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April 22, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-22

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Latest Deadline in the State





IFC Denies
SL Backing
On Exams
Member Fears
Student Legislature efforts tc
change this semester's final exan
schedule failed by a close vote tC
gain support last night at the In-
terfraternity House Presidents As-
One opponent of the motion tc
support SL in its attempts to ef-
feet a temporary return to the olc
system of scheduling final exams
argued such a move might throwe
the IFC in a "bad light with the
- *
ANOTHER House President de-
clared he could not support the
motion without first determining
the opinion of the men in his house
} on the issue.
Commenting on the IFC move,
past IFC president Pete Thorpe.
'53, said "This decision should
be carefully reviewed by the
House Presidents with the mem-
bers of their fraternities.
"It is questionable, I believe,
whether or not the opinion of the
fraternity system was accurate1y
represented by this particular
vote," he continued.
SL plans to present its motior
to the Deans' Conference in earl3
May with a request for the Con-
ference to set up a student-faculty
committee to study the exam
schedule problem.
EARLIER in the IFC meeting,
John Baity, '55, now executive
' vice-president, gave the group a
report on the Big Ten Counseling
and Information Service, the com-
mittee which handles the question
of bias clauses in the Big Ten fra-
Baity, who explained the Ser-
vice would now be in the hands
of the executive vice-president,
said each house with restrictive
clauses has been contacted and
the Counseling Service will keep
in contact with these houses.
Baity declined to give the num-
ber of houses who have requested
help from the Counseling Service.
Thirteen fraternities have known
restrictive membership clauses.
A Daily survey showed last fall
that two of these fraternities,
Sigma Pi and Trigon, have mdi-
cated they are not interested in
removing the clauses.
Baity also explained three fra-
ternities with such constitutional
clauses have national conventions
this summer and will favor re-
moval of these clauses at their
Baity could not say whether
these fraternities will indicate the
move to delete the clauses.
Survey Center
Gives Findings
On TV Study
Although the public rated tele-
vision as its most important source
of information during last year's
presidential campaign, the med-
ium probably didn't affect voting
itself, a Survey Research study in-
Research experts interviewed
1,714 persons in the two-year study
of political behavior. Thirty-one

per cent of the respondents put
TV on top as their source of polit-
ical information. Twenty-seven
per cent favored radio; 22 per
cent, newspapers and five per cent,
* * *
RESEARCHERS reported how-
ever, the proportion of those vot-
ing for a particular candidate was
about the same, regardless of the
voters' news sources.
TV ranked highest as a news
source in the Northwest, followed
by the Midwest, the Far West 'and
the South. It made the greatest
inroads on radio, while newspaper
and magazine sales remained about
the same, the report showed.
Study fndings also indicated the
better educated people were, the
more they read about the cam-
paign and the less they valued

Named Desire?


Deny 'Front'
Hatcher Defends
Prof. Waterman
Cited for alleged Communist-
front affiliation in the May issue
of "The American Mercury," two
University emeritus professors last
night denied they were members
of "front" groups, and defended
an organization mentioned as
Communistic in the article.
Written by J. B. Matthews, the
article attacks Prof. Emeritus Le-
roy Waterman of the semitics de-
partment as a "top collaboration-
ist" with the Communist-front ap-
paratus in this country, and names
Prof. Emeritus Philip L. Schenk
of the English department as a
sponsor of the American Commit-
tee for Protection of Foreign Born.
The latter group is named on the






Two Billion
Foreign Aid
Slash Seen
Final Figure Not
Determined Yet
By The Associated Press
The Eisenhower administration
has tentatively decided to cut for-
eign aid funds about two billion
,dollars below the amount Presi-
dent Truman recommended as ab-

Students of Yesteryear
Trollied To Ypsilanti

By JOEL BERGER Attorney General's list as "one of solutely necessary for ti
Ypsilanti beer and women were only 20 cents away for University the oldest auxiliaries of the Comn- cal year, officials said ye
Ypslanti haer amunist Party in the United An Eisenhower forei
students of half a century ago. Sae.
Students of 1904 possessed one distinct advantage over their States.''quest to Congress, n
contemporaries of today when Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti were con- UNIVERSITY President Harlan about $5 00000scen
nected by part of the vast Midwestern system of inter-urban electric H. Hatcher last night registered compare to he $7
trollies. disapproval of the attack on Prof. Truman recommended.
Waterman with whom he had been
ACCORDING TO the diaries of Frederic Newton Scott, professor associated in introduction of the THE FINAL figure h
--~--of rhetoric at the University then Revised Standard Edition of the been determined. It w
service was cheap, efficient and Bible last fall. to some extent on whe
very convenient. "I am suprised that anyone ica's 13 Atlantic Pact A
Scott mentions the trolley would level these charges at an American plan tos
railway often in his diaries, now such a great scholar and gen- defense goals at a mee
S tate Auditor in the Michigan Historical So- tleman," the President said, "I nfing in Paris tomorro
ciety's archives located in the only have praise for him as a
basement of Rackham Bldg. scholar and faculty member." Responsible offici
One night in 1904, after a trip At the time the Bible appeared wtarget at resent is
to Ann ArhoweverDethattthe'E
to Ann Arbor from Detroit, he it was attacked in several instances a getoreei
John B. Martin, Jr., State Au- wrpte the following entry, "A doz- as "Communist inspired." Recall- sid budget of betwee
ditor General, will address the en students got on at Ypsilanti, ing these charges, President Hat- six billion dollars.
Young Republicans at 7:30 p.m. bound for Ann Arbor in various cher termed them "a strange re- nedthere would be siza
today in the Union. stages of hilarity," sponse for our times."
h * * ** the amount to be set
Martin, a University law school
___ _-i an nnnc ~,,zhrirmfltc.

