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February 09, 1953 - Image 27

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1953-02-09

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Monday, February 9, 1953


Page Nine 01

Dorm for Dregs Slated
University officials gave the go-
head yesterday to plans for the
construction of a gigantic North
Quadrangle in the center of the
Huron River.
The new structure will embody
he modern conveniences of the
Romance Languages Bldg. as well
as "terrifying" architectural in-
'novations suggested by a four
year study of Indian villages in
the Amazon jungle, according to
assistant to the janitor of Men's
Residence Halls E. Lydia Pinkham.
Miss Pinkham said the es- {}
cape-proof dormitory would
<ouse. all. Incoming. freshmen
who indicated a desire to join
a fraternity or were consider- +
ed "incompatible" with the
Michigan House plan.
The project's master-mind added
that residents would be chosen on FUNCTIONAL-Plans for student rooms call for efficient space ROOMY-These final plans for North Quad s Club O embody
the basis of interviews held dur- utilization while maintaining friendly surroundings to remind the the desire of Residence Hall officials to provide the ultimate in
ing Orientation Week at the Neu- resident he was better off at home. The sample lounging chair cleanliness, comfort and service for the students forced to live in
ropsychiatric Research Institute.
A study of sample tests taken last pictured above is electrically wired for maximum comfort on cold the dorms. The sketch was found on the body of the quad
week showed more than 90 per- nights since most rooms will have no walls. It was designed by a architect who was mysteriously drugged and deposited in the
cent of the incoming freshmen prominent Ossining, N.Y. architect, offices of the South Quad Council.
would have been eligible for con- * * * * * * * * * * * *
ignment to the new residence hall, well as his scholarship, char- er time I will release a confidential meals definitely indicates a res- House during an abortive Yuletide
he commented. acter and leadership qualities, document proving 205 quad resi- ident has not learned self-sacri- secession attempt.
* * * It was learned, however, that dents are subversive." fice is an integral part of The When informed of the construc-
QUAD OFFICIALS said the new "obstructing the Council's policies" Quad leaders further an- Plan," West Quad Council mem- tion plans, Inner-Fraternity Coun-
dorm, commonly referred to as would also be considered sufficient nounced they would place hid- ber Ted Bosh, '61, commented. cil President Pete Snort, ?, snarl-
Dry Tortugas, will also house up- grounds for exile. .den microphones under all din- One council member, Mert ed "this is merely one more step in
per classmen "who have not bene- * * ing tables to catch those who Brawn, '40, revealed he was slated the University's plan to destroy
fited from the Michigan House WEST QUAD president Sam complained about the food. for a berth in North Quad for the minds and spirits of those who
Plan." Mafia, '60, said that "at the prop- "Criticism of our well-balanced smuggling guns into Michigan would seek a higher light."
Such students will be report-
ed to a Conference Committee by
members of the Outer-House
Council. Quad presidents said \N ee
last night they would base their Don't forget your I -
decisions on the resident's con-
tribution to house activities as / K
Union Closes __ 5 U U
Door on Men visitA
The Union front door policy has
been liberalized, it was announced
yesterday by Union President Dilly
ente. .-
Effective immediately, the Un-
on front door will be taboo for I PAINT A - -
en, as well as women. BEAUTIFUL
"We felt the old rule was in- BEAUTFUL
equitable in its discrimination _____________________________ I
gainat women," Gente declared. __ __ _ __ ___ __ __ OIL PAINTING
"After all, women have had the AT YOUR
right to vote for 30 years now, T
he pointed out. "Why should we
discriminate in our Union?" he D S/
sked with a rhetorical smirk.
"We have always trie to elim-
nate from our ivy-covered books S .i"
rules that have become anach- SJ E ZR '
onisms, traditions that have be- DRUG STORE
ome moribund," he explained.
It was reported that a mate 340 S. State St. OI ANIGST
yndicate, not to be put off by wily OIL PAINTING SETS
trategms, was forming to charge Phone 2-0534 The colors n your palette are
he front door. --numbered.'the c-nv i bd

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