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April 25, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-25

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-- - !


On Slashing
The Budget
E CONOMY MOVES now running rampant
in Congress and the executive depart-
ment give encouragement that Republicans
will try to live up to their "economy in gov-
ernment" plank by at least attempting to
reach a balanced budget for the next fiscal
year. With the House of Representatives this
week slashing more than $700,000,000 from
requests of 23 agencies, a 61 per cent pre-
liminary cut was effected in this area. The
President also announced Thursday that the
State and Defense Departments would un-
dergo reorganization in an attempt to cut
personnel and reduce the mammoth 46 bil-
lion dollar defense budget.
The biggest danger in economy talk is
the chance of entirely eliminating neces-
sary projects, or curtailing others to the
extent that they cannot be carried out.
Unfortunately, the latter danger was real-
ized in one case last week when Commis-
sioner of Education Earl J. McGrath re-
signed rather than attempt to run the
federal education program on a much
curtailed fund allotment. Even more se-
rious consequences could arise in the de-
fense area if economy-hungry Congress-
men drastically slash military funds to
gain short-sighted fulfillment of a cam-
paign promise.
Fortunately, the President is well qualified
to assess the defense situation and can be
expected to maintain expenditures necessary
for essential armament protection. The
greatest hope for cutbacks in this field would
seem to be in departmental organization
economies and reduction of substantial
wastes which have cropped up embarassing-
ly in the military program.
Though many people will lament cuts in
domestic governmental programs, it is in
this area that safest economies can be made,
as long as immediately necessary projects
are not discontinued. At present the huge
government defense and domestic expendi-
tures make up a major part of our industrial
and commercial activity. With private expen-
ditures also increasing, and competing
against government purchases, the govern-
ment could probably safely reduce domestic
expenditures without impairing the nation's
economic health. At the same time, such
reductions would have the beneficial result
of lessening inflationary pressures in the
From an economic standpoint, the best
time to undertake large domestic expen-
ditures will come when the defense out-
lays are reduced in several years. At that
time, either large new private expenditures
or governmental projects will need to be
substituted for defense spending if the
present high economic level is to be main-
tained. Thus, by deferring large domestic
projects now, the government will be better
able to take care of the slack period if it
should arise.
Though defense cutbacks must contribute
the major part of budget reductions, do-
mestic appropriation decreases will help the
general budgetary problem as well. In both
cases, however, judicious budget cuts must
be effected rather than trying the popular
"I'm going to cut this thing 50 per cent across
the boards" approach, which usually leads
to serious trouble.
--Harry Lunn

What Price Busboys?,

"Sure - I Want To Promote Outdoor Life"

BEGINNING ON a small scale, within a
week the West Quad busboys' strike has
mushroomed to the proportions of a major
It's easy to dismiss the strike as just
another outcome of spring fever, or as a
too-ostentatious plea for a 15 cent wage
increase. When 15 cents is multiplied by
the hours 85 busboys work, however, the
issue takes on a serious tone.
The facts are simple: last week some 25
busboys suddenly, and with no prior warning
to Quad or University officials, walked off
their jobs. Reasons for dissatisfaction were
several. Eighty cents, they claimed, is in-
adequate, especially since nonstudent em-
ployees doing similar work receive a begin-
ning hourly wage of $1.03. They also resent
the fact that they must work 150 hours be-
fore they can reach the 85 cent per hour
Rumors have attributed the walkout
partially to a quad policy of automatic

dismissal after three absences from work.
Authorities, however, stated that this rul-
ing applies only to unexcused absences,
and that it hasn't been used at all this
year because of a shortage of help.
While the Quad men are justified in as-
serting their rights of self-expression and,
while many would agree with them that 80
cents is not enough for an hour of work,
their chances of achieving a 15 or 20 cent
raise seem negligible.
The Administration would not be able
to stop with the West Quad busboys in
upping student salaries to $1.00. All stu-
dent employees on campus might justifi-
ably demand similar raises, and, as a re-
sult, chaos far greater than the currently
delayed Quad meals might well accom-
pany an all-campus walkout.
In view of already reduced appropriations
to the University, a general raise for them
and other student employees is hardly with-
in reality.
-Jane Howard

University of Michigan
May 29 - June 9
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week:
for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the
time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be ex-
amined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule.
12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other
"irregular" classes may use any examination period provided
there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are ar-
ranged for by the "irregular" classes).
Each student should receive notification from his instructor
as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may
be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina-
tion Schedules.


