. Communists-in-Colleges Postscript
Daily Editorial Director
RING THE ephemeral vacation, this
vriter exchanged a couple of letters
a member of the House Un-American
ities Committee-Kit Clardy, who re-
nts Michigan's sixth district. Clardy
the Committee have apparently taken
at deal of interest in The Daily's ser-
f articles on Communist activities at
jniversity, which were wrapped up by
Associated Press and publicized across
[r. Clardy, it is noteworthy, revealed
amazing amount of discretion for a
gressman who has the. opportunity to
boit a potentially lucrative situation.
lon't think you need worry about the
nmittee indulging in the practice of
Lizing particular colleges or univer-
s," he wrote, "unless a thorough and
t investigation discloses that the out-
is really permeated with Communists.
nkly, the only outfits I know of that
ild fall into that category are not
,ted in my home State.
rnd furthermore," he added, "I am pre-
y of the opinion that there may be ono
handful (and a small handful, at that)
hools that could be so classed."
r. Clardy's evident caution and restraint
rding this delicate subject is encourag-
Fortunately, it would appear that the
mittee is fully aware that indiscrimin-
:ensure of particular educational insti-
ns would be extremely damaging to en-
cent and state appropriations.
rhaps the Committee also realizes that
reless, drum-beating investigation would
t in an undesirable constriction of the
atmosphere on college campuses, possibly
placing American higher education in a
deep-freeze for a time. If it doesn't, it
Harvard president James B. Conant
perceived the more distasteful aspects of
an indiscreet Government probe and
forcefully cautioned against anything with
a flavor of "thought control." While pled-
ging cooperation, President Hatcher has
also expressed his hope that the investi-
gation would not smack of the wild de-
magoguery of McCarthyism. (Unlike Co-
nant, however, Dr. Hatcher made his
statement at a private meeting of the fa-
culty, when it should have been made for
public consumption.)
In the end, the problem should be thrown
back into the laps of the individual colleges
and universities, if on no other grounds
than Government should refrain as much
as possible from interfering in the affairs
of the nation's colleges.
DICK BIBLER, The Daily's new cartoonist,
should be reasonably, popular on this
campus. He possesses a quality which is
rather singular 1among cartoonists--a sense
of humor.
The Editor of the Michigan State News,
MSC's student newspaper, reports that
Bibler's "Little Man on Campus" has cap-
tured the hearts of State "students."
This, of course, Is not saying much for
Bibler's intelligence, nor is it the reason
The Daily accepted him. The real reasons
will unfold themselves as Worthal makes lis
ludicrous appearances during the course ef
the semester.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
(EDITOR'S NOTE-Drew Pearson is now on a
trip to Berlin and Paris to check on crucial de-
velopments there and report on the progress of
John Foster Dulles in unifying our AMies.)
OPE--I am taking this quick trip to
Europe for one reason. It looks as if Adolph,
Hitler's ghost was walking again.
That isn't a pleasant thing to say or
contemplate. However, the ferment which'
spawned Hitlerism is here again: anti-
Semitism, German energy, British apathy;
French suspicion and American boredom.
They are here and Increasing; while the
Kremlin looks on and smiles. It seems that
what was sauce for Hitlerism is also ,sauce
for Stalinlngr.
While I -haven't talked to John Foster
Dulles as yet, this of course is why he is
here too. Obviously he knows that this is a
crucial turning point in our history, when
we can go forward toward peace or slip
backward toward war.
These turning points usually come
about once in a generation. They come
so imperceptibly that the public doesn't
know they are present. Sometimes not
even the diplomats do.
But wars don't spring full-blown over-
night. They sprout gradually, and are nur-
tured by suspicion, isolation and just plain
public boredom with problems of the world.
MOST PEOPLE will tell you that World
War II started in the early dawn of
Sept. 1, 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland.
Personally, I don't think so. Actually, it
began 10 years or so before that, with bick-
ering, suspicion, public discouragement and
loss of hope.
