See Page 4
(ZI rP
Latest Deadline in the State
1 -
VOL. LXIII, No. 114
Showdown Urged
On Velde Ouster
Possible Investigation of Communism
In Churches Causes Controversy
WASHINGTON-(R)-Rep. Jackson (R-Calif.) declared yesterday
"there are Communists in the church" and demanded a showdown
on the move to roust Chairman Velde (R-Ill.) of the House Un-
American Activities Committee over the issue of investigating church-
Velde himself joined in the applause and in urging a showdown.
He issued a statement saying he concurs with Jackson and would
like to know how members of the House "feel about my fitness" for
the chairmanship.
CHAIRMAN ALLEN (R-ill.) of the Rules
not know what action would be taken on
Committee said he did
the ouster resolution.
EQ Council
Passes Code
On Elections
A uniform code of campaign
rules was recommended by the
East Quad Council yesterday for
enactment by individual houses.
At the same time, the Council
voted to completely open main
corridors under their jurisdiction
to all campaign posters.
THE TWO-POINT recommenda-
tion asked that houses leave stair-
wells open to all election -posters
and allow placards to be placed
within 15 feet of their bulletin
Under quadrangle rules each
house council sets its own elec-
tioneering rules.
Neither the West nor South
Qaud Councils made any changes
or recommendations on campaign
laws in their meetings yesterday.
The West Quad Council, how-
ever, voted to request Student Leg-
islature to have candidates sub-
mit a written pledge to the house
judiciaries that they would abide
by individual house rules in their
At tonight's meeting SL is
scheduled to consider a motion
which would make "reasonable"
rules of a "non-discriminatory
nature" binding on candidates.
At the present time, Gomberg
House in South Quad and Strauss
House in East Quad allow only
independent candidates to cam-
paign, and Taylor and Huber
Houses in South Quad ban all
The West Quad meeting also
featured a discussion of proposed
residence hall rate hikes. Although
council members were unhappy
about the raises, they were some-
what resigned to them, president
Sam Alfieri, '54A, commented.
Jackson, a member of the
committee, stood in the well of
the House to say there is evi-
dence "the Communist party
and the fellow-traveling press'
are trying to abolish the com-
While he was at it, he delivered
a free-swinging attack that alto
took in the Ford Foundation, radio
and television, Red educators, and
some churchmen.
METHODIST Bishop Bromley
Oxnam of Washington, Jackson
said, "has been to the Communist
front what Man O' War was to
thoroughbred racing."
The churchman, who has been
a vigorous critic of the un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee and
especially of the methods it has
pursued in its investigation of
communism in education, hit
back quickly with a statement.
He said, "Congressman Jackson
should know that there is no con-
gressional immunity from the Bib-
lical injunction, "Thou shalt not
bear false witness.' "
"When the Committee on Un-
American Activities releases false-
hood and rumor which it admits
it has not investigated and which
does not represent a conclusion
or judgment of the committee, and
does so to silence critics, it be-
comes party to slander and justi-
fies the mounting nation-wide
criticism of its methods."
Jackson said the Ford Founda-
tion last week announced a 15 mil-
lion dollar grant to investigate
congressional committees to deter-
mine whether additional safe-
guards are required for the pro-
tection of civil rights.
"The Ford Foundation might
well devote some of its efforts to
public disclosure of the substan-
tial and vital work performed by
the committee," he added.
YDs Elect Officer
Lois Harzfeld, '53, was elected
recording secretary of the Young
Democrats last night.
The group heard a talk by Neil
Staebler, chairman of the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee.
OPS Raises
Price Curbs
On AllGoods
Controls Lifted
Six Weeks Early
control ended yesterday after two
controversy-ridden years.
Six weeks ahead of President
Eisenhower's target date for a
free economy, the Office of Price
Stabilization struck the ceiling
from steel, machine tools, cans,
and some chemicals and other de-
fense materials-the last control-
led commodities.
* * *
THE CONTROLS came off the
last consumer goods last week.
OPS figures buyers will pay
three billion dollars more a year
because of price rises in the
items freed since the decontrol
drive got underway in Febru-
About one billion is from the
consumer's pocket directly. An-
other big chunk will be in taxes
to pay for higher-cost munitions.
But yesterday's big decontrol.
items, iron and steel, are not due
to rise generally. OPS and indus-
try spokesmen agree that boom-
ing output and growing competi-
tion will hold steel products in
The OPS order lifted from in-
dustry a regulatory harness that
was imposed at a peak of panic
buying on Jan. 26, 1950. That
was after prices had zoomed 8
per cent in two bursts of buy-
ing, one when Korea was in-
vaded seven months earlier, and
another when Red China joined
the assault.
OPS Administrator Joseph H.
