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April 03, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-03

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I ______________________________________

'U' Professor from Dixie Likes It Here

* * * *

World War II and the draft,
changed a lot of things for a lot
of people.
For instance, the state of Vir-
ginia lost a lawyer, and the Uni-
versity of Michigan gained a
professor. George Peek, pre-law
student at the University of Vir-
ginia in 1940, decided with mixed
emotions that he would not get a
chance to go to law school.
So, while he awaited Uncle
Sam's call, he went on to get
his master's degree in political
science at Virginia. -
THE END of 1941 found Peek
in the Navy, where he worked his
way up through the ranks to Lt.
Commander and became com-
manding officer of a destroyer
"Most of the work of a naval
officer is either administrative
or teaching," he explained"and
I enjoyed it very much."
In fact, he liked it so well that,
when his five-year stint with the
Navy was finished, he decided to
get his doctorate and become a
* , *
WHEN HE finished work on his
doctorate in 1948 at Virginia, the
University of Michigan dangled a
tantalizing offer in front of him
and he jumped at it.
No one was more surprised
than the new Prof. Peek to find
himself above the Mason-Dixon
line. Virginia born and edu-
cated, Peek's Northern experi-
ences had been pretty much li-
mited to short visits in New
Five years later, his students
still detect traces of a southern
drawl, sometimes kid their pro-
fessor about it. Prof. Peek rueful-
ly admits, although he's almost
managed to hide his accent, "If
I go back and spend two or three
days in Virginia, it all comes back
WITH HIS main interests cen-
tered around American govern-
ment and political theory, the
southern gentleman finds his
University home stimulating .and
enjoys the wide faculty contact.
However, a large university
has its drawbacks. Graduate of
a small school, Prof. Peek dis-
likes large classes, which work
against personal contacts, and
feels that they limit his effect-
On a larger scale, he thinks the
pressing problem facing colleges
everywhere is that of academic
freedom. His own stand on the
issue centers around the idea that
rights imply obligations.
* * *
ALTHOUGH Peek's major hob-
by is reading the New York Times
-"It isn't really a hobby, it's my
job"-he also finds time to get
away from it all, gardening or
playing tennis with his wife, at-
tending sports events and lec-
But Prof. Peek admits he and
his wife like relief from Ann
Arbor in the summer., The
search has led them to Bermu-
da, as well as across the Uni-
ted States and will take .them to
Europe this summer.
"Going to Europe is part of my
University education," he points
out. "I'll be just a tourist like any
A large part of the vacation will
be spent in England-"I'm a ter-
rible Anglophile" - but southern
France and Switzerland will also
get top billing.
Peek's conversation reveals more
than his southern ancestry. Quick-
ly discerned as a Democrat, be-
cause "My family was, and, like
thousands of others in my gener-
ation, I saw the depression and
the New Deal," the professor
agrees with the party's general

feeling of internationalism.
Active in the campaign for Ste-
venson, Peek also thinks, "When
petty things are forgotten, Harry
Truman will stand up well. He
ranked high on the big issues.
"In fact, he was probably a bet-
ter man than FDR in foreign po-
licy," Peek maintains, hurriedly
adding, "Of course, he wasn't the
politician Roosevelt was."
Schmidt To Attend
Accounting Meet
Prof. Leo A. Schmidt of the ac-
counting department will attend
a meeting of the committee on
accounting personnel of the Am-
erican Institute of Accountants
today in New York.
The committee is the planning
group for the accounting profes-
sion's nation-wide program to
combat the current shortage of
certified public accountants.
Fountain Pens
School Supplies

