SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Some Tours Give Credits To Students VARIED ATTRACTIONS: HostelingProvides Way To See World Cheaply College Hours May Be Earned As much as six hours of college credit can be earned while cruising and touring during the summer. Three organizations which spon- sor cultural and educational tours are Travel and Study, Guild of Student Travel, and the Student Travel Overseas Programs. * * * ALL THREE groups sponsor well planned trips under the lead- ership of educators, with summer, courses in world renowned univer- sities as the central attraction, or tours with special emphasis on appreciation of music, drama, his- +ory and literature. But for all courses students plan to take, they should con- tact the Registrar's office and their concentration advisors to be sure that 'the credits will count toward their degree. Guild of Student Travel tours cover almost all fields of major interest. Several are planned fori four week French language courses' at the University of Paris, the Sor-' bonne. Routes vary and students' usually travel for two months, passing through the countries which most interest them. * r A TOUR through England, Scot- land, Wales and France can be taken for credit in English litera- ture. The tour is designed to pro- vide a comprehensive survey of the ' geographical background of Eng- lish literature. Combining fun with learning, the tour includes trips to famous cathedrals and trips to seashore resorts. For those interested in learn- ing Spanish, a four week course is offered at Santander Univer- sity, located on the Bay of Bis- cay. Students travel from New 6 York to Paris, through Barce- lona and Madrid before arriving at the University. Trips to Mexico, to the Univer- sity of Mexico and the InterAmer- ican School of Spanish in Saltillo Coahuila, Mexico also provide op- portunity for students to earn credit in Spanish language and literature. Special courses in the history of Mexico and Mexican art are also available. 4- * * * STOP OFFERS an extensive trip beginning at the British West Indies, going through Brazil, Uru- guay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ec- uador and Panama. Students who want to get credit for the tour must complete two summer ses- sion courses and turn in a term paper after the trip. All tour members are required to registe for the San Francisco State Sum- mer Session whether or not credi is desired. Travel and Study Inc. offers a tour with emphasis on Mexican art, history and culture. For this tour, students must make prior arrangement with their schoo authorities and get the recom- mendation of the program's aca- demic director. Address all in- quiries to Travel and Study, Inc. 110 East 57 St., New York 22, New York. A rather unusual trip designed for journalism students is spon- sored by Travel and Study. En- titled "Foreign Assignment," th tour takes students through sever countries in 75 days. Planned t give practical experience in journ- alism, political science and curren By MARTHA PAPO Traveling two miles or 2,000, by bicycle, canoe, horseback or skis for a day, a week, or months, American Youth Hosteling offers an inexpensive way to see the country. Work Projects Help Students Meet Citizens The language of the shovel, the saw and the paintbrush has prov- ed effective wherever college stu- dents of the world have gathered. Studehts interested in going abroad through the relatively in- expensive means of a workcamp will find nearly unlimited oppor- tunities. THE International Summer Ser- vice program of the Brethren Ser- vice Commission will sponsor eight work projects from July 11 to Aug. 14 in Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. Volunteers going from the United States will sail about June 7, taking a 22-day tour from port in France through Holland, Germany, Austria, It- aly, and Switzerland before go- ing to work on the different pro- jects. The volunteers will have their choice between doing manual la- bor or assisting in social and recreational work. Men and wom- en from all churches and nations may apply. The total cost for the tour, the trip and the work pro- ject will be between $700 and $800. TTHE EXPERIMENT in Interna- tional Living offers a differeni type of foreign-service opportun- ity. Under this program, approxi- mately 40 groups of 10 members each will spend a month living with individual families in 13 European countries, Turkey and India. During the second month, members will have other means of gaining insight into the vis- ited country when they invite their hosts to join them for a camping, mountain-climbing or hosteling trip. From June 15 to September 15, the students will live in either Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Scot- land, Yugoslavia and Scandina- vian countries at a cost of $725- $755. Costs for the other countries are: Finland, $650; Greece, $785; Ireland, $695, and Turkey, $885. Interested students should mak' r immediate application. With trip plans as varied as the English coronation tour and week end canoe trips up the Huron Riv- er, hosteling is one of the very diverse ways to travel. It is planned for persons of all ages who have wanted to take advantage of the