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March 14, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-14

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Latest Deadline in the State





VOL. LXIII, No. 111


SIX par,

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Boston Squad, 14-2


Tornado Kills 12;
ips Southwest
Twister Lashes Texas, Oklahoma;
Vast Area Given Storm Warnings
HASKELL, Tex, - (P) - A tornado that hit with deadly fury
lashed Central West Texas yesterday, smashing three little towns,
killing 12 and injuring scores.
The giant twister roared away over flat Texas prairie after ham-
mering Knox City-leaving countless tiny towns and farm communities
huddled anxiously with a Weather Bureau warning that more twist-
ers could be expected from thunderstorms and violent local winds.

A VAST SECTION of both Tex

Court Split
On 'Closed'
"Trial Verdict
NEW YORK-OP)-A state Ap
peals Court, split 3-2, yesterda
side-stepped a decision on wheth
er the press and public were law
fully barred from the Jelke vic
The majority refused to pass o:
General Sessions Judge Francis I
Valente's ban during State testi
mony against Minot Mickey Jelke
* * *
THE EFFECT was to leave th
an in force and thus keep seale
tate testimony in the Jelke case
or did the decision offer an
uidance -for a judge who migh
ontemplate such a ban in th
Instead, the majority opinion
said "the appellants lack the
right to institute this pro-
The appellants were five Nev
York newspapers and' two wir
ervices but the court majority
aid flatly:
"Freedom of the press is no
* * *
THE MINORITY on the State
upreme Court's appellate bendh
eld Valente had no right to close
is courtroom and insisted:
"Anyone is free to see what a
ourt does and to follow the ra-
tionale of decision."
The majority held Jelke, him-
, is the proper person to appea
he feels Valente's order inter-
red with his right to a fair trial
The newspaper appeal, the ma-
rity added, "does not present a
uitable occasion to decide wheth-
r error was committed at Gen.
ral Sessions in excluding appel-
nts from part of the trial."
etitions Sent
y Objectors
o Officials
Thirty-eight conscientious ob-
tors employed at Ypsilanti State
ospital have submitted a peti-
n of grievances to Gen. Louis B.
ershey, selective service director,
d U. S. Senators Homer Fergu-
on and Charles Potter.
According to Dr. 0. R. Yoder,
ospital superintendent, the peti-
ion contains grievances concern-
g the present selective service
olicy toward conscientious ob-
The main complaint lies in the
resent method of employment of
O's which differs from that used
World War II, Dr. Yoder said.
Today they are employed at the
ame wages as thie other employes
f the hospital, all being subject
o civil service requirements. Dr.
oder said he did not know which
the employes were conscientious
jectors, as he hires any quali-
ed person.
The CO's feel they should be
mployed in the same manner as
at used in the second world
ar, according to Dr. Yoder. At
hat time the men were sent here
y the army and worked without
ompensation in lieu of perform-
g regular military service.

xas and Oklahoma were warned to
look for tornadoes as thunder-
storms; hard winds and hail bat-
tered many areas.
In Oklahoma, a twister
smashed northeastward across
the state, killing one woman at
Bradley and injuring two oth-
ers. Rush Springs, Okla., re-
ported minor damage from the
tornado, but hail-as big as golf-
balls-at Lawton and Ft. Sill did'
damage estimated at a, million
and a half dollars.
The roaring black funnel that
smashed across West Texas fol-
lowed a crazy-quilt pattern. It hit
first near Jud, then close to
O'Brien, Rochester and finally
Knox City..
S* * *
ALL OF these towns and com-
munities are between Abile and
Wichita Falls, and two nearest
cities of any size.
The wild wind wrecked homes
and farm buildings, blew down
power and communications lines
and smashed a hospital at Knox
Four persons were killed at
Knox City, none of them among
the 15 to 20 patients at the
wrecked hospital.
A mother and two children were
killed near Jud when the twister
flattened two frame houses.
* s
warned adjoining areas in the
storm vicinity and in an area
hundreds of miles away-North
Texas above Dallas--to take tor-
nado precautions.
Elsewhere, wet weather prevailed
over large areas of the nation yes-
terday with the northeastern
states getting the biggest soaking.
Utility Workers
Vote To Strike
By The Associated Press
President Garland W. Sanders
of the Michigan CIO Utility Work-
ers Council announced yesterday
members had voted approximately
2,500 to 215 to strike against the
Consumers Power Co.
Sanders said 23 of 24 local un-
ons had voted, and he was await-
ng instructions from Joseph Fish-
er, national union president, in
Washington, D.C. He said he ex-
pected an answer sometime to-
The only local's vote unrecorded,
he said, is that of a small unit at
Muskegon River.

-Daily-Frank Barger
IDES OF MARCH-Bob Wells, '55, works hard to get his income
tax returns in on time. Along with millions of other taxpayers
throughout the nation, Wells will get an extra "bonus" day to
complete his calculations since the traditional March 15 deadline
falls tomorrow, a legal holiday. But midnight Monday still stands
as the final hour of reckoning, and the local Internal Revenue
Bureau at 207 First National Bank Bldg. reports a heavy flood of
returns in the last few days.
'U' Graduate Holds Back
Testimony On Red Ties
A University graduate who once taught physics at Michigan State
College refused yesterday to tell the House Un-American Activities
Committee whether he was ever a member o'f the Communist Party,
the Associated Press has reported.
Even as he was testifying, the witness, Byron T. Darling, now of
Ohio State University, was suspended from his present teaching po-
DARLING RECEIVED his doctorate degree from the University.

