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April 01, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-01

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Foreign Policy
By Congressional Committee

IT HAS BECOME increasingly evident that
Senator Joseph McCarthy is determined
to wield his influence on American foreign
policy via his Senate permanent investi-
gating subcommittee.
A review of his actions during the past
month indicates that the militant Sena-
tor from Wisconsin is encroaching on
State Department affairs in a -manner
which is proving highly embarrassing and
damaging to the department.
First, McCarthy launched his committee
into a probe of the Voice of America. As-
suming an authoritative position concerning
propaganda methods used by the Voice, he
accused the government network of harbor-
ing Communists and fellow travelers who
were broadcasting subtle anti-American
scripts. Like his other vocal efforts, these
accusations were unfounded.
Nonetheless, under pressure, the State
Department immediately made several con-
cessions to McCarthy regarding use of cer-
tain scripts. Major concession was a di-
rective to the Voice ordering the stopping
of use of quotations by American Commun-
ist writers praising the United States.
The Voice was thus robbed of an effective
device. Meanwhile, State Department mor-
ale reached a low ebb.
In this case, as in others, McCarthy ig-
nored the fact that the State Department
has a Loyalty Board of its own to pass on
"security risks.
The second instance of McCarthy's bold
maneuvering for power regarding foreign
policy matters was his abortive attempt
of squelch the appointment of Charles
(Chip) Bohlen as ambassador to Russia.
Bohlen had been nominated by Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles with the ap-
proval of President Eisenhower.
But McCarthy wasn't to be swayed. He
accused Bohlen, one of the top Russian ex-
perts in the State Department, of being a
"security risk." His chief grievance against
the presidential nominee was the role play-
ed-at Yalta by Bohlen and his influence at
the Teheran and Potsdam conferences,
which McCarthy phrased as "an ugly record
of the great betrayal." He ignored the fact

that Bohlen was nothing but an interpreter
at these conferences.
The bulk of the defamatory evidence
against Bohlen was in the form of anony-
mous letters and an unidentified man
who claimed to detect "immorality" in
the nominee through a sixth sense.
However, both Senator Taft and Sena-
tor Sparkman, who investigated a complete
summary of all Bohlen's FBI records, found
nothing to keep Bohlen from fulfilling the
top diplomatic position in Moscow. He was,
so to speak, "clean as a hound's tooth."
Fortunately, Bohlen was overwhelmingly
approved by the Senate, but McCarthy at
least succeeded in undermining confidence
in him (and the State Department) in
many quarters.
The most recent McCarthy venture in-
to shaping American foreign policy was
his committee's secret negotiations with
Greek ship-owners to curtail the ship-
ment of supplies into Communist China
and North Korea. In this case, McCarthy
deliberately undercut the State Depart-
ment. The agreement was effected with-
out the knowledge of the State Depart-
.ment, because, McCarthy claimed, the ac-
tion taken was of a "highly secret and
delicate nature."
Again, the officious Senator was tres-
passing into a realm which is definitively
State Department business, as was evidenced
by the vehement protests of Mutual Secur-
ity Administrator Harold Stassen.
These three incidents seem to point to
the conclusion that McCarthy is bent on
pulling the reins of the State Department
and guiding it along a course consistent
with his own ideas on how to conduct Am-
erican foregn policy.
If Eisenhower and Dulles do not crack
down on McCarthy soon-and very soon,
the Senator may establish a chain of
similar precedents which may doom the
State Department to control by Congres-
sional committee.
It is absolutely imperative that the for-
mulation and execution of American foreign
policy remain the responsibility of the Sttae
Department, regardless of McCarthy.
--Lois Malkin