Or some people will tell you that World
War II began when Hitler took the Sude-
tenland from Czechoslovakia in October
1938. Again, I don't think so.
And some people will tell you that war
began when Hitler invaded the Ruhr and
the Rhineland on March 7, 1936. I disagree.
Again they will tell you that war began
when Hitler marched into Austria; or when
he first came into power in Germany in
1933 just 20 years ago this month. That is
getting a little closer, but I still don't think
that was the time when the first seeds of
war were really planted.
I think they were really planted with
the depression of 1930-31 when the Uni-
ted States withdrew its economic support
from Europe, which was followed by the
closing of the banks of Vienna, Berlin
and Paris; and by the bitter jockeying for
power of France and Germany.'
Our economic support in those days was
not in the form of Marshall Plan aid or
mutual security. It was in- the form of
loans-loans which American bondholders
confidently expected would be paid back.
Those loans, incidentally, were backed up
by weighty and encouraging words from
none other than our present Secretary of
State, John Foster Dulles.
'JISTORY HAS A peculiar way of re-
cessation in American lending to foreign-
"There is no reason," he continued, "why
we for many years to come should not build
up our investment abroad."
It was the subsequent realization by the
American public that these loans were next
to worthless that caused the sudden turn-
ing-off of the financial spigot and the de-
pression in Europe, with the suspicion, the
bickering, and the power politics that fol-
Of late we have been more realistic.
We have given money to Europe, not
loaned it, and the loss is being shared by
the entire public, not by the investing
But the fact is that whether in the form
of loans or Marshall Plan aid or mutual se-
curity aid, dollars are dollars. And when
you turn off the flow of dollars to a people
who are living on an artificial economic
level there is trouble. You can't continue
them indefinitely. But on the other hand,
you have to be careful how you turn off
the flow.
Mr. Dulles on his current mission to
Europe is taking a somewhat different
approach than he did in 1926. Instead
of urging continued money to Europe, he
is warning that if our Allies do not unite
on a West European Army, then we will
cut off the flow of dollars.
That is a calculated risk he probably has
to take. But if he fails, if Europe calls his
bluff, then he not only ends up with no
United European Army, but also he pulls
the financial props out from under our
allies in a way that is bound to result in
economic dislocation, political recrimina-
tion, increased Communism and perhaps
eventual war.
* * *
THAT IS A BLUNT and disagreeable way
of putting it, but we have to look the
facts in the face. We have to remember,
among other things, that powerful elements
inside France, even inside England would
like to see this happen. The French Com-
munists, which still comprise the biggest
party, would like nothing better than to see
Mr. Dulles inflame French opinion in such
a way that the European army pact would
fail and economic aid cut off. To some ex-
tent, so would the Gaullists.
And there are left-wingers in the Bri-
tish Labor Party who would like to see
this happen to our Anglo-American rela-
Mr. Dulles, therefore, is not dealing with
easy, cut-and-dried predictable factors. He
is dealing with the most difficult of all
factors-human emotions and volatile pub-
lic opinion. That is why his mission is so
difficult yet so important.
On the brighter side of the internation-
al ledger, it should be remembered that
Europe has been nearer unity of late
than at any time in history. For 90 years
France and Germany have been inter-
mittently at war. Now the fact that they
are discussing putting their troops under
the same flag and in the same uniform
is a tremendous milestone for unity.
At the Or pheum,. ..
Canada Lee
novel, had something of the indefinable
quality which makes a book distinctive. It
not only gave the race relations "problem"
an altogether fresh milieu in which to oper-
ate, but also endowed a broad social issue
with the struggle for personal morality and
In filming the novel, Alan Paton, the
author, was engaged to write the screen-
play. He has done this with a full appre-
eiation of the novel's strength, but with
less than a full understanding of the
consequences of film reproduction. The
picture, as a result, seems an extremely
honest and deeply felt movie, but lacks
the full tragic impact of the novel.
