PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARtCH27, 1953 I I MMMOO The Bias Clause Situation IN APPROVING a motion condemning the expulsion of the Williams College Phi Delta Theta chapter for pledging a Jew- ish student, Student Legislature Wednes- day night took constructive action logically consistent with their past work on anti- bias measures. The Williams College inci- dent, which occurred several months ago, has drawn much attention nationally and the Phi Delt chapter there has received commendation in many quarters for its d - cision to violate the fraternity's discrimina- tory membership clause. SL's motion asked the local chapter and the Interfraternity Council to "do all in their power to have the suspension re- moved," and it is this part of the recom- mendation that is especially important to the campus. Well over a year ago, in December, 1951, the IFC passed the "Acacia Plan" as its pol- icy on discriminatory clauses. Written with the purpose of providing an educational rather than a coercive method of bias clause removal, the plan provided for a counseling and information service to aid local fra- ternities. After several months of inaction, IFC finally got around to doing something with this policy and under the leadership of Pete Thorpe, succeeded in getting the proposal approved as policy for the Big Ten Inter- fraternity Council and Panhellenic Associa- tion last May. With the University selected to head up a Big Ten Counseling and In- formation Service, the plan got its first test when Acacia requested assistance be- fore its biennial convention last year. -Al- though Acacia's clause was not removed in that.coivention, the fraternity's delegates received information about attitudes of other chapters from the service, that will help in preparing a bigger battle for clause re- moval next year. Unfortunately, Acacia was the only house that bothered to avail itself of the services of the Big Ten organization. Now, with summer fraternity conventions not far away, 13 other groups with dis- criminatory clauses have their chance to show that they disapprove of their re- strictive clauses and are interested in hav- ing them removed. Last December, IFC representatives prom- ised that something would be done about the problem. Recently a meeting was called of the 14 houses with restrictive clauses at which seven representatives showed up. These seven fraternities agreed to bring the offer of aid from the Big Ten organization before their members to see if they want any help. While this situation drags slowly along, national councils are setting agendas for the summer meetings, and other chapters throughout the nation are getting their recommendations ready on fraternity problems. But Michigan fraternities from which leadership in this matter should emanate, have quietly let the opportunity slip from their hands for another year. While professing concern with the dis- crimination problems, campus fraternities protest against any "pressure" from SL and disapprove of editorials criticizing their lack of action. (They ask that the problem be left with IFC. Yet only seven houses bother to send representatives to an important meeting of IFC regarding the clauses.) Their disinterest only points to the unhappy conclusion that fraternities will not act un- less put on the spot by a time limit plan or some other coercive measure. Continued in- activity could lead to renewed pressure for a time limit here. 4 ** * W HEN THE Williams College Phi Delts and other isolated groups do take cour- ageous action to rid the system of discrim-. ination, it is encouraging that at least one fraternity would bother to consider a mat- ter of principle regardless of consequences. After watching the grudging efforts of local groups and their hypersensitivity to any criticism of their faltering progress, a fur- ther conclusion is inescapable that ques- tions of principle and honor get little em- phasis here. The IFC and the Phi Delta Theta chapter here are in a good position to take decisive action and correct this im- pression by sending pledges of aid to the Williams chapter and utilizing the Big Ten Counseling and Information Service in mo- bilizing other chapters to reinstate the Wil- liams chapter and remove the discrimina- tory clause. Though none of the other houses have had their own discrimination problems so dramatized lately, they should look to the Williams case as a very important inci- dent in the history of this problem. The favorable national reaction, coming in some instances from conservative news- papers, is testimony that public opinion would not be as kind to legalized discrim- ination as the University administration has been. Instead of letting their own responsibility lag, the 14 houses should aggressively deal with the situation. Only through such ac- tion can the fraternities expect to be free from continuous criticism and growing pres- sure for a time limit proposal. --Harry Lunn MU SIC At Hill Auditorium .... UNIVFERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA W HAT would ordinarily be a rather dis- cursive program was last night trans- formed into a unity celebrating the Easter Theme, though the point was a little stretched. Of the four works played by the University Symphony only one, the Russian Easter Overture of Rimsky-Korsakov, was directly relevant to the occasion. The Sym- phony, Mathis der Maler, of Hindemith, and Debussy's Le Martyre de Saint