Poetry by
Tape Recorder
A SQUARE, maroon leather machine took
an unobtrusive spotlight at the Genera-
tion-sponsored poetry reading during the
Inter-Arts Festival last weekend, and from
its depths emerged the voice of a student
poet telling the tale of "A young but al-
ready determined Roc."
The audience in the Round-up room of
the League hushed the rattle of their cof-
fee cups and became the guinea pig audi-
ence to an innovation conceived by Don-
ald Hope, the graduate student in charge
of the program. Hope had sought a way
for poets to recite their works in the
solitudethat would simulate the condi-
tions in which the works had been com-
posed; without an inhibiting audience;
without the distractions which the dress,
manner or bearing of the reader might
have on his audience. He hit upon the
tape recorder.
His decision to record the readings to be
played back at the presentation itself offer-
ed an effective and successful precedent.
In past years, the poems have been read
by a trained reader rather than the poets
themselves. The quality of the program had
thus been dependent on the perception and
interpretation of the reader. In many cases,
the reader's ability has revealed a scope and
quality in a poem which might escape aI
visual reading; yet at other times, a lack
of sensitivity to the poet's intentions re-
sulted in unsuccessful renditions. Surely, it
is the poet himself who knows best the tone,
inflection and mood he intended.
By removing the inhibiting audience
and facing only a small, impersonal mi-
crophone, many of the poets performed in
an unrestrained, delightful manner that
they would have hesitated to use in front
of a staring, live group. A selection was
read over and erased and read over again
till the finished recording was without
flaw or flub and as close to perfection as
The audience was given mimeographed
copies of the poetry, was allowed to read
the poems first for their own interpreta-
tions and then to have their understanding
modified by the poet's recorded interpre-
tation, combining a visual with an audio
Unfortunately, the acoustics of the rear
section in the Round-up room are extremely
poor and what had been loud in the re-
cording room was sometimes inaudible at
Saturday's performance.
* * *
ALONG WITH the current trend in stu-
dent apathy, so little interest was shown
in the Festival thatonly a handful of people
were around when it came time to produce
and direct it. In this case, the poetry pro-
gram had been organized and recorded by
one person, working with the poets them-
Poets rarely make good engineers or
electricians; perhaps this explains the
lack of any amplifier that might have
solved the audibility problem.
Occasionally, the recording did not allow
a long enough break between poems. and
the audience was rushed from one mood to
a completely opposite one. Such mechanical
difficulties can be eliminated quite easily,
however, in the future.
The question does arise as to what to do
about the poet who does not read poetry
well. One or two of the performers Saturday
were somewhat ineffective, and it is pos-
sible that a trained reader working with
the poet might have done more justice to
the work than the poet himself. On the
whole, however, the poets did exceptionally
well and varied from Richard Laing's con-
versational "So you warned me not to bring
that frog to the party" to the almost mono-
tonical monumental renditions by Herbert
Mandel and the sing songy musical reading
by Joseph Green.

It was interesting to note that of the
45 or 50 people present, at least 10 were
poets and their wives and only three mem-
bers of the faculty thought to attend.,
Of these 50 people, only about a dozen
remained for what proved to be a most
wonderful coda to the program; Mabelle
Haueh, who charmed the group with an in-
formal talk on Chinese literature, a lively,
amusing, quite lovely story told in delight-
ful English and a poem chanted in Chinese.
--Gayle Greene

. ellenr to the Ccitor.


Washington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-The new Republican Jus-
tice Department has started out by not
pulling any punches regarding the prose-
cution of Republicans, including Republi-
can Congressmen,
As a result, Congressman Earnest Bram-
blett, Republican, of Pacific Grove, 11th
district of California, faces grand jury ac-
tion on charges made by this column
last fall of taking kickbacks from his of-
fice staff.
The grand Jury action is being ordered by
another California Republican, Warren Ol-
ney, now, Assistant Attorney General in
charge of the Criminal Division, who as
counsel for the California crime commission
did more than any-other one man to clean
up crime in that state. Since coming to
Washington, he has helped to crack down
on one notorious figure in the California
gambling world, Emelio Georgetti, whom
the Democrats did nothing about.
Olney also caused havoc in the Justice
Department by asking the resignation of
four Democrat lawyers in his criminal di-
vision who dragged their heels regarding
Congressman Bramblett.
'Ordinarily, Justice Department attorneys
do not like to tangle with Congressmen, let
alone prosecute them. This writer supplied
most of the evidence to the Justice Depart-
ment in the case of ex-Congressman Parnell
Thomas of New Jersey before it prosecuted,
also part of the evidence regarding ex-
Congressman Andrew May of Kentucky, and
published the original kickback information
regarding Congressman Walter Brehm of
Ohio. All were convicted:
IN THE CASE of Bramblett, this column
reported last fall that Mrs. Margaret

