k "Mmms I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1953 I_ Princeton University, Wed., Apr, 29, 'Operation 4006' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Daauy-.etsy Smitn STELLA DALLAS-Margaret Paysner, Roberta Snyder and Patty Jewett perform in a mock presentation of the radio soap opera "Stella Dallas" as part of "Operation 4006." The miniature day of radio and television broadcasting will continue from 3:15 un- til 9:40 p.m. tomorrow. The productions may be observed by the public in Room 4203 Angell Hall at that time. Engineers To Display Antique Autos at Friday's Open House Antique automobiles will vie for interest with the latest develop- ments in en'gineering at the engi- neering college open house, Fri- day and Saturday. All departments of the college will be open for inspection and there will be many special dis- plays featured. The antique cars will be shown along with new luxury display mo- dels from American car makers and some French and Italian im- 2orts. The vehicles may be seen in the parking lot along South Uni- versity, west of the West Engi- neering Building, Invitations to attend the Engi- neering Open House have been extended to all high schools in .he state as a part of the special University Day, which will be ob- served on campus Saturday. At least 1,500 high school students are expected to attend. Engineering Open House is us- ually held only once every two years. However, this year there will b two, another being sched- uled during October. At this time the centennial of engineering in- struction at the University will be observed. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it Is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1953 Vol. LXII, No. 142 Notices Direct Commissions in U.S. Air Force are being offered to qualified seniors and graduates. Openings exist in 22 career fields, including Armament, Chemical and Biological Warfare, Comp- troller, Intelligence, Legal, Personnel, Research and Development. Team from 10th Air Force will have full details in Room 3D, Michigan Union, April 28, 29, 30. Veterans who have been certified for education and training allowance under Public Law 550 must get instructors' signatures on Dean's Monthly Certifica- tion for April and return that form to appropriate Dean's office on or before May 4. VA Form 7-1996a must be filled in and signed by each certified veteran in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, between 8 a.m. May 1 and 5 p.m. May 6. Choral Union Ushers. A few ushers have not picked up their cards for May Festival. Please pick them up to- night at Hill Auditorium between 5:00 and 5:30. Drama Season Ushers and Ticket Tak- ers appointments are now posted on the main bulletin board of the League. Please check your name with a pencil to indicate you have read the roster. Summer Employment. Bureau of Appointments' weekly sum- mer placement meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. in Room 3-A of the Michigan Union for all students Interested in either resort, camp, or industrial employment work. Childcraft, a Marshall Field enter- prise, will have a representative at the Michigan Union Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. in Room 3-B to talk to all interested students regarding their summer sales program. Russell Kelly Office Service, of De- troit, will have a representative at the Michigan Union Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. in Room 3-A to talk to all students interested in summer clerical positions in the Detroit area. Engineers. The Bureau of Appoint- ments has received several notices of vacancies for engineering teaching posi- tions at the college level. For further information please contact Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, telephone extension 2614. Psychiatric Aids. The Institute of Living of Hartford, Conn., is interested in employing psychology, sociology, and educational majors as psychiatric aids in a well-known private mental hos- pital. For further information, please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, telephone extension 2614. The Bureau of Appointments would welcome any request from Individuals seeking students to work for room and board for this summer. Please call Ext. 2614 to register your needs. Personnel Interviews. Lincoln-Mercury, of Wayne, Mich., has openings for students desiring both part-time and full-time work, after- noon shift (4:30-1:00 p.m.). There will be a representative here on Thurs., Apr. 30, to talk to those interested in permanent or summer employment. Vita-Craft will have a representative hereon May 5 at 4:30-p.m.