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March 20, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-20

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FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1953


- I

Vocal Chords Aid Thinking


* * * *

The work of the vocal chords is
apparently never done.
A scientific question-and-ans-
wer feature in a Detroit newspap-
er indicated recently that people
talk to themselves "sub-vocally"
unless they are talking to other
people or their minds are "blank."
* * *
ORIGIN OF the theory was a
study made 20 years ago by psy-
chologist Louis William Max.
"Some college students," the
article added, "after a hard, long
written examination, find to
their amazement that they ar
From the scientific point of
view this is a sound, although an
"old, stale concept," according to
psychologists on campus.
* * *
STUDENTS, however, showed
smilingly skeptical reactions to the
"I feel good after exams," was
the only comment from one.
One student reported that he
"sometimes feels hoarse after ex-
ams, and vaguely wondered why."
And others could only admit ghat
they talk to themselves all the
time-aloud-and no one seems to
Prof. Donald Marquis, chair-
man of the psychology depart-
ment, commented that the stud-
ies made by Max represent a
"pretty well established concept
of psychology."
The presumption is that people
are talking when their vocal'
chords move, the professor said.
However, he explained that it is
possible that there are other
Prof. Marquis added that
hoarseness felt by a student after
an examination is not necessarily
caused by talking to himself. Anx-
iety may dry out the throat and
cause a tense, hoarse sensation, he
Public Wishes
Public wishes really are taken
into consideration by Congress
when they examine a piece of leg-
islation, according to Dean Fedele
Fauri of the School of Social Work.
The 1950 amendment of the So-
cial Security Act was one such
measure, the Dean said at a meet-
ing last night of the American So-
ciety for Public Administration.
The amendment, first given a
rather cool reception by Congress,
was almost unanamously approved
in the final vote.
Congressmen set aside their
partisan views and voted for the
economic and social good of the
people, he said. The main pro-
vision of the bill included ex-
tension of old age insurance, ed-
ucational grants, social security
for all needy people and for those
people affected by short sick-
Dean Fauri was advisor to the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee and the Senate Finance Com-
mittee on the social security legis-
lation. His job was to get the
truth from the testimony of wit-
nesses appearing before the two
The senators and representatives
aren't experts on every subject, the
Dean said. Lobbyists and groups
which try to exert pressure on the
committee members, also influence
the decision of a Congressman,
Fauri observed.
Union Offices

Open To Clubs
"Beginning Tuesday the Union
will open its secretarial facilities
to campus organizations," Union
councilman Hugh Kabat, '54Ph.,
announced yesterday.
The student offices will be open
between 7 and 8 p.m. on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays to en-
able small student organizations
to take advantage of the typing
and mimeographing services.
Arrangements for using the of-
fices may be made by contacting
one of the office managers between
3 and 5 p.m. in the student offices
so stencils for mimeographing can
be obtained and a time set for
the work to be done.
Union personnel will be on hand
to give assistance, Kabat said.
The service will be run at cost
and will be handled through the
authorization sheet system of the
Office of Student Affairs.
Teaching Panel

"Did you know that people talk to themselves 'sub-vocally'?"
'U' Keeps Track of Students
ThroughEye of Master File

