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April 17, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-17

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HUDAY, Akii !L +, 15,A

Daily Managing Editor
AN INTERESTING problem for Student
Legislature is posed by the present Ro-
bert Andelson-University of Chicago squab-
ble. The old temptation to take stands on
off-campus issues was brought back in the
limelight, this time with a curious twist.
Andelson, it seems, is vice-director of a
new McCarthyphile organization known as
Students for America. In a recent issue of
the group's organ, "The American Student,"
whose virulent hatreds would put Gerald
L. K. Smith to shame, Andelson published
an article entitled "U. of Chicago-Spring-
board for Kremlin's Propaganda." The es-
sense-of his contribution was that Chicago
was a hot-bed of Communist activity, Reds
had been coddled by a sympathetic admin-
istration, and that non-liberal professors
had been forced to leave. Included was a
parcel of "documentary evidence" of left-
wing incidents occurring under the very nose
of the administration.
As a result of his broadside, Andelson was
denied an MA degree in ethics by the Uni-
versity of Chicago, on the grounds that he
was morally and ethically unqualified.
The irony of the situation is multiplied
by the mustering of a full-blown right-
wing crusade on his behalf. First the Mid-
western Federation of Young Republicans
sprang into action to protest the Chicago
decision; Wednesday night, the issue came
closer to home as Ned Simon, '54, under-
took the task of organizing a Save Bob
Andelson movement through Student Leg-
Certainly one should stand as ready to
Intercede in behalf of a reactionary who has
been denied his due as to defend against
unJustified abuse those on the other end of
the political spectrum. But to pursue con-
sistency at the expense of sound policy is
SL has, with occasional slips, avoided the
pitfall of dissipating its energies on off-
campus affairs.
The Legislature has already wasted half
an hour on.the topic at its last meeting and
wil waste more at the next. It is absurd to
invest the time and energy necessary to in-
vestigating the facts and background of off-
campus issues when any resolution passed is
utterly meaningless.
The argument of consistency also breaks
down. Had an investigation and protest
been made in every previous case where
a dismissal occurred for political reasons,
it would now be consistent to "Save Bob
Andelson." But one can find only a cou-
ple of examples where SL did overstep
its bounds to protest such an action-i.e.,
the Meisner case at Wayne University. To
add:another bad precedent to those al-
ready established would be a most per-
verted conception of consistency.
If there is an overwhelming urge to do
something, it might be possible to pass a
resolution urging that the National Student
Association look into the matter. But the
case is beyond the realm of effective or
meaningful SL action.
T1HE INTER-HOUSE Council has often as-
sumed an attitude of hurt, bewildered
innocence when it has blundered during this,
its maiden year on campus. The plea has
been for time to get established on campus
and for sympathy for any missteps along
the Fay.
In this light, it is most strange to see the
breathless haste insisted upon by the quad
councils in solving the election rule en-
forcement dispute with SL.
After some give and take on both sides,
a sensible solution has been in the works
which will definitely be ready to be ap-
plied next fall. If the IHC had been cap-
able of restraining itself for one semes-

ter, the problem could have been amica-
bly settled once and for all.
But the powers that be insist on dramatic
action. Three errant candidates are to go
on trial before the IHC's judicial component;
one of the three defendents is not subject to
their jurisdiction, and another is merely
accused of putting up posters in some wash-
rooms, a policy nowhere specifically out-
lawed in the set of quad election rules put
out by the IHC.
The IHC would do well to adopt for itself
a more judicious outlook.
FEW WILL MOURN the passing of the
Young Progressives from the campus
scene. The tempestuous five-year career of
the ill-starred organization ended in a quiet
and natural -death this semester, as only
three people showed up at the last' attempt
to hold a meeting.
Nationally, the Progressive Party's lea-
dership was infiltrated by Communists al-
most from the start. This became clear
after the Wallace defeat in 1948 when the
Progressives were subverted into a party-
line outfit.
The local group has consistently func-
tioned as just that ,with a number of well-
meaning individuals swept along by 'the
high-sounding principles it espoused on
paper. Spokesmen for the defunct organi-
zation attribute its demise to McCarthyism
and hysteria; it would be more logical to
presume its dwindling membership stemmed
an increasing awareness of the group's true
colors. There are several bona fide chan-
?1elcfMr,. Ha .v . Pn-rn flhrl.ir 1,