-to talk toa group of those interested in positions with this firm. The meeting will be in 4508 Administration Building. The following day, May 6, there wil be individual interviews , at the Bureau of Appointments. Michigan Bell Telephone Co., of De- troit, will have an interviewer here on Wed., May 6, to talk to women in- terested in positions in their Train- ing Program. On Thurs., May 7, there will be a representative here from the Wayne County Bureau' of Social Aid to see June graduates interested in Social Service positions throughout the state. Northern Trust, of Chicago, will be here on Thurs., May 7, to see women interested in training positions with- in this organization. Bus. Ad., LSA, and other students may make appoint- ments Personnel Requests. The Ohio Edison Co., of Akron, Ohio, has sent brochures of information to the Bureau of Appointments for those interested. They have various positions open for graduating Engineers. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., Baltimore, Md., is in need of Civil Engineering graduates for Surveying, Planning, Construction, and Design Work, for their Engineering Depart- ment. Kenner Products Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, is interested in the services of a Mechanical Engineer interested in De- sign and Development of small house- hold and toy products. The Spool Cotton Co., New York City, is offering positions to young men on their Training Program. Positions would develop into sales of industrial sewing thread and*zippers to the garment trade in the Michigan-Indiana area. The U. S. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa., has openings for Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, and Aeronautical Engineers, as well as Physicists. The City of Vassar, Mich., is now ac- cepting applications for the position of City Clerk and Treasurer. Details concerning the position are available at the Bureau of Appointments and applications must be in by May 20, 1953. Sparks-Withington Corp., of Jackson, Mich., is In need of Engineers for Re- search and Development, particularly Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. The firm is starting a new laboratory to produce machinery for their own operations. National Cash Register Co., of Kala- mazoo, Mich., would like to hear from June graduates majoring in Account- ing or General Business interested in sales positions in the Kalamazoo area. Pangborn Corp., Hagerstown, Md., (Blast - Cleaning and Dust - Control Equipment) has the following posi- tions open: Application Engineer, Ex- perimental, and Test Engineer. The Jewish Agency for Palestine is sponsoring a 1953 Work and Study Pro- gram for Industrial Engineers in Is- rael. Mechanical or Industrial Engi- neers who will be June graduates are eligible for participating in this pro- gram. Summer Positions. The May Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, is interested in hearing from Cleve- land undergraduates who would like to participate in their College Shop project opening in July. For further information concerning these and other openings and for ap- pointments, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism. Walt Kelly, originator of the comic strip POGO, will speak Wed., Apr. 29, at 3 p.m. at the Rackham Lecture Hall, on "How Academic Is Freedom?" The public is invited. University Lecture, auspices of the English Department, "On Re-reading King Lear," Professor W. Powell Jones, Dean Adelbert College, Western Re- serve University, Wed,, Apr. 29, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall. University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Conservation, School of Natural Resources, "Public Health and Population Prospects in Asia," Dr. Irene Taeuber, Office of Population Research, Doctoral Examination for Stanley Rob- ert Sprung, Education; thesis: "The Effect of Direction and Nondirection on Children's Drawings," Wed., Apr. 29, Crofot Room, Michigan Union, at 12:30 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Olson. Doctoral Examination for Frederick Loring Crane, Botany; thesis: "The Syn- thesis of Nicotinic Acid in Leaves of Tomato, Lycopersicum esculentun Mill," Wed., Apr. 29, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chair- man, F. G. Gustafson. Doctoral Examination for Virgil Stew- art Pratt, Zoology; thesis: "Populations, Ecology, and Management of Marginal Trout Streams, in Southern Michigan," Wed., Apr. 29, 2126 Natural Science Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, K. F, Lagler. Doctoral Examination for Lloyd D. Partridge, Physiology; thesis: "An Elec- trical Study of Motor Neuron Func- tion," Wed., Apr. 29, 4017 East Medical Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, Rob- ert Gesell. Doctoral Examination for David Hol- comb Campbell, Chemistry; thesis: "A Study of the Reactions of Diborane with Hydroxylamine and with Meth- oxyamine," Fri., Apr. 30, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. W. Parry. Doctoral Examination for Lenore Frane, Economics; thesis: "Deprecia- tion for Tax Purposes," Thurs., Apr. 30, 105 Economics Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave. Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Emilio Wil- lems, Professor of Anthropology, Van- derbilt University, and Visiting Pro- fessor of Anthropology at Michigan, will speak on "Protestantism as a Fac- tor of Cultural Change in Brazil" on Wed., Apr. 29, 4:10 p.m., West Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. Every- one welcome. Geometry Seminar Thurs., Apr. 30, 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. Rainich will continue his talk on "Projective Planes and Corresponding Algebras." Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Theory of Growth (Economics 353). The Seminar will meet in the WestCon- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing at 4 p.m., Thurs., Apr. 30. Ronald Freedman of the Sociology Department will speak on "Some #Aspects of the Growth of Human Communities." History 12, Lecture Group I. Hour quiz Thurs., Apr. 30, 10 a.m. Hoar's and Heilbronner's Sections meet in 1025 An- gell; Smith's and Slosson's in 231 An- gell. Zoology Seminar. Philip J. Clark will speak on "Differential Viability of Al- bino and Normal Paradise Fish under Certain Environmental Conditions," and Virgil S. Pratt on "Populations, Ecol- ogy, and Management of Marginal Trout Streams in Southern Michigan," Wed., Apr. 29, 7:30 p.m., 2116 Natural Science Building. Concerts Student Recital. Robert Kavelman, trombonist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Wednesday evening, Apr. 29, in the Razkham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Glenn Smith, Mr. Kavelman will be' assisted by Allen Townsend, Royce Arm- strong, trombone, Paul Willwerth, trumpet, Robert Ricks, horn, and Ju- dith Omans, piano. The program will include works by Handel, Mattei, Saint-Saens, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Hindemith, and Poulenc, and will be open to the public. Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will continue his (Continued on Page 4) MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .60 1.34 1.96 3 .70 1.78 2.84 4 .90 2.24 3.92 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M., Saturdays, 11:30 A.M., for Sunday issue. LOST AND FOUND LOST - Saturday, gold Gruen watch, near East Quad. Ph. 563 Jordan. )35L LOST - 1 beige Cardigan sweater at State Theater. Ph. June 9388. )34L LOST-Lt. green Schaefer automatic pencil, on campus, Ph. Tamra Johns, 2-3153. )36L LOST-Black suede purse containing red wallet, important identification. Vicinity of Pretzel Bell, April 25. Finder call 2-3441 Fri.-Tues. Reward. )37L FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-6.88. So, 39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplie Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )7B PARAKEETS, babieh and breeders, ca- naries, singers, cages, and supplies. 305 W. Hoover. Phone 2-2403. )1F PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, Remington- Rand in good condition. $40. Phone 3-0852. )87F GOLF CLUBS-5 irons, 2 woods, Joe Kirkwood model. Never been used, $36.75. Phone 3-870. )89F ANTIQUE French love seat. Victorian side-chairs. Grandfathers clock. Mar- ble-to table. 562 S. 7th, west of Madison. )88F MAY FESTIVAL-Season tickets in cen- ter section main floor. Call 3-5477 or 2-3394. )76H '46 NASH Ambassador. Same ownership since new. Excellent condition, over- drive, radio & heater, $450. Ph. 3-0521, ext. 194. )92F 1950 STUDEBAKER, excellent condition, automatic transmission, radio, heater, turning lights, $1050. Call Ann Arbor 2-1127 after six. )91F CAR by private owner. 1947 Olds 4-door sedan, actual mileage 36,000. Perfect condition, phone 2-9762. )90F Fordham University SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course CO-EDUCATIONAL Member Assn. of American Law Schools Matriculants must be College grad- uates and present full trans- cript of College record. Classes Begin Sept. 28, 1953 For further information address Registrar Fordham University School of Law 302 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. ENDING TONIGHT FOR SALE SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS! Large air-cooled rooms, nicely furnished. Multiple bath facilities with showers and continuous hot water. Three blocks from Rackham Building. Call 7632. )34D FOR SALE-Underwood Portable Type- writer. Excellent condition. 3-2668. WANTED TO RENT WANTED: 4-man Apt. Summer and/or, Fall. Ph.,34145 Rm. E 22. )7X WANTED--Apartment in September for 2 couples with 2 twin double beds. Phone 2-2330, ask for Bunny Sin. )8X ROOMS FOR RENT EXCELLENT single and double rooms for men; available for summer and fall; 5 minutes from campus; ice-box privileges; privacy. Ph. 3-0849. )29D ROOMS for male students. Suites. Double rooms. Separate kitchen with cooking privileges. ?/2 block from cam- pus. Summer and Fall. 417 E. Liberty. )31D SUITE for 3, preferably G.I.'s. Part time work to defray cost. Also garage for rent. Also, single room with board. 