PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1953 Cdit 1 7t By CRAWFORD YOUNG to respect the voice of the students, then a Daily Managing Editor real step forward will have been made. PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher's press con- If not, new issues are bound to arise; more ference Monday provided an encourag- troubled days of administration-student ing note on the final -examination problem. bickering and bad feeling are ahead. For the first time, a conciliatory ap- proach was evident on the top level on ANOTHER encouraging sign came from this issue. Up till now, the attitude to- the Young Republicans, who had the wards protesting students has been one of good sense to disavow the endorsement of surprise that students would question Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and his what was considered a routine administra- now-famous investigating techniques by the tive decision.sMidwest YR Federation. As YR president Confronted by unanimous expressions of Jasper Reid. pointed out, these are "wholly indignation over both the procedure and incompatible with democratic ideals and substance of the change by the Senior traditions." It is tragic that President Eisen- Board, Student Legislature, and sundry other hower is either not as advanced in his organs of student opinion, the administra- thinking as the campus GOP outlet, or is tion attitude has apparently softened. An afraid to combat the menace if he does important concession was made in agreeing recognize it. to establish a student-faculty-administra- The diehards who still wax enthusiastic tion committee to make a thorough study of over Wisconsin's junior Senator would the ramifications and effects of the plan. do well to read reports of European re- The rub: The investigation begins after this action to the two stooges dispatched by commencement. Sen. McCarthy for a whirlwind hatchet But it is probably too much to expect that job on the Voice of America overseas op- the ponderous processes of the University erations. would undo an action because of adverse The conservative Financial Times of Lon- student reaction. "Face" would be lost-an don in an editorial reportedly written by a important consideration in these environs. close confidante of Prime Minister Winston The campus will probably survive a year Churchill, described the pair, Roy Cohn and of the new examination system, which David Schine, as "two brash young men," seems almost inevitable. But it is hard to "scummy snoopers" and 'distempered jack- believe that this answer is best. If the els." administration is serious in giving the The News Chronicle pointed out that study committee a free hand to cover all "for large numbers of British citizens Mc- aspects of the situation it can undoubtedly Carthyism has done more to bedevil An- come up with a more satisfactory recom- glo-American relations than any other mendation for dealing with the meaning- single factor." And even England's Chi- ful commencement-final exam question. cago Tribune, the London Daily Express As for the larger implication of President of Lord Beaverbrook, accused Sen. McCar- Hatcher's statements, it will be interesting thy of seeking "to promote bitterness be- to see whether further administration action tween Britain and America and thereby this spring reflects a changed attitude to- playing Malenkov's game." wards student opinion and organizations The Senator's capabilities for damage which attempt to channel it. This is the seem limitless. McCarthy machinations in- basic issue at stake: if the press confer- ternationalized are having the same destruc- ence comments presage a new willingness tive repercussions as his activities did when on the part of the University's top officers they were confined to the domestic scene. DREW PEARSON: aper-Cover Books T HERE HAS been little encouragement in paper-cover books for anyone who takes his reading-whether for pleasure or profit -seriously. For each paper-cover edition of a book that has any substantial value, there have been litterally thousands of editions of books that have no intrinsic value whatso- ever. Until drug-stores became "libraries" I doubt that most people realized there were so many "classics." There are, of course. some exceptions. Penguin Books, and other series printed by that astute British company, have made available to impecunious readers a conderable body of excellent reading matter, although one wishes its range were broader than that of B. B. C.'s Third Programme. Mentor Books and Signet MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP T HE HOPES for a Korean truce are not as high and bright as they were ten days ago. Nonetheless, the Administration's plan- ners and policy-makers are anxiously study- ing the new problems a Korean truce will create in the Far East. The truth is that neither the President, nor Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, nor