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April 24, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-24

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_______________________________________________________________________ I __________________________________________________________________________________________ I

Soviet Master Plan?

THE LATEST Soviet peace offensive is
Causing much speculation as to Soviet
motives. Experts here and abroad are won-
dering why the sudden, vigorous 'emphasis
on peace by the Chinese and the Russian
Many reasons for the peace offensive
have been advanced, and perhaps one is
as good as the other. But none of them
seems to take into consideration the pos-
sibility that the peace offensive may be
part of a three-year Soviet master plan
designed to cripple the American economy.,
It is no secret that the Soviets, following
the Marxist pattern of thought, have been
lying in wait for the collapse of the Ameri-
can economy since the end of World War
II.But by 1950, when Soviet strategists
found themselves still confronted with a
dynamic capitalist -economy, their spoken
and unspoken belief that Communism would
triumph economicially rather than militar-
ily probably induced them to plan the ru-
ination of the American economy by arti-
ficial means.
If the Soviets did devise such a plan, it
is a simple, though clever one..The Korean
War was to inflate our economy tremendous-
ly and, subsequently, peace was to cause de-
flation, then depression, and finally total
collapse. The first part of the plan probably
worked out as the Soviets expected when UN
intervention in the Korean affair, with the
United States necessarily carrying the
greatest load, produced a great increase in
defense production and military expendi-
tures. The ensuing concentration on the
production of armaments resulted in in-
flationay trends.
Assuming that the Soviets really intend
to end the war in Korea; their peace of-
fensive is probably designed to decrease
defense production in the United States.
A slackening in our defense and military
+ Al
TVHE PAINTINGS, watercolors and draw-
ings of Jamie Ross and John Goodyear,
two University graduate students, form a
double showing in exhibition galleries of the
Rackham building.
The Japanese-born American painter
Yashuo Kuniyoshi once said, that every
time he had a one-man exhibition it was
like hanging his insides on the wall for
the public to see. There is a great deal of
truth in that statement. It is a very, good
thing for an artist to see the work of pos-
sibly several years altogether in one unob-
structed room, for in this clear objective
light weaknesses are clarified and
strengths verified.
Collectively, the work of both painters con-
veys a general unevenness both in concept
and execution, which is to be expected in
the long process of developing a personal
vision. However, a closer selection and con-
centration on the individual pictures reveals
the unique quality of each.
Jamie Ross combines a lively sense of de-
sign with very skillful use of color. The "New
bridge" with its bold juxtiposition of red and
black against white, "the cage" with it's vi-
brating ochers and blue, and the twisting
half nude "Snubather" struck me as being
exceptionally well realized. Of the watercol-
ors present I think the landscapes were most

spending would, in itself, be to their ad-
vantage. Their plan, however, expects such
a cut in spending to be great enough to
cause a depression which would be dis-
astrous to the United States in the pres-
ent world situation.
The crucial point, therefore, is whether
the United States can avoid a depression by
offsetting any possible deflationary effects
of peace.
To avert a depression, the United States
government may have to counteract defla-
tionary trends with inflationary policies. In
the first place, the United States should not
cut defense spending to any great degree if
and when fighting stops in Korea. The Com-
munist threat will still be with us, and it
is of the utmost importance that we continue
our defense spending so as to be always pre-
pared to meet that menace.
It may also be necessary to continue Eur-
opean and Point Four aid as one way of re-
taining inflationary government spending
to offset any deflationary trends. Private in-
vestments in foreign projects could also be
Strange as it may seem in these days of
budget cutting, another answer that
presents itself is increased government
spending on domestic projects such as the
badly needed improvement of roads or the
equally neglected education system. Also
on the domestic scene, government price
supports could be continued and credit
buying could be emphasized.
Whatever the case, regardless of whether
the peace offensive is part of such a seeming-
ly fantastic Soviet master plan, the United
States must still remain on guard against
any deflationary effects of the peace of-
fensive and be prepared to move quickly in
the event that peace causes undesirable re-
actions in the American economy.
-Jim Dygert
successful. I liked the fresh and pleasant
"New England street." A great deal of the
effectiveness of the large oil titled "City"
was lost for me in its overblown size. Mr.
Ross seems to be at his best and is most ef-
fective when his sophisticated sense of de-
sign and color combine in highly concentrat-
ing the "idea" of an object or a place.
The work of John Goodyear I found ex-
tremely uneven. He seems to be doing a
good deal of shopping around for a place to
light. The best things for me were the oth-
erworldly "Picnic" and "Sunday," in
which his very special sense of color and
feeling for mood are admirably combined
in producing a very bizarre twilight world
of isolated people and thwarted desires.
With the exception of "bottles" and "Still
life," the othr oils seem to lack conviction
and the color becomes arbitrary and mud-
dled. Among the watercolors and drawings I
particularly liked "Spring" and "Jester" in
which both retain that peculiar surrealistic
quality of the smaller paintings. Mr. Good-
year has at his disposal a very sensitive and
subtle feeling for color, and an uncanny
sense oY atmosphere.
The exhibition will continue through Sat-
urday April 25th
-Richard A. Davis

