PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY lV .xlivi. i riu rD, Y:, 1vit .xi, i'r ]:f3, ].9;3 SL & the Quads IN CONSIDERING two motions on the Stu- dent Legislature agenda for tonight, SL will be giving particular recognition to the conflicts and problems of quadrangle gov- ernment and attempting to arrive at an equitable solution to them. First is a motion dealing with the oc- easionally ridiculous and overly complex maze of house election rules. In place of a similar resolution narrowly defeated last week, tonight's motion provides that "all candidates for SL-controlled elections must abide by those reasonable individual house rules of a non-discriminatory na- ture which are received by the candidate when he picks up his petition." The mo- tion has the dual advantages of recogniz- ing the right of quad houses to jurisdic- tion over electioneering in their area and of giving campus judiciary councils the potential right to rule out those house regulations wich are felt to be "unrea- sonable" or "discriminatory." It has the singular disadvantage of fall- ing short of the ideal situation wherein in- dividual houses would coordinate efforts to simplify rules for the candidates' and campus' benefit with SL incorporating the rules into its policy. But tonight's resolution is geared to the present, and the present, according to quad officials, is a time when inter-house con- flicts make an ideal solution impossible. Looking in retrospect at the Bob Perry case last fall, it is obvious that SL must legislate to prevent recurrence of such a mix-up. In Perry's case, Men's Judic ruled that an SL candidate is not bound to obey an indivi- dual house's campaigning rules unless he happens to be a member of that house. To- night's motion would give the judiciaries the jurisdictional authority they lacked in the Perry case and would at the same time give them the right to invalidate the more ob- jectionable house rules. Because the house rules which SL would incorporate into campaigi policy must be accessible to petitioning candidates, the present SL proposal will not apply to spring elections. This is unfortunate but presently unavoidable and SL candidates will have to stand up to electioneering un- certainty as a result of the Legislature's short-sightedness. The second motion-a less complex one- Ss a request to the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls to consult students pri- or to any room and board hike. It is hoped that this motion, with implementation SL might consider worthwhile, will be passed tonight to back up quad members in their current fight for representation. -Virginia Voss New Line-up In The Kremlin By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst GORGI M. MALENKOV heads a cautious regime in the Kremlin today and will continue to head it as long as he stays on good terms with his twin in power, Lavrenty P. Beria. If they should fall out, one would have to liquidate the other and the winner would be in serious danger. This is a regime which must feel its way carefully for some time to come, which must avoid taking unnecessary chances. If there is any hint, any vaguest suspicion of opposition, the power twins can be expected to move swiftly to crush it. To give themselves time to buttress their regime at home, Prime Minister Malenkov, ruler of the Soviet Communist party, and Interior Minister Beria, ruler of the omni- present secret police, are likely to launch a great peace offensive abroad. It will not necessarily be aimed at peace, since the So- viet Union needs its external enemies, but it will be aimed at giving the regime the time It needs to fortify it sown safety. There will likely be another round, there- fore, of the theme that capitalism and com- munism can co-exist peacefully. There will be no reason to believe that this one will be any more genuine than any of the others. + It will be a matter of peaceful co-existence on the Kremlin's terms, granting the Krem- lin the right to do as it pleases in other people's countries. The Malenkov-Beria combination has already given an indication of its course. The party has been ordered to "streng- then its connection with the masses," which means to tighten its controls over every phase of existence of the Soviet people. The party has been told that dis- unity-meaning any shadow of disobe- dience-will be swiftly punished. Satellite Communist leaders who went to Moscow for the Stalin funeral will under- stand the orders, which mean, no slacken- ing whatever of the grip the Kremlin has on its empire abroad. Communist leaders from the non-Communist countries also will understand, for Malenkov told them in the Stalin funeral oration that the USSR is not giving up its concern for "workers of rasln aio nr-a nr- ioli- n ti-- lfiao ,, m n^1,4 Hill A uditorium--Obsolete? "Harold, 41 (0, we've Got To 7(t s4 Throw You To The Sheep' THE UNIVERSITY Choral Union's main asset, its auditorium which the great Paderewski once greatly lauded, may be- come obsolete. This is a very speculative thought, for it is doubtful that Hill Audi- torium will cease being used until the last brick has caved in. But nonetheless there are factors which can validate this thesis, at least musically. The American public is beginning to demand an intimate musical