PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY .' I U"' BEHIND THE LINES A Question of Black and White By CAL SAMRA "Young happens to be a fraternity man," Daily Editorial Director I interjected, "but he's not a racist. He's 'ALL FRATERNITY men and sorority wo- against bias clauses." men are reactionaries, racists, and mim- "You're all racists . . ." (By this time, ics of the Ku Klux Klan." American society in its entirety had under- The young man from Nigeria looked up gone vehement damnation.) at us with imploring eyes and demanded We were, to say the least, bewildered. that we print his letter to the editor, which' contained, among other absurdities, the After another exchange, he finally went above observation. Object of his wrath away brooding. His letter had been both was the "African Safari" show, slated to libelous and inaccurate, and couldn't be be presented at Skit Night on Saturday. published. He had seen the "African Safari" show We wondered how many -more like him beforehand, apparently, and concluded that there are in the world. it's a gross misrepresentation of African * life. Therefore, by some strange twist of -QUOTES OF THE WEEK- logic, "all fraternity men and sorority wo- DICK CURRY in the March issue of the men are reactionaries, racists, and mimics March issue of the Michigan Technic: of the Ku Klux Klan." "In his daily work, the engineer does not We reminded him that a large number need culture. This may seem obvious, but of independents were also participating in yet many other professions do require a man Skit Night. of some culture." That didn't matter. They were racists, C. P. TRUSSELL writing in the New too, he insisted. York Times: "Earl Browder, former head He admitted that 'he hadn't seen any of the Communist Party in the United white-robed terrorists on horseback lately, States, refused today to testify whether but then proceeded to shower us with a bar- he was now or ever had been a Com- rage of-abuse. munist. . . Between tirades, we gathered that: "The MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE STUDENT Daily is a racist newspaper. You (Crawford in a local pub: "Ya know, I'm getting tired Young) are a racist. And you (Samra) are of State. There ain't enough bourgeois cul- also a racist," he imprecated, pointing an ture down there. That's why I come up here accusing finger at us. occasionally. Hope some of it rubs off." "Yes, but ..." Source of Michigan culture for him is a "Reactionaries! . . . little lassie at Stockwell Hall. DRAM MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP ... cCellepj to te &ifor .. f -- - - - - - - - Disgusted . ..0 "Of Course, At Lydia Mendelssohn . . RIGHT YOU ARE IF YOU THINK YOU ARE, presented by the speech depart- ment. IRANDELLO, like Ibsen and Shaw, is often dismissed by the mhodern playgoer as a mere ideologist, interested in philoso- phy to the exclusion of more tangible theat- rical values. Worse yet, his ideas are ac- cused of being second-rate. Last night's pro- duction, though deficient in many respects, shows him absolved on both coints. His ideas are undeniably familiar-the clash between illusion and reality has im- mediately concerned thinking men in all ages. Good art, from The Odyssey to the recent Japanese film Rashomon, has always attempted to examine the nature of human illusions and find j a justification for them. Pirandello's attempt, however, is made on his own terms; his examination illuminates the problem in a new way, and his justifi- cation has the force of a conviction honestly arrived at. The play embodying these ideas shares their intergrity. A man in a provincial Ital- ian town keeps his wife in one establish- ment, his mother-in-law in another. Pub- lie opinion is aroused; the man is some sort of sadist surely, or at least mildly depraved. So by the process of free inquiry, that venerable democratic ideal, they de- termine to find out the Truth. Tearing off one veil of appearance after another, they find that the mother-in-law must be mad, then just as certainly that the husband is the culprit. The only "fact" they are ultimately left with is that love is a powerful, jealous, and necessary guard- ian of the secret happiness of the human heart. John Haney and Carolyn Krigbaum pre- sent the central paradox, the conflict be- tween mother and son-in-law with the power it requires. Miss Krigbaum gets across a sense of the old lady's weakness and de- ference to public opinion while retaining an invincible inner core against all coercion. The role of the son-in-law needs a nicely balanced change of apparent attitude, from wrath to desperate defiance, which Haney ofte~n obscures. In slighting these transi- tions, he is left with an almost uniform agi- tation which sacrifices some of the play's subtlety and consequently its comedy. Nev- ertheless, his performance is commendable in tha't he does create an atmosphere of feverish importance around the problem which encloses all the characters. It is the rest of the cast, upon whom the burden of the comedy rests, which lets the play down rather badly. Anthony Georgi- las, as Laudisi, the detached, ironic com- mentator, weakens his -part by playing it in- consistently. A combination of Greek chorus and Shakesperean fool, the role requires a wry elegance