PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY '. HURS. Ak, APRIL Z3,1953 Pusillanimous IFC By SID KLAUS, Associate City Editor 1HE FAILURE of the - Interraternity Council House President's Assembly to act positively Tuesday night on the Student Legislature motion regarding the final exam schedule is not only disappointing, but indicates a curious attitude on the part of the IFC toward the University administra- tion. The motion which the house presidents refused to pass was in support of SL in its current efforts to effect a return to last year's final exam set-up and to resubmit the question to a faculty-student commit- tee for study. It would have incurred no obligation upon the IFC. The matter is a, clearly-defined one in which the admin- istration was obviously at fault in failing to consult with students and faculty on the move. And the question certainly was not a new one to the house presidents- it has had a thorough review not only in these columns but in discussion groups all over campus. Yet the IFC failed to pass the motion. One of the reasons given was that the opinion of the men in the houses had not been de- termined. Actually, the motion had appeared on the Assembly's agenda which was in the hands of the presidents by Monday after- noon. If the presidents were at all unsure DIR! At Lydia Mendelssohn . . DEEP ARE THE ROOTS, by d'Usseau and Gow W ORKING with a play that, at best, pen- trates its problem only skin deep, the Speech Department has turned out a very impressive performance. The play could per- haps be called smooth-restrained and ex- cellent acting in almost every role keeps it from becoming tedious. The period immediately after the last World War saw many people hoping for something like another Reconstruction in the South. Negro veterans, with liberal ideas acquired in Europe, were returning deter- mined to make not just the best of the South, but something better. James Jones plays one of these men, a lieutenant with a bril- liant war record. The family to which he re- turns is that \of an illustrious, Bilboesque ex-Senator, in which his mother has long been a trusted servant. In their different ways, each of the Senator's two daughters tries to encourage and help him. The elder, domineering one has arranged a scholarship for him, and hopes to make him into a lat- ter-day George Washington Carver. When he takes the direction of his life into his own hands, and even goes so far as to get just slightly entangled in a love affair with her sister, her veneer of liberalism flakes off rapidly. Too often these characters remind one of The Mr. and Miss X's of a sociological report. Each embodies the attitudes of the type he represents that they seem to ' have been assembled for a round-table debate.'With characters like these, it is not very surprising to find the issue not very squarely joined. They lead to oversimpli- fications, to ignoring the human and cul- tural background of their problems. The At Rackham Lecture Hall .. . Stanley Quartet EVEN THOUGH the first summer evening had the temperature at Rackham sky- rocketing to an uncomfortable degree, the Stanley Quartet still managed to present a program of their usual high calibre. Play- ing the C major quintet of Johann Michael Haydn, with violist Walter Evich assisting, Ross Lee Finney's sixth quartet, and Beetho- ven's Opus 131, c sharp minor, the concert combined technical hazardry with musical depth, a combination which today seems almost exclusively programmed by string quartets. The Beethoven, which reached the in- terpretive height of the evening, afforded a splendid opportunity for comparison with the Budapest Quartet. This work completed the cycle began by the Buda- pest last February when they played opus 130 and 132. Both quartets have different interpretive approaches and both methods are valid. Technically the Budapest is better equipped; if they had played the Scherzo last night, it would have had more sparkle and clarity. But for logic of conception the Stanley Books at the Library Cottrell, Dorothy-The Silent Reefs: of the feeling of their groups, there surely was opportunity Monday evening to discuss the matter with their house members. Another reason brought forward was that endorsement of the SL motion might put the IFC in "a bad light with the administra- tion." Though IFC officers may emphasize that this was the feeling of only an individ- ual, it seems to bring to light an unhealthy relationship that exists between the Coun- cil and the administration. At the present time, IFC probably feels it is on more secure ground in its dealings with the University than SL. And so, in an attempt to protect this relationship, it refuses to take any stand opposing the administration. (This type of action, incidentally, makes one wonder whether the IFC would lack courage to dif- fer with the administration at other more crucial