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March 14, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-14

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8AIURDAY, MARCH 14, 1953

____________________________________ I . U


The Legislature's
Latest Rebuff
IF THERE IS anything more disheartening
than a case where Student Legislature,
backed by student support, is snubbed by
the administration, it is the reverse situa-
tion where the campus ignores an admin-
istration-authorized SL project.
The missing students at Thursday
night's fourth-and last-SL Student Ci-
tizenship program were testimony to the
latter case. Because of empty seats which
greeted Citizenship program speakers at
three of the four sessions, SL has been
forced to discontinue the well-planned,
rewarding series which initially had re-
ceived $230 worth of financial support
from the Office of Student Affairs.
Failure of the Citizenship series, some
would say, was a predictable thing. SL did
not think so. Legislators banked on the as-
sumption that students, being citizens in a
peculiar thing known as the educational
community, would have enough interest in
their situation to be curious about some
phase of it-student activities, group func-
tionings, academic freedom. SL assumed
curiosity, and evidently it went too far.
It now seems evident that the bulk of
the campus doesn't realize it is living in
a unique sort of community working to-
ward a difficult goal-education. Specifi-
cally, a necessary community feeling is
being neglected at the very time when
conditions are ripe for its development.
There are few controversial issues at pre-
-sent splitting the administration and stu-
dents into opposing camps. This does not
excuse, however, a lagging of interest on
the part of either side. It does argue for
a re-evaluation by all concerned of the
forces that hold us here and a rejection
of the pressures that pull the community
SL is not making a shame-faced retreat
in dropping the Student Citizenship pro-
gram, nor is it apologizing for it. Legisla-
tors dealt the students a fine hand of
cards, but thy coldn't very well force them
to play it out.
-Virginia Voss
At the Orpheum .. .
RED RIVER, with John Wayne and Mont-
gomery Clift
NO BETTER adventure movies have come
out of Hollywood in the last few years
than "The Big Sky," "The Thing," and "Red
River." Unique chiefly for their remarkable
handling of character; their honest unro-
mantic treatment of setting; and, most un-
Atsua1, their genuine unforced humor; they
are all the product of one person, Producer-
Director Howard Hawks. Tip your hat to
the man; he has not even needed Techni-
"Red River," the earliest of the three
films mentioned above, is one of those
rare Westerns that deserves revival in
spite of flaws that many a more polish-
ed prouction could not get away with.
Indeed, it is the very nonchalance with
which the potentially restrictive plot is
approached that gives the film its free and
easy movement. It is one of the few West-
erns that has taken real advantage of the
wide-open spaces without, on one hand,
the constant distractions of irrevelant
sunsets; or, on the other, contrived and
restricting plot conflicts such as beset
"High Noon." "High Noon," while a good
film, is too tight to be called a Western.
"Red River" is a true example of the
The story line is framed around the first
cattle drive along the Chisholm Trail to

Abilene in 1865. John Wayne plays the
hardened leader of the project until un-
seated by a mutiny captained by his foster-
son, played by Montgomery Clift. In sup-
pouting roles are John Ireland, as a cow-
boy, Walter Brennan, as Walter Brennan,
and Joanne Dru, as a woman who seems to
represent, impressively enough, the spirit
of conciliation and procreation.
Unfortunately, Miss Dru is far from able
to handle the really very difficult role and
the picture loses some of its momentum
at her appearance. One plot ling, evolving
on Ireland, is also sent astray hereabouts.
But it is no great matter. Wayne, often
misdirected by John Ford, is very good as
the half-frightened, half stubborn rancher.
Montgomery Clift, with customary under-
playing, makes the other leading role not.
only a balance to Wayne, but a well-
delineated character besides.
Loose and unpretentious as it is, this
film may be the best "pure" Western ever
made in Hollywood.
-Bill Wiegand
Architecture Auditorium
Lockwood, Michael Redgrave and Dame
May Whitty.
A PRODUCT OF Alfred Hitchcock's fruit-
ful middle period, this oft-revived film
still carries an impact that many of its pre-
sent-day counterparts lack. Most of the
action takes place on an express train car-
eeping across Europe. The plot, involving
the abduction of an elderly female British

