PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1953 US -. Let's Have More Apathy THEY MUST keep typewriters glued to the laps and chained around 'the ankles f writers on the California "Pelican." Otherwise, from the sound of things, said writers might never conquer their innate APATHY (a disease not rare on this comparatively Eastern institution) and apathetically plonk out an article which appeared in a recent issue of their campus magazine. It seems, according to the "Pelican," that California has got apathy too and has even organized a Student Apathy Committee, which the "Pelican" is apathetically en- thusiastic about. "If we have ever heard a good idea in our lives, it is this one about establishing a committee to further student apathy," a recent editorial commented. "There is nothing we like to see more than a student apathetically dozing through a lecture or just sitting on a bench at the Campanile, thinking of nothing. The idea that one should always be running around going to classes, at- tending rallies and meetings and or- ganizing committees is a subversive one planted at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution by the IBM trust which is seeking to wear human beings out en- tirely and replace them with machines." The "Pelican" suggests ripping out par- titions in several buildings and creating apathy rooms to replace publication offices and committee rooms, where all the student leaders could sit around a big table playing chess, carrying on unheated discussions or just looking at the ceiling. Such an apathy committee on our own campus seems called for in view of the pres- ent, recognized trend-a sluggish one ad- mittedly. An apathetic University youth means an apathetic world in the future. If there were only a little more apathy, there wouldn't be discord over women in the Union or discontent over bias clauses in fraternity constitutions or disagreement over Daily music critics who carry music scores to concerts at Hill Auditorium. There wouldn't be any Union or fraterni- ties or music critics at all, for that matter. Concentrated apathy might even lead to the extinction of war and ulcers and high blood pressure and social pressure and collapse the chlorophyll market com- pletely. So let's all get behind this movement and really push-well not too hard, apathetical- ly, of course. -Gayle Greene CURRENT MOVIS At the State ... CALL ME MADAM, with Ethel Merman and Donald O'Connor. WITHOUT the usual pretensions this mu- sical sets out to spoof the State De- partment and diplomats, and succeeds mar. velously well. As a starting point the story makes use of Pearl Mesta's appointment as Minister to Luxembourg, but after two minutes It is obvious that any attempts to take it all seriously would be a mistake. Ethel Merman, too long absent from pictures, portrays the lady diplomat and hostess. In the midst of ultimate dignity and suave manners she blusters her way through the party set of two continents, taking everything in her not too ladylike stride. Her singing is in the incomparable Merman fashion, but she seems just a bit restrained; perhaps the film censors hov- ering about cramped her. Nevertheless her flamboyance is one of the major attrac- tions of the film. Donald O'Connor plays the Madam Am- bassador's "press attache," but his duties are confined to flirting with the princess of Lichtenburg, the mythical principality to which Miss Merman is sent. The usual complications make everything seem quite hopeless, but we can always anticipate the best in a story of this sort. The central problem of the movie is whether or not the United States should loan Lichtenburg a hundred million dol- lars; while Miss Merman is in favor of it, the local foreign minister, George San- ders, is opposed to it. The paradox is further involved when O'Connor learns that if the loan goes through he has no chance with the princess. The solution, when it comes, is satisfactory to all, and the stars-Merman & Sanders, O'Connor & Vera-Ellen-are paired off in the cus- tomary way. While Miss Merman's telephone chats with "Harry" about "Margaret's" recitals tend to place the picture in a lost era, there is still enough color and excitement to make it a worthwhile film. -Tom Arp MAY A YOUNG WOMAN GO ALONE TO A MAN'S APARTMENT? THIS QUESTION is more often asked and harder to answer than any other question of the present day. Considered solely from the point of view of etiquette, the answer is NO. Considered in regard to a girl in her teens or to a young woman who is not very worldly-wise, the answer is No. In fact, it is a question that had not even a proper place in the earlier editions of this book. Any attempt to apply the rules of propriety to a young woman's going alone fn fn aarfmnf f o an .ymill h fh Western Star VOICE OF THE FACULTY: The Present State Of the American Drama (EDITOR'S NOTE: This isnanother in a week- ly series of commentaries on current topics by prominent University faculty members. Today's author, Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English de- partment, has just returned from a spring va- cation tour of New York theatrical productions. Prof. Feheim has been active behind the scenes in local drama, as a member of the advisory board of the Arts heater Club and as translator for one of the group's fall plays, "Cross Purpose" by French playwright Albert Camus.) By MARVIN FELHEIM Professor of English THE DIFFICULTIES attendant upon an analysis of modern drama are both ob- vious and dangerous. Dramas are not de- signed primarily for the library (despite the prevalence of plays, including movie scenarios, available in book form) but for the stage. Yet one must make two im- portant reservations