she next fis-
ign aid re-
ow taking
es, calls for
new money,
has not yet
ill depend
ther Amer-
llies accept,
stretch out
ting begin-j
als said,
a foreign
n five and
eing draft-
able cuts in
aside for

]Freed Allies
Say March
{ Killed 867
ore U.S. Men
By The Associated Press
The Communists yesterday said
they would return 14 Americans,
five Australians, six Colombians
and 75 South Koreans in today's
,r disabled captive exchange.
The 14 Americans will bring the
total of U. S. troops returned to
79, about two-thirds of the 120
the Reds have promised to return.
THERE IS A possibility the
-Daily-Don Campbell Americans and Colombians could
FINAL TOUCHES-Members of the 'Ensian staff proofread the be prisoners taken in vicious fight-
1953 'Ensian in preparation for finishing the books which are ing early this month in the Old
scheduled to be distributed the week of May 18. 'Ensians may still Baldy and Panmunjom sector out-
be purchased from 3 to 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday at posts.
the Student Publications Bldg. Communist correspondent Al-
an Winnington of the London
Daily Worker said earlier yes-
n A 1rds 6 terday the Communists would
Umon ward iMe [61return some men captured in
those actions.
However, Allied sick and wound-
Keys at Annual Banquet edback in freedomyesterday,told
bitter stories of death marches,
disease and hunger that killed at
Keys were presented to 61 men last night at the annual Union least 867 Americans and South
awards banquet. Koreans in Red captivity,
Those honored included: Lloyd Anderson: Tom Baker, '54: John And a feeling grew that the

graduate, headed the National of- THE SYSTEM got its start early
fice of Civilian Defense during in 1891, when trollies powered by
World War II. Later commissioned steam engines began the run be-
in the Navy, he was assigned to tween Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.
foreign secret service work in By December 1896, however,
Europe. steam engines proved unsatis-
After the war he served on the factory, and the cars were all
staff of the United States Prose- converted to electric power at
cutor of Axis War Criminals at a cost of $30,000.
Nuremberg. The inter-urban line entered
town from Ypsilanti on Packard
Martin was elected Auditor Gen- Road, and continued over Hill,
eral in 1950 after a two year term Wells, Lincoln, Williams, Washte-
as State Senator from Kent Coun- naw and Main Streets, making
ty and Grand Rapids. He was re- connections with the local trolley
elected in November. line at various points before leav-
* . * ing by way of the Jackson Road.
At about the same time an elec-
tric trolley system began pushing
its way out from Detroit and on
June 11, 1898, the first trolley be-I
' tween Detroit and Ann Arbor be-
S gan regular runs.
The Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Ar-
'~ bor and Jackson Railway which
operated the. system, gradually
folded after World War I.
An increase in the number of
automobiles and trains in the areaj
forced the company to abandon
the transportation field leaving
the way open for more modern
methods of travel.

ALTHOUGH both faculty mem-
bers said they had given the
ACPFB their support, they denied
it was Communistic and main-
tained It existed to protect legal
rights of the foreign born from
"Characterization of the or-
ganization as Communistic was
haphazard and I have never
seen anything to substantiate
it," Prof. Schenk said.
By Matthew's definition, a "top
collaborationist" must be asso-
ciated with 10 or more frontI
groups. One hundred "academic
collaborationists" were mentionedI
in the study, although the widely-
known investigator and writer did
not tell what organizations theseI
100 belonged to.
Prof. Waterman, only "top
collaborationist' named at the
University, called the charge
"completely erroneous."
Reviewing his activities in sev-
eral groups interested in main-
taining Negro rights, Prof. Wat-
erman commented such organiza-
tions were frequently the object
of Communist infiltration, but
said such influences had been re-
pelled in groups with which he
is associated.
criticized in the 33-page article
for using a textbook, "USSR,"
which is allegedly shot through
with Communistic propaganda.
Investigation, however, re-
vealed the text, an anthology on
Russian life and culture, is not
presently used here.
In 1947, according to one pro-
fessor, the book was assigned' as
supplementai;y reading in a course,
but was shortly discontinued when
found inadequate and poorly con-
structed. At that time, Pravda was
attacking the book's editor as an
"American warmonger," the pro-
fessor noted.
The American Civil Liberties
Union, American Association of
University Professors, Robert May-
nard Hutchins and other educators
came in for criticism by Matthews
on their attitude toward the Com-
munist problem.

