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March 20, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-20

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FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1953

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Rose Bowl Controversy

ONCE AGAIN the annual Rose Bowl con-
troversy is in full bloom. The various
members of the Western Conference are
currently considering-the merits of renewing
the agreement with the Pacific Coast Con-
ference. The present method of renewal is
for the Big Ten schools to meet at the con-
clusion of each season and determine by
majority vote whether to continue the
They must realize by now that the bowl
games have become a symbol of the rank
commercialism of the modern sports era.
Artificial incentives such as glamor and
financial return have spurred frantic and
sometimes shady competition in a sport
which was intended to serve only an en-
tertainment function.
Moreover, the strain placed on coaches
and players is immeasurable, and detracts
greatly from the original purpose of the
game of football. The game was meant for
the players, and every effort should be
made to prevent it from entering the field
of big business.
There is, in the current arrangement,
another great drawback-that is the in-
grained idea on some campuses that the bid
to Pasadena is more important than win-
ning the conference championship.
One need only remember that the cam-
pus of Purdue University was shrouded
in deep gloom last autumn when-the con-
ference co-champion Boilermakers were
denied a trip to the West Coast. Purdue
had just won the championship of college
football's toughest league, but nobody in

West Lafayette seemed the least bit over-
The case of the 1949 Northwestern foot-
ball team is another indication of misplaced
goals. The Wildcats were seniors almost to
a man, were expected to- be one of the
strongest teams in the nation; and yet be-
cause they had appeared in the Rose Bowl
the previous season and were not eligible to
return, their morale fell completely to pieces
and they experienced a disasterous season.
It might be better to end the team com-
petition in November and save the New
Year's day football for all-star contests
that give the fans a change from the team
play seen throughout the season.
In line with this policy, it might be feas-
ible to take the eight major athletic groups
(Ivy League, Big Ten, Big Seven, Pacific
Coast, Southeast, Southern, Southwest and
the ten top independents), select the best
players from each, and pit them agaiist
each other, conference versus conference,
in the four major bowl games.
All expenses and profits would be shared
through the conference offices, thus re-
moving any. monetary incentive on the part
of the individual schools.
The idea of the proposal is to turn
January first into a gala all-star football
day, minus the present trappings of com-
mercialism, which bowl games have.
The Western Conference can take a step
on the road to athletic sanity by refusing to
continue the present arrangement, perhaps
substituting something along the preceding
-Ivan Kaye


r r

WASHINGTON-As of today, the small
number of men who know the real situ-
ation are betting that President Eisenhower
will at least approve the most important
parts of the air defense program that he
is now considering.
As previously reported, this program,
prepared under Air FIrce cotract by an
M.I.T. research group, Project Lincoln, is
estimated to cost $16 billion to $20 bil-
lion in its entirety. Unfortunately, the
most important parts of the program are
also the most expensive parts, as may be
seen from the shortest review of the sci-
entists' program.
An early warning net must be thrown
around the remote and almost inaccessible
northern fringes of the hemisphere. The
outer net must be connected with the inner
net. Each part must automatically com-
municate with every other part. And all
the parts must automatically guide the de-
fenders to the attackers in the trackless
spaces of the upper air.
By the same token, fighter air bases and
guided missile launching sites much be ar-
ranged in echelon, from the air frontier to
the American industrial heartland. Every
attacker must run the gauntlet of many de-
fenders, from the moment he passes the
air frontier, until he approaches his target.
The earliest possible warning, and the ex-
posure of attacking aircraft to the maxi-
mum number of counter-attacks, are the
twin principles of effective air defense.