Foreign Student Housing

N EW FRESHMEN have a tendency to pen
enthusiastic letters home, describing
the cosmopolitan atmosphere lent to the
University by turbaned Hindus and long-
robed Indian women on campus. Yes, par-
ents conclude, we sent him to the right
school; he's mingling with everybody.
Unfortunately, however, freshman rela-
tionships with foreign students rarely go
beyond the original awed-stare stage.
Four years pass with few acquaintances;
let alone friends, gained from among the
900 foreign faces on campus.
International students here suffer even
more from the minimum of contacts be-
tween the two groups. Sent to Ann Arbor
for the dual purpose of acquiring a degree
and absorbing what they can of the inde-'
finable "American way of life," many of
them never accomplish the latter and more
important aim.
A few casual relationships are sometimes
achieved through social activities at the In-
ternational Center, but these affect only a
small minority of enthusiastic students, be
they foreign or American. Those with a
mediocre share of exotic curiosity are un-
knowingly deprived of many worthwhile
A major source of the current problem
is the housing situation. A survey of this
semester's Directory of International Stu-
dents reveals that there are 39 foreign
students in women's residence halls, 171
in the quads (including Tyler House, ov-
er half of which is devoted to foreign wo-
men), 13 living outside Ann Arbor, and 14
in the Law Club. The remainder live in
rooming houses.
A very few campus sororities and frater-
nities have pledged and initiated foreign
students. Six more fraternities responded
to a recent appeal for the housing of fu-
ture exchange students from Berlin Uni-
One successful experiment has been ac-
complished in the Nelson International
House, where 13 foreign and 13 American

men live together. Another group, pleased
with the effects of the Nelson idea, is for-
mulating plans for a similar women's in-
ternational house to be opened next fall,
with facilities for about 30 women of mixed
In spite of the commendable progress
made by small-scale plans such as these,
there are still over 600 foreign students
deprived of any real day-to-day, close-
quarter contact with Americans. Not only
do they have few opportunities to live
in dormitories, where they can live side-
by-side with Americans, but they usually
live in off-campus rooming houses restrict-
ed, intentionally or otherwise, to their own
and similar nationalities. In these resi-
dences there can be little inclination or
incentive to speak English beyond basic
conversational needs. Native character-
istics flourish, as they should, but with
none of the influence they might and
ought to have on Americans. Conversely,
of course, segregated foreign students have
small chance of being impressed with Am-
erican mannerisms.
The "birds of a feather" tendency is par-
tially understandable, because over half of
the 900 are graduate students, who usually
prefer the advantages of smaller residences
anyway. They too, however, could benefit
from closer give-and-take associations with
American students.
To alleviate the present situation, Ra-
jesh Gupta, sole foreign student on SL,
recently proposed a motion for the inte-
gration of foreign students into Univer-
sity residence halls. His resolution, pass-
ed by SL, recommended that the Student
Legislature request the University to re-
serve places for 3 to 4 foreign students in
each house, with the students to be plac-
ed by the International Center or a simi-
lar authority.
The University would be wise to seriously
consider Gupta's proposal as a step toward
better international understanding on cam-
-Jane Howard

"I Can't Stand It, I Tell You. It's Driving Me Batty'
iyJ> .

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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At Hill Auditorium - - -
IN WHAT SEEMS to be becoming an annu-
al choral tradition, Maynard Klein has
again brought together a performance of
Bach's famous oratorio. The performers were,
as last year, the University Choir and Sym-
phony, a high-school Choral Choir and stu-
dent and faculty soloists.
The effect of the work was again mag-
nificent. Its biggest problem is conveying
its intent to a modern audience. This is
religious music in the most profound sense.
To Bach it represents a most pious belief,
to the 18th century congregation, an emo-
tional experience much more intense than
any verbalized service.
But the 20th century, oriented as It is to
a more secularized way of life, finds it diffi-
cult to become so self-involved. To make this
music meaningful today, to give it the depth
of expression it once had without any effort,
was the task of Mr. Klein last night. Of
course the greatness of the music is universal
on its own merits, but as the 18th century
accepted it devoutly per se, we must be con-
Mr. Klein, with the help of tremendously
enthusiastic participants and a stunning per-
formance by Harold Haugh, was eminently
successful. Under his supervision the cho-
rales, formerly sung by the congregation,
were now sung by the Chorale Choir, which
,was placed in the second balcony. The work
became antiphonal with the audience swept
up in a barrage of music coming from two
sides; they were thus .forceably involved as
in a church with resounding echoes. The

