See Page 4
it tyrn
Latest Deadline in the State
Dulles Says
U.S. Forces
Peace Action
Challenges Reds
To Change Policy
WASHINGTON - P) - Secre-
tary of State Dulles declared yes-
terday strong foreign policies of
the Eisenhower administration
had forced Russia to go on a
"peace defensive" which may bring
a Communist agreement to an ar-
mistice in Korea.
He challenged the Kremlin to
meet President Eisenhower's "true
peace offensive" with peaceful ac-
tion and to abandon its conspira-
cy to overthrow "every genuinely
free government in the world."
* * *
* * *
Latent Loot
A new and exciting treasure
hunt was announced last night
by the Michigan Gargoyle's
foreign secretary, L. H. Scott.
The treasure, encased in a
fireproof metal casket, is a
pistachio ice-cream cone. The
casket is buried somewhere in
the vicinity of Bucharest, ac-
cording to Scott.
Today's clue: The streets in
my vicinity have names' you
never heard of but you can
hear the blare of traffic.
"The finder of the treasure
ch llilnrlyhim it inth lr
SJUNF 2s, /950 3g
. . .no "frontier day" precedents
* * *
U S T C ~~d ~ ,h U ~
"ANY MILITARY aggressor that
attacked our free world partner-
ship would be doomed to sure de-
feat," he said in a speech prepared
for delivery to the American So-
1 g I ....:.
KOREA :;" uM
isfAP ewfcre,
o yl. office where he will re-rem e....tu
* Pending evidences of a basic ceive a certificate and a pat -on
change in Soviet foreign policy, the head," Scott asserted. Q PJ+N
Discusses civil Liberties ::____:____
sist in building its strength-- SAUUT
in such a way as to maintain SOUTH
By JON SOBELOFF resistance against Red pressure W oKd News - O
A "middle ground" between absolute freedom and the essence indefinitely. RestANyN rO
of freedom must be found to resolve the conflict between civil liber- In this connection Dulles an-' u sr.r/s sso
ties and national security, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed nounced that in a North Atlantic Roundu p
told judges of the sixth federal circuit here yesterday. Alliance meeting at Paris this
Addressing the annual circuit luncheon, Justice Reed pointed out week the United States, using a By The Associated Press ABOVE AND BELOW THE 38TH
that although the courts can guarantee a man a fair trial, they can't "fresh approach," will seek to mi- Destructive windstorms a n d three year give and take war ar
control public opinion. Judges, however, can try to see that freedom tiate programs designed both to baby tornadoes slashed through *
is regulated solely by law, he added. assure Europe of substantial de-opa of Alabama, Arkansas and
fenses and to provide for "grow- Georgia yesterday, killing at leastlkS Im
IT WILL TAKE at least another generation to decide whether wing relangth e oWestern Europe eight persons and injuring hun-
the "great freedoms that have been handed down" are being preserved, tu e. dreds.*
__---Justice Reed said in discussing * * * MOSCOW--- The former Min- By ERIC VETTER
the recent record of the Supreme ONE AM he said, will be toOCW- h ome ii
INVASION hm ister of State Security in the Truce talks set for Friday by
Court in interpreting civil rights preserve the free world's economic Soviet Georgian Republic has United Nation and Communist of-
pes under the First Amendment. stability and thus disappoint So- been arrested and there have ficers will mark the second at-
M SCeThe right of free speech will viet hopes that non-Communist been important party and gov- tempt by the two sides to end the
be preserved insofar as there is nations will plunge into bankrupt- ernment changes, it was re- bloody fighting in Korea which
no attempt to overthrow the cy and thus open themselves to a vealed here yesterday. began on June 24, 1950.