520 Thompson. )52D ROOMS, roomettes and apartments by day or week for campus visitors. Cam- pus Tourist Homes, 518 E. William. Phone 3-8454. )3D ATTRACTIVE ACCOMMODATIONS for men students. Studio-type beds (box springs, innerspring mattresses), in- dividual desks, book shelves, lamps, lounging chairs, chests. All linens and bedding furnished. Multiple bath facilities, with showers and continu- ous hot water. Three blocks from Rackham Building. Reservations avail- able for fall semester. Call 7632. )33D HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST for editorial office of national medical journal. Good opportunity to learn details of medical publishing. Please write RA- DIOLOGY, 2842 W. Grand Blvd., De- troit, 2, Mich., giving qualifications and experience. )38H WANTED Carriers for The Michigan Daily. Top pay; early morning hours. Call circu- lation Dept. 2-3241. )39H RADIO SERVICE Auto -Home - Portable Phono & T.O. Fast & Reasonable Service ANN ARBOR RADIO & T V. "Student Service" 1215 So. Univ., Ph. 7942 1 is blocKs east of East EnX. )1B TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Sthnda rd for rent, sale and service. Morrill's 314 S. State St., Phone 7177. )28 WASHING, finished work, and hand ironing. Cotton dresses a specialty. Ruff dry and wet washing. Also iron- ing separately. Free pick up and de- livery. Phone 2-9020. )23B STUDENT HELP wanted for noon hour. Hours 12 to 2. Phone 8076, Topper Res- taurant 306 S. Division. )44H THESIS & Manuscripts-Typing & edit- ing by trained secretary. Marie Roe- lofs, 831 Tappan Court, Ph. 3-0708. )24B TYPING, reasonable rates, accurate and efficient. Ph. 7590. 830 S. Main. )4B FOR RENT DELUXE 2-room furnished apartment; private entrance; between Ypsi and Ann Arbor. No children; semi-private bath. $67.50 per month. % year lease. Ph. 2-9020. )100 BACHELOR GIRL APT. for rent. Co- operative kitchen. 305 E. Liberty, 3-5062. )110 MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU A WRITER? Do you want $20? Enter the Gargoyle Hophead Short Story Contest. Deadline is May 15. )9M SENSATIONAL BARGAIN Sport Sampler-$70.00 value for only $3.50. Available until Friday, May 1. Noon-4:00 P.M. Adm. Bldg. Lobby. )l0M HELP WAbITID COUNSELOR for small boys' camp, 10 week season starting June 14. Call 2-9454 evenings. )46H WANTED-Help for dishwasher at once. Lunchrand dinner. Call sorority, 2-4808 or 2-3159. )47H BUSINESS SERVICES I; .4 Princeton University, Wed., Apr. 28, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices 4 t } CinetaSL dd Presen s RITA HAYWORTH CHARLES BOYER GINGER ROGERS ETHEL WATERS HENRY FONDA in Julien Durivier's TALES of MAHATTA with CHARLES LAUGHTON ELSA LANCHESTER EDWARD G. ROBINSON GEORGE SANDERS As thrilling as New York's skyline." - WINCHELL and until Thursday Y 45P4M Th d5 P.M. STARTING FRIDAY ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM ,/",. , r the perfect combination... the music of the orchestra of the sound of itJ46 THE MUSIC OF VICTOR HERSERT 1- 12 $ 5 .9 Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life - When You're Away - Neapolitan Love Song - March Of The Toys - I'm Falling In Love With Someone - Gypsy love Song - Kiss Me Again --Indian Summer- To The Land of My Own Romance - *tolion Street Song - A Kiss In the Dark - Haobnero -, Sweetheorto- GxIIN*IO PtA? The Irish Hove a Great Day Tonight. 45 RP 11ye iii III 44 Scotch I am and I know the quickest as well as cheapest way to get resuls is toP it it in .. Daily Classifieds PHONE RHYTHMIC! INFECTUOUS! EXCITING! UNUSUAL! SILVANA MANGANO STORMY SENSATION OF "BITTER RICE"' and featuring VITTORIO GASSMAN I I I I 23-24-1 t. REIEASIV*G CORPORA T?' Daily From 1 P.M. I 44c Until 5 P.M. CANOE TRIPS Into Quetico-Superior Wilderness. Only $4.85 to $5.40 per person per day. For free information, write: CANOE COUNTRY OUT- FITTERS, Bill Rom, Box C, Ely, Minnesota. Tomorrow ERROL FLYNN in "Against All Flags" with Joyce HOLDEN -"Glenda FARRELL - Patricia HARDY Glen ROBERTS - Harvey LEMBECK - Jaclynne GREENE Also COMEDY - NEWS - VARIETY -4 1 il inro~I d !EP 6074 INDIAN SUMMER:A KISS IN THE DARK SWEETHEARTS : FALLING IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE $ 1.47 .EP 6075 AHI SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE : KISS ME AGAIN $ 1.47 TO THE LAND OF MY OWN ROMANCE : ITALIAN STREET SCENE sp M 45 RPM (ADVERTISEMENT) OPTOMETRY IN THREE YEARS, IF YOU HAVE SIXTY L. A. CREDITS In three college years, you can prepare for the attractive profession of optome- try, if you have a minimum of sixty required Liberal Arts credits. There is a shortage of optometrists in many States Eighty per cent of the Nation's millions depend upon the Doc- tor of Optometry and his professional skill in conserving vision. The optometrist possesses the dignity of being a professional man. He renders a service essential to the health and urll..hing of his rommunity Sbstan- 'r :. m TICKETS ON SALE TODAY .. . GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S HOMO. aPINAFORE" t ,_,....._1307 AHI SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE : A KISS IN THE DARK - 1309 KISS ME AGAIN I:ITALIAN STREET SONG ,...,.,,,,_...1309 I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE : SWEETHEARTS -X 1310 INDIAN SUMMER : TO THE LAND OF MY OWN ROMANCE n RM AOSUN M9 "9c 69c $94 $4.45 [A-242 THE MUSIC OF VICTOR HERBERT 4--10" Inctudes the following records: 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310 (see obo'el, and USE THIS AD AS ORDER BLANK id s'1 = M 1 VLm -m m =-= - m - N M IkkMMR n MO f ®® UN'WAA l -----. .. :i