Some of the scientists have proposed a
larger version of the Manhattan District,
to procure the needful quantities of radi-
cally novel equipment, and to fit old and
new weapons into a single, unified wea-
pons system. Project Lincoln and its off-
shoot, the Summer Study Group, are also
understood to have urged the immediate
establishment of a Theater of the United
States-the great step which has so long
divided the' armed services.

the reasoning behind it have been running
the gauntlet, just as an attacking bomber
is supposed to do. In the first place, the
Air Force is neurotically terrified of any
form of military expenditure that can con-
ceivably compete with the Strategic Air
Command. These Air Force fears for S.A.C.
were atonce aroused when the Project. Lin-
coln scientists briefed the highest Air Force
officials and generals on their findings late
last summer.
The Air Force then took the extraor-
dinary step of requesting Project Lincoln
not to report in writing; and the Air
Force authorities thereafter pompously
maintained that they had never received
any' final report from this project they
themselves had sponsored.
Nonetheless, the Project Lincoln-Summer
Study Group findings and program were
taken to President Truman and the Nation-
al Security Council. The ensuing debate,
which rocked the higher ranks of the Tru-
man administration, caused former Secre-
tary of Defense Robert A. Lovett to ap-
point the, first committee of review.
The President fears the role of the former
military man' who imposes his own militar-
istic judgment. When the air defense prob-
lem and its gigantic dimensions were first
revealed to them the members of the Eis-
enhower National Security Council appar-
ently reacted with some violence. They are
reliably stated to have been seized with an
almost unanimous impulse to thrust this
horrible skeleton back into its closet.
Those most, anxious to avoid a prompt
decision are known to have been the two
Council members who probably have the
greatest influence on the President, Se-
cretary of the Treasury George M. Hum-
phrey and Budget Director Joseph Dodge.
In these circumstances, the President ov-
er-ruled no one. He gave no direct or-
der. He merely required the closed door
to be opened, and the air defense skeleton
to be examined all over again, at the
next Security Council meeting, and the
next and the next. That, of course, is
one good way of gradually carrying con-
Add these facts up with the President's
decision to take both Republican and Dem-
ocratic Congressional leaders into his con-
fidence nearly a month ago, on Feb. 19.
The plain inference is that the President.
largely knows his own mind, but is seeking
fairly solid assurance of strong majority
support, for strong action on the air de-
fense problem.
It may be that the White House will again
be terrified by its favorite bogies, the Con-
gressional right wing isolationists. But
whichever way the President's decision goes,
it is likely to determine the whole course
of his administration.
If the President will not jump this par-
ticular fence, the cry of alarm will be
raised by the Democrats whom he has
taken into his confidence, the scientists
in their passionate concern, and all oth-
ers who know the real facts. The Presi-
dent will thus be isolated with the iso-

WASHINGTON - Some will-o'-the-wisp,
sleight-of-hand diplomacy reminiscent
of Truman dys took plade backstage be-
fore the Eisenhower Administration granted
the recent $300,000,000 loan to Brazil. The
diplomats didn't know it, but it was Ike
himself, not 'the State Department, who
finally OK'd the loan. And the man who
deftly secured Ike's OK was Fortune pub-
lisher C. D. Jackson, now head of Psycho-
logical warfai'e.
The inside story indicates the difficulty
of forming a definite policy on foreign
loans, especially to Latin America. Secre-
tary of State Dulles announced some time
ago that the Republicans would push the
good-neighbor policy. But at the same
time he himself almost reneged on the
Brazilian loan, and in a conversation with
suave Brazilian ambassador Walther Mor-
eira Salles, the new Secretary of State
made this rather undiplomatic remark:
"Don't forget, Mr. Ambassador," Dulles
said, "the Republicans are in control now.
We're not Democrats. We don't buy friend-
"And Brazil's friendship," snapped the
ambassador, "is not for sale."
EARLIER THE ambassador had met with
something of a rebuff from Undersecre-
tary of the Treasury Randolph Burgess
when he called to discuss the loan.
"My boss doesn't like Brazil very much,"
Burgess stated bluntly, and went on to
tell how the M. A. Hanna company of
which Secretary of the Treasury George
Humphrey was long the president, had
been negotiating for the manganese com-
cession in the territory of Amapa, north
of the Amazon, when suddenly it found
that Bethlehem Steel got the concession
Undersecretary Burgess, formerly of the
National City Bank, a company which ne-
gotiated a sour loan of $100,000,000 to Peru
in the 1920's, was one of the chief opponents
of the current loan to Brazil. Finally he
proposed that Brazil take one-third-or
$100,000,000-instead of $300,000,000.
Simultaneously, Assistant Secretary of
State Linder lectured the Brazilians about
not letting American oil companies operate
in Brazil.
"What does Brazil mean," he asked, "by
blocking oil exploitation and then turning
round and importing $280,000,000 worth of
oil a year? You'll never be solvent."
When the result of these negotiations was
cabled back to Brazil, it hit the front pages
with a bang. "U.S. abandons Brazil!" flar-
ed the headlines. Other papers talked of
Yankee imperialism wanting oil in return
for a loan.
It was at this point that the ambassa-
dor called on 'Secretary Dulles, held an
hour-long session reminding him that
Argentine-no friend of the U.S.A.-had
received a healthy loan, that Brazil had
come into two world wars on the side of
the United States while Argentina flirted
with the enemy. The ambassador's po-
tent appeal partially converted Dulles.
But in the end, Nelsn Rockefeller, who
knows Latin-American problems better than
anyone else around Washington, put the
facts before C. D. Jackson inside the White
House, and Jackson got them to Eisenhower.
Overnight, the President acted where his
Secretary of State and Secretary of the
Treasury had delayed. The full loan to
Brazil was OK'd.
(Copyright, 1953, by-the Bell Syndicate)

