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April 19, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-19

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SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1953

Students Offered Man y

* *


Travel A broad

* * *

* * *

*: * *

* * *


Europe, Hawaii, Japan Beckon Summer Tourists

An evening at the Folies Ber-
gere, surf-riding at Waikiki Beach,
a trip to the rebuilt city of Hiro-
shima-any of these and many
other interesting attractions are
included in the foreign tours of-
fered to students this year.
These tours are being sponsored
by STOP, Student Travel Over-
seas Programs, and include trips
to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, Japan,
and South America. Some of the
tours offer the opportunity to
study at foreign universities.
ONE OF THE most extensive
trips is the 55-day all-expense
tour covering nine European coun-
tries and costing from $925 to
$1150. Named "Operation Golden
Bear No. 3," this tour includes
France, Italy, Switzerland, Aus-
tria, Germany, Spain, Belgium,
Luxembourg and England.
The price of the tour includes
trans-Atlantic flights, hotel ac-
commodations, all meals in
Europe, sightseeing, tickets to
special events, transportation in
Europe and tips and taxes as
part of the group bill.
Scenic and historic attractions
on the itinerary include Bucking-
ham Palace, St. James' Palace,
Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's,
Houses of Parliament, and the
Tower of London, in England.
There are visits to see the lace-
making industry in Belgium, and
the site of the Battle of Waterloo.
IN GERMANY, there are trips
,to Heidelberg castle and univer-
sity, the medieval walled city of
Rothenburg, the German museum
and Academy of Music in Munich.
A tour through the Austrian Ty-
rol follows, then on to Switzer-
land, where water sports and
mountain walks are on the agenda.
An evening of singing and
dancing to Swiss accordians
5,000 feet up Mt. Speer near
Zurich climaxes the Swiss part
of the journey, then the tour
continues to Italy. First stop is
the industrial city of Milan,
then the canal city of Venice,
where stops are made at St.
Mark's cathedral, the Palace of
the Doges, concluding with a
gondola ride on the Grand
In Florence, birthplace of the
Renaissance, there are sightseeing
trips to the Uffizi Gallery, Pitti
Palace, Medici Chapel and Ponte
* * *
THREE DAYS are spent In
Rome, inspecting St. Peter's, the
Vatican, forum, coliseum, St.
Paul's, the catacombs and an eve-
ning at the outdoor opera. Short
Group To Sponsor
Trip to Palestine
A $900 all-expense trip to Pales-
tine with stops in Europe is plan-
ned by the Israel Summer Insti-
Offering tours of the land from
Galilee to the Negev in connection
with work at an agricultural set-
tlement and study and lecture
courses, the trip is open to students
and teachers.
Sponsored annually by the Jew-
ish Agency for Palestine, the non-
profit project is planned to bring
Americans into close contact with
the land and the people of Israel.
The trip will be conducted during
July and August.
For complete details write to
the Israel Summer Institute of the
Jewish Agency for Palestine, 16
East 66th Street, New York, 21,
New York.

TOUR STOPOVER-Zurich, Switzerland's largest city, is located on the river Limmat, the lake of
Zurich and in view of the snow-capped Alps. It is one of the stops on "Operation Golden Bear
No. 3," 55-day all expense tour of Europe.

Lisle Gives
New Insight
To Tourists
Working in the fields, servicing
cars in a gas station, attending
church socials, all this and more
can be part of a student's trip to
The best answer to the would-
be traveler who wants to "meet
the people" lies in the Lisle Fel-
lowship. Established by Univer-
sity Director of Lane Hall DeWitt
Baldwin, these fellowships provide
a real opportunity to find out
what makes a foreign country
EVERY summer, Lisle organizes
small groups of forty men and
women, mostly upperclassmen and
graduate students, which are call-
ed units. This summer, Lisle will
have units in California, Colo-
rado and Asia.
Most appealing to Europe-
minded students, however, is a
five-week program at South
Sjaelland, Denmark. The pro-
gram begins July 4 and ends
August 10, excluding travel time.
Working from the simple idea
that one can understand a person
best by working and living with
him on an intercultural, interra-
cial and interreligious basis, mem-
bers are purposely selected from
widely diverse backgrounds.
AFTER arriving in Denmark,
this variegated group lives in pri-
vate homes. For three days a
week, they are with the people-
perhaps doing police social work
or aiding in education of the
mentally handicapped.
Then the unit forms again to
report on their experiences, swap
ideas and help each other with
problems. Next, they divide in-
to small groups again to play a
new role in the community.
But life is not all work and no
play for the Lisle travelers. They
take time out for sightseeing,
sports and parties.
Lisle does not pay the full shot
on expenses for the travelers.
When making out applications,
students indicate their ability to
contribute to the common fund.
However, the Fellowship empha-
sizes no one should fail to apply
for financial reasons.
Applications for the Denmark
Fellowships will be accepted until
the middle of June. Information
about this or other Lisle units may
be obtained from DeWitt Baldwin
at Lane Hall.