... Virginia's loss, Michigan's gain
Ann Arborites To Elect
ity Officials Monday

(Continued from Page 1)
the present government has come
closer todiscouraging annexation
than encouraging it.
The University should pay a
fair share toward city police and
fire protection Frisinger main-
tained, but should not be ex-
pected to help support the local
Frisinger also wants a muni-
cipal swimming pool.
* * *
for City Council president, George
W. Sallade, has been the chair-
man of the local committee for
charter revision. Regarding the
garbage situation, Sallade said yes-
terday that "a sanitary fill is the
best disposal method."
Sallade desires to continue
University-city relations by solv-
Bridge Contest
Winners of' the Union-League
sponsored bridge tournament were
announced yesterday.
In the men's division of the all-
campus contest, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon captured first place honors
with Don Noah, '53, and Dan Con-
verse, '55, as the winning team.
Sigma Alpha Mu men placed
second with Bob Gantz, '55 and
Leonard Loren, '55 as representa-
In the women's division, Mari-
lyn Lama, '54, and Eleanor Coch-
ran, '54, won first place for Alpha
.Chi Omega sorority. Alpha Gam-
ma Delta took second place with
Beverly Davis, '53 and Carolyn
Kieth, '54 as entrants.

ing mutual problems through
negotiation and discussion.
The joint city-employe life in-
surance plan has been considered
since city employes started push-
ing for it last spring. If passed by
both the voters and City Council,
the plan would give employes a
better insurance rate than if they
bought insurance alone.
IN THE CITY Council election,
two incumbents are running. Re-
publican William J. Sanders, Fifth
Ward incumbent, will face Demo-
crat Dean W. Coston at the polls
Monday. Seventh Ward incumbent
John S. Dobson will oppose Albert
K. Stevens.
First Ward Republican Nor-
man J. Randall is running un-
opposed. Ronald E. Hinterman,
Republican candidate for Sec-
ond Ward Councilman, is run-
ning against Wendell J. Fox.
Democrat Frances A. Hannum is
vying with Republican Charles
C. Menefee for the Third Ward
Republican Russell H. Howard
of the Fourth Ward is running
against Democrat Kenneth E. Rea-
son. In the Sixth Ward, Mrs. Mar-
garet Townsley, Republican, will
face Democrat Dale R. Richards.
All Republicans running for the
County Board of Supervisors are
incumbents. They are, in order of
their wards, Fitch D. Forsythe,
Paul L. Proud, Jr., Fred J. Wil-
liams, Charles E. Rabideau, Aug-
ust W. Doro.w, Ruth Dana and Al-
vah A. Heald.
Democrats opposing them are,
also in order of their wards, Pierce
F. Lewis, Alton W. LaMay, Uolevi
L. Lahti, George A. Gross, William
C. Fox and Arthur R. Peer. There
is 'no Democrat running for Fourth
Ward Supervisor.

The Senior Board announced
yesterday that dormitory space
will be available for parents of
seniors over the commence-
ment weekend,.3une 11, 12 and
Two dormitories will be op-
en. The cost of double rooms
will be $1.75 per person for
each night and single rooms,f
$2.25 per person.
Union Wing
Stirs Much
(Continued from Page 1)
restaurant serving visiting alum-
ni and other guests. Union Life
memberships could still hold over
for this hotel.
All of this talk has gone on
the assumption that the stu-
dent body wants a coed Union
for both recreational and activi-
ties purposes. This assent would
be necessary because student fi-
nancial aid is currently con-
Most student leaders feel that
last year's referendum in which
the students rejected the coed
union by 29 votes, was not a valid
measure of opinion. They feel that
it was poorly worded and voted on
before students had been given an
opportunity to thoroughly consid-
er the various alternatives. What's
more, considerably less than one-
fourth of the campus actually vot-
ed against it.
* * *
A KITTY referendum would
have students voting on various al-
ternatives it has been suggested.
But supposing that the stu-
dent body were sympathetic to
a coed student union, would they
support a student activities
building which would merely
serve as a home for student or-
ganizations and not provide co-
educational recreation features?
Many student leaders say NO.
Then there's the problem of the
alumni. Both League and Union
pride themselves on the interest
an dsupport of their alums. It was
an alumni campaign which built
the Union in 1918.
One school of opinion holds that
these.people are proud of the men's
and women's club tradition and
would hate to see it destroyed. This
allegedly holds true especially for
those that were instrumental in
the buildings' construction.
But other student leaders point
out that in their trips to various
alumni centers, they found alum-
ni of all ages interested in the
problems of today's generation of
students. The attitude is one of
providing the students with what-
ever facilities are best suited to the
needs of today.
Youth Symphony
The Southern Michigan Youth
Symphony, conducted by Orien
Dalley, music director of theUni-
versity Broadcasting Service, will
present a concert at 2 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Educa-
tional Memorial, Detroit.

