SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1953
Huron-Clinton Project
Hits Property Obstacle
Stiff opposition to the Huron-
Clinton Metropolitan Authority
has been encountered from arous-
ed owners of land along the Huron
River in Webster and Dexter
The owners are protesting the
acquisition of some 300 acres of,
land for a proposed parkway site
and the squabble appears headed'
for an all-out circuit court fight.]
3-D Showing
Set for April
Ann Arbor will receive its first.
taste of three dimensional films
April 9, local theater manager
Gerry Hoag announced yesterday.
"Bwana Devil" will be shown;
through April 15 to enable stu-,
dents returning from spring va-
cation todview thebjungle movie,
Hoag said. It will be followed la-;
ter this spring by another 3-D
film, "House of Wax."
Hoag added that the cost of
equipment and extra operators for
the two projectors would raise the
evening admission price to 98
He previously declined to re-
lease the date of "Bwana Devil's"
opening in case orders for costly
projection equipment were delay-
ed. The theater manager said,
however, that the special metallic
screen arrived and delivery of 25,-
000 polarized viewing glasses is
THE 3-D process is known as;
"Natural Vision," a new twist to
the old family and vaudeville
stereoscope techniques.
Two projectors are used to
throw separate images on the
screen. The light from each im-
age is polarized (filtered so that
it "vibrates" in only one plane
at right angles to the other im-
The viewer sees a different pic-
ture with each eye by wearing
glasses fitted with polarizing len-
ses. His brain then combines the
images into a three-dimensional
Three-D is no kin to Cinerama
which has been intriguing New
Yorkers for several months by
achieving the depth illusion with
a wide curved screen and three
Youths Face
A 17-year-old boy arrested by
Ypsilanti police Friday has been
named by police as the seventh
member of a teen-age gang which
comitted at least 18 burglaries in
the area during the past four
Menwhile, a 19-year-old Ann
Arbor youth, who was arraigned
in municipal court Friday and
waived examination at that time,
will face a circuit court hearing
He was involved in only one
burglary, according to Det. Marvin
0. Krans of the State Police.
In another circuit court case
set Tuesday two Manchester area
farmers will be examined on
charges of defrauding the Bureau
of Social Aid to secure more than
$1,000 in aid payments since 1949.
Eastman To Open
Civil Rights Series
Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
English department will speak on
the parental role of the University
at 8 p.m. Tuesday, in the Union.
Prof. Eastman's talk will be the
first in a "For your Information"
series dealing with civil rights and
academic freedom. The series is
sponsored by the Students for
Democratic Action and the Civil
Liberties Committee.
The two groups have also sched-
uled a talk by Prof. Henry D. Ai-
ken, visiting professor of philoso-
phy, for April 16. The series will
close May 12 with a panel of lo-
cal clergymen.
Sawyer To Speak
On AtomicEnergy
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
School of Graduate Studies will
speak on "Atomic Energy: Its In-
They have refused appraised of-
fers for their land from the au-
thority and have banned together
in the "Committee of Huron-Clin-
ton Property Owners" to fight con-
demnation proceedings.
. * * *
THE PROPOSED parkway, run-
ning along the Huron River from
Dexter northward to Bass Lake,
will be known as the "Hudson
Mills Metropolitan Forest" and is
part of a proposed 160-mile de-
velopment which will eventually
extend from St. Clair Metropoli-
tan Beech to Flat Rock.
University Vice-president Wil-
bur K. Pierpont said neither the
authority nor the owners have
approached the University con-
cerning its property south of
Bass Lake where the parkway
will run eastward for a short
The authority now owns 400
acres of the 730 acres it needs for
the Hudson Mills parkway, but
spokesmen for the authority claim
work cannot begin on the project
until it owns all 730 acres.
AFTER THE property owners
refused to sell their land, attor-
neys began condemnation proceed-'
ings in February against the sixty
holdouts in northwest Washtenaw
At the condemnation hearings
the owners asked that the pro-
ceedings be dismissed. They
claimed that "there was no ne-
cessity for the petitioner taking
the lands" and argued that the
authority already has "ample
land in Washtenaw and adjoin-
ing counties for recreational fa-
The issue will be tried in court
before a jury of property owners
which will be impanelled May 12.
Judge James R. Breakey, jr., sign-
ed the order calling for a jury
panel and indicated that a lengthy
trial is anticipated.
Judge Breakey said that the
jury will have to determine whe-
ther the authority needs the land
for public use and the value of the
land if they rule in favor of the
* * *
FOLLOWING A property own-
ers meeting, several objections
were raised to the parkway. One
landowner said that the authorityI
was, offering "farm" prices for
land which is now selling for "re-
sort" prices.
Events of the Week
The Boston "Pops" Tour Orchestra under Arthur Fiedler will pre-
sent the final concert in the Extra Concert Series at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
A lecture under the auspices of the student branch of the Ameri-
can Institute of Architects with a sound filmstrip on acoustical ma-
terials will be held at 4 p.m. in the Architecture Auditorium.
. * * *
The Annual Clinic on Savings and Loan Association Problems will
be held beginning at 10 a.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Registra-
tion will be at 9 a.m. in the Rackham Bldg. lobby.