WASHINGTON - The other day the Sen-
ate Internal Security committee ques-
tioned Gregory Silvermaster, former Treas-
ury official, regarding allegations that he
had filmed secret documents for Russia in
the basement of his Silver Spring home dur-
ing the war.
The date of this Senate cross-examina-
tion was April 16, 1953.
On Sept. y7, 1947, however, almost seven
years before, this columnist revealed the
first inside story about the silver spring So-
viet spy ring and gave considerably more
facts than the senators did last week, The
column read:
"Here is how the Soviet spy ring operated
almost under the nose of the White House.
One Treasury official, formerly with the Ag-
riculture department, had a photo laboratory
in Silver Spring, Md., on the outskirts of
Washington. He worked in the Treasury's
procurement division, which deals with the
purchase of supplies. Two War Department
officials-one a major in the Air Corps-
who were attached 'to the Treasury to ad-
vise on the purchase of aviation materiel.
took blueprints and confidential Army plans
out of the Treasury and War Departments
to a friend's laboratory, where they were
"Then the photographs were turned over
to a Sovicet agent who carried them to New
York and gave them to the head of Russia's
top secret police, the NKVD. This took place
while the war was in progress.
"Although the officials involved held
minor positions, two of them handled im-
portant aviation secrets and one was an
expert in pushing B-29 production.
Army officers, when questioned, admitted
privately that they had known for some
time that the Russians had been able to build
B-29s. In fact, U.S. intelligence reports indi-
cate that several B-29s were finished by the
Russians some time ago."
THE ABOVE column was published as a
result of independent, personal journalistic
investigation without the protection of sena-
torial privilege. It incurred the usual risk of
libel, inherent in any difficult piece of jour-
nalistic digging. It would seem therefore that
the Senate Internal Security Committee,
with all its power to subpoena witnesses and
its protection from libel suits, could find
something more up-to-date to investigate
than facts published seven years ago.
For instance, the committee could well
investigate how the Kremlin is using satel-
lite legations and embassies for propagan-
da and espionage work among foreign-
born Americans.
Most of this is done through certain Com-
munist legations right here in the nation's
capital and under the nose of the Senate In-
ternal Security Committee-among them the
Hungarian, Czech, Rumanian and others.
The Sienate committee did some excellent
wort regarding this three orfou' years ago,
but latest development is the mannetr in
which the Hungarian Communist legation
in Washington collects money from Hun-
garian-Americans to help poorly fed rela-
tives in Hungary, then uses the money for
propaganda and espionage work in the Unit-
ed States.
The system works through the United
States relief parcel servide, which, judging
from its high-sounding name, appears 'to
be run by the U.S. Government. Actually,
'however, it's operated under the supervision
of the Hungarian Communist government
in the following manner:
You deposit $1.50 or almost any other
amount with USRPS in the United States,
and the Hungarian government in turn
delivers the food to your friend or rela-
tive in Hungary. The goods are obtained
from Hungarian government-owned co-
operatives. But the money you deposit re-
mains in the U.S.A. to finance Communist

expenses here. In addition, the Hungar-
ian government makes a profit on the
transaction in Hungary.
Thus $10.50 will buy a food package bear-
ing the code name "pleasure," which in-
cludes only 1.1 lb. cocoa, 4.4 lb. sugar, 2 tins
of sardines, and 2.2 lb. of cookies. Yet this
meager package costs $10.50. No wonder
Hungary makes money.
Or you can send your friend in Hungary
a "blue wonder" bicycle for $30, men's half
shoes for $16; men's hand-stitched half shoes
for $30; a five-tube shortwave radio for
$80; or a "contax" camera for $360.
Unfortunately the level of income is so
low among many persecuted Hungarians
that they could hardly stay alive without
these gifts packages from friends in the
United States.
On the other hand, it remains a fact that
the Hungarian Government uses this as a
lush source of income to finance its opera-
tions in this country.
WHAT IS DONE with the money partially
was indicated at the last anniversary
of Kossuth Day, the -Hungarian Independ-
ence Day, when Carl Marzani, former State
Department official who went to jail for ly-
ing about his Communist affiliation, har-
angued a group at the Barbizon Plaza Hotel
in New York. After the meeting, propaganda
literature was sold under the supervision of
Hungarian Minister Emil Weil.
The Hungarian government also oper-
ates a book merchandising setup in the
United States, which handles several
thousand Hungarian books a year. The