high school students who comprised the
Chorale Choir, sang for the most part with
beautiful clarity and phrasing, though oc-
casionally they did behave as a congrega-
Harold Haugh performed the Evangelist
with a reverence both appropriate musical-
ly and ministerial. Attacking each phrase
with proper textual meaning, he then pro-
jected it vocally with a tone both sonorous
and understanding. His approach was a
guidance to the rest of the soloists who
proceeded to give the work a sincere the-
atrical style. Philip Duey, as Jesus, sang
with perhaps too much restraint; his man-
ner seemed less intent than the other so-
loists. Both Mrs. Heyde and Miss Sollen-
berger sang artistically, though Mrs. Heyde
was occasionally obscured by faulty wind
accompaniments. The orchestra, however,
was probably the best that I have heard
at local choral performances.
But the choir, the backbone of the work,
was outstanding. Never trying to achieve
more volume than the Chorale Choir. they
found their intensity in more vocal means.
In the opening, "Come, ye daughters," the
lyric phrases contrasted with punctuated
declamations told us of the dramatic scene
and melodic grandeur that was to follow.
In the section, "In the Court of Caiaphas,"
they didn't have to shout to portray anger,
but created the same effect by singing. The
closing, "In deepest grief, here we sit weep-
ing," was, for me, the highlight of the con-
cert. It was exactly as its title indicated, and
remained not only a tribute to the religious
music of Bach, but likewise a tribute to the
devoted and religious attitude that conduc-
tor Klein brings to great choral music.
--Donald Harris

WASHINGTON-New York's bullheaded Congressman Dan Reed
" is so determined to ram a tax cut through Congress that, if he
doesn't get his way, he has threatened to sidetrack social security re-
forms in his powerful Ways and Means Committee.
This has President Eisenhower so upset that he called upon Sen-
ate majority leader Taft and House Speaker Martin for help. The
President pointed out that he .had promised in his campaign to lib-
eralize the social security laws, so that 6.000,000 more Americans
would be brought under protection.
As a result, the GOP high command has assigned tough. lean
Congressman Kean of New Jersey to carry the social security battle
to the House floor-if Reed tries to bottle it up in committee. Reed's
strategy is to turn the whole social security question over to a hostile
subcommittee, headed by Congressman Curtis of Nebraska, who will
try to sabotage Eisenhower's reforms.
CONGRESSMAN VELDE may not know too much about it, but his
colleagues are secretly plotting to kick him out as chaiifnan of
the Un-American Activities Committee. They have already conferred
with House parliamentarian Lewis Deschler on the procedure.
Reason for this drastic move is Velde's reckless popping-off
to the press and irresponsible handling of investigations. The last
straw was Velde's threat to investigate the nation's clergy-a
statement which he later tried to tone down.
As a result, Vice President Nixon held a private conference with
Speaker Joe Martin, at which he urged Martin to "straighten out"
Afterward, a reporter caught Martin on the run and remarked:
"I see that Velde is going to investigate the churches."
"The hell he is!" snapped the Speaker.
Martin then cracked the whip on Velde so sharply that the Illi-
nois Congressman didn't even wait to put out a mimeographed press
release toning down his proposed probe of the churches. He scribbled
out a statement in longhand.
Meanwhile, other Congressmen had become so fed up with Velde
that they began exploring the possibility of ousting him as Un-Ameri-
can Activities Chairman. The committee's senior Democrat, Con-
gressman Walter of Pennsylvania, went so far as to suggest privately
that it might be better to abolish the committee than let Velde go on
"wrecking" its reputation.
The question of Velde's ouster was put up to parliamentarian
Deschler, who consulted his books and ruled that it would have
to be done by a vote of the full House. Deschler pointed out that
Velde's chairmanship had been approved by the House, so the
committee members themselves couldn't remove him. However,
the parliamentarian was urged to review the rules in search of an
easier method.
NOTE-Meanwhile, the investigating fever has spread to Michi-
gan's Congressman Kit Clardy, a freshman Republican, who has sug-
gested that the Un-American Activities Committee investigate the
liberal, anti-Communist group, Americans for Democratic Action.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)