The picture's virtues are many: the South
African settings, both village and city, are
richly contrasted and beautiful; the char-
acters are quiet, believable people; the
events are compelling, brutally intense at
times, but always muted with the careful
understatement of the novel. The perform-
ers selected to portray the various roles are
uniformly effective, occasionally even bril-
liant, and the attention paid even the small-
est bit role is gratifying.
Why then does the film fail to achieve
the largeness of the novel? Chiefly, I
think, because it dwells too much on its
documentary fidelity. It is so taken with
the physical events and conditions it de-
scribes that it divorces itself completely
from the poetic dimension which so en-
hanced its power as a novel. The very
exaltation of the novel, which gave some-
one the idea to translate the book into a
stage musical ("Lost in the Stars"), is
not present in the screen version of the
story. It tries to lift itself above social
naturalism not by devices of the film med-
ium, but by sterile propagandistic tech-
niques, like focussing on finely lettered
documents written by the slain martyr.
At least one other recent film that I re-
member had the same fault: Tom Lea's
"The Brave Bulls." This too packed some
hard documentary authenticity, but lacked
the full rich color of the novel.
Which seems to indicate that style in
literature and style in film are two separate
techniques. As Rossen fell short with Lea's
book, so has Paton fallen short with his own
screen translation. The inadequacy notwith-
standing, certainly the film is good and can
be recommended.
-il Wiegand
At the Michigan .. .
APRIL IN PARIS, with Doris Day and
Ray Bolger.
PARODYING American bureaucracy is
certainly fair game for movie producers,
and pointing out the French as objects for
adoration isn't inherently objectionable. But
when the two are done simultaneously and
indiscriminately a rather shoddy production
April in Paris begins with a virulent sa-
tire on the state department and then
gradually bogs down in the kind of an-
tics designed to wring gasps of "oh those
French" from the audience. The Eiffel
Tower, champagne, and confusion over
staterooms figure prominently through-
Doris Day plays an American chorus girl
who gets to go to a Paris arts festival
through the bungling of Ray Bolger, bur-
eaucrat. Before Miss Day can decently, grab
him, Bolger has to be freed from the insid-
ious influences of the state department, his
Boston upbringing and his fiance from Vas-
Musically, the picture is fairly bright. Miss
Day brings her peculiar brand of efferves-
cence to a good set of songs, and Ray Bol-
ger's performance is polished and profes-
sional. Remembering Where's Charlie, how-
ever, one can't help feeling that Bolger has
been somehow stifled in this picture. Claude
Dauphin, who is usually seen in serious
French pictures, is hampered a bit in his
role as a night club entertainer by his in-
ability to sing very well.
The script has some clever lines, like
Miss Day's "I'm going out and drink a
kilometer of wine.' But these are obsurced
by a lot of situation comedy utilizing tired-
out situations.
The parallels between this movie and An
American in Paris invite comparisons. Most
of them are unfavorable to April in Paris,
which seems to have drawn its atmosphere
from travel agency booklets.
-Bob Holloway
J-Hop Blues
WHILE THE 1954 J-Hop Committee de-
serves congratulations for making this
year's Hop tolerable, this writer has one
strong complaint to register.
Some 2800 souped-up customers at-
tended the rat-race Friday night, but it
would seem that pitifully few had a
chance to sit down. The various stalls on
the sidelines afforded members of some
fraternities and Quad houses an oppor-
tunity to relax occasionally. These ex-
clusive booths, however, seemed to be
Thomas E. Dewey,
Would Do
by Dick Bibler
l " , I
9 r
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Withnthis artitle, The Daily is inauguarating a series
of correspondence with former Daily editors and staffmen who, since gradu-
ating from the University, have attained prominence and distinction in
various fields of endeavor. Questions were asked of the Daily alumni regard-
ing collegiate life at the University in their time, the activities they partici-
pated in, and what they would do if they had to do it all over again, et
cetera Today's article is written by Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New
York, who was Telegraph Editor of The Daily in 1923.)