weapons spmenLL s o rIen y
countries. Eisenhower planners be-
lieve this can be done safely be-
cause a backlog of about 10 bil-
lion dollars for weapons, approp-
riated under the Truman admin-
istration, has not yet been spent
or obligated.
Defense support said, about $1,-
700,000,000 last year, would be
trimmed to about one billion dol-
lars, most of this for France to
I help it fight the Indochina var.
AS OFFICIALS discussed de-
fense support reductions, witnesses
told House investigators yesterday
about a 45 billion dollar Army ov-
ercoat that turned out to be a
It cost the Army a million dol-
lars to remodel the coats and

Black, '54Ed.; Bob Blossey, '55; Sta
Eugene Chardoul, '56; Ed Cohn, '5
'56; and Dean Dixon, '56.
* *
OTHERS WERE: Jim Easley,'
erling, '54: Dietzer Hanauer, '55;'
Bob Hardies, '56; Bob Herzfield,
'55; Stan Leiken; Tom Leo'iold,
'56; Todd Lief, '56; Ken Lloyd,
'56; Mike Lyons, '55; Dick Myer,
'55: Joe Moore, '56; and John Mor-
ovitz, '55.
The list also included: John
Munn, '54E; Art Nicholas, '53E;
Keith Pohl; Ron Poland, '56;
Santo Ponticello, '55E; Richard
Roth, '54; Chuck Scholl, '54E;
Bert Shapero, '55; Lou Slavin,
'55; Dave Smith, '56; Ray Sun!,
'55E; John Vandenberg, '55E;
Al Weisz, '56NR; Jack White,
'56E; and Fred Ziegler, '55.

an Bohrer, '55; Robert Busha, '56; Communists may be holding back
56; John Collins, '56; Jim Deland, some of the seriously disabled they
had solemnly promised to send
* * home.
'55; Keith Gordon, '56; Ron East- * * *
IN YESTERDAY'S exchange,
. the first group among the 100
IH C Rem ams South Koreans being etug ieo ar-
rived at Freedom Village to the
Neutr l Insouth of this neutral zone.
IN eutral InAs the prisoner exchange went
into its third day, outspoken Al-
B usboy Issue lied repatriates unfolded their
stories of what happened in the
In a fast paced meeting the In- darkness of North Korea.
ter-House Council decided yester- -Pvt. William G. Moreland of At-
day to steer a neutral course in the lanta, Ga., told of a 300-mile fore-
present wage dispute between the ed march that began with 700 men
residence halls and the busboys in and ended with only 289 alive.
West Quad. He said the month-long march
Amid warnings that "only a mir- started at "Bean Camp" near the
acle will stop the busboys from I North Korean capital of Pyong-
going out on strike, Monday" in yang after he was captured, in
their effort to secure a dollar an May, 1951. It ended in a prison
hour wage, the IHC voted to set camp at Changsang.
up a three-man committee which
would represent all Quad men in OTHER Americans told of at
future negotiations, least three more forced marches
It was further pointed out in which 156 Americans and 200
that the committee would act in South Xoreahs died. And a Turk-
the event of serious damage be- - ish prisoner estimated 100 Ameri-
ing done to the service of dormi- cans died from starvation in his
tory meals through a deadlock camp alone.
in negotiations. On the battle lines ground ac-
In other actions the IHC resolv- tion lagged in Korea yesterday but
ed to vote on the fifth and prob- United States carrier planes staged
ably the final draft of its new con- a surprise party for the Commu-
stitution at the May 5 meeting of nists with smashing raids on the
the group and to elect a new IHC Central and Eastern front.
president ahd vice-president at
that time.

... Auditor General
Forestry Student
Wins Scholarship
The National Lumber Manufac-
turers Association recently award-
ed a $500 scholarship to Bruce R.
Jones, '53NR, who they selected
as the outstanding forestry stu-
dent in the state.
Jones will attend a ten week
summer training session at Wash-
ington, D.C. together with three
other scholarship winners.

