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March 19, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-19

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

. iaiti


VOL. LXIII, No. 115
Higher Defense
WASHINGTON-The air defense program costing $16 to $20 billion,
that is currently being considered by the President and the Na-
tional Security Council has got to be regarded, unhappily, as only a
The Administration has sought to muffle the issue, but it can now
be revealed on highest authority that the National Security Coun-
cil is also considering an additional civil defense program that may
cost another $6 to $7 billion.
THE RATIONALE OF both air defense and civil defense programs




SL Urges
Rent Raise
Asks 'U' To Work
With Residences
Student Legislature last night
backed up quadrangle leaders in
their fight for student consulta-
tion on room and board hikes with
a resolution urging the adminis-
tration to work with residence hall
groups in deciding any future
Originator of the motion, Fred
Hicks, '54, referred to a rent hike
passed by the Residence Halls
Board of Governors last week
without student consultation.
HICKS condemned the raise as
"increasing the difficulty of ob-
taining an opportunity for an
education at the University."


All There
government's vast horde of gold,
silver and coin is "all there,"
Treasury officials said yester-
day after a checkup.
The tally of the world's big-
gest accounts, totaling about
572 billion dollars, was made
because of the change in ad-

. f


i Jet Pilot



* * *
City Defense
For A-Bomb
If an atom bomb were dropped'
in the vicinity of Ann Arbor, the
Washtenaw Council civil defense
workers and the local American
Red Cross chapter would go into
action immediately.
But the effectiveness of their
work would depend largely upon
the kind of attack, where the bomb
hit and how much damage it did,
according to Thomas Fitzgerald,
chairman of the Washtenaw Coun-
ty civil defense council.3
* * *

yis solemn warning that ti
try will lie naked and ope
vastating Soviet air-atom
within two years' time.
The warning emanates
large group of the most
qualified American sc
who have worked on

his coun-
en to de-
ic attack
from a
t highly

THE UNIVERSITY has no civi
defense program set up as suct
beyond a fire whistle located or
top of the power plant which car
be sounded as a warning in case
of an attack, plant superintendent
Walter Roth reported.
However, in case of an attack,
the University Hospital facilities
euld be expanded from the
present 1,000 patient capacity to
6,000 by utilizing the three wo-
men's dormitories on Observa-
tory Hill, a hospital official said
He added that the -hospital. ir
cooperation with other large hos-
pitals in Washtenaw County, ha:
extensive plans worked out on pap-
er, but no real program is in op.
eration now.
The hospital official estimated
that it would take from six to
eight hours to activate the pro-
gram as it stands at the preseni
DR. MARGARET Bell, health
service physician, said that ir
case of an air attack, the Univer-
sity health service could remobil-
ize the two motor units that they
had on hand during World War IL
In addition to the two mobile
uwits, health service could aid the
community during an emergency
air attack by offering the tunnel
under the health service basement
as a bomb shelter, said Dr. Bell.
At the present time, the Wash-
tenaw County civil defense pro-
gram is also an extensive one only
on paper, Fitzgerald said. Just
the executives and administrators
are aware of what their duties will
be in case of an air attack, he
The plan is not a reality now
because of the lack of volun-
teers in all phases of the pro-
gram, he added.
Citing the County ground ob-
server corps as an example of this
situation, Fitzgerald said that
there were not enough volunteer
workers to man one of the coun-
ty's eight ground observer posts
i full time.
Senior Society
aps Juniors
Singing "in and out the halls
we wander . . ." members of Sen-
ior Society, 'honorary for inde-
pendent senior women, tapped 16
juniors last night in an after-hours
New members honored for schol-
arship, service and leadership are
Sue Alderman, Mimi Blau, Alice
Bogdonoff, Nancy Bonvouloir, An-
na Marie Breyfogle and Tula Dia-
Other junior women tapped were
Vonda Genda, Laura Guttentag,
Mary Catherine Hutchins, Roberta
MacGregor, Sue Popkin, Roberta

