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April 01, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-01

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Foreign Policy by
Conigressionial Comittiiee
See Page 4.


Sr tigari
Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIII, No. 126



Campus Election Draws 4,000 Voters onFi



-Daily-Don Campbell


Hammarskj old
May Succeed Lie
Swedish Nominee Refuses To Give
Final Decision, Pending Consultation
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(M)-Russia and the Western powers
yesterday dramatically broke their long deadlock over the $40,000-a-
year, tax-free chief executive job in the UN.
They pushed through the Security Council a surprise nomination
of Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden to succeed Norway's Trygve Lie
as security general.

No Faculty Exain Aetion

* * *


HOWEVER, Hammarskjold s
Potter Asks
Forty-four months as a civilian
prisoner of war under the Japanese
may lead to the deferment of a
University doctor from military
A bill to accept time in POW in-
ternment as physician's military
service has been introduced in the
Senate by Sen. Charles E. Potter
(R-Mich.) on behalf of Dr. Frank
Crowe of University Hospital.
-* * *
THE ACTION would defer the
junior clinical instructor in der-
matology and syphilology and
father of three children from the
two year military hitch required
for physicians under the Selec-
tive Service Act. During World
War II, Dr. Crowe spent almost
four years as a civilian prisoner
of the Japanese.
The outbreak of the war found
him delivering mail on Wake
Island as postmaster for a con-
structioni company.
"The army had rejected me and
overcrowded medical schools made
me decide to go off to the islands
one month after I received my B.A.
degree from the University of
Idaho in 1941," Dr. Crowe said.
BECAUSE HIS university pro-
gram included ROTC training he
volunteered to the Marine Corps
on Wake Island but was refused
and spent his remaining days of
freedom as a guerilla until cap-
tured Dec. 23, 1941, by the Jap-
Under the law covering physi-
cians, Selective Service has now
decided he should have military
The bill, as it has been intro-
duced by Sen. Potter, would ap-
ply only to physicians who have
undergone POW internment. A bill
similar to the Senate proposal,
was introduced to the House on
March 25 by Rep. Hamer H.
Budge (R-Idaho).
YD Collects
$763 in Drive
The Young Democrats have col-

aid early today he would have to
'>talk with his Swedish colleagues
before deciding whether to accept
the nomination.
His nomination by the Secur-
ity Council, including Russia,
surprised him and Sweden, of-
ficials said.
Expressing his own surprise,'
Hammarskjold told reporters: "I
don't know if there's much reason
for congratulation. There had been
no preliminary contacts in the
matter, neither here nor in the
United States nor elsewhere."
* *
THE OFTEN-USED Soviet veto
on the nomination was withheld
on Andrei Vishinsky's return here
from post-Stalin talks at the
Kremlin with the new Soviet
Prime Minister Georgi M. Mal-
The break came when the Big
Five permanent members of the
11-nation council-the U. S., Brit-
ain, France, Russia and National-
ist China-agreed on the Swed-'
ish economist and deputy foreign
minister as a final compromise.
This climaxed' nearly three
years of bitter wrangling over
the post.
The necessary final approval of
Hammarskjold in the 60-nation
General Assembly is expected to
follow soon without difficulty.
His name never had come up
before as a possible candidate dur-
ing recent fruitless maneuverings
to fill the post.
The council vote was 10-0, with
Nationalist China abstaining, ap-
parently because Sweden recog-
nizes Red China.