experience. The advent of the L.P. recording hasp brought to life a new audience, one that, in the privacy of a home, can feel united with the music. There is nothing surpris- ing in this. To feel a part of the perform- ance is naturally more' gratifying than sitting in a four thousand seat hall, where the incidental distractions are distressing and the geographical distance of the spectator from the performers can be very great. With the recording we sit back and relax; the music is being played only to us. There is no one coughing, no one coming late, no music students tapping their feet or grim- acing to designate their obvious innate su- periority over the uninformed. Even more important there are no elderly ladies bla- tantly conversing during a gentle pianis- simo, "magnifi ient. I don't know what I would do withot Rubinstein." Seated in front of the phonograph "our century's great technological advancement evidences a circular motion. In Mozart's time the violin sonata was performed in the home, and usually with the family doing the playing. The nineteenth century saw it leave the home and enter the concert hall. Now it is back in the home, and the only effort needed on our part is to occasionally change the record. Science has let us dis- pense with years of practice on the piano- forte. Undoubtedly taken by itself this fact is an evil, for it is just as important that people play music as listen to it. But that music can again be enjoyed intimately in the home is definitely an achievement. Vivaldi, Corelli, Josquin, madrigals, mo- tets, and trio sonatas are now becoming household names. We can generally re- joice for the nineteenth century is de- feating itself by its own lack. We enjoy the personal more than the impersonal; the sincere is moving, the melancholy ges- ture of heroism,"at best entertaining. This is not to underrate Brahms and those ro- mantics of stature, only thankfulness that their hangers on are silently falling into their graves. Scriabin is today only pro- grammed by the old guard, Heifetz, Ru- binstein, etc., and he is studied only by the musicologist. But recordings have serious defects. Each performance is the same, and the listener can easily be deceived into believing that there is one and only one proper perform- ance of a given work. The vitality of the performer's recreation can be quickly lost. Also it takes considerable financial means to accumulate a collection of variety. This will be hard to believe, but if we look hard enough and long enough, we can, for the same amount of money that the average person spends on records, get more variety by attending concerts. In Ann Arbor we don't even have to look for a long time; we merely read the D.O.B. and readily find what we want in the maze of concerts givenj here each year. Nevertheless, recordings, by their na- ture, gradually die. They can never re- place the freshness of a live performance. And here is where the insufficiency of Hill Auditorium enters the picture. Will the American public, now being treated for the first time to the fruits of an in- timate musical experience, continue to be satisfied by the artificiality of a large auditorium? A few weeks ago I attended a violin-piano recital by Emil Raab and Benning Dexter, both members of the music school faculty. They played in Angell Hall, auditorium A. Last semester I heard a recital by Yehudi Menuhin who played in Hill. Both concerts included the Beethoven Sonata in C minor. Menuhin ran a poor second, and I doubt that this would have been the case if he had played in the same hall as Messrs. Raab and Dexter. The Angell Hall auditorium is acousti- cally complimentary. It doesn't accommo- date a tenth the people that Hill does, but this is a hundred times better for the mu- sic. Violin sonatas no more belong in the large concert hall than do symphony or- chestras in a cloak room. Yet there is another side to the ledger. If Menuhin played in Angell Hall, a vast amount of people would be turned away. But would it not be feasible, if the public so desired, to engage an artist for a group of performances in a small hall? You may not get the big names all the time, but what is more important, the music, or a name with glamour. Charles Sink may well have cause for worry. The crowds will always come for symphonies or May Festivals, but there may be a time when audiences will forsake a recital in Hill. And if there are no oppor- tunities for recitals in smaller halls, they may indignantly forsake concerts altogeth- er, and retire to the phonograph with all its shortcomings. -Donald Harris ette 4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors, . I I ,' ; ' a. $ e 1. ,. U " T J z""u z 4p*" vwc *4 s*a4 per{ Yowram ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON 1111 1 WASHINGTON-The Joint Chiefs of Staff are sitting most of this week in a difficult hassle over the $4,250,000,000 budget cut handed them out of the blue by Secretary of Defense Wilson. The most important and immediate saving they can accomplish will also be the most controversial-super airplane carriers. The question of carriers has created storms in Congress and helped bring the resignation of one defense secretary-Louey Johnson. Nevertheless, it remains a fact that the defense budget cannot be cut by trimming down