See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Ike Doubts Soviet
Peace Sincerity
Says Russian Regime Has Shown
No Immediate Change In Attitude
WASHINGTON-MA)-President Eisenhower raised a question
yesterday about the sincerity of Soviet peace talk and said that no
overtures have reached him through proper channels.
Kremlin expressions of an intention to seek peaceful settlement
of cold war issues, now that the Russian regime has changed, the
President said, are just as welcome as they are sincere. To that com-
ment at the opening of his fourth presidential news conference, Eisen-
hower quickly added that there is a direct relationship between our
attitude and the Soviet sincerity.
* * * *
THE RUSSIANS will never be met less than half way, Eisenhower
said, because this administration's purpose will always be to seek
'peace by every honorable and de-
Noted Poet Marks Time
Regents' OK
On Rent Hike
'Increased (costs'
Prompt Action
The proposed residence hall rent
hike will come up for final approv-
al of the Board of Regents at its
meeting today.
Reliable sources indicated that
the amount of the increase is close
to $50.
THE RAISE was first predicted
by Francis C. Shiel, Business Man-
ager of Service Enterprises, at an
Inter-House Council meeting last
The Board of Governors of the
residence halls approved the
hike at their meeting last week.
The Board's action must get
final approval of the Regents be-
fore being put into effect.
The rent raise is said to be due
to anticipated increases in labor
costs and a difficulty in meeting
last semester's bond interest pay-
ments on the residence halls. Oth-
er reasons advanced for the in-
crease were an anticipated rise in
cost of food and a 1951-52 budget
* * *
President Eisenhower
Truman Arms
Costs Can Be Reduced
Turke Hard'
Hit by Fire,
ISTANBUL, Turkey-'P)-From
500 to 1,000 persons were reported
yesterday to have perished in a
violent earthquake and fires which
laid waste a rich farming and
mining region northwest of Bali-
kesir in Western Turkey.
The Interior Ministry announc-
ed last night that 300 were listed
1 dead and more bodies were being
dragged from fire-blackened ruins
in the village of Yenice alone.
* * *
WITH OFFICIAL reports still
lacking from Cihan, another hard
hit village, two Istanbul news-
papers, Hergun and Yeni Gazette,
put the death toll at 1,000.
Earlier, Red Crescent, the Turk-
ish Red Cross, had estimated the
dead at 500 on the basis of incom-
plete and unconfirmed reports.
Police at Balikesir, 110 miles
southwest of Istanbul, the pro-
vincial capital of the area, listed
38 confirmed dead at two other
towns, Gonen and Manyas.
The shock late Wednesday, said
by the newspapers to have been
the strongest felt in Istanbul in
80 years, caused buildings here to
sway and damaged the city's main
water line. But no other damage
was reported. The pipeline break
left a large section of Istanbul
without water.
President Celal Bayar and sev-
eral leading government officials,
ordered emergency relief to the
stricken area and. set out by mo-
tor cars from Ankara for a per-
sonal visit to the scene. Ankara is
- 250 miles east of Balikesir.
U. S. Ambassador George C.
~ [cGhee and M. L. Dayton, chief
of the U. S. Mutual Security Ad-
ministration in Turkey, flew to
the area by plane from Ankara.
IWorlId News
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Two separate pro-
posals for a state income tax in
Michigan were filed simultaneously
in the Senate and House yesterday.
One plan also calls for repeal
of the state sales tax and the in-
tangibles tax.
ST. JOHN'S, Nfld.-The loss of
a U.S. Air Force B29 bomber off
Western Newfoundland was an-
nounced yesterday even as rescu-
ers searched for any survivors of
an RB36, a bigger American plane
j which crashed on the east coast
less than 300 miles away.
Both went down in murky
weather Wednesday, carrying a
possible total of 33 men to death.
Both were on training flights.
«* *
Ill.) told the House yesterday his
mail strongly favors an investiga-
tion of Communists in religious
fields, but that such a probe "must
necessarily be delayed until some
future date."
The chairman of the House Un-
American Activities Committee
said 1,692 out of 1,755 persons
writing to him about a religious
cent means. We will do anything
that will be promising of results
in that direction. he said.
The President saw no new
threat of war in recent Soviet at-
tacks on Allied ulanes. Serious
as they are, he said, there seems
to be no pattern to them, no dif-
ference of intention, no depar-
tur from the attitude of the past.
