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March 22, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-22

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Yl r e

Latest Deadline in the State





TafiPushes Vote
On Bohlen Issue
McCarthy Loses Hope of Blocking
n Russian Embassy Appointment
WASHINGTON - (P) - The fight of a Senate group against
President Eisenhower's choice of an ambassador to Russia appeared to
be all over but the last-minute speechmaking yesterday as Senator
Taft opposed Senator McCarthy's efforts to call Secretary of State
Dulles for new questioning.
Taft, Senate Republican leader, announced he would bring the
nomination of Charles E. (Chip) Bohlen before the Senate yesterday.
He said he could see no value in the idea of recalling Dulles for
sworn testimony. This had been proposed by McCarthy, who insists
Bohlen is a "security risk."
- With Eisenhower and Dulles

Radio Stat


ment May N
Prop aganda


* *

* * *

* * *

* * *

* * *


standing firm for Bohlen, McCar-
thy conceded the Bohlen nomina-
nag tion can't be beaten when it comes
to a Senate vote. McCarthy con-
tinued his fight, however, accus-
Seen as ing Dulles of making "untrue"
statements about the case.
U noMcCarthy's drive to beat the
U nion G oa Bohlen nomination suffered a fur-
ther blow today when R. W. Scott
Mc Leod, the State Department's
ATLANTIC CITY-('P)-Presi- new security chief, passed up a
dent Walter P. Reuther of the meeting of McCarthy's Senate in-
UAW (CIO) told his 1,300,000 vestigating committee.
members yesterday that the guar- McCarthy and other anti-
anteed annual wage is "at the Bohlen Senators had been count-
top of our collective bargaining ing on McLeod's appearance to
agenda." deal a blow to Bohlen. McLeod is
In a report prior to the opening a former aide to Senator Bridges
of the 14th UAW convention here (R-NH) who along with Senator
today, Reuther promised the un- McCarran (D-Nev) and McCarthy
ion that they will win the annual is leading the fight against Boh-
wage in the next round of major len.
negotiations. In another statement yesterday
* * *Taft applauded Pentagon plans to
ALTHOUGH auto-makers n-ut the rate of militaryspending
tracts do not expire until 1955, and expressed hope that the
Reuther said "The major corpora- slashes can go as deep as four
tions will be asked, in the very billion dollars.
near future, to work with us in a "It's certainly a move in the
joint study of the guaranteed wage right direction-all I can say -is
to facilitate bargaining later as that I hope the cut can be larg-
our contracts approach their ex- er," the Ohioan said in comment-
piration." ing on Secretary of Defense Wil-
In addition the union ^hief- son's news conference statements
tan said the UAW contract ill Friday.
be amended to enable stronger Wilson n a me d no specific
action to be taken against Com- amount but he told newsmen he
munists, the union will challenge believes both spending and man-
the new administration when power can be reduced without
they are not performing in "he weakening the nation's fighting
public interest; and the un- strength.
ion's net worth is $13,846,433, in- Taft said he still believes that
eluding a strike fund of 7,091,- Truman's budget estimates for
724. more than 78 billion dollars in the
next fiscal year could be reduced
The world's largest trade union by eight billions. He said this
heard Reuther, who is also Presi- would include cuts of about 1%
dent of the CIO, say the guaran- billion from domestic spending, 2%-
teed wage is far more than a col- billions from foreign aid and four
lective bargaining demand. He said billions from the .military.
it is "a long step forward solv-
ing the basic problem of otir time T R
-the problem of full production IQ e s ed
i fU Qmnlovment in a free so-

RED LEADERS-Standing guard at Stalin's bier the men behind the attacks on appointed Friday; Lavrenti Beria, secret police head; Georgi Malenkov, premier;
U.S.. and British planes are left to right: Nikita Krushchev, party secretary Marshal Nikolai Bulganin; Marshal Kliminti Voroshilov and Lazar Kaganovich.