every item a little bit; it must be cut by drastically trimming the least-needed weapons of de- fense a lot. All the secret studies show that the supercarrier is in this category. Not only is it least-needed, but many military experts consider it a liability. It takes too many other vessels to protect it. This was the report of the British Joint Chiefs of Staff following NATO naval maneuvers in the Baltic. Though the report was held up in Europe by the office of Vice Adm. Arthur D. Davis, it can be revealed that the British claimed it would be "suicidal" to throw naval aircraft against Russia's superior land-based planes, and that carriers are needed "mainly to protect shipping."1 On top of this, the U.S. Navy has suppressed vitally important facts about the poor showing of carrier planes in Korea. THE AIR SCORE IN KOREA HOWEVER, this column, after deleting details which might aid the enemy, is now able to report the score on Navy planes vs. Air Force planes from the Korean outbreak until Jan. 1, 1953: 1-Slightly under 75 per cent of our combat aircraft were, land-based. Yet these land-based planes flew 83 per cent of the total offensive missions. The remaining 25. per cent of the planes based on carriers flew only 17 per cent of the missions. 2-The Navy's few land-based planes did not measure up to the Air Force. Of all the combat planes based on land, the Navy operated 4 per cent. Yet it flew only one-tenth of 1 per cent of the missions. The Air Force, with less than 60 per cent of the land-based planes, flew 67 per cent of the missions. The Marines, with 12 per cent, flew 15 per cent of the missions. The remaining 18 per cent were flown by our UN allies. 3-The Navy has assigned seven carriers to the Korean War, yet the average number of carriers actually on duty has been less than four. 4-One-fourth of the Navy's "combat sorties" have been re- stricted to circling over the carriers as protective cover. In other words, the Navy's seven carriers assigned to the Korean War have been in the battle zone only half the time, (Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Academic Freedom . ., To the Editor: I SEE THAT we have a new regu- lar contributor' to the Daily Letter Column: one Ronald Sea- voy. It is good to know that we have such active defenders of "custom" and the "social norms" as Mr. Seavoy. However I cannot mourn with Mr. Seavoy a bunch of narrow- minded character assassins, who are the self-appointed defenders of our "national vitality" cannot enforce their wills upon the whole United States as they well might in a small town. For what I wish might be the last time it would have to be said, the United States has long been thought of as a very cosmopolitan place the popula- tion of which is composed of prob- ably more nationality groups than any other in the world. Therefore, unlike most small towns, the na- tion as a whole has a great vari- ety of opinions; yet all of its peo- ple have felt that they had a right to those opinions. If there is any custom in America, this is it. I do not say that this custom is right; I won't even say that it should not or cannot everbe changed. To tell the truth I think there are many in this country at present, in agreement with Mr. Seavoy, who seek to change it. Sometimes, when observing the work of men of his opinion, I my- self feel that the custom might be changed in some way to prevent him and his friends from taking advantage of the rights of free speech and of the press. But then I remember the facts of the above paragraph, and I tell myself, "No, if I would have the right, so must he, even though he must twist lo- gic and reasoning in the process." As for those being "removed" from their jobs who ,have not "free consciences"-when that day I comes, if I am judging consciences, woe be it to Mr. Seavoy. -Ivan Gluckman Correction « . To the Editor: IN THANKING you for your courtesy in reporting my lec- ture in yesterday's edition of The Daily, may I correct one mis- statement. British manufacturers are ex- panding, and not contracting. Taking the Index of Production in 1948 as 100, by 1951 it had risen to 121. It is true that British Agricul- ture is also expanding, but not at the expense of our manufactures. -James Callaghan * * * Cinema Guild *. * To the Edito:, lUST A NOTE of thanks to Miss J Laufer and Mr. Ravick fo their complimentsaon Cinema Guild movies, and an explanatio plus a bit of good news to all Cin- ema Guild fans. The Student Legislature Cinema Guild Board realizes that the fa- cilities at Architecture Auditorium leave much to be desired, but fo the present there really isn'1 much we can do about them. The only auditorium in Angell Hall big enough to hold our audience i reserved for the music depart- ment, and previous bookings ir Hill Auditorium plus lack of mon ey to rent it, prevent our using i more often than we do. The onl other possibilities are the audi- otoriums of various elementar and high schools in Ann Arbor but these also are used for othe purposes over week ends. However B we still are trying-if we mak enough money in the next fe years, we may be abl t uy or rent our own theater. Perhaps the seats won't seem sc t hard after next week, though, for our two new Bell and Howell pro- jectors and a new screen will be in use.The improvementin the