THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE nE S _______________________________________________________________________________ I I Sue Riggs To Become t.- President ofLeague Board of Representatives To Announce Names Of Other Elected Officers at Installation Night Coeds To Vie BIG SPLASH! Sue Riggs will reign as Presi- dent of the Women's League next year, following elections held by the Board of Representatives yes-' terday.' As president, she will stress the importance of full use of the Lea- gue's facilities, she said in her platform. If the new constitution is passed, next year will be a I "crucial year" in the League, she, added. * * * SHE ALSO stated that she would like to see the League enter! into comunity interests, as well as, campus activities, and hopes that! the organization can back such community projects as the Red Cross. Miss Riggs was assistant gen- eral chairman of Frosh Week- end on the Maize team, in her freshman year, sophomore mem- ber of the Interviewing and Nominating Committee, a n d member of Women's Judiciary and Joint Judiciary Councils. She has been a rushing counsel- or and also on the administrative wing of the Student Legislature. S * * * THE OFFICE of president, along with five other major Lea- gue positions, were determined by the Board at its meeting. Results of the other officers will not be made known until Installation Night which has been re-scheduled for April 20. Those running for the office of vice-president are Virginia Spur- rier and Ann Plumton; secretary, Nancy Rein and Betty Magyar; and treasurer, Margaret Carter and Iris Pumroy. CANDIDATES FOR the office of chairman of the Interviewing and Nominating Committee are Sue Shafter and Judy Johnson; For Annual Softball Title Tournament To Begin After Spring Vacation; Rule Changes To Start Shouts of "strike one" will be heard on Palmer Field immedi- ately after spring vacation when play begins on Wednesday, April 15, in the annual women's intra- mural softball tournament. During the first week of sche- duled play, games will be held at 5:10 p.m. only. In the second week of the tournament and for the remainder of the contests, games will be played both at 5:10 and 7 p.m. * * * IF A TEAM fails to show up by 5:15 or 7:05 p.m., they will auto- matically default. Several rule changes which have been made will apply in this tournament, which is spon- sored by the Women's Athletic Association. A team will consist of ten to 12 players, a scorer and a base um- pire. Each team must have a minimum of eight players on the field for an official game instead of seven as was formerly required. * * * - By ROZ SHLIMOVITZ Construction on the new million dollar women's swimming pool has progressed way beyond expecta- tions due to the unusually mild winter, Dr. Margaret Bell an- nounced recently. With such rapid progress Dr. Bell, chairman of the Women's Physical Education Department, predicts ahat after 25 years of planning, the pool will be in full, use next February. AT THE PRESENT time, one- fourth of the hardest work has been completed according to Mack Habscher, engineer. He expects the structure to be finished in the fall. Currently 17 carpenters, 20 la- borers, five bricklayers, electri- cians and plumbers are working on the first floor columns, pour- ing cement for the pool and lay- equal with the first floor while the ing bricks on the two-and-a- lower part of water is below the half story building. ground floor. Located on N. University and Forest near the present Women's Athletic Building, the walls of the pool building are only temporary, as in the future the building will be part of a new women's athletic plant. * * * CONFORMING strictly to di- mensions, the pool will be 75 feet 1 inch long and 44 feet wide. Con- taining six lanes, the pool is wider than average according to Dr. Bell. At the deepest end there will be one meter and three meter diving boards above 12 feet 6 inches of water. The pool is beng constructed in such a way that the water level is * * FURNISHED with the most up- to-date equipment, the pool will feature an aqadio for underwater music and will be wired for tele- vision. Spotlights from the ceiling and sixteen lights of 1,000 watts each, situated underwater, will illuminate the swimming area. The modern pool, financed by funds furnished by the Board In Control of Intercollegiate Athlet- ics, will also be equipped with por- table benches, a grandstand, and a glass viewing window for the convenience of spectators. Because of a guest locker room, co-recreational swimming will be possible in the building. Taking advantage of a tropical vacation plus college credits, over 20 University students are plan- ning to invade the Hawaiian Is- lands to attend summer school at the University of Hawaii this year. Lured by the appeal of a tropi- cal setting of sun, sand and surf, .these "U" students will enroll on June 24 for a six week summer ses- sion. The University of Hawaii has five colleges: Teacher's, Arts and Sciences, Applied Sciences, Agri- culture, and Business Admin- istration. It is on the accredit- ed list of the U.S. Office of Ed- cation and the curriculum is similar to that of universities on the mainland. Each summer many world re- nowned professors from the Orient, Middle East, Europe, and all sec- tions of the United States come to the Islands to teach their special- ties during the summer session. The University of Hawaii is rec- ognized as one of the leading uni- versities in the world for its trop- ical agriculture study program and its courses in philosophy, histpry, economics, art and literature