Move Seen
No formal faculty protest ap-
peared in the offing yesterday over
the Association of American Uni-
versities' statement on academic
freedom and faculty-university
rights and responsibilities.
Although the resolution was
never brought before the Faculty
Senate for discussion prior to pass-
age by the Association, several
faculty members, who criticized
sections of the declaration in yes-
terday's Daily, said they had notl
considered bringing the matter be-
fore the Senate or other faculty4
* * *
PROF. PRESTON W. Slosson of
the history department said last
night he would discuss the mat-
ter further if it came up for de-
bate, but planned to do nothing on
his own initiative.
Sections of the statement,
which declared that universities
should re-examine qualifications
of faculty members who invoked
the Fifth Amendment in testi-
mony and said Community Par-
ty membership removes the right
to a University position, were
attacked Monday night by Prof.
Another critic of the statement,
Prof. Amos Hawley of the sociology
department, said he would like
to see the matter brought before
the Senate, but did not expect
such action to occur.
Neither Prof. Hawley, Prof. Slos-
son nor several other professors re-
ported widespread faculty discus-
sion of the Association statement
which was published in full in yes-
terday's Daily.
Conceivably the matter might
be brought up at any faculty
meeting, especially since no fac-
ulty group had been asked to
consider it before, several pro-
fessors concluded.
Termed a "guiding document
with -no legal binding" by Univer-
sity President Harlan H. Hatcher,
the statement was adopted by the
37-member Association, which
speaks for its members on matters
of common interest.

Hit by Senior
Disapproval of University meth-I
ods in changing final exam sched-
ules was voiced last night by Sen-
ior Board in a letter to be sent to
the University Commencement
Board members also unanimous-
ly approved a motion asking vot-
ing student representation on the
Committee, and acted to combine
efforts with Student Legislature in
a study of the problem.{
** *
PROPOSED by literary college
president, Roger Wilkins, '53, the
letter protests the manner in
which exam schedule revisions'
were made without consideration
of student opinion on the matter.
Though some Board mem-
bers had been told such a
change was being contemplated
several months ago, no studentsr
were consulted when the final
decision was made.
Reportedly the action, which
moved the exam period up one day{
to begin Friday, May 29, was as
much a surprise to many faculty
members and administrators as it
was to students. It was taken by
a special commencement commit-
tee with approval of executive com-
mittees of the University's schools
and colleges.
Assistant to the President Frank E.
Robbins, who served on the Com-
mencement Committee, Flynn was'
assured the Board would here-
after be consulted on such deci-
Under the revamped schedule,'
seniors will have to complete
exams by Saturday, June 6.
The change also cuts out the'
"dead weekend" in effect for sev-
eral years which allowed students,
a full weekend of study before
their first finals.
With the revised system in ef-
fect, seniors will be officially grad-
uated on Commencement Day, in-
stead of merely being recommend-
ed for graduation subject to final

Rose Bowl
CHICAGO - (A) - Purdue
climbed aboard the Rose Bowl
bandwagon yesterday with a
vote that virtually assured con-
tinuation of the Big Ten-Paci-
fic Coast Conference football
series on New Year's Day for
at least another three years.
Purdue thus reversed its
stand of three years ago when
it opposed the current series
which expires with the 1954
New Year's Day contest.
The Lafayette, Ind. school's
affirmative vote apparently as-
sured the required 6-4 major-
ity needed in the Big Ten for
conference approval.
~i4 A f fb 7

4> * * * *
Regent SeesRecord Turnout
Sh0wdo0nExpeCted Polls
A showdown on the question of
open Regents meetings is in the
Incumbent Regent Otto F. Eck-
ert said yesterday a Regents com-
mittee is prepared to meet with' By VIRGINIA VOSS
a delegation from the Michigan Nearly 4,000 student voters sent all-campus election figures more
Press Association to resolve the is-,than half-way to a record total in first day balloting yesterday.
sue. The statement came on the, Predicted showers failed to materialize until close to the 5 p.m.
heels of a blistering attack on the polling deadline, but the weather bureau sent out another rain fore-
present closed-door policy by Gov. cast for today. Seventeen voting booths again will be open continu-
G. Mennen Williams and the Demv- ously from' 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the second and final day of balloting.
ocratic Regents candidates. #.# * * #
* * '