light and sound is amazing, and we on the Board think the in- creased attendance that the pro- jectors and screen will bring will make.them well worth their price. With the combination of the screen and projectors, the terrific movies on tap for this spring ("Tobacco Road," "All About Eve," and "The Razor's Edge," among many others), and the low ad- mission charge of fifty cents per person, we hope to make this se- mester's Cinema Guild the best we've ever had. -Ruth Rossner Public Relations Chrmn, Cinema Guild Board * * * Rosenberg Case.,, To the Editor: IT IS INDEED unfortunate that the. judge at the Rosenberg trial was that legal non-entity Irving Kaufman instead of that outstanding'member of the Bar, Dr. H. Urey. It is equally unfor- tunate that the jury was composed of ordinary citizens instead of men of* great legal minds like Dr. Albert Einstein. Had these in- ternationally famous legal experts been in the above position the re- sult would have been quite dif- ferent. Beyond question, had these outstanding legal scholars been in charge it would not have been possible for a jury to hear and weigh all the evidence and return an unjustifiable verdict. Nor would it have been possible for an in- competent judge to impose a com- pletely unwarranted sentence. Moreover, it is highly improb- able that it would have been ne- cessary for several improperly edu- cated appeals judges and eight le. gal novices in the Supreme Court to likewise weigh the evidences and come up with a completely baffling decision. However, that is all water under thebridge. Al- though it is deplorable that the trial was not in the hands of those with the proper training, the important thing now is to secure the freedom of the Rosenbergs, the victims of this legal fiasco. I urge all the legal experts in the Chemistry department to send their appeals to President Eisen- hower immediately. -Sam Manzo :I i e I MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP P I t WASHINGTON-A few days ago, after be- ing somewhat critical of the investiga- tive methods of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, these reporters received the following letter from Chicago. Dear Sir I like the work that McCarthy does by uncovering Moscow termites . . , but it seems to us (me and my friends) that you just hate any one that tries to get the Moscow agents out into the open. Funny-it is not the working class that the Red Jesuits can hoodwink so easily, but the so-called intellectuals-bah! Yes, we think you do a very good service to Big Joe . . . Yours truly, E. O. Lipensky. A great number of similar letters are in- variably received whenever a critical refer- ence to Sen. McCarthy appears in this space. About half of these communications, most commonly anonymous, are obviously the work of neurotics and paranoiacs. They reek with anti-Semitism and other ugly symp- toms of mental illness in political form. They convey the impression that the sewers of our public life have burst, and the ac- cumulated filth is flowing in the streets. But there are other letters, which deserve more serious consideration, which some from quite honestly puzzled people, these puzzled people write, in effect: "McCarthy is against communism. You're against McCarthy. Doesn't that mean that you're in favor of communism?" This attitude has become such a com- mon phenomenon nowadays that it perhaps justifies a personal word. In the first place, these reporters ven- ture to claim an anti-Communist record that is considerably longer, and more con- sistent, than the record of Sen. Mc- Carthy himself. One of them passed the war years in China, as a member of Gen. C. L. Chen- nault's Flying Tigers, as a trusted adviser of Chiang Kai-shek's government, and as an officer of Gen. Chennault's 14th Air Force. In these different capacities, he was one of the first Americans to warn the gov- ernment in Washington of the acute post- war danger represented by the Chinese Cnmm r pra nnc.ct-+f v fmh+ the The other member of this partnership had no share in politics until 1946, when the partnership was formed. At that time, there was hardly a single American news- paper man with a national audience, or a single leading American politician, who was warning against the menace of Com- munism in America, or even against the menace of the Soviet Union. Yet at that time, infiltration had gone so far in the labor movement, for instance, that the Wisconsin C.I.O. was virtually con- trolled by Communists. These same Wis- consin Communists swung the crucial Mil- waukee labor vote against the late Sen. Ro- bert M. LaFollette, jr., and so gave the vic- tory to Sen. McCarthy in the Wisconsin Republican primary of 1946. At that time, Sen. McCarthy defiantly commented, "Well, Communists vote, don't they?" But at that time, when Sen. McCarthy was so complacent about Com- munists that he accepted their political aid, these reporters were the very opposite of complacent. In those days, when it was not popular to be anti-Communist, these reporters publish- ed story after story warning against Com- munist infiltration of the labor and liberal movements. They named names, without benefit of Congressional immunity. They exposed the Wallace Progressive party as a Communist front, when all others were still silent. They got