O -n Ca pu government by speech or action, death blow. **Tefrtya ffgtn a
he continued, but there can be Asserting that the Eisenhow- LAS VEGAS-Twenty-to hun he first year of fighting saw -
no freedom to "say what you er policies toward Europe were as anenryter- the invading North Korean armies1
o please" not determined by any recent dd race down the craggy peninsula
The justice feels First Amend- Soviet moves, Dulles added: day with an atomic blast, the most until being checked by UN forces
the Michigan State College humor ment freedoms "stand untouched, "We are not dancing to any brilant and spectacular of not far from Punsan. More than
magazine, the Spartan, invadedmwhich'set afire hun-
teUieitcapsysedybut that they must be applied to ? Russian tune." dreds of Joshua trees across thehalf of the casualties incurred dur-
the University campus yesterday the present. Soviet maneuvers of recent ing the war occurred during the
morning. desert. fit ear
Th As every civil liberties case i weeks, Dulles said, have been com-'**, *fst y.
sio alleged purpose of this mis- new, he said, we need to use un- monly called a "peace offensive" EAST LANSING - Vicious ru- I* .
sion to the seat of higher learning derstanding and knowledge rather but this is incorrect. It is, he said, mors and a lack of faith in Michi UN FORCES mounted a tre-
was to get information for the than attempting to apply "fron- "a peace defensive." or's future were term th e ds
J :s b hhan'sfuure weretermedtheoffenstieincasepecedents
3-Red and United Nation positions on the Korean peninsula in the
e illustrated in these three maps.
* * *
7o End Three Year War
1950 by launching an amphibious
invasion at Seoul and at the same
time drove up the middle of the
country. The offensive reached its
highwater mark on November 24,
1950 as it neared the Manchurian
Chinese Communists entered
the fray at this time and hurled
the UN forces back during bit-
ter fighting in the cold winter
months. Allied forces suffered
from lack of adequate clothing
and tales of suffering from frost
bite alarmed the American pub-
In their action, which sought to
protect the Chongjin reservoir, the
My iaev 11e par an wnn tirdycae rcdns
is to include a six page expose of He also said he saw no reason
the University. The "intelligence for the nation's universities to
envoy" snapped photographs, in-'fear the loss of their academic
terviewed students found "stand- fea dh
ing around campus" and peddled reedom.
"But we never did find your EXPERIMENT
campus," complained one MSC
vender, "although I'm sure itt
must be around here somewhere Siaog hs Iod senrmty
among this odd assortment of g 9e e
buildings." T'Bu ling.
One green and white clad diplo- Ul
mat expressed surprise that so
many students were to be found The new sign outside Angell
in the library on a Saturday af- Hall is "just an experiment," ac-
ternoon. "When do you practice cording to Walter Roth, super-
football?" he asked. "And who visor of the plant service depart-
milks the cows?" ment.
As they stuffed their quarters The black and white sign was
and odd change in an old oat bag, put up Friday mainly because vis-
the Spartan group commented itors had complained of the lack
THE FACT IS, Dulles said, thatfbig ablodge in the waysof
in he aceof he callystrong"I building a bridge at the Straits of
in the face of the "calmly r n"Mackinac yesterday by Lawrence
conduct of the Eisenhower admin- A. Rubin. Secretary of the Mack-
istration during its three months mAc 'Bidge Authot
in office the "Soviet leaders gave inac Bridge Authority.
evidence that they were changing
their policies."
I "It is gratifying that Soviet
that students here are not as of identification on University4
friendly as those at State but "a buildings, Roth said.
right good piece more friendly Huwlding , th sid.
than we was a thinking." However, the sign is only tern-
porary and will be replaced by '
i - uothers in the near future. The7
Ambassaodr plant department is experimenting
to see how various signs would
ends G harmonize with the scenery and
Sends ree~ing buildings. Different combinations
of color will be utilized in the
To U' Israelis signs-white on black, blue on
yellow and others.
leaders appear now to have shifted
from an offensive to a defensive
mood," he said.
Yoshida's Fate
Left to Voters
TOKYO - (P - Japan's vot-
ers, apathetic despite last min-
ute charges of American "med-
dling," pick a new government to-
day in the second national elec-
tion within seven months.
An estimated 33,000,000 voters
are expected to vote as Prime
Minister Shigeru Yoshida again
placed his political future before;
the electorate.'
The future of Japan's pesky
Communist Party-blanked in the
last election - also was closely
Yoshida's opponents, scrambling
for an issue, yesterday blasted as
"intervention" in the elections a
Washington announcement that
the U.S. will continue to supportI
the Japanese economy in the event
of a Korean truce.i
BONN - The State Depart-
ment has ordered the transfer
from West Germany of John P.