Red Series.
To the Editor:t
WE WERE QUITE astounded at;
the Editor's note to the re-#
cent letter submitted by Mike
Sharpe requesting a chance for a
rebuttal to the "memorable" Zan-I
der Hollander series. Mr. Sharpe's
request was denied space because
it seemed of "libelous" character.
Have the Daily Editors recentlyt
acquired the word "libelous" as
part of their vocabulary? Itc
would seem so, judging by the fact
that the Hollander series was evert
printed-for what else were thoseI
articles than ill-presented depic-
tions of a sensationalistic and "li
belous" nature (since the Daily
has discovered the word)? Deny-"
ing Mr. Sharpe rebuttal space on
these grounds is putting the Daily
Editors in a rather foolish two-
faced position. How about a bit
of fairness and more careful scru-
tiny before hastily concocted pol-
icies are "dug up" at opportune#
moments, Mr. Editors!
-Diane Styleri
Sandra Smith
EDITOR'S NOTE: Critics of Mr.
Hollander's series have been affordedt
ample space in the Letters column
for two months to present their views.#
None of the statements has present-
ed any evidence of "Inaccuracies" in
the articles. In fairness to other
readers designing space in this col-
umn, The Daily cannot continue to
print repetitious letters on the series.
'~* & *
Cold War & EDC.. ..
To the Editor:
IN accordance with the current1
fad I would like to add my pre-
dictions as to the future of the
Cold War in relation to the Euro-
pean Defense Community.
The change in the figureheads of
the Russian-Marxist policy will
throw a new monkey wrench in the<
ratification of the European De-
fense Community Treaty by the
member nations, barring any sen-
sational developments. Hesitation
in taking any drastic steps in in-
ternational treaty arrangements
seems to be a corollary to the
change in a major power's gov-
ernment. The European Parlia-
ments will not sign this treaty un-
til they find out whether the Rus-
sian policy will change or not.
Even during our own presidential'
campaign, though Europeans could
follow the election, all Europe was
a stalemate. Of course I realize in
the heat of the campaign some;
wild statements were issued, but inI
no case do I remember either
presidential candidate attacking
the European Defense Community
theory. Probably another major
reason why the pact will not be
passed this year is that until the
European members are assuredi
that the United States intends toi
defend and hold West Europe in1
the event of aggression, ratherI
than use the continent as a delay-
ing action, this treaty will never
exist in a practical sense. Such
statements as the one by John1
Foster Dulles saying in effect thati
unless the European nations rati-I
fled this treaty by April, the Unit-i
ed States might consider moving
her defense lines back of the Py-I
renees Mountains only add seeds1
to the fertile ground of suspicion
in Western Europe.
Thus if the Russian Bear sleeps
this spring and summer, the Unit-I
ed States may have a hard time
convincing Western Europe that
the bear will not continue to hi-
bernate during the winter of 1954.
In closing I want to stress that
the success of foreign policies be-
longs to the politicians while the
foreign policies of success emerge
from the political scientists.
-Maurice Oppenheim '54
Academic Freedom .

To the Editor:
TN EVERY culture there is always
the problem of how many foreign
ideologies can be assimilated and
the culture still retain its vitality.
It boils down to the problem of
how far a person can deviate from
the accepted norm and still be
considered part of the group. Usu-
ally the degree of deviation is set
by custom.
All of us who have lived in a
small town know how much social
lattitude is allowed before people
"begin to talk" and then to con-
sider you an outsider. But custom
is not always enough to prevent
deviation or infiltration. If a group
is well organized, it can put across
its ideas in spite of custom.
We have recent historical exam-
ples: In the countries communism
is now powerful, communism was
first tolerated, first advocated and
first taught by the intellectuals
and college professors. Yet when
communism became a reality they
were the very first group to be ex-
terminated. Of those countries,
that a renot nW obehind the TVrn

a captive audience of students who '
lack the experience to question his
theories. The student knows far
less than the professor and under-
stands only the basic facts about
the subject being taught; there-
fore, they assume that his theories
are workable, practical, and in th.
best interests of the country.
We should conclude then, that a
professor who refuses to tell
whether he is now or ever has been
a communist is an advocate of a
foreign ideology; Such a person
does not have a free conscience
and should be removed from his
teaching position as a matter of
national welfare.
-Ronald E. Seavoy
SL Election Rules .. .
To the Editor:
AS WE saw in the report of the
last Student Legislature meet-
ing, S.L. is currently discussing a
change in its election rules. The
immediate issue is whether or not
S.L. is going to incorporate Into
its election rules certain limitations
of campaign practices placed by
individual housing units. This
would have the effect of making
these ,limitations enforceable in
the various judiciaries. More fun-
damentally, the issue revolves
about the type of representation
on S.L.
Are our representatives to come
from the campus as a whole, or
from specific groups and divisions?
Aren't the houses which prohibit
members of other housing units
from placing campaign posters on
their premises saying, "We want
representatives only from among
Isn't it time, especially with an
election three weeks away, to real-
ize the ultimate effect of these
campaign limitations? Shouldn't
we move either to abolish all dis-
criminatory campaign rules of the
individual housing units, or quite
openly advocate a divisional meth-
od of representation?
Before sanctioning enforcement
of individual house campaign
rules, S.L. should be aware of the
implications of this seemingly in
nocent proposal.
-Al Strauss
* * *
Cinema Guild ..
To the Eidtor:
T MAY BE that we write for
many others on campus as well
as for ourselves as we compose this
Student Legislature sponsor
movies each weekend that are wel-
come relief from the miserable fare !
offered on State Street Occasion-
ally, *e have gone to these movies
with full expectations of spend-
ing an enjoyable evening, but,
alas, Architecture Auditorium is
too much to bear for even two
Strange, but even at seven
o'clock on a Friday evening, as
we enter the auditQrium, we feel
that we are entering the IM build-
ing during the height of basket-
ball season - and, after sitting
through the movie, we feel as if
we have emerged from taking a
bluebook in N.S. Auditorium on a
hot June afternoon.
Would it be possible to change
the location of these movies to
another University building? Is it
possible that the auditoriums in
Haven Hall are available for our
If something could be worked
out in this direction, I am sure
that the increased attendance
would make up for any additional
cost involved, for the movies are
truly worth-while.
--June Laufer
Larry Ravick