Charter Revision Fate
To Be Decided Monday

Ann Arbor voters will get an-/
other chance to revise their 64-
year-old city charter in Monday's
By voting "yes" on Proposal One,
city residents will turn over their
venerable charter to a special nine-
man commission which will rec-
ommend revisions in the city's
governing document.
Final approval of any altera-
tion by the commission would be
up to city voters.
ALTHOUGH similar attempts at
revision have failed repeatedly,
numerous civic organizations are
anxious to submit the charter for
further study.
Fear of townspeople that
charter changes necessarily
would lead to a city manager
form of government has blocked
revision efforts in the past, it
has been claimed.
Prof. Arthur Bromage of the
political science department a few
months ago outlined several chief
reasons for charter revision.

Citing the four levels of author-
ity in city departments, the muni-
cipal government expert and out-
going council member stressed the
need for coordination of city acti-
* * *
DURING THE last few weeks
most of the local civic and poli-
tical groups have lined up behind
the proposal to submit the charter
for study.
The Citizens Committee for
Charter Revision has been work-
ing for the revision proposition
with University Regent Roscoe
0. Bonisteel, one of the group's
Junior Chamber of Commerce
members are set to ring 1,000 door-
bells over the weekend to advise
Ann Arbor residents to "vote yes"
Monday. Jaycees will invade down-
town streets tomorrow with "sand-
wich boards" asking a favorable
vote on the issue.
The organization has been work-
ing for a revision study since 1946.

(Continued from Page 2)
Ford, Colorado; New Canaan, Connecti-
cut; Skokie, Illinois; Montclair, New
Jersey; Wooster, Ohio; the Panama Ca-
nal Zone; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and
River Falls, Wisconsin. Contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Building, telephone 3-1511, Fxt.
489, or apply direct to the Superin-
tendent of Schools.
Personnel Requests.
The Ordnance Corps. Jefferson Prov-
ing Grounds, of Madison, Ind., has sev-
eral vacancies for Ordnance Engineers
and Proof Technician Amunition. This
installation is conducting ballistics ac-
ceptance tests of artillery ammunition
and its components.
The Trane Co., LaCross, Wis., has
openings on their Graduate Training
Program for Engineers interested in
opportunities in Air Conditioning.
The General Telephone Co., of Mus-
kegon, needs a woman to fill the po-
sition as Editor for their house organ.
They would like one capable of edit-
ing, feature writingfi, doing lay-out, and
some photography.
Lever Bros., Research and Develop-
ment Division, Edgewater, New Jersey,
needs Chemists and Chemical Engineers
(an ydegree levels) for positions in their
Research Center.
The U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces examination for Archivist
(grade GS-5) open to those with de-
grees in History, Political Science, Soci-
ology, Economics, or Public Admin-
istration; or a combination of some of
the above in addition to experience.
The positions are available in the
Washington, D.C., area and the closing
.day for applications is April 21, 1953.
For further details concerning these
and other openings, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Gerardus


Honors Awarded 24 Students
By Natural Resources School

Twenty-four students were hon-
ored for outstanding work yester-
day at the School of Natural Re-
sources annual Honors Convoca-
ton in Kellogg Auditorium.
' Stanley G. Sontanna, dean of
the School of Natural Resources,
presided over the meeting. In-
cluded among the speakers were
Program Slated
Piarfo and guitar solos and color
slides of Mexico and South Am-
erica will be featured at a Pan-
American Day program to be pre-
sented by the American Legion at
8 p.m. Saturday, April 11, at the
American Legion Memorial Home,
1035 S. Main.
Refreshments and dancing will
follow the program which is open
to the public.