Davies Jr., career diplomat
who was once accused of recom-
mending that the Central In-
telligence Agency enlist the ad-
vice of persons described as
TEHRAN - Premier Moham-
med Mossadegh's parliamentary
opponents accused him yesterday
of "dragging the country into dic-
MATAMORAS. Mexico - Hun-
dreds of persons, many of them
armed, milled about the main
plaza here last night as tension
rose in a dispute between the city's
mayor and a local political party.
Phi Beta Katppai
To lntiate 108
Phi Beta Kappa will initiate 108
students at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union.
Columbia University Prof. Ly-
man L. Bryson, a University alum-
nus, will speak on "American
Scholar, 1953," following the in-
itiation banquet.
Correction System Criticized
By Sociology Professor Carr
The bill now before the State "INSTEAD of facing up to the
Legislature requiring men sen- prison problems, the people in this
tenced to a year or less to be country are today moving back-
placed in county jails instead of ward," Prof. Carr declared. Better
prisons was scored yesterday by classification of offenders, not of-
Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the so- ; fenses, is needed, he added.
ciology department as being the "We also need minimum se-
wrong approach to the problem. jsurity programs, such as camps,
Prof. Carr said that this will special correction agencies for
throw all sorts of people into con- first offenders, and many more
tact with "bums, misdemeanants prison psychiatrists." There is
and others in the correction agen- only one psychiatrist caring for
cies in the country, county jails. the 9,000 prisoners in the three
Institutions vary from very good state prisons, Prof. Carr empha-
to just plain ratholes, "Prof. Carr sized. Since he is by law required
continued. to examine sex offenders, (con-
stituting one-seventh of the
rFa esprisoners) before release, he has
- Y'ko little time for anything else, the
i'o Jpenologist continued.
He added that new buildings to,
hol/UC e ncOrisoners ar e ded a .the
Reds swept back down the penin-
sula and recrossed the 38th Paral-
lel. UN forces again held and coun-
terattacks brought them to the
parallel where the two year atale-
mate began.
During this time, morale of
the UN troops sagged and army
officials reported peace propa-
ganda drives by the Commu-
nists added to the trouble. The
Reds mounted several offensives
during the period but neither
side was able to penetrate deep-
ly into enemy lines.
Peace talks opened on July 10'
two years ago and hope mounted
throughout the world that a set-
tlement might be at hand. The
talks bogged down into name call-
ing and propaganda devices how-
ever, while the Communists built
up their forces.
Since thefighting began, 131,000
Americans have suffered casualties
out of the UN total of 473,000. This
compares to the estimated 2,100,-
000 dead, wounded and captured
Communist soldiers.
Officials Set
Opera Posts'
Petition Date
Petitioning will open tomorrow
for the six positions on the 1953
Union Opera executive committee
including the newly-created sen-
ior post of road show manager.
Deadline for committee chair-
manship petitions to be handed in
at the main desk of the Union was
set by Harry Blum, '54 BAd, Mimes
president, as Monday. May 4.
A SPECIAL deadline of April
1 27 has been set for road show
manager petitions. This post has
been set up as a senior office on
level with that of the general
Regular committee chairman-
ships open to petitioners include
production, promotions, music,
program and general secretary.
Work as committee heads in-
eludes everything from supervis-
ing the preparation of costumes
and scenery by the production
chairman to coordinating the work
of personnel and staff of the Opera
executive committee by the general
secretary, Blum said.
According to Mike Scherer, '54,
last year's general secretary, work
on the 1953 Opera is already well
underway and executive committee
chairmen will begin work immed-
iately after appointments.
All scholastically eligible men
may petition for committee chair-
ships; Scherer said,
UN To Begin
Injured POW
Red Prisoners
Riot; Four Killed
By The Associated Press
The UN and the Communists
yesterday agreed to resume full-
scaleKorean armistice talks Fri-
day in a move that could lead to
the end of nearly three years of
grim fighting on this tiny Asian
The Reds said 30 Americans and
12 Britons will be among the 100
disabled prisoners of war they will
return to the Allies at Panmunjom
today in an historic pre-armistice
exchange of captives, starting at
7 p.m.
UN LIAISON officers suggested
to the Red liaison group at Pan-
munjom yesterday the stalled
truce talks be re-opened on Wed-
The Communists said they
would prefer the April 24 date,
and thehUN group accepted.