Sebastien were remotely pertinent in that they depict- ed religious events. And the Frescobaldi Toccata, orchestrated by Hans Kindler, had no literary relation to the holiday, but this fact was mitigated as its spirit was festive and it provided an excellent curtain-raiser for the concert. The major work of the evening was the Hindemith which furnished a good work- out for the participants and had the most scope musically. It was not an entirely successful effort. When the orchestra wants to, it achieves a beautiful orchestral sound. However, each time they reached these heights, a few moments later they became student's again. Too often they would have different ideas of the location of the pitch. I would also criticize conduc- tor Dunlap's tempi, which in the first and last movements were too slow, obstructing the flow of the work and making the logic of its sections incohesive dynamically. This year's orchestra is large; the addition of more low strings gives it better tonal balance than previously. The whole concert showed off this new found strength, but par- ticularly the Debussy, which also afforded opportunities for virtuostic displays by the winds. It was the best performance of the evening and Dunlap, especially in the final movement, Le Bon Pasteur, had them play- ing with sensitivity, which was true in the Hindemith, but only in spurts. The Russian Easter Overture concluded the evening on a note of jubilance, a little extended but due to the composer not the performers. The work's materials are not important enough to warrant its lengthy treatment. but they do have the substance to form a shorter, more concise work, descen- dant perhaps from Glinka. The orchestra played it professionally with the conductor bringing out its best. It is a pity the group does not have time in which to prepare more concerts. The stuff, conductor and performers, are there; there hasn't been am- ple exploitation. -Donald Harris Disgruntled Reader.. . To the Editor: UNDER A picture recently ap- pearing on the front page.of the Daily-in the news section- was the caption, "Standing guard at Stalin's bier the men behind the attacks on U. S. and British planes are left to right: Nikita Krushchev, party secretary ap- pointed Friday; Lavrenti Beria, secret police head, Georgi Malen- kov, . .. As yet, I am totally in the dark. You had led me to believe in ear- lier news stories that Stalin had died in the Kremlin of some blood condition. Was he really killed in one of those scrapes withkAmeri- can planes over Germany? Is this another exclusive Daily scoop? And what of those other Rus- sian gangsters? I heard that Mal- enkov was only out of Russia once --to visit Czechoslovakia. Was he the guy who-shot down that Brit- ish bomber? To help me out of my quandary my roommate suggests that I read the New York Times. He says it's not as cheap a paper but well worth the extra two cents. Incidentally, yourephoto quiz didn't fool me. I knew they were all Communists. -Sy Mandell * * * Amused To the Editor: WHILE I hate to rake over dead issues, it is necessary to up- hold Newton's Second Law and to prevent alarming entropy in- creases in the universe; hence I must make a response to a recent letter in The Daily by Miss Joan Hoffman. She refers to a letter by Sam Manzo in which he ex- pressed certain sentimentshcon- cerning the recent Rosenberg af- fair. For the benefit of the few who missed the point, Mr. Manzo was writing a caricature, a farce, a parody, a burlesque, in a word-a satire. In other words he did not really mean what he said. He was only joking. Evidently his sarcasm was too subtle for some of your readers. Mr. Manzo should not be sent to Russia. He likes the way we do things here. -Perse O'Reille Democratic Regents... To the Editor: THIS afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in room 3MN of the Union, mem- Some Fine Stumps" ... ,Celler l tIoil .o. J Tom Reed's review of Monday night's concert to me was one of those times: Mr. Reed's comments were objectionable to me purely on the grounds of insult. As a reader of the review I re- sent being considered a foil upon which is heaped Mr. Reed's sar- castic and verbose attempts at in- tellectualism. As a concert- goer, I resentbeing ignored. Mr. Reed forgets that the majority of peo- ple who attend concerts are neither professional nor amateur musi- cians, but simply average folk who pay money to enjoy an evening. His only reference to us rabble was the comment on our ". . . con- siderable audience response ..:. to the low class ". . . checkered tablecloth and beer . . .. music. I would like to suggest that Mr. Reed, and other such reviewers, stop peering at the world through an intellectual fog. You see, Mr. Reed, all those people actually en- joyed themselves. In reality, that "response" was a large ovation. It is encouraging to note, how- ever, that he could endure two and one-half hours of mingling with us sweat-shirted working folk and yet conclude that ". . . it was fun.. --Gil Fineman I Investigations.,.. bers of the University community will have an opportunity to meet Democratic candidates for Re- gents, Hazen Hatch and Thomas Robinson. The activities of the Board of Regents profoundly ef- fects all of us. The Board is the sovereign governing body of the University. Unfortunately the highly significant activities of this group have been carried on be- neath what amounts to a veil of secrecy. There appears to be littlej