Master records, photograph files,
personal record cards and rows of
other files make it possible for
the University to keep close tabs
on the student body.
With three main record sources
-the record cards in the Office;
of Student Affairs, the transcript
linens in the registrar's office and
the musty file also kept in the
registrar's office or in particular
schools-the University has access
to almost every pertinent fact
known about the student body.
COMPLETELY confidential, any
outsider must have permission
from the Dean of Students be-
fore examining these files. Boni
fide employers, however, are allow-
ed to check students' transcripts.
The master file is perhaps the
most important of all the list-
ings. Starting with the student's
application file, all letters of
recommendation and appraisal,
all class cards, disciplinary ac-
tions, scholarships and other
data are accumulated in it dur-
ing the students stay at the Uni-
After graduation the material
pertaining to conduct is destroyed
and the remainder of the record
is sent to Alumni Memorial Hail
where it is refiled.
From lists sent in by various
campus activities, the Office of
Student Affairs is able to keep
track of students extra-curricular
activities and list them on person-
al record cards.
These cards also contain the ad-
Boston Pops
To Perform
Monday at Hill
When staid Boston drops its
winter atmosphere of propriety it
is time for the light, spontaneous
repertoire of the Boston Pops to
replace the more classical music
of the city's symphony orchestra.
Appearing with less of the
sprightly informality of the Bos-
ton concerts, the Boston Pops Tour
Orchestra, Arthur Fiedler con-
ducting, will perform at 8:30 p.m.
Monday in Hill Auditorium.
light classical concert will be Ber-
lioz's "Rakoczy March," Richard
Strauss' Waltzes from "Der Rosen-
kavalier," Tchaikowsky's "Italian
Caprice," Liszt's Hungarian Fan-
tasy for Piano and Orchestra, and
Ravel's "Bolero."
Founded in 1885, the concerts,
then known as "proms" after
the age-old London Promenade
Concerts, began with a cabaret-
like atmosphere prevailing in
the old Boston Music Hall.
Arthur Fiedler took over the
direction of the "Pops" in 1930. As
an active member of the Boston
Fire Department, Fiedler is often
seen speeding down Beacon St.
on his way to a fire.
Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben Zahn
will follow the lead of the larger
cities and present Fiedler with a
certificate naming him Honorary
Fire Chief of Ann Arbor before
Monday night's concert.

dresses, fraternities, sororities and
honors as well as any disciplinary
difficulties of almost every un-
dergraduate. More complete files
on women are kept by the Dean
of Women's office.
* , *
THE TRANSCRIPT, called the
"linen" because of the material it
is printed on, is primarily for re-
cording grades. However all major

Fall Term
A' Students
Listed by 'U'
The University announced yes-
terday the names of 106 students
who received all "A" for the 1952-
53 semester.
Listings are as follows:
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Constance B. Davies, '53,
Gerald E. Harburn, '54, Aaron
Schreier, '53, Rose Marie Elizabeth
School of Education: Jean Mc-
Donnell, Doreen Sheila Millman,
'54, Adrienne Shufro, '53, Ingrid
Marie Waltz, '53.
* * *
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: Margot J. Abels,
'53, Marilyn E. Anderson, '54,
Stephen S. Anderson, '53, Rich-
ard V. Annable, '53, Nancy K.
Baehre, '53, Sonya T. Barsky, '56,
Betty Bayliss, '54, Helen R. Beat-
son, '54, Neil Bernstein, '54, Frank
N. Blanchard, '53, Nancy L. Bon-
vouloir, '54, William R. Brashear,
Jack A. Brown, '54, Angelo
Cantera, '53, Donna A. Chap-
in, '53, Allan G. Clague, '56,
Georgiana Davidson, '56, Thom-
as A. Dell, '54, Andrew C. Demp-
ster, '56, Thomas J. Eisler, '56,
BarbarahC. Faulkner, '56, Peter
B. Fletcher, '54, John C. Fon-
taine, '53, Arthur M. Freedman,
Lawrence A. Frohman, '56, Rol-
lin M. Galster, '53, Judith M.
Gamble, '53, Victor W. Gladstone,
'53, Leonard Goodwin, '53, Sheila
M. Gordon, '54, June C. Gran-
strom, '54, Armin F. Haerer, '56,:
Mary E. Hall, '55, Nancy W. Hen-
shaw, Phyllis C. Hess, '55, Robert
W. Holloway, '54.
William V. Holtz, '54, Fred-
eric Horwitz, '55, Ronald L.
Kaminsky, '53, Kathleen E. Kee-
ly, '53, John H. Kelsey Jr., '55,
Marjorie T. Kratz, Alice M.
Kretzschmar, '55, Herbert I.
Krickstein, '55. Joan E. Larsen,
'53, Roger A. Law.
Rita J. Leine, '53, Douglas C.
Long, '54, Arnold Marx, '54, Char-
les W. McGary, '54, Janice H.
Mathes, '53, Barbara4G. Mattison,
'54, Alice Mencher, '53, Yonemichi
Miyashiro, '53, Claudia I. Moore,
'56, Helen R. Morris, '54, Martha
N. Neff, '55, Maurice H. Oppen-
heim, '54.
OTHER ALL "A" students are:
Clara Eva Oppenheimer, '55, Ed-
uardo Orias, '56, Clayton R. Par-
cels, '54, Luella G. Partee, '54, Bar-
bara A. Petrie, '54, Lois E. Pollak,
'56, Dolores D. Rakoczy, Janet T.
Rutherford, '55, Donald E. Sara-
son, '55, Richard H. Sewell, '53,
Robert G. Sewell, Grad., Jonathan
H. Sobeloff, '55.
Lois Solinger, '54, Nancy J.
Somers, Betty G. Sowers, '54,
James D. Stasheff, '56, William
B. Stason, '53, Lillian E. Tee-
garden, '53, Thomas M. Uzzell
Jr., '53, Arthur J. Vander, '56,
Neal A. Vanselow, '54, Irene J.
Vukovich, '53, Howard P. Wil-
lens, '53, Edward N. Willey, '53,
Richard N. Wolf, '54, Joy A.
Xenis, '53.
School of Music: Clarence E.
Brady, Grad., John E. Dudd, Grad.,
Glenna A. Gregory, '53, Mary C.
Hutchins, Sarah H. Rosekrans,
Nancy Jane Wright, Grad., Ann A.
Young, '55.
School of Natural Resources:
Henry John Williams.