Time of the meeting was set for
9 p.m. Friday.
Rear Adm. John C. Daniel, Chief
UN liaison officer, told corres-
pondents after the 20-minute
"Again we have taken the init-
iative and requested an earlier
date than the Communists could
HE SAID the groups did not dis-
cuss matters on which the UN
command had requested clarifica-
tion in a letter recently.
The armistice talks were sus-
pended last Oct. 8 after more than
a year of deadlock over the issue
of exchanging war prisoners-able
bodied prisoners, not the sick and
wounded on whom agreement was
reached this month in six days of
THE REDS said at a staff offit
cers meeting that in addition to
the 30 Americans and 12 Britons,
they will return to the Allies to-
morrow: 50 South Koreans, four
Turks, one Canadian, one South
African, one Filipino and one
In return for the 100 Allied
POWs, the Reds will get 500
Communist POWs today. In all,
the Reds have agreed to release
600 sick and wounded Allied
soldiers, including 150 Americans
and other non-Korean nationals,
at the rate of 100 a day.
As the time neared for starting
the exchange of sick and wounded
POWs and the date was set for
starting up the stalled truce talks,
Communist frontline' propaganda
loudspeakers blared out that the
Korean war would end June 20.
Meanwhile, chanting, rock-hurl-
ing North Korean prisoners in
eight compounds staged a riot at
Yoncho Island Friday night, forc-
ing Allied guards to fire shotguns
to restore order when vomiting
tear gas and concussion grenades
The UN prisoner of war com-
mand, in announcing the latest
outbreak of violence yesterday,
said four prisoners were killed and
45 hospitalized.
From Seoul came reports that
American and Belgian troops of
the U. S. Third Division smashed
a many-pronged Chinese Red at-
tack along a two-mile front in yes-
terday's fighting.
Mackinac Ferry
Walkout Settled
ST. IGNAC5 - (M) - The nearly
week-long Straits of Mackinac
jMOSCOW - (UP) - The Si
On the eve of today's campus!
celebration of Israel Independence,
Abba Eban, Israeli Ambassador to
the United States sent University
Israeli students a telegram of re-
Following a greeting to Israelis
on campus and their friends join-
ing in the fifth anniversary cele-
bration, Eban said: "It is with
sober satisfaction and pride that'
we review our record of achieve-
ment in these five stirring and
momentous years and rededicate
ourselves to the formidable tasks
that lie ahead."
Eban went on to thank the In-
ternational Center and all those
who participated in the ceremon-
ies held there yesterday.
Festivities will continue all day
today at the Hillel Foundation,
1429 Hill St.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
viet government made a major1
diplomatic switch yesterday by
recalling Andrei A. Gromykoi
from his post as ambassador toc
Britain and making him a firstI
deputy foreign minister.r
He will be replaced in London f
by Jacob A. Malik, until yester-1
day a first deputy under Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov.1
iiust pfl MJ die n e U , us Lic;
present facilities are overcrowded.
In passing this bill, Prof. Carr
said, the legislature apparently
overlooked penologist Austin W.
Mc C or m i c k's recommendations
made during appearances beforej
the Legislature after the Jackson'
prison riot last spring calling for
a sounder approach to the prob-
Roth did not know if similar
signs would appear outside other
University buildings, but said many
of them had no clearly visible
Katharine Cornell Will Open Drama Season
Broadway's "finest" - among
them Katharine Cornell, Miriam
Hopkins, Edward Everett Horton
and Ruth Chatterton - plus a
world premiere of a new American
play will send the University's
1953 Drama Season off to a star-
studded start next month.
One of the theater's "first la-
mipcf .rhnarnp Cnrnpl illin
* *
-C * _*__-
ery will play opposite Miss Cor-
nell, in the sparkling comedy.
First night critics and pro-
ducers are expected to view the
noted actress, Miriam Hopkins,
in the world premiere of a new
play, "In the Summer House,"
by a highly touted writer, Jane
Miss Bowles has been called an
terton and Katharine Markham.
Edward Everett Horton will be
seen in the fourth play of the
season beginning June 1. His
latest hit, "Nina" adopted from
Andre Roussin's French farce
will feature Marta Linden and
Gorlon Mills.
As finale to the season "The
Hasty Heart" by John Patrick
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