out of doors.' * * * GROUPS USUALLY consist of ten persons under the leadership of an experienced hosteler. Nearly the only requirement is that trav- elers be physically able to bicycle 30 miles a day or hike 12 miles a day. Persons are placed in groups according to ages. For local traveling, there are two Hostels within easy reach of Ann Arbor. Located in South Lyon, is the Pinebrook Hostel, and in Saline there is the Saline Valley Farms Youth Hostel. Lists of the monthly programs are available telling of locally plan- ned trips. National tours include trips through New England, Canada, . and a transcontinental tour from Chicago through Yellowstone Na- tional Park to Canada. Trips to Mexico, Hawaii. France and the Rhineland and England are also planned for this summer. * - THE PROCEDURE for begin- ning travel with the hostels is to apply for a AYH pass which ;s available for a small fee. Inter- ested persons may secure an ap- plication blank from the local rep- resentative and send it to the Na- tional Headquarters, American Travel Night "Work, Study and Travel Abroad" will be the theme of a program to be given at 7:30 p.m., April 28 in Lane Hall. Sponsored by the local Na- tional Student Association Tra- vel Bureau, the travel night will give prospective tourists the lowdown on how to go, where to go, and how to save money. Speakers who have traveled every way from workeamp pro- jects to luxury liners will re- late their experiences and mo- vies will be shown. Afterward, refreshments will be served and time allowed to talk with stu- dents who have been abroad. The meeting is open to every- one, whether his European travel plans are for this sum- mer or the distant future. By GAYLE GREENE Traveling in Europe and piling up an impressive bank account at the same time may seem fantastic, but it really isn't impossible. Even more easily accessible to the average student is a jaunt that won't put the traveler into semi- bankruptcy. WITH A LITTLE investigating, some exploiting of talent, an abundance of fast talking and even a bit of old fashioned penny pinching, the Europe-bound trav- eler can at least pay his own way. The Horatio Algers among continental travelers admit their success sometimes calls for a little insensitivity and closing one eye in order to deal with black markets, bargain callously and make commissions on their friends. ,__. r 1 Quo Vadis? * * * PENNY PINCHING, FAST TALKING PAY OFF: Ingenious Travelers Build Up Bank Accounts Abroad * i NSA Travel Bureau Gives Students Aid It is improbable that students who want to join a camel caravan across the Sahara desert will find help at the local National Student Association travel bureau in Lane Hall. But, the bureau could tell them how to go to Europe for $450 on a work project or how to pick up six hours of credit by lying on a tro- pical beach this summer. Sponsored by Student Legis- lature, Student Religious Asso- ciation and Lane Hall, the tra- vel bureau is designed to aid prospective student travellers with their plans, and contains reams of material on amazing- ly inexpensive ways to visit most countries in the world. No tours to the USSR are slated this summer, however. The longer one plans to stay, the easier it becomes to save and earn money, they report. i* TWO-YEAR CONTRACTS with the government or the Army some- times offer pay, housing, over- seas allowance and transportation to and from the States. One wo- man, working in an Army recrea- tion center, made enough money in a year to buy a car and travel in the Near East for seven months. Commissary privileges for these employes also cut down their ex- penses. Such positions generally re- quire a two year stay in one city, however, with only leaves or weekends for travel. France. Another man wanted someone to take care of his two sons. "Will you promise to beat them if they need it? he asked. She finally accepted .a posi- tion with a Viet-Nimese diplo- mat. The job consisted of din- ing at Maxim's, attending the theater, drinking champagne in famous Paris nightclubs and speaking English to him at all. times plus collecting 1000 francs for a half day's work (about $2.50). The initial expense, trans-Atlan- tic transportation, can rarely be eliminated. A khaki uniform and membership in Uncle Sam's ex- clusive military fraternity is the simplest way to avoid this ex- pense, although one University graduate was lucky enough last year to apply to a steamship line for a job as a dish washer, one way and be accepted. The day before the entire crew of a Dutch vessel had gone on strike in New York and they needed people to man the ship on its home voyage. Two University of Miami stu- dents accepted a dare and found themselves hitchhiking to New York with 45 cents apiece and a challenge to earn their way to Europe. They worked night and day for two weeks in New York, earned enough to pay their passage with eighty dollars to spare. Once on the continent, they conserved money by hosteling, seeking out student restaurants, sleeping on hotel room floors and tagging aft- er organized tours. They conclud- ed their poor man's tour by bor- rowing money for the return pas- sage. S* * * BUYING MONEY on the black market gives the traveler a sense t of