Bruce Buell, president of the For-
ester's Association and University
Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier-
Students who were honored are
Richard A. Anderson, Grad., Bur-
ton V. Barnes, Grad., Archibald B.
Cowan, Grad., Carl B. Dalton, '54
NR, Robert E. Farmer, Robert P.
Harrison, '53 NR, Donald A. Hay-
nes, '53NR, Edward W. Hinken,
Grad., Brute R. Jones, '53NR,
Thomas E. Kruse, William Law-
rence, Donald M. Matthews and
Karl E. Menzel, '54NR.
Others receiving awards were
Quentin H. Pickering, Grad., Ar-
no P. Schiewind, '53NR, Moham-
med Sharif, '53NR, Richard D.
Stead, Grad., Darroll D. Skill-
ing, Frederick M. Smith, '53NR,
Lyle C. Tom, Grad., Duaine K.
Wenzel, Grad., Henry J. Williams,
Richard L. Williamson, '53NR,
Paul A. Yambert, Grad. and Du-
ane E.. Young, Grad.

Cabbie deRoth, Fisheries; thesis: "Rela-
tionship between Bottom Fauna and
Production of Largemouth Bass, Mi-
cropterus salmoides (Lacepede), in the
Absence of Competing Sport Fishes,"
Fri., April 3, 2122 Natural Science Bldg.,
Doctoral Examination for Jacob Isaac
Hurwitz, Education; thesis, "Some Ef-
fects of Power on the Relations among
Group Members," Mon., Apr. 13, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4 p.m.
Chairman, A. F. Zander.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel Al-
exander Pratt, Sociology; thesis: "The
Impact of Transportation Change and
of Flint Metropolitan Expansion on the
Linden Community," Sat., Apr. 4, 5602
Haven Hall, at 9 a.m. Chairman, A. H.
Events Today
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Shell Fishing" and
"Seashore Oddities" (color), Fri., Apr. 3,
7:30 p.m., Kellogg 'Auditorium. No ad-
mission charge.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
All students and faculty welcome.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Principal re-
hearsal Sunday and Monday nights,
April 12 and 13, at the Union. Pinafore
action rehearsal for the chorus Mon.,
Apr. 13, at the League.
Lutheran Student Association. Good
Friday Services at Trinity Lutheran
Church-12-3 p.m.; Zion Church-1 :30
and 7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
ULLR Ski Club will hold a meeting
April 15 at 7:30 p.m. In the Union. A
movie will be shown and refreshments
will be served. Anyone interested in
skiing, regardless of ability, is welcome
to attend.



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120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 11:00 A.M.: Two identical services.
Sermon: "These Are Blessed-Those Hungry
for Truth." Dr. Large preaching.
No evening meeting for students.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open Daily.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Henry Kuizenga, Minister
William S. Baker, University Pastor
Charles Mitchell, Assistant Minister
Sunday Morning Services: 9:15 and 11:15 A.M.
Henry Kuizenga preaching; "Triumph With
Sunday Morning 10:30: Student Bible Seminar.
Sunday Evening 6:30: Westminster Guild Meet-
ing. A service of worship using the fine arts
to commemorate Holy Week.

North Division at Catherine
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Miss Ada Mae Ames, Counselor for Women
7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion and sermon.
11:00 A.M.: Holy Communion and sermon.
5:00 P.M.: Family Festival Service,
During The Week:
Monday and Tuesday: 10 A.M.: Holy Communion.
Wednesday, Thursday: 7 A.M.: Holy Communion.
Friday: 12:10 P.M.: Holy Communion.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332



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Sundays: 10:15, 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M.
Thursdays: 7:30 P.M., Bible Study
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister
Hear: "The Herald of Truth"
WXYZ-ABC Network
Sundays: 1:00-1:30 P.M.

10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin.
502 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor
Mrs. Ruth Mars, Assistant Student Counselor
9:30 A.M.: First Service-Ordinance of Baptism.
11:00 A.M.: Second Service.
Sermon: "Easter Affirmations."


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