THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE U I Turbulent History Marked Short Life of Defunct YP's (Continued from Page 1) <:>. mer session. The group also called an open all-campus forum on Korea in The Daily without ,ob- taining permission. As a result, a one-semester sus- I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) American Society for Public Admin- istration Social Seminar will meet at 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Professor Wallace S. Sayre will speak on "Some Political Aspects of Administration." Informal coffee hour will follow. Members and all interested persons are cordially in- vited. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students knd American friends from 4:30 to 6 p.m. j U. of M. Sailing Club will hold an important meeting at 7:30 in West En- gineering Building. Final plans for the regatta this weekend will be discussed. Dues deadline April 16. Review of new sailing rules. La Petite Causette will meet today from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the North Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. All interested students are invited. Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid- Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, 5:05-5:30. Gilbert and Sullivan. Split chorus re- hearsals: Trial by Jury girls' chorus 7:15 at the League and Trial men's chorus at the Union at 7:15. Pinafore girls at the League at 8:30, and Pinafore men at the Union at 8:30. Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Madelon Pound House (1024 Hill St.) Guests are welcome. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Students for Democratic Action will present Professor Aiken, of the Phil- osophy Department, speaking on "The Role of the University in a Free So- ciety" tonight at 7:45 in Auditorium (Continued on Page 4) pension was imposed on YP by SAC. THE CLUB ran afoul of the ad- ministration again last spring when the Lecture Commtittee for- warded charges of irresponsibility to SAC after banning YP speaker Arthur McPhaul and refusing to considerda petition for deposed UAW leader William Hood. A June investigation and a re- view this fall revealed a parcel of slip-shod operating habits. In DecemberSAC handed the Young Progressives four require- ments for improving their internal procedure after it was discovered that, among other things, min- utes had been "misplaced," meet- ings were not being held in ac- cordance with YP by-laws and graduating officers had not been replaced. YP, several of whose members have been affiliated with the al- legedly Communist-front Labor Youth League, has frequently come under fire by campus liberals for "detrimental" participation in civil liberties activities. Dennis Sees Shipping Bias William H. Dennis, Chairman of the Michigan Committee on Transportation and Parcel Post, recommended yesterday that small merchandise shippers unite to gain privileges which are being denied them and granted to larger con- cerns. Speaking at the seventh annual Merchandising Conference, Den- nis charged that small shippers receive the brunt of discrimination by transportation services. He said that while few of these services want to deal with the small shipper, the retailer must depend upon him for fast, eco- nomical deliveries to meet stock and sales demands. The conference was part of the Merchandising Conference and Clothier's Clinic held at the School of Business Administration. ! Blood Bank. The sections of the Univer- sity Hospital blood bank which ran dry Tuesday was reported back to normal yesterday. "The problem was overcome Tuesday afternoon without de- priving any patients who need-j ed blood for treatment," Dr. Roger G. Nelson, associate di-1 rector of the hospital, said. Happening for the first time in several years, the blood shortage inconvenienced some patients whose surgery had to1 be postponed. The Hospital willi not perform operations without a safety supply of blood on1 hand, according to Dr. Nelson. Blood was supplied by pro- fessional donors, the Red Cross, and other hospitals in the vi- cinity. SAC Studies Big Ten Auto Regulations (Continued from Page 1) school week and allows all stu- dents to drive who have regis- tered. Freshmen must have their parents consent, however, before being given a permit. The only restriction at Chicago is on prohibiting driving for stu- dents under 18 years old who live in residence halls. This was be-' gun in 1944 in compliance with a' state law.' No restrictions as to who may drive are in effect at Northwest- ern, Iowa and Ohio State. They require registration of the vehicle with the University and money fines are imposed for violations.1 Parking is a problem at each school although Ohio State and; Iowa provide some campus park- ing. Minnesota, located in a large city, does not require registration and has no driving restrictions. University police enforce speeding and parking regulations on cam- pus. Plans are now under study for allocation of parking space as a solution to the congested park- ing problem. 