R ep. CittUlaray
To TalkToday
Freshman Rep. Kit Clardy (R-
Mich.) will address students and
faculty members at the Speech
Assembly at 4 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Talking on "Speech in Public
Life," the former University Var-
sity debater, law school graduate
and member of the speech depart-
ment faculty will be introduced by
Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman
of the speech department.
Rep. Clardy will be the guest
speaker of the local Rotary Club
at a noon luncheon today where,
he will be introduced by Regent
Roscoe 0. Bonisteel. He will make
a "Congress Report" to the bus-
inessmen at that time.

nobody seemed to know what Those honored on the executive
happened to most of them. council were: Ron Kaminsky, '53;I
One of the 1,262,000 coats was George Chatas, '53: Steve Fuerth,
on display at the hearing. It's a '54; Stu Mittenthal, '54BAd.; Bill
big, bulky job with a cloth exter- Libby, '54NR; Phil Flarsheim, '54;
ior, wool inner lining and leggings Jay Strickler, '54; Hal' Abrams,
that zip in and out. '54; Art Bublitz, '53E; Al Mag-
It took one demonstrator 41{ notta, '54; Ruedi Gingrass, '54;
minutes to put on the coat. Hugh Kabat, '54P, and Al Bon-
_ - nel, '54E.
Awards to members of the
M iarital Series Board of Directors went to: Bill
Jentes, '55L; Jack Ehlers, '53E;
Bob Baker, '55L; Dave Ponitz,
Grad.; Fred Pike, '54D; Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea; Prof. Wil-
liam B. Palmer of the economics
department, and Howard Willens,
' 53.
Tickets for the Marriage Lec-
ture Series will be on sale from BIAS CLAUSE CAUSE-
3 to 5 p.m. today through April BS
29 at the Union, League and Lane
Dr. Evelyn Duvall of Chicago
will deliver the first lecture, "How '
To Get Married and Stay Mar-
ried," at 8 p.m. April 29 at Rack- Oh
ham Lecture Hall.I

s p rvlFraternity.

Near Probable New SL President

"The Anatomy and Physiology
of Reproduction" will be the sub-
ject of the second lecture which
will be given Monday, May 4 by
Dr. Alan C. Barnes, chairnian of
the Department of Obstretics
and Gynecology at Ohio State
University Hospital. A movie,
"iHuman Reproduction," will be
shown at this lecture.
On Tuesdays May 5, Dr. Barnes
will speak on "The Medical Basis
for 8!ne Sex Practices."
The final lecture of the series
will be delivered by Rev. Henry
Hitt Crane of the Central Metho-
dist Church of Detroit and will beI
entitled. "Five Principles of a
Happy Marriage."

Daily Managing EditorI
A Chinese fraternity ran afoul
the "Michigan Plan" for combat-
ting discrimination in fraterni-
ties yesterday.
The Student Affairs Committee
cited a four-year-old regulation
denying recognition or permission
to reactivate groups which "pro-
hibit membership because of race,
religion, or color" yesterday as it
required F. F. Fraternity to get
rid of its restrictive clause before
it could win approval.
F. F., WHICH stands for "Flip-
Flop," was seeking sanction for
reactivation of a local chapter
which became defunct in 1948. Its
national constitution contains a

Kappa Alpha, a fraternity largely
centered in the South with a firm-
ly entrenched restrictive clause.
Pi Kappa Alpha had agreed to
permit the proposed Michigan
chapter to exist without the dis-
criminatory clause. SAC acquies-
ced, but the deal fell through when
the Trigon alumni voted down the
affiliation proposal.
"FLIP-FLOP" fraternity, found-
ed in 1910, came on campus in
1938. It lapsed during the war,
was revived shortly afterward,
then went under again in 1948.
There were never more than ten
Chinese Greeks.
The . group seeking reactivation
numbers seven.
Allen Mau, '54M, spokesman

maLnU l Jroup
To PlayToday
The University Stanley Quartet
will present its second concert of
the spring semester at 8:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Established in 1949, the cham-
ber music group is composed of
music school faculty members
Prof. Gilbert Ross, first violinist;
Prof. Emil Raab, second violinist;
Robert Courte, violist; and Prof.
Oliver Edel, cellist.
Detroit Symphony violinist
Walter Evich will accompany
the ensemble in their first num-
ber, Haydn's "Quintet in C ma-
jor for two violins, two violas
and cell.o."
Other pieces to be played by
the Quartet are Beethoven's 'Quar-
tet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131" and
"Quartet No. 6 (1951)" by Prof.
Ross Lee Finney of the music
St. Lawrence Bills
HitI by Cheerier

If Student Legislature cabinet
elections tonight go according to
all indications, current vice-presi-
dent Bob Neary, '54BAd., will be

generally predetermined, the
vice-presidential contest is still
a toss-up.
Declared candidates as of last
night were Fred Hicks, '54, Janet

nominated for the cabinet mem-
bers-at-large positions if defeat-
ed in the earlier count.
Along with Ely and Miss Netzer,
Steve Jelin, '55, Cris Reifel, '55,

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