At the MZichigan
WALT DISNEY seems to have completed
, his excursion into the cartoon-and-
human field of comedies, and has returned
to the old all-cartoon features. Peter Pan
is as lavish as Disney has ever been, but
like the rest appeals mostly to the younger
set. In fact, the greatest barrier to be sur-
nMounted in seeing it is being able to hear
anything going on in the picture; kids have
the habit of enjoying movies like this rath-
er loudly.
While there are some very funny things
in the film-the St. Bernard nursemaid
Nana is wonderful-too often it is like
thumbing through a children's book. Per-
haps the best thing that can be said is
that it is precious.
To fill up the program the Michigan is
running a Disney Real-Life Adventure,
"Bear Country." It is by far the better part
of the show.
A warning to any considering this as a
lark: the prices have been almost doubled.
Special showing or not, this is not the sort
of picture worth skipping dinner to see.
-Tom Arp
Books at the Library
Asch, Sholem-SALVATION. New York,
Putnam, 1953.
MacInnes, Helen-I AND MY TRUE
LOVE. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1953.
Mason, F. VanWyck-GOLDEN AD-
MIRAL. New York, Doubleday, 1953.
Simpson, Frink A., ed.-THE ANTARC-
TIC TODAY. Wellington, Reed, 1953.

"I Can't Help It - It's A Reflex Action"