anyone else in the Administration had ever looked beyond the end of the Korean fighting, until Washington was taken by surprise by Peking's truce overture. Now that the post-truce situation has got to be envisioned, nobody likes it much. The main problems can be summarized as fol- lows: Korea will be divided and in ruins. Sev- eral hundreds of millions of dollars will cer- tainly be needed to reconstruct the shattered economy of South Korea. And while we are forced to find this huge sum of money, we shall not have the consolation of bringing all the boys home. The best current estimate is the seven of nine Army and Marine divi- sions in Korea and Japan will have to stay where they are. If it were not for the political situation in Korea, a more massive redeployment of our ground forces might be considered. The American Air Force and Navy are counted on to deter a breach of the truce by the Chinese. But mere air and naval power are not considered adequate to hold down the aged Syngman Rhee, who is willing to take almost any risk in order to unify his country. When President Eisenhower made his statement welcoming "an honorable armis- tice" as a "first great step" towards peace, it was thought necessary to send Rhee a spe- cial, mollifying message from the White House. If and when a truce is agreed on, Rhee will control the very large South Ko- rean army. He has said repeatedly that he will fight his way to the Yalu alone and un- aided if need be. There is quite as much fear that Rhee will breach the truce, as that the Chinese will.' Janan, meanwhile. has been living on her Books have made a few excellent contri- butions; Cardinal editions a few more. But most of the worthwhile contribu- tions domestic companies have released have been either time-tried best-sellers, or works by an author, dead or living, cur- rently on the best-seller lists, both of which general types are rather more than less readily available in far better and not much more costly form elsewhere. Consequently, for people who regard pap- er-cover books as something more-poten- tially at least-than the type of reading matter one buys before entraining for a trip to Ypsilanti, the best news to date is An- chor Books. Anchor Books, a project of Doubleday and Company, has recently released the first titles in its new paper-cover series, and they are now on display in local bookstores. Those that are now on display include Sten- dahl's "The Charterhouse of Parma," Con- stance Rourke's "American Humor," D. H. Lawrence's "Studies in Classic American Literature," Joseph Bedier's "The Romance of Tristan and Iseult," and Francis Fergus- son's "The Idea of a Theatre." Other titles that are promised are Joseph Conrad's "The Secret Aaent," Ernest Cassirer's "An Essay on Man," Edmund Wilson's "To the Finland Station," Andre Gide's "Lafcadio's Adven- tures," A. E. Taylor's "Socrates," Mark Van Doren's "Shakespeare," and James B. Co- nant's "Modern Science and Modern Man" (although the Conant title can, I think, be had for 35 cents elsewhere). If current lists of books-in-print are accurate, then the anpearance of most of these titles will make them available in inexpensive editions for the first time since they were originally published. The lowest price in the series is 65 cents; the highest, for the Wilson novel, $1.25. While the list of titles announced does not include anything also included in any of the "great books" series, each of them has in its own way some considerable merit, and deserves to be available for consump- tion. Anchor Books aims, it appears, at fill- ing a need. Since the people who operate the business do not intend to display their wares in drug-stores-for obvious reasons- they have not decorated the covers with any aspects of the human body, draped or undraped. This is an outright service; one need not feel either self-conscious or that he is advertising if he turns up, say at Sun- day-school, with one of the titles under his arms. Perhaps the most important service that Anchor Books gives indication of wanting to perform is that of making available titles in which not Everyone, but just Some, are interested. Modern Library and other reprint houses provide a fair amount of "basic" things in decent editions, but there is no company that specializes in providing high-quality fiction or non- fiction that is out of the spotlight or the mainstream. If Anchor Books maintains the quality which marks its beginning-and there are hundreds of titles that deserve such at- tention, to say nothing of readers, and if it aims at cultivating a clientele in college communities-as it has planned, there is no Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Senators who serve on Senator McCarthy's investigation com- mittee, but are seldom consulted about its helter-skelter probes, are curious, to put it mildly, over the reported European antics of its two junior G-men. They are Roy Cohn and David Schine, whom McCarthy sent to Europe to investi- gate the Voice of America, but who are reported to have used special airplanes at the taxpayers' expense, got their pants mixed up, and engaged in a brawl in the Hotel Adler. The two junior G-men, now known as MC-men, have denied that Schine hit Cohn over the head with a rolled-up magazine in the hotel corridor or that the chambermaid later found their room turned topsy-turvy. But down in Florida last year, somewhat the same thing happened in the Boca Raton Hotel, owned by Myer Schine, when his son David jumped on his fellow MC-man. Cohn wanted to leave, but Papa Myer and Mama Hildegarde Schine persuaded him to remain. 