Lincoln and its offshoot, the Supporters of the resolution
Summer Study Group. pointed out that a room and
board increase could up Ann
These research groups, spon- Arbor rent levels a proportion-
sored by the Massachusetts In- ate amount.
stitute of Technology on Air Force Bulk of the Legislature meeting
contract, elaborated the air de- last night was taken up with par-
fense program to ward off the air- liamentary entanglements over a
atomic danger of which they motion to bind student candidates
warned. But no system of air to "reasonable" and "non-discrim-
warning and interception can ' inatory" quadrangle rules on cam-
achieve a 100 per cent kill of at- pagry prce re
tacking aircraft, and this is not Tpaignemg procedure.
claied or hE rojct inclnI The motion would leave deci-
claimed for the Project Lincoln sions as to which rules fall under
program. the qualifications up to Men's
There is a difference between Judiciary Council.
complete air defense and effective'
air defense. Even when the at- THOUGH an amendment to de-
tackers carry atomic bombs, a lete the qualification "reasonable"
high kill rate of say 70 to 80 per was defeated, a proposal to re-
cent is considered to provide an quire judiciaries to make pre-elec-
effective air defense. Enough of tion decisions on house rules was
the attackers will be knocked still being discussed at the ex-
down to make sure that this coun- tended adjournment hour.
try will be neither devastated nor Supporter of the original mo-
seriously crippled, and so can car- tion, Leah Marks, '55L, held that
ry on the war. the amendment conflicted with
This, in itself, will be the best her proposal in that it did not
possible insurance against an at- provide for post-election judicial
tack being attempted. If attempt- decisions.
ed nonetheless, the attack will A move to elect J-Hop Commit-
chiefly result in the exhaustion of tee members by the Hare sys-
the enemy's vital atomic stockpile tern of proportional representation
and the crippling of his own strik- passed easily last nightand ,will
ing force, take effect in the up-coming all-
See MATTER, Page 4 campus elections.

Asks Delay
In Tax Cuts
WASHINGTON - (A) - Presi-
dent Eisenhower said yesterday
Congress may "reform" taxes but
should withhold any tax cuts un-
til a balanced federal budget is in
At the same time, the president
predicted there will be some "com-
plaint .'. . friction . . . trouble"
now that all government wage-
price controls have been scrapped.
ADDRESSING a group of 150
business leaders, he said:
"We must have the faith and
courage to stand by our guns all
the way through the capital and
in the nation, so, possibily, just
the plain workings of economic
law will re-establish itself as a
sound system for a country such
as ours. !Certainly that is our.
plan and hope."
Eisenhower said he thought he
could be fairly described as "mid-
dle of the road" in his thinking,
and declared he wants to avoid a
one-sided economy w-eighted ei-
ther in the direction of manage-
ment or labor.
"Let's not get too far to one
side or the other," he said.
On the subject of taxes, Eisen-
hower again hit out at any sug-
gestion of reducing taxes until the
government can get away from
red-ink spending.
He emphasized the burden of
some 80 billion dollars in obliga-
tions inherited from past adminis-
New Korean
Action Opensa
By The Associated Press
Action blazed along the Korean
battle front and In the air yester-
day as Allied Thunderjets follow-
ed up powerful night Superfort
attacks with smashing daylight
blows at Red troop and supply
The Navy disclosed that two de-
stroyers and a minesweeper
emerged from two duels with Com-
munist shore batteries along the
Northeast Korean coast Tuesday
with no material damage but
three casualties from near misses.
Chinese Communist troops stab-
bed at eight points along the 155-
mile front but were hurled back
by Dutch, South Korean and U.
S. troops.
* * *
MEANWHILE, in Tokyo Adlai
Stevenson declared yesterday the
cruel and "senseless" Korean War'
would rage on without end so long;
as the Chinese Communists "con-
tinue to bleed and die for their
Russian masters."
After a five-day close-hand in-
spection he said at a Seoul press
conference he could not predict
how long the fighting would last,I
but thought that Asia will be a
"major concern" of the United
States for many years.
He will call, on Emperor Hiro-
hito today and take off that night
for Formosa on the next legof his
round-the-world trip.
And in Washington the Defense
Department reported yesterday
that Korean battle casualtiest
reached 131,244, an increase of1
252 since last week.,

-Daily-Tim Richard
CANINE SURVEY--Delta Tau Delta's mascot, Major, gives a bored yawn in reply to questions by
census takers Dieter Krause and Frank Wolowitz.
* *e*s*' * * *d
StuentPollsters Invade Dog's World