College of Pharmacy: Shirley A.
School of Public Health: William
W. Joy, Grad., Andre J. Nahmias,
Grad., Dorothy C. Tipple, Grad.,
Rose Mary Welsh, Douglas J. Yee,

STUDENTS rehearsing for the;
up-coming Spanish club play
register tension and amazement
as Angelo Cantera, '53, relates a
story that comes close to their pri-
vate lives as Spanish peasants.
Cantera will take the role of
the shoemaker in "La Zapatera
Frodigiosa," a poetic farce of
Spanish folk life by Frederico Gar-

Spanish Club Play Rehearsal

cia Lorca. The play will be pre-
sented by La Sociedad Hispanica
March 31 and April 1 at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
Members of the cast are all stu-
dents of Spanish with the excep-
tion of a UniversityHigh School
student, Jim Nagel, who is cast in
the role of a young boy.
The play presents life in a small

-Daily-Tim Richara
town in Southern Spain, and re-
veals the customs of the country.
The author uses color and music to
produce a poetic atmosphere. The
persons in the play have no names
but are known by the colors they
Prof. Ermelindo Mercado of the
Spanish department is directing
the play.

Most Prices
Says Survey
Prices won't go up, they, may
even drop, but incomes are going
to be at least as high as last year.
At least that's what most peo-
ple think, a survey made by the
University's Survey Research Cen-
ter for the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve system show-
ed yesterday.
about their financial positions for
the coming year, expecting to buy
lots of cars, homes, refrigerators
and TV sets, the survey revealed.
The Federal Reserve Bulletin
for March cites easier credit
terms, higher levels of income
and employment and the stabil-
ity of prices as major factors
putting the public in more of a
buying mood than in 1952.
Statistically speaking, about
eight out of ten consumers think
prices will remain stable or drop
this year.
This new confidence is espec-
ially striking when compared
with 1951 and 1952, when half
to two-thirds of all consumers
expected prices to rise.
As for incomes, almost half of
non-farm consumers expect to be
making as much or .more money
this year than last.
COMMENTING ON the rosier
consumer outlook, an economics
professor said that if enough peo-
ple think prices are going to be
right for buying, increased con-
sumer demand may prevent any
price recession.
And another University profes-
sor, addressing the Municipal Fi-
nance Officers Training Institute
on "Economic Trends" yesterday
added his agreement that business
will be looking up this year.
Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the
business administration school de-
clared that, "while economists
continually have been predicting
a business recession," over-all 19-
53 records will show a business'
volume significantly higher than
in 1952, with "strong competitive
pressures and no indication of
price levels assuming a rising
Spring Excursions
Planned by Group
An excursion toGreenfield Vil-
lage tomorrow and a trip to Niag-
ara Falls during spring vacation
are planned by the International
The Greenfield Village trip will
cost $2 and reservations may be
made at the International Center.
Monday is the last day to make
reservations for the trip to Niagara
Falls. The cost will be about $20,
including bus fare and lodging.