times, when the welfare of fraternity men is more directly involved.) It is discouraging to find a campus or- ganization, which supposedly represents a goodly portion of campus opinion, placing personal interests before those of the stu- dent body in general. Even if the motion is reconsidered and passed at a later meeting, as former IFC president Pete Thorpe has urged, the dam- age will have been done, and concern over weak fraternity leadership will not be en- tirely unfounded. AMA unpalatable and unprofitable moralizing which results is unable to support the last act changes of heart. The complications which animate the play are often very tired ones indeed. For instance, after the younger daughter has had an evening tryst with the lieutenant, she is caught in a lie by her sister when quizzed on just what movie stars are playing at the local theater. A false note is struck, -too, by presence of the elder sister's writer-fiance from theNorth. He is obliged to be an arbi- ter and even a catalyst of the play's con- flict, all the while remaining essentially outside the action. One feels it would be only just to let the South work out its own salvation and not impose literary carpetbag- gers on them. Self-consciously, the playwrights were unable to resist a reference or two to Othello, perhaps hoping to shine by reflect- ed glory. When the elder sister finds out the clandestine love affair, she shouts "He must have bewitched her"-out of character, these lines are bewlidering un- til one remembers Shakespeare, and then they are embarrassing. James Jones' performance, intense while still avoiding melodrama, was excellent; and the rest of the cast was not far behind him. Sue Ralston did as well as one could hope with the role of the elder daughter who goes through the motions of liberality. Bright and sophisticated, there is a nicely main- tained contrast between her and Frances Reitz, who plays her more magnolia-scented sister. A. Vernon Lapps might have given the Senator more of an aristocratic author- ity, but is consistent throughout. The pro- duction shows a great deal of care and tal- ent-its bad points are out of the hands of Ann Arbor. -Bob Holloway sic+ outdistances them. The opening fugue in the first movement was performed as a long line from beginning to end, bringing out the expressive contour of whole melodies, whereas the Budapest would have lingered on individual notes or harmonies with more of an instrumental beauty in mind. The slow movement was a dynamic whole, each section articulated to maxi- mize the composer's contrasts of mood. Perhaps here they would come closest to agreement with the Budapest, but the =latter group would have minimized con- trast and emphasized individual solo ef- forts. And the last movement, the Allegro, was attacked with a vigor unknown to the Budapest. It defined the greatest dif- ference between the groups. The Stanley sacrificed tonal brilliance to a pulsating drive more closely allied to the purpose of the music. The Budapest, always the Stradivarius of quartets, would have pro- jected a more beautiful sonority. The other two works, Finney and Haydn, were ably executed, though occasionally marred by superficial flaws such as a missed note or a run out of tune. The Finney, which combines two disciplines, twelve-tone rigidity and classic, tonal architecture, is one of the composer's most expressive works and runs the gamut from rhapsodic lyricism to precise fugues. The Haydn contained a cute though pleasant serenade and a last movement horse race which had the Stanley whipping off difficult and rapid scale pas- CacQ uui-i. a n il.4 in ...n4 .-rn ha.. r.tA A. Saarland Independence SAAR Premier Johanner Hoffman has been called the tool of France; the Saar it- self, a French police state; and the par- liament, a group of bowing puppets, their strings manipulated by the French ambas- sador to the Saar, Gilbert Grandval. A recent pamphlet emenating from the Saar, however, throws a light on Saar independence of France. Described as official and carrying a fore- ward over the signature of Premier Hoff- man, the pamphlet advances a new formula for the Saar's Europeanization, which pro- vides for French abandonment of its em- bassy in Saarbruecken and substitution of a consul-general with the same rights now held by the German consul-general. The other five points in the Saar formula are: (1) The Saar shall keep its inner auto- nomy with a freely-elected parliament, which would be subordinate to the supreme authority of a European executive. (2) The Saar shall be proclaimed the first European territory and become the seat of the Schuman plan, European Army and other European federal projects. (3) France shall abandon its rights of sovereignty in diplomatic representation and in defense of the Saar and transfer them to the European authority. (4) Pending formation of a real European economic