Power Strike
Threat Halted
JACKSON - (R) - Settlement
of the strike-threatening Consum-
ers Power Co. dispute was an-
nounced late yesterday.
The new one-year agreement,
subject to ratification by 24 locals
of the CIO Utility Workers union,
provides a general 10-cent hourly
wage boost, an improved holiday
clause and higher shift differen-
tials. If ratified, it will be retro-
active to March 1.
,* * *
nounced jointly by the company
and union after a three and a half
hour session yesterday afternoon
which followed a long night bar-
gaining Tuesday night.
The Utility Workers union had
threatened to pull it's 4,700 mem-
bers off the job in a demand for a
15-cent an hour wage boost and
other concessions.
Prof. William B. Haber of the
economics department ,served as
chairman of a state mediation
board set up to help settle the dis-
MIG Pilot Flees
COPENHAGEN, Denmark --(,P)+
- The Polish Air Force pilot who
landed a Soviet-built MIG15 jet+
fighter in Denmark left yesterday
for an unannounced destination.;
It is believed the pilot is now
en route for the United States or

In other election action, SL ap-
proved placement on the spring
ballots of a referendum asking
men students to approve or reject
the revised Union Constitutioa.
SL member Bob Perry, '55E, an-
nounced that he had secured th?
required 600 signatures for a ref-
erendum to sound out student
opinion on a non-profit bookstore
in the proposed Union addition.
Bundestag Set
For Pact Vote
BONN, Germany--(AP) - Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer marshaled
his forces confidently last night
to seek a smashing vote of ap-
proval in the Bundestag lower
house for his twin treaties to re-
arm West Germany in alliance
with the free world against Com-
munist aggression.
The treaties come before the
Bundestag today for their third
and final reading. Adenauer has
called for a thumping majority to
"show the way" to the rest of free
Sandweiss Essay
Wins Recognition
Leonard Sandweiss, '53, won an
honorable mention award in the
National Council of Jewish Wom-
en's nationwide essay contest on
"The Meaning of Academic Free-;
dom," it was announced yesterday.
Students from approximately
200 colleges competed for the $2,-
500 first prize which was won by
Stanley A. Wolpert of New York
City College.

Washtenaw County's dog pop-
ulation is currently having its cen-
sus taken by two University stu-
An annual project of the Sher-
iff's Department, the unusual sur-
vey is required by law to check
on which county canines need
licenses. Since a dog must be given
a rabies shot to get a license, the
census is also used to determine
which dogs need shots.
* * *
CONDUCTING the door to door
poll are Dieter Krause, '54, and
Frank Wolowitz, Grad., who spend
their afternoons on the survey.
CBS Program
To Broadcast
A nation-wide television broad-
cast of a phase of University life
is being planned by the Columbia
Broadcasting System.
The program will be part of a
series involving 21 colleges and
universities. Called "The Search,"
the series is designed to dramatize
higher education's cultural and
scientific contributions to individ-
ual and national welfare.
THE UNIVERSITY'S part in the
series, beginning in September,
will be a program on the English
Language Institute which is set
up to teach foreign students Eng-
lish in eight weeks.
Director of the institute, Prof.
Charles C. Fries, of the English
department, said technical ad-
visors from CBS are expected to
visit the University in about two
weeks to lay out material for
the program.
Arthur L. Brandon, Director of
University Relations, is in New
York to complete formal arrange-
ments for the program. He said
the University is pleased over the
show which will allow millions to
see the campus and the work of
the institute.
He described the world fa~mous.
institute as contributing to "bet-
ter foreign relations and interna-
tional good will."
Basic purpose of the series is
to help viewers "adjust to an en-
vironment currently dominated
by the cold war and economic
and psychological stress."
Other instituitions taking hart

In recording vital statistics
of the local canine community,
the pair have discovered local
dog owners prefer spaniels with
mongrels running second.
A delicate problem arises in clas-
sification of the latter group,
Krause reported, since owners are
loathe to see-their pets entered in
the "mongrel" group.
Honors for advanced age go so
far to a 19-year-old dog whose
advanced age is equivalent to that
of a 133-year-old human, accord-
ing to popular legend.
* *
A CERTAIN amount of occupa-
tional trouble arises from bellicose
dogs and owners who do not want
to answer questions about their
pets, the pollsters said.
Menacing dogs are sometimes
held off with brooms, and un-
cooperative owners are warned
that refusal to answer questions
will result in a visit from sher-
iff's officers, according to Wol-
Usually these methods are ef-
fective, he added, although last
year one adamant citizen decided
to stand on his constitutional
rights and would not answer the

routine queries until he received
a personal call from a deputy
After -statistics are compiled,
they are turned over to Deputy
Donald J. Ruddick who checks on
whether the dogs are properly li-
censed, and sends out complaints
to owners of unlicensed pooches.
Seven Killed
In Air Crash

