I PAGE FOUL THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1953 i ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ U1 BEHIND THE LINES... By CAL SAMRA Daily Editorial Director "THE PECULIAR malady of my times ... was . . . vacant freedom and indeter- mihate progress: VorWarts! Avanti! On- ward! Full speed ahead! without asking whether before you was not a bottomless pit." So writes pholosopher George Santay- ana in his posthumously published "My Host the World." If Santayana, the esthete, the contem- plator, ever discovered the "essence" .of anything, in the above observation he as laid his finger on one of the most sapping ailments of modern society. The 20th cen- tury has witnessed a score of gnostic crack- pots-the fascists, the Nazis, the Commu- nists-racing to a Utopia they can neither define nor adequately explain. Chances are that a chasm lies at the oth- er end of the rainbow, but undaunted, the visionaries accelerate their pace, bulldoz- ing anyone who happens to be taking a slow stroll along the way. In their wake, they leave destruction and tyranny. Adjacent to this column is an analysis of one such type of mind-the Marxist mind-examined by Prof. Frank Grace. As he points out, it is a mystical mind which posits a future heaven on earth populated by several billion impeccable saints re- gardless if several million bourgeois "sin- ners" have to be liquidated along the way in order to reach that paradise. Prof. Grace's .analysis sheds some light on the inner workings and thought patterns of this rigid, paradoxical "intellect" which represents the height of scientific dogmatism. It is, I believe, a trenchant contribution to an understanding of what we are up against' -an understanding which all too few Amer- icans possess. -INVESTIGATIONS- P, as Santayana says, this is the age of progressive mania, it is also the age of the government investigation looking back- wards. The number of investigatiins which our own Congress is conducting at the pres- ent time has reportedly reached a ridiculous 100. Every Congressman,- apparently, wants to get in the act, and aspiring to greatness, these sleuths have crowded front pages with probes of comic books, magazines, books, movies, crime, Korea, Cummnists in colleges, government, industry, et a While many of these investigations have proved profitable, many others have been ei- ther insignificant or unsavory. The House Un-Ameican Activities Committee's probe into colleges, for instance, has not yet been productive of anything. In this case, as in many others, it would have been far wiser to leave the problem in the hands of the individual institutions involved. The college investigations attained their ludicrous peak last week when the House Committee and the Senate internal securi- ty subcommittee clashed over a matter of jurisdiction. House committee chairman Vel- de had suggested to Senate committee chair- man Jenner that the two groups hold joint hearings. "It isn't going to happien," rejoined Jen- ner, "We were in the field first. We're going on with our investigation." A glimmer of sanity broke through last week, however, when Republican leaders in the House, wary of so many projected probes, announced that they would try to place limits on the number of investiga- tions in future. Also, Velde was harnessed by his own Committee after his naive slap at the churches. It is time that Congress realized that there is such a thing as abusing its power to in- vestigate, and that once launched, its com- mittees must approach their subject with caution and discretition. CURRENT MOVIES At the State . . I CONFESS, with Montgomery Clift and Anne Baxter. WHILE there are many fine and exciting moments in this picture, for a number of reasons it is not Alfred Hitchcock at his best. He has allowed the elements of sus- pense to become confused with doctrines of faith, and his picture comes off the worse for it. Montgomery Clift takes the part of a Catholic priest who has had an affair with another man's wife; he hears the conf sion of a German refugee who murdered the man blackmailing the woman. Perhaps the best feature of the film is the manner in which the story is told, a series of flashbacks, confessions, testimony, and the like, which make it seem highly unified and tightly conceived. The action itself is kept to a minimum until the final violent scene, making it seem all the more violent and conclus ve. The trial scene is a pleasing departure from the usual Hollywood variety, condensing it to really the only important data and omitting the supposedly suspense- ful trivia. Montgomery Clift must soon attain the stature of veteran actor, at least if he continues the fine work he has done in this and preceding pictures. He has a VOICE OF THE FACULTY: The Communist Mind On College Probes (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is another in a weekly series of commentaries on various topics by prominent University faculty members. The author of today's article, Prof. Frank Grace, of the political science depart- ment, teaches a popular, though intensive, course in the development of political theory.) By PROF. FRANK GRACE ONE OF THE BEST descriptions of the Communist mind and the nature of Communism's appeal is found in a work which antedates the Communist Manifesto by more than 250 years. Although the Pre- face to Richard Hooker's Laws of Ecclesias- tical Polity (1594) was an analysis of the nature of radical Puritanism, it applies with equal validity to any movement, political or religious, which breaks abruptly with tradi- tion in the name of its exclusive truth and seeks the establishment of an order of saints in which perfect justice will reign-Marx- ism's "from everyone