which Georgilas often aban- dons, to become an over-extravagant critic. Spontaneity, that first of all qualities that parlor comedy must simulate, was con- spicuously absent from the roles of the prob- ing townspeople. In the original Italian, these parts undoubtedly had a blithe, chat- tering, magpie aura about them. Zelda Ben- owitz approached this kind of performance, but few others did. In the last act, the town's governor appeared; for some strange reason Joel Sebastian played him as a fantastic caricature, wholly out of step with the. kind of thing everybody else was attempting. The play's virtues often shone through, but for the most part the actors seemed at cross purposes with themselves and the play- wright. -Bob Holloway A NEW APPROACH to the Kremlin, to seek a Korean settlement and for other purposes, is being actively debated at the highest levels of the Eisenhower admin- istration. The debate-started in the turmoil fol- lowing the death of Stalin. The change of regime in Moscow caused an almost unprecedented stir here in Washington. Intelligence and other experts were drag- ged from their week-end pleasures. Ad hoc committees were appointed all over the place. The general view was that Stalin's death presented a great oppor- tunity, because of the inevitable uncer- tainty and confusion in Moscow. But there was little agreement on how the oppor- tunity ought to be exploited. According to a reliable report, C. D. Jack- son, President Eisenhower's psychological warfare adviser, took the lead in propos- ing a major, formal new approach to the Kremlin at this time. The idea soon took several forms, ranging all the way from a plan for a meeting of President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Malen- kov and Prime Minister Churchill, with the possible addition of a French representa- tive, to a project for a full-dress note to Moscow, declaring our own peaceful inten- tions and testing the intentions of the Krem- lin. As can be seen, these earlier forms of the scheme for a new approach to the Krem- lin had more than a tinge of psychological warfare. The aim was to achieve results if pos- sible, by an approach made in all sin- cerity. But the aim was also to demon- strate the insincerity of the Kremlin's renewed peace offensive, if the American approach should be rejected or should fail in the end. The scheme is known to have awakened the lively interest of the President. Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles is also said to have given it a friendly reception in the first instance. But the State Department as a whole objected strongly to the manner, if not the matter, of the proposed new ap- proach. The formality and the publicity- both needful from the standpoint of psy- chological warfare-were the aspects par- ticularly condemned. In the view of the State Department, for- mal and public negotiations with the Soviet Union almost never get results, whether con- ducted by note, or in the UN forum, or at special international conferences. If the de- sire is to achieve a Korean settlement or other solid gains, the department argues that the quietest possible diplomatic chan- nels are the right channels to use. Second, the department argues that any suggestion of Soviet-American talks at this time will be the death-knell of the European army and the new status of Germany. Secretary Dulles has made "sub- stantial progress" with the European army the prime test of Europe's good will. Even now, the French Foreign Minister, Georges Bidault, is stated to be intriguing with thge followers of Gen. DeGaulle to block the European army. The French, par- ticularly, will drag their feet indefinitely, if they have the excuse that the status of Germany may soon be directly discussed with the Soviet Union. Third, the department also argues that any direct overture from Eisenhower to Mal- enkov will be a gift from heaven to the new Soviet Prime Minister, amounting, in ef- fect, to the highest kind of recognition of Malenkov's standing as Stalin's heir. While all these pros and cons are being elaborately weighed in Washington, there are numerous and very interesting signs that an American overture might be wel- come in Moscow. The famous "Hate-Amer- ica" campaign was actually suspended, for the first time in months, for the ten days after Stalin's death. It has now been re- newed. Meanwhile, however, the theme of co-existence is being unusually strongly stressed, as instanced by the recent and astonishing Moscow reference to the suc- cess of the war-time alliance of this country, Britain and Russia. Then too, the Soviet commander in Germany, Gen. Chuikov, positively ex- pressed "regret" at the death of the crew of the British plane shot down in Ger- many. Meetings to avoid fur-ther incidents on the air borders have also been sug- gested. And Malenkov himself went out of his way, in his inaugural speech, to declare his willingness to talk peace with anybody, including this country. In dealing with Russia, to be sure, most, Westerners tend to be too much like poor Alice Ben Bolt, who "trembled with joy when given a smile andburst into tears Oat a frown." Yet it is also entirely logical for Malenkov and his colleagues in the Krem- lin to want to ease world tensions for a while, "'and so to gain