THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNIVERSITIES AND THEIR FACULTIES See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State 4br :43 a t tAy. _.. ..y, _,_ -. . , _ ,. ,. c------ >; ° ,= .: t t CLOUDY, WARM VOL. LXIII, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1953 FOUR PAGES House OK's Constitution Revision Bill Convention Vote Set for 1954 By the Associated Press Without any fuss, the House yes- terday passed 76-5 a bill to begin the process of a complete revision of Michigan's 1908 Constitution. The House action was in sharp contrast to the Senate which has been dallying with an almost iden- tical measure for weeks without coming to grips with it. * * * * THE BILL, reported Tuesday by a House Committee, did not pro- duce a word of debate in the House. A similar measure, passed by the legislature two years ago, was vetoed by Gov. Williams on the grounds that reapportion- ment of the legislature should be accomplished first. The legislature is now in the process of reapportioning. The bill would place on the No- vember, 1954 ballot the question of calling a constitutional conven- tion in the summer of 1955. OVERRIDING protests of "pre- election politics" the Republican House majority also passed a Sen- ate resolution demanding that Gov. G. Mennen Williams submit a new budget within state rev- enues. Sponsored by Sen. Charles T. Prescott (R-Prescott), the bill was backed by the opinion of Republican Attorney GeneralL Frank G. Millard that state law requires a budget which does not exceed expected revenue. The budget called for $345,000,- 000, expenditures °against esti- mated income of $306,000,000. The governor said he will ig- nore the resolution as it asks him to tell the Legislature a"foolish" thing "and I won't do that." REP. ED CAREY who led the attack on the resolution said it was well timed for the spring elec- tion. He quoted a statement by the Republican policy committee Wednesday that the committee had agreed to expenditures of $339,000,000 and an estimated rev- enue of $309,000,000. Conductors Review May Festival Plans Lester McCoy, associate conduc- tor of the Choral Union, after £ whipping the choral group into shape for its two performances in the 60th Annual May Festival has returned from Philadelphia after conferring with Thor Johnson, who will guest conduct the chorus at the Festival. The two directors discussed the F synchronizing of the orchestral and choral portions of the pro- t grams with members of the Phil- adelphia Orchestra. The three major choral works in the May Festival are Bach's "Mass in B Minor". on Friday, May 1, Normand Lockwood's "Prairie" and Brahms' "Triumphlied" to be presented Sunday, May 3. z The Lockwood work was espec- ially commissioned by Thor John- son, guest conductor of the Choral Union at the May Festival, and dedicated to Charles A. Sink, pres- ident of the University Musical Society. Tickets for all May Festival per- formances are on sale at the offi- ces of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower from 9 to 11:45 a.m. and from 1 to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Fri- day and from 9 to 11:45 a.m. Sat- urdays. The prices for single con- cert tickets are $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50. Last Issue With this issue, The Daily suspends publication for the Spring Recess. Publication will resume Tues- day, April 14. 'W illow-Hoppers' Seniors Granted Represen taion Senior Board Wins Two Positions On Commencement Committees By HARRY LUNN Senior Board yesterday won an important victory in its drive to have student opinion represented on University committees dealing with senior class matters when permission was granted to seat a voting student representative on both the Committee for Commence- ment Arrangements and the interim body of this committee. Board president Jack Flynn, '53A, reached the agreement with University secretary and assistant vice-president Herbert Watkins yesterday afternoon after a Board request for representation was sent to him earlier in the day. Watkins heads both committees. S * * * THE ACTION stemmed from Senior Board dissatisfaction with the University's method of revising the examination schedule so that final exams were moved up to be Ship Seizure Move Begun WASHINGTON -(A')- Inform- ants said last night that the Jus- tice Department is engaged in a 100 million dollar. ship seizure crackdown that may have helped persuade some foreign tanker owners not to traffic with Iron Curtain countries. The program is now in full swing, with 13 ships already seiz- ed-12 of them in the last seven weeks-and about 36 others "on the list" to be taken over when- ever they touch a U. S. port. $ * * THE SHIPS being "libeled"-or seized-are all former government surplus tankers operated by com- panies which claim to be Ameri- can-owned and controlled. However, the Justice Depart- ment contends the vessels are Eillegally under alien direction because of foreign capital sup- plied to the operating concerns, and the United States is entitled to recover them. There is no suggestion that the former surplus vessels now being seized have been used to supply Iron Curtain areas. However, the government believes that the same foreign interests alleged to have a