U' Student Composer Completes Opera


By MARTHA PAPOTheater productions and for dance
He's only a sophomore and he productions here in the past year.
amongnis or~sis uc~glou^u

has composed an opera.
Youthful composer, Karl Mag-
ruson, '55SM, has written his first
opera, "Adam and Eve," which will
be presented as part of the Fifth
Annual Inter-Arts FestivalMarch
Magruson, who has been com-
posing for the last-few years, has'
written dance music for Arts
Radio Group
To Hear Talk
The Detroit section of the In-
stitute of Radio Engineers will
sponsor a joint meeting with the
student branch of the Institute
of Radio Engineers and the Amer-
ican Institute of Electrical Engi-
neers at 8 p.m. today in RackhamI
Guest speaker at the meeting
will be Nelson W. Spencer, re-
search engineer of the Engineering
Research Institute, who will talk
on "Rocket-borne Electronic De-
vices in Upper-Atmosphere Re-
In addition to the discussion on
the instruments which go into
making Aerobee rockets for high
altitude pressures, a complete
rocket nose-piece recovered from
a successful flight will be exhibit-
A color film on a typical Aerobee
rocket flight will complete the

!Among his works is background I


music for the Silver Heron which
was presented last year by the,
Modern Dance Club.
* * *
MAGRUSON is again working
with Anne Stevenson, '54, who
wrote the text for the opera and
who wrote the lyrics for the Silver
The thin, blond composer is pri-
marily interested in art and music.
He enjoys playing his music dur-
ing rehearsals while the main
characters learn to understand the
The 20-year-old musician has
been seriously composing for the
last three years. During that
time he has completed a piano
sonata which was played in Cin-
cinnati, O., Illinois and at the
Before beginning the opera mu-
sic, Magruson was working on a
piano concerto, and when he com-
pletes that he will begin a two-
piano sonata which will be per-
formed this spring.
A TRANSFER student from the
University of Wisconsin, Magruson
said he has composed many pieces
which have never seen a publish-
er's desk, but he intends to con-
tinue his music career.

The opera, an all student pro-
duction, is being directed by
Strowan Robertson, well known
Arts Theater director. He is the
only professional person working
with the opera production.
Joan St. Denis, '54SM, plays the
role of the tempted Eve, while
David Murray, '53SM, potrays
Adam in the allegorical satire.
Russell Christopher, '53SM, sings
the role of the Devil. .
The lead roles are supported by
a small chorus and a dance group.
Richard Thruston, conducts
the orchestra which is composed
entirely of wind and percussion
The set for the opera is being
designed by James Ross, '53, whose
mobiles and paintings have been.
seen in campus exhibits recently.
The opera will be performed as
part of a triple bill at 8 p.m. Sat-
urday, March 28, along with a play
and a dance performance.
The play, "The Late He and
She," written by Robert Rice and
the dance production, as well as
a student art exhibit will comprise
the Festival.

-Daily-Betsy Smith
.* *
actions such as expultion and NTR
orders (not to register without
permission) are also listed.
The copy that every student
receives each semester is pro-
duced by the Ozalid process in
the basement of the Administra-
tion Bldg. When a student wishes
to transfer, only the transcript
is sent to the new school.
In addition to the three main
files, records of fraternities, diplo-
mas, pictures, and dormitory ap-
plications are also kept.
Included in the dormitory files
are confidential reports of all stu-
dents that have lived in the dorms
more than a year. These are used
to determine if the student should
be readmitted to University resi-
dence halls.

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