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March 27, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-27

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l 4

Latest Deadline in the State


Ikse Claims
Korea Arms
Situation OK
Says Shortages
Were Corrected
Eisenhower said yesterday the pre-
sent ammunition situation in Ko-
rea is perfectly sound.
This was the first definite word
from the White House that the
President believes ammunition
shortages have been corrected suf-
ficiently to handle present scale
combat operations.
THE PRESIDENT said he had
checked with the military and had
been advised emphatically that
the yielding of Old Baldy by Unit-
ed States troops in Korea had no
relation to an ammunition short-
Eisenhower said, too, there is
no conflict between himself and
Secretary of Defense Wilson over
maintaining United States com-
bat strength at present levels,
although desperate efforts are
being made to stop the gov-
ernment's in-the-red spending.
Defending his nomination of
Charles E. Bohlen to be ambassa-
dor to Moscow as the best quali-
fied man for the post, the Presi-
dent told a news conference firm-
ly that the appointment is before
the Senate to stay.
* *
ADDITIONAL highlights cover-
ed in the briskly paced news con-
ference included these:
1. The Chief Executive isn't go-
ing to talk about Sen. McCarthy
(R-Wis.)-controversial figure in
Senate investigations and a lead-
ing foe of Bohlen.
But Eisenhower said congres-
sional investigations can be car-
ried to the point of damaging
from within what you are trying
to protect from without. He left
it to them, Eisenhower told the
reporters, to speculate whether
that point has been reached .
2. Eisenhower himself passes fi-
nal judgment on all persons named
to high government jobs, after in-
terviewing them personally. He
said he prefers middle-of-the-road
people and not extremists.
Doctors Say
Polio Vaccine
Not Perfected
University doctors yesterday
cautioned against over-enthusi-
asm concerning the new polio vac-
cine which has just been tested on
90 children and adults.
"The vaccine has not been prov-
en to protect against polio," Dr.
Thomas Francis, head of the de-
partment of epidemiology, em-
phasized. The only thing proven
is that the vaccine will produce
antibodies in the blood serum
against polio:"
ANNOUNCEMENT of the test
results was made by Dr. Jonas
Salk, virus researcher of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, at a press-
science dinner given by the Na-
tional Foundation for Infantile
Warning that the vaccine will
not be available this summer,

Dr. Salk said although the vac-
cine gave all 90 persons protec-
tive antibodies against all three
types of virus which can cause
polio, the test group was too
small to say that the drug will
actually work for everyone.
"The experiments are no real
test but only one step forward in
progress," Dr. Francis said.
Dr. David Dickinson, research
associate in pediatrics and com-
municable diseases, warned that
the vaccine should not be ac-
cepted as a sure cure for polio
until further tests have been
Testing 160 persons, four to 40
years old with several forms of
the vaccine, Dr. Salk found the
best bet to be a creamy drug made
out of all three types of polio vi-
rus, killed or inactivated with for-
maldehyde and then mixed in min-
eral oil and an emulsifier.
'U' President Hits

CampaLantng -Right & Wrong
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Czech Move
Red Propaganda
Device Thwarted
The UN pasted an overwhelming
defeat yesterday on a major Soviet
propaganda campaign started in
the Stalin era and carried on here
by the new Malenkov regime.
It was designed to brand the
United States as an aggressor
against Iron Curtain countries.
* * *
THE 60-NATION Political Com-
mittee voted 41-5 against a Czech-
oslovak satellite resolution intro-
duced in the UN while Stalin
reigned but pushed with greater
vigor by the Communists after
Prime Minister Georgi Malenkov
took over.
The Reds won a small com-
fort in the final vote; 14 coun-
tries abtained, partly because
the West had defended Jews
and Zionism against Red as-
The majority result, however,
was interpreted by Western dele-
gates as a vote of confidence in
the United States and the Eisen-
hower administration's repeated
statements that it is ready to meet
the Russians halfway and talk
The vote came as Andrei Y.
Vishinsky, former Soviet foreign
minister who has been named
permanent delegate here, landed
in New York from the liner
Queen Mary.
UN delegates previously had ex-
pressed hope he will show quickly
whether Malenkov actually means
to adopt a softer policy or keep
up the customary Russian tacticsk
of opposition to the West on every
There was nothing in the de-
feated Czechoslovak resolution to
show that Malenkov policy would
be mild here.