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young........Managing Editor
Barnes Connable,.........City Editor
Cal Samra............ Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Brit?........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Assoiate Editor
Ed Whipple. ~........Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell. Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.....Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg .....,Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin,...Circulation Manager

New Line-up in the Kremlin

AP Foreign News Analyst
IN THE post-Stalin regime in the Kremlin,
Vyacheslav M. Molotov seems to be in the
position of the unwanted but slightly fear-
ed "third man."
As the affairs of the regime of Georgi
M. Malenkov progress, Molotov may find
the atmosphere warmer and warmer.
Without any particularly powerful allies,
he would seem virtually defenseless
against whatever plans Malenkov and se-
cret police chief Lavrenti P. Beria might
have in store for him.
As matters stand at the moment, there
seems. little doubt that the power is held by
Malenkov, the new Prime Minister, by the
tolerance and support of his powerful side-
kick, Beria. Molotov and Malenkov fre-
quently have not seen eye to eye.
Then, what is the position of Molotov in
the present regime? Is he just a figurehead,
taken into the "inner cabinet" because of
his long, close connections with the depart-
ed Stalin? Or is he still a power to be feared
by those who may eventually claw at each

In following the fortunes of Foreign Min-
ister Molotov, it may be in order to watch
what happens to his former deputy, Andrei
Y. Vishinsky, prosecutor for the blood purge
of the 1930s. Vishinsky, no longer foreign
minister, is on his way home, possibly to
face the music.
For him there may be cause for worry
in the current violent campaign in the
Soviet press against "spies and wreckers"
inside the USSR. In particular he might
worry about the recent pregnant para-
graphs in the Soviet press which, kick-
ing off the campaign, went like this:
"It would be erroneous," said this article,
"to think that with the liquidation of the
exploiting classes in the USSR, internation-
al capital has lost all chance of recruiting
agents within our country. The liquidation
of the exploiting classes does n t mean that
no hostile elements have remained in our
country. Fragments of the crushed exploit-
ing classes have been preserved here and
there until now. Disguised descendants of
the routed anti-Soviet groups-Mensheviks,
Social Revolutionaries, Trotskyites, Buk-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official .rublication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
vol. LXII, No. Ill
wh attd"Hleizapoppin' on Wed..
Mar. 11, will be no later than 11 :10
Late permission for women stuldents
who attended the Rubinstein concert
on Thurs., Mar. 12, will be no later
than 11:20 p m.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Political Science, "Brit-
ain's Struggle for Economic Survival,"
The Honorable James Callaghan, M.P.
for Cardiff S.E., Mon., Mar. 16, 4:15

low-up of the S.L. panel. Call reserva-
tions to 3-1511, Ext. 2851.
Faculty Women's Square Dance Club
will hold its March dance at 8:30 p.m.,
at Tappan Junior High School. M. Van
Ameyde, of Detroit, will call the dances.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Fire-
side '7:15-8:30. Movies on a work camp
in North Carolina at the Guild House,
438 Maynard.
Beacon Club luncheon Sat., 12 noon,
at the League. After the luncheon Cy-
rus Shearer will show slides of the Ba-
C omning Events
Michigan Speech and Hearing Soci-
-ety. Games party on Sun., Mar. 15, at
7:30 p.m. Singing, dancing, and games.
Fun for all, and eats, too.
Inter-Cooperative Council. Muriel
Lester, British paciflist and social
worker, will be the guest of honor at
a tea held Sun., Mar. 15. 4 to 5:30 p.m.,
at Muriel Lester Cooperative House, 900
Oakland. Everyone is welcome.
Informal Folk-Singing Session on
Sun., Mar. 15, 8 p.m. at Robert Owen

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