THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PJVRI own* Women Hold Style Show At Luncheon Faculty Wives Model, Choose New Officers During Annual Event Unique feature of the faculty women's annual luncheon yester- day was a fashion show staged in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Spring and summer wear for the fashionable Ann Arborite was the theme of the showing. ORIGINALS by "Bette" featur- ing dresses for casual and cocktail wear and unusual fabric designs were modeled by faculty wives and children. Mrs. Mark Nickerson, a facul- ty wife, designed all the crea- tions shown. Her unusual fash- ions have also been viewed at gatherings at Sun Valley and Tuscon. Another feature of the luncheon was the exhibit of the work done in the Watercolors Section. This exhibit, arranged by Mrs. James M. Wolf, was seen in the corridor leading to the ballroom. FACULTY women were in- formed that limited guest admis- sions are available for the last fac- ulty-alumni dance which will be held at 9:30 p.m., Saturday in the Union Ballroom. A census of new members was taken at the luncheon. As of r March 20 the membership stood at 1003 as compared to 989 at the same time last year. A new slate of officers was elect- ed at the short business meeting following the luncheon. Retiring hoard members consist Dances Will Highlight Weekend on Campus Annual Blackfoot Ball, Vaughan Square Dance, Taylor House Formal Set for Entertainment OPEN TONIGHT TILL 8:30 COLLEGE SHOP COUNSELORS TRAINING-These 1" newly appointed rushing counselors are learning the ropes on how to counsel rushees from Jackie Shields, '54, chairman of rushing counselors. This group will meet at 5 p.m. every Wednesday until the end of the semester to get pointers which will help the 800 coeds that are expected to rush in the Fall. Theta Sigma Phi Wi I I Hold AnnualMatrix TableDinner Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- I who will use as her topic "How orary and professional fraternity Radio and Television Help Solve for women in journalism, will hold Community Problems." its annual Matrix Table dinner at The banquet will honor Ann Ar- 6:45 p.m. Tuesday in the League. qoenwofcr n e bor women, new officers and new Speaker for the event will be initiates of the group. Miss Fran Harris, women's edi- In addition, one local woman tor of station WWJ in Detroit' In addito ne oal oan will receive special honor atthe Blackfoot Ball ... Men of Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu fraternities will renew a long-established rivalry during Blackfoot Weekend, to be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. An "April in Paris" party Fri- day night at the ATO house will initiate the weekend's festivities. Huge flats with paintings of scenes of France in the spring will adorn the rooms. The ATO pledge class will en- tertain those attending with a skit depicting life at the Univer- sity. Activities will resume Saturday with an informal "get-together" at the ATO house. Sigma Nu men, or "Whitefoots," and their dates and members of other campus fra- ternities have also been invited to "drop in." Continuing the scheduled events, men and their dates will don black and white shoes to attend the an- nual Blackfoot Ball Saturday night in the League. Dressed in formal attire, cou- ples will dance to the musical notes of Howard Schumann and his or- chestra. A huge ATO Maltese cross will hang over the bandstand. Pic- ture frames, each containing black feet on a white back- ground and illuminated from be- hind will deck the walls. Climaxing the weekend's events will be an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the ATO house. The entire campus is invited to attend. The traditional rivalry between the ATO's and the Sigma NU's began in 1865 when the two fra- ternities were founded at Virgin- ia Military Institute. vail, including denim programs decorated with bow ties. The price is 50 cents per couple. Weather permitting, the dance will be held outdoors, but in case of rain it will be in the lounge and dining room. * * * Taylor.,.. Taylor House of South Quad will hold their spring formal from 9 p.m. to midnight at the VFW ballroom tomorrow night. Couples in semi-formal dress will dance to the music of Don Kenny in a candle-lit cabaret. The annual dance is open to Taylor House and its former residents, and the price is $2.50 per couple. Entertainment during intermis- sion will be a specialty dance ex- hibition performed by various members of the house. - .j 4 . . /rf NP f < 888 A E A RY' ;' presenting the new edition of "Home Haberdashery" .by "Campus Girl" .. .our plan for taking life easy, home style. . . comfortable lounging separates, at home, spring and summer. Sketched is a cotton broadcloth shirt with button down collar, and taperedtrousers in San- forized* charcoal denim. Shirt in small, medium, or large, 4.50, trousers sizes 10 to 18, 4.50. Also in the collection . .. black and white checked gingham shirts, 5.95 . . . white cotton terry shirts, 5.95 . . . Sanforized* charcoal denim duster, 5.95, and dickie shirt in aqua cotton broadcloth, 4.50. All in small, medium, or large. SPORTSWEAR - MAIN FLOOR *maximum shrinkage 1% t . LYD O'LI I of Mrs. Willard C. Olson, dent; Mrs. Donald A. Kerr, tary; Mrs. Robert J. Lowry, committee chairman; Mrs. H. Stockard, membership mittee chairman, Mrs. Boyce, publicity committee man; and Mrs. Warren W.