Discriminatory Housing
At the University

STUDENT LEGISLATURE will be asked in
the near future to consider a proposal
aimed at eliminating restrictive qualifica-
tions from off-campus housing listed by
the Office of Student Affairs. Under pre-
sent policy OSA accepts listings from land-
lords containing whatever specifications the
owner cares to make.
SL recently polled a number of Negro and
foreign students on the problem. A heavy
majority favored removal of restrictions
0 0
The Faculty
And the Bowl

more than

athletic policy can affect
faculty members, which is

something the fathers of the Western Con-
ference neglected to consider when they
fashioned rules years ago to govern the

based on racial or national origin from the
lists. These restrictions frequently include
"favorable discrimination" whereby the
landlord will rent only to members of a
particular minority group.
The poll further revealed that a num-
ber of students felt the University was
embracing discrimination by allowing re-
strictive qualifications to be included in
the listings. This contention would hard-
ly seem valid, but it is a good illustra-
tion of the misunderstandings which arise
in the minds of Negro and foreign stu-
dents who are faced with touchy dis-
criminatory problems in seeking off-
campus housing. One good argument for
abolishing the restrictive qualifications is
that this would wipe a harmful misim-
In many cases students also believed that
a discrimination-free list would aid them in
finding housing, even though the "favor-
able discrimination" would be abolished.
Certainly it would be worthwhile if the pos-
sibility of a student encountering restrict-
ive situations in answering a listing would
be eliminated.
Most important, the survey represents
opinion from the group of students most
concerned with the particular problem
under investigation. Therefore, in its
role of representing student opinion, SL
should give serious consideration to the
proposal. If passed, the plan will prob-
ably go to the Office of Student Affairs
which should also give it the considera-
tion it deserves.
The housing problem lacks the complex-
ity of earlier issues, such as bias clauses, on
which students took a decisive stand. Thus
it should be resolved by a simple Office of
Student Affairs directive. A Regents deci-
sion is hardly necessary on this simple pro-
cedural matter.
This is not to minimize the issue, which
is an important one. For it unfortunately
has the potentiality of* becoming a pro-
tracted squabble or another incident in
which student opinion is either ignored or
treated lightly.
-Harry Lunn

"You Sure This Is Going To Come Out All Right?"
Y -
* -
! 1 mw.. 1 ,i ~%Y



The regulations dictate Big Ten action
in matters athletic must be guided by the
faculties of its member institutions,
through ten faculty representatives.

There is no earthly reason why the fa-
culty alone should determine athletic po-
licy any more than there is reason for the
faculty alone to determine Glee Club po-
licy, publications policy, or North Campus
If and when the University faculty gets
around to expressing its sentiments on
renewing the Rose Bowl pact, the profes-
sors would do well to consider a resolu-
tion passed by Student Legislature night
before last.
SL went on record-33-0-in favor of the
Rose Bowl. By weighing student opinion ex-
pressed through the SL resolution, the fa-
culty would take a big stride toward mak-
ing the University's Rose Bowl vote what
it should be-a consensus of the opinions of
all segments of the University community.
-Ed Whipple

