PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 2I, 1953 i 'U'-Ann Arbor Relations OO OFTEN the student who spends four years time here actually knows very little about the city he lives in. Though projects are occasionally undertaken in political sci- ence and sociology classes which bring him in closer touch with Ann Arbor and its peo- ple, the student's usual acquaintance with the city begins and ends in a local cloth- ing shop or restaurant. With this condition in mind, the Ann Ar- bor supplement appended to this issue of The Daily has been prepared to give students a broader look at the city, to outline the close relationship maintained by the city with the University and to show the expansion which both are presently undergoing. Although the base of University-city re- lations may seem to be primarily financial, this condition does not detract from the mutual benefits which have come from the relationship. By having the University here, the city has escaped large scale in- dustrialization which has completely al- tered other Michigan cities of its size and made them much less pleasant to live in. Cuturally, the school has contributed immeasurbaly to the city, and through this cultural growth has attracted many re- tired people to the area. The University, on the other hand, has gained a fairly cooperative city government, a fine community and convenient location. While participating in local governmental af- fairs, its faculty members have added to the University's prestige as well as aided the city. Unfortunately, students have not cared or been able to participate extensively in civic affairs, but it should be hoped that more student participation will eventually be a reality. With the University going forward on the North Campus development and the city looking to further growth, this marks a sig- nifiicant time to examine the past relation- ship, and plan even more successful coopera- tion in the future. -Harry Lunn DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Several signs point to the likelihood of growing friction between the President and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. Some observers compare the situation with that which gradually developed be- tween Woodrow Wilson and William Jen- nings Bryan, a man who, like Dulles, had established a reputation of his own before he became Secretary of State and who parted company with Wilson over Ger- many. Eisenhower and Dulles have now had two disagreements, one of them rather unpleas- ant. It's now leaked out that Ike told off his secretary of state in rather sharp language following his press bumble on probable Ko- rean truce terms. Eisenhower was really sore. Afterward Gov. Sherman Adams remarked to a friend: "We had to send Dulles north to cool off." The other disagreement was not unpleas- ant but probably more important. When Ei- senhower's recent speech proposing a new peace offensive was sent to the State De- partment for approval, Dulles and advis- ers wanted to eliminate any references to disarmament. This would have ruled out the most dramatic and popular appeal of all -namely, using money saved from arms to rebuild the world. --CART BEFORE HORSE- REASON for the State Department's oppo- sition was the belief that you couldn't put the cart before the horse, that there could be no disarmament until political problems were solved. In other words, until Russia pulled out of the satellite nations and evac- uated Austria, it would be impossible to re- duce armament; so any promise of disarm- ament, the State Department argued, would only confuse our friends in Europe. However, Emmett Hughes, formerly of Life Magazine and the man who chiefly wrote the speech, together with C. D. Jackson, former publisher of Fortune Mag- azine, argued that Eisenhower had to give people hope. In order to lead the world, you had to give people hope of peace and hope of relief' from the crushing burden of armament. They won out. Secretary Dulles and advisors got their way, however, on one important point. They knocked out of the speech a proposal that the United States call a council of foreign ministers to consider the Eisenhower plan for peace and reconstruction. For Eisenhower to put this in his speech, the State Department argued, would put the burden of execution on the United States. It was better to put the next move up to the Russians. On this Secretary Dulles and advisers won out. -HARRY VAUGHAN- S EN DICK RUSSELL of Georgia, most powerful backstage Democrat on Capitol Hill, is a man of stern visage. He doesn't look as if he had a. sense of humor. The other day, Republican Senate lead- ers approached him regarding a matter on which they wanted his support-Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, the ex-president's military aide. President Eisenhower had sent Vaughan's A tt haf fr n,,. nn,,,- n an A Chat With a Korean Vet HE HAD had just enough drinks to make him communicative, and so, he was quite willing to turn to the unpleasant subject of the Korean battlefront, from whence he had come only the week before. Throughout the conversation I sat in relative silence, inter- posing an occasional question to draw him out. While in service, he had originally been a Navy medic, but by some quirk of bureaucracy had been shifted to a Marine Corps division near Bunker Hill and Pan- munjom. He had spent the better part of a year and a half dodging deadly shells as he made his endless rounds picking up wounded com- bat Marines. I asked him if he had read the American papers since his return, reporting that Gen- eral Van Fleet claimed a tremendous arms shortage in Korea. He said he had and then I asked him whether his division or any others he knew of had ever suffered a shortage of supplies when they needed it. He said they hadn't. "Like