* SS

'South of the Border' Tours Offered

The land of sambas and senor-
itas is beckoning to students with
a yen to travel and a free summer.
Two tours "south of the border"
are offered by Student Travel
Overseas Programs, for those who
want to mix study with pleasure or
just see the sights. Information
may be obtained from the local
travel agency about the 47-day
tour of South America or the 50-
day program in Mexico, which in-
cludes attendance at the Univer-
sity of Mexico.
THE South American trip starts
on the Moore-McCormack liner,
Brazil, which sails from New York
through the British West Indies
to Rio de Janeiro. On the way,
the ship docks for excursions to
the islands of Trinidad and Bar-
On July 8, the tourists will be
welcomed into Neptune's king-
dom with the traditional cross-
ing-the-Equator ceremony on
At Rio de Janeiro, termed the
most beautiful harbor in the
world, tourists leave the ship to
start the air portion of their
journey. But before they leave,
there are two days of sightseeing
in Brazil's capital city, including an
evening cable car ride to the peak
of Sugar Loaf mountain, overlook-
ing fabulous Rio.
FROM RIO, the group flies to
Sao Paulo, the coffee center of
the world. Montevideo, capital
of South America's smallest re-
public, Uruguay, is the next stop.
On to Buenos Aires for a full
week of sightseeing, shopping,
and a visit to an Argentine 'es-
tancia' for a barbecue dinner,
South American style. Santiago,
Chile, is reached by a flight
across the snow-capped Andes.
Another week is spent here with
side visits to the city of Val-
paraiso and resort town of Vina
del Mar.
The flight to Peru and Lima
follows the rugged Andes along
the coast including the highest
peak in the Western Hemisphere.
In Lima, the sightseers will view
the great cathedral founded by
Pizarro in 1535, San Marcos Uni-
versity and the National Museum
with its extensive collection , of
Incan and pre-Incan relics. Fol-
lowing this is a visit to Cuzcio to
explore the sites of ancient Indian
ruins, including the Temple of
the Sun, Moon and Stars, and the

* * *

Citadel of Sachsahuaman,
by gigantic stones lifted into
by manpower alone.


quil in Ecuador, important for its
coffee, cacao, balsa wood, ivory
and nuts, is the subject of half a
day's visit, before the group goes
on to Quito for three days. Dur-
ing those three days, the group
will visit the old churches, mon-
asteries and Spanish colonial man-
There will be a trip to see the
locks of the Panama canal in
operation when the tour reaches
Panama. After two days, the
tourists will return to the British
West Indies for a stop at Ja-
maica before the summer's ad-
venture ends with the flight to


cost of the trip is $1,585 or
if an optional trip to Guat-
and Mexico City is includ-

stops are made at Pisa, Genoa and
San Remo.
At Menton on the French
Riviera the party goes swim -
ming in the blue Mediterranean,
with a side trip to Grasse,
French perfume manufacturing

S * *,.
One day is spent at a hidden
waterfall on the island of Oahu,
with walks through jungles of
ferns, guava trees and wild
ground orchids. The destination
is a pool at the bottom of Wai-
mea Falls, surrounded by high
cliffs, a haven for sunbathers
and swimmers.

* * *

From Avignon, former seat of
the Popes, the tour goes i The last two weeks will include
Spain to Barcelona, where a day a fishing party, or "Hukilau" as'
spent sightseeing. The Prado .t is called in Hawaii, then a'
is senmsihsPng aTe,"o Luau," dinner at the Queen's+
Museum, Bishop's Palace, Town Surf Club. A real Hawaiian menu+
Hall and National Palace are on will be served at the Luau includ-
the itinerary in Madrid. Stops ing poi, lomilomi salmon, or per-
are made at Toledo, Burgos, and haps a squid or octopus, topped!
San Sebastian before returning to off with an evening of singing,
France via Biarritz to Bordeaux. and dancing.
The last stop is Paris for a two- Accommodations in Hawaii will!
day whirlwind tour to the Arch of be at Kamaaina Inn, half a block
Triumph, the Madeleine, Napo- from Waikiki Beach, or at the
leon's Tomb, Notre Dame and the Moana bungalows which are right
Louvre. The evening is spent at on the ocean. The women are'
the Folies Bergere. given their choice of doing their!

*i * *
the problems of China when
they stop in Hong Kong for two
days. The city is a window into
Communist China and one of
the most significant spots in the
Kyoto, cultural and art center
of Japan, will also be a stop on the
journey. In addition to visiting
spots of current political and eco-
nomic importance, the tourists
will view volcanos on the island
of Kyushu, Shinto shrines, Bud-
dhist temples, and the beauty of
the Japanese symbol, Mt. Fuji-'
Additional tour information mayj
be procured at a local travel
Drama Group
T-o Go Abroad
To .Workshop

** *
FOR THOSE students who pre-
fer to see just one Latin-American
country, the Mexican tour may be
the answer. All the traveling and
sightseeing is done in Mexico and
between jaunts, the students at-
tend the University of Mexico,
oldest in the Western Hemisphere,
with its founding in 1551.
A tour of Mexico City is sched-
uled for the first week, including
a visit to the Palace of Fine Arts,
seeing the Rivera murals and Arts,
seeing the Rivera murals and
Chapultepec Palace.
The floating gardens of Xoch-
imilco will be the scene of a
picnic lunch on July 5. The
students will return to Mexico
City that day for an afternoon
at the bullfights.
Taxco's renowned silversmiths
will display their wares to the
tourists on a two day tour of the
city. In Cuernavaca, the students
will stop for a look at Cortez'
palace and the Borda Gardens. A
trip to Oaxaga provides a field day
for the historical-minded. This
area is the site of great archeolo-
gical discoveries. On the following
day there will be visits to the
ruins of Mitla and Monte Alban.