"Remember When People Talked
Of 'Guns-Or-Buter'?"

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S~ay y
4, I
s L
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Butterfx l explain this unusual move was an
article he wrote for the Students
To the Editor: for America newspaper. In this
AM VERY glad I had a chance article he criticized the University
I to enjoy that lovely opera "Mad- of Chicago's administration for-
am Butterfly" by the students of actively tolerating communist and
the departments of music and communist front student organiza-
speech. I have no remark here tions, foremost among them, the
about the music: only I want to Labor Youth League.
mention that their Japanese cos- I quote from Robert Andelson's
tume and action were very strange article which is based on news
to me. stories that appeared in the Uni-
I enjoyed the pretty setting of versity of Chicago's student news-
the stage, though there was too paper.
many Chinese element. Their hair ". . . the Labor Youth League
was pretty good, only they should represents that type of opinion,
have had more decoration on it the free expression ,of which is
instead of a single artificial flower. tenderly encouraged by the uni-
I feel very sorry for the girls who versity administration. This no-
had to kneel down on the floor torious communist group was for-
and make a deep bow. They did merly knowh as the American
pretty well. But I do not apprec- Youth foi' Democracy and before
iate their trotting pace. We do not that as the Young Communist
walk that way; that was simply League.
comical. "In April of 1947, Robert Stro-
The worst thing was their cos- zier, dean of students" (and still
tume. Frankly speaking they wore dean) "publicly accepted at face
night-gowns or dusters outside. value the A.Y.D.'s self-characteri-
That kind of dresses with wide lin- zation as "an independent youth
ing on chest and skirt hem are organization dedicated to char-
never worn in public. The very acter-building and education in
broad belts should be much more the spirit of democracy and free-
gorgeous and tied higher, unless dom.' Several months later, Dean
they give us impression of very Strozier addressed the members of
private clothes. Besides, we never the A.Y.D. telling them that he
wear dresses without underwear decried the 'reactionary trend' in
the collar of which peeps out very the United States, and saying that
neatly from under the collar of 'we can take comfort in the fact
the outer garment. The light color that students are apparently not
of collar of underwear help the going in the national direction.'
dress to match the face. If there Two weeks after this, Gerhardt
is not this kind of under-collar, Eisler and Carl Marzani, commun-
we think that she is wearing only ists convicted of serious crimes,
her underwear. Their way of dress- spoke before the same group on
ing is also poor. Women should the same campus."
pull down the back of the dresses Robert V. Andelson's case bears
so that their pretty neckline can thorough investigation by the
show, The high necklines the girls groups concerned with student's,
in the opera had was the masculine rights so that appropriate action
way of dressing. And the skirt can be taken, regardless of one's
should have quite straight lines political views.
and never such drape lines as you -Ned B. Simon