themselves called Fascist beasts for their pains, and by a good many of the same people who now think they are pro-Communist because they are anti-Mc- Carthy. That is the record, which any one can read. Nowadays, the American Commun- ist party is an impotent wreck. Nowadays, moreover, there is a new threat from a very different quarter, to the most cher- ished institutions of the United States. The sacred rights of American citizens, the sacred liberties for which our fore- fathers fought, are being trampled under- foot by Sen. McCarthy and others of his kidney. People are forgetting in this country that every man, whether guilty or innocent, has a right to a fair trial under our Constitu- (Continued from Page 2) Personnel Requests. O-Cel-O, Division of General Mills, Inc., Buffalo, New York, has the fol- lowing positions open: Chemical, Mech- anical, Electrical, and Industrial En- gineers; Research and Control Chem- ists; Accountants, Sales and Business and Industrial Management. The Emerson Electric Mfg., of St. Louis, Mo., is in need of Electrical En- gineers with interest in the power phase of electricalsengineering and Mechanical Engineers for their Train- ing Program. They also have openings for those interested in Product and Mechanical Design. The Euclid Road Machinery Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, would like to locate a young man with some training in Journalism as well as interests in Per- sonnel Relations to prepare personnel communications material for this or- ganization. Harvard University, Boston, Mass., School of Public Health, has an open- ing for a Research Fellowship in In- dustrial Hygiene. They are interested In Mechanical or Chemical Engineers. The fellowships are on a half-time basis and permit the candidate to work half-time toward a graduate degree in Industrial Hygiene Engineering. National Standard, Niles, Mich., has several openings for Management Trainees and are interested in Mech- anical and Industrial Engineers, as well as LSA students. Improved Risk Mutuals, of White Plains, N. Y., has openings for Engi- neering graduates on their Training Course in Fire Protection Inspection and Engineering. Applications are available. For appointments and detailed in- formation concerning these and other positions contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism, auspices of the Department or Jour- nalism, "Newspapers and Politics," Ed- ward Lindsay, of Decatur, Illinois, edi- tor n the Lincav-Schib Newanapers. Evening with Ogden Nash" which is being presented by the-1952-53 Lecture Course. Box office hours are from 10 to 1 and from 2 to 5 today and from 10 to8:30 p.m. tomorrow. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Albert Cad- wallader Worrell, Forestry; thesis: "Op- timum Inhtensity of Forest Land Use on a Regional Basis with Application to a Portion of the Georgia Piedmont,' Thurs., °4ar. 19, 3047 Natural Science Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, K. P. Davis. Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Theory of Growth. Professor C. Theo- dore Larson, of the School of Archi- tecture, will discuss "Architecture As Desig~n for Growth," Thurs., Mar. 19, 4 pm..West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building. Sociology Colloquium. Dr. William W Biddle, Chairman of the Department of Community Dynamics, Earlham Col. lege, will speak on "'Real Life Social Laboratories,"eat 4:10 p.m., Wed.,sMar. 18, in the West Conference Room Rackham Building. All persons inter- ested are invited to attend. Geometry Seminar. Wed., Mar. 18, p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. R. Buch will continue his talk on "Gewebe and Groups.' Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prol J. Ormondroyd will speak on "vibra tion of Ships Excited by the Propeller' at 3:30 p.m. on Wed., Mar. 18, in 10 West Engineering Building. Seminar in Applied Mathematics wil meet Thurs., Mar. 19, at 4 p.m. in 247 West Engineering. Dr. C. J. Titu will continue his talk on "Leowner' work on conservation laws in compres sible fluid flow." Course 402, the Interdisciplinar Seminar in the Applications of Mathe matics to the Social Sciences, will mee on Thurs., Mar. 19, at 4 p.m. in 40 Mason Hall. Dr. C. H. Coombs and Mr J. E. Milholland of the Psychology De partment will speak on "An Experimen on Decision Making Under Uncertain. Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young .,....Managing Editor Barnes Connable............City Editor Cal Samra..........Editorial Director Zander Holander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus......... Associate City Editor Harland Brits..........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor John Jenks. Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..,.Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell .... Chief 'Photographer Business Staff Al Green.......... Business Manager Milt Goetz........ Advertising Manager$ iiane Johnston . ..Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg...... Finance Manager Harlean Hankin.. . .Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail $7.00. 4 t I. i, 11 1a n )7 r'. Little Man On Campus by Bibler ATEXT. BOOKS TO BAY RE. (jO~ O, 00 wwa /77/ Cam' .TERM eAfffZ oa. ios sc /Mo 1.T£ ~aPE4 1 JO TAIZVr'J6, '/, 4~I' 4 '