the illicit as well as a big sav- ing but for those whose consciences might suffer, dollars rate good ex- change values in the free market of Switzerland or here in the United States. Street money ven- * * * H ". W 1>7' SAA~iMI. * is board for the entire summer in Brittany and then for the rest of the year in the family's Paris apartment. The son turned out to be 25 years old, a willing es- cort and they were married two weeks ago. A knowledge of French is not a requirement of many commercial language schools throughout Eur- ope, although a knowledge of Eng- lish grammar is. * * * So! They prefer blondes eh? * * * dors are quite likely to short- change or pass counterfeit notes on to the neophyte traveler. Pesetas and lire are almost worthless out- side of Spain and Italy if one overbuys. The days when fortunes were made in money-changing are over. A few years ago, two newspaper men piled up a hoard by illegally carrying gold from Switzerland to France. They hitchhiked with knap- sacks and water canteens, but in the canteens they placed first gold coins, then melted wax, which they allowed to harden before filling the canteens to the brim with red wine. In some countries a propensity for bargaining pays off, especially if it can be done in the native language. Many shopowners and hotel keepers double their prices, expecting the traveler to bargain. If he doesn't, the owner is that much to the good, if he does, then. the owner can come down to the price he actually wants. If the tourist is tall, blonde and female, experts advise she take full advantage of it in Italy where a tall blonde is such a rarity that one rates special attention even from high officials just as one is a step ahead if his French "r" is just a shade more sophisticated than that of the local inhabitants. Twenty aspiring journalists can approach an Italian official for a favor in exchange for feature stories in the reporter's paper bat, the odds are ten to one, he'll be more softhearted to the blonde. Further information about all tours and summer sessions abroad mentioned on these pages may be obtained at the National Student Association Travel Bureau in Lane Hall. Youth Hostels, Inc.. 6 East 39th Street, New York, 16, New York. The local campus representative is Shirley Seegmiller who can be reached at 2-2725. Equipment for hostel trips is simple. A bicycle, aluggage car- rier and a lightweight sleeping bag are the most necessary things to include. For local travel, luggage has to be kept to a minimum since the weight limit is 30 pounds. Cloth- ing should include active sports wear plus one outfit for town and sightseeing, * * * HOSTELS ARE erected or adapted to house from three to thirty hostelers who plan to spend the night after the all-day :rip. For the person who doesn't want to be tied down to any one spot, local stateside newspapers offer a source of income. Very often edi- tors of small town dailies or even Chairman of the bureau Ruth larger metropolitan papers will Rossner, '54, emphasized that use weekly columns from overseas there are tours at "fantastically or occasional feature articles. reduced rates" about which infor- Two G.I.'s who were discharged mation can be obtained, in Italy and never got around to Although there have been other going home made several hundred student travel bureaus, this is the dollars a month by photographing first year that an effort has been tourists in front of famous foun- made to establish a coordinated tains or statues and sending the information office. pictures into the tourists' home- town newspapers. According to Miss Rossner, SL hopes eventually to make the bu- reau into a more central office GIVING English lessons may with the help of faculty and full- seem a humdrum livelihood, but time help. The travel bureau is one University graduate hit upon now being manned from 3 to 5 a franc-saving opportunity by p.m. daily by SRA personnel, but answering an advertisement for an students may drop in at any time English teacher. and look over travel information., A grand madame of the old French aristocracy w an ted Ags Advsomeone to teach her son Eng- lish. The job paid room and AN AMBIGUOUSLY worded classified ad in the Paris edition of the N.Y. Herald Tribune helped one student locate a temporary job; and gave her a chance to choose from among at least a dozen offers. One artist from. Brooklyn wanted a model and was willing to pay the equivalent of a dollar an hour in francs which is a tremendous sum for a model in * * * BOOKS FOR SPRING golf ... birds . .. gardening OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 So. University The poor man's Europe All Hostels have sleeping space, cooking facilities and house par- - ents. FOR THOSE handy with a hoe, the National Student Association Travelers volunteer to do the is sponsoring three to four week cooking and must clean the long work camps in Germany, cabin before they proceed on Switzerland, Holland, Scandina- their way. Traveling at a relaxed vian countries, France and Yugo- speed, stopping at spots of in- slavia. terest hostelers get a chance to The cost of these projects is be- see the most on every trip. tween $400 and $500. A European Seminar to study For overseas tours, students social, economic and religious travel by steamship or plane. Ex- situations in Europe will be penses are kept at a minimum sponsored during July and Aug- since students travel on special gust by the National Student boats. Although these ships are Council of the YMCA and not luxury liners, they are safe YWCA. and convenient and inexpensive. Open to students with two years Students are responsible for ob- of college, the group will travel taining their own passports, and through eight countries on the for most of the trips a small emer- continent for the cost of $950. gency fund is kept for each person. Ecumenical work camps in most If not used, it is returned at the European countries and Japan end of the trip. 