(Continued from Page 2)
The Delta Delta Delta local scholar-
ship fund at the University of Michigan
is for the benefit of any Junior woman
who is working towards a Bachelor's
degree who shows evidence of superior
citizenship, has a financial need, and
who fulfills the scholarshipnrequire-
ment. Affiliated or unaffiliated women
may apply.
Requirements for Eligibility-Any
regularly enrolled Junior woman on the
Michigan campus is eligible who has
maintained an overall average of two-
tenths of a point above all-campus
women's average (of the preceding
year). The minimuhi required average
for eligibility this year is 2.86.
Directions for Application-Applica-
tion blanks may be secured from the
Office of the Dean of women. They are
to be filled out and returned to that
office accompanied by three letters of
recommendation, as specified. Applica-
tions must be filed by April 1, 1953.
Payment of Scholarship-Winners will
be awarded $120 which is payable at the
time of Registration the following aca-
demic year.
Teaching Opportunities in the Near
IEast. *A representative from the Near
East College Association will interview
prospective teachers for that area at the
Bureau of Appointments Monday and
Tuesday, Mar. 23 and 24. Candidates
please check with Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building,
telephone University extension 489 for
Personnel Interviews.
There will be a representative from
the Girl Scouts here on Mon. and Tues.,
Ma. 23 and 24, to tak to women in-
terested in professional opportunities
with this organization.
Koppers Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., will
be here on Tues., Mar. 24, to see men
graduating in June interested in In-
dustrial Sales. Those receiving degrees
in Business Administration and LSA
may make an appointment. In addi-
tion, for those interested there will be a
group meeting on Mon. Mar. 23, 4051
Administration Building at 5 p.m.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.. De-
troit, will be here to talk to men on
Tues., Mar. 24. They would like to see
individuals for the position of Safety
Engineer. The position does not re-
quire an Engineering degree; however,
home Science background is preferred.
There will be a group meeting at 10
a.m. in 4508 Administration Building.
RCA Victor. of Camden, N. J., will be
here on Tues. and Wed., Mar. 24 and
25. to interview men receiving their
degrees in June interested in Sales and
Accounting training positions with this
J. L. Hudson Co., of Detroit, will have
a representative on the campus on
Wed., Mar. 25, to talk to both men and
women interested in their Training
Program, both in the Merchandising and
Finance Divisions.
The Dow Chemical Co., of Midland,
Mich., wilibe here on Wed., Mar. 25, to
talk to men interested in Chemical
Sales Training Positions. They are par-
ticularly interested in individuals with
one or two years of Chemical Engineer-
ing or one year of Chemistry.
Washington National Insurance Co.,
of Evanston, Il., will be at the Bureau
of Appointments to interview men and
women for positions in their Group
Field Organizatipn on Wed., Mar, 25.
Personnel Requests.
The Felters Co., of Detroit, has an
openig for a salesman to work here in
Michigan and perhaps In Ohio. The
area to be covered would enable one
to be at home most of the time.
The MB Manufacturing Co., Inc., of
New Haven, Conn., has openings for
both Electrical and Mechanical Engi-
neers. Detailed information concerning
the particular positions is available.
General Foods Corp., Post Cereals
Division, of Battle Creek, Mich., is in
need of young men graduating this June
to fill positions as Junior Financial
Analysts to do analysis and interpre-
tation of financial and marketing data.
For appointments and further infor-
mation concerning these and other
openings, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
ing, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Fred-+
erick Ewing, Metallurgical Engineering;
thesis: "Fundamental Factors of Hot
Working which Influence the High-
Temperature Strength of a Solution-
Strengthened, Heat-Resistant Alloy,"
Sat,, Mar. 21, 3201 East Engineering, at
2 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Freeman. l
Doctoral Examination for Robert Wil-
liam Cavanaugh, Music; thesis: "The
Anthems in Musica Deo Sacra by Thom-
as Tomkins," Sat., Mar. 21, East Coun-.
cil Room, Rackham Building, at 8
a Ch airman n J. H. o-. ,

The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by' the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed,. edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