mutual understanding between our academic community and its gov- ernors. One of the reasons for this unfortunate situation is the fact that the Board has been securely and unanimously controlled by members of one (the Republican) political party. There is no need to state here the dangers potential in one party unanimous control of an elected body. This year the Democrats, de- termined to break unanimous one party control of the Board, nom- inated two fine citizens to run for Regents. In a desire to see first hand some of the needs and prob- lems of the University and to com- municate with as many of the stu- dents and faculty members as possible these candidates will be on campus today at the above men- tioned time and place. The Re- publican incumbents were also in- vited here via the Young Repub- lican Club, but they declined the invitation. This is unfortunate, but it will in no way inhibit the value to be derived from communication with candidates Hatch -and Robin- son, who will be only too willing to discuss earnestly matters vital to us all. -David J. Kornbluh For the Young Democrats Boston Pops ... To the Editor: CERTAINLY believe that honest criticism is a necessary re- sult of any artistic endeavor. But there are times when a critic can loose his proportion and forget the reason for his very existence.' ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND vith DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN To the Editor: I SINCERELY believe that the clergy should be just as free as any other Americans to hold Communistic ideas. At the same time I agree with Mr. Goulet that investigation of plans for "over- throwing the government by force" should not be confined to the secular. However, I thoroughly disagree with Mr. Goulet's smear attack that only the criminal need fear investigation. (Goulet supposedly thus negates the opinions of any critics of Velde et al.) May I point out that the 4"Statute of Limita- tions" was passed for just this purpose: To protect the innocent from unethical investigations. Norman R. Williamsen, Jr., Grad. * * * Are You Serious?.., To the Editor: IN RE Rosenbergs Miss Hoffman, are you ser- ious?? -s Lawrence L. Bullen, '54L Paul V. Gadola, '53L Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. '/ Editorial Staff Crawford Young......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra,.........Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple ............ Sport~s Editor John Jenks...Associate Sports Editor Dice Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.... ,... Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer Business Staff IAl Green..........Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertis~ng Manager Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager Harlean Hankin ..Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-2 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other mattersherein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office 'at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by' carrier, $6.00; by mail 87.00. WASHINGTON-In May 1951, nearly two years ago, this column revealed that certain greedy Greek shipowners who bought American liberty ships on a shoestring, sailed them under a dozen different flags to escape taxes, then repaid American gen- erosity by hauling contraband goods to our enemies behind the Iron Curtain. This is the same Greece which the U.S.A. supported to the tune of over a billion dollars in order to block Communism. Reason this country sold the ships at knockdown prices was to help the strug- gling Greeks rebuild their merchant fleet and restore their war-wrecked economy. Instead, the highhanded Tsaldaris gov- ernment turned the ships over to a few private friends who lived in the St. Moritz Hotel in New York, paid practically no Greek taxes, and transferred most of the ships to Panamanian and Honduran flags. These money-minded Greeks then pro- ceeded to grow fat and wealthy on the post- war boom and forbidden trade with the enemy. They parlayed their shoestring fleet into one of the world's largest, and lived like potentates in New York, London and Buenos Aires. Probably the largest Greek shipowner, to become a postwar millionaire at Uncle Sam's expense is Starvros G. Livanos. This column revealed on May 14, 1951, how he finagled enough certificates from the Greek government to buy 12 bargain-rate liberty ships by making a paltry down- payment of $21,780 per ship. The mari- time administration still holds the mort- gage on 11 of these vessels, which have been steaming regularly into Communist ports all the time Livanos has been paying the U. S. government for them. This column also listed in 1951 a number of dummy corporations in England and Panama, used by Livanos to acquire several more liberty ships. Usually, his financial in- terest was obscured, as in the case of the Compania Internacional De Vapores, a Pan- amanian shipping company, which bought a number of ships through front men who weue American citizens. This company, for instance, was chiefly owned by S. S. Niar- chds, who turned out to be a son-in-law of Livanos. * * * --TRADING WITH REDS-- AT LEAST 28 of Livanos' American-bought ships have been spotted entering or leaving Communist ports. For example the 'VR nrar rn.., .na ltis arirln rlar another, the James Ives, rechristened the Axios, not only stopped off at Dairen in March, 1951, but actually delivered war goods to