Back Red Attacks


-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
* *, *
Student's Campaigning
Violates Ann Arbor Law,
Violations of city election rules by a candidate for all-campus
elections Tuesday and Wednesday were reported by local officials
The candidate had posted campaign literature on city trees and
mail boxes but removed it after notification yesterday. No punitive
action will be taken.
* * * *
TAKING ELECTIONEERING to city property is expressly for-

bidden in rules handed out to can
Slosson Asks
For Freedom
Of Expression
Following a film entitled "Of
Human Rights" presented by the
Women's International League last
night, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department outlined
the nature and potentialities of
such rights.
"I don't want a government that
must hide in a glass cage lest
somebody damage it," remarked
Prof. Slosson.
HE ADVOCATED that subver-
sive elements in the United States
be granted full freedom of peace-
ful expression, including represen-
tation on state and national bal-
lots and the privileges of voting,
organizing, speaking and writing,
within legal limits.
Prof. Slosson further stressed
that the United Nations "must
overcome its present ineffectual-
ity by compelling the enforce-
ment of statements such as its
recent Declaration of Universal
Human Rights."
Citing a proposed constitutional
amendment of Senator Bricker (R-
0.) to limit the possible effects of
such documents on existing Ameri-
can rights, Prof. Slosson stated
that a movement to combat such
misconceptions should go into im-
mediate effect..
Russian minds and culture, Prof.
Slosson remarked, have become
sterile because bf the threats of
Soviet censors. Similarly no cen-
sors anywhere can be trusted with
automatic power to determine
what people shall know, he said.

Lidates by the Student Legislature.
"The provision states: "No cam-
paign literature may be affixed
on trees, lampposts, etc. in the
city of Ann Arbor."
SL rules also forbid posting
of campaign literature on any
University buildings other than
residence halls.
According to City Clerk Fred
Looker, the only way any candi-
date can legally campaign on city
property is by door-to-door con-
Ann Arbor ordinances forbid
posting of bills on trees, telephone
poles, mail boxes and car wind-
SL elections committee chair-
man Phil Berry, Grad., yesterday
urged all candidates who have
campaigned illegally to remove the
literature immediately.
Taps Juniors
Black-robed Mortarboards
wound their way across campus
last night, tapping 16 junior wo-
men for membership in the na-
tional senior women's honorary.
Recognized for scholarship, lead-
ership and service contributions,
the new members can be recog-
nized today by their mortarboard
hats which they traditionally wear
the day after tapping.
Honored by the old members
were Sue Alderman, Phyllis Bett-
mann, Mimi Blau, Martha Hill,
Kathy Hutchins, Audrey McIn-
tyre, Betty Magyar, Barbara Mat-
tison and Ann Plumton.
Sue Popkin, Jackie Schiff, Lu-
cille Stansberry, Marian Swan-
son, Virvinia Voss, Gretchen White
and Kathy Zeisler were also in-
vited to membership.
Dr. Margaret Bell was tapped
for honorary membership.



-Daily-Don Campbell
* * I *

Fifth Arts Festival To OpenTonight

Spiarkling student creative works

will make up the program for the
GOP M oves Fifth Annual Inter-Arts Festival
which opens tonight.
*Opening the two-day festival
To Investigate will be a program of compositions
by music school students to be
By The Associated Press presented at 8 p.m. today in Audi-,
A Republican moved yesterday torium A, Angell Hall.
toward a congressional investiga-
tion of 1950 Democratic District A CELLO SUITE by William
Conventions 'in Detroit and a Doppmann, '56SM, and two brass
Democrat protested this would be
"a disgraceful abuse of personal SATIRF:
mo e."-~

quartets, one by David Tice, '55SM,1
and the other by Alexander Smith,
Grad., will be featured.
Following the program, a dis-
cussion period will be conduct-
ed by Homer T. Keller, of the
music school.
All events of the two-day festi-
val are open to the public free of
The object of the festival is to
give students an opportunity to
present their works to a critical