union, the existing Franco-Saar Economic Union shall be maintained. (5) The project of Saar Europeanization shall be submitted to the Saar people in a referendum headed by neutral observers. While France and Germany continue to feebly' feint a solution to the Saar situa- tion, the tiny Saar has taken the initiative and presented a series of resolutions that neither country ought to ignore. Her suggestions don't seem as toolish or puppetlike as her critics would have us think; but show an earnest effort to re- move the land from her position as punch- ing bag between two age-old adversaries. -Gayle Greene DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Congress is spending a record three million dollars on investi- gations, but hasn't invested a nickel in ex- amining the vital question of peace or war. This was brought out the oth er day during closed-door cross-examination of undersecretary of state Bedell Smith, who was reporting to the Senate foreign rela- tions committee on the new Russian peace, offensive. Smith explained that the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency had prepared a detailed analysis of Russian intentions. "Has this been made available to the committee?" inquired Minnesota's Demo- cratic Sen. Hubert Humphrey. "No one has asked for it," shrugged Smith. This prompted Humphrey to propose a careful study of the new Russian govern- ment. He urged calling in all the nation's experts on Russia, and listening to their ideas. Otherwise, he argued, the Senate wouldn't be qualified to carry out its con- stitutional duty of advising the President on foreign affairs. However, the Senators didn't seem much interested. Apparently they would rather spend money hunting headlines than dig- ging into the complex problems of peace. Note: This indifferent attitude indicates the importance of newspaper publisher Frank Gannett's suggestion that we estab- lish a department of peace dedicated to pro- moting and pushing peace every day in the week. A similar suggestion has also been made by R. M. Davis of Morgantown, W. Va., and Congressman Staggers of West Vir- ginia has introduced a bill in congress look- ing toward that end. "Go Get A Nice Big Flag To Hang Up There" i; 1 , ;,; ' 1 ._... . "" -- 'G.; h' .,._ .:.. ,.. 1 , , . DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN i s. , rte'{. _ -:, : , : ::: . :: 3 + , , v . ! ' '.. _ R.. -s. F F r . r .q -t K' ,, ,, y, , , . s,. no.r... , By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Secretary of the 'Treasury George M. Humphrey meant precisely what he said when he called last Monday for "a radical revision of our tax system." To understand what Humphrey has in mind, it is first necessary to understand the $14 billion dilemma which faces Humphrey and his able Treasury team. This dilemma in, volves an absolutely basic decision of national policy. In its simplest terms, this is the problem. A whole series of post-Korean emergency taxes expire within the next twelve months. The pressure in Congress for tax reduction is so strong that about the best the administration seems likely to do is to prevent these taxes from being cut back before their expiration date. The first Eisenhower administration budget, which is now being prepared, starts on June 30, 1954. The prospective tax cut-backs will reduce government revenue for that year by a whopping $8 billion. Add the deficit under which the government is now operating. This means that the current rate of spending must somehow be re- duced by a fantastic $14 billion if the budget is to be balanced. Pro- vided no new sources of revenue are found to make up for the tax cutbacks, the Eisenhower budget can therefore only be balanced by cutting into defense and other security spending in such a way as to make former Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson look like a piker. These unpleasant facts suggest why Secretary Humphrey and those around him believe that the time has come when the whole American tax structure is going to have to be rebuilt from the ground up. This rebuilding process, moreover, if Humphrey and the other Treasury men have their way, is likely to involve a basic shift in tax policy, with all sorts of Uplosive political implications. The American tax system, so the Treasury argument runs, has grown from crisis to crisis until it is now a sort of monstrous crazy-quilt. During the last twenty years, moreover, taxes have repeatedly been imposed for essentially political purposes-"to redistribute wealth, penalize production, and change the social system." It is now clear, moreover, that the post-war crisis is more or less permanent-bar a miracle, a very heavy proportion of the national income is going to have to be drained away by the government, per- haps for a generation. It is time, therefore, so runs the argument, to ask the question: "How can we collect the greatest