Sub-committee To Study
Proposed Union Chanes'
The outcome of Friday night's Union Board of Directors meeting
was the recommendation for a four man sub-committee to study the
present Union situation and to work with the League in arranging a
combined meeting of the two Boards sometime after spring vacation.
Marking a new step in the discussion of remodeling and adding to
the Union, the committee's formation calls for one student, one
faculty member and one alumnus in addition to Franklin Kuenzel,
Union general manager to near

Ensian Call
The 'Ensian business staff
will hold a tryout meeting at 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Student
Publications Building for all
students interested in joining
its ranks.
World News
Roui ndup


ana Iu euiiyum pl y i-
ciety in times of peace."
"It is work we want and not pay!
for idleness," said Reuther, "for
only out of work can we get the
goods out of which high living
standards are made. There will be
more and steadier work wh an
management is required to oay+
for idleness."
It is "not a question whether weI
will get a guaranteed annual wage
* but how we will get it," he added.
Group To Ask
On Gambling
Blocked in their efforts to gain1

Prisoner Riot
By The Associated Press
United Nations guards quelled
a threatening riot by nearly 4,-
000 screaming Communist Korean
officer prisoners on Yoncho Is-
land Thursday, the UN Prisoner
of War command announced yes-
One U.S. officer was injured by
Reds throwing stones.
The Yoncho camp was the sce;e)
of a serious riot March 7 during
which guards killed 23 prisoners.
In Korean action yesterday, two
Chinese Red companies - about
350 troops-stormed an Allied ob-
servation post on the Western
front but UN defenders beat them
off after 35 minutes of close-quar-
ter fighting.

Rice Named
As Full Time
Prof. Warner G. Rice was ap-j
pointed full time chairman of the
English department by the Board
of Regents at their meeting Fri-
Prof. Rice, who has been serv-
ing as acting chairman of the de-
partment since 1947, is at pres-
ent Director of the University Li-
His appointment will become ef-
fective Sept. 1, or as soon as he
can be relieved of his duties as
library director, after that date,
President Harlan Hatcher an-i
President Hatcher said that the
executive committee of the literary
college and the members of the
English department had expressed
their "urgent wish" that Rice de-3
vote his full time to serving as de-
partment chairman.
He also said no decision has been
reached in regard to a possible re-
placement for Rice in his role as
director, a position he has held
since 1941.
Prof. Rice has been on the Uni-
versity faculty since 1929.
In another Regents action plans
to employ a New York firm to
study the possibility of expanding
stack and book storage space in
the Law Library received approval.

Union plans.

* *

meeting attended by University
President Harlan Hatcher and
Vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont
involved the financial problems of
entering into any extensive build-
ir g program now.
"Close to half of the proposed,
three million dollar expenditure
will have to be spent in reno -
vating existing kitchen and ser-
vice facilities alone," Jack Eh-
lers. '53E, Union Secretary said.
One course of action discussed
at the meeting was the creation of
a student activities center in con-
nection with the Union.
The Board pointed out, how-
ever, that any building program
would probably entail an increase
,in student tuition fees in order to
cover costs.
THE PROBLEM of how much
students will be willing to pay for


the increased facilities is one that
must be worked out during the
next several weeks by the Board
and Union officers, Ehlers said.
A reexamination of the pro-
posed renovation and building
program was initiated -at the
Board meeting of Feb. 19 when
Donald May, former member of
the Board and present chair-
man of the planning committee,
reviewed the original plans for
the addition drawn up five years
These plans called for a sixty
foot extension to the north of the
existing Union building.

By the Associated Press
HONG KONG-Two U. S. news
and radio correspondents and an
American ship captain were feared
captured by the Chinese Commun-
ists late yesterday near Hong Kong
when an armed Red junk ran down
and seized a small sailing boat,'
flying the American flag.
OAKLAND-The slow, grim task,
of identifying the bodies of 35 air
crash victims continued into the
night yesterday as engineers stud-
ied wreckage in hope of learning
what caused a four-engine plane
to fall from the skies late Friday.
No one aboard survived.
TAIPEH-Adlai Stevenson de-
clared yesterday that the Chi-
nese Nationalist stronghold of
Formosa was essential to the de-
fense of the free world.
Later he had two talks with
President Chiang Kai-Shek last-
ing a total of two hours, before
and after a formal dinner at the
Generalissimo's residence.
ST. LOUIS-Stuart Symington
(D-Mo.), inserting frequent quips
as he addressed party members
yesterday said the Democrats in
Washington are giving more sup-
port to President Eisenhower than
his own Republican Party.
Britain's Field Marshal Lord
Montgomery, NATO Deputy Com-
mander, sailed on the liner Queen
Mary yesterday for military talks
with President Eisenhower at the
White House.
DETROIT - Mayor Albert E.
Cobo yesterday approved a city
budget of $102,077,000 which
would permit a five-cent reduc-
tion in the tax rate for the new
fiscal year.
ALBANY. N. Y.-The Republi-
can-controlled New York State
Legislature wound up a 74-day
session late tonight by pushing
through legislation designed to
force New York City to turn over
its deficit-plagued transit facili-
ties to an independent authority.
'U' Musicum
To Perform '
The University Collegium Musi-
cum will give a program of pre-
Bach music of the 15th, 16th tnd
17th centuries at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Hussey Rm. of the League
Rarely-heard compositions of