The Daily Official Bulletin is an i
official publication of the University a
of Michigan for which the Michigan ti
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- S
bility, Publication in it is construe- t
tive notice to all members of the b
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 a
Administration Building before 3 p.m. m
the day preceding publication (beforer
11 a.m. on Saturday).E
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953
Vol. LXII, No. 138
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
[he annual Convocation recognizing 4
undergraduate honor students will beh
held at 11 a.m. Fri., Apr. 24, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. T. Keith Glennan,
President of Case Institute of Tech-
ology and former member of the;
Atomic Energy Commission, will speak 7
on the subject, "This Age of Opportu-n
Honor students will be excused from,,
attending their 10 o'clock classes. AllC
classes, with the exception of clinics 1
and graduate seminars, will be dis-s
missed at 10:45 for the Convocation.
Seniors may be excused from clinics
and seminars.v
Academic costume will be worn by
[acuity members, who will robe back-F
stage and proceed to their seats on thea
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and their families
and will be held until 10.45. Doors ofv
the Auditorium will open at 10:30. TheF
public is invited.
To Instretors of Engineering Fresh-c
men. Ten-week grades for all Engineer-I
ing Freshmen are due In the Secre-
tary's Office, 263 west Engineering
Building, on Mon., Apr. 27.
Aviation cadet Program. There willI
be a meeting Fri., Apr. 24, betweenI
[0 a.m. and 3 p.m., in the Student
Union, Room 3-G, to see Major Alli-
son, who will g e complete informa-
tion on U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadet
Selection Team.
Law School Admission Test. Candi-I
dates taking the Law School Admis-C
sion Test on April 25 are requested to
report to 100 Hutchins Hal at 8:45
a.m., Saturday. The session will last un-
til 1 p.m.r
Student Loans for Men. Students un-
able to pay in full loans due on or
before June 1, should see Miss Zimmer
immediately in 1059 Administration I
Building. The Student Loan Commit-a
tee will meet on the following dates:
April 28, May 5. 19, and 28. Applica-c
tions should be completed and ap-(
pointments made before scheduledr
Personnel Interviews.r
The Gary Sheet & Tin Mill,Of Gary,I
Ind., will be here on Mon., Apr. 27, toa
see men interested in summer posi- I
tions with this company.I
Montgomery Ward, Detroit, will haveI
a representative here on Mon., Ap. 27,r
to interview June graduates. They are
particularly interested in persons with
Accounting, Finance, Salesmanship, I
etc., and with an interest in Retail1
The Chicago National Bank will in-
terview June graduates on Tues. Apr.a
28. The representative would like toI
see persons interested in trainee posi-
General Electric, New York City, will
be here on Tues., Apr. 28 to talk to1
June graduates interested in a career
in Employee Relations. The represen-
tative would also like to talk to Law-
An Tues., Apr. 28 t'ere will be an1
interviewer here from Penn Mutual,
Life Ins. Co. of Detroit to see persons,
interested in Sales.
Time, Inc., of Chicago, will have a
representative here on Tues., Apr. 28,.
to see June women interested in 'a;
Training Program in the Subscription7
Service Division. The program is de-,
signed to prepare young women for
responsible positions within the divi-
Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, will be at
the Bureau of Appointments, Tues.,
Apr. 28, to see persons for positions
available during the summer with this
On Wed., Apr. 29, there will be a
representative here from Herpolsheim-
ers (Dept. Store of Grand Rapids) to
see June men and women interested in
their Executive Trainee Program.
The Cold Metal. Products Co., of
Youngstown, Ohio, will be here in the
morning on Wed., Apr. 29, and would
like to interview Business Administr-
tion students for their Training Pro-
New York Life Insurance will have a
man here on Wed., Apr. 29, to talk to
June graduates for various positions
to locate anywhere in the U.S.

The F.B.I. would like to see. individ..
uals (men and women) Wed., Apr. 29,
with degrees in Mathematics or Sta-
tistics for Crypto-Analytical work in
Washington. One must be a citizen
to apply.
Personnel Requests.
A Local Ann Arbor Concern has
available a position for a young man
interested in filling a vacancy which
would develop into the position of
Commercial Credit Corp., of Detroit,
is interested in hearing from men with
a desire to enter the finance business.
The Toledo Girl Scout Council, of
Toledo, Ohio, would like to hear from
women who are interested in positions
as Field Directors in that particular
The Bureau of Land Management,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, has an open-
ing 'for a Cadastral Engineer, Grade
GS-7. }One with a degree in Cartog-
raphy, Engineering, Mathematics, or
Physics may apply. Details are available
at the Bureau of Appointments.
The County of Cuyahoga, Cleveland,
Ohio, has openings for one trained and
interested in the field of Social Service.
A Store in the Ann Arbor area has
available positions on their Training
Program in Retailing and Merchan-
dising for both recent graduates and
June men and women.
The California Institute of Technol-
ogy, Pasadena, Calif., has openings in
their"Hydrodynamics Department for a
Mechanical Engineer, Research Engi-
neer, and Research Assistant.
Ward Howell Associates (Executive
Recruiting) has an opening within a
firm located in northern Illinois for an