'will be open in July and August. Trip prices include registration Volunteers for these projects will fee, round trip transportation, ac- do construction, reconstruction, cident insurance coverage, living road-building, ditchdigging and expenses, and group activities .Early rlanning Local travel agents advise stud-= ents who plan on going abroad this summer to make their travel ar- rangements early. Most of the steamship space is taken with a few openings left in the low price brackets. There is more space on ships sailing from Canadian ports than from Ameri- can ports, the agents said. It is necessary that the traveler make his traveling accomodations in advance of applying for a pass- port because the date of depart- ure and method of transportation is asked on the application. A $10 fee is required with the ap- plication. Another requirement for the would-be world-traveler is, inoc- ulations against yellow fever and smallpox. Passport blanks may be obtain- ed from the local travel agency or from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. U' Removes Travel Course As Student Participation Lags Although the University has sponsored travel courses in past years, lack of student participation caused them to drop such courses from their summer plans.' But, to help students who want to study abroad, the summer ses- sion office in the Administration Bldg. keeps all official summer announcements which are sent to them. Looking through the cata- logs, the only American college which is sponsoring credit travel courses is the University of Minne- sota. The music department of the University of Minnesota has planned a tour of the European Music festival centers from June 24 until September 12. Limited to 19 students, credit for the tour will be arranged individ- ually. Members of the group will at- tend the International Music Eis- tenddfod at Llongollen, Wales; the Dolmetsch Festival of early English music, in Surrey; the Glyndebourne Opera Festival in Sussex; and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-on- Avon. Also included in the course is the tour of the Bach Festival at the Pyrennes-Orientale, open air concerts and operas in Rome and Florence, and the Lyrics Festival in Verone, Italy. The international Music Festi- val in France, and the Lucerne Music Festival in Switzerland, the Mozart Festival in Austria are on the traveller's agenda. In addition to the specific music centers, special sight seeing trips will be conducted in all the coun- tries visited. EUROPE BY AIR'. SEE FRANCE, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SPAIN, BELGIUM, LUXEMBERG, AND ENGLAND 50 EXCITING DAYS (An Inclusive) All Arrangements for Foreign and Domestic Travel. TRAVEL SERVICE n fFn is c flan fnalr ofFnrr'fc nnnf nf attairs, the tour anfords contact with writers land clearing. along the way, such as concerts in government. Further information about these and museums. __g____nmn_ and other workcamps can be ob- For information about specific tained at the local National Stu- tours, write the Ann Arbor Coun- 'Study A dent Association Travel Bureau in cil, 1204 Oakland Avenue, Ann Ar- Lane Hall. bor, Michigan. Book Issued [- r -- A book listing all the available educational opportunities in the world is published annually by UNESCO. Entitled "Study Abroad," the book contains details concerning courses offered, and costs at the different universities. It is possible 'do get a copy of the book by writing A. H. Kadhim, Acting Head of the Service of Ex- change of Persons, United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural organization, 19 Ave, Kleber, Paris XVI.I Although this book primarily lists courses offered during the school year, it also contains in- formation about worldwide sum- mer study opportunities. WARNER- WONDERFUL BRAS for a lovely lift You Can Go Anywhere! THAT'S RIGHT-We will train you to do work that will be useful to you wherever you go, whethe ryou wish to transfer to another city or just want to go back to work at a later date. Many of our girls transfer to other cities without loss of service or pay when their hus- bands finish school. WE HAVE CLASSES starting every week in April for telephone operators. Investigate now the possibilities of a telephone career for you. Fountain Pens School Supplies Without exaggeration-you'll look so lovely in a Warner's! From breezy fabrics to the last dainty stitch, they're designed to bring out your charms 6\ so naturally, leave you feeling If 7; M M 11 li Ii 11 I