i i



THERE ARE TIMES' in the life of every
reviewer when he would much rather just
sit back and enjoy a performance without
having to make mental notes of the im-
portant happenings and .to evaluate every
aspect of the production on the spot. I ap-
proached last night's performance of "Mad-
ame Butterfly" with just those sentiments.
Anticipating an excellent production, against
my better judgment I decided to enjoy the
opera and worry about the review afterwards.
My anticipations were certainly not dis-
appointed. The Department of Speech and
the School of Music have assembled a pro-
duction that would do credit to any profes-
sional organization. Typical of most open-
ing night performances, this one was not
without fault, but most of these were such
that can be overcome in subsequent per-
The main difficulty stemmed from the
unfamiliar environment of the Tappan
Junior High School Auditorium. Hardly
more than a large room, this auditorium
is accoustically dead, and the placement
of the stage makes it difficult to hear any-
one who stands behind the curtain line
unless he faces directly outward. The or-
chestra's position was higher than if a
A Last Meal
AS NEWSPAPER and press association
executives gather in New York for their
annual stocktaking, to discuss serious mat-
ters of censorship, newsprint allotment, and
long-range policies in the ballrooms and
suites of the- Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, our
thoughts go out, fondly, to an anonymous
reporter of the United Press who recently
queried senators on the fate of a fellow-
legislator in far-away French West Africa.
Dispatches from the scene suggested that
the senator, Victor Biaka-Boda by name,
may have been eaten by his constituents.
The UP man reported from Washington
that, although Africa is outside the juris-
diction of the United States Senate, there
was some talk of investigating the inci-
dent. Senator Homer Ferguson, Republi-
can from Michigan, suggested the mat-
ter might come under the Corrupt Prac-
tices act.
Senator James E. Murray of the cattle-
raising state of Montana, noted that Sen-
ator Biaka-Boda was described as "frail,
small, and exceptionally thin-by no means
a tempting morsel."
"If beef cattle prices keep dropping," said
Senator Murray, "there'll be a lot of Amer-
icans eating their senators, too."
Senate Democratic leader Lyndon B.
Johnson of Texas said he thought the
Afia nn In.. la .d en# a.n -mnralfln a i th

pit were provided, and the great number
of players required for this score too often
overpowered soloists as well as ensembles,
One had the feeling that Mr. Blatt was
doing everything in his power to keep the
volume as low as possible, but that was not
One could hardly imagine a more ideal
cast. In the title role Dolores Lowry exhibit-
ed dramatic skill bordering on the consum-
mate. Charming, human, and noble, she in-
stilled a mood in the audience which created
an empathy almost exceeding the bounds of
modern decorum. The rigorous rehearsals
which must have been necessary since her
recent portrayal of Marguerite in "Faust" are
undoubtedly responsible for the slightly tired
sound in her highest sustained notes, and
the large orchestra completely drowned her
weaker low register. Even so, she did some
excellent singing, and by Tuesday night she
should be in top form.
The School of Music has cause for re-
joicing in the newly-acquired tenor Charles
Greene, who sang the role of Pinkerton.
Here is the rich, full tenor needed for al-
most every opera, and he certainly looks
the part of the romantic lead as well.
Often he seems unsure of his top notes,
and his style can still use more polish, but
even this roughness and impetuosity
seemed suitable to the characterization.
As Sharpless, Robert Kerns turned in prob-
ably the most even performance of the
evening, with every tone well focused and
every movement well suited to his as-
signment. Vivien Milan was appropriate-
ly subservient as Suzuki, and her voice
blended particularly well with Miss Lowry's
in the Cherry Duet. She was all but in-
audible, however, in the last act trio with
Pinkerton and Sharpless. This was prob-
ably not her fault.
Of the minor characters, the ones who
stand out are Robert McGrath as Goro, al-
though he often has trouble projecting, and
Ruth Orr as Kate Pinkerton, whose voice
we would have liked to hear more. Patricia
Ann McGeoc'h was a well-behaved child.
The translation into English by Josef
Blatt was lucid but served the music well,
which is as it should be. Mr. Blatt deserves
a great deal of credit for his efforts in bring-
ing two such first-rate productions as
"Faust" and "Butterfly" to the boards within
such a short time, and his policy of alter-
nating many of the roles between different
singers is a commendable method of train-
ing as many worthy students as possible.
The costumes by Lloyd Evans and the sets
by Charles Hoefler added materially to the
atmosphere, with an emphasis on lightness,
modernity and simplicity.
Despite its minor shortcomings, this per-
formance had tremendous impact. Here is
tragic catharsis at its best, and quite frank-
ly, although I enjoyed it immensely, I don't