everything in war," he explained, "things are rationed. The same is true of guns and ammunition. But when we need- ed it, or when we expected to be hit by the enemy, we would get whatever we needed from supply if we asked for it." He had only one difficulty in this respect. One night when his outpost was expecting to be hit, his outfit requisitioned some rifles. When the rifles arrived, they were packed in thick, black grease. "In normal daylight," he continued, "it would have taken us a few hours to remove the grease from the guns and get them ready for use. As it was, we couldn't clean the guns that night, because we feared any light we used to see what we were doing might have drawn enemy fire. Fortunately, there was no attack. I questioned him about the pattern of at- tack used by the Chinese Communists and North Koreans. He said that unlike the Germans or Americans (he had also served in the last world war), the Communists use a new combination of artillery and ground at- tack. "When our own forces begin an offensive," he maintained, ''an artillery barrage usual- ly levels the target area, ceases, and then our troops move in." "The Communists never think of lifting their barrages until their troops are within arms-length of ours," he went on. "They are quite willing to lose 40 per cent of their men by their own artillery fire in order to gain their objective. "What makes it doubly difficult to stop such an attack," he added, "is the fact that our troops are pinned down by the shells and can't get out of their fox-holes to halt the charging Reds." He also spoke about the manner in which the Communists used their troops. "When a Communist division is sent up to the front lines," he said, "it is not ex- pected to come back." His division had been fighting the rem- nants of a Mongolian division for almost four months before the last soldier had been killed. I asked him about our allies. He said that most of them are good fight- ing men. He had come across English, Scot and Turkish troops in his sector of the line and praised their conduct highly. He talked about the ROKs and said that in the past few months they had begun to shape up. He pointed out that they are now defending most of the battlefront. "Their marine divisions are especially effective, mostly because of their stringent discipline." I asked him about the longest consecutive number of days he had spent on the firing line. "One hundred and three," he said. "Isn't that a little long," I queried. He nodded and said that someone had fouled up on replacements. We spoke for a while longer and he re- luctantly showed me some pictures of the Korean wounded and dead. We had a few more drinks and then, called it an evening. -Mark Reader "We Have Documentary Evidence That This Man Is Planning A Trip To Moscow" nv& f{ / 40341 41° " /tte p' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE University of Michigan COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE H. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC May 29 - June 9 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be ex- amined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are ar- ranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina- tion Schedules, Time of Class Time of Examination MONDAY TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2. 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Friday, May 29 Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 Thursday. June 4 Monday, June 1 Wednesday, June 3 Friday, June 5 Thursday, June 4 Monday, June 1 Wednesday, June 3 Friday, May 29 Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 Friday, June 5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 --- I MATTER OF PACT By JOSEPH and STEII ART ALSOP WASHINGTON -The President's foreign policy address to the American newspa- per editors was nobly conceived and nobly ex- ecuted, it offered a new hope and a new faith which the whole tired world has greedily welcomed. So much is hardly news any long- er. What is still news and valuably illuminat- ing to boot, is the process by which this speech was produced. The process was long. Work on the speech actually started on March 6. It was the day after Stalin died, when President Eisenhower first outlined the sort of thing he wanted to say to his chief speech-writ- er, Emmett Hughes, and his chief psycho- logical warrior, C. D. Jackson. The motive then, as when the speech was delivered, was to use the opportunity of the new world situation to seize the political ini- tiative. But seizing the initiative is rarely easy in the cumbersome and far from maneuverable American government, with its channels and its clearances, its compartments and its complex systems of coordination. The White House, the State Department, the Defense Department, the intelligence services and a few other lesser bodies were all actively involved. Everyone had his fa- vorite contribution, and above all, everyone had his favorite set of don'ts. The result was summed up in the remarks of one tired official: "I kept count until I'd read seven drafts, and then I stopped counting. Such endless re-drafting was not necessi- tated by mere nit-picking; either. Boldness versus caution was the main theme of the debate, with the White House advocating boldness and the State Department quite properly championing caution. The charac- ter of the struggle may be judged by what was left in the final version of the speech, and also by what was left out. What was left out may be summarized as follows: The first drafts included proposals for free elections, not only in Germany and Korea, but in Indo-China as well. At the beginning, White House thinking did not absolutely rule out the disarmament and unification of Germany, following free elections and German