financial finger in their operation also own and operate other tankers which have engaged in that kind of trade. Seniors To Get Political Awards John C. Fontaine, '53, and Vic- tor W. Gladstone, '53, will be awarded this year's William Jen- nings Bryan Prize given annually to the outstanding graduating sen- ior in political science. The award, established in 1889 by William JenningsBryan, is us- ually given to just one student, but will be divided this year be- tween the two students because both Fontaine and Gladstone have nearly identical scholastic records, according to Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman of the poli- tical science department. egin Friday, May 29, immediately after the last day of classes. Especially hard hit were sen- iors who must complete all ex- ams by Saturday, June 6. The 20-member Arrangements Committee meets once a year to approve commencement plans, Flynn said, while the four-man interim group formulates most of these plans. A Board representative will be able to sit in on a meeting of the latter group scheduled Monday. WATKINS last night explained' that voting privileges do not have much significance since the group usually comes to agreement with- out voting. Terming the representation agreement "a definite step for- ward," Flynn expressed the hope that it would lead to closer liai- son between the administration and the senior class. "We hope that with this first step, provisions will follow for our inclusion on committees such as the group that made the exam change," he said. Under its grant of power the Arrangements Committee has no part in academic matters or calendering of exams. Therefore, a special committee to study exam schedule changes was set up under the chairman- ship of Assistant to the President Frank Robbins. The changes were instituted in order to "make Commencement more meaningful" by enabling seniors to officially graduate on ICommencement Day instead of be- ing merely recommended for de- grees. ** , ,* FIVE alternative plans were submitted by the study group to executive committees of the Uni- versity's schools and colleges. The plans were: 1) Have exams start Saturday, May 30, but speed up the grading process. 2) Move the first day of exams to Friday, May 29 and require sen- iors to complete finals by June 6. This was the plan adopted. 3) Have instructors submit sen- ior grades before the start of finals with the provision that exam re- sults could raise final marks, but could not lower them. 4) Give special examinations to seniors during the final week of classes. 5) Schedule three two-hour ex- ams each day and cut down the{ length of the final period. 'U' Housing Units Slated For Change Enrollment Rise Seen as Cause By MARK READER An undeterminedEnumber of rooms in University residence halls are slated for permanent recon- version to house more students, Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of the Residence Halls, has revealed. The move was made to offset an increased demand for dormitory accommodations due to an expect- ed rise in student enrollment next semester. * * *, SCHAADT indicated that sever- al large single rooms in both mens' and womens' residence halls would be remodeled into permanent dou- ble rooms. A few of the larger double rooms would also be con- verted into triple rooms, he said. Living quarters that will un- dergo refurnishing will not be subject to the +50 a year rent boost recently granted to the dorms, Schaadt added. The plan for reconverting these rooms has been under considera- tion for some time, he said. It will probably take the form of install- ing extra closet space, new tables and improved lighting arrange- ments. At the present time no speci- fic rooms or residence halls have been singled out for re- modelling purposes, Schaadt said. This is due to the fact that it is difficult "to look at a floor plan" and determine whether or not a room can be converted," he explained. Remodeling will take place dur- ing the summer months in the hope that the reconverted rooms will be available for student oc- cupancy next semester. University officials indicated that applications foradmission to the University have exceeded last year's demands by ov g thousand requests. However, it was pointed out that it is too early to determine the extent of next semester's en- rollment because many decisions on applications will not be made until June. New Vaccine Found for Flu A former University faculty member, Dr. Jonas E. Salk, an- nounced yesterday the discovery of a new vaccine which promises immunity against the principal types of influenza for as long as one to two years with but a single injection. Dr. Salk, University of Pitts- burgh bacteriologist, was a co- worker of Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chairman of the department of epidemiology in the School of Public Health, from 1942 to 1948 when he reportedly did research on the influenza virus. . A week ago, Dr. Salk announced an "extremely promising" vaccine for poliomyelitis which was based on the earlier influenza work done here. Efficiency of the polio and in- fluenza vaccines depend on sus- pending dead virus material inf emulsified mineral oil which in- duces the production of defensive antibodies, upon injection into