Text for the opera, "Adam and
Eve," was written by Anne Stev-
enson, '54, a past Hopwood award'
winner. Choreography for the op-
era ballet was done by Geraldine
Miller, '53, whose work has been
seen on campus in past festivals.
Also being featured tomorrow is
a play by Robert Rice, '53. Titled
"The Late He and She," the drama
deals with the life of F. Scott
Fitzgerald, famous author of the

Chinese Atop
Old Bald Hit
By Artillery
Clark Sees No
By The Associated Press
Hundreds of Chinese Reds
struck at 10 Allied outposts along
Korea's far Western Front yester-
day and early this morning, in-
cluding Bunker Hill where they
were thrown back.
The upsurge of fighting north-
west of Seoul came as Allied
planes and artillery turned loose
a tornado of fire on the Chinese
victors atop Old Baldy, 25 miles
to the northeast. Pilots said they
did not see how any Chinese
could have lived through the
around-the-clock pounding.
AT LEAST 750 Chinese Reds
hit Bunker Hill, which like Old
Baldy guards an invasion route to
Seoul. They met such stern re-
sistance that the fighting there
apparently was over by midnight
yesterday, field reports said.
Unestimated numbers of Chi-
nese hit nine other outposts in
the Bunker Hill sector late yes-
terday or early this morning,
but most of these attacks ended
quickly with the Allied lines
holding firm.
Hand-to-hand fighting still was
reported raging yesterday, how-
ever, at two other outposts on
that far western sector.
Allied fighter-bombers and-night
bombers, with the help of furious
cannonading from U. S. 7th Divi-
sion batteries, turned Old Baldy
into a sea of flames after the last
Americans pulled off the strategic
height yesterday.
* * *
were taking a fearful pounding,
and front reports indicated few
of the 350 Reds last reported hold-
ing the height could have sur-
In Tokyo, Gen. Mark Clark, Far
East commander, told correspon-
dents he did notrconsider the loss
of Old Baldy serious, but he was
concerned with Seventh Division
casualties, which have been severe.
Clark said there was no indi-
cation the new Red attacks fore-
shadowed a major spring offen-
sive by the Communists.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Secretary Ben-
son yesterday proposed a $131,-
400,000 cut in the $1,325,200,000
Agriculture Department budget
submitted to Congress by former
President Truman.
The 10 per cent reduction would
mean a payroll cut of the equiva-
lent of 3,454 full-time jobs.
WASHINGTON - Secretary
of State Dulles told Premier
Rene Mayer and other French
leaders yesterday that the Unit-
ed States supports their aim of
wiping out the Communist-led
revolt in Indochina as soon as
HELMSTED, Germany - Blam-
ing a weakened bridge, East Ger-
man Communists raised a road

barrier on heavy freight between
isolated West Berlin and West
Germany last night, barring all
trucks weighing over 12 tons -from
crossing over the Elbe River at
* * *
Hammett, who has solved many a
mystery in his detective stories,
told Senate investigators in effect
yesterday that they would have to

Chairman Hoffman (R-Mich.)
of the House Government Opera-
tions Committee said he plans a
probe of charges that "CIO goon#
squads" usurped control of the
Rep. McCormack of Massachu-
setts, assistant Democratic lead-
er, struck back that such an in-
quiry would be "purely partisan."
State Democratic Chairman Neil
Staebler in a statement essential-
ly the same as the one he gave
The Daily Tuesday, yesterday sent
party congressmen from Michigan
a letter warning against 'an in-
Weather Service
Second semester seniors and
graduate students who are inter-
ested in applying for post-grad-
uate training as United States Air
Force weather officers may attend
a meeting at 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
today in the Union.