Daily Telegraph Editor, 1923
COME NEXT JUNE, it will be thirty years since I was graduated at
Ann Arbor and your letter of January 9th is a sharp reminder of
the appalling length of time that has passed since I was an under-
graduate. I haven't the slightest idea where the years have gone.
The questions you ask also dramatically demonstrate what
a beautiful haze thirty years can create. In retrospect, it now
appears to me that all things at the University of Michigan from
1919 to 1923 were arranged in the best of all possible ways in
the best of all possible worlds. For the life of me I cannot say
what changes in curricula I could suggest or what phases of col*
lege life I would wish to emphasize more or less.
Having attended Princeton vicariously now for two years and a
half through my eldest son, and having watched the throes of my
youngest son as he determines what school he will enter next Fall, I
am slightly confused because things are certainly considerably dif-
For example, I liked fraternity life in college and I still think it
is a highly satisfactory institution. I know I formed friendships in
that way which have remained close through all the years and have
never been excelled in that time, There is no better way of getting
rough edges knocked off or of developing the male animal into a
social human being. Fraternities seem even better to me today than
they used to be because implications of social or other distinctions are
being progressively eliminated.
Surely I would not give up any one of the courses I took to
increase the time for social or extra-curricular activities. By the
same token, I would not give up a minute of the time at chess,
poker, bridge or just plain bull sessions.
"Of course you could argue about this paper and prove me
"vrong - but why jeopardize your whole future?"
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers 'on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Rah !Rah!..*.
It .All
To the Editor:
that it is our privilege and
duty to let our feelingsbe known
on the proposed switch of stadia
with the University of Michigan
next Fall. College football is sup-
posedly played for the benefit of
the student body, not for the com-
mercial gains that may be
wrought from the payment of
ticket fees.
Any idea that has arisen in the
mind of a Detroit sportswriter,
who in the past has been notor-
ious for his partisanship toward
our sister institution at Ann Ar-
bor should be weighed with an ex-
ceedingly critical eye. Sensation-
alism has occasionally been one
of his by-lines for many years.
Let it be known to all who read
this that the STUDENTS OF MI-
their home games played at home
as originally intended. We have
paid fares to Ann Arbor for the
past four years and when the
chance to see a good game at
home comes around, we don't
want it taken away. Again, college
football is for the students, not
for the commercial gains to be
made by extra ticket sales.
What has happened to the de-
emphasis of football which has
been bandied around so much in
the past few months? At the writ-
ing of this letter we have it from
reliable sources that the game
switch has already been agreed
upon by Messrs. Young and Cris-
ler. The problem is how to break
it to the public gently. Let us all
hope that such an outrageous lack
of consideration for the student
body of Michigan State College
does not reach the final planning
-The Men of Delta Upsilon
A. K. Anderson, President
* *I *
Rahl! Rah! Rah!.. ..
To the Editor:
WE ARE students at M.S.C. and
wish to express our contempt
for your Athletic Director's recent
action at the last NCAA meeting.
Mr. Crisler states that he felt
too many schools were quitting
football because of. financial
stress. We would like to ask Mr.
Crisler if he plans on again
changing the rules after Michi-
gan is again king of football and
starts to beat top' teams in the
nation again?
There must be a better method
for a school like the University of
Michigan to regain top football
recognition in the nation.
-Chas. Walakan, Bud Hall,
Bruce R. Morrison, Nick La-
bedz, Hoyt Paul Jones, Ken-
neth M. Freemack, Jr., Roger
Walker, Marty Perrini, Bill
sident of the Grand Rapids Mi-
chigan Alumni club, I want to go
on record as stating that Dick
Sewell's column on Wolverine bas-
ketball in the Michigan Daily on
Jan. 7, 1953, was ill-timed and un-
It is clearly evident that Sewell
had visions of Michigan becoming
a threat in Big Ten league and1
also a powerhouse in midwestern
circles with the new switch in theI
coaching personnel that took
place at Ann Arbor last summer.
