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March 24, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-24

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Latest Deadline in the State





UAW Increases*
Local 600 'Incident' One of Causes
For Revision of Union Constitution
By The Associated Press
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-The big CIO United Auto Workers union
tightened up its anti-communist, anti-racketeering provisions yester-
day by giving the international union power to go over local union
heads and put members to trial.
The controversial changes in the UAW constitution swept through
the union's convention by a majority of five to one, or better.
ONE OF THE biggest spurs behind the movement was the Ford
Local 600, in which five members had been ousted from office as
subservient to Communists, only to be cleared when the local's general

CIO Cited

As Running
April Tentative
Date for Probe
John Feikens, chairman of the
Republican State Central Com-
mittee, charged last night that
the CIO controls Michigan's Dem-
ocratic Party.
Contacted at his Grosse Pointe
home, Feikens told The Daily,
"There is no such thing as a Dem-
ocratic Party in Michigan" and
that Gov. G. Mennen Williams "is
a captive of the CIO."
* *~ *
EARLIER yesterday he termed
"irresponsible" a statement by
Democratic Central Committee
chairman Neil Staebler attacking
a proposed congressional investiga-_
tion of 1950 Democratic district
conventions in Wayne County.

Spring Purge
MT. CLEMENS, Mich.-(A1)--
An estimated 150 high school
students skipped classes yester-
day and paraded with banners
demanding the ouster of a
Principal Harold E. Jones
blamed it all to "spring fever"
and "false reports." He said
the incident wasn't being taken
Target of the student dem-
onstration was Miss Alberta
Wilson, moderator of theMt.
Clemens high school student
council. The strikers sent a
five-man committee to Jones
demanding her ouster. He re-
jected the demand.
Union Tells
Appointments to the Union sub-

April Draft C
Call To Hit
Teenagers e
Men of 19 To Fill
Third ofQuota
WASHINGTON - ( 0) -- At least
one out of every three men drafted
for military service next month
will be under 20 years old, an As-
sociated Press survey showed yes-
The proportion may be much
THE SURVEY of state selective
service directors also showed:
1. Forty-one states and the
District of Columbia will take
19-year-olds -in April with 14
of the states doing so for the
first time since World War II.
Perhaps New Jersey and Ten-
ressee will have to. The five that
won't are Alabama, Maryland,
South Carolina, Vermont and Vir-



of Year

aviest Blow

West Korean Front

Final Rites
To BeHeld
Funeral services for Prof. Harry
Bouchard, of the engineering
school will be held at 3:30 p.m.
' Prof. Bouchard died suddenly
Saturday afternoon of a heart

4>council threw out the verdict. The
five were later removed when the
International UAW placed an ad-
ministrationship over the local.
The constitutional changes
adopted would have made that
task much simplier. Walter P.
Reuther, International Presi-
dent, claimed 10 to 1 victory for
the changes, said they were de-
signed to protect the union
against "small groups trying to
undermine it."
He named the groups as: 1.
Communists, Fascists or Nazis or
persons subservient' to them. 2.
Racketeers and gangsters. 3. Offi-
cers involved in fraud cases.
NO MEASURE to oust Com-
munists from membership in the
union is planned for the conven-
tion. The new measures apply to
persons running for office-even
if they are defeated-as well as
officers themselves.
Thus they could be applied
to the five former Local 600 of-
ficers if the convention gives
them the right to run for office
again, as it might well do.
Two frequent Reuther critics,
John De Vito of Cleveland and
Walter Quillico of Local 600, led
the opposition to the amendments.
Yesterday in Los Angeles an-
other crackdown on Communists
took place when the House Com-
mittee on Un-American Activi-
ties opened a clean-up investiga-
tion of possible communist infil-
tration into the entertainment,
legal, newspaper and medical
The first witness, Danny Dare, a
dance director, testified the Com-
munists denied they advocated vio-
lent overthrow of the government
when they enlisted him for mem-
bership, -but he now thinks they
r would do anything to accomplish
their ends-"including that."
SL Jobs Open.
In BookStore
Students interested in putting
business experience to work as
manager or assistant manager of
i the Student Legislature Student
Book Exchange can file applica-
tions for the jobs before March
31 at the SL Bldg.
Interviews will be held begin-
ning at 7 p.m. March 31 for the
managerial positions.
Work on the jobs begins im-
mediately after spring vacation
although registration week and
the first two weeks of the fall term
consume the most time.

committee studying the presentjg nia,
position of the Union building pro- 12Thirteen tates and the Dis-

Staebler hit plans for an Ject were announced yesterday byI
Easter vacation probe recom- Union President, Bill Jentes, '55L.
mended by Rep. Clare Hoffman Those named to the four man
(R-Mich.) into charges by Rep, committee were Dean of Men Wal-
Charles G. Oakman (R-Mich.) ter B. Rea, T. Hawley Tapping,
of violence during the 1950 dis- alumni association secretary,Frank
trict conventions. C. Kuenzel, Union general man-
The Ann Arbor Democrat said, ager and Jentes.
"This investigation is a Republican *
device to divert the growing pub- AT THE FRIDAY meeting of the
lic awareness the Republican Par- Union Board of Directors the com-
ty has been taken over lock, stock mittee was also instructed to make
and patronage-by General Mot- aange with a similar

ors Corp."

