot of the middle stairwell in sight. He who does not hiss is ob-
Angell Hall's basement and the viously deficient in these quali-
hallway between the four new au- ties.
ditoriums. An audience will be quietly
We can hardly blame a profes- watching the movie when some
sor for arriving late to an Angell viewer decides that he is unhappy
Hall classroom if we consider the with the fare. He emits THE
dangerous route he must travel. SOUND. This is the signal for
Unless he leaves his Haven Iall pandemonium. The battle cry of
office early or takes an outdoors the Olympic Elk is not responded
route he will find the middle pas- to so readily, so fervently. The
sageway choked with humanity. welkin is shattered with the noise
Something should be done to al- of air, being forced out under pres-
leviate these congestion problems. sure as each sheep hastens to fol-
Obviously it would be too expen- low lest he be marked down by
sive to correct any major archi- the crowd for tardiness. During
tectural faults. Perhaps one-way the next few minutes, lip-reading
student traffic systems would is in order for those who wish to
have to be set up. At any rate follow the communications of the
it would be disheartening to think actors.
that it might take a serious acci- What can be done? In Ann Ar-
dent, like being trampled under- bor the custom has almost become
foot, to awaken campus authori- institutionalized. In seeking to
ties to the present sad state of root it out, we must bear in mind
congestion at Mason and Angell that most of the hissers are chief-
Halls. ly interested in calling attention
-Charles F. Davis, '53 LSA to their critical abilities rather
* *than in venting their dissatisfac-
Quad Discontent * * * tion. I have been thinking of
To the Editor: printing cards which I would hand
I HAVE BEEN a resident of the to each person who looks like a
West Quad for the past four hisser as he enters the theater. It
years. During this time, I have would say: "In you I recognize an
noticed 'the growing discontent individual of sensitive taste, keen
among student residents over the intellect, and culture. You have
Quad system of management. To- the soul of a poet. You are an
night, this discontent was culmi- esthete. Please don't hiss."
nated in the busboy strike and Any other suggestions will be
the ensuing behavior of other welcome.
Quad residents. Bernard Ilulkower


(Continued from Page 2)
spring series of recitals at 7:15 Thurs-
day evening, Apr. 30, with the follow-
ing program: Prelude 7 for Carillon by
Professor Price Selections from a "Cere-
mony of Carols," by Britten, three
English- folksongs; works for carillon
by Couperin, Renotte and Raijk, and
Fianz Schubert's Serenade and Marche
May Festival Programs.
First Concert, Thurs., Apr. 30, 8:30: Al-
exander Brailowsky, Pianist; Philadel-
phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy. Con-
ductor. Program: Brahms "Academic
Festival", Overture; Chopin Concerto
No. 1 for Piano and Orchestra; and
Prokofieff Symphony No. 7.
Second Concert, Fri., May 1, 8:30:
Bach Mass in B minor-soloists: Doro-
thy Warenskjold, soprano; Janice Mou-
dry, contralto;' Harold Haugh, tenor;
Kenneth Smith, bass; with University
Choral Union, Philadelphia Orchestra,
Thor Johnson, conductor.
Third concert, Sat, May 2 2:30: Zino
Francescatt, violinist, Program: Ros-
sini Overture "L'Italiana in Algeri";
Tschaikowsky Overture-Fantasia, "Ro-
meo and Juliet"; Beethoven Concerto
in D major for violin and Orchestra;
Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. Festival
Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, con-
ductor, in a Suite of Songs by Benjamin
Britten; and Philadelphia Orchestra.
Fourth concert, Sat., May 2, 8:30: Ce-
sare Slepi, bass; Philadelphia Orches-
tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Pro-
gram: Strauss "Don Juan"; Hindemith
"Mathis der Maer"; Weinberger Polka
and Fugue from "Schwanda"; and
arias-Mozart "Mentre ti lascio"; ver-
di "Ella giamma m'amo" from "Don
Carlo"; and Gomez "Di sposo di pa-
dre" from "Salvator Rosa"
Fifth concert, Sun., May 3, 2:30: Ru-
dolf Firkusny, pianist; Philadelphia
Orchestra; University Choral Union;
Thor Johnson, conductor. Program:
Schubert Overture in the Italian Style;
Martin u ;Concerto No. 2 for Piano and
Orchestra; two choral works-Brahms
"Triumphlied," and "Prairie" by Norm-
and Lockwood with baritone solo by Ara
Sixthconcert, Sun., May 3, 8:30: Zinka
Milanov, soprano; Philadelphia Orches-
tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Pro-
gram: Haydn Symphony No, 7; Barber
Second Essay for Orchestra; Ravel's
"La Valse"; and arias-Beethoven "Ah,
perfido"; verdi "Pace, pace" from "For-
za del destino"; and verdi "Ritorna
Vincitor" from "Aida."
A limited number of tickets are still
available and will be on sale through
Wed., Apr. 29, at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Tower. Beginning Thursday morning,
tickets will be on sale at the box office
in Hill Auditorium. Librettos will be
on sale preceding each concert in the
The public is requested to arrive su-
jfciently early as to be seated on time,
since doors will be closed during per-
formance of numbers.
Events Today
The English Journal Club will meet
at 8 p.m., In Room 3-G of the Michi-
gan Union. Professor W. Powell Jones,
of Western Reserve University, will
read a paper entitled "James Joyce:
Master of Words." Discussion will fol-
low. All interested are invited to at-
The 47th Annual French Play. Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le Tar-
tuffe ou 'Imposteur," a comedy in five
acts by Molere, tonight at 8 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Box
Office open from 12 to 8 p.m. Free ad-
mission to members of Le Cercle Fran-
cais upon presentation of their mem-
bership cards.
Roger Williams Guild. Midweek Chat
from 4:30 until 5:30 Come help us pre-
pare displays for the coming 50th an-
niversary of organized church stu-
dent work in this country, which orig-
inated here with the Roger Williams
Guild at the University of Michigan.
Young Republicans. Mrs. Rae Hooker,
national GOP commtteewoman- from
Michigan, will be a guest speaker, at a
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Election of secretary will also be held.
The W.A.A. Folk and square Dance
Club will meet from 8 to 10 p.m. in the
Women's Athletic Building. Everyone
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin
Wed., Apr. 29, 7:30-7:50 a.m. Also Re-
fresher Tea from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Senior Bal Committee meets this
evening at 7:15 at the League.
Russky Chorus. There will be an im-
portant meeting of the Russky Chorus
todayat 7:30, ninth floor of the Bell
Tower. Plans for the Russian Night
will be made. All members please at-