WASHINGTON-President Eisenhower has attended only two pri-
vate parties since he took office; one the much-publicized recep-
tion at the home of Senator Taft, the other an unpublicized party
at the Fort Myer home of Gen. Omar Bradley where he met five
famous godchildren. They were: Dwight Eisenhower Marx, Omar
Bradley Marx, George Marshall Marx, Bedell Smith Marx, and Rosey
O'Donnell Marx.. . .All are children of toy manufacturer Louis Marx,
who named them after five famous generals of the army. The god-
fathers were present at the Bradley home to geet their godchildren.
Scared Pat McCarran-Russell Forbes, acting General Ser-
vices Administrator, who so badly'wants the job of permanent Ad-
ministrator, is a lifelong Democrat from Tampa who's been trying
to make the Ikeites think he's an adopted Republican. One of his
first acts was to fire Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer, one of two surviving
widows of the Woodrow Wilson cabinet.. . . Ex-Sen. Harry Cain
of Washington got to be such a nuisance calling at the White
House that Ike finally appointed him to a short term on the
Subversives board. . . . Estimates of married midshipmen at An-
napolis range from 50 to 200. Midshipmen are honor bound not
to get married. If caught, they're fired.... Sen. Pat McCarran is
so scared that young Tom Mechling, who almost defeated Senator
Malone, will run against him, that McCarran's political cohorts
have passed a special bill aimed at barring Mechling from holding
office in Nevada. It prohibits anyone from holding Nevada office
without five years domicile in the state. Mechling married a
Nevada girl, has lived there a couple of years. . . .(If McCarran's
new law applied to divorces Reno would starve.)
Planted Press Stories-It's been 26 years since a background State
Department press conference backfired as badly as that of John
Foster Dulles in which he recently indicated the United States would
abandon Chiang Kai-Shek and draw the Korean peace line at the
narrow waist of the peninsula. . . . A similar ruckus occurred in 1927
when Robert E. Olds, Undersecretary of State for Frank B. Kellogg in
the Coolidge Administration, called in Kirke Simpson of the AP, Lud-
well Denny of the UP, and Mauritz Hallgren of the INS, planted a
story that Russia threatened Nicaragua and the Panama Canal, hence
the landing of U. S. Marines in Nicaragua. ... Kellogg and Coolidge
were looking for an out on their unpopular move of sending the Marines
into Nicaragua. . . . The UP and INS refused to carry the story with-
out hanging it on a state department spokesman, but the AP obliged.
Atomic Artillery Hassle-When Miss Helen Farr, librarian of
the Madison (Wis.) "Free" Library, banned the book "McCarthy,
The Man, The Senator, The Ism," local book stores got so many
orders they couldn't fill them. . .. One of the Greek shipowners
whose activities were pointed up by this column (and still are un-
investigated by McCarthy) made so much money he purchased the
famed French gambling casino, Monte Carlo. . . . Army has been
hassling with the Atomic Energy Commission regarding publicity
for the new atomic cannon, to be fired at Frenchman's Flat May
7. Army wanted to carry the atomic shell across the continent by
easy stages-by boat, plane, train, truck-so as to get maximum
publicity purposes . . . so far no decision. . . . Michael McDer-
army wanted to carry a dummy shell across the continent for
publiciay purposes.... So far no decision. .. . Michael McDer-
mott, for 30 years State Department press relations officer and the
trusted confidante of presidents, will wind up his diplomatic
career in a new job-as ambassador to El Salvador. But de'spite
his long and trusted background, he has to be subjected to the
usual all-out FBI test before he can be appointed even to tiny
Free Turkey Lunches-Secretary of Agriculture Benson warns
that turkey-growing has become such big business that the number of
birds must be reduced 15 per cent below last year's record 44,500,000
gobblers. Last year the government ,bought $27,000,000 worth of tur-
keys, gave them to the school-lunch program. . . . in other words,
turkeys are getting to be like Henry Wallace's little pigs. . . . Mid-
shipman William Sterling Cole, son of the New York GOP congress-
man, is permitted under Annapolis regulations to own a car and ride
in it, but not drive it. So his fiancee, Nancy Davidson, daughter of
history professor Captain Davidson, drives the car for him.... Secre-
tary of Labor Durkin should take a look at the unfair ruling his bur-
eaucrats have applied to private airplane pilots, who, under the Wage-
Hour Act, are supposed to be paid an hourly rate. Thus a private pilot
may fly two hours from Chicago to Washington. then wait in a hotel
one day for his boss to fly home. This makes them lose money. Pilots
claim that they are highly skilled, should be paid on a salary basis,
not the number of hours they fly. Their bosses, incidentally, agree.
But, though the Wage-Hour Act was passed to help labor not hinder
it, Labor Department bureaucracy rules for a strict hourly wage rate.
Politics vs. Combat-General Van Fleet's current row with the
Pentagon is partly due to the fact that you can't mix combat strategy
and political strategy. Van Fleet hit the beaches of Europe in World
War II as only a colonel, got his break as a Combat Commander under
Gen. George Patton. Prior to that he had been held back because top
commanders got him mixed up with another Van Fleet who was an
alcoholic. . . . Getting his big break in Korea, Van Fleet made good.
. . But he expected to'stay in Korea. After all, he'd gone all-out for
Ike. His letter to his wife about training South Korean troops did as
much as anything to swing the election and it was not unnatural' for
him to expect reward. . . . Called home for age, however, Van Fleet
started to do a Doug MacArthur. . .. But-the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
lnnkioimthe vrt cble. cn ;hw that Van Fleet's messages