THE 4.000 FIRST-DAY tally concurred with Student Legislature
tTIlE CONTROVERSY is one of election officials' predictions Although the count is identical to
the hottest issues in the Regentssgsnf,
30 ~~~ace which ends in Monday' fiue fls pigadfl, t--_ _________
B erlin D rive spring elections. Both Iemocra represents a first-day record per- 4 U
candiatesHaze. Hach ad ith enrolent downteto
-cThomas Robinson havetpledged, achenrollment down to 15,-
Plans for a campus "bucket"Itwokfrpeiguthmet 311, a total ballot count of 7,196o
drive for the Free University of ings itfw opening up the meet- 47 a to ) b ill mark an all-tof7
Berlin, newly-adopted "sister uni- ings if elected. time high, according to Phil
versity," won SAC sanction at a f the eist Regents on Berry, Grad., elections commit-
special meeting yesterday. survey of the eight Regents on tee chairman.
At the same time, permission ' the question, both Regent Eck- Both Berry and Joint Judiciary
was denied to the World Student ert and his running mate Re- chairman Pete Lardner, '53E, re-SFoisnirdma
Service Fund to conduct either a gent Charles S. Kennedy oi- ported a "fairly smooth" day of
formal blood drive in conjunction posed altering the present p01- balloting. Repercussions to Gov. G. Men-
with the upcoming International h'icy. nen Williams charges that "the
Weorabcecolcinicn- During the campaign. Regent *,
Week or a bucket collection in con- Ekt as dlid to takea HOWEVER well the electorate is unable to plan for
nection with the Berlin drive. pc postion e take - minded the rules, reports of can- University
The drive for the Free Univer- public position while Regent Ken- didates' violations bordered on an the future", came in the form of
sity of Berlin is planned to im- nedy has stated his opposition to all-time record yesterday. Accord- stout denials from University Re-
plement the recent "adoption" by opening the parleys but indicated ing to Berry, three candidates gent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel and Vice-
Student Legislature. The proceeds he would go along mwithany Board President Marvin L. Niehuss.
will be used to sponsor an exchangedecisio. In case of rain today, the
student from Berlin at the Univer- DEMOCRATIC candidates in polling booths on the corner of Countering Gov. Williams' state-
sity next year. past elections have generally tak- State St. and North University ment that tlte Regents "have at
The WSSF drives were turned en the same position as Hatch and and on the Diagonal will be times failed to meet the needs *f
down because the drive commit- Robinson. In 1949, both Republi- moved into Mason Hall and the people of Michigan," Regent
tee had failed to use the regular can candidates, Regent Alfred B. the Booth at State St. and Bonisteel said "It would be unfor-
calendaring channels. Connable and Regent Vera B. Madison will be set up in South tunate if the University were to
However, WSSF is free to carry Baits, also favored open meetings. Quadrangle. All other booths be dragged into the political
on a limited campaign of solicit- However, Regent Connable has will be moved to the nearest arena."
ing blood donors, with the $15 fee been the lone Board proponent indoor location. Answering charges made Friday
being turned over to WSSF. SAC of the open door in newspaper broke City election statutes, and by the governor at a Democratic
approval is necessary ony - polls during the past four years. m - rally in Ann Arbor's Masonic
campus drives. Regent Eckert said yesterday oh ing were phoned in from Angell Temple Friday, Niehuss pointed
stacles to opening the meetings Hall and Law School personnel. out the University's record during
Dr. n. Beckett included consideration of confi- Alsoyesterday, the East Quad the post war period in preparing
uen" 1--4-;-1 -+- .A +1 ni rl m u 0- br a ...,e..uca ..ng4.tne 044-4te's-


Union Extension Plan Still Uncertain

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles on the pro-
posed Union wing)
Daily Associate Editor
While plans for the extension of
the Union's dining and service fa-
cilities are well defined, the future
of the so-called student activities
building is still uncertain.
It is impossible to go ahead with
detailed plans until the function
of the structure is decided. How-
ever, going on the assumption
that the wing may turn into a stu-
dent activities building, various
planners have come up with sev-
eral fairly comprehensive schemes.
As far as is known, no plans