Freehill told reporters yesterday
that all but 1,035 OPS workers al-
ready have been fired or handed
30-day discharge notices. The
agency once employed 12,000.
* *, *
FREEHILL estimated the agency
will be virtually out of business by
April 15 except for enforcement
and pre-liquidation activity sand
will be defunct by June 30.
Generally, the inflationary im-
pact has been slight. Coffee, cig-
arettes, rice, and West Coast gas-
oline and fuel oil are the notable
instances of consumer price-boot-
World News
-Cut Courtesy Ann Arbor News
* * os* * * * * * n* *a
Atom Blst Leaves Toops Unharmed
U.S. Plane
ith MeIGOver Bering Sea
New Clash
MarKs Third
Air Incident
No Damage Done
To Either Side
FAIRBANKS, Alaska - (R) -
An Alaska-based United States Air
Force plane on a routine weather
mission was fired upon by a MIG15
jet fighter Sunday-and shot back
-in the third international inci-
dent in a week involving Russian-
type planes.
The: Air Force, disclosing the air
fight yesterday, said a long-range
B50 was intercepted by two MIGs
over international waters 25 miles
east of Kamchatka Peninsula,
2,000 miles from its Eielson Air
Force Base.
WHILE ONE of the MIGs hov-
ered overhead, the Air Force said
in announcements at Anchorage
and in Washington, the other fired
upon the American plane.
The B50 "returned fire but
there appeared to be no damage
to either craft," the Air Force
reported. The time of the fight
was reported as 12:30 p.m.,
March 15.
The plane flew from Eielson field
near here, the Air Force said. The
scene of the action was located as
about 100 miles east and slightly
north of Petropavlovsk, Russian
military base on the southern tip
of Kamchatka Peninsula.
** *
AT FAIRBANKS, the officers
and-rew were not immediately
available for interviews.
The Fairbanks Daily News-Min-
er said, however, that the plane
was not a regular member of the
15th Weather Reconnaissance
Squadron, which does not fly B5Os.
The Air Force announcement
said the plane was "on a rou-
tine weather reconnaissance
The incident followed by only
three days the shooting down of a
British bomber in flames over
Western Germany, with the killing
of the bomber's seven crewmen.
Two days before, on March 10,
fighter planes flying out of Com-
munist Czechoslovakia shot down
an American plane on patrol in
Western Germany.
Britain Spurns
Prisoner Deal
LONDON-(A)-Prime Minister
Churchill grimly rejected yester-
day Red Hungary's offer to barter
Englishman Edgar Sanders for a
Chinese Communist girl terrorist
imprisoned in- Malaya.
Churchill announced Britain's
decision to turn down the Com-
munist proposal to swap the 48-
year-old businessman imprisoned
on espionage charges for gueril-
la leader Lee Meng in a terse
statement to the House of Com
Churchill promised the govern-
ment will "continue to persevere"
by other means to get Sanders
out of his Hungarian prison.
Speaker Eyes
The present international situ-
ation is the result of a world rev-
olution that has been brewing for
nearly 200 years, John Swomley
associate director of the Fellow-
ship for Reconciliation said last
Speaking at the First Baptist
Church, the director of the Nation-
al Council against Conscription
maintained that the people of the
world are revolting against "ter-
rific economic inequality where
Kauper Says Trucks Act
The U. S. Supreme Court's decision Monday that State courts'
must interpret Michigan's Trucks Act before the high tribunal will
rule on its constitutionality was termed yesterday "a not surprising
procedural step" by Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law School.
"The Court's decision in no way passes on the merits of the Con-
stitutional issues involved," Prof. Kauper explained.
BUT THE HIGH court's action has removed a temporary injunc-
tion which had previously prevented enforcement of the act.
The Trucks Act provides that Communists and members of
Communist "front" organizations must register with State police
within five days or face a $10,000 fine.
Ypsilanti State Police Post Commander Sgt. Francis Cole said
yesterday that nobody has registered there under the now enforceable
By The Associated Press
BERLIN - Soviet zone PresI-
dent William Pieck has pleural
pneumonia, German sources said
yesterday. f
The anti-Red "Fighting Group
Against Inhumanity" reported the
plump, white-haired Communist
leader, 77 years old, is a patient in
an East Berlin hospital.
* * *
SEOUL - U.S. Second Divi-
sion troops wiped out almost to
the last man a 350-man Red
Chinese force which burst into
the main Allied line yesterday
at Little Gibraltar on the West-
ern Korean front.
* * *
WASHINGTON - President Ei-
senhower's first government reor-
ganization plan, making a new
Cabinet-level Department of the
Federal Security Agency, was ap-
proved by the House Government
Operations Committee yesterday,
- * * *
JACKSON - The CIO Utility
Workers Council resumed negotia-
tions yesterday in a wage dispute
that has threatened a strike of 4,-
700 employes of the Consumers
Power Co.