'THOUGHTFUL SERVICES': 'U' Hospital Enlists Volunteer Aid By HELENE SIMON 4.> "We perform the thoughtful ser- vices." This is the way Adrea Keyes, Director of Volunteer Services at University Hospital, sums up the job of the hospital volunteers. Providing the extra services that the paid personnel do not have time for, the volunteers try to help make the patient's stay in the hospital pleasanter, Mrs. Keyes explained. T , , * WEARING THE cherry red smocks of the National Medical Auxiliary the volunteers do such jobs as aiding in recreation pro- grams, working in the well baby clinic, writing letters, shopping, as- sisting the chaplain or visiting with the patients. Although most of the 125 vol- unteers working at the Hospital now are University students, Mrs. Keyes said she is expecting many townspeople to offer their services. Volunteers are expected to put in four hours weekly for three months, although other arrange- ments can be worked out if stu- dents can not devote that much time, Mrs. Keyes said. The Director gives all appli- cants a short training course to acquaint the volunteers with their duties and hospital procedure. No medical experience is necessary. "AT UNIVERSITY Hospital vol- unteers and the helpful services they perform are extra valuable because so many of the patients are far from home," Mrs. Keyes said. Assembly and Panhellenic have helped Mrs. Keyes recruit Math ematics Talk J. R. Buchi of the mathematics department will give the last in his series of talks on "Gewebe and Affine Geometry" at 7 p.m. today in Rm. 3001 of Angell Hall. * * * * 'Learn By Doing,' Hauser Tells SociologyStudents Graduate students in social results in standards of admission science research should learn re- which are not as rigorous as those search by doing it, Prof. Philip M. for undergraduate schools, he said. Hauser of the University of Chi- This led to a confusion in the ob- cago emphasized yesterday. Ti e oacnuini h b jectives of the curriculum, he con- There are now many opportuni- tinued. ties in the field of sociology re- Students interested in research search, but the field requires com- and also those going into teaching petence in personnel, training and and those wishing merely to com- experience. plete their liberal education at- At present there is an adequate tend the same classes he said. number of teaching personnel, b'ut Prof. Hauser suggested that set Prof. Hauser felt that the pres- standard requirements for the ent generation of sociologists are graduate schools and a planned not well trained because of poor curriculum to enable studentsto programs. learn through experience by par- The lack of prerequisites for ticipating in actual research acti- graduate schools of social science vity would solve the problem. -Daily-Don Campbell A University Hospital volunteer helps out in the well-baby clinic. volunteers. Some of the students in the University's recreational leadership course have also made a project of working at the Hos- pital. Coming to the Hosiptal last Jan- uary, Mrs. Keyes was chosen for the position because of her volun- teer work in other organizations such as the League of Women Vot- ers, the Red Cross and Church and youth groups. Mrs. Keyes emphasized the need for volunteer students and towns- people during the summer. Organ Program A public recital will be given by students of the University's or- gan department at 8:30 p.m. to- day in Hill Auditorium. Opening the recital will be Ber- tha Hagarty, '53SM. She will be followed by: Phillip Steinhaus, '55SM; Kathleen Bond, '53SM; Esther McGlothlin, '54SM; Jane Townsend, '54SM; Lois Batchelor, '54SM; and John McCreary, '54 SM. THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL INDUSTRY ... offers unusual opportunities for in- teresting work and advancement to Electrical and Mechanical Engineer- ing graduates. SALES ENGINEERING DESIGN ENGINEERING PRODUCTION ENGINEERING - - --. FOR RENT 8, 16 mm. Movie Cameras and Projectors Stereo Cameras 0 Polaroid Cameras at PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP 1116 So. University Phone 6972 BOOK-ENDS, NOVELTY ASH TRAYS and GIFT ITEMS... 1/ OFF MORRILL'S 314 S. State Phone 7177 11 _s i -Should a Businessman Be Educated? ;=J -.addbl - 49990mo. ollopp- U. S. business is talking a great deal these days about its need for more broadly-educated men. More and more frequently, executives are heard to say that they can (within certain obvious limitations) create their own "specialists" after they hire them, that what they need and can't create is men with a decent general education. "The specialization is shocking," a company presi- dent complained to a recent gathering. "We're all obsessed with expertise." In management confer- ences, executive training clinics, and business-educa- tion get-togethers, others make the same point: overspecialization is robbing business of potential top-management material. The trend toward more and more