in this connection. The first is that we, as theater-goers, seldom if ever clearly perceive the pure and unadult- erated work of the dramatist; we see the finished product as it has been doctored by the producer and his associates. The second caution that we must bear in mind is that dramas must be judged, if not initially at least eventually, on other than mere the- atrical merits. Plays involve characters who use language; and there is artistic form to the drama. As a consequence, sooner or later every work of dramatic art will be subjected to scrutiny by critics whose stan- dards are based upon their awareness of these qualities. If one looks at the major serious pre- sentations currently being offered on Broadway, one can arrive at some perti- nent conclusions about the state of play- wrighting and consequently the status of the drama in America today. (We must leave out the most prominent category- musical comedy-as not being entirely re- levant to our discussion; yet the signifi- cance of this particular form, its domin- ance of the theatrical scene, its use of plots from novels or other plays, and its blending of music, dance, scenic design, costuming and other details represents in the most obvious way the tremendous im- pact of "theatrical" devices upon the the- ater.) Tennessee Williams is our most pub- licized "poetic" dramatist. Yet one can read the texts of any of his hits ("The Glass Menagerie," "A Streetcar Named Desire" or the current "Sixteen Blocks on the Camino Real," ten blocks of which are available in American Blues, published in 1948) without being even slightly aware of poetry; indeed, one is embarrassingly aware of the rather thin quality of Mr. Williams' prose much of which reads as though it were lifted from a social history prepared by a somewhat imaginative case worker in some good social agency. The poetry, or what has been called po- etry, has been provided by scene designer, by choreographer, by composer, by actor, by producer. One must conjure with the names of Laurette Taylor (the movie ver- sion of "The Glass Menagerie" is an exact case in point: the really bad performance of Gertrude Lawrence illustrates the shallow quality of the role and points out by con- trast just how much Miss Taylor assisted Mr. Williams here), Marlon Brando, Jo Mi- elziner and, especially, Elia Kazan before one can adequately evaluate Mr. Williams' achievement. They have enhanced his sug- gestive scenarios with poetry. In a different way, many of these same observations apply to the works of Arthur DRI ON THE WAY, by Ilelge Krog, presented by the Arts Theater Club. ALTHOUGH the Arts Theater Club has gone a fall and a spring season without producing a single full-length play by an American dramatist, their predilection for Europeans, particularly those little-known in this country, seems more than justified with their introduction of Helge Krog, whose play "On The Way" is the final production of the regular season. It is a show much above mere custom- ary competence, being both a brilliant dia- lectical workout and a strangely stirring drama about the most unlikely of sub- jects-the unmarried mother. Shakes- peare, Sophocles, and Synge notwithstand- ing, this is the one show in the spring season that certainly should not be missed, not only because there will be few chances to see this man's work performed, but also because you will not often see the Club challenged by a group of more com- plex roles. "On The Way," a long, eventless play, is, first of all, not "good theater." Hooray. The production problems consist in bring- ing reality to the characters in the drama and meaning to their conflicts. Recognizing this, Director Strowan Robertson has kept "set" at a minimum and gone a great way toward exploring the inner workings of seven people during a certain week in February of 1931 somewhere in Norway. For his integrity, his singleness of pur- pose, his endeavor to say something sub- stantially complicated in the medium of drama, however, Krog can hold his own with anyone. While scorning contrivance, while giving his characters their head, as Miller. Miller's recent doctoring of Ib- sen's "An Enemy of the People" gives us, if we needed one, the necessary clue. As Ibsen did and as any playwright pretend- ing to seriousness since G. B. Shaw erup- ted into the theatrical world must do, Mil- ler concerns himself with ideas; he also has an amazing knowledge of dramatic form. But his characters suffer as a con- sequence of being subservient to rather than the embodiment of ideas and they lack individuation because of the inade- quate speeches they are given to speak. This is especially true in the very moving play, "The Crucible," which achieves its success largely because of its pertinent theme; had it been produced at another time, when no witch-hunts were sweeping our country with fear, its impact would be greatly reduced; it would perhaps be regarded as an interesting "period" piece. For its language is pedestrian, and its characterizations are weak. These failings (and they are true of oth- er playwrights even more than of Mr. Wil- liams and Mr. Miller: one does not need to name the shabby plays to which such superb actresses as Shirley Booth and Geraldine Page are currently giving life; on the other hand, one needs only to mention the very successful revivals of Shakespeare and Shaw, revivals which demonstrate the eter- nal appeal of great art) are the result of the kind of standardization which has fre- quently become typical of American life. The standardization in this case is that which sets up technical excellence as the sine qua non of a production and which then tends to presume that technical ex- cellence alone