v i

ment of the requirements for the Bach-
elor of Music degree. Miss Bauger is a
pupil of Helen Titus. The recital will
include works by Bach, Beethoven, Bar-
tok, and Ravel, and will be open to
the general public.
Collegium Musicum, under the direc-
tion of Louise Cuyler, wil present a
program at 8:30 Sunday evening, Mar.
22, in the Hussey Room of the Michigan
League. Performers will include Tait
Sanford, harpsichord, Joan St. Denis,
soprano. Emile Simonel, viola, Theo-
dore Heger, oboe, Frank Stillings,
French horn, William Weichlein, bas-
soon, Joseph Moore, trombone, and the
Tudor Singers, conducted by Maynard
Klein. Among the works to be heard
will be Missa "Magne Dous" by H.
Isaac, transcribed and edited by Louise
Cuyler, and performed for the first
time in Ann Arbor during this program.
The general public will be admitted.
The Boston Pops Tour Orchestra, con-
ducted by Arthur Fiedler, will give
the final concert in the Extra Concert
Series, Mon., Mar. 23, at 8:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. The orchestra will be
assisted by Hilde Somer, young Aus-
trian pianist. The program for this oc-
casion will include the Rakoczy March
from "Damnation of Faust" (Berlioz);
Overture to "Mignon"; Strauss' "Ros-
enkavalier" Waltzes; Chabrier's "Es-
pana" Rhapsody; Ravel's Bolero; Hun-
garian Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra
(Liszt); Leroy Anderson's Fiddle-Fad-
dIe and the Ride of the valkyries from
"Die Walkure" (Wagner).
A limited number of tickets are
available at $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50, at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower; and will also
be on sale after 7 o'clock on the night
of the performance in the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
Events Today
Hillel Foundation. Friday evening ser-
vices, 7:45, to be followed.. byg Fireside
led by Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch, on "Emo-
tional Problems of Young People of
ICollege Age.'' ______________________
Forum on College and University
Teaching, Third session, March 20, 3-5
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. A panel com-
posed of Professors Kenneth P. Davis,
Roger W. Heyns, Theodore M. New-
comb, William B. Palmer, and Wil-
liam M. Satter, with Professor Algo
D. Henderson as chairman, will dis-
cuss: "How to Teach by Discussion."
Faculty of the University and graduate
students are invited.
AIEE-IRE joint Detroit Section and
Student Branch meeting will be held
in Rackham Amphitheater at 8 p.m.
Ion Fri., Mar. 20. Mr. Nelson W. Spen-
cer,,Research Engineer, U. of M. En-
gineering Research Institute, will dis-
cuss the electronic instrumentation of
a particular Aerobee rocket developed
for high-altitude pressure and temper-
ature measurement. A typical Aerobee
rocket flight will be described and i-
lustrated by a color film. A complete
instrumentated rocket nose-piece re-
covered from a successful flight will be
exhibited. Everyone Is welcome.
Lutheran Student Association. I-M
Party Friday evening. Meet at 7:30 at
the Student Center and leave for the
Intra-Mural Building. Refreshments
will be served later at the Cente,
International Committee of SL, Meet-
ing at 3 p.m. at the SL Building. All
interested persons are invited to attend.
The First Presbyterian Church Stu-
dent Center is having an Open House
this evening from 8 to 11 p.m. Games,
singing, records, dancing, refreshments.
The Fellowship Commission invites you
to join in this informal evening of
Christian fellowship.
The Graduate Age Group of the First
Presbyterian Church is having a pro-
gram at 8 p.m. in the Social Hall. It
will be formed around the T.V. game
"What's My Line?" followed by informal
games, group singing, and refreshments.
All graduate age students are invited
to come and become better acquainted.
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Fingers and Thumbs"
and "Heredity" Fri., Mar. 20, 7:30 p.m.
Kellogg Auditorium. No admission
Wesley 'foundation. Sports night at
the I.M. Building.
Graduate Mixer Dance. Fri., Mar. 20,
from 9 to 12 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall. Admission. Music by Paul McDon-
ough's orchestra. Everyone welcomel
Roger Williams Guild. Meet at 7:30,
to go to the Congregational Church for
a "Chaos" party. We are their guests.
Admission is a piece of junk. Dress ap-

SDA Statement . ..
To the Editor:
some confusion of the Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
group, thrown off campus a few
years ago, with the Students for
Democratic Action. Students for
Democratic Action has never had,
and does not have any connection
with the banned group.
S.D.A. is a non-partisan, liberal,
anti-totalitarian group affiliated
with the national Americans for
Democratic Action, a group active-
ly supported by Mrs. Roosevelt,
Walter Reuther, Hubert Humph-
rey, Bernard Baruch and other
distinguished Americans.
We think the Michigan campus
needs a group like S.D.A. We think
political apathy is a dangerous
thing and we want your ideas and
interest to combat the "apathy
threat" to our democracy. In the
words of Mrs. Roosevelt, "Some-
thing has happened to the back-
bone of the grown people of this
country. Somehow we have got to
give young people the conviction
that they have the right to make
mistakes, or there'll be an end to
the sort of adventurous thinking
which built this country. We must
tell these young people: 'You must
join political organizations, you
must learn how to recognize Com-
munist tactics and how to hold on
to a political organization'."
S.D.A.'s program has been and
will continue to be one of educa-
tion as well as action. Our next
meeting is March 24th in the Un-
ion, with Prof. Eastman speaking
on the "Community and Univer-
sity Paternalism."
-Fran Leffler
Pres. S.D.A.
* * *
McCarthy & Co....
To the Editor:
DURING the last several years
there has been a great deal of
controversy over Soviet espionage
agents in American Government.
I think when the smoke is cleared,
it will clearly be seen that the two
men who have done more to aid
the Russian cause, whether they
themselves know it or not, are Pat
McCarran and Joseph McCarthy.
The McCarran Walters Immi-
gration Law which McCarren in-
troduced and sponsored in the
Senate and Representative Walters
in the House has lost the United
States millions of friends in many
parts of the world. If the top
Soviet "brains" sat up all night,
they could not have thought of a
better plan to help America lose
so many frieids in these times of
world tension and anxiety.
McCarthy on the other hand,
through his deviousmethods such
as: guilt by association, quotes out
of context, superimposing photos
and using the walls of congress
to shield his slander has probably
done more to impair our civil lib-
erties than any other man living
today. McCarthy seems to feel that
if there is a Communist in gov-
ernment; or someone who he thinks
might be disloyal, he must be got-
ten out of office by any possible
means with complete disregard for
the long established American way
of justice. This goes hand and
glove with the Russian theory that
"the ends justify the means." Yet,
McCarthy is not alone in his great
crusade and has the worthy as-
sistance of such "honorable and
distinguished" public servants as
Senator, Jenner of Indiana and
Representative Velde of Illinois.
Democracy is not something
that was created over night but
developed over many tedious years.
McCarthy, McCarran and com-
pany are doing their utmost to
help tear it down.
-Gilbert Friedman