time to find their own feet. The Kremlin may only be preparing an- other propaganda note of its own. But it may also be ready to pay a solid price, such as 9, Korean settlement, in order to gain a breathing spell. The possibility certainly deserves to be explored. In the present phase, sending Charles E. Bohlen to Moscow with- out further delay seems the most promising To the Editor: TO A GOOD marny people, it is disgusting to read The Daily. It is hard to recall an issue which carried a decent political cartoon, or which did not contain an il- logical lament as regards l'affaire Rosenberg. The Daily cartoons have por- trayed McCarthy as an unshaven hoodlum, a bat, and a black wolf. Jenner was added later. Then a third-Velde. Rep. Jackson (Cal.) has spoken out against Commun- ism, and more than likely The, Daily cartoons will add a fourth wolf. Infiltration has been shown in our government departments, our labor unions, our educational in- stitutions-why is it so difficult to believe that Communists are at work in our churches? As for the Rosenberg letters, I cite Mr. Manzo's letter on March 18 as an example. What in Mr. Manzo's letter deserves to be print- ed? To Mr. Manzo, the judge was a "legal non-entity"; "unfortun- ately" the jury was composed of "ordinary citizens"; the appeal judges were "improperly educat- ed"; and members of the Supreme Court were "legal novices." This letter is so ridiculous .in its logic that it strikes me as a joke-- yet Mr. Manzo's appeal for the Rosenbergs is not consistent. My humble apologies to Mr. Manzo if the jocular vein (if this be the case) did not achieve its, purpose. It's time for the so-called"free- thinking" Americans to wake up to this Communistic line of at- tack. Wake up America. In our country, the only one who needs to fear the law is the criminal. The only one who needs to fear a Com- munist investigation is the Com- munist. No person of integrity ever fears a character investigation, or even resents it. He welcomes it. --Norman R. Goulet, Grad. * * * 'The Communist Mind' To the Editor: IF ANY ONE phrase can char- acterize a certain segment of American thinking today, the term "hysterical mind" undoubt- edly fits. An excellent example of "the hysterical mind" was the ar- ticle by Prof. Grace in Sunday's Daily. For under normal condi- tions Prof. Grace, I am quite sure, would never write and the Daily It Wasn't One Of Perforniances" My Bigger Carthy seem to me to present quite a contrast. This seems to reflect the typi- cally indiscriminate type of an- alysis of conservative Republicans that Mr. Mossner has been noted for in the past. Taft, by the way, did not hesitate to put McCarthy in his place after his disgrace- ful charges against Bohlen. Mr. Mossner's interpretation of the GOP policy, concerning the Chinese Nationalists, is totally false. No Republican including myself ever advocated an immed- iate Nationalist invasion of the mainland. The Nationalist sold- iers are indeed insufficiently arm- ed. This is precisely because under the Truman-Acheson foreign pol- icy, they were given military aid only recently and in inadequate amount. I still believe, however, that a Nationalist invasion of the mainland can be considered as a long-range proposition, provided that shipments of arms to For- mosa are stepped up. It should be pointed out that Mr. Mossner's great idol, Adlai Stevenson, seemed to imply what I am advocating. He praised the fitness of the Nationalist soldiers, cited improvements in Chiang's re.. gime,." approved of Eisenhower's action releasing the Nationalists for harassing raids on the coast, and referred to the "historic role in the Far East" that the Nation- alist government would some day play.- would never publish such eclectic nonsense. What did Prof. Grace do? He tried to explain the so-called 'Communist Mind" by not even discussing the theory on which it is based. Instead he relied entirely on the wisdom, insight and pers- picacity of one. Richard Hooker, who happened to live 250 years be- fore the birth of the Communist Manifesto. Thus, with this, one great discovery Prof. Grace can- didly dismissed the ideological ba- sis of Marxism. Yet, I am quite sure. that Prof. Grace knows that the tremendous growth and acceptance of Marxism by millions of people (including individuals even as well educated as Prof. Grace) can not be so eas- ily explained. For if the answer were so simple, the tide of com- munism would have receded long1 ago. Prof. Grace himself admits the error of his logic by concluding "one argument and one argument only is convincing. The argument, is force." If communism has grownI DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, to such an extent that it can only be fought with force, then Prof. Grace surely owes it to his readers t~o show why and how it has so grown. Surely he, as a political scientist, ought to know that it could not have expanded unless the objective conditions of our so- ciety furnished fertile ground for that expansion. Yet this he did not discuss. It is indeed regrettable that to- day we find college professors pub- licly advocating the dubious philo- sophy' that the "end justifies the means." For the advocacy of force is an advocacy of this philosophy. But, perhaps, this should not be surprising