(Continued from Page 1)
University Lecture. Mon., Apr. 20, 4
p.m., 1400 Chemistry Building. Dr. Wil-
liam E. Bennett, of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, will speak cn
"The Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum in
Liquid Ammonia as a Solvent."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Jack Rich-
ard Battisto, Bacteriology; thesis: "A
Study of the Effect of Ultraviolet Ir-
radiation on Immune Rabbit Serums
and Hypersensitive Human Serums,"
Sat., Apr. 18, 1564 East Medical Build-
ing. at 9 a.m. Chairman, R. B. Pringle.
Doctoral Examination for Floyd Chris-
topher Mann, Sociology; thesis: "A
Study of Work Satisfactions as a Func-
tion of the Discreprancy Between In-
ferred Aspirations and Achievement,"
Sat., Apr. 18, 5615 Haven Hall, at 9
a.m. Chairman, Rensis Likert.
Doctoral Examination for Ben Wa-
then Black, English; thesis: "The Booke
of Sir Thomas Moore: A Critical Edi-
tion," Sat., Apr. 18, West Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 9:15 a.m. Chair-
man, G. B. Harrison.
Astronomical Colloquim. Sat., Apr.
18, 2 p.m., the MMath-Hulbert Obser-
vatory, Lake Angelus, Michigan. Speak-
er: Dr. A. Keith Pierce; Subject: Prob-
lems of Limb-darkening.
Collective Behavior (167), usually held
in 225 Angell Hall at 9 a.m., will not
meet Fri., Apr. 17, because of the meet-
ing of the Michigan Academy of
Science in Detroit that day.
Psychology Colloquium. Drs. Kluck-
hohn, Miller and Sanford will discuss
"The Organization of Personality." Re-
freshments will be served at 3:45, 3415
Mason Hall, and the meeting will take
place at 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Ha-
ven Hall, Fri., Apr. 17.
Student Recital. Helen Stob, pianist,
will present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Fri.,
Apr. 17, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Miss Stob is a pupil of John
Kollen, and her program will be open
to the public.
Student Recital. 8:30 Sunday evening,
Apr. 19, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
by Justine Votypka, student of piano
with Marian Owen, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. The pro-
gram will include works by Bach,
Mozart, Bartok, and Brahms, and will
be open to the public.
Student Recital. Elsie Kuhl, pianist,
will be heard at 8:30 Monday evening,
Apr. 20, in Auditorium A, Angel Hall,
playing compositions by Bach, Schu-
mann. Mozart, Ravel, and Chopin Pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, the recital will be open to
the general public. Miss Kuhl studies
with Joseph Brinkman.
Events Today
Forum on College and University
Teaching. Fourth session, 3-5 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. Topic: How
and Why Special Techniques in Teach-
ing Are Used. University faculty mem-
bers participating will include Profes-
sors Alvin F. Zander, L. Clayton Hill,
Red Teachers. .
IN ANSWER to Mr. David R.
What is inconsistent about
about admitting the existence of
witches (Reds) in our colleges and
yet refusing to use undemocratic
methods to ferret them out?
And just what is so mythologi-
cal about the world wide record of
the Communist Party and their
Moscow-oriented campaign to con-
quer the world.
This record shows that the very
essence of Communist philosophy
is its amorality; its ability to ex-
ploit whatever grievance is prac-
tical at a given time, in a given
country, to further the ultimate