Reds Warned
Against New
Air Incidents
UN Negotiations
Asked by U.S.
By The Associated Press
The United States yesterday de-
manded punishment for the Rus-
sian flier who attacked an Amer-
ican plane off Soviet Kamchatka
The note to Moscow said this
country "expects" quick word on
A-the disciplinary measures tak-
en and B-steps by the Reds to
make sure nothing of the sort
happens again.
THE AIR FORCE announced
the incident Tuesday, reporting
that two MIG 15 jet fighters inter-
cepted the American B-50 bomber
on a weather reconnaissance flight
25 miles off the coast of the Si-
berian peninsula and about 100
miles northeast of the Soviet base
at Petropavlovsk.
One Jet stayed overhead, the
Air Force said, but the other
swooped down in a firing pass.
The American tail gunner, fol-
lowing the MIG with his sights
but holding his fire until the
attacker opened up with his
guns, returned the fire. The )et
broke off with no apparent dam-
age to either craft, and the B-50
sped back to its Alaskan base.
It was the first confirmed case
of a two-way fight between Ameri-
can and Red military plane out-
side the war zone in Korea, though
there have been Communist at-
tacks on American craft in the
European area which did not or
could not shoot back.
AND IN THE United Nations,
the United States called on Soviet
Prime Minister Georgi M. Malen-
kov yesterday to show he really-
wants peace by starting construc-
tive negotiations on disarmament
in the UN.
The challenge was voiced by
U. S. ambassador Ernest A.
Gross in the 60-nation political
In a secret, down-to-earth meet-
ing on the problem of a successor
for Secretary General Trygve Lie,
the big five powers went over a
dozen possibilities without coming
to an agreement.
The answers to Gross' ques-
tions on disarmament and to the
riddle of the secretary geneml
may have to await the arrival
of Andrei Y. Vishinsky, Soviet
permanent delegate, March 26.
He is coming fresh from talks
with the new Moscow adminis-
Gross referred in his speech yes-
terday to Malenkov's talk about
peaceful settlement of all prob-
lems made in his inaugural ad-
dress to the Supreme Soviet in
Moscow last Sunday.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-A horrified Marshal
Tito watched two screaming Brit-
ish jet fighters ram together al-
most overhead and crash in flames
during an air show yesterday in
his honor.
Both Royal Air Force pilots were

yesterday overwhelmingly en-
dorsed President Eisenhower's
first government reorganization
proposal and voted to put it into
effect speedily.
The plan would replace the big
Federal Security Agency with a
new Cabinet-level Department
of Health, Education and Wel-

ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. -- (P) -


big 10-engine United States B36
bomber with 23 persons report-
ed aboard crashed and burned
on Newfoundland's isolated east
coast yesterday.
Early reports said seven bodies
had been located.
Woodsmen reached the scene
after hearing the pre-dawn ex-
plosion and later told of finding
the unburned bodies scattered on
the snow around the charred
wreckage. There was no early in-
dication as to the fate of the other
16 persons believed to have been
in the plane.

Quad Rules Limit Use
Of Campaign Posters
Though student election posters manage to make themselves
omnipresent during campaign 'weeks, a maze of residence hall rules
governing electioneering limit candidates' distribution of campaign
Heatedly debated in the Student Legislature meeting last night,
quadrangle rules are drawn up by individual house councils. Regu-
lations for women's residences have never been codified but usually
allow unrestricted poster distribution with permission of a house
IN THE QUADS, a total of 19 houses have come up with 11 dif-
ferent rules on the campaign literature topic.
Most recent move to simplify >- - ----- -

Ogden Nash To End Lecture Series

Ann Arborites who journeyed to
Detroit several months ago to see
"Two's Company" at the play's
pre-Broadway opening will not
soon forget the name of the author
-Ogden Nash.

* * *

most recognition. Except for a
year as managing editor of "The
New Yorker," Nash has concen-
trated for 20 years on producing
at a prodigious rate the light

the rules was taken Tuesday
night by the East Quad Council
in its recommendation of a uni-
form election code to the indi-
vidual houses.
The lack of centralized author-
ity to enforce the rules has been
pointed up in a statement pre-
ceeding the Inter-House Council
listings handed out to student

allowing only independent men
to post literature. Gomnberg
House, South Quad, Strauss
House, East Quad, and Chicago
House, West Quad, follow this
Reeves House, South Quad, per-
mits only posters of South Quad

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