This addition, which would would go on either side of the I-
have four floors and a basement shaped extension. Perhaps 40
would also be about 60 feet deep rooms could be expected, each
and would cost approximately measuring 8 by 12. Moveable walls
$600,000. It would make the Un- could accomodate any changes in
ion's facade symetrical. Ten plans.
new sleeping rooms would be in- A room at one end of the hall
serted on the fourth floor. could contain permanent filing
There is also talk of extending cabinets which could be situ-
this projection an additional 75 ated for the use of all of the
feet, making it 135 feet long, but organizations that have office
the width would change from 60 space. This room might also
to 40 feet. This would probably haxe a common mimeograph or
cost one and a quarter million ditto machine.
dollars. The second floor could have
* * * larger meeting rooms. They could
ANOTHER alternative would be be of various sizes to accommo-
to project the wing from the mid- date all types of groups. Student
dle of the north side of the build- Legislature. IFC. or any other

Given Hospital
Mana geerPost
Dr. Morley B. Beckett manager
of the Veterans Administration
hospital in Saginaw. has been ap-
pointed manager of the new Ann
Arbor Veterans Administration
Hospital nownearing completion,
it has been announced.
Dr. Beckett, who has spent more
than 15 years in medical admin-
istrative positions in the State,
was first associated with the Vet-
erans Administration in 1947,
Dr. Beckett was associated with
the University in 1946 and 1947
when he served as assistant direc-
tor of the University Hospital.
Construction work on the Vet-
erans Administration Hospital isI
scheduled to be completed in July.I
At present no date has been set
for Dr. Beckett's entrance to duty
CLC Hears

dential matters and the admis-
sion of student reporters.
Michigan State College's govern-
ing body, the State Board of Ag-
riculture, opened its meetings in
January to newsmen accredited by

Gargoyle Gets
At 2:48 p.m. yesterday, Gar-
goyle attempted to call Ypsilanti,
Result: 65 cents toll charge,
three hours and forty-five min-
utes of time, a chaotic repartee
with four operators on both sides
of the Atlantic, and a word of
greeting from a famed correspon-
dent behind the Iron Curtain.
SPEAKING with a pronounced
Ypsi accent, Greek major Don
Malcolm scribbled down the fol-
lowing conversation:
M.: Hello there. I would like
to place a call to Ypsi.
Dial tone: Bbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
M.: Huh?
Voice: How do you do. This is
Georgi Malenkov .. .
M.: Huh?

the Michigan Press


and South Quad Councils voted
to back up a West Quad Coun-
cil motion passed Monday ask-
ing that the violations cases of
Al Strauss, Grad., Bob Perry,
,53E, and Fred Hicks, '54, be re-
ferred to the Inter-House Coun-
cil Judiciary.
East Quad president Rodger
Kidston, '54, 'explained that the
East Quad body will recommend
an impartial, six-man panel to
review the cases when IHC meets
the Tuesday following vacation.
See 4,000, Page 2
SWorld News*
By The Associated Press
MUNSAN, Korea - Guarded
hopes for peace arose early today
from the Allied command's readi-
ness to resume truce talks if new
Communist truce moves are sin-
Gen. Mark Clark, Far East
commander, made clear in a note
to the Communist high command
yesterday that both 'sides first
should work out an exchange of

for and educating the State's vet-.
"There is no state institution
in the nation whose plans and
accomplishments have more oft-
en served as a pattern for other
institutiois," he said.
Niehuss also noted at present
the University with its North Cam-
pus and other long-range plans
is in the forefront of institutions
showing tangible accomplishment
in preparing for the coming ex-
pansion of higher education.
Commenting on the State Leg-
islature's most recent drive to
merge higher education services,
facilities and programs in the
State, Niehuss said, "I think the
Legislature's *chief concern here
is whether the State's colleges are
working and cooperating ade-
quately to prepare for the coming
expansion in enrollment."'
Meetings of the various presi-
dents and administrators of the
schools are doing just that," he
SIA Plats Series
Ii n-I '1 ir 'i -..



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