A whole day will be spent at the
pyramids at Teotihuacan, the
shrine of Guadalupe and the mon-
astery of Acolman. "three days
of relaxation at Acapulco, beach
resort on the Pacific, prepare the
students for the final examina-
tions at the university.
Included in the $420 cost of the
trip is board and room for the
summer, all expenses on excursions
and transportation in Mexico.
Items of a personal nature and the
University of Mexico registration
fee of $75 are not included.
Bring Foreign
Flavor to U.S.
Students who are unable to go
abroad but who would like a for-
eign flavor added to their summer
may be interested in various state-
side international encampments.
The American Friends Service
Committee has several such en-
campments, which bring together
students from varied backgrounds
and countries.
Lasting from three to seven
weeks, the encampments are be-
ing held in New England, the
midwest, the south and the far
west. The maximum cost, based
on a seven-week seminar, is
$190, although scholarship aid
is available. The age range is
from 20 to 35 years old.
Application should be made at
the American Friends Service
Committee Office, 19 South La
Salle St., Chicago 3, Ill.
Another seminar, intended pri-
marily to better acquaint 17 to
25-year-olds with America, is the
Encampment for Citizenship, held
from June 28 to Aug. 8 at Field-
ston school, Riverdale, N.Y.
The fee is $200, covering all
costs except transportation and
personal expenses. Inquiries should
be addressed to Encampment for
Citizenship, 2 West 64th St., New
York 23, N.Y.




The entire tour is designed to
accomplish two ends. For the stu-
dent who will get to Europe only
once in his life, it hits the high
spots of Europe's cultural and his-
torical background. The student
who wants to see more of Europe
at a later date will get an overall
outlook which will help him decide
which part of the continent he
would like to revisit.
* * *
A TRIP to the sunny beaches
of Hawaii is offered exclusively
for the women.
One requirement is that all
members of the tour attend
classes at the Summer Session
of the University of Hawaii.
But there is still time for par-
ties, picnics, trips to the Outer
Islands of the Hawaiian group
and other traditional Hawaiian
On July 3 a formal dinner-
dance is to be held at the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel for the tour mem-
bers. Officers of the armed ser-
vices stationed in the Territory
serve as escorts for the women.
* * *
FOR THOSE who like to do a
lot of sightseeing, there is a visit
the setting of the Hollywood mo-
tion picture, "Bird of Paradise." In
a natural pool in the park, the
women will have an opportunity to
en will have an opportunity to
swim among tropical orchids which
fill the pool.


own housekeeping or not, as they,
prefer. All the beaches at Waikiki
are available for use by the tour,

A performance of the Creation
The cost of this 45-day tour in- story, spoken in German, will be
cluding round trip trans-Pacific one of the high spots of a summer
flights is approximately $500. drama workshop in Europe.
* * Located at Frankfurt, Germany,
AN ORIENT-MINDED student the work campers will live in
can take advantage of one of two German homes for approximately
STOP tours to Japan this sum- four weeks of the June to August
mer. visit.
There is the full, 67-day Study A student-written liturgical
Tour Cruise, which includes a 26- drama will be rehearsed and
day field study stopover in Japan, written by German and Ameri-
or the 43-day Study Cruise. These can students, and other local
programs are a little more expen- drama interests will be fostered
sive, running anywhere from $1,- by such means as building
385 to $6,500, depending on the equipment and writing scripts.
length of the tour and the ac-
commodations desired. Three additional weeks will be
spent traveling in England and
Included on the agenda of the on the continent, during which
Japanese tours are stops in Yo- the students will meet with actors,
kohama, Manila, Hong Kong, writers and producers and attend
Kobe, Kyoto, Hiroshima and religious dramas and other pro-
Tokyo. The group will travel grams.
on either the SS President Wil- Before going abroad, travelers
{son or her sister shin. the SS trl h vn~An a-~il nn


President Cleveland.
In Manila, tour members will
visit coconut and sugar planta-
tions, rice paddies, mango and
papaya groves, along with seeing
the war devastated areas and the
rebuildingand modernization pro-
grams being carried out on this
Philippine island.
There will be opportunity for
the tourists to gain insight into

wi1 be oriented at Nashville, T enn.
The trip will cost $1000.
All applications should be sent
immediately to: Drama, Work
Shop, 130 21st Ave., South, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
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