Dramha Critics . . "
To the Editor:
STROWAN Robertson's letter,
written from the viewpoint of
producer-director-actor, interests
me and I should like to approach
the critic from another viewpoint,
that of a layman. Critical reports
of the work of the Arts Theater
have left a number of things to be
desired; it is of three such things
that I wish to speak.
First: I should like to feel that
the review I shall read stems from
the considered judgment of the
writer, not from half-formed
thoughts scattered by the race
back to his typewriter; that he
has read the play or seen it sev-
eral times before writing about it
-substance would far outweigh
the delay of two or three days,
Second: I should like to have
questions posed, not guiding my
reactions, but channeling my
thought somewhat, like a buoy
in a bay keeping me on the track
but allowing me leaway in get-
ting there. For instance, if the
critic has an interpretation of
Sophocles' play other than that
given it by the Arts Theater, I'd
like to hear it providing he is not
so insistent that I get bored wth
Third: I distrust a critic who by
his tone makes it quite obvious
that he went to the theater to
pick flaws. Personal resentment
is not attractive to the beholder,
but here it becomes a barrier be-
tween the critic and me. I want
from him true sympathy for the
play, for actors, for the job at-
tempted. This is to say again con-
sidered judgment, for sympathy is
by no means all praise or all
blame; it is understanding and
thought matured by effort to know
what the other fellow is trying to
do as playwright or actor and by
acknowledgment always that his
idea just might be the right one.
-Katherine Hastings


Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable...... ..City Editor
Cal Sanra .... .. Editorial Director
Zander Hollander..... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman..Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ... . Sports Editor
John Jenks, -..Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.. Associate Sports Editor
Lorrainp Butler ..... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green ..........Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
LUlane Johnston. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg...Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated 'Press is ex6'lusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
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All rights of republication of all othr
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. 88.00: by mail $7.00.



Arms of all the services are here involved.
The Army has its anti-aircraft guns and its
Nike guided missile, useful for the restricted
but important task of point defense. The
Navy should provide radar picket ships, but
is balky. The Air Force has the main air
defense task, with its fighters, its warning'
net, its projected Bomarc guided missiles,
and other things that are coming along.
All these weapons and kinds of weapons
must be made to work together, in harmony
with other weapons and kinds of equipment
designed by the scientists. The scientists
understandably believe that this defensive
unity of the feuding armed services cannot
be achieved, without making this continent
a war theater, and naming a Theater Com-
mander of the United States. The proposed
Manhattan District-type research and de-
velopment organization can perhaps be
placed under the name Theater Commander.
It will not be cheap to do these things,
even on the most economical basis. It
will cost great sums to get six or seven
hours of warning instead of an hour-and-
a-half; and to increase our pitiful de-
fending forces until they can be powerful-
ly disposed in depth. The mere construc-
tion of housing and other facilities for


year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail $7.00.

Little Man On Campus

by Bibler

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