Washington Merry-Go-Round


Time of Class

WASHINGTON-One year ago this month
while visiting with General Eisenhower
in Paris I had occasion to suggest that one
of his most difficult problems after he got
into the White House would be the China
This referred of course to the small
but powerful group dominated by the
Soong-Kung dynasty which has bene-
fited richly from U.S. aid to Chiang and
which has siphonedpart of those funds
into one of the most skillful propaganda
and political machines ever to operate in
this country.
From the safety of the U.S.A. they have
not hesitated to sell strategic materials to
Communist China, attempted to corner the
soybean market just before the Korean war,
and hired some of the most politically potent
lawyers in the nation to plead their cause
with Congress.
I suggest to General Eisenhower that
inasmuch as certain senators received
heavy campaign contributions from the
China Lobby, its operation actually
amounted to having our Asiatic policy
fixed not by the Secretary of State but
by carefully placed dollars. I also sug-
gested that it would be to his advantage
to encourage a Congressional investiga-
tion of the China Lobby-a probe which
the State Department and many Demo-
crats would welcome.
The General, then new in politics; ex-
pressed incredulity that U. S. Senators would
accept campaign expenses from the China
Lobby. He did not spark to the idea of such
an investigation.
THE OTHER DAY, however, President
Eisenhower was forced to choose be-
tween China-Lobby Senators and his own
Secretary of State. The choice came after
his Secretary of State had dropped a hint


that the United States might have to aban-
don Chiang Kai-Shek and Formosa in order
to get peace in Korea.
As between his Secretary of State and
China-Lobby Senators, Eisenhower hesi-
tated only a few minutes. He repudiated
his Secretary of State.
This leaves the nation right back where
it was during the Truman Administration.
First, we have a State Department just as
intimidated by the China Lobby under John
Foster Dulles as it was under Dean Ache-
son-except that Dulles retreated quicker
and farther than Acheson.
Second, we have a foreign policy influenced
by secret foreign agents, many of them not
registered with the Justice Department-a
foreign policy swayed by campaign contri-
butions to certain Senators.
Third, and most important, it will be
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to
win peace in Korea without sacrificing
Chiang Kai-Shek.
This was the unofficial view which John
Foster Dulles took with newsmen before
the wrathy China Lobby scared Eisenhower
into a retreat.
DULLES had reasoned: in order to get
the Reds to retreat some 80 miles to the
waist of Korea it will be necessary to give
them something in return. That might
well be an agreement to keep Formosa as an
independent requblic or UN trusteeship,
giving up all claims to the Chinese main-
Dulles knew that the Reds are not go-
ing to retreat to the Korean waist easily.
He knew he faced the alternative of sac-
rificing thousands of G I. lives or else
making diplomatic concessions such as
Formosa. He knew Eisenhower had talked
rather extravagantly during the election
campaign about settling the Korean war.
He also knew that a report to Washington
from Formosa told how Chiang's soldiers
now havean average age of 29. This is con-
siderably older than the American Army,
and older still than the Communist Army,
and, under Chiang's standards, much too
old to fight. He also knew Chiang had no
means of recruiting fresh troops.
Finally Dulles knew that Chiang' was
so fearful of being invaded from the China
mainland, rather than invading himself,
that a reference to using his troops was
recently taken out of a Gen. Omar Brad-
ley speech-on request.
Yet when Dulles hinted at certain con-
cessions inherent from these facts, the China
Lobby showed its teeth, and in one day
President Eisenhower took the almost un-
precedented action of reversing his Secre-
tary of State.
Here is the roll-call of Senators who play
ball with the China Lobby and whom Eisen-
hower apparently fears:
Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire,
Republican-received a contribution of
$1,000 to his last election campaign from
Alfred Kohlberg, a key figure in the China
Lobby. Also received contributions of $3,000
froxii Edward Heller, a Democrat, whose wife
is Democratic National Committeewoman
from California. It seems strange that a
California Democrat' should send so heavy
a contribution across the continent to help
a Republican in New Hampshire.
GOP Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia-Knowland is so persistent in pushing
Formosa that he is nicknamed "the Sena-
tor from Formosa." No China-Lobby con-
tributions have been recorded for his cam-
paigns, but he gets heavy political support
from San Francisco's Chinatown,
Vice President Nixon-Bank of China
public-relations representatives sent a spec-
ial press agent, Leo Casey, to help Nixon in
the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Louis
Kung, second son of H. H. Kung, son-in-law
of Chiang Kai-Shek, and the finance man
for the China Lobby, was present.
GOP Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wiscon-
sin-Has voted consistently with the China
Lobby, is a close friend of Alfred Kohl-

tettep'4 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




Frosh Weekend..