the body. The work .is being carried out largely through the commission on influenza of the Armed Forces Board which subsidized Dr. Salk's research. Of Thaw Red Peace Earl Birds Must Face CoedJudic By BECKY CONRAD Dean of Women Deborah Bacon said last night the women as- sembled in the early dawn vigil Wednesday at the Administration Bldg. to apply for residence in League houses next fall would be disciplined entirely by Women's Judiciary Council. Four of the 31 women involved will not have to go before the judi- ciary Council because they signed out overnight for homes in Ann Arbor. Dean Bacon called the co- eds "not very polite guests," who escaped disciplinary action in this way. THE 27 COEDS, who broke dor- mitory regulations to line up as early as 3:30 a.m., were termed by Dean Bacon as "looking as if they were waiting for a fire sale." Talking to 15 of the 31 women involved who were especially in- terested in living in Hobbs Lea- gue house next fall, Dean Bacon asked the coeds if they "would feel better, seeing as there was not enough room in Hobbs House for all of them, if the nine avail- able rooms were withdrawn from campus applicants this year and used for incoming transfer wo- men." The coeds, currently without a' place to live next fall, will confer today with Elizabeth A. Leslie, administrative'assistant in the Dean of Women's office, who is in charge of League house applica- tions, and Assistant Dean of Wo- men Elsie R. Fuller who takes care of dormitory placement. The three dormitories on Obser- vatory Hill appear to be the only available University residence hall space for the homeless women who may, as one coed put it, "have to move to some darn league house where they serve no meals." loves inCc II -Daily-Don Campbet BOARD IN CONTROL-Sue Popkin, A1 Green and Don Dugger look over a copy of The Daily as newly elected publications board members. * * * wear Vote Tabulators Get Results a~t 5:30 A. Me By VIRGINIA VOSS All-campus election officials saw the light of day yesterday morn- ing before the final count for Tuesday's and Wednesday's vote was complete. Wearied counters stuck by their Union Ballroom vigil until 5:30 a,m. when the 38th ballot distribution wound up the 20-seat Student Legislature election. CANDIDATES ELECTED after The Daily went to press at 2 a.m. 61War, Ike Accepts Communist ParleyBid POW Meetings Set for Monday By the Associated Press The cooing dove flags raised by Russia and her Communist friends were flapping more vigorously than ever yesterday. President Eisenhower said the overtures for peace should be ac- cepted at face value until there is reason to believe they might not be sincere. THEY WILL get their first prac- tical workout Monday, when Al,- lied and Communist liaison offi- cers meet at Panmunjom to see what progress can be made on an exchange of sick and wounded prisoners. From Berlin, the Russians beamed good will on new wave lengths. They invited the United States and France to join in the air safety talks between the Soviets and British whh grew out of a MIG15 attack on a British bomber. The United States and France accepted. The Russians also lifted the cus- toms check on the 100-mile auto- bahn between Berlin and West Germany, waving through 20-ton trucks with scarcely a look at the papers. WEST GERMAN leaders at Bonn said this Easter Week thaw in the cold war might be a hint that Moscow is readying a world- wide package that would include proposals for a four-power meet- ing on a German peace treaty and all-German elections. From Paris two top leaders of 'NATO, Gen. Matthew B. Ridg- way and Secretary General Lord Ismay warned the West against letting down its guard. Ridgway said Russia's military capacity had not been "diminished one iota," and urged ratification of the European Army Treaty that would add German soldiers to his lineup. MEANWHILE in Korea Chines Communists broke a three-day fighting lull yesterday with a 750- man onslaught on the Central Front which cost them nearly one- fifth of their attacking force. The Reds overwhelmed for- ward positions of the South Kor- ean Capitol Division, but were ripped by, artillery and bullets as they swept up to barbed wire en- tanglements guarding the heav- ily defended main line. 'U' Glee Club To Sing on TV The 44 member group of the Men's Glee Club will appear on Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town," April 12 over CBS Television as part of the club's eastern vaca- tion tour. Sponsored by the University Alumni Club of New York, the Glee Club, under the direction of Prof. Philip Duey of the Music School, will appear in New York's Town Hall on April 12. Also scheduled are appearances on April 9, in Pittsburg, April 10 in Beaver College Auditorium in Jenkintown, Pa.; and April 11 at Garden City High School on Long Island. Restauranteurs Hit Dorm Competition A 38 per cent decline in the number of University students patronizing private Ann Arbor restaurants during the past 23 years was reported yesterday by , , .) I World News Roundup By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - In- auguration of Secretary General Trygve Lie's successor, Dag Ham- merskjold of Sweden, is expected to take place before the full U.N. General Assembly next week, pos- sibily Thursday. WASHINGTON - The Justice Department said yesterday Julius and Ethel Rosenberg have "waited too long" to raise some of their present challenges to their convci- tions and death sentences for slip- pling atomic secrets to Russia. Thirty Acre Sale To 'U' Requested Arborcrest Cemetery officials filed a petition in circuit court yesterday asking an order per- mitting the sale of some 30 acres of the corporation's 110-acre plot, at 1521 Glacier Way to' the Uni- versity. The property adjoins the Uni- versity's new North Campus. yesterday were announced in the, following order: Janet Netzer, '54, Fritz Glov. er, '55E, Al Strauss, Grad., Lor- raine Baldwin, '55, Carol Lee Frankensteen, '55, Rosemary Rehn, '55, Imre Zwiebel, '54E, Larry Harris, '56, Keith Gordon, '55, Vic Hampton, '54BAd., Eu- gene McCracken, '56E. McCracken will serve for a se- mester term. The first 19 victors were elected for full-year posts. In other elections completed after 2 a.m., Sue Popkin, '54, Al Green, '53, and Don Dugger, '54BAd., were named in that or- der for Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications posts. Miss Popkin and Green piled up close 3 586 and 3,571 votes respec- tively, with Dugger slightly behind at th- 3,324 level..Defeated candi- dates Al Ternes, '55, and Jessica Tanner, '55, had 2,594 and 1,914 tallies. THE SLATE of 10 Union vice- presidents at large was narrowed to five victors in the early morn- ing hours. New veeps, in the order elected, are: Howard Nemerdvski, '54E, Bob Perry, '53E, Sam Alfieri, '54A, Harry Blum, '54BAd., arid Bill Libby, '54NR. In the only all-campus refer- endum of the spring 10-ballot vote, students answered an em- phatic "yes" to the question "Do you prefer to have a non-profit bookstore in the proposed addi- tion to the Union rather than alloting this space for other pur- poses." Affirmative vote on the Perry-sponsored referendum talled 4,912, compared with against. Bob to- 982 Breakdown of the "yes" vote in-! dicated that 1,800 approvals were voiced by men students, 1,243 -by women and 1,869 did not indicae their sex. Of those opposed to the Union bookstore, 426 were male, 211 female and 45 not indicated. * * * JOINT JUDICIARY chairman Pete Lardner, '53E, reported about 250 ballots invalidated during the 10-hour count. Strongest write-in candidate was William "Scott" Bonds. who had more than 80 supporters for an SL position. Of the 80-odd ballots with Bonds name indicated, only those that had no other choices marked were invalidated. Joint Judic holds that candidates should be required to go through the regular petitioning proced- ure before being voted upon. Election officials yesterday had no common explanation for the unusually slow count. Though the SL procedure was admittedly held up to keep crowd interest cen- tered on it rather than the minor countings, the intentional slow-ap was abandoned early in the count as all rdturns seemed to bog down. Education school senior officers were also elected Wednesday. The new slate consists of John Black,r president; Barbara Steinko, vice- president; Jacquelyn Ross, secre- tary, and Peg Carter, treasurer. UNION AUTONOMY? Pros and Cons Voiced Over Coed Union wing .! (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the.last n a seriesof articles examining the problems attendant to the proposed Union wing.) By HARLAND BRITZ Daily Associate Editor Would the building of a student activities building as a part of the proposed Union wing frustrate the movement for a coed union? Many of those opposing the sug- gestion of a student activities wing think it would, but paradoxically some of the coed union's most vi- olent supporters feel that it would add immeasureably to the growth of the coed union concept. THE FIRST group feels that once the wing is built it would merely cement the current League- Union split. They are probably quite right in supposing that those active in the League would hesitate dormitory councils, class projects and judiciaries would tend to re- tain their female flavor at first, it is foreseen that eventually all stu- dent activities would merge. THE CURRENT move toward Union-League cooperation in such projects as Guantics and the Cal- endar of events is given as an ex- ample of the conceivability of eventually merging currently sep- arted activities. There remains a strong voice that holds that it is impossible to break down the current Union-League autonomy unless a completely new coed union were built. They suggest that such a building be constructed on a fresh plot of ground, such as Felch Park, which is along- side Rackham, or behind E. En- gineering Bldg. COUNCIL AND PRESIDENT TOO: Ann Arbor To El'ect Mayor Monday * * * * * * By JOEL BERGER Election of a mayor, council president, half of the city council and seven representatives to the County Board of Supervisors is the 77- job cut out for city voters in Monday's election. Also on the ballot is a proposal to allow municipal employes to participate with the city in a joint life insurance plan. I WILLIAM E. BROWN, JR., Ann Arbor Mayor since 1945, has pledged to continue current policies. Running on the Republican ticket, he urges completion of the local parking system, annexation of additional land and improvement in garbage disposal. If elected, he