As for taking steps in the Unit-
ed Nations to brand Russia a sup-
porter of aggression in Korea, as
proposed by Sen. Knowland (R-
Calif.), President Eisenhower said
he never would tolerate any in-
fringement on American rights but
neither would he want to do any-
thing unnecessarily provocative at
this moment.
And incidentally, the Presi-
dent added, he considers it war
in Korea rather than a police
action, as former President Tru-
man described it.
The President deprecated any
investigation of communism in
churches, spoke out again in favor
of bringing a balanced budget into
view before taxes are cut, and de-
fended his choice of Charles E.
Bohlen as ambassador to Moscow.
* * * .
-Daily-Don Campbell
... "the first 45 seconds tell the story"
U/7 ~ a ! .1
v ernie, E
Zorin Charges
U.S. Slandered
Soviet Union,
viet delegate Valerian A. iorin
charged yesterday that the United
States has slandered Russia by
asking for action in the UN dis-
armament debate to demonstrate
that the Kremlin really wants
He told the UN's 60-nation po-
litical committee that Russia had
demonstrated her desire for peace
repeatedly in the seven-year-old
talks on disarmament and atomic
control and would continue to do
For this reason, he said, the
questions U.S. delegate Ernest
A. Gross asked yesterday about
Russia's intentions were arti-
His answer, made within 24
hours after Gross challenged the
Russians to show their sincerity,
convinced Western delegates that
there was no break in the offing
in the deadlock on disarmament
despite the change in the U.S. and
USSR leaders.
Collision of Car,
Trucks Hurts Two
Two trucks and an automobile
collided last night near the Mer-
cywood Hospital on Jackson Rd.
Police reported that two uniden-
tified drivers were rushed to St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital for treat-
ment. One was allegedly in critical
The smash up occurred when
an eastbound pick-up truck and
an automobile rammed into a
trailer truck carrying a shipment
of bricks.
Story,_Miscellany at
By DIANE DECKER various and assorted
Bound only by instructions not tidbits.
to recite unfavorable poetry about As an added att
college professors, the University versifier gave somec
Lecture Series turned poet Ogden of life. His first p
Nash loose on a nearly full house preserved by his m
at Hill Auditorium last night. written upon, the Ja
Nash hurriedly clarified his sta- ding of his sister.c
tus. "I'm not the 'I never saw a "early talent for thi
purple cow' one, or the 'men sel- cies which have d
dom make passes at girls who wear my mature work," h
glasses' one," he explained. "I'm wedding in a spring
the 'Candy is dandy, but liquor is For many years he
quicker' one." ly emotional, poetic,
* * * until he began tod
STARTING OUT at this pace. taste. "At the first
Nash rushed his audience on taste, I stopped writ:
through "grim" poems, "poems of *« l
unadulterated rapture," "verse to hOWEVER, after
show off my classical knowledge-, with the editorial de
I should have something to show a publishing house,c
from my year at Harvard" and jelled about bad poet
~~___it was ludicrous, bu
crous enough."
Reds Propose Nash set out tom
dicrous enough." Ex
success of his poetry
a young man w
On Alaunched on a life
Air Attacks something more th
talent is needed. In
By The Associated Press bushel of luck helpe
The Soviet Commander in Ger- Good luck for the
many, Gen. Vassily Chuikov, has matter of happy tim
proposed a British-Soviet confer- fant New Yorker mag
ence aimed at avoiding "disagree- the market when hes
able air incidents" along the East- particular brand ofv
West borders of Germany. the ed more of same, an
Soviet zone news agency ADN said could produce it."
last night. Speaking backstag
British diplomatic sources in appearance, Nash g
London said Chuikov's counterpro- did opinion of audien
posal to a Western power protest like me, I love them
seemed somewhat consiliatory in He said he could
tone. this mutually satisfa
- ,affairs had come to
IN GENERAL, Chuikov's reply first 45 seconds.
rejected a joint protest from the
Western Powers against hostile
Waction toward three British planes 7ar le)
last week. ADN said.
Meanwhile in Weisbaden, Ger- Ogden Nash tur
many, the U. S. Air Force dis- down on an offer
closed that most American mil- unpublished poemt
itary planes in Germany are last night.
under orders to keep well away The offer was ma
from the Iron Curtain. Malcolm, '54, Garg
All the planes, it announced, are Ediorafter Nas
barred from flying within 30 miles audience at Hill
of the frontiers of Communist that the leadingp
Czechoslovakia, East Germany and inthe country hadr
the Soviet zone of Austria except The Garg staff
on border defense missions or to go as high ast
authorized flights in Soviet-recog- Malcolm said.
nized corridors.