ng the services of a Chemist, prefer-
bly a Physical Chemist, for a posi-
ion in Research and Development.
ome travel is involved from Chicago
o Boston, with Detroit as the home
For further information on these
nd other positions and for appoint-
ments, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
nents, 3528 Administration Building,
:xt. 371.
Cancellation of University Lecture.
The lecture by Dr. G. P. Malalasekera,
ponsored by the Department of Philos-
ophy and announced for Fri., Apr. 24,
:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Angel Hall,
has been cancelled.
Academic Notices
The University Extension Service an-
Trees and Shrubs. There are still
openings for registration in this class.
Common native trees, important in-
troduced species, and ornamental
shrubs will be emphasized. Field trips
each Saturday morning from 10 to 12.
Eight weeks. $6.00. Instructor: Robert
S. Whitmire. Next meeting of the class
will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday morn-
ing, Apr. 25, in 2023 Natural Science
Building. Registration will take place
at the class.
Zoology Seminar. Robert R. Kohn
will speak on "In vitro Studies of the
Relationships Between Giutathione,
Intermedin, and Melanin Synthesis,"
and Paul A. Rondell on "Cellular Me-
chanisms in Ovulation," Fri., Apr. 24, 4
p.m., 3126 Natural Science Building.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Apr.
24, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Speaker:
Professor John D. Kraus, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Ohio State Uni-
versity. Subject: "Recent Findings with
the Ohio State University Radio Teles-
Student Recital by Betty Ellis, pian-
ist, 8:30 Friday evening, Apr. 24, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Ava
Comin Case, Miss Ellis will play compo-
sitions by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel,
Schubert, and Brahms; in partlal'fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. Her program
will be open to the general public.
Faculty Concert. Benning Dexter,
pianist, will be heard at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, Apr. 26, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. His program will open with
compositions by Destouche, Campra,
Couperin, and Loelly; Beethoven's So-
nata in E, Op. 109, and Scriabin's So-
nata in F-sharp major, Op. 30, will
complete the first half. After Inter-
mission Mr. Dexter will play Scherzo
in E, Op. 54. by Chopin, Variations on
a Theme of Alban Berg by Ross Lee
Finney, Composer in Residence at the
University, and Copland's El Salon
Mexico. The general public will be ad-
mitted without charge.
Student Recital. Betty Lou Ratliff,
pianist, will be heard in a recital at
8:30 Monday evening, Apr. 27, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. It will include
works by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy,
and Schumann and will be open to the
public. Miss Ratliff is a pupil of Ava
Comin Case and will play the recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Events Today
Department of Astronomy. 'Visitors'
Night, 8 p.m. Mr. Edwards Spiegel
will speak on "A Day on the Moon."
After the illustrated lecture in 2003
Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory
on the fifth floor will be open for
telescopic observation of the Moon and
Saturn, if the sky is clear, or for in-
spection of the telescopes and plane-
tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcome, but must be accompanied
by adults.
Psychology Club. Meeting and gen-
eral discussion with Professor Kelly
on the different fields of psychology.
Also future planning for the club.
Fri., Apr. 24, 3 p.m., Psychology Grad-
uate Lounge, 3415 Mason Hall. All in-
terested students are invited.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Meet
at the Guild House for supper hike,
5:30 to 8. Meeting at the Guild House
of the Graduate Professional Group
at 8 p.m.
Student Players. All members of the
Student Players are invited to attend
the 'Friday evening performance of
"Deep Are the Roots" as a group and
to attend a critique of the play aft-
erward at the usual meeting place. The
group will be seated in the first bal-

cony; no seats have been specifically
reserved for it.
Hillel Foundation. Professor Samuel
Eldersveld, of the Political Science De-
partment, will speak on "How Should
the Liberal Organize for Political Ac-
tion" following Sabbath Services at
7:45 p.m. Sabbath morning services at
9 a.m.
Wesley Foundation. Talent night and
dancing in the Wesley Lounge at 8
The Presbyterian Graduate Council
presents "International Understanding
and Misunderstanding," a panel dis-
cussion at p.m. tonight at the First
Presbyterian Church, Also square
dancing, singing, refreshments.
The Episcopal Student Foundation
presents the Series of Five--a series of
informal lectures by outstanding speak-
ers. Second in the Series of Five will be
Dr. George A. Peek, Assistant Professor
of Political Science, who will discuss
Communism and Democratic Educa-
tion, 7:30 p.m., 218 N. Division. All in-
terested persons are invited.
International Week Sub-Committee
of SL International Committee will
meet at 3:10 at SL Building.
Graduate Mixer Dance. Tonight
from 9 to 12 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall. Small admission. Music by Paul
McDonough's Orchestra.
Roger Williams Guild. Square Dance
in the Fellowship Hall of the First Bap-