Pershing Rifles. Regular drill meet-
ing in uniform will be held today at
1925 hrs. in the Rifle Range. Attend-
ance is required. Cadets taking the
Air Force examination, report to the
gym after the examination. Bring gym
Little Man On Campus

Congregational Disciples Guild. Dis-
cussion on "Christianity and the Ma-
jor Academic Disciplines," 6:45-8:00 p.m.
Board of Representatives. Meeting to-
day at 4 p.m. in the League.
Literary College Conference. Steering
Committee meeting, 3 p.m., 1010 Angell
Delta Sigma Pi, regular meeting to-
night 7:30 at 927 Forest Ave.
Coming Events
U. of, M. UNESCO Council will pre-
sent a panel discussion of the Arab-
Israel situation Thurs., Apr. 30, 8 p.m.,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Profes-1
sor Marshall Knappan, of the Political
Science Department, will moderate the
discussion, which is another program in
a series on international relations cur-
rently being presented by the Council.
The panel will be composed of Pro-
fessors Preston Slosson, William Haber,
Clark Hopkins, and M. T. Ramzl Fac-
ulty, students, and townspeople are
cordially invited.
The Institute of Aernautical Sciences
will hold a meeting on Thurs., Apr. 30,
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-D of the Mich-
igan Union. Mr. Walter Doll, technical
and research engineer at Pratt and
Whitney Aircraft Corp., will speak on
"Gas Turbine Development at Pratt
and Whitney Aircraft." Refreshments
will be served.
Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting
Thurs., Apr. 30, in the Madelon Pound
House (1024 Hill St.) at 7 p.m. Guests
are welcome.
Kappa Phi. Supper, program, and elec-
tion of officers Thursday at 5:15. All
members and pledges please plan to
be present.
International Committee of SL. Meet-
ing at 3:10 Thurs., Apr. 30 in the Con-
ference Room of the League. All in-
terested persons are invited to attend.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign studentsandrAmerican friends
Thurs., Apr. 30, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild. "Yoke Fellow-
ship" meets Thursday at 7 a.m. in the
Prayer Room of the First Baptist
Church. We breakfast, and are through
by 8.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting Thurs., Apr. 30, at
7:30, Fireside Room, Lane Hail.
La Petite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. In the North
Cafeteria Union. All interested stu-
dents invited.





"I've Been Getting In A Few Strokes Too"







Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Barnes Connable...........City Editor
Cal Samra...........oEditorial Director
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Sid Klaus .... Associate City Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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by Bibler

The administration will, as it
has previously, place the blame
upon we "silly, immature boys."
I do not believe that our discon-
tent is due to our so-called imma-
turity. The - administration has
been steadily increasing the cost
of living in the dormitories. Liv-
ing in the West Quad next year
will cost residents about $700.
This is an increase of $205 over
similar quarters four years ago.
The causes for the increase are,
according to University officials,

Dirty Dishes .:.
To the Editor:
AN UNINFORMED viewpoint is
evident in Miss Howard's ar-
ticle "What Price Busboys? As
defender of truth, right, and the
University budget, she deemed the
busboys request for .higher wages
as an insidious plot to destroy the
financial foundations of the Uni-
Apparently Miss Howard is not
acquainted with the true reasons

: # T+#2E O C~eC
/;-rV- M A CL- e





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