unification. (This A SOCIETY that emphasizes regimenta- tion above reason is a society that is consumed by fear and is losing hope. The psychological pestilence of fear can do more to immobilize the spiritual and psysical re- sources of a people than any esternal en- emy. It is the responsibility of democratic liberalism to challenge the concept of fear: to meet it head-on and to destroy it. What is needed is a full understanding of our great political and spiritual heritage, a reaffirmation of faith in those inalienable trend of thought harked back to the forty- year German disarmament guarantee which Secretary of State James F. Byrnes offered the Kremlin nearly seven years ago.) Some White House thinkers also strong- ly advocated a call for an immediate meet- ing of the Council of Foregin Ministers, with the possible addition of representatives of Communist China, conditional on a Korean truce having been successfully negotiated. Free elections in Indo-China were quickly dropped from the speech for the reason that the swing there is only half- complete. The Indo-Chinese Communists are only just beginning to lose their for- mer glamor as champions of native na- tionalism. The State and Pentagon also had little trouble in knocking out the hint about a neutralized Germany. Such a hint would have proven American willingness to make great concessions for peace. But it would also have stopped our whole Euro- pean policy and NATO program dead in their tracks. The bitterest dispute raged over the pro- posal for a Foreign Minister's meeting in- cluding the Chinese Communists. The White House argued that such a meeting was needed to find out where we really stood in the post-Stalin era. Certain members of the White House staff wanted China brought in, to test the real nature of Sino-Soviet rela- tions. The State Department replied that bringing in China meant half-recognizing China. And as for suggesting a Foreign Ministers' meeting, it would give the French a green light to shelve the European De- fense Community and Germany treaty. State won that round, but lost a less hard- fought round which might have deprived the speech of its real pith. The question ar- gued was whether the President's proposals for world disarmament and world recon- struction were timely now, or whether they ought to be delayed until later. The Krem- lin's good faith should first be proven, said the Department, by settling such outstand- ing issues as the Austrian treaty. Our own will to make a real peace must now be dem- onstrated before all the world, said the President himself. And that, fortunately, was the end of that. The participants must often have been exasperated by this haggling over what to say and what not to say. Yet the longer one studies the process and its results, the healthier it seems. The professional diplomatic experience of the State Department usefully corrected the exuberance of the White House staff. The fresh approach and undimmed energy of the new men at the White House valuably counter-acted the partial shell-shock of the diplomats, caused by long years of dealing with the Russians. And so the President struck a new note of American leadership, YD Meeting .. To the Editor: THIS EVENING at 7:30 p.m. in the Union, the Young Demo- cratic Club will hold an important meeting. I strongly suggest that the young lady, who, in Sunday's "Daily," advocated the formation of a committee to inculcate cam- pus-wide "apathy," refrain from attending this meeting, unless she desires to become completely dis- illusioned concerning prospects of success for her project. While, un- fortunately, many other campus activities are finding it difficult to inspire more than a shrug of the shoulders on the part of prospec- tive enthusiasts, the Young Demo- cratic Club can point with some satisfaction to the fact, that its present membership far exceeds that of last year and that the scope of its activities has broad- ened proportionately. In spite of these facts the Young Democrats believe that only a fraction of potential membership has been attracted into the club. The Young Democrats consider as potential members all those who believe in good government in the New and Fair Deal tradition. The} YD welcomes all those who be- lieve progressive, liberal Democ- racy should be the rule in the na- tion, the state, the city and on the campus. All such people should be anxious to gather beneath the' banner of an, organization that needs their support to carry on expanded activities and is willing to give expression to those liberal views of which there is undoubted- ly a dearth on the pages of news- papers and in the halls of national and state legislatures. At this evening's YD meeting a discussion will take place concern- ing short and long run plans. From ideas advanced in this discussion may come an entire new concep- tion of the possibilities for action and education activities open to a political club. Election of officers for the coming year will also be part of the order of the day. Needless to say, everyone will be: welcome. David J. Kornbluh teach; universities should not takeI over the functions of the courts but would do well to follow Sen- ator Taft's statement (before he watered it down) that no profes- sor should be removed unless he is actually teaching Communism in the classroom and has been shown to be influencing his stu- dents. Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed said that it is true that the colleges are afraid that their aca- demic freedom may be lost, but said he could not see how it could ever happen. But the fact is that operating in the existent sphere of emotionalism the individual (whether he be professor, politi- cian, union member) may limit his freedom of expression by self- imposed restrictions which would be unwarranted if the country were thinking rationally. SSurely there is nothing illegal in a college depriving_ a teacher of his job because of his political views any more than there is any- thing illegal in congressional in- vestigations. But jusf as citizens and politicians are giving in to{ the emotions of the times when they allow congressional commit-! tees to run wild-eyed over the spir- it of the Constitution if not its body, so are the colleges when they adopt an attitude such as that ex- pressed in the AAU's statement. -Vernon C. Emerson, '54L S* * Chip Off ... To the Editor: I AM WRITING to protest the ir- responsibility shown by the ar- ticle on "Ingenious Travelers" by Gayle Greene in The Daily for April 19th. Sandwiched in among numerous unobjectionable state- ments in the article are at least two rather ominous ones. "The Horatio Algers among continental travelers admit their success some- times calls for a little insensiti- vity and closing one eye in order to deal with black markets . . "Buying money on the black mar- ket gives the traveler a sense of the illicit as well as a big saving but for those whose consciences might suffer . . ." Such statements seem to me to imply that honesty These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be arranged by the instructor of the "special" class. SPECIAL PERIODS LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS : Special examination periods will be arranged by instructors for degree candidates in the group finals that occur June 6,* June 8, or June 9: separate lists of degree candidates will be furnishedronly for these special exam periods. * Degree candidates may take exams on June 6, instead of having special exam periods, however, only 24 hours are avail- able until the final due date for grades to be filed with the Registrar's Office for degree candidates which is Sunday, June 7, at 4 p.m. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION . Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina- tions, see bulletin board in the School of Music. SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. * * * * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS May 29 - June 9 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3044 East Engineering Build- ing between May 12 and May 19 for instruction. To avoid mis- understandings and errors each student should receive notifi- cation from his instructor of the time and place of his appear- ance in each course during the period May 29 to June 9. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. Sociology 51, 54, 60. 90 English 1, 2 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 6, 12 Psychology 31 Botany 1, 2, 122 Zoology 1 French 1, 2, 11. 12, 31. German 1, 2, 31, 32 Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Political Science 2 Saturday, May 30 Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 Friday, June 5 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, June 6 Saturday. June 6 Monday, June 8 Monday, June 8 Tuesday, June 9 Tuesday, June 9 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 9-12 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 r= *M is largely a matter of taste, some like it and some don't. I have a A cdedmc Freedom . .. notion that every time such a To the Editor: ONE of America's most compell- ing problems - abandonment of the principle of freedom for the individual - was brilliantly point- ed up at the Law School's recent Founder's Day celebration by Charles E. Clark, Judge of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Judge Clark talked of the problem mainly as it effects academic freedom, but his declara- tion can be applied to the whole realm of fear, near hysteria, which Americans have allowed them- selves to fall and be pushed into. At the chance of losing much of the essence of his remarks I would sum up Judge Clark's words thus- ly: There has been no showing of an impending danger which justi- fies the recent attacks on Ameri- can colleges; we must live with the threats fromabroad for many years; this means the development of a mature, level-headed ap- proach to such threats rather than our past instinctively self-preserv- ative reactions which have result- ed in a loss of the freedom to dis- cuss, debate and differ; these reac- tions have led to the adoption of urocedures to protect the inner in- statement is made and goes un- challenged one more bit is chipped off of the foundations of civiliza- tion. -Joshua McClennen Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by studerts of the University of Michigantundersthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.....Managing Editor Barnes Conna be...... ....City Editor' Cal Samra... .......Editorial Director Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor Sid Klaus . . .Associate City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor Ed Whipple....... ..... .Sports Editor John Jenke. Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewel ..... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell. Chief PhotographerI Business Staff Al Green..........Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr Time of, Class MONDAY TUESDAY (at (at tat (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at tat 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time of Examination Friday, May 299 Saturday, May 309 Tuesday, June 29 Thursday, June 4 Monday, June 19 Wednesday, June 3 2 Friday, June 52 Thursday, June 42 Monday, June 1 Wednesday, June 3 9 Friday, May 292 Saturday, May 302 Tuesday, June 22 Friday, June 59 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 9_r SPECIAL COLLEGE OF EE 5 Economics 53, 54 Drawing 1 1M" h, C)C PERIODS ENGINEERING Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 *Tuesday, June 2 * Tiaarn . T 0 6 r c i