Arts Theater
To Open Play
Set in the atmosphere of the
wild Irish country-side, the Arts
Theater's first production of John
Millington Synge's "Playboy o
the Western World" will open at
8:30 p.m. today at the theater
2092 E. Washington.
In order to recreate Synge's vil-
lage life, a highly realistic set will
be used. Bread, chicken, cakes and
little brown jugs will flavor the
performance which takes place u
a combination general store and
LEN ROSENSEN, director of the
play, sees it as a satiric indict-
ment against society, closely par-
alleling Voltaire's "Candide." Like
the theater's recent production o
"Oedipus Rex" the plot of Synge's
play deals with a family killing.
Hy Berman, business manager o
the group, announced that because
of the forthcoming spring vaca-
tion, students interested in see-
ing the play will only be able t
do so for a week, since the pro.
duction is scheduled to close th
second week in April.
TERESA HUGHES, who is the
latest addition to the theater's
cast, will play the role of Pegen
Mike. Miss Hughes' professiona
background includes acting roles
with the World Stages compan
of Detroit and with the Hedgerow
Theater of Moylen, Pa.
Cast as the playboy is Jerry
Richards, who was last seen a
Creon in Oedipus. Beth-Sheva
Laiken will play the Widow Quinn
and Ken Rosen will portray Ol
Mahon, the playboy's father.
SDATees Plans

STUDENT poetry and fiction Two CandidateS
will be read at 2:30 p.m. tomor- To Present Views
row in the Round-up Rm. of the
League. Readings will be given by
student writers. Hayden J. Hatch and Thomas
Final event of the festival is N. Robinson, Democratic candi-
scheduled for 8 p.m. tomorrow dates for the Board of Regents,
in Schorling Auditorium, Un- will express their views on educa-
versity High School. The evening tion at 4:15 p.m. today in an open
program will consist of a dance meeting in the Union.

suite, an opera and a play.
Choreography for the dance
number was done by Robin Squier,
'54. Henrietta Hermelin, '55, and
Miss Squier will dance to the
music by Doppmann.
The opera, which has already
been commissioned for a per-
formance at the Cincinnati Mu-
sic Symposium at the Cincinnati
School of Music, was composed
by Karl Magnuson. This is the
first time that a student opera
will be performed on campus.

Both Hatch and Robinson are
graduates of the University's Law
School. Hatch is a former member
of the State Legislature. Robin-
son is a former circuit commis-
A question period will follow
each candidate's speech.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
address a Democratic rally at 8
p.m. today in the Masonic Tem-
ple. Candidates for all Democratic
state offices will be present.

Union Constitution Up for Approval

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with the revised Union con-
stitution which will be presented as
a referendum to male students in
the all-campus elections Tuesday
and Wednesday.)
Ratification of the proposed
Union constitution in the all-cam-
pus elections Tuesday and Wednes-
day will provide the Union with
its first completely revised set of
rules since 1942.
The result of 16 months of pro-
posals, revisions and amendments.
the new document will in essence
nrvienmrnfi1f!, fc~ih1lP ri-, n

be submitted to the voting mem-
bers of the Union at a special
meeting held at the time of the
Union Open House in March,
At the highly successful meeting
the necessary quorum of 400 was
obtained and all three changes
were okayed.
*p * *
THE FIRST of the amendments
was designed to remove the stum-
bling block of a three-fourths
vote of a quorum of 400 members
required to make a constitution

TO DO THIS the number of
vice-presidents was changed from
six to seven with one vice-presi-
dent from the combined Schools of
Medicine and Dentistry, one from
the Law School and the remaining
five elected at large by the Hate
It was felt that because the
Law School and Medical School
were more widely separated from
the undergraduate divisions of
the campus, they should be al-
lowed to elect their own vice-
The third change, making the
hiahPcl-,'onlrin a - ma in n-,nha,.r f

f U' Po fessors Answer
Queries on Democracy
e (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of two articles dealing with democracy
Yesterday's article presented the University students' opinions of the term.)
2 How do University faculty members define democracy?
s In answer to a series of Daily inquiries, it was found that few
l had any ready definition, while those who did comment showed
s less variety in their interpretations than did the students previously
y questioned.
v* * * *
PROF. WILLIAM Frankena, chairman of the philosophy de-
Y partment, termed democracy "a*--- - --- --
s society in which government is of Preston Slosson of the history de-
a and for the people and by the ma- partment defined democracy.
I jority of them and their repre- * *
d sentatives." PROF. KENNETH E. Boulding
"In this society," he said, "it is of the economics department add-
recognized that the individual has ed that democracy includes the
certain rights, such as those in- process of reaching 'agreement
thi niioi-i nnzvra~inc ~anAdis-


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