in the America of "the hysterical mind." --Ed. Shaffer McCarthy .. . To the Editor: MR. CONVERSE says of Sena- tor McCarthy "They claim people have been slandered by him-off-hand I can't think of one person who has been unjustly accused." Possibly your corres- pondent has not heard of a cer- tain obscure individual, who dir- ected victory in the Second World War, and later became Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense -George Marshall. McCarthy's charges of treasonable and com- munistic sympathies against Mar- shall were so notorious that there was much speculation whether Eisenhower, who admires Marshall, could bring himself to support McCarthy last year, in spite of the desperate need for Republicans in the Senate. Certainly all this re- ceived considerable publicity for' several months running, but pos- sibly Mr. Converse was asleep all through 1952. -Preston Slosson * * Levenberg Defense .. . To the Editor: AM REPLYING to Mr. Moss- ner's letter because I feel that the false and irresponsible state- ments that he made about Sen- ator Taft, the Republican party and myself cannot be ignored. First, I am not a rabble rouser and not a supporter of Senator McCarthy's statements and ac- tions. I am proud to admit, how- ever, that I am a great admirer of Taft. Second, Mr. Mossner has shown great audacity to bracket togeth- er two men of such totally dis- similar character as Taft and Mc- Carthy. Taft is a man of the high.. est ability and stature. The foul and reckless tactics of Joe Mc- ( I -Ed Levenberg, Grad. * * * ' brew Pearson.. To the Editor: W HRV radio station announced that unless there was suffi- cient response through post cards and letters, Drew Pearson would go off the air this week. One re- port has it that because one of the large movie-making compan- ies which merged with ABC does not like Drew Pearson's political analysis, his contract is not being renewed or being held on a sus- taining basis. Please write or call WHRV to keep Drew Pearson on the air. -Blue Carstenson * * * Bottom Aching ... To the Editor: T° S.L. candidates: We propose that the S. L. Cin- ema Guild show its movies in Aud- itorium A and thus do away with the problem of uncomfortable seats! --Paula Kessel, '54 --Marlene Rothenberg, '54 4 (Continued from Page 2) ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON J WASHINGTON - President Eisenhower confessed to visiting congressmen the other day that he was having trouble cut- ting the budget. "I guess it's a lot easier to balance the budget on the stump," blurted Ohio's brash Congressman Wayne Hays, referring to Eisenhower's campaign speeches on government economy. The President's friendly grin suddenly froze. "I never promised either to balance the budget or reduce taxes during the campaign," he said gravely. "I campaigned against waste in government, and I told my asso- ciates throughout the campaign that the issue % was waste, not necessarily lower taxes . -IKE'S TAXES- PRESIDENT Eisenhower, like everybody else last week, was complaining about high taxes. Only he was more private about it. He told an aide that the high taxes made it almost impossible for him to make both ends meet. Ike was especially unhappy be- cause Congress now makes him pay taxes on his $54,000 expense money while Presi- dent Truman got his expense money tax- free. Because of this change, Ike claimed he's paying an additional $39,000 a year in taxes. Despite all this, however, he's still against cutting taxes until the budget is balanced. much at home in the White House. One was Democratic Congressman Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, whose father lived there longer than any other President in history. The other was GOP Congressman William Harrison of Wyoming, grandson of President William Henry Harrison. Both, however, got a big thrill attending a "get-acquainted" luncheon with Ike and 18 House colleagues. When Ike modestly began asking young Roosevelt some questions about the White House interior, remarking that the New Yorker was a long-time occupant in his youth, Roosevelt hastened to explain: "Actually, I wasn't here too much when fattier was President. I was away at school and then went into the Navy." Another guest at the luncheon, Demo- cratic Congressman Harley Staggers of West Virginia, couldn't resist getting in a friendly rib about the way Capitol Hill Republicans have been opposing some of Eisenhower's legislative proposals. "Mr. President, we're all having a grand time at these luncheons you have been giv- ing members of Congress," said Staggers, impishly. "I'm sure the luncheons are con- tributing to bipartisan understanding. If you keep it up, you'll probably get the sup- port of your own party in Congress. Ike started to reply,.thought better of it, then broke into a hearty laugh. -MERRY-GO-ROUND- T'TRTRNNmWmWP airir pna mniain that v- will speak on "The Silver-Salt Reac- tion." Geometry Seminar. Thurs., Mar. 26. 