+ presi- secre- dance Alfred com- ErnestI chair- Chase, I it i social committee chairman. Group Will Make GOLF meet at Member iron fo INTEL The In its wee F CLUB - Golf Club will t 5 p.m. today in the WAB. rs should bring a nine-! r practice. * * * RNATIONAL CENTER -' ternational Center will hold kly team from 4:30 to 6 oday in the Center. Both and American students ited to attend the informal ng. * * * NIS CLUB-All coeds in- d in playing tennis are in- o attend the first session, ceremonies for Reservations the event. for the dinner, Boxed dinner for her service to the com- munity. Connie Wulfman, president of the University chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, will be ' mistress of Desserts Women will have a chance to p.m. t try their hand at different des- foreign serts for the organizational meet- are inv ing of the Junior Group of the gatheri American Association of Univer- sity Women which will, take place TENT today at 8 p.m. in the home of terested Mrs. W. W. Gilbert, 1714 Morton vited t Drive. of the Boxed desserts will be numbered tomorr and after drawing lots, the own- ers will exchange desserts. SWIM Coffee and' china will be pro- ed in a vided at tomorrow's meeting, but Red Cr everyone is asked to bring their course, own silverware. ing, ma Anyone who would like addi- ior Hig tional information about the meet- 2251 E ing or the organization should con- p.m. to tact Shirley Smith at 3-2500 or give a Jan James at 3-2851. niques. which has been priced at $2.50, may be made by calling 3-1511, ext. 2143 by Friday. Alice Kepler and June Gran- strom are co-chairman for the event. Others on the committee are Genevieve Maxwell, invita- tions; Katherine Zeisler, honors; Harlene Hankin and Phyllis Bett- mann, programs and decorations; Connie Wulfman, speaker; Mari- lyn Campbell and Margaret Mar- ria, publicity; and Wendy Del- champs, arrangements. Miss Marion McDonald is ad- At this time, the ATO cadets were required to wear black boots, while the Sigma Nu's wore white ones. * * * Vaughan . . Governor and Mrs. G. Mennen Williams, and Dean and Mrs. Ivan Parker will be the honored guests and the callers at a square dance from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur- day at Victor Vaughan. The dance is a closed house function with only individual in- vited guests allowed. A rustic atmosphere will pre- COVE RMAR K Conceals Blemishes Instantly! + Instantly and completely conceals: Birth- marks, burns and scar tissue, varicose or broken veins, brown or white patches, dis- colorations around eyes, or on body. " Called "Modern Miracle" by Reader's Digest! " Accepted for advertising in the journals of the American Medical Association. COVERMARK CREAM 2.00 and 4.50 no Fed. Tax CVERmAR SPOTSTIK (Purse Size Container) 1.25 no Fed. Tax CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUGS if Tennis club--from 4 p.m. visor for the group. ow at the WAB. There are now approximately * * * 10,000 alumnae and 81 college and MMING-Students interest- alumnae chapters of Theta SigmaI review session prior to the Phi throughout the country. Wo-y ross water safety instructor men from the fields of newspap- beginning Monday even- ers, radio, film studios, publicity, ay go to the Tappan Jun- advertising, magazines and tele-! gh School pool, located at vision are found in the group. . Stadium Blvd., at 7:30 night. Jerry Greenlick will review of swimming tech- Student-Faculty Tea Students and faculty of the botany department are invited to a student-faculty tea from 4:30 to 5:30 today in the Ter- race Room of the Union. "r , ,>:. n vY" ;;. ;% tiY13 y.,1 :". 324 So. State 818 So. State m May1OthisMother'siay... Remember Her with a Mother's Pin of your fraternity or sorority, or with a crested gift ' appropriate for her day. Balfour's has a complete " line of gift items, and welcome your inspection. "HoM LOF TiEL OjFICIAL MC-IIGAN RING" L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY 1321 South University - Ann Arbor, Michigan - V Ul1ich's Gigantic 01 4t 1k -7 I Fiction-Non Fiction and Art--Adults and Children's Editions New Original Editions-Published at $2, $3, $5 and more Sale $1 Another group published at $2, $2.50 and $3.00 Sale 59c - 2 for $1 Ulrich's Bookstore -Come in and Browse "cashmere has a twin sister" Blairmoor Original Sweaters in the new A' t You Can' Go Anywhere! THAT'S RIGHT-We will train you to do work that will be useful to you wherever you go, whethe ryou wish to transfer to another city'or just want to go back to work at a later date. Many of our girls transfer to other cities without loss of service or pay when their hus- bands finish school. WE HAVE CLASSES starting every week in April for telephone operators. Investigate now I - -1 We are now open on SUPER ORLON YARN EXCITING NEWS! It's Blairmoor's Super Orion . . . a new type yarn from DuPont's acrylic fibre "Orlon" . . . so silky soft, so very like cashmere, seeing them side by side, you'll think you're seeing double. In addition, it is suds-loving and moth loathing needs no blocking. Worth a Queen's ransom but it's yours at a price that says "Hurry". In white, candy pink, Mondays and Fridays till 9 P.M. (Other days 'til 6 P.M.) i Bring in your clothes as late as 10 A AAU rnx n J n i nvrI mint green, maize, and powder blue . . . sizes 34 to 40. Cardigan ... 9.95 Slip-On . . . 7.95 Shrug . .. 5.95 Short Sleeve Cardigan with Collar . , . 8.95 III ®) I I