saccording to his faculties, to every one according to his needs". That Communism is a secular religion with a perfected theological system admits of no doubt. It is sufficient to point out that its views of nature, man, society, and history blend into a unitary concept em- bracing the whole of reality. The value of Hooker's analysis, therefore, lies not so much in the fact that it points up the religious nature of Communism (even the late Harold Laski appreciated this) as in its explanation of what this nature in- volves. Few, if any, contemporary analyses afforded a more profound insight into the nature of the challenge of Communism and the way in which it must be met.. What is the appeal of Communism-what "general inducements are used to make sale- able (its) cause in gross"? Hooker points to four. "First, in the hearing of the multitude the faults especially of higher callings are ripped up with marvellous exceeding severity and sharpness of reproof; which being oftentimes done begetteth a great good opinion of integrity, zeal, and holiness, to such constant reprovers of sin ... " The second step is "to impute all faults and cor- ruptions, wherewith the world aboundeth, unto the kind of ... government establish- ed." Logically the next step is "to propose their own form of . . . government, as the only sovereign remedy of all evils; and to adorn it with all the glorious titles that may be." The final step in this process of in- ducement "is by fashioning the very no- tions and conceits of men's minds in such sort ... they .may think that every thing soundeth towards the advancement of that discipline, and to the utter disgrace of the contrary " Persons drawn to "the cause" by such inducements-persons whose "affections do frame their opinions"' - become obsessed with their mission. They follow eagerly the teachings "of such as are known that way to incline . . . and,. . seek all occasions of secret conference with such." They become so dedicated to the cause and its leadership as "oftentimes even to overcharge themselves, for such men's sustenance and relief, lest their zeal to the cause should any way be un- witnessed." Once converted, their faith is virtually unshakeable. "If once they have tasted of that cup, let any man of contrary opinion open his mouth to per- suade them, they close up their ears, his reasons they weigh not .. ." And although "instruction doth them no good, let them feel but the least degree of most merci- fully-tempered severity" and they adopt an air of martyrdom. In such an attitude- Hooker perceived a grave danger of "the overthrow of all learning" and an under- mining of "those most renowned habita- tions where through the goodness of Al- mighty God all commendable arts and sciences are with exceeding great industry hitherto studied, proceeded in, and pro- fessed." The greatest danger of such groups as those addressed by Hooker is not, however, their closed mind and their contempt for truth. Rather the danger lies in their firm conviction that they are the agents through which the end of history is to be realized. They are under compulsion to take their truth to all the earth, "although the world by receiving it should be clean turned upside down." This task involves the removal of "Both things and persons which anyway hinder it from taking place; and in such cases if any strange or new thing seem re- quisite to be done, a strange and new opin- ion concerning the lawfulness thereof is whithal received and broached under coun- tenance of divine authority." Once in a position of power the process of corruption begins, and the professed ideals become sub- verted. Imperfect justice becomes more im- perfect, inequalities in the distribution of property become greater, and rather than "wither away" the state become the instru- ment of a new tyranny. The justification to which Hooker pointed was that "the meek ones must inherit the earth". Today these "meek ones" are recognized as pro- letarians. It would be possible to extend the por- tions of Hooker's Preface applicable to Communism to much greater length, but it is not necessary. The important thing to note, taken from his own statement of purpose, is that "when the minds of men are once erroneously persuaded that it is the will of God (or the necessity of dialectical materialism) to have those things done which they fancy, their opin- ions are as thorns in their sides, never suffering them to take rest till they have brought their speculations into practice." In the face of the threat presented by such an attitude, one argument and one argument only is convincing. That argument is force. Moral condemnation, appeals to the opinions of mankind, and notes of protest are, to say the least, insufficient. The desirable is not always the possible, as Mr. James Reston has recently suggested on this campus. We must put aside attitudes and desires not founded in reality and with a full apprecia- tion of the nature of our challenge resolve to meet it whatever the cost. This, Hooker would have been prepared to do. "For if God be not the author of confusion but of peace, then can he not be the author of our refusal, but of our contentment, to stand unto some definitive sentence; without which almost impossible it is that either we should avoid confusion, or ever hope to attain peace." -Daily-Bill Hampton "Well, class! We seem to have one more present than the record calls for!