Swanson, listed as working on the Congress-
man's payroll from September 1949 to Jan-
uary 1951 never worked in his office. She
drew the top salary in his office, $4,700, but
did not work for the Congressman either in
Washington or in his home district in
California. She is the wife of Irving B.
Swanson, Republican clerk of the House of
Representatives and a close friend of
Another secretary, Vivian De Witt, was
approached by Bramblett with an offer to
boost her salary from $3,400 to $5,000 a
year provided she would pay him $5,000 cash
in advance. She refused, and shortly there-
after left the Congressman's employ.
Another secretary working for Congress-
man Bramblett, Mrs. Dee Bundy, was given
a salary increase in January 1951 from
$2,200 to $5,000. She denied giving any
kickback, said her sudden increase was due
to extra work. Her husband, incidentally,
was also listed on the Bramblett payroll.
Mrs. Bramblett also drew $3,400 a year
though was seldom seen around the office.
The above information was turned over
to the FBI by this columnist last fall, and
the FBI, after a careful investigation,
submitted the evidence to the Justice De-
partment. There, lesser officials inherited
from the Democratic Administration, re-
commended against prosecution. Some of
them may have reviewed the facts too
hastily. But at any rate they initialed the
recommendation not to prosecute.
Their new Republican chief, Warren Ol-
ney, however, himself a Californian and a
Republican, reviewed the case against his
fellow Republican and decided it should go
to a grand jury.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)

Boston Pops .
To the Editor:
REGARDING the "checkered ta-
blecloths and beer" atmosphere
of the Boston Pops performances,
it should be noted that this des-
cription does not refer to the class
of music presented but rather to
the surroundings of Boston per-
formances. During the spring Pops
season, the seats are removed from
the main floor of symphony hall
and innumerable tables and chairs
are moved in. While sitting at'
these tables (with checkered ta-
blecloths), one may order a wide
variety of refreshments (including
beer) from waitresses, while lis-
tening to and watching the or-
chestra. Hence the term: Check-
ered tablecloths & Beer atmos-
-Persse O'Reille
Out of Context .. .
To the Editor:
WHILE I FEEL flattered to be
quoted in the same column
with a New York Times reporter,
I feel that I must come to the res-
cue of Michigan engineers and the
profession by explaining that the
meaning of my statement (quoted
in Thursday's Daily) was radically
changed by quoting it out of con-
text (an occurance common, even
in the Daily).
In the March Technic, I tried to
show how culture can be valuable
to the engineer in furthering his
social and business relationships,
and in helping him to lead a rich-t
er, fuller life; even though he has
no need for any culture in his en-l
gineering work, itself. I also put;
forth the opinion that the culture
developed by engineers outside of
class is more valuable to them9
than that gained by students in
other fields who are required to
take more cultural subjects.
I think a survey would show
that a greater percentage of en-t
gineers participate in cultural ac-;
tivities (as well as most other ac-,
tivities) on this campus than any i
other group, in spite of their heav-
ier scholastic burden.
-Dick Curry
* * *
'Puerile'Campaign . .
SINCE the Daily persists in its
pleonastic lament on student
apathy, it seems essential to re-1
call the theme so pert(inent)lyI
milked by Donald Hope in his let-
ter of 21 March, that is: "the stu-
dents aren't all out doing a lot
of fool things that don't mean any-,
Which is fine-or would be if it
were so. But as a partisan of that
declining genus which might be
called poets-without-blinders; Mr.1
Hope undoubtedly knows that thel
students are in fact still doing a
great many fool things that don't
mean anything-that this, indeed,
is their major activity.j
In reading the election posters'
now flowering in our environs, I
find that only two candidates for
the legislature have taken the1
trouble to state what they stand
for. I submit that in the language
of any reasonable man this can
but mean that there are only two
candidates worth voting for. In
view of such nonchalance it is
of course not astonishing that the
legislature has been rendered im-
potent by the administration.
This rejection of the relevant is
rivaled only by boundless enthusi-
asm for the trivial-e.g., the vacu-
ous vigor of quasi-drillmasters
browbeating a stoic initiate as he
walks his post on the library steps,
or the diligence of doughty dam-
sels cutting paper-dolls in some
obscure corner of "that woman-
place, the League." All this to be
recorded with appropriate nausea
by that propagator of puerile my-
thologies, the women's page.
Granted there are some worth-
while pursuits available (music,

dramatics, political and profes-
sional clubs, among others). But
if, as our poet suggests, the stu-
dents are really withdrawing into
pensive little groups, if (God par-
don my heresy) they are actually
thinking, those few of us who can
only applaud the demise of extra-
curricular activities. Perhaps it is
yet possible that an American uni-
versity look more like a univer-
sity than a three-ring circus.
-Jack Danielson
African Safari .. .
To the Editor:
CA SAMRA'S contemptuous at-
titude towards an unidentified
"young man from Nigeria." is an
insult to every foreign student.
The Nigerian student comments
have been labelled "absurd" and
"libelous" because he has had the'
courage to express ideas the Daily
disagrees with.
As I can gather the Nigerian
student wanted to protest against
a show in which African life is de-
picted as it is not. This is an ab-
surdity. It is libelous to say that
Africans are not primitive, that
they do not eat people. Why, ev-