'Regardless of these hotel battles, the fact is that these two young men, aged 25 and 26, who officially represent the United States abroad, have been the laughingstock of Europe. -STUDY "WASTE"- IN GERMANY the Frankfurt Abendpost, a conservative nonpolitical newspaper, con- fined itself to the following factual account of the two junior MC-men: "The first impression of these two in Bonn was received by high commission offi- cials partly with humor and partly with annoyed disappointment. McCarthy's two chief investigators, Roy Cohn, 25, and David Schine, 26, came to Bonn from Frankfurt at 11 o'clock Sunday evening, On this same evening, they interviewed James Hoofnagle, a public affairs officer, at the Hotel Adler in Bad Godesberg during the course of a dinner which lasted for more than two hours. The dinner cost more than $25. The two investigators said they had come to Europe in order to study 'waste and mis- management in the American information program.' "There are supposed to be books with Communistic tendencies in American li- braries here. From high commission cir- cles, however, it was learned that they did not ask a single question about costs and personnel. "The two investigators informed the per- sonnel of the public affairs office at the hi.-h commission that they should be avail- able Monday morning at 8 o'clock. They themselves, however, were delayed and ar- rived at the high commission building short- ly before 11 o'clock. -WRONG TROUSERS- "T'HEN THE event occurred which still is a main topic of conversation. At 12:30, Mr. Schine announced that he put on the wrong trousers. A driver was sent to the hotel in order to pick up the right ones. Mr. Schine put them on and then discovered that his notebook was missing. He rushed back to the hotel with Mr. Cohn in order to look for it. "In the hotel lobby, it was observed that Mr. Schine batted Mr. Cohn over the head with a rolled-up magazine. Then both disappeared into Mr. Schine's room for five minutes. Later the chambermaid found ash trayis and their contents strewn throughout the room. The furniture was completely overturned. "After lunch, the two investigators inter- rogated the deputy chief of the MSA special mission in Bonn, Frank Miller. They asked him and others the following questions: 'What are your goals?', 'What is European integration?', 'What does western orienta- tion mean?' -EIGHT-PAGE BOO- ' AFTERWARDS they had a press confer- ence with American newspaper corres- pondents. "Mr. Cohn introduced Mr. Schine as a management expert. Question: 'What experience do you have in this area, Mr. Schine?' "Schine: 'I have studied this field.' "Cohn: Mr. Schine has written a book about the definition of Communism.' "Schine: 'Yes, it just so happens that I have a couple of copies with me. Mr. Cohn is mentioned often in the text. He has played an important role in the prosecution of Communist leaders in the U.S.' "It became evident that this 'book' was an 8-page pamphlet that was published by Mr. Schine's hotel company and distrib- uted by the same organization, whose president and business head is the same 26-year-old David Schine. "Cohn: 'We have also questioned repre- sentatives of the German public.' "He failed in this connection to state with whom they had spoken. Americans who had accompanied the two agents stated that they were the chauffeur, two hotel janitors, aad a barman. "In the 45 minutes that remained between the press conference and their departure by air for Berlin, Messrs. Cohn and Schine in- terviewed Elmer Lower, chief of all informa- tion programs in Germany; Edmund Schechter, chief of the radio branch of the U. S. high commission; and Theodore Kag- han, acting chief of the office of public affairs, of which the information division is a part. (Continued from Page 2) "Scram! We Got Too Many People That Believe In Democracy Already:" _ 1 S _ 1I-. \\ e..,n. -n c. .arcnK. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN positions for their camp, which is lo- cated northeast of Pontiac, Michigan.L Camp Daggett of Walloon Lake (Pe- toskey) Michigan will have a represen-, tative at the Michigan Union, Room 3-A, Thursday afternoon, from 1 to 5° p.m., to discuss with all interested men employmentopportunities for general and handicraft counselors at theirN camp for this simmer. Camp Counselors. Mrs. deWindt of the Camp Fire Girls of Grand Rapids will be interviewing those women in- terested in this camp at the Michiganz Union, Room 3A, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the regularly scheduled summer place- ment meeting.1 Personnel Interviews. The Gary Sheet & Tin Mill, of Gary, Ind., will be here on Mon., April 27, to see men interested in summer po- sitions with this company.) Montgormery Ward, Detroit, will have a representative here on Mon., April1 27, to interview June graduates. They are particularly interested in persons with Accounting, Finance and Sales- manship preparation, with an inter- est in Retail Merchandising. The Chicago National Bank will in- terview June graduates on Tues., Apr. 28. The representative would like to see1 persons interested in trainee positions. General Electric, New York City, will1 be here on Tues., Apr. 28, in the morn-t ing to talk to June graduates interest-1 ed in a career in Employee Relations. The representative would also like to1 talk to Lawyers.I On Tues., Apr. 28, there will be an interviewer here from Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Detroit, to see persons in- terested in Sales., Time, Inc., of Chicago, will have a representative here on Tues., Apr. 28., to see June women interested in a Training Program in the Subscription1 Service Division.1 Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, will be at, the Bureau of Appointments to see persons for positions available during the summer with this firm. On wed., Apr. 29, there will be a rep-1 resentative here from Herpolsheimers (Dept. Store), of Grand Rapids, to see June men and women interested in their Executive Trainee Program. New York Life Insurance will have a man here on wed., Apr. 29, to talk to June graduates for various posi- tions, to locate anywhere in the U.S.1 The F.B.I. would like to see indi- viduals (men and women) with degrees in Mathematics or Statistics for Cryp- to-Analytical work in washington. One must be a citizen in order to apply. Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich., will be here on Thurs., Apr. 30, (in the afternoon) and would like to see June and August graduates for positions in Sales. Standard Accident Insurance Co., of Detroit, will be here on Fri., May 1, and is particularly interested in interview- ing women for their Supervisory Train- ing Program. Vita-Craft will have a representative at the Bureau of Appointments to talk to men interested in Sales positions. One could work part-time while in school and also during the summer months. Personnel Requests. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, of Woods Hole, Mass., has an opening for a woman with a degree or experience in Physics. Austin's (paint, wallpaper, and floor- covering sales) of Flint, Mich., has an opening for a man to work toward management of retail organization. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Two Rivers, Wis., 'has an available position in their Per- sonnel Division for a Wage and Salary Administrator and one who is also re- sponsible for Test Development and Administration. Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., of Find- lay, Ohio, is in need of a Project En- gineer In their Plant Engineering De- partment. The work would include de- sign of plant layout and production equipment and facilities. The Travelers Inc., Co., of Detroit, has an opening for a man who can qualify as an Insurance Payroll Audi- tor. Science Research Associates, of Chi- cago, has an available opening for a Project Director. The work would be on the development of new or improve- ment of existing tests and related ma- terials. The Hotel Commodore, of New York City, writes that they have available openings for men interested in posi- tions within a hotel. The Brown-Brockmeyer Co., of Day- ton, Ohio, has openings for Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, and Adminis- trative Engineers and Science or In- dustrial Management students, inrtheir Inspection Unit and Special Assem- bly Department. For appointments, further informa- tion, and application blanks, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, Ext. 371. .T ._ Burma, Wed., Apr. 22, 4:15 p.m. Audi- torium B. Angell Hall. University Lecture, auspices of the Department of German and the Com- mittee on the Programh in Linguistics, "Society and the Artist in the Dramas of Henrik Ibsen," Dr. Einar Haugen, Thompson Professor of Scandinavian Languages, University of Wisconsin, Wed., Apr. 22, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Academic Notices The University Extension Service an- nounces the following course: Gardening Taught in Gardens (Sum- mer Field Course). There are still open- ings for new students in this course which consists of visits to these out- standing gardens - Luick, Schorling, Frisinger, Drappitz, Greene, MacKenzie, Badger, and