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Student Recital. Evelyi Brooks, stu- dent of piano with Barian Owen, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music ft 8:30 Sunday eve- ning, Mar. 15, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. It will include compositions by Bach, Stravinsky, Beethoven, and De- bussy, and will be open to the gen- eral public. Concerts Student Recital. Evelyn Brooks, stu- dent of piano with Marian Owen, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the degree of Bachelor (if Music at 8:30 Sunday eve- ning, Mar. 15, in Auditorium A, An- gell Hall. It will include compositions by Bach, Stravinsky, Beethoven, and Debussy, and will be open to the general public. Faculty Concert. wilbur Perry, pi- anist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Monday evening, Mar. 16, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The program will open with Bach's Prelude and Fugue in A minor, followed by Mozart's Fan- tasy No. 4, K. 475 and Sonata in C mi- nor, K. 457. After intermission Mr. Per- ry will play three Chopin works, Noc- turne, Op. 9, No. 1, Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 1, and Ballade, Op. 52; Rhekhaminoff's Prelude, Op. 32, No. 12 and Moment Musicale, Op. 16, No. 4 will conclude the program. The general public will be admitted without charge. Student Recital. Vivien Milan, Mez- zo-soprano, will be heard at 8:30 Tues- day evening, Mar. 17, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, singing a program of compositions by Handel, Mussorgsky, Schumann, Ponchielli, and Menotti. Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, it will be open to the general public. Miss Milan is a pupil of Harold Haugh. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall Staff artists of the Big Ten, Mar. 4-25; Fifth Inter-Arts Fstival Exhibit, Mar. 8-29. Weekdays 9 to 5; Sunday 2 to 5. The public is invited. Events Today Westminster Guild. Student Bible Seminar, 10:30 a.m. Discussion of the meditation from last Wednesday's Ves- per Service. Guild meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge. Andrew Kimball will discuss the Mormon faith. Social hour afterwards. Come and Join us. Unitarian Student Group. A joint so- cial evening at 7:30 p.m. with the Young Friends and Hillel groups at the Hillel Building (1429 Hill St.) Games, group singing, refreshments. Newman Club. Another in the series of Marriage Lectures, "Medical-Ethi- cal Aspects of Marriage," by Dr. Edmond Botch, St. Mary's Chapel, 4 p.m. for women only; 7 p.m. for men only. Westminster Guild. All seniors and graduate students who will not be with us next year are invited to serve as a nominating committee for next year's officers. The meeting will be held in Room 205, First Presbyterian Church, 3:00 p.m. today. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Mr. David Adeney. LV.C.F. Senior Staff Member, formerly staff member in China, will speak on "The Humility of Christ's Suffering" lit 4 p.m. in Fire- side Room, Lane Hall. Everyone wel- come. Refreshments. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club. Supper program, 5:30 p.m., fol- lowed by discussion "The Rights of My Government." Roger Williams Guild. Student Bible Class studies Isaiah 55 to 66, 9:45 am. Meet in the Chapman Room at 6:30 p.m.for short meeting before going to Methodist Church to hear Miss Muriel Lester, who speaks on Prayer. Evangelical and Reformed Student Guild. At 7 p.m., Lane Hall, Mr. Lyman S. Abbott, of Detroit, member of Chris- tian Science State Committee on Pub- lication, will discuss "What Does Christian Science Teach?" Lutheran Student Association. Mr. Otto Betz, German student from Ober- lin College,, will speak at 7 p.m. in the Lutheran Student Center on his ex- periences as a Russian prisoner of war. Congregational Disepiles Guild. Rev. George Barger will speak and lead a discussion on The Living Bible in the Mayflower Room of the Congregation- al Church, 7 p.m. All students wel- come. Hillel. The Friends Group and the Unitarians will meet at 7 p.m. at Hil- lel. Dancing and games, refreshments will be served. Hillel Supper Club is serving dinner from 6 to 7 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Informal Folk-singing Session at 8 p.m. at Robert Owen Co-op House, 1017 Oakland. Everybody invited. Tryouts for all freshmen women on the Blue Team who are interested in being in the floorshow for Frosh Week- end will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. at the League. Gilbert and Sullivan. Pinafore re- hearsals. Chorus at League and princi- pals at Union. 7 p.m. Unitarian Student Group. 7:30 p.m. Joint social evening with the Young Friends and Hillel groups at Hillel Building (1429 Hill St.). Games, sing- ing, refreshments. Coming Events Open Forum, Topic, "Immortality," be presented briefly, followed by free- for-all discussion. Lane Hall Fireside Room, Monday, 8 p.m. School of Education Convocation hon- oring candidates for the teacher's cer- tificate will be held in the Rackham Lecture Hall on Monday afternoon, Mar. 16, at three o'clock. The program will be open to the public. Vice-Presi- dent Niehuss will preside and the Hon- orable G. Mennen Williams, Governor of the State of Michigan, will speak on "Developing Human Resources in Mich- igan." The Convocation will be followed by a coffee hour and reception in the Assembly Hall at four o'clock. SRA Inter-cultural Outing, Saline Valley Farms, Sat. and Sun., Mar. 21-22. Phone reservations to Lane Hall by Wed., Mar. 18. Motion Picture. Fifteen-minute film. "The Living Cell," shown Mon. through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3, and 4 o'clock and on Sun. at 3 and 4 o'lock only, 4th floor, University Museums Building. La Petite Causette will meet tomor- row from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the North Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. All interested students are invited. Generation fiction staff will meet at 7:30 Monday in the Publications Build- ing. Young Democrats, Tues., Mar. 17, 7 p.m. Room 3A Union. Mr. Neil Staeb- ler, chairman of Democratic State Cen- tral Committee will speak on the top- ic, "Drivers-Not Back Seat Drivers." All interested persons are invited to at- tend. Social Work Club, Monday, March ,16, Kalamazoo Room, League, 8 p.m. An- drew Brown, social worker of UAW-CIO will be speaker. 