, . .
attack just after arriving in Wash-
ington, D. C. by airplane to at-
tend a surveying conference.
HE JOINED the University fac-
ulty in 1918 and in 1938 took over
the job of director of the Univer-
sity's Camp Davis engineering
', camp in Wyoming. He received a
bachelor of civil engineeringde-
gree from the University in 1911.
From 1925 to 1928, he was
professor of railway engineering
at Paiyang University, Tientsin,
The author of many textbooks
on surveying, Prof. Bouchard was
a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta
Pi, Triangle and Vulcans engineer-
ing honorary society's, and Tri-
angle fraternity.
Burial will be in St. John's Cem-
etery, Ypsilanti, following services
in Muehlig Funeral Chapel. A re-
quest has been made that flowers
be omitted and controbutions be
made to the Michigan Heart As-
sociation memorial fund in De-

Hoffman, who heads the House
Government Operations Com-
mittee, was reported to be plan-
ning an April inquiry into
charges the CIO and Democratic
liberals forcibly took over con-
trol of the Democratic Party
through the district conventions.
Feikens said Staebler should
"disclose who really controls the
State Democratic Party" and "He
should explain just what he is
afraid of."
* * *
LOCAL Democrats were quick to
back Staebler however. Ann Arbor
chairman, Mrs. Grace Marck-
wardt, said although she could not
vouch for the state level, "the
local Democratic party owes noth-
ing to the CIO."
Young Democrat presid1ent, Blue
Carstenson, Grad., added, "The
Republicans have more to worry
about in terms of control by spec-
ial groups than the Democrats."
Hoffman said Sunday he nad
not arrived at a date for the De-
troit hearings but that if they are
held they will be either before or
during the Easter vacation, April
Included in the investigation will
be disputed charges that baseball
bats and guns figured in the tur-
bulent sessions Sepf. 20, 1950.
Student Killed
In Auto Crash
Tom Hail, '56E, was killed and
his companion Keith Olson, '56E,
driver of the car, was critically in-
jured in a two car collision at 2:45
a.m., Sunday at Plymouth and
Beech roads in Redford Township,
Police said driver of the other
car, Wesley T. Woodall of Flint,
was drunk at the time of the acci-
dent and failed to stop at the in-
tersection. He is being held in
Wayne County jail for investiga-
tion of manslaughter.
The students were on their way
home to Detroit when the acci-
dent occurred. They were. both
rushed to Wayne County Hospi-
tal. Hail was pronounced dead on
arrival, and Olson was later re-
leased at his parents' request.
"Tom was an Academic Co-
chairman in Taylor House and was
very active in the house activities,"
the associate adviser, Mrs. Virgin-
ia M. Harryman, said. He was a
pledge of Phi Gamma Delta fra-
There will be a private funeral
for Hail this morning.
'U' Ex-Professor
John Parker Dies
John C. Parker, professor of
electrical engineering at the Uni-
versity from 1915 to 1922, died yes-

League sub-committee for a joint
meeting of the Union and League
Boards in the near future.
According to Jentes the near-
est convenient date will fall
sometime after the spring vaca-
Appointment of the committee.
especially to study financial prob-
lems facing the rennovation and
building project, marked the sec-
ond major step in a renewed ef-
fort to make the Union physical
plant more adequate for student
Meanwhile, the time until the
joint meeting has been designated
by the Board as a "fact finding
Information and student opin-
ion will be gathered on finances,
any possible policy changes with
regard to the Union's place on
campus, management changes
arising from changes in policy and
the determination of needed facili-
Total cost of the project las
been estimated at about three mil-
lion dollars.
Cornell Dean

t -ict of Columbia will call 19-year-
cds to fill at least 50 per cent of
their April draft quota.
3. Probably all but two states-
Alabama and South Carolina-will
be taking 19-year-olds in May. The
Alabama director said it will be
June, perhaps later, before any are
drafted in his state. The South
Carolina director said he didn't
know when.
Probably the biggest number
will come from Illinois where the
state director estimated the "bulk"
of a 3,254 quota will be 19-year-
olds. Pennsylvania will need 2.-
500 of a 4,081 quota. California
comes third with about 2,000 of
No state will take all 19-year-
olds to fill their April call. But
Massachusetts with a 1,262 quota
will need "substantially all" such
men, as will Arizona with a 243
quota, the District of Columbia
with 218 and Oregon with 350.
More than 50 per cent of the
April quota will be 19-year-olds
in these other states: Arkansas,
Michigan, New Hampshire, Ne-
vada, New Mexico, Rhode Island
and Texas.
The present draft age Is 18% to
26. Since the draft started in
1948, draft boards have been tak-
ina the oldest first. Thev have