is sufficient to guarantee sue- cess in the theater; the consequence is that "Play Doctor" Joshua Logan, for example, becomes the "genius" responsible for any number of Broadway hits. His method is what might be called the "gimmick" approach (one installs a swim- ming pool, one "discovers" and exploits a Ralph Meeker, one rearranges another's scenes or lines). Success is contagious; gimmicks become magic. No less magical has been the influence of the movies and of television, influence which has also had a deplorable effect. For ideas and lan- guage must be reduced to the level of comprehensibility of the average thirteen- year-old; and Aunt Minnie, who cries as copiously over the joys of Ma and Pa Ket- tle as over the quiet desperation of Willie Loman becomes the ultimate critic. We have paid the price for our sentimentality: what we get is vulgarity; a frequently de- based and a consistently overpraised form of art results. (One wonders whether in a democratic society we must not abandon classical definitions of art or at least modify them; perhaps, indeed, we need new and altogether different definitions.) And yet the situation is by no means all evil. The technical skills which our theater has acquired from various twentieth-cen- tury developments could be put to good use. Staging techniques are means by which great plays could be made into great productions. But they are means, as are other techniques available to the playwright-language, char- acterization, the dramatic ordering of theme-and not ends. Our playwrights must learn to use them, all of them, to create great art; but our artists must not allow themselves to become the victims of mere technical skills. AMA The social dialectic of his play is dated in a sense; yet, more accurately, may be ahead of its time. In an age when Com- munism is a scare-word, it is good to see the subject approached with a sophistication' not only beyond McCarthy, but also beyond Marx. The drama subsumes all popular or purely economic interpretations of the doc- trine. Its echoes indeed are not out of the Manifesto, but out of Plato's Republic. The supra-Communistic resolution is at once human, tragic, and far beyond ideological argument. With all this expert rawrmaterial, the Club did an exceptional first-night job. Only occasionally in the long running-time did the actors lose concentration or miss the finer nuances of the characters they portrayed. Again this was Beth Laikin's play. Her remarkable success in the gruel- ling role of Cecelia clearly marks her now' as the class of the company. Jerry Richards, as the fascinatingly pois- onous father, shows up very well, particular- ly in a critical final scene with his daughter. Robertson himself is surprisingly effective as a suitor. The important role of Trane, the Communist leader, is sensitively per- formed by Ken Rosen although his final revelation seemed a shade underplayed. John Devoe, as the young radical, had some especially good moments and a few that seemed more oratorical than they need to have been. Bette Ellis, the mother, might have projected her muted clubwoman atti- tude a little more positively although her conception of the role was good. Konrad Matthaei, a newcomer, was chiefly a comic nI .Pn-no.... nn lln nh -hrn. hnri , nla SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE University of Michigan COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE H. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC May 29 - June 9 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week: for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be ex- amined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are ar- ranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina- tion Schedules. f :: t I v' Time of Class /etter TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. First Come. Herbert C. McKay, a prominent To the Editor: American authority on stereo- FIRST allow me to apologize for photography, *rote in 1948: "It daring to enter a situation must be kept in mind that stereo which has hitherto been inviolate projection per se is an accomplish- wsoed fact, but the practical objection to males by university regulation lies in the fact that in America i.e. coed housing. If I show ig- the system will never be consider- norance to a few particulars it is ed commercially practical as long because deep penetration into as the spectator has to do any- these sanctuaries has not been pos- thing to aid in the reception of sible. However it is the major prop- the stereo images. This means that ositions which are stated that a- individual viewers cannot be used, pear to me as important, not the no matter what their nature. It minut cker and Fran Sheldon means that special positions can- have more justly found the cause not be tolerated . . . Thus, when of the recent April Fool's Day e- we discuss the failure of stereo- oen the cenriyoog'sratepi- scopic motion pictures, let us lay sode in the university registration the blame where it belongs-not system for League housing; as op- upon stereo, not upon the meth- posed to the customary " head in pouseutnupo heeno the sand" attitude of the admin- oderused, bthupontton-o istration which finds all things aEoyntof the spntatof a "disciplinary problem." Howeveri Enjoyment of the content of a the remedy they offer is itself film sometimes requires a kind of fraught with consequences which cooperation withdefendistory Wpit would prove more harmful to the of "Bwana Devil," I suggest that university community than the Mr. Arp's reviews might be more faults they seek to overcome. The favorable if he were more cooper- "first come, first served" policy is ative in this sense. incompatible