1. IN RETROSPECT: Values of Career Plannmg Discussed by ' Alumnus (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Roesser was business manager of The Daily from 1924-5,graduating from the University in 1925. A successful businessman, he presently vice-president of the J.W. Clement Co, printers, Buffalo, N.Y. This is the fourth in a series of articles by prominent Daily alumni re-evaluating their college life in terms of their later experience.) By WILLIAM D. ROESSER Daily Business Manager, 1924 RECENTLY, AT A MEETING of The American Management Association in New York City which was limited to a small group of businessmen, the Executive vice president of one of this country's large corporations asked the men present to raise their hands if they were in the line of work or the position that they had planned to be in, when they were in college. Only one out of the eighteen men present go indicated. Now, this did not mean that they had not achieved success in their work nor did it indicate an aimless ambition at the time they started their college careers. Further discussion showed that this representative group of men had been motivated by certain definite ambitions; they had trained themselves mentally and had a broadening in their education that enabled them to achieve the positions they atpresent hold. It seems to me that as far as college curriculum is concerned, that it should be chosen on the basis of interest, preference and natural aptitudes at 'the time such a course is started. Those men and women who find, by happenstance or planning, that they belong in the semi-professional or professional courses .such as engineering, architecture, denistry, medicine or teaching have a somewhat easier answer to your questions than those who choose a liberal arts course, or even for that matter a business administration course and that the happiest combination for people in the pro- fessional courses would be a good background of liberal arts before they begin their professional courses. Just learning, is not the answer to getting the most out of a college career. While it is true that you may find yourself later in life in a position other than what you had originally planned when you entered, the chances are that you would not have achieved what- ever success that position gives you, were it not for certain basi university. What do you want to make of your life? The first of these is motivitation. What are your ambitions? What are your desires? What caused you to be in a college or a university. What do you want to make of your life? The second thing is to acquire intelligently good work habits, so that without spoiling a well balanced college career, in after life you can budget your time and get the very most that you can but of it. The third thing, it seems to me, is to be "hungry". While economic hunger is a great motivating force and helps to push us onward to certain goals, there are other hunger ambitions that help us to excel in any chosen field or any field in which our energies are later directed. And finally, in addition, the normal courses offered in any cur- riculum become of no value unless they teach you to think, not only on the technical details of what that course offers but by applying those basic good mental habits, to situations in life as we meet them both within and without our business or profession. Take those courses, therefore, that will not only train us in the facts of a partic- ular course but will help to train us in good thinking habits and broad thinking habits. For of what uselisfa trained mind unless it can be put to practical use in our later life. What a . student does in extracurricular activities depends on what he or she wants to accomplish. Certainly such activities help one to meet and know individuals they might not otherwise meet in a large university. Properly handled, they help for a broadening and an understanding of other people. In cases such as my own, where I was taking business administration courses, work on the business side of The Michigan Daily gave me a practical experience which, coupled with my courses, helped me greatly in getting my feet on the ground when I moved into the business field. on the other hand, activities in publications, sports, amateur plays, musicals, fraternities can be just as valuable in a certain sense, if the con- tacts there help to broaden one and the right perspective and balance is kept between one's studies and these activities. Too much of any one can hurt, instead of helping. And above all things, the student who is active in outside organi- zations should not, in any sense, criticize that one who is devoting his or her time to his studies and pure research in those fields. Introverts are as valuable to the world as extroverts, depending on each one's ambition in life. The univesity offers such broad possibilities to every student, depending on his ambitions that one can get most anything that one is after in achieving his ambition as to what he wishes to make of his life. Finally, from the number of younger men whom it has been my pleasure to interview for positions in business, I believe that More of them know what they want to do, where they want to go and are better trained for it than we were who graduated twenty or twenty- five years ago. /ettee 3TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. t I *4 4 Y 4 r WASHINGTON- Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson went into a complete, through secret reverse last week. After telling a senate committee he could make no real cuts in the defense budget, he order- ed the Navy to cut by two billions, the Air Force by two billions, and the Army by a quarter billion. Reason for the reversal was a determin- ed desire on the part of budget director Joe Dodge to chop expenses, plus realiza- tion that in the armed forces there's the greatest fat. Here is some news which may help Dodge and Wilson. A little over a year ago-Feb. 4, 1952-this column reported in detail how the -Army, Navy, Air Force overlapped, duplicated, and competed with each other in buying sup- plies. In such a relatively simple item as carpenter's squares, for instance, a carpent- er's square for the quartermaster corps cost 65 cents, for the Navy $2, for the Army $1.90, for the signal corps, $2.10, for the Army engineers $1.48, for the Air Force $1.40. Furthermore, even within the Army it- self, there is no standaiization of carpent- er's squares, so that the Army catalog "contained six separate specifications for squares-the signal corps', ordnance's, transportation's, engineers', chemical war- fare's, and quartermaster corps'. On top of this, Air Force has to have a seventh number, and the bare cost of reprinting Army catalogs to add the Air Force's 7th number is about $1,500,000." and Eddie Hebert of Louisiana performed extensive research on armed services dupli- cation, finally passed a law requiring the Army, Navy, Air Force to compile one cata- log from which they all would order instead of competing against each other through separate catalogs. The law was passed on July 1, 1952. Since then, the Defense Department has had 300 people working full time in Wash- ington, plus 3,000 people working part time in the field to compile a joint armed services catalog. Finally, after spending $87,000,000, they have produced the first edition-a catalog on "subsistence" or food-length, 40 pages! In contrast, the complete purchasing catalogs of the Army, Navy, Air Force fill one room. So, at the rate of $87,000,000 for 40 pages, it will take billions to complete the entire catalog. Bedell Smith informs me that I was in error in reporting that John Foster Dulles suspended Alfred H. Morton, head of the Voice of America in New York during the McCarthy investigation, only to reinstate him next day General SmitJ says that he, not Dulles, suspe.nded Morton. Glad to make this correction. However, if General Smith, a close friend of Anna Rosenberg, who knew how she was crucified by Mc- Carthy and who knows McCarthy's unfair methods, can get as jittery as he showed himself in the Morton incident, then the State Department is really going to pieces. National Council of Churches, New York-- Congressman Velde who wants to probe the churches was elected with the heavy finan- cial support of the gambling and liquor A Y Sixty-Third Yea Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable..........City Editor Cal Samra...........Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus .......Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...... ........Sports Editor John Jenks...Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer Business Staff Al Green.............Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston,...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager Harlean Hankin.. . .Circulation Manager SL Election Rules-... To the Editor: WEDNESDAY, March 11, was a black day in the -history of the Student Legislature. The lack of foresight and understanding of the members of the Student legis- lature is appalling to me and to many other residents in the quad- rangles. After debate and parliamentary wrangling the SL voted down the by-law regarding the observance of house regulations on campaign practices. In offering various "ar- guments" against the motion some legislators obviously did not realize how foolishly-naive they were. It is a constant problem in the residence halls to keep posters on the wall. Inconsiderate and in- discriminate candidates decorate the walls throughout the houses with their campaign literature. Needless to say, the very fact that these posters are everywhere in- cites the apathy and indignation of many students. It is a problem of many house councils to give the candidates adequate publicity. To do this many of the houses have restricted the posters to stair- wells and bulletin boards to pro- tect the candidates ,- to protect them from having their posters munity could not see how their legislators behave. It is also unfor- tunate that the candidates who in good faith abided by the regula- tions last fall are forced to sit as legislators on a group on which some of the members lacked the spirit of fair play and honesty. I hope that those houses which have adopted campaign poster reg- ulations, follow them and enforce them. I am also certain that those candidates who do follow the rules and who do respect the authority of the house and quad councils will be rewarded by the votes of the men and the women of those houses. I personally do not feel that any candidate who does not recognize the authority and the au4tonomy of the house and quad councils is not fit to sit as a mem- ber of the Student Legislature, -Stanley R. Levy S ** * * Lonely .... To the Editor: MY PURPOSE in writing this letter is to see if any co-ed might be interested in correspond- ing with a G.I. The brief facts about the au- thor of this request is the story of an airman being stationed on a small island in the South Pacific who has spare time and would like {4