Russia, itself, dropping anchor at the Black Sea ports of Novorossisk in May, 1952, and Odessa in June, 1952. The Livanos-owned Nestos, formerly the Mary Lyon, made calls at Dairen in April, 1951; Novorossisk in May, 1952; Constantza, Rumania, in June, 1952; and Tsingtao, China, in December, 1952. The same ports were visited by the Pinios, formerly the Rob- ert L. Hague, which steamed into Dairen in April, 1951; Tsingtao in April, 1952; and Constafitza in October, 1952. Livanos also sailed several other ships into Manchurian ports with supplies for the Chinese Communist Army. Some of these ships were still mortgaged to the United States, such as the former Dudley M. Hughes, Joshua A. Leach, Erastus Smith, and Louis Joliet. -ANOTHER GREEK- ANOTHER FABULOUS Greek shipper, ex- posed two years ago by this column, was Manuel Kulukundis, who started with four of the original liberty ships and built up a far-flung shipping empire that stretch- ed to Panama, Canada, Britain and the United States. Kulukundis' record is nearly as bad as Livanos'. For example, the United States still held a $310,700 mortgage on Kulukundis' ship Hadiotis, formerly the St. James M. Courts, while it was delivering contraband cargo to such Iron Curtain ports as Odessa, Russia, in July, 1950; Gdansk, Poland, in September, 1950; Gdynia, Poland, in De- cember, 1950; and Novorossisk, Russia, in November, 1951. These same ports were yisited regularly by other Kulukundis ships still under U. S. mortgage, including the former J. Maurice Thompson and Josiah Cohen. Kulukundis also owed this country $306,000 on the John F. Myers, renamed the Santorini, while it was sailing to Dairen and Tsingtao with supplies for the Chinese Reds. This column also put the finger on sev- eral other get-rich-quick Greek shippers, in- cluding John M. Carras and Constantine Hadjipateras, who bought liberty ships on credit from us, then used them to visit Red ports, -SOUTH AMERICAN AXIS-- AS THE MEN who hold the title of Presi- rlp+ inCnlma n - r U n a l rcn will be how to face the challenge of the widely publicized Argentine-Chilean "eco- nomic union," recently whipped up by two other Latin strong men, Juan Peron and Carlos Ibanez. Even though there is more "front" than solid structure in the Chilean-Argentine deal, its long-range implications have the Colombian and Venezuelan leaders wor- ried. Their most immediate worry is that Peru and Bolivia will also be drawn into the Buenos Aires-Santiago axis, thus form- ing a potentially powerful southern bloc which could throw its weight around, un- der certain conditions. "Presidents" Roberto Urdaneta of Colom- bia and4 Marco Perez Jimenez of Venezuela are, in fact, dictators. The first heads a conservative party dictatorship which seized power in the country four years ago and has held it ever since, under a state of siege. Perez made himself absolute boss of Venezuela last December, by the simple device of annulling unfavorable election results. Both men are primarily interested in strengthening and perpetuating their re- gimes. Like all shrewd authoritarians, they know that their best hope of achieving this lies in concentrating on material benefit for the peonle under their rule. Neither one can accomplish that alone, in the long run, if he has to compete economically with a solid bloc of nations, operating more or less as a unit in the fields of trade and in- dustry. Colombia and Venezuela have a long tradition of common interests and spora- dic collaboration. Together with Ecuador and what is now Panama (then part of Colombia), they formed the Gran Colom- bia Federation after securing independ- ence from Spain in 1821. This union lasted only nine years, but the economic features of it were revived-at least on paper-during the Gran Colombia Conference of 1948. So far, the establish- ment of a common merchant fleet, jointly owned by Colombia, Venezuela and Ecua- dor, has been the only tangible result of that meeting. Now the leaders of the first two of those three countries see the need for increas- ing their cooperation. But they also rea- lize that, even with the full participation of Ecuador and- Panama, the northern (Continued from Page 2) Summer Employment. The If. J. Heinz Co., of Holland. Mich., will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Wed., April 1, to talk to students in- terested in summer positions with this firm. The Hercules Powder Co., Cumberland, Md., has openings for openings for Chemists, Chemical Engineers, or Phy- sicists to handle Research Problems in the ballistics field and inert rocket component design. The U.S. Civil Service Commission announces examination for Psycholo- gist, Grade GS-7 and GS-9. To qualify for the Grade of GS-7 one must have a degree with one year graduate study in the field of Psychology and to qual- ify for GS-9 one must have a Ph.D. The positions would be in Washington, D.C., or other locations throughout the U.S. and would incltide the conducting of professional psychological research in Personnel Measurement Evaluation. Details are available at the Bureau of Appointments. National Gypsum Co., Buffalo, New York, is in need of young men as Man- agement Trainebs for the Controller's division. They also have openings for Engineers in the Production Depart- ment. Admiral Corp., Chicago, Ill., has an available position fbr a Job Analyst. One with experience or with courses in wage and salary administration is preferred. Electrical, Mechanical,aIndustrial, Chemical, Metallurgical and Admin- istrative Engineers, as well as Physi- cists and Engineering Physicists, are needed for Leeds & Northrup Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Brunswick, Balke, Callender Co., Mus- kegon, Mich., has available the follow- ing positions: Mechanical Engineer for design and development; Mechanical Engineer for methods, standards, pro- cessing, tooling and tool design; Chem- ical Engineer for product development and chemical process development. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., De- troit, Mich., has openings for Safety Engineers. Any Engineering degree is satisfactory, and one should be able to locate in any part of the U.S. The Pfaudler Co., Elyria, Ohio, is interested in Mechanical and Metallur- gical Engineers to locate either in their plant in Elyria or in Rochester, N.Y. Baxter Laboratories, Inc., of Morton Grove, Ill., is looking for a trained Biological Photographer for their Re- search Division. The individual need not be experienced. However, it is re- quired that he be trained to do this particular type of work. For further information concerning these and other openings and for ap- pointments, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Philosophy. "Ludwig WittIgenstein: 'Whereof One Cannot Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Mar. 27, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mr. Wil- liam Liller will speak on "The Har- vard Meteor Project." Astronomical Colloquium. Mon., Mar. 30, 4:15 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Building. Speaker: Dr. Fred Hoyle of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Subject: "The Condensation of Gas Clouds into Stars and Nebulae." Concerts Student Recital. Lily Fox, student ofI piano with Helen Titus, will present a program of works by Beethoven, Bach, Ravel, and Schumann, at 8:30 Sunday evening, Mar. 29, Auditorium A, Angel Hall. Played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, the recital will be open to the general public. University of Michigan Symphony Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will be heard in a concert at 4:15 Sun- dayafternoon, Mar. 29. in Hill Audi- torium, with Allan Townsend, trom- bone, and Robert Kerns, baritone, as so- loists. The program will include works by Darcy, Wagner, Schubert, Berlioz, Mussorgsky, Anderson, Padilla, Bach, Bendel, Malotte and Verdi, and will be open to the public without charge. Events Today Social Work Progress Institute, aus- pices of the School of Social Work, its alumni, and the Michigan State Coun- cil, A.A.S.W., Rackham Building, Fri., March 27. Registration, third floor, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Opening session, 10:30 a.m., Lecture Hall Section meetings. I, Culture Conflict be- tween Worker and Client in Case Work Practice; Dr. Otto Pollak, As- sociate Professor of Sociology, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, speaker. II, Case Work with Families Having Martial. and Parent-Child Conflicts; Dr. Florence Hollis, Professor of Social Work, New York School of Social Work, speaker. III, Role Relations among Psychiatrists, Psychiatric So- cial. Workcrs, and Clinical Psycholo- gists; Dr. Alvin F. Zander, Program Director, Research Center for Group Dynamics, speaker, 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Section meetings resumed' 2:00 p.m. Coffee hour, 4:00 p.m. Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, 8 p.mi. Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak o) "The Sun, Our Nearest Star." After the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the sifth floor vill be open for tele- scopic observationi of the Moon and Saturn, if the sky is clear, or for in- spection of the telescopes and plane- tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcome. but must be accompa- nied by adults. Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer- sity Museums, "Crayfish," "Biography of a Fish," "Life Along the Waterways," Fri., Mar. 27, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi- Wesley Foundation. "Three For all" Operas, Banquet, and Dance. Starting at 6:15 p.m., Social Hall, Methodist Church. Hillel Foundation. Following Fri- day evening services at 7:45, Dr. Val- eria Juracsek will speak on "What Makes for a Successful Marriage." Acolytes, the University of Michigan philosophy club, will meet at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Professor Everett Nelson, Chairman of the Department of Philos- ophy at Ohio State University will read a paper entitled "The Pre-suppositions of the Verification Theory of Meaning." The public is invited. Westminster Guild Great Books Sem- inar at 8 p.m. this evening. Dr. Wm. S. Baker will review "The Screwtape Let- ters" by C. S. Lewis, at the First Pres- byterian Church Student Center. Inter-Arts Union. Fifth Annual Students Arts Festival, program of stu- dent compositions, Auditorium A, An- gellmHall, 8 p.m. Discussion after pro- gram conducted by Homer Keller of the School of Music. S.R.A. Coffee Hour at Lane Hal. 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Michigan Christian Fel- lowship, co-host. All students and fac- ulty welcome. Coming Events The Chinese Students Club will have a masquerade party at Rackham Build- ing on Sat., Mar. 28, 8:30 p.m. All thosedwho are interested are cordially invited. Little Man On Campus by Bibler / r ..h 1 C4 -., 5=~ * "Ii t$ :*