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"Roll Out The Barrel"

go into this kind of thing because
it is the "fashionable" thing to
do. Others behave like those peo-
ple who believe they will be saved
by going to church every Sunday
and mumbling a few words. The
real anti-bias people are dying in
Kenya and South Africa; are be-
ing born every day South, East,
and West of the U.S.A.
Although Mr. Samra might not
like to be called a "racist" never-
theless reading what he says one
cannot help noticing his "Angli-
Saxon superiority" tone. Call it
what you may. It is nevertheless
-Jose M. Salazar. '53
< * '
A frican Safari . .
To the Editor:
did his worst to reproduce
false statements concerning a Ni-
gerian student's letter to the Daily.
I have always made it clear both
publicly and privately that Afri-
can students are here for one
main purpose, namely, education;
and not to find faults with Amer-
ican social organizations. In the
course of achieving their goal,
the African students discovered
that American students do not
know enough about Africa. Con-
sequently they resolved to giving
A f r i c a n cultural shows and
speeches, about which Cal and his
fraternity friends care very little.
The philosophy behind such shows
is to demonstrate that Africa pos-
sesses a culture which was not
borrowed from any other part of
the world; a culture of which Af-
ricans are proud, and which
should serve to lessen the deroga-
tory humiliation of the Negroes.
S'nce we have started these dem-
onstrations, the American students
have reacted favorably towards
the culture of Africa. However, a
section of the students, notably
some campus "Greeks," have de-
voted themselves to the slander
and misrepresentation of Africa;
recently through the show "Afri-
can Safari." It is this group that
needs to learn how to respect oth-
er human beings as equal citizens
of the world. There is no doubt
that the Daily, upon which editor
Samra exercises his unrestricted
power is on the opposite camp.
The editor refused to print the
student's letter, but picked out
some loaded phrases to misrepre-
sent the student's good and genu-
ine intensions. Why would Am-
erican students allow a small
group backed up by editor Samra
to destroy the good Afro-Ameri-
can relationship they have built?
Is it not better to cut off one
finger than allow the whole body
to die?
For the above reasons f demand
that Cal Samra tender an un-
qualified apology to the Nigerian
concerned; and henceforth learn
to be a useful instrument for the
promotion of sound Afro-Ameri-
can relationship.
-F. Chigbu-Ememe
Korean War . .
on the Korean war begins with
a comment by Anthony Eden to
the effect that there is no imme-
diate way out. Why isn't there?
Sixty-two out of sixty-three issues
have been settled by negotiation
between the two sides. Only the
disposition of war prisoners re-
mains in question. Is the war real-
ly being fought over what to do
with war prisoners?
If sixty-two issues have been
settled and only one remains,

criminal to send our generation
half-way around the world as can-
non fodder. We face a bleak fu-
ture indeed if war is the only out-
I don't think we can be satisfied
in just examining alternative
strategies for prosecuting the war,
as Miss Bogdonoff does in her col-
umn. After all, that amounts to
juggling with our own lives.
There is no reason at all why
peace in Korea is impossible and
a protracted war is inevitable. Un-
doubtedly there are certain quar-
ters in our country which would
like us to believe that the war
must go on. As Business Week
stated Nov. 29, 1952: "A truce
will make the predicted business
slide almost certain. Failure of
cease-fire efforts could be a stimu-
lant." Must we go on spending
lives for dollars?
Since it is our lives that are be-I
ing debated, we owe it to our-
selves to inform the policy-makers
in no uncertain terms, through
every form of political expression,
that we do not intend to be a gen-
eration of militarists.
-Mike Sharpe, Chairman,
Labor Youth League
Skit Nite .. .
To the Editor:
I AM WRITING this letter to
praise and to condemn the var-
ious performances of Skit Nite last
Saturday. In reflecting back over
the whole program, I have be-
come alarmed at what it indicates
in our student body here at Mi-
We are living in troubled times
of self examination. On a na-
tional plane we read of loyalty
oaths, communistic infiltration,
and the menace of creeping social-
ism. On the campus scene, we note
the prevalent forerunner of these
national "ism's"-widespread stu-
dent lethargy. Student leaders
have finally become aware of it
and are at last taking some meas-
ures to do something about it. The
big questions are WHY and HOW
does this lethargy exist. The ans-
wers are hidden or buried in the
fundamentals ofbour environment.
Take a glance back at the events
of Saturday's Skit Nite. What do
you see? That is, what do you see
besides an awkwardly organized
program? Look deep, mind you!
Peer into the very contents and
themes of the skits themselves.
Now, what do you see? Rather
appalling, isn't it? Except for the
one superb performance of the
winner, both in content and exe-
cution, the skits stood as evidence
of what is happening in our midst.
It is the direction of thinking be-
hind those skits that I wish to
focus attention. When one rea-
lizes how small it must have been