-Daily-Don Campbell
BACKSTAGE PRESENTATION-Arthur Fiedler, conductor of
the Boston "Pops" Orchestra, is seen accepting the position of
honorary Fire Chief for the city of Ann Arbor from actual Chief
Ben Zahn. Fiedler, who has received similar honors in many
of the nation's cities, was presented a certificate before last
night's performance in Hill Auditorium. Actively interested in
all the phases of fire prevention in his home city of Boston, Fied-
ler expressed pleasure for the recognition accompanying this
phase of his activities.
Campatgn Week Begins
with ManyOpen Houses
Campaign week has begun.
Eighty-odd candidates running for 48 posts in all-campus elec-
tions next Tuesday and Wednesday have by now mapped out almost
professional campaigns, attempting to out-poster and out-talk their
rivals. Plans go into effect this week.

UN Troops
Make Stand
At OldBaldy-
By The Associated Press
SEOUL - The Chinese Com-
munists launched their heaviest
attack in five months on the Ko-
rean Western Front early today
and were stopped cold except on
Old Baldy, where savage hand-to-
hand fighting was raging.
Field dispatches said initial re-
ports that Allied soldiers had been
driven off nearby Pork Chop'Hill,
3,000 yards west of Old Baldy, had
proved erroneous.
S* *
pondent Stan Carter on the front
said 3,500 Chinese struck in co-
ordinated waves last night.
Fighting was continuing on
the crest of Old Baldy which
guards the mairr invasion route
between Pyongyang, the Red
capital, and Seoul, 45 miles
The Chinese threw 500 to 750--
man attacks at Old Baldy, Pork
Chop and nearby T-Bone Hill
along a three-mile front.
Another battle raged at White
Horse Mountain, 11 miles north of
Old Baldy and just west of Chor-
* **
THE ALLIES crushed two at-
tacks on T-Bone Hill, adjoining
Pork Chop on the West and bat-
tled furiously on an outpost in the
White Horse mountain sector, 11
miles north of .Old Baldy.
Haze and clouds over North Ko-
rea curtailed the Allied air effort.
Although the attack was a
big one, early reports indicated
it was doubtful the Chinese in-
tended more than a limited of-
fensive at most.
The co-ordinated Red attacks
kicked off with comparatively
small thrusts Saturday night near
Old Baldy. Within a few hours,
they were built up to a massive
It was the largest Communist
attack since late last fall, when
fighting raged on Sniper Ridge
and Triangle Hill along the Cen-
tral Front.

worked d6wn through the 26 to the WHILE BIG CAMPAIGN issues are few this term, significant
20-year-olds and have drafted, positions are at stake in next week's balloting.
deferred, exempted or rejected al- They include 20 Student Legislature seats, four literary college
most all the men between thos senior class officers, four engineering college senior class posts, seven
ages. seo s _____
Union vice-presidencies, nine J-
Hop committee memberships, one
IFC To Elect Board in Control of Intercollegiate YD Leaders
Athletics position and three poss
on the Board in Control of Stu-S
ew O ff icers dent Publications.
Other than the omnipresent A


Prof. Lobanov Discusses
New Yugoslavia Policy

Interfraternity Council senior
officers for next year will be elect-
ed by the House Presidents As-
sembly at 7:15 p.m. today at the
Sigma Phi Epsilon House.
Candidates for the presidency
are John Baity, '53; Ken Cutler'
'54; Hank Crapo, '54; and C. A.1
Mitts, '54BAd.
Sam Siporin, '54, is a candidate
for executive vice-president, and
Monte Marshall, '54, is running for
the office of vice-president in
charge of personnel and admin-
istration. Dick Manchee, '54E, is
a candidate for treasurer.
K-F To Purchase
NEW YORK-(AP)-Kaiser-Fraz
er Corp. last night announced a
deal to buy the Willys-Overland
Motors, Inc., for an estimated
It is expected to be completed m
April, subject to approval by Wil-
lys-Overland common stockhold-

accumulations of culticolored
posters, candidates' chief means
of making their names and ideas
known are dinner speeches and
open houses.
Ten residence units have thus
far scheduled open houses for all
candidates. Present schedule is as
Chi Omega, 5 to 6 p.m. today;
Mosher Hall, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
today; Hinsdale House, East
Quadrangle, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
today; Alpha Delta Pi, 5 to 6
p.m. tomorrow; Jordan Hall,
6:15 to 7:15 p.m. tomorrow;
Martha Cook, 7 to 8 p.m. to-
Zeta Beta Tau, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
Thursday; Stockwell Hall, 6:15 to
7:15 p.m. Thursday; Yost League
House, 5 to 5:45 p.m. Thursday.
Women To Solicit
Red Cross Funds
Nine hundred women volunteers
in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti will
conduct a house-to-house cam-
paign Thursday night to solicit
funds for the 1953 Washtenaw
County Red Cross drive.