undergraduate specialization can be readily documented. FORTUNE has just surveyed fifty colleges and universities and the results show that students are taking, and col- leges are giving, less fundamental education than ever before. Businessmen are rightfully alarmed. And who is to blame? The fact is that business itself is largely to blame. Who wants to be impractical? Business posts its demands on higher education through its personnel recruiters. This month recruit- ers from some 600 companies are on the nation's campuses competing for the class of '53's top talents. The specifications that the recruiter is bringing to this task show that the going market for men with a broad general education, particularly the liberal-arts majors, is not nearly so reassuring as are the words of top management. Yale is a case in point. In 1952, only sixteen of the 117 manufacturing companies that reserved inter- viewing space even alluded to B.A. graduates in their presentations. Slightly more hope was given liberal- arts students by eleven banks, twenty-one insurance companies, and sixteen department stores. In other colleges the story is much the same. Of the first 200 recruiters to visit Johns Hopkins University this year, 145 were actively seeking engineers, thirty- nine wanted other kinds of specialists. Only sixteen were willing to have a look at liberal-arts majors. From the job-hunting seniors, underclassmen soon get the word. The recruiter's employment specifica- Some businessmen think it's time that education started talking back-and for business' as well as education's sake. "It is the broader-gauged man who is scarce," says Gulf Oil's President Sidney Swensrud, "the man who sees beyond today's job, the man who knows his fundamentals well and learns the details as he needs them ... The men who come into manage- ment must understand the whole sweep of modern economic, political, and social life." Technical training is not enough And some businessmen have started doing something about it. Among these is Frank Abrams, board chair- man of Jersey Standard, who is promoting business support for colleges through the new Council for Financial Aid to Education, not just because the tax schedules make it relatively cheap to do so but be- cause of "the substantial contribution which higher education has made and is making to the effective- ness, the skill, the growth and the success of American business and to the development of this country..." Joining in the campaign with Abrams are General Motors' Chairman Alfred P. Sloan Jr., Chairman Walter Paepcke of Container Corp., Chairman Hen- ning W. Prentis Jr. of Armstrong Cork, and Irving Olds, U. S. Steel's retired board chairman. Says Olds: "The most difficult problems American Enterprise faces today are neither scientific nor technical, but lie chiefly in the realm of what is embraced in a liberal-arts education." Whatever the long-range answers to these prob- lems may turn out to be, the immediate remedies are fairly clear. For one thing, business should reduce its demands on the colleges for specialists, even if this involves paying for greater on-the-job training oppor- tunities. Second, corporations ought to give more generous financial support to the private liberal-arts college, now the principal buttress against over- specialization. Third, top businessmen sitting on college and university boards will have to give at least moral impetus to general-education programs is undergraduate schools. As Frank Abrams puts it, "The need for technically trained people was prob- ably never greater than it is now. At the same time, we were never more aware that technical training is not enough by itself." IT'S YOUR FUTURE0.. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY is looking for sales trainees- men to represent DOW, selling chemicals to many industries Your opportunities for advancement are excel- lent because Dow is growing-continually building new plants, developing new produc- tion operations-adding new products, opening new markets. Dow fits you for the job with a comprehensive training course which explains company organi- zation, policy, finance, research, production, technical service and sales methods. You'll find that Dow is a friendly company. You'll discover that promotions are usually from within, from Dow's own staff. Seldom is an outsider considered for a top job at Dow. Moreover, you'll find a highly developed spirit of cooperation between men and departments. At Dow, your future can be more secure because of Dow's diversification of products serving many different markets - a real ad- vantage if business slows - and certain to multiply opportunities as business expands. Also at Dow-gr6up insurance, pension plans and employee stock purchase plans have been a tradition. If you have one year or more of college chem- istry, arrange now to see the Dow representa- tive at the Office of the Bureau of Appointments in the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22.