THE BOARD'S action has met
with opposition from quad leaders
Hil who resented the approval of the
hikewithout consultation of quad
representatives first. They said
that a similar rent raise was put
in effect last year without con-
other poetic sulting residence hall leaders.
raction, the
of his facts
oetie effort,
mother, was
nuary wed-
Showing an
e inaccura-
e placed the
wrote equal-
etc. poetry,
develop good
modicum of
seven years
epartment of
certain ideas
try-much of
t "not ludi-
make it "lu-
plaining the
, he said "If
ants to be
long career,
ian lack of
my case, a
poet was a
ing. The in-
gazine was -in
submitted his
verse, "want-
nd I found I
Quad residents had been as-
sured that such action would not COOPER WINS OSCAR:
be repeated. IHC therefore went
on record as "opposing any final
action on the rate change by the ' yEbs
Board of Governors until the 'Gratst oon IlarL
IHC is informed as to the need
for the change." "
Quad leaders felt that a sub- Voted Best Movie of '52
stantial raise would have a harm-
ful effect on residents. Booth Tar--
kington, '54, South Quad presi- HOLLYWOOD-(U)-"The Greatest Show on Earth" won the
dent, said that. "obviously many Oscar last night as the best movie of 1952.
students will move out. It's pric- Members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
ing some people right out of an also voted a gold statuette to Gary Cooper for his starring portrayal
education." in "High Noon."
Sam Alfieri. '54A, West Quad * * * *
president, said that "any increase THE STARRING-ACTRESS award went to Shirley Booth' in
will result in a rapid rate of turn- TCome Back RittleSheba"S
over of men which will destroy . Lt ha
continuity. This in turn will cause. Miss Booth stumbled as she went up the steps to the stage
communal house living, as set of a New York theater but recovered quickly and went ahead
forth in the Michigan House Plan. ---- ---~ - to receive her award.
to suffer a serious setback."i The academy awards event
East Quad president Roger Kid- Tito P ' o vises started ,with a blast--from air-
ston, '53, said that although the raid sirens apparently short-cir-
business policy of .the residence cuited by a drizzle.
halls might be a sound one, "from L W estOlut * '
the educational standpoint, it: GLORIA GRAHAME, southern
leaves much to be desired." Kid- A y n t RussiaIbelle of "The Bad and the Beau-
ston also felt that since the "res-# tiful," and Anthony Quinn, revo-
idence halls are built and run for h7 d lutionist of "Viva Zapata" were
h tuTheAssociatedPressnamed the best supporting players
the students, they should also be Yugosl }av President Tito spelled
made accountable to the students." YugoslaPimv, rsde Tt peed, of the year by the Motion Picture
-Daily-Betsy Smith
TRAVEL SERVICE-Jean Robinson, '55, gives Student Legisla-
ture President Howard Willens, '53, a demonstration jaunt for
the Union's Spring Vacation Travel Service. Sign up for rides home
begins today in East Quad; the Law Quad; East Medical Bldg.;
Rackham Bldg.; the League and the Union lobby.
Tax Cut Bill
Reed Hits GOP
Party as 'Fakers'
WASHINGTON - (A) - Presi-
dent Eisenhower raised grave
doubts yesterday that any major
cutbacks can be achieved in former
President Truman's 46 billion dol-
lar defense budget in the face of
continued world tensions.
The President told his news con-
ference he faces tough decisions
in considering whether it may be
possible to trim the huge military
spending, program submitted ' by
his predecessor.
* * *
EISENHOWER said he feels this
country cannot afford to reduce
its combat strength, but does hope
to get more defense for less money
by eliminating waste and dupli-
The over-all effect of the
President's remarks seemed to
be that it won't be possible to
cut Truman's defense figures
beyond what savings can be
made in administrative and
other economies.
Eisenhower spoke out amid re-
ports that his top advisers are
sharply split on whether (1) The
whopping Truman military pro-
gram should be slashed to bring
about a balanced federal budget,
or (2) the nation's safety demands
even greater defense spending.
* * *
MEANWHILE, .Rep. Reed (R-
NY) yesterday abandoned his fight
to force early- House action on his
income tax cutting bill with. a blast
at leaders of his own party for
"gaining office under false pre-
That was taken generally to
include President Eisenhower,
who a few hours earlier restated.
his contention that a balanced
budget must be in sight before
taxes can be cut.