Whether or not the spontaneous
demonstration was fair to the vic-
tim hr clfic h otrnao

(at 8 Thursday, June 4 2-5
(at 9 Monday, June 1 2-5
(at 10 Wednesday, June 3 9-12
TUESDAY (at 11 Friday, May 29 2-5
(at 1 Saturday, May 30 2-5
(at 2 Tuesday, June 2 2-5
(at 3 Friday, June 5 9-12
These regular examination periods have precedence over
any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be
arranged by the instructor of the "special" class.

m,. 4ua

To the Editor: m;n er unse s acceptance of
FIRST I would like to congratu- the undesired post, and the en-
late the members of the Maize thusiasm with which it was greeted
Team Frosh-Week-end on their by the so-called politicians, present
showmanship and did a fine job on a true picture of the sincerity and
shcowmanshypoanddidayfiejoon dedication with which the legisla-
victory. They portrayed good tors generally accept their respon-
showmanship and did a fine job ontosgnrlyacpthireo-
their floorshow, publicity and tick- sibility to the campus.
et sales. More important than win- The moving demonstration plac-
ning is the fact that this year's ed Barbara Mattison in an unde-
Frosh Week-end was a widely sired position. It is hoped that the
publicized and decorative success. continual sublimation of individual
The winning spirit of both teams desires to the goals. of student
made Frosh-Week-end a memor- government will someday prove of
able event at Michigan that will more than dubious wedah Marks
gain in recognition because of the , , e~ * a
freshman fanfare . . . their driv-'
ing spirit. humor..
As a member of the Blue Team Tb the Editor:
I was closely connected with our WAS very much interested in
teamwork and floorshow. The prof. Hussey's valuation of hu-
work, co-operation and never end- mofn Husey's vaion o -
ing spirit of this team must be mor in Thursday's "Daily." How-
comnmended. The floorshow on ever, I think I can go a little fur-
both teams entailed endless hours ther in my own valuation of humor
of rehearsals, but the Maize and to say that it is international.
Blue did their part . . . a great Many people use the word "hu-
performance. mor" or "sense of humor" to mean



Sociology 51, 54, 60. 90
English 1, 2
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54
Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 6, 12
Psychology 31
Botany 1, 2, 122.
Zoology 1
French 1, 2. 11, 12, 31, 32
German 1, 2, 31, 32
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32
Political Science 2

Saturday, May 30
Saturday, May 30
Tuesday, June 2
Friday, June 5
Saturday, June 6
Saturday, June 6
Saturday, June 6
Monday, June 8
Monday, June 8
Tuesday, June 9
Tuesday, June 9



r i rrr r w i .

WASHINGTON-Rule One for any Ad-
ministration is that national policy
cannot be successfully administered by men
who do not believe in it. This is a rule which
President Truman never learned, to his last-
ing misfortune. It begins to seem that the
Eisenhower administration also has some
lessons to learn in this regard.
The trouble in the Commerce Depart-
ment began with the appointment of Craig
R. Schaeffer, a pen manufacturer, as As-
sistant Secretary. Schaeffer's political
views are suggested by the fact that he is
an acknowledged admirer of the right wing
rabble-rouser, Merwin K. Hart. To such a
man, scientists of all sorts are automatical-
ly suspect, and Schaeffer instantly got
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks
into a major row with the scientists of
the Bureau of Standards. Weeks has had
to eat humble pie.
By now, there are plenty of other men
at the lower levels of the government who
can cause the Eisenhower administration a
heap of trouble. Former Sen. Harry Cain,
for example, has been named to the Sub-
versive Activities Control Board. President
Eisenhower has made it abundantly clear
that he does not favor Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy's methods of dealing with subversives.
Yet Cain, besides being a violently eccentric
man, consistently attempted to out-McCar-
thy McCarthy, when he was in the Senate
The Eisenhower trade policy calls for freer
world trade, and the'President has sent a
strong message to Congress asking for the
extension of the reciprocal trade program
without essential change. At the same time,
he named former Rep. Joseph Talbott to the
Tariff Commission. Talbott is an amiable

curately pointed out during the campaign
that Roosevelt and the Republican party
were responsible for initiating national con-
servation' and land use policies. Yet the
newly appointed Assistant Secretary of the
Interior, Orme Lewis, has testified that the
public lands, comprising almost a quarter
of the national land area and constituting
an invaluable national heritage, should ul-
timately be turned over to "private citizens."
This is hardly what Theodore Roosevelt had
in mind, and it seems extremely unlikely
thatit is what Dwight Eisenhower has in
mind. Another Assistant Secretary of the
Interior, Felix Wormser, formerly head of
Lead and Zinc Trade Association, has warmly
endorsed provisions in a House Ways and
Means Committee bill, for heavily increased
tariffs on lead and zinc. In fact, he has im-
plied that he had a hand in preparing these
provisions. The Administration is now try-
ing desperately to get them knocked out of
the bill, which would wreck the reciprocal
trade program.
And so on. Some of these men, it should
be said, are no doubt able men. But that
is not the point. The point is that they
simply do not believe in many of the poli-
cies President Eisenhower stands for.
Holding second-level but often powerful
jobs, they could cause very bad troult e
later on.
What has happened is understandable
enough. For one thing, a Party traditional-
ly takes care of its lame ducks, without in-
quiring too closely into the lame duck's
Moreover, an administration cannot
lightly disregard the wishes of such pow-
erful men as Senate Interior Committee