Zapotocky Takes Over
As Czechoslovak Chief
VIENNA - (P)- Antonin Zapotocky was elected president of
Czechoslovakia yesterday by the national Parliament to succeed the
late Klement Gottwald.
At the same time Viliam Siroky was chosen premier of the Rus-
sian satellite and Antonin Novotny was put in charge of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party.
ZAPOTOCKY, a reputed anti-semite served as premier under
Gottwald, and Siroky was vice-premier in the same regime. Novotny,
another vice-premier, succeeds to the leadership of the Communist
Party which Gottwald held.
Thus it appeared that Zapo- -- --------
tocky would not hold the con-
centration of power by which GrOss Doubts
his predecessor had ruled.
It was noted that in Moscow,('
Premier Georgi Malenkov re- eace VYOtLs
moved himself from the secretar-O
iat of the Russian CommunistM a tenyov
Party. ____
Zapotocky is a veteran Com-I
munist and . trade union leader, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., - (A')
a skilled orator, a successful novel- --U.S. Ambassador Ernest A. Gross
ist and-in the opinion of experts asked the Russians yesterday
here-possibly the only Commu- whether the peace declarations of
nist still capable of keeping Czech- Prime Minister Malenkov are
oslovakia's freedom-loving workers "empty words."
in subjection. He called once more on the new

Latest Move
Gives West
WW II Credit
Allied Split Seen
As Red Purpose
LONDON-(/)-In a surprising
switch of the old Soviet propa-
ganda line, one of Moscow radio's
best known commentators told the
world today it was harmonious co-
operation by the Soviet Union, the
United States and Britain that
produced victory in World War II.
For years the Russians have in-
sisted that the war was won by
the Red Army, while the "capital-
ist states" sat back and got rich.
Leontyev, immediately aroused the
interest of Western diplomats in
view of statements made by Soviet
leaders since the death of Stalin
and the coming to power of Geor-
gi Malenkov as Prime Minister.
Was it, they asked, part of a
pattern which could be taken to
mean the new Russian rulers are
ready to ease up on the cold
war with the west and come to
some sort of terms? For the most
part, the diplomats were inclin-
ed to wait for more definite,
concrete acts.
The broadcast seemed to be par
of some new phase of Soviet con-
ish Foreign Office disclosed that
Russian Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov had personally promised
to help obtain the release of nine
British subjects and an Irish mis-
sionary held by the North Korean
For another thing, only two
days ago the Russian command-
er in Germany had proposed
that he and his counterpart Brit-
on, Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick, get
together to try to prevent any
more incidents like the shooting
down of a British bomber by
Russian MIGs.
And these had followed speeches
by Malenkov stating that there
were no outstanding questions be-
tween East and West that couldn't
be settled by peaceful means.
Some Western observers spec-
ulated that the Russian gestures,
particularly towards Britain, might
be an effort to split the British-
American alliance by playing one
against the other.
They also speculated that the
Russian move might be prompted
more by internal considerations
than by any effort to settle real
problems with the West.
Slichter Sees
High Economy
DETROIT-(jP)-Because of the
cold war, the economy of the
United States is more "formidable
than ever," Harvard economist
Sumner H. Slichter said here yes-
He told a group of business men
and industrialists that Russia has
forced this condition upon the
United States.
This country faces years of a
cold war economy but that this
does not mean that a rising stand-
ard of consumer manufacturing
and buying has to be hampered
Slichter said.