Reed had announced plans to go
over the heads of House leaders
and resort to a rarely used special
privilege tactic to force his bill to
the House floor before April 15
Defense Pact
e before his (rins uJJoQ
aehis can- q
ces: "If they Of lundestag
tell whether
ctory state ofl
pass in the1
ned thumbs
to sell an
to Gargoyle
ade by Don
had told an
rejected the
was willing
ten dollars,
BONN. Germany - 'P - The
West German Bundestag lower
I house gave final approval by wide
margin last night to the twin
treaties under which West Ger-
many is to rearm as a partner of
other free European nations for
defense against Communist ag-
It was a victory for the views of
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
WARNED by Adenauer that
Stalin's death increased the dan-
ger of anew world war, the House
approved the European Army
Treaty 224-165 and the Allied-
Bonn Peace Contract 226-164.
Under the European Army
Treaty, West Germany is to
supply a half million troops to
a unified European command
of two million. That would take
in also the troops of France,
Italy, Belgium, The- Netherlands
and Luxembourg. In this third
and deciding vote, the Bunde-
stag became the first legislative.-
chamber in Europe to ratify the
TheBundesrat. the upper house,
still must vote on the pacts and
then a court battle looms over the
constitutionality of rearming.
"Rai es Smash
ouL Ior irl sn Yrmei
Churchill yesterday plans'
the Eastern Mediterranea
from Soviet aggression.
Later Tito said the t
"reached the same conclu
greatest accord."
While the leaders wer(
ferring in secret, Tito's F
Minister Koca Popovic tole
ain's Parliament that Co
nist anti - Soviet Yug
would fight on the side
West "if the need arises.
Popovich declared his
ment would support the W
gardless of the fact that
slavia is not a member of:
Tito told newsmen af
meeting with Churchill ti
examined the general situe
the world, especially the c
of defense against aggress:
to keepAcademy Sen. Taft (R-O.) yesterday held
in safe John Ford, already winner of out the prospect of a 10 billion dol-
three directing awards, won lar tax cut in 1954 if Congress
wo had another for his sentimental sa- doesn't cut revenues this year.
sions in lute to his native land, Ireland, The Senate Republican leader
in "The Quiet Man." said on a television program he
e con- believes the federal budget can be
oreign Miss Booth, 45-year-old New cut to 60 billion dollars in the
d Brit- Yorker, danced onstage in New ,year beginning July 1, 1954.
mmu- York's International Theater to
oslavia accept her prize for her poignant
of the playing of the housewife in "ComeK n gh s C l d
Back,Little Sheba." She slipped
govern- o. the stairs but regained herj* , *
pest "re- oise and humbly remarked, "ISquieship
Yugo- never could have made it alone.
NATO." Other awards: ByHonorary
ter his Costume design (black and:l
hat "we white films)-Helen Rose, "The
ation in Bad and The Beautiful." Know all ye citizens
question Costume design (color films)-- That all true Knights
ion. Marcel Vertes, "Moulin Rouge." Must through squireship
Go by starlight.
Japanese Opposed to Rearmament
Submarine Completes
Test Operation Hideout
GROTON, Conn.-(AP)-Smiling in the rain, 23 Navy men emerged
yesterday from a sealed submarine, which has been their home for
two months.
Officers at the stab base'her'e hailed Operation Hideout as having
shown how men can successfully endure life aboard the atomic sub-
marine of the future, should long confinement be necessary.
EVEN AS THE first man stepped through the escape hatch of the'
Haddock, moored alongside a dock since Jan. 19, work was under
way down the Thames River on this country's first atomic sub, the
Nautilus, expected to be in the water next year.
Comdr. Gerald J. Duff ner. medical officer in charge of the project,(
Know all ye citizens
That many squires
Train by Starlight
To become Sires.
Know all ye citizens
Your obligations
For these men train
To lead our nation.
Know all ye citizens
By the Five Stars
Of Scabbard and Blade
Squires these men are:
Peter A. Appeddu, Baert D.
Brand, James T. B4log, William J.
Barton, George W. Baumann, Law-
rence P. Botti, Thomas G. Buck,
Constantine J. Cavalaris, George
R. Curry, Vincent Dambrauskas,
John P. Deppen, Carl M. Eckert,
Arnulf W. Esterer, Edgar R. Fer-
Claiming that the majority of
the Japanese people are against
rearmament, Prof. Tatsuji Tak-
euchi of Japan's Kwansei Gak-
non-militarism and renounces the
right of the Japanese people to
rearm, even in the face of aggres-
Consequently, Prof. Takeuchi
and they must have a guarantee
of a minimum standard of living."
PROF. TAKEUCHI went on to
explain that Japan has no natural