"The Late Sonatas of Beethoven," will be discussed by Prof. Jo-
seph Brinkman of the music school at 4:15.p.m. in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
* * * *
Prof. Ernest Greenwood of the School of Social Work at the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh will talk on "Sociology, Social Science, and So-
cial Work," at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
"Some Recent Research in the Structure of English," will be the
subject of a University lecture by Henry Lee Smith, Jr., of the.De-
partment of State at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
The Speech department play "Right You Are If You Think
You Are," by Pirandello will'be presented at 8 p.m. today through
Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Henry Lee Smith, Jr., will address an open meeting of the
Linguistics Club on "Some Aspects of Metalinguistics," at 8 p.m. in
the East Conference Rm. of the Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Wayne Dunlap will conduct the University Symphony Or-
chestra in a concert at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
The Wolverun Derby will be held in the afternoon on E. Washing-
ton St., behind the Health Service.
The Social Work Progress Institute will hold meetings beginning
at 10:30 a.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
The SL Cinema Guild presents "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town," at
7 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 8 p.m. Sunday in the
Architecture Auditorium.
* * * *
The Union Skit Night will take to the stage at 8:30 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium with skits presented by Kappa Alpha Theta-Theta Xi,
Victor Vaughn-Delta Upsilon, Helen Newberry-Taylor House, and
Martha Cook-Zeta Beta Tau. Others participating will be Henderson
House-Delta Sigma Phi and Gamma Phi Beta-Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Campus Organizations Show
Varying Membership Trends
WU OM oasts Increasing
It all goes back to 1923.
That's when the electrical engineering department, convinced
that amplitude modulation wasn't here to stay, took their radio sta-
tion WCBC off the ether and tos'sed away their "AM" license.
University radio experts have been regretting it ever since. For
by the time the school opened its superbly-equipped, spanking-
modern WUOM in 1948, there was no more room for another AM
station on the southern Michigan dial-and WUOM has had to stick
with frequency modulation radio, "FM" to you, since then.
* *~ * * **
ACTUALLY, as WUOM officials emphasize, FM is much simpler,
better-sounding, and more static-free than AM techniques of broad-
casting. But somehow because AM was developed first, amplitude
modulation has continued to be the method used by the major net-
works. Consequently most listeners own AM radio receivers, while
relatively few own FM sets.
-Thus,, WUOM director Waldo Abbott estimates the direct
listening audience of his station as approximately 25,000. But
this doesn't begin to tell the real story.
* * * For WUOM has developed in
I many directions which serve to
extend the station's audience far
beyond its FM-imposed limits. Its
high-quality programs are heard
. regularly on 30 commercial sta-
tions throughout the state, by
transcription from WUOM's Ad-
ministration Bldg. And its pro-
ductions intermittently pop up on
- frequencies all over the United
States, through a distribution ar-
r rangement with the National As-
4 sociation of Radio Broadcasters.
BUT WUOM doesn't stop there,
for occasionally its programs are
g picked up by the Voice of America
for overseas broadcast.
* ~ ~Turning back to the local scene,
WUOM has also developed a size-
able listening audience in the Resi-
dence Halls, where quad radio net-
s works carry many of the Univer-
sity's programs as part of their
own broadcasting schedule. The
h:quad networks have been built up
by interested students with the
close cooperation and aid of
Such efforts have not gone
without recognition. The Uni-
versity station is currently rated
among the top six college sta-
tions in the United States and
has won two awards for excel-
lence from the Institute for
Education by Radio.
But WUOM is not resting or
past laurels. Currently it is ex-
panding its recording facilities. tc
meet the ever-increasing demand
from many stations for tapes. And
only last year the direct listening
audience ofaWUOM got a boost
ecessary, with home-made sound of 30,000 hearers with the acquisi-
tion of WFUM,
Others said
arise because
traffic to the
a problem would
of the increased
(Continued from Page 1)
Lack of personnel in the Inter-
Arts Union has forced the burden
of work upon executive members.
Both the IAU and Generation
magazine complain of a dearth
of creative writing efforts.
But for every organization
that shows a drop in member-
ship, another, if not several, or-
ganizations seem to be picking
u p . -
Residence hall and fraternity
groups, religious clubs, dramatic
and musical organizations and
recreational activities are on the
upgrade or at least holding their
President of the Interfraternity
Council Pete Thorpe, '53. reported
that IFC has more petitioners
than it can use.
Student Players drew 200 try~-
outs for its first 1952-53 season
production, and men students -
gave Union Opera "quite a re-
sponse" compared to last year.
University choirs director Prof.
Maynard Klein of the music school
claimed that choral groups are at
a "peak of activity" with 500 par-
G p *
GENERALLY, it appears debat-
able whether the present campus-
wide situation represents any great
sociological change from past
years, although trends away from
particular groups may be signifi-
Scarcity of men students, while
it has not hit the Union hard, has
drastically changed the personnel
picture at The Daily, the 'Ensian,
and to some extent the Student
Players, and the threat of a fu-
ture matriarchy hangs over sev-
eral co-ed groups.
SOUND EFFECTS-At the signal all bedlam can break loose if n
effects taking the feature spot.
In objecting to a proposed high-
way along the river, property own-
ers pointed out that there are al-
ready two roads roughly parallel-
ing the strip in question which
were not being kept up and anoth-
er would be unnecessary.
Another objection raised was
that the proposed parkway would
take valuable property off the tax
rolls at a time when state and
county government are scraping
the barrel for all the revenue they
can get.
, _
. . . WUOM Director
Story by
Freddi Loewenberg
LOWERING THE BOOM-Station engineer .Dean W. Coston balances precariously high up over
the stage in Hill Auditorium as he lowers a mike for a concert broadcast. Last Friday the station
used this technique to transmit Bach's St. Matthew Passion direct to WUOM's listeners.
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