of the Orient and Pacific. Besides the opportunities to develop the mind, a summer session At the Hawaiian univers- ity offers students, in their after class hours, the chance to de- velop their bodies. For further information con- cerning the summer session at the University of Hawaii call Mrs. Mae Ufer at 3-1813 or Mrs. Marie Netting at 2-2443. Work on Women's Pool Progresses Campus Students To Attend Summer School in Hawaii t SUN. N ITE, APRIL 12, 8:00 P.M. SEE & EAR...0 r i d4croessCampu4 I MORTAR BOARD - Petitions for a $100 scholarship being of- fered by Mortar Board will be due at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Under- graduate Office of the League. Co- eds are reminded to sign up for an interview when they hand in their petitions. * s HILLEL-Petitions for positions on the Hillel Student Council may be picked up today and tomorrow at the Hillel building. They will be due Wednesday, April 15. * * * INTERNATIONAL CENTER- All foreign students and American friends are invited to attend a tea to be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. to- day in the International Center. MICHIFISH - All Michifish members will meet at 8:30 p.m. to- day at the Union Pool for land drill, followed by a practice ses- sion. Manager Donna Hoffman has anounced that members who have ordered swimming suits may pick them up at this meeting. * * * RIDING CLUB- The co-recre- tional Riding Club will hold its re- organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Barbour Gym. Any men or women interested in join- ing are invited to attend. * * * MODERN DANCE-The Modern Dance Club will meet for practice from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. today in the Barbour Gym Dance Studio., Members will hold a practice ses- sion for the dance concert ati East Lansing. 3I SUE RIGGS * * * and chairman of Joint Judiciary is Lee Fiber, who ran unopposed. Following the elections, Phyl- lis Kaufman, this year's presi- dent of the League, announced that the revised League Con- stitution, would be voted on soon by the members of the Board. One proposed change is to co- ordinate women's activities and carry out projects of the League through a central representative body known as the Women's Sen- ate. * * * AS EACH member of the Wo- men's Senate wouldrautomatically become. a member of an an As- sembly Council or Panhellenic Council, information could be re- layed more swiftly than at pre- sent. She said that other League associate organizations will re- vise their cohstitutions later to conform to the qualifications set by the League constitution. As a result, the members de- cided to hold an extra meeting Saturday morning, April 18. At this time the revised version of the Constitution will be discussed and, if possible, a vote will be taken. All members are urged to attend. At the next regular meeting of the Board, representatives will vote on members of the Inter- viewing and Nominating Commit- tee, chairman of Women's Judi- ciary, and members of Women's Judiciary Council, as well as presi- dent and vice-president of Assem- bly Association, In past years the new president of the League has been announced at Installation Night, but this year, because Miss Riggs will at- tend a national convention in California along with Phyllis Kaufman, outgoing president, and Miss Ethel McCormick, social di- rector of the League, the an- nouncement was made earlier. The official plate umpire will cover third base and home plate. She will have the power to over- rule any decisions made by the base umpires. If a house has more than one team, the same woman may serve as the base umpire for all teams. She may also participate as a player for one team and as a base umpire for another. * * * EACH TEAM will be allowed two concellations before being dropped from the tournament. All cancellations must be made by calling tournament manager Pat Texter, 2-3159, by 1 p.m. Monday of the week the game is scheduled. League houses will have until 48 hours before games to can- cel them, the only valid excuses for cancellation being classes, house functions and illness of team members. This year for the first time, the tournament will be run in both "A" and "B" rounds, so that all teams losing their first games will be put in the "B" bracket. The manager of each team should check out softball equip- ment at the desk at WAB. This equipment consists of three bases, balls, bats and gloves. One mana- ' ger of the teams playing is res- O ponsible for the bases and the c0 other for the rest of the supplies. No post cards will be sent to CN team captains to remind them of, games this year, Miss Texter has stressed. The Daily will print the first CL week's schedule on Tuesday, April < 14, and in following weeks the schedule will be printed in the LA Saturday or Sunday papers. F-- - Read Danilv Clagvifietc THERE WILL be two base pires on the field this year, one woman covering base calling the decisions and the er covering second base. um- with and oth- C/" Your en 1s Glee Club r- -N co w .l V4;ll .; I G;llY x,11 C;i7 11L(-,. ~ . It- D V) I__ on ...FOR YOU...FOR GIFTS- at 'd Sulmvam's. Sho A, Lovely creations to compliment your Easter ensemble. II 74( "6' the 7owk ti '' d1 . ... ,. , t '" d 1-- r r' t I '.".. irr. . tir s; ! r 1 HATS . . . done of crisp straws. GLOVES . . . high style, of handsewn cot- tons or nylons from 2.95. HOSIERY , . . Exquisitely fashioned nylon, by Phoenix. Glamorous jewelry .,. from pearls to zircon stones. Flower fresh boutonaires from 59c. S.-' Sunday ito, 0April Ilt~I S0 i I N fs 11 I'll s 0 0 0 . r i I - . . . ! rs ! 1 .A