Time of Examination
Friday, May 29 9-12
Saturday, May 30 9-12
Tuesday, June 2 9-12
Thursday. June 4 9-12
Monday, June 1 9-12
Wednesday, June 3 2-5
Friday, June 5 2-5

Finally I want to give special
thanks to individual members of
the Blue Team. Personal thanks
goes to Dawn Waldron. Floorshow
Chairman, Judy Lichtblau, Gen-
eral Chairman and Barbara Wat-
son, Publicity Chairman for their
hard work and strong leadership.
The heads and members of all
other committees deserve equal
I know that the Blue Team has
kept its spirits high . . winning or
losing. In fact the most wonderful
part of Frosh Week-end was the
comradeship we found in new
friends and faces. I think I express
the feelings of my co-workers and
teammates in saying, "Thanks for
our Frosh Week-end, we wouldn't
have missed it for the world."
--Jan Wexler
SL Sincerity *. *
To the Editor:
MANY on campus from all seg-
ments of the University doubt
the sincerity of the avowed dedi-
cation of Student Legislature to
the educational community. How-
ever, in words and deeds SL con-
tinues to performdin the interests
of the whole community.
Perhaps the sincerity of the
legislators was most vividly shown
during recent SL Cabinet elections
when a member was nominated
to frill an office and the Legisla-
ture, led by avowed candidates to
that same office, rose to acclaim
her as the superior choice for a
position of executive leadership.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXII, No. 139

the ability to tell a joke; they are
mistaken insofar as they overlook
the important point that telling a
joke is an art whereby a story is
told with a concentrated dose of
humor. I shouldn't like to think
that humor or "humorism" is lim-
ited and confined to this art only.
What certain people regard as
a tragedy may be regarded as a
comedy by others in factual life
situations; what is good to one
person may be bad to another;
what one person frowns at may
be smiled at by another; what is a
"joke" to one may be a very dry
fact to another, but there are no
such differences in opinion when
it comes to the broader "humor"
or "humorism" which, when prop-
erly thought of and properly
channeled, may turn a pessimist
into an optimist, a tragedy into
a comedy, a frowning face to a
smiling one, a sad outlook to a
very happy one, and international
conflicts into international un-
derstanding and cooperation.
Personal, family, community,
national, economic and social in-
terests may differ and even clash,
but all the people of the world long
for a happy life, a pleasant life, a
peaceful life-and this is where
"Humorism" (not conflicting with
seriousness, but supplementing it)
plays its major role.
-Raja Masr
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the Uni versity of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young Managing Editor
Barnes Connable . .... City Editor
Cal Samra.... .... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.. . ... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .. Associate City Editor
Harland Britzt. ......Associate Editor
Donna hendleman...... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ..... Sports Editor
John Jenke ...*Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sevell ...Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler .. _.women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green .......... Business Manager

Special examination periods will be arranged by instructors
for degree candidates in the group finals that occur June 6,*
June 8, or June 9: separate lists of degree candidates will be
furnished only for these special exam periods.
* Degree candidates may. take exams on June 6, instead of
having special exam periods, however, only 24 hours are avail-
able until the final due date for grades to be filed with the
Registrar's Office for degree candidates which is Sunday, June
7, at 4 p.m.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all
applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit
in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina-
tions, see bulletin board in the School of Music.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
College of Engineering
May 29 - June 9
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week:
for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of
the first quiz period.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted
below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as-
signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment.
See bulletin board outside of Room 3044 East Engineering Build-
ing between May 12 and May 19 for instruction. To avoid mis-
understandings and errors each student should receive notifi-
cation from his instructor of the time and place of his appear-
ance in each course during the period May 29 to June 9.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent
of the Classification Committee.



Time of Class


Time of Examination
Friday, May 29
Saturday, May 30!
Tuesday, June 2
Thursday, June 4
Monday, June 1
Wednesday, June 3 :
Friday, June 5:
Thursday, June 4
Monday, June 1:
Wednesday, June 3
Friday, May 29;
Saturday, May 30




(at 2
(at 3

Tuesday, June 2
Friday, June 5
* Saturday, May 30
* Tuesday, June 2
* Tiuedair .Tne 9


EE 5
Economics 53, 54
T'D1' rinn 1.


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