Soldiers were shaken by ' a man-
made atomic earthquake yesterday
but came climbing out of their
sheltering foxholes and marched
forward along the very fringes of
the test shot.
Of 1,000 troops and 500 other
military and press observers, not
Perry Seeks
Ref erendu
The long legislative struggle of
Bob Perry, '53E, for a non-profit
bookstore in the planned Union;
addition will be taken to the cam-y
pus as a 'referendum if Perry se-
cures the required 600 signatures
by today.
Petitions are currently being
circulated to put the proposal on
ballots for all-campus elections
March 31 and April 1.
The proposed referendumareads:
"Do you prefer to have a non-
profit bookstore in the proposed
addition to the Union rather than
allotting this space for other pur-
Student Legislature member
Perry has brought the proposal
before SL several times in the past
but has never secured passage.
one was scratched or burned or
suffered ill effects from radiation.
Army officers were pleased with
what they found.
THEY THINK now that troops,
instead of crouching in foxholes
at Tuesday's distance of two miles
from the blast, could remain above
ground at that distance, protect-
ing themselves only by stretching
But this public demonstration
of atomic explosion showed
houses might fare far worse
than fighting men.
A test house 3,500 feet from the
explosion, which was set off atop
a 300 ft steel tower, was smashed
It's All Over
White House order will soon be
issued to prevent college stu-
dents who are deferred from the
draft from prolonging their de-
ferment by marrying and be-
coming fathers, informed offi-
cials said yesterday.
The order, which may cost
thousands of young married
men their deferred status, may
be expected fairly soon, it was
into a matchstick pile, except for
a ragged stub of the first story.
* . * *
A SECOND house at 7,500 feet
was not so badly damaged struc-
turally but flying glass from shat-
tered 'windows would have killed
or badly injured tenants.
Samples of famixy automobiles
-big, expensive ones, cheaper
models-were destroyed, dam-
aged, just dented or untouched
-depending on their proximity
to the bomb.
Curiously, cars at a distance of
a mile or two which had their win-
dows closed suffered pushed-in
roofs. But those with windows
open escaped that damage. Equal-
ization of the pressure wave from
the explosion saved the open-win-
dow test cars.
An Associated Press correspond-
ent said, describing the test, "I
was among those in the front
trenches. First you are shaken by
an ungodly power. You can't see
a thing for the dust. A pressure
wave surges over you. Rocks niss
by, carrying death but you live and.
are surprised to find that you are
not greatly frightened. But you are
Evaluations Discussed
At First LS&A Meeting
The question of whether or not student evaluations of the faculty
should be continued was discussed last night by 25 students and nine
faculty members in the first Literary College Conference of the
The meeting was held for the purpose of allowing the faculty to
hear student opinions regarding the evaluations.
TAKING THESE opinions into consideration, a faculty sub-com-
mittee headed by Prof. Shorey Peterson of the economics department
will make a recommendation to
the literary college faculty about
whether or not to continue "the
system of student evaluations and,
if so, with what improvements.
,u &11io 1Associate Dean James Robert-
son of the literary college, ad-
visor to the steering commit-
ed again. This time the operator the esai that therbectivesof
accepted the call, pointing out t
that a 65 cent overseas charge 1. To answer the question, "Is
would be levelled even if Malen- he a good teacher?"-a consider-
kov wasn't contacted. ation important to the admin-
Miss Gouldthorpe, deciding that istration and department chair-
the money could be better spent, men in giving promotions.
law yet. But he has printed forms'
available for the purpose.
SGT. COLE said that legal ac-
tion against subversives might be
instituted after five days, but that
the orders would have to come
from Lansing where a list of "sub-
versive organizations is kept.
Under the Trucks Act, mem-
bers of "front" organizations do
not have to be "necessarily card
carrying or dues paying mem-
bers" to come under the regis-
Daily 'Malenkov Call' Raises Legal Spe
So you want to call Moscow?
It isn't as easy as it sounds. The
first thing to be considered is the
legality of such a call.
As Jerry Wisniewski, "53, a Rus-
sian major, and Barnes Connable,
troversies with the United States
. shall be fined not more than
$5,000 or imprisoned not more
than 3 years ..."
A check with members of the
law school faculty revealed that
The Daily was probably legally
Arbor branch of the telephone
company after the Malenkov call
fell through revealed several pro-
cedural aspects of the international
communications problem.
A spokesman for the company
said that there is no priority in
THE SPOKESMAN said that al-
though foreign calls were quite
frequently placed from Ann Ar-
bor, this was the first time he re-
called anyone calling Moscow.
Most of the international calls,
he said, were placed by foreign