possible*revenue over the long pull, with the least damage to the American economy?" The Treasury men have not yet come up with a concrete program in answer to this question. But the trend of their thinking is perfectly clear. It is toward a shift in the tax base away from direct taxation and toward indirect taxation. The Treasury men argue that it is direct taxation that tends to "kill initiative," and to eliminate the risk capi- tal needed for industrial expansion. As Under Secretary of the Treasury Marion Folsom has significantly pointed out, Canada collects proportionately twice as much from indirect taxation-taxes on consumer goods-as the United States. The proportion in Great Britain is even higher, and many British excise taxes were imposed or increased by the Socialist government. Secretary Humphrey is reliably reported to favor a uniform na- tional sales tax on all articles other than absolute essentials like food and clothing. It is hardly conceivable, as the Treasury men are well aware, that a straight sales tax could be passed by Congress. But Humphrey and those around him have certainly considered other forms of indirect taxation-like a tax paid directly by the manu- facturer on every article he makes: On straight economic grounds, some such shift in the tax base may not make a great deal of sense, in a time of very high taxation-that is a matter for the economists to argue. But (Continued from Page 2) Science Research Associates, of Chi- cago, has available,. an opening for a Project Director. The, work would be on the development of new or i- provement of existing tests and related materials. The Hotel Commodore, of New York City, writes that they have available openings for men interested in posi- tions within a hotel. The Brown-Brockmeyer Co., of Day- ton, Ohio, has openings for Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, and Administra- tive Engineers and Science or Indus- trial Management students in their Inspection Unit and Special Assembly Department.- A Local Ann Arbor Concern has available a position for a young man interested in filling a vacancy which would develop into the position of Manager. Commercial Credit Corp., of Detroit, is interested in hearing from men with a desire to enter the finance business. The Toledo Girl Scout Council, of Toledo, Ohio, would like to hear from women who are interested in positions as Field Directors in that particular area. % The Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, has anopen- ing for a Cadastral Engineer, Grade GS-7. One witi a degree in Cartog- rapyh, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics may apply. Details are available at the Bureau of Appointments. The County of Cuyahoga, Cleveland, Ohio, has openings for one trained and interested in the field of Social Service. A Store in the Ann Arbor area has available positions on their Training Program in Retailing and Merchan- dising for both recent graduates and June' men and women. The California Institute of Technol- ogy, Pasadena, Calif., has openings in their Hydrodynamics Department for a Mechanical Engineer, Research Engi- neer, and Research Assistant. Ward Howell Associates (Executive Recruiting) has an opening within a firm located in northern Illinois for an Administrative Assistant. Details con- cerning the positions are available. For further information concerning these and other positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Building, Ext. 371. Lectures Cancellation of Unversity Lecture. The lecture by Dr. G, P. Malalasekera, sponsored by the Department of Philos. ophy and announced for Fri., Apr. 24, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hal, has been cancelled. Academic Notices The University Extension Service an- nounces: Trees and Shrubs. There are still openings for registration in this class. Common native trees, important in- troduced species, and ornamental shrubs willdbe emphasized. Field trips each Saturday morning from 10 to 12. Eight weeks. $6.00./Instructor: Robert S. Whitmire. Next meeting of the class will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday morn- ing, Apr. 25. in 2023 Natural Sciene Building. Registration will take place at the class. Joint Seminar in Physical and Inor- ganic-Analytical Chemistry. Thurs., Apr. 23, 7:30 p.m., 3003 Chemistry Building. Mr. Thair Higgins will speak on "Tem- perature Scales Below 1 degree K." Mr. Sheldon Shore will speak on "Sander- son's Interpretation of Gaseous Alkali Halide Bond Lengths" Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Applications of Mathemat- ics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Apr. 23, at 4 p.m., In 407 Ma- son Hall. Mr. Stefan vail of the Eco- nomics Department will speak on "A Stochastic Model of Utilities." Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Theory of Growth (Econ, 353). Daniel R. Miller, Assistant Professor of Psy- chology, will speak on "Growth in Psy- chological Theory," on Thurs., Apr. 23, in 215 Economics Building, at 4 p.m. Please note the change of place. Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., Apr. 23, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. Mr. Bruce Wark will speak on "some Mechanisms of Decarboxyla- tion.'" English 150 (Playwrting). Mr. Miller will be present at the Hopwood Tea today, 3:30 to 5:30, Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall. Zoology Seminar. Robert R. Kohn will'speak on "In vitro Studies of the Relationships Between Glutathione Intermedin, and Melanin Synthesis," and Paul A. Rondell on "Cellular Me- chanisms in Ovulation," Fri., Apr. 24, 4 p.m., 3126 Natural Science Building. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Apr. 23, at 4 p.m. in 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Professor N. Coburn. Topic: Stream Lines in Incom- pressible and Compressible Fluid Flows. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Apr. 24, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Speaker: Professor John D. Kraus, department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio State Uni- versity. Subject: "Recent Findings with the Ohio State University Radio Teles- cope."~ Concerts Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thurs- Xette 4 TO THE EDITOR Quirk . . To the Editor: MARK READER states ". .. he' had originally been a Navy medic, but by some quirk of bur- eaucracy had been shifted to a Marine Corps division near Bun- day evening, Apr. 23. The program will include Selections from Mozart's "Don Giovanni;" three Greek popular songs, Serenade, Song of Rhodes and Barcar. olle; Compositions for Carillon by Georges Clement; Chopin's Etude 12; spirituals Deep River, I Went Dwn in the valley, Were You There, and Al God's Chillun Got Wings, Correction. Benning Dexter, Associ- ate Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will play a recital In Lydia Mendelssohn Theater Sunday after- noon, Apr. 26, at 4:15 instead of 8:30, as erroneously reported. Student Recital by Betty Ellis, pian- ist, 8:30 Friday evening, Apr. 24, in Au- ditorium A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Ave Comin Case, Miss Ellis will play compo- sitions by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, Schubert, and Brahms, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Bachelor of Music. Her program will be open to the general public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Exhibit of Accessions 1952 and Modern Bible Illustration. Open through April 28 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on week- days; from 2 to 5 p.M. on Sundays. The public is invited. Events Today Scabbard and Blade Military Hon- orary Meeting, 7:30, in 212 North Hall. Active and associatie members, International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid- Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, 5:05-5:30. Undergraduate Zoology Club will hold its first meeting in the Zoology Seminar Room, 3216 Natural Science Buildin at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Marston Bates will b the guest speaker. All interested per- sons are urged to attend. La Petit Causette will meet today from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Caf- eteria, Union. All interested students invited. Alpha Phi Omega. There will be a meeting of the present officers and committee chairmen and next semes- ter's officers in Room 3A of the Union, at 7 p.m. Please attend. The scheduled committee meetings are cancelled. International Committee of SL meeting at 3:10 p.m. at the Confer- ence Room of the League. Please note change of time and place. All interest- ed persons are invited to attend. U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a meeting tonight In:311 West Engineer- ing Building at 7:30 p.m. Regatta at wayne on Apr. 25, and we are sched- uled to have a team race with MSC Sailing Club on Sunday at Whitmore Lake Christian Science Organization. Tes- timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Kappa Phi. Cabinet meeting tonight at 4:30. The Civil Liberties Committee will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in 2435 University Elementary School (second floor). Modern Poetry Club. Today's meeting will be postponed until further an- nouncement. Gilbert & Sullivan. Full 'Trial by Jury" chorus rehearsal at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Coming Events Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Fri., Apr. 24, 8 p.m. Mr. Edward Spiegel will speak on "A Day on the Moon." After the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observ- atory o the fifth floor will be open for telescopic observation of the Moon and Saturn, if the sky is clea, or for inspe- tion of the telescopes aid planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are