Architecture Auditorium
ALL ABOUT EVE, with Bette Davis, George
Sanders, Anne Baxter, and Celeste Holm.
HOLLYWOOD IS' admittedly a strange
place. It excites the interest of even the
anthropologists. Once in a while its ponder-
ous machinery turns out a good picture. This
is one of them. And -once in a very great
while it brings to light a writer, a producer
gr director with expectional talent. Jo-
seph L. Mankiewicz is probably one of the
sharpest writer-directors working in the in-
dustry today. In All About Eve he has
brought together some of the brighter con-
tract players on Twentieth Century Fox's
roster, including one not so young party,
Bette Davis, and extracts from all of them
able performances. From Miss Davis he
manages to cajole a performance which is
her best in recent memory, perhaps in her
entire career.
Writing and filming a story about the
theater, especially from a Hollywood view-
point, often produces lamentable results.
But Mankiewicz knows what he's about.
The dialogue is deft and sure, often quite
hilarious. The fact that it is essentially
phony makes little difference because of
the skill and ease with which it is deliv-
ered. The picture is polished to a delib-
erate high gloss in order to better point up
the jittery half-world it is portraying.
One may take exception with a shoddy,
threadbare glossiness, but never one
which is rich and full-textured.
The critical function aside adds realism
in its proper perspective, this is the sort
of thing that Hollywood is often best at;
t'he rein orw 'f npe iuion.Its function

A t the Michigan . ..
FACE TO FACE, with James Mason and
Robert Preston.
ALTHOUGH it is advertised as "some-
thing new in movies," this picture is
really little more than a glorification of
the u'sual Somerset Maugham three- or
four-story picture. While the stories used
in "Face to Face" are more impressive, the
means used to transfer them to film are
without the quaintness and charm of the
preceding multiple-tale pictures.
The first story is Joseph Conrad's "The
Secret Sharer," a fine example of :Conrad's
proficiency with what the Saturday Evening
Post would call a novelette. James Mason
portrays the narrating sea captain, an un-
sure but level-headed product of a British
haval academy. On his first command he is
met with the problem of deciding whether
a murderer should be delivered up to jus-
tice. Mason plays the part with just a bit
too much gentlemanly finesse, and for all
his nautical shouting never seems to get
his feet off dry land.
Stephen Crane's "The Bride Comes to
Yellow Sky" forms the second half of
this double feature in miniature. It is in
immediate, contrast to the tense Conrad
story, providing a lighter point of view of
the passing of the Old West. Robert Pres-
ton, as the roughly gentle marshall, does a
better job with his material than Mason.
His particular problem is a relic of the
days when men were men, the last mem-
ber of the local gang, who refuses to lapse
quietly into retirement. Preston, the only
man who can shoot well enough to control

have with flare skirts. !
Besides, I wonder whether the
audience could be impressed by
that Madam Butterfly who re-
minded us of an ancient Greek
statue. When I saw her next to Lhe!
tiny Mrs. Pinkerton, I felt quite
strange. Madam Butterfly must be!
as tiny and cute as can be.
I know that we cannot expect
perfect Japanese settings and cos-
tumes and that they are not es-
sential to the opera. The students
might say that an opera need not
be realistic; that fantastic ilu-
sion of Japanese life is the most
desirable thing they should aim
at. But the loveliness of this opera
depends largely on the effect ex-
otic beauty of Japan will give;
therefore, they cannot be too real-
istic in order to he more effective
for the audience. I surely believe
that our real beauty would give
much greater fantasy than these
peculiar costumes and actions.
There is the Center forJapanese
Study and other organization
named 'Kindai Nihon Kenkyukai'
on the campus. And there are
quite many Japanese students, too.
They could easily get very good
information about such things. I
am afraid they were too interested
in the music to pay attention to
other elements.
Naturally I feel sorry that peo-
ple may get false notion of Japan
partly from this performance.
What would you think if American
ladies were represented on the Jap-
anese stage in their slips or in
-Nobuko Suto
All's Quiet...

Notification. . .
To the Editor:1
To REFERENCE to your article
in Wednesday's (April 15)
"Daily" on Dean Deborah Bacon'sI
talk before the Grand Rapids Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumni Club.
Dean Bacon said in conclusion,,
"this looking generation is too,
practical, too shrewd and knows
too many tricks of the trade with-
out knowing the trade" and not
to "pity the young, they can take.
care of themselves."
Is this notification of her re-
-Douglas Andrews
Sixt-Third Year
Edited and nanaged by students of
'the UnIversity of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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