He predicted a period 'of higher
wages and production with little
or no federal control and a near
balance in supply and demand.
"The Truman Administration,"
he said, did a splendid job of hold-
ing down defense spending and
whether the Eisenhower Admin-
istration can do as well is the

VICE PREMIER Viliam Siroky
nominated Zapotocky for the pres-
idency, Prague said, and called
him "the closest friend and col-
laborator of Gottwald."
Gottwald died last Saturday-
only three days after he returned
from Stalin's Moscow funeral-
of what doctors said was "acute
pneumonia and pleurisy."
Prague, in its running account
of the session, said Zapotocky's
nomination and election were
greeted with thunderous cheers
and loud hand-clapping.
At the moment of Zapotocky's
election, Prague said, the presi-
dential flag was hoisted to the top
of its staff on ancient, towering
Hradcany Castle. It had been at
half staff since Gottwald's death.
The election took only 15 min-
utes, Prague said.

Soviet leader to show his sincerity
and work for peace "in the name
of humanity."
* * * .
IN A MOVE from a neutral quar-
ter to see whether the Russians
really mean peace, L. N. Palar, In-
donesian delegate who has steered
a careful middle course in the
East-West cold war, proposed for-
mally that the 60-nation UN Po-
litical Committee take up imme-
diately a Polish proposal wrapping
up Moscow's peace plan for Korea
and other problems.
The committee adjourned un-
til tomorrow so delegates could
go into a huddle on this sur-
prise move.
Palar begged the delegates to
take advantage of what seemed
to be the right atmosphere for ac-
tion and not go home from the As-
sembly "empty-handed."



statutory legalization of rafiles!
and bingo games, members of the
Washtenaw Inter-Organizational iFIEDLER COIN J CTS
Committee last night decided to
seek passage of a constitutional rsno
amendment to make such types of 1 os t Ps
gambling legal when operated by
churches. fraternal or natriotic

7o Play at Hill Monday,
* * * *

Trends in Membership
Of Organizations Seen

groups. Viennese-born Hilde Somer will
After hearing State Rep. Lewis perform as the featured soloist
G. Christman of Ann Arbor ex- with the Boston "Pops" Orchestra
plain that a constitutional prohi- conducjted by Arthur Fiedler at
bition stood in the way of such a 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
law, the group abandoned plans torium.
to have a bill introduced on their Acclaimed on numerous trans-
behalf in the State Legislature. continental concert tours as a "pi-
* * * ano sensation," Miss Somer was
TELLING representatives of 40 the first scholarship student to
local clubs, veterans' groups and graduate in two years from the
lodges that he was not personally Curtis Institute of Music in Phil-
opposed to raffles or bingo, Rep. adelphia. The usual minimum
Christman said outside of a con- study period is four years.
stitutional change the only way to T r
runsuh ame o canc ws oTHE CONCERT program in-
run such games of chance was to cludes Berlioz's "Rakoczy March,"
"have local law enforcement offi- Tyumes'er'Rakoc"Magnh,"
Thomas' overture to "Mignon,"
cers with blind left eyes.' Richard Strauss' waltzes from "Der
He pointed out, however, that Rosenkavalier," Chabrier's "Es-
County Prosecutor Edmund F. pana Rhapsody" and Tchaikow-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles surveying cam-
pus organizations with respect to
their success or lack of success in
building membership. Future articles
will deal with opinions on causes and
cures for the situation.)
Campus organizations-a total
of some 140 of them-are always
crying for members, but sevei al
are crying a little louder this year.
Lagging membership, far from
being a campus-wide dilemma, has
caused concern for a tew types of
organizations, althougn several
others have joined in the "vwhat
do we do about campus apathy"

The League reported a sharp de-
cline in the number of women peti-
tioning for top senior positions,
although sophomore and junior
posts have called in more applica-
tions than in the past. Only one
person has applied for Joint Judi-
ciary chairmanship, which falls to
a woman this year.
* * *
2. POLTICAL clubs, aside from
the expected post-election slump,
are as a whole drawing fewer
members than in comparable
The Civil Liberties Committee,
which numbered more than 100
in its heyday last spring, is now

pp YY .t M...

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