with presentdorm-John H. Borrowman regulations-however it does af- -onH orwa ford housing based on early ris- ing rather than looks, money, good. clothes or "connections." The method of registration and accep- + + tance proposed would have the ef- fect of extending to the, as yet, democratic League housing the SityThid Year qualities of sorority and fraternity Edited and managed by students of exclusiveness and "we chose you the University of Michigan under the because you are our kind of per- authority ,f the Board In Control of son" (that is, the "right" kind.) Student Publcations. Martha Cook, by endorsing the proposition that the isolation of Eitorial Staff a few qualities plus an interview Crawford Young .... Managing Editor with the house-mother has gained, Barnes Connble..........City Editor on l Sara ....... Editorial Director from the effects of "choice" onZarolarder DFeature Edtor some of its inmates, the uncompli- Sid Klaus . . Associate City Editor mentary title of the "only unaffil- Harland Britz ........Associate Editor iated sorority on campus." The Donna Hendeman.. Associate Editor Ed Whipple........Sports Editor dorm and League housing systems, John Jeke ... Associate Sports Editor for all their faults, do not recog- Dic Seell ... -Associate Sports Editor nize the superiority of white over Lorraine Butler ........ Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor black, gentile over Jew or a 3.2 Don Campbell.... ..Chief Photographer over a 2.2 when it comes to hous- ing. The Greeks found choice by Business Staff lot the most democratic. Though Al Green.... ....... Business Manager this is not in all cases feasible I Mitt Goetz........Advertising Manager believe it would serve well enough Diane Johnston. . Assoc. Business Mgr. in university housing. It would Judy Loehnberg . . Finance Manager eliminate the present ridiculous Harlean Hankin Circulation Manager situation yet would not encourage Teephone 23-24-1 the exclusiveness which is the re- sult of "selection." Member of The Associated Press -Leo D. Vichules Tne Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of 'Biwana Devil'. * all news dispatches credited to it or .oth Eit*:otherwise credited to this newspaper. Tthe Editor: rtAll rights of republication of all other rr OM ARP'S criticism of the matters herein are also reserved. three-dimension process used Entered at the Post Office at Ann in the film "Bwana Devil" was Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter perhaps typical of an attitude de- Subscription during regular school scribed in the following quotation.year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail $7.00. CA DA LAC t~f 5URCKtrr i v; w 'I flwt it MAP 1 MONDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time of Examination Friday, May 29 9-12 Saturday, May 30 9-12 Tuesday, June 2 9-12 Thursday. June 4 9-12 Monday, June 1 9-12 Wednesday, June 3 2-5 Friday, June 5 2-5 (at 8 Thursday, June 4 2-5 (at 9 Monday, June 1 2-5 (at 10 Wednesday, June 3 9-12 TUESDAY (at 11 Friday, May 29 2-5 (at 1 Saturday, May 30 2-5 (at 2 Tuesday, June 2 2-5 (at 3 Friday, June 5 9-12 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be arranged by the instructor of the "special" class. SPECIAL PERIODS LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS . Sociology 51, 54, 60. 90 English 1, 2 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 6, 12 Psychology 31 Botany 1, 2, 122 Zoology 1 French 1, 2, 11. 12, 31, 32 German 1, 2, 31, 32 Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Political Science 2 Saturday, May 30 Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 Friday, June 5 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, June 6 Monday, June 8 Monday, June 8 Tuesday, June 9 Tuesday, June 9 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 9-12 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 Special examination periods will be arranged by instructors for degree candidates in the group finals that occur June 6,* June 8, or June 9: separate lists of degree candidates will be furnished only for these special exam periods. * Degree candidates may take exams on June 6, instead of having special exam periods, however, only 24 hours are avail- able until the final due date for grades to be filed with the Registrar's Office for degree candidates which is Sunday, June 7, at 4 p.m. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 'ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina- tions, see bulletin board in the School of Music. SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. * * * * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS May 29 - June 9 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week: for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3044 East Engineering Build- ing between May 12 and May 19 for instruction. To avoid mis- understandings and errors each student should receive notifi- cation from his instructor of the time and place of his appear- ance in each course during the period May 29 to June 9. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. A 4 A, t Y Time of Class MONDAY TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11, 1 2 3 Time of Examination Friday, May 29 9-12 Saturday, May 30 9-12 Tuesday, June 2 9-12 Thursday, June 4 9-12 Monday, June- 1 9-12 Wednesday, June 3 2-5 Friday, June 5 2-5 Thursday, June 4 2-5 Monday, June 1 2-5 Wednesday, June 3 9-12 Friday, May 29 2-5 Saturday, May 30 2-5 Tuesday, June 2 2-5 Friday, June 5 9-12 SPECIAL PERIODS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING EE 5 Economics 53, 54 Drawing 1 rp, 9, 21) Saturday, May 30 Tuesday, June 2 Tuesday, June 2 T,,-,rinY ,,mp r 2-5 2-5 2-5 9 -r I * r