victory of its conspiracy.
Is it far-fetched to believe that
Red teachers organized in secret
cells on campuses throughout the
country are so organized for a
specific purpose? Is it far-fetched
to believe that they stand poised
as an eternal threat to corrupt the
minds of the youth 'at the right
moment in history?
-R. Mitchell

Michigan Section of the American
Society for Quality Control.'Mr. A. G.
Klock, Quality Control Superintendent
of the Bigelow Carpet Company, will
speak on "Quality Control Experience
in the Carpet Industry" at 8 p.m. in
the Amphitheater of the Rackham
Building. All interested are welcome.
The Episcopal Student Foundation
presents the Series of Five-a series of
informal lectures by outstanding
speakers. The first guest will be The
Rev.William O'Leary, priest and pen-
ologist, The topic will be Religion and
Education, this evening at 7:30 p.m.,
218 North Division. All interested per-
sons are invited.
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "South Pacific Island
Children" (Color) and "Pacific Island,"
7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. No ad-
mission charge.
S.R.A. Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15-
5:30 p.m. Co-hostess: Grace Bible Stu*
dent Guild. All students welcome.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Meet
at Guild House at 5:30 for first spring
Supper Hike. Back by 8 p.m.
Hillel Foundation. Friday evening
services, 7:45 p.m. Saturday morning
services, 9 a.m.
International Committee of SL will
meet at 3:10 at SL Building. All in-
terested persons are invited to attend.
Roger Williams Guild. This evening
we have a special program. We meet
at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall for
supper with the Chinese Christian Fel-
lowship. This oriental meal will be fol-
lowed by a treasure hunt.
Wesley Foundation. Square, social,
and folk dancing in the Wesley Lounge
at 8 p.m.
Westminster Guild Great Books Sem-
dar at 8 p.m. at the Presbyterian
Student Center. The Rev. Chas. Mitchell
will discuss "Rediscovering the Bible"
by Bernhard Anderson.
Coming Events
Economics Club, Address, "Reflections
on Socialism in Postwar Britain," Pro-
fessor Ben W. Lewis, Department of
Economics, Oberlin College, Mon., Apr.
20, 8 p.m., Auditorium D, Angell Hall.
All staff members and students in Eco-
nomics and Business Administration
are invited to attend. Others who are
interested will be welcome at the meet-
The 47th Annual French Play. Le
Cercie Francais will present "Le Tar-
tuffe ou ' Imposteur," a comedy in
five acts by Moliere, on Wed., Apr. 29,hat
8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. Box Office open Tues., Apr. 28 from
12 to 5 p.m. and on Wed., Apr. 29, from
12 to 8 p.m. Free admission to mem-
bers of Le Cercle Francais upon pres-
entation of their membership cards.
Faculty Sports Night. IM Building,,
Sat., Apr. 18, from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.
All equipment will be available to fac-
ulty families. Children may. only come
with their parents.
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable...........City Editor
Cal Samra. ...........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........ .Associate Editor
Donna Hendlemen. Associate Editor
Ed Whipple....... .....Sports Editor
John Jenke.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Se well..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin.. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Assoiated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of

all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited to thiseneWspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mall $7.00.

Howard Y. McClusky, and Algo
Henderson, chairman. Faculty ofI
University and graduate students






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