S i

to reproduce with only new words
and costumes last resort and worn
out themes on our friends at East
Lansing and the seeemingly poor
pulchritude of our feminine class-
mates, we begin to understand
WHY'and HOW this campus le-
thargy exists. Have we nothing
better to think about? If not, we
must glance to those who can
show us a way out of this mal-
ady. Only wholesome and cultured
student leadership can boost us
to the plane we aspire.
I am what the affiliates call a
G.D.I., and I am proud of it; yet
I am honest and will give credit
where credit is due. To you, Gam-
ma Phi Beta and Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon, I take off my hat in saluta-
tion for a fine display of show-
manship, student leadership, cul-
tural stature, and a high level of
genuine originality.
-Den Schmiedeke
* * *
Wolverun Derby . .
To the Editor:
IF THE Wolverun Derby which
took place last Friday after-
noon is handled in the future as
it was this year, let's forget it. In
particular we have in mind the
manner in which the prizes were
awarded. The rules state that
"prizes will be awarded on the
basis of the car make, points of
workmanship, originality, and at-
tractiveness of design." Now we
have no personal animosity to-
wards Acacia fraternity but to
award a prize to them based on
the above factors seems absurd.
Since when does a box on wheels
qualify for workmanship and at-
tractiveness of design awards,
There were several other cars
which obviously were better con-
structed and more attractive. Sev-
eral examples are the cars of Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, and the number two car of
Theta Chi. Of what use are rules
if they are not to be followed?
Another situation existed which,
if not against the rules as expli-
citly stated, certainly was not in
accord with the spirit of them.
The race is entitled "Wolverun
Derby" not the "National Soap
Box Derby" as it would appear
from some 'of the entries in the
contest. We believe that if it was
made clear at the start that the
cars were to be home made the
competition would be much keen-
er. When some houses put a lot
of time and effort into the manu-
facture of their racer and then a
few mistakably imported cars
walk off with the honors, it is
plainly discouraging to future ef-






O' Boyle

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Crawford Young....... .Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander,........Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ........ Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whippie...........Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler....... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green........... Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
iiane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
gear: by carrier, $5.00: by mail $7.00.






ONE OPENS this April Fool's Day issue of
Gargoyle cautiously, expecting perhaps
live garter snakes or a jet of icy water. But
you'll find, in fact, fifty pages jam-packed
with deft and fairly original wit.
The magazine's tradition of presenting
the unusual in grotesqueries produces sev-
eral startling pieces of art. Larry Scott's
horned bird-woman on the title page has
a ghastly drollery. And starting from the
traditional cartoonist's dogma that people
should look like what they do, Leila
Deutsch has produced a really amusing set
of caricatures called "New Faces of 1953."
People are seldom distorted with so grand
an extravagance. Flower blossom lips and
eyes, for instance, get across the gestalt

pressure salesmanship, allowing for un-
limited ingenuity, were made the standard
for American advertising. Maybe it'll hap-
pen by the next millenium.
Super-digests take their lumps in an in-
sert entitled 'Qck," "a mgzn desgnd fr th bsy
mdrn wh hs no tm to rd." The satire is
sharp, the subject one that begs to be
laughed at.
A happy combination of mixed metaphors
and irrelevance makes Larry Pike's take-
off on "High Noon" a lot of fun. The sur-
prise ending tacked on carries that popular
picture to what is perhaps its logical con-
clusion-the mild-mannered sheriff, once
aroused, goes completely berserk. "What
Price Gloria," by Jan Winn, directed at the
tedious cycle of collegiate romances, is

Gargoyle's tenerable and apparently un-
shakeable "Who Stole My Dinosaur" comes
out this time in a new and much more suc-
cessful disguise, "The Bored Surf Board."
Bennet Cerf is impaled pretty accurately;
his hearty after-dinner chat manner, raised
to the second power, serves admirably to
hold together a batch of not too-new stories.
In line with its policy of appealing to the
cosmopolitan reader, Gargoyle has publish-
ed anecdotes in French and Russian. Though
the one I could make out was of the variety
that hasn't much to lose in translation, the
added flavor is undeniably continental.
There are a lot of pleasant, moments in
this issue, and the much-touted objection-
able elements have been squelched thor-
oughly enough, to make it suitable reading




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