wel- come, but must be accompanied by adults. Student Players. All members of the Student Players are invited to attend the Friday evening performance, of "Deep Are the Roots" as a group nd to attend a critique of the play aft- erward at the usual meeting place. The group will be, seated in the first bal- cony; no seats have been specifically reserved for it. Graduate Mixer Dance. Fri., Apr. 24, from 9 to 12 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Small admission. Music by Paul McDonough's Orchestra. The Episcopal Student Foundation presents the Series of Five-a series of informal lectures by outstanding speak- ers. Second in the Series of Five will be Dr. George A. Peek, Assistant Professor of Political Science, who will discuss Communism and Democratic Educa- tion, Fri., Apr. 24, 7:30 p.m., 218 N. Division. All interested persons are in- vited. Roger Williams Guild. Square Dance in the Fellowship Hall of the First Bap- tist Church, with all Inter-guild mem- bers not going on the retreat invited to attend. The Labor Relations Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present a labor relations law workshop meet- ing on Sat., Apr. 25, from 10 a.m. to 12 m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., in the Rack- ham Amphitheater. The subject is "Rights of the Individual Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, With- in the Union, and Under Taft-Hartley Law." Among the participants are Professor Clyde W. Summers of the University of Buffalo Law School; Wil- liam Otter of the University of Michigan Law School (NLRB attorney on leave), Leon Cousens; Paul Franseth; Gabriel Alexander, General Motors/UAW-CIO Umpire; and Mark L. Kahn of Wayne University, instructor in collective bargaining. Faculty and students will be admitted to these sessions free of charge. Hillel Foundation. Professor Samuel Eldersveld, of the Political Science De- partment, will speak on "How Should the Liberal Organize for Political Ac- tion" following Sabbath Services at I f 4I J Jr' I { there is no argument on onea point. Nineteen fifty-four, when -POLITICAL POTPOURRI-- ...,, . IT'S NO SECRET around the White House that Secretary of State Dulles is suspic- ious of foreign aid boss Stassen. That's one reason Dulles let Stassen down in his fight with Senator McCarthy. Inside fact is that Stassen has been doing an A-1 job, takes his work home at night, surprises associates with his knowledge of international prob- lems. . . . Michigan's popular Gov. Mennen "Soapy" Williams is quietly researching the political record of Sen. Homer Ferguson-a prelude to challenging Ferguson's Senate seat in 1954. . . . Senate appropriations boss Styles Bridges has promised his friend, John L. Lewis, to restore the cuts that Secretary of the Interior McKay made in mine safety. ... Utah's fuddy-duddy Sen. Arthur Wat- kins seems to spend most of his time getting into petty feuds with fellow Mormons. He's now spreading a whispering campaign against Interstate Commerce Commissioner James Knudson. . . . Incidentally, Secretary of Agriculture Benson isn't the only Mor- mon in high public office. Federal Commun- innf+nc Pirmas--n Rn- -Tria is4nffini Humphrey and those around< him would like to see Congress rewrite the tax laws, is an elec- tion y ear. A n d ta xes are th e p o- molt c I e u v l n f n c e r f s . a litical equivalent of nuclear f is- ~Jj~~tji~ ilth sion. The notion of substituting t9 increased indirect taxes for the Sixty-Third Year personal and corporation taxes Edited and managed by students of which are due to expire fills even the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of the most conservative members student Publications. of Congress with downright ter- ror. Editorial Staff Crawford Young...'...Managing Editor To vote for such a shift in the Barnes Connable...........City Editor Cal Samra ... ........ Editorial Director tax base would expose any poli- Zander Hollander......Feature Editor "favoring Sid Klaus ....... Associate City Editor tician to the -charge of favoring Harland Britz.. ......Associate Editor the rich at the expense of the Donna Hendleman....Associate Editor poor" Cetaily i iswiseAndEd Whipple............Sports Editor poor." Certainly it is wise and John Jenke.. ..Associate Sports Editor right for the new men in the Dick Sewel. Associate Sports Editor Treasry tohave goodhardLorraine Butler........ Womens Editor Treasury to have a good hard Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor look at the American tax system. Don Campbell.....-Chief Photographer But as a practical political matter, it seems highly unlikely that the Business Staff tax system is going to be changed Al Green...........Business Manager in any radical way during an elec- Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager in.ny a wn a - DianeJohnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. C C r I