If the young writer has closely
followed basketball and has been
a student of the game, he should
know that a coach, no matter who
he is, can not take a cellar-dwell-
ing club and make drastic chang-
es to produce a winner in the first
nine or 10 games of the season.
It has been a standing rule
throughout the coaching profes-
sion, a new coach must require
one or two years on the job before
he is able to field a top-notch
squad. Yet, Bill Perigo has been
on the campus less than five
months and the pressure has
started to be applied for a better-
looking club.
In coming to Michigan, Perigo
inherited a last-place tig Ten
team and also a group of veterans
who were used to the slower type
of ball. From all appearances the
returning veterans are not the
calibre for the fast break. In oth-
er words, Perigo must find the
horses to play his style and until
he does or has some help in this
department, the grade of basket-
ball will continue as in the past.
It is noted in his column, Se-
well would like a winner. The
coaches, players, .students and the
alumni also desire the same re-
sults but the young editor must
realize it takes time, players and
a few breaks along the line. In a
contest of any kind, there must.be
a loser along with a winner and
right now there is too much un-
j u s t pressure being brought
against Perigo and his staff in
order to climb back in the win
We at Michigan regard our aca-
demic standing in the country
more than we do our athletic vic-
tories and defeats.
I am sure that all of us who
hold in our hearts the best inter-
est of the University would not
want it any other way. But don't
blame it on the coaches by criti-
cizing for losing a few games.
--Thorne J. Brown
Class '23-Lit
* * *
diRed Series ..
To the Editor:
_T SHOULD BE noticed with in-
terest that the local Comrades
in their vociferous wailing in the
In the same way, some of my most cherished memories stem
from the Michigan Opera, The Michigan Daily and the Glee Club. It
is easy to be ponderous about the value of a balanced college educa-
tion. It is also mighty easy to become arbitrary and positively ex-
cathedra over the absolute necessity for this or that. Certainly there
is no clear or simple answer to the ultimate question whether college
is merely designed to provide four years of broadening but not too
arduous existence, whether it should give primarily an opportunity
for a better living standard for the individual or whether it is intend-
ed for the training of leaders in the fields of science, business, public
affairs and education.
I rather think I lean to the latter viewpoint. As a result I
would like to see a generally higher academic standard and a
rather firm insistence that it be achieved, all other activities
falling into their own place according to the student's tastes, pro-
vided he meets the first requirement.
I can speak as an expert only about my own profession and I
know that too many with no natural gifts are being made into law-
yers, not-I hasten to add-at the"
University of Michigan.
In short, I believe educational
institutions are still primarily for
the purpose of giving intensive ed-
ucation to those who can use it to t t 11
the best advantage of the ad.
vancement of our civilization.. _4.jq. )
I am afraid this is an inade-
quate answer to your letter. It
is the best I can do, however,
since for more than ten years I
hive been Governor of New
York, which has more great pri-
vate colleges and universities
than any other state, while at
the same time I have been en-
gaged in creating for the first
time in our history, a State
University out of our thirty
State-supported colleges.
The result is that at the age of
fifty, I have just enough informa-
tion on the subject of education
to know that I cannot' be too po-
sitive about any conclusions. This,
I am told, is the beginning of wis-
dom but I fear only the beginning.
FEEL that there is a constant
threat to the free exercise of
civil liberties and that a free peo-
ple will always have to guard
against such a threat. Bigots are
always with us. So, too, are those
who would do all possible to stretch
their 'rights' to the breaking
-Brewster Campbell,
Executive City Editor, {
. The Detroit Free Press
S)xty-IaTr I Y eat'
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable..\.......City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple..............Sports Editor
John Jenks....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor,
Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
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