1 e o voters
Progress is being made toward

lowering the voting age in the * *v*
State from 21 years old to 18, MEANWHILE, the Moscow ra-
according to the State Central dio suddenly switched off its peace
Committee of Young Democrats. propaganda last night as it lashed
all out on the old line, declaring the
Thirty representatives from a West Germany Army is an in'stru-
over the State converged on Ann ment of American imperialism.
Arbor Sunday to hold their third It also charged that a U.S.
meeting of this year. A resolution I nlonhared ftht avU.S.
weather plane fired on by Soviet'

"It's like giving an aspirin to a
patient," Prof. Andrei Lobanov-
Rostovsky of the history depart-
ment remarked about Yugoslavia's
recent decision to abandon ner
system of forced industrial pro-
duction in favor of one recog-
nizing the profit motive in indus-
trial production.
Prof. Lobanov conjectured the
decision is similar to that taken
by the Soviet Union in 1921, when
Lenin loosened all restrictions tnd
reintroduced semi-private enter-
prise in order "to give a shot in
the arm to Soviet economy."
THE .NEW Economic Policy,
Prof. Lobanov said, had little re-
lation to the political principles
of the Communists, but was aimed
solely at balancing the budget and

41 1'


ivization of farms would be 'is-
* * *
PROF. LOBANOV also specu-
lated the relative poverty of cer-
tain sections of the country such
as Bosnia and Heregovnia and the
corresponding need for foreign in-
vestments might have affected the
new policy.
Officials in Belgrade remarked
Sunday the move was an at-
tempt to eliminate government
waste, and inefficiency and be-
cause it had been demonstrated
production was not increased
under a strict supervision. A
Communist party official was
reported as saying, "We are try-
ing capitalism without capital-
Prof. N. Marbury Effimenco of
t1'p ,-.id n cAniav' dA itnmjnt

NEW DEAN-Former University
student and instructor, Prof. Ed-
ward H. Litchfield, was ap)-
pointed Dean of Cornell's School
of Business and Public Admin-
istration over the weekend. Prof.
Litchfield received his AB in
1937 and his Ph.D. from the Uni-
versity in 1940. From 1940 to
1945 he taught here and at
Brown University.

to lower the membership age in ffghters March 15 off Kamchatka
Young Democrat clubs from 18:Peninsula
to 16 was passed and forwarded to wespitnry.
the national headquarters. Itrioy
And at the United Nations in
The delegates also heard Mrs. New York, the United States and
Margret Price, National Demo- Red Czechoslovakia clashed bitter-
cratic Committeewoman from ly yesterday over Communist
Michigan, give an address on "The charges of United States subver-
relation of Young Democrats to: sion against Iron Curtain coun-
the regular Democratic party." tries.
Mrs. Price told them, "It h E s a T
I -}-become clear the Democrats ha -e f1I i G T l
given women a part to play en the
policy-making level." She also said, n T S
"The way is open for the YD 'to n Ul
assume their part of leadersnip
in the State Democratic party.'
The parental role of the Uni-
Mrs. Price said she was "very versity will be discussed by Prof.
encouraged by the new activities Arthur Eastman of the English de-
of Young Democrats." Ipartment at 8 p.m. today in the


k i

Complex Causes for Student Interest Lag Seen

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
snd in a series of articles based on
a survey of campus organizations
with respect to their success or lack
of success in building membership.)
While Student Legislature and1
campus judiciaries work to pro- I

an overall campus lethargy but
the problem of getting students to
take on positions of governing
responsibility - positions which
are necessarily competitive.
To those who want to cure
the situation, the question im-
mdatea r mise.:wa i ts1

bination of the above and probably
additional factors.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
pointed out that the present in-
terest lag is "more obvious than
it has been for several years " Not-
ing the situation is "discouraging
from an ndministrative stand-

point where "immediacy of the
problem takes precedent over
significance of the value," Bar-
ker said.
According to Barker, the "sphere
of interest" outlines itself this
way: first come living concerns,
then weightier individual decisions

Union as the first talk in a'"For
your Information" series dealing
with civil rights and academic
The series is sponsored by the
Students for Democratic Action
and the Civil Liberties Committee
who have also scheduled a talk by
Prof. Henry D. Aiken, visiting pro-
fessor of philosophy, for April 16,
and a panel discussion by local
clergymen for May 12.
III C To Discuss



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