Christman. Examples of plant selection, skilled culture, and good landscape development will be demon- strated. Eight weeks. $6.00. Instructor: Ruth Mosher Place. The first garden visit will take place at 7 p.m. Wed., Apr. 22, at the home of Mr. Waldo Luick, 2122 Dorset Road, Ann Arbor. Students may register at the meeting. Delightful Things to be Done in Lat- er Maturity. This course is designed to provide first hand information and some experience in various types of ac- tivities of interest to older adults. Consideration will be given to the things older ptople can do for the community, hobbies and skills that can be developed or practiced in later years, methods and place of training for var- ious skills. Workshops and studios of successful workers will be visited. Six weeks. $5.00. Instructors: Wilma T. Donahue and others. The first meet- ing of the class will be held at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Apr. 27, in Room 171 of the School of Business Administration on Monroe Street. Students may register in the half-hour preceding the first meeting of the class. Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Applications of Mathemat- ics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Apr. 23, at '4 p.m., in 407 Ma- son Hall. Mr. Stefan Vail of the Eco- nomics Department will speak 6n 'A Stochastic Model of Utilities." Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prof. T. H. Lin will speak on "On Contact Accelerometers" at 3:30 p.m. on Wed., Apr. 22, in 101 West Engineering Build- ing. Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Theory of Growth (Econ. 353). Daniel R. Miller, Assistant Professor of Psy- chology, will speak on "Growth in Psy- chological Theory," on Thurs., Apr. 23, in 215 Economics Building, at 4 p.m. Please note the change of place. Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., Apr. 23, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. Mr. Bruce Wark will speak on "Some Mechanisms of Decarboxyla- tion." Joint Seminar in Physical and Inor- ganic-Analytical Chemistry. Thurs., Apr. 23, 7:30 p.m., 3003 Chemistry Building. Mr. Thair Higgins will speak on "Tem- perature Scales Below 1 degree K." Mr. Sheldon Shore will speak on "Sander- son's Interpretation of Gaseous Aikali Halide Bond Lengths." Concerts Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte, viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, assisted by Wal- ter Evich, viola, will present the sec- (Continued on Page 6) h' /etteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. S.Demise... . . . "S.L. went on record-33-0 To the Editor: in favor of the Rose Bowl." He has T WAS surprised to see that Craw- the n toonall rthsoe ford Young believes that few throug t St resolution." That will mourn the passing of Young is also rdculous. I know of no Progressives; I would have thought one (including myself) appoach- that all liberals would mourn the ed by an S.L. member and being passing of any political organiza- tion from our campus, as such de- asked to give his opinion pro or mse signifies the narrowing of po- n concerning the Rose Bowl. He litical expression. would have us believe that this But that is nothing. I am really 33-0 vote represents overwhelming concerned with the way in which student opinion; really it repre- Mr. Young has so lightly dispensed sents deliberate misrepresentation. with Progressives as an organiza- Keep punching, Mr. Whipple, tion dominated almost from its but please use your head instead inception by Communists, and of your deadline. existing only to spread its ideas. -Joe Weiss My concern grows out of the fact that Mr. Young accepts this re- Thanks written bit of recent history so To the Editor: easily; and he is a liberal. What then of the conservative? I am T THE Blue Team: glad that I was able to be a part We wish to thank all of you of Young Progressive organiza- who spent long hours working on tions both here and at another Frosh Weekend. Your co-opera- university before that, between tion was greatly appreciated and nineteen forty-nine and the pres- helped make the weekend success- ent. There was little reward from ful. It has been wonderful meeting the standpoint of success. The and working with you. We hope doubt, the distrust, the fear were you will all remember the wonder- all well in operation four years ful times we had working on the ago. When I transferred here in Blue Team. '51 the Young Progressives at my We also wish to offer our sin- old University had just closed cerest congratulations to the Maize shop; I arrived at Michigan just Team for a grand performance. in time to witness the slow de- -Judy Lichtblau, General cline of the group here. Neverthe- Chairman; Mary Towne, less I'm glad I was a member, be- Ass't General Chairman cause I am in the enviable posi- * * tion of one who knows the truth A Word in Favor.. . about its operations, its