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. R. Buchi will continue his talk on "Gewebe and Groups." Concerts University of Michigan Symphony Or- chestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its annual spring cpncert at 8:30 Thursday evening, Mar. 26, in Hill Auditorium. It will open with Toc- cata by Frescobaldi, followed by Hinde- mith's "Mathis der Maler" Symphony. Debussy's Le Martyre de Saint Sebas- tien. Fragments Symphoniques, will open the second helf of the program, and Rimsky-Korsakoff's Russian Eas- ter Overture will conclude it. The con- cert will be open to the public without charge. Events Today Industrial Relations Club presents Mr. Foster Shoup, Director of Training, Kaiser-Frazer Corp., and Mr. Frank Murray, Co-ordinator of Out-plant In- dustrialnRelations,rKaiser-Frazer Corp., discussing industrial relations prob- lems and practices as applied in in- dustry today, this evening at 7:30 p.m. in 165 Business Administration School. Open to the public. All interested stu- dents rare urged to attend. Congregational Disciples Guild. Break- fast discussion groups on meditation and prayer, 7 to 8 a.m. Mid-Week medi- tation in Douglas Chapel, 5:05 to 5:30 p.m. Hillel. All student solicitors for the U.J.A., please get your cards into Hil- lel as soon as possible. very important that they are turned in soon. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign studentsandAmerican friends from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Miss Barbara Grant, of the American Friends Service Com- mittee, will be a guest and will talk to students about the summer progran of the American Friends Service Commit- tee. Modern Poetry Club Meeting at 8 p.m. at the League. Room will be post- ed. Discussion of Dylan Thomas' poetry. There will be recordings of Dylan Thom- as reading the following poems: Fern Hill, Child's Christmas in Wales, .Do Not Go Gentle, In the White Giant's Thigh, Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait, Ceremony After a Fire Raid, Poem in October, In My Craft or Sullen Art. Anyone interested is welcome. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Gilbert and Sullivan. Trial by Jury teria,dUnion. All interested studentsj invited. 1 Kappa Phi. Supper in the Upper Room will be at 5:15. Members and pledges will not want to miss this meeting. Xf Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will hold its spring Invitational Tea in the West Conference Room, Rackham Build- ing at 7:30 p.m. Coming Events Social Work Progress Institute, aus- pices of the School of Social Work, its alumni, and the Michigan State Coun- cil, A.A.S.W., Rackham Building, Fri., March 27. Registration, third floor, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Opening session, 10:30 a.m., Lecture Hall Section meetings. I, Culture Conflict be- tween Worker and Client in Case Work Practice; Dr. Otto Pollak, As- sociate Professor of Sociology, Uni-* versity of Pennsylvania, speaker, II, Case Work with Families Having Martial and Parent-Child Conflicts; Dr. Flor- ence Hollis. Professor of Social Work, New York School of Social Work, speaker. III, Role Relations among Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Social Work- ers, and Clinical Psychologists; Dr. Alvin F. Zander, Program Director, Research Center for Group Dynamics, speaker, 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Section meetings resumed, 2:00 p.m. Coffee hour, 4:00 p.m. Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, 'Fri., Mar. 27, 8 p.m. Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak on "The Sun, Our Nearest Star." After the illustrated lec- ture in 2003 Angell Hall. the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic observation of the Moon and Saturn, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the telescopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil- dren are welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Acolytes, the University of Michigan philosophy club, will meet Fri., Mar. 27, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Pro- fessor Everett Nelson, Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Ohio State University will read a paper entitled "The Pre-suppositions of the Verifica- tion Theory of Meaning," The public is invited. Wesley Foundation. "Three For all" Operas, Banquet, and Dance. Starting at 6:15 p.m., Social Hall, Methodist Church, Fri., Mar. 27. Hillel Foundation. Following Fri- day evening services at 7:45, Dr. Val- eria Juracsek will speak on "What Makes for a Successful Marriage." Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer- sity Museums, "Crayfish," "Biography of a Fish," "Life Along the Waterways," Fri., Mar. 27, 7:30 pn.m, Kellogg Audi- Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young........Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra..... .... Editorial Director Zander Hollander .......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.........Associate City Editor Harland Britz.......... Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor. John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler......W..Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer Business Staff Ai Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising -Manager iane Johnston ..Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg...Finance Manager Harlean Hankin ... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all othe. matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year, by carrier. $6.00: by mail $7.00. 1 ° Little Man On Campus by Bibler yk _,, .' // / r/ n% a X ^ R .te 1 f / / A