member- To The Editor ship, antd its control. In the earlierToheEir group there were no Communists; JUST HEARD again a comment probably there were none on that seems to be a favorite on campus. It was a small school. this campus. A student said, in When we voted to disband there exactly the same words I've heard were just four of us, all strong be- so many times before,' "If the lievers in democracy. If our be- Daily didn't like it,'then it must lief was ever shaken it was by the be good." I think it's time some insanity that forced us to one said a word in favor of the dissolve our organization, in- Daily's critics. sanity that outlawed us from After all, the critic has a defi- politics because we talked about nite function. He must analyze peace, and humanity, sense closely, recognize what is good and and understanding, did what we what is bad, and report his judg- could about local discrimination, ment to his readers. Apparently and wrote letters to influential many of The Daily's readers think people about people who were be- that if they liked something noth- ing deprived of constitutional ing more should be said about it. rights. Yes, Crawford, it was what They don't seem to realize that you'd call the old party line. it's possible to enjoy 'a perform- It is true that there is little re- ance and still be objective about maining of the original Progres- it. It is not the purpose of criti- sive Party. Its members are not cism simply to praise what one dead; they are disorganized, but likes and to blame what one dis- many deserted their own organiza- likes. Criticism aims at the ob- tion. These people are primarily jective truth. And the critic fails to blame for the loss of their par- in his function when he ceases to ty; they and the raging insanity point out the truth, offensive as which we call the political cli- it may be for some. mate. The communists are a mi- By and large, I think The nor cause. Subversion itself is Daily's reviewers know their fields only an effect. I will try to clarify and interpret them honestly. that statement in another letter. Sometimes, no doubt, their judg- In closing I would only like to ment is inaccurate, but they are add this: if things continue as seldom so far off base as the critic they are, I have little doubt that of the Gershwin Concert, who students of the University of Mich- must have been even more naive igan will be able to read in the about music than I am. Michigan Daily of the near future The movie reviewers have my that "Few will mourn the pass- hearty faith and good will for an ing of the Civil Liberties Commit- excellent job, as well as my sym- tee ..." pathy for all the brickbats thrown -Ivan Gluckman their way. Not everyone is going * * * Ito agree with the critics all the Btime, but if we disagree, you know, oSe owl it doesn't always mean the other To the Editor: opinion is wrong. I~4.R. WHIPPLE would do well to Critics in general, and the Mich- remember the old adage-If igan Daily's critics in particular, you have nothing to say, say noth- must often think theirs is a ing. thankless job. I would like to ex- In his article "The Faculty and press my appreciation for their the Bowl," he attempts two points, sincerity and objectivity. First, Mr. Whipple denies the -Betty G. Sowers facnulty the right to vote on the * * * Ir J I a t4 4 '1 r L Rose Bowl pact as they see .fit. That's ridiculous. Who understands the implica- tions of the pact better? The stud- ent who takes five Saturdays off to cheer from the sixtieth row, or is it the faculty who have access to the university account books, and who feel the pressure of re- cruiting. Naturally the faculty, knowing both the benefits and evils of the Rose Bowl, is in a much better position to make an intelligent vote on the pact. Mr. Whipples second point was Red Teachers .. . To the Editor: IN ANSWER to Mr. R. Mitchell. It is not far-fetched to believe that Red teachers organized in secret cells on campuses through- out the country are so organized for a specific purpose. Indeed, it is even probable that they are so organized. But, Mr. Mitchell, what happened to the old American principle that people are innocent until they are proven guilty. -Robert Ginsberg t * Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of ,ne Board in Control of Student Pubietions. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.... Managing Editor Barnes Connable...... .....City Editor Cal Samra........Editorial Director Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor Sid Klaus . . . Associate City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple....... .. Sports Editor 'John Jenke..Associate Sports Editor Dick Sexeil ..... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell . . Chief Photographer Business Staff Al Green. ........... Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston... Assoc. Business Mgr. T.ri .nA., ~ n7 Fnane Manaaurr t , 4,", E)4 { f Y