Dorm Heads,
Pierpont, Set
Leaders To Air
Rent Hike Issue
Presidents of men and women's
residence halls will meet Monday
with Wilbur K. Pierpoint, Univer-
sity vice-president to discuss the
new rent increase.
Speaking before the West Quad
Council meeting yesterday, Sam
Alfieri, '54A&D, Quad president,
said the presidents will present
possible "after-effects" of the rent
hike and will ask Pierpont for a
reconsideration of the move which
was taken Wednesday by the resi-
dence halls Board of Governors.
The amount of the increase is
not expected to be announced un-
til it is approved by the Board of
Regents at its meeting Friday.
* *' *
ALFIERI warned the Council
that "to be effective our criticism
must be on a rational level and I
deplore the idea of student demon-
strations." It had been rumored
earlier that students in all resi-
dence halls would boycott the din-
ing rooms in protest.
The West Quad leader also
told the group "the main issue
now is the rent increase" and
protests regarding the Board's
"unilateral" move is now "water
over the dar."
When the raise, was first an-
nounced, Quad leaders blasted the
Board for not first consulting
them. Roger Kidston, '54, East
Quad president accused the Board
of "only cooperating with us on
small issues."
MEMBERS of the West Quad
Council scores the Board's ac-
tion on the basis of the "damages"
of a rate increase.
Ted Bohuszewicz, '53A&D. In-
ter-House Council representative
to the Board of Governors, pre-
dicted "men will live in the quads
their first year simply because
they have to but many upperclass-
men will move either to frater-
nity or priv*.e houses."
Alfieri charged that the social,
recreational, athletic and aca-
demic programs which the Mich-
igan House Plan encompasses
cannot be maintained without
experienced men who have lived
in the Quads for "at least two
Members of the Council main-
tained in spite of rent increases
amounting to $84 during thepast
two years, services in the dorms
have decreased.
See RENT, Page 2
Bowling Tourney
Dead line Thursday
All men interested in playing on
the five man team bowling in the
Big Ten Union Bowling Tourna-
ment April 25 should sign up be-
fore Thursday at the desk in the
Union bowling alley, Union staff-
man Santo Ponticello, '55E, an-
nounced yesterday.
In order to qualify for play in
the April 25 tournament each man
trying out must bowl six games1
and hand in his scores at thei
desk by March 19.1


-Daily-Frank Barger
SLIDE RULE RUCKUS-Two couples stand holding the remains
of the giant 12-foot slide rule broken in a scuffle last night in
the League Ballroom. Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee, of the engi-
neering school, a chaperone for the traditional engineer's dance,
was hopsitalized with a fractured ankle after the battle for the
engineers' symbol. About 30 law students stormed the side en-
trance of the ballroom and in the ensuing struggle, one partic-
ularly burly barrister fell on top of Prof. Menefee.
Open House To Feature
Previews of Progress

U.S., Britain
Accuse Reds
By The Associated Press
The United States and Britain
talked tough to the Communists
yesterday in protesting the des-
truction of a British bomber and
an American fighter by MIG 15s.
IN DIPLOMATIC terms the#
United States wrote Czechoslo-
vakia that she lied in asserting the
American F-84 Thunderjet shot
down Tuesday 14 miles inside the
American Zone of West Germany
had violated the Czech frontier.
The U. S. note said falsifica-
tion of facts is proven by a radar
check that showed the Thunder-
jet remained over West Germany
throughout its last patrol.
The British charged the Soviet
Union with deliberate, "brutal act
of aggression and murder" in the
shooting down of their bomber.
Because of the British attack,
the Second Allied Tactical Air
Force, a NATO .unit, ordered its
planes not to fly within 10 miles
of the Iron Curtain border

While testifying, the physicist
continually invoked the Fifth
Amendment in refusing to an-
swer the Committee's queries.
He refused to tell whether he
had ever given secret informa-
tion to any Communist Party
members or agents, or whether
he had access to secret informa-
tion in regard to his work. How-
ever Darling did tell the Com-
mittee that the Air Force proj-
ect on which he is working in-
volves ozone molecules and is
not classified as secret.
Darling, a native of Napoleon,
Ohio, testified he is a friend of
University of Minnesota atomic
scientist Joseph Weinberg, who
was aquitted by a District of Co-
lumbia jury last week of charges
arising from his refusing to an-
swer Congressional interrogation.
The two were classmates at Wis-
consin, Darling said.
JC Delegates
Hear Addr'ess
BY Odegaard
Dean Charles E. Odegaard of
the literary college addressed 130
representatives from 11 State jun-
ior colleges at a luncheon meeting
yesterday in the Union.
He welcomed the junior college
deans, presidents and faculty to
the one-day conference, saying it
provided a good way to discover
the "common aims and distinc-
tive differences" between the work
of the junior colleges and the Uni-
A. G. Unbreit, director of the
Muskegon Community College and
president of the State Association
of Junior Colleges, also spoke on
"What a University Faculty Should
Know About the Community Col-
The luncheon was part of a
conference on discussion of teach-
ing methods in colleges. Presi-
dents and deans of the junior col-
leges conferred during the morn-
ing with University President Har-
lan H. Hatcher, while other fac-
ulty visited classes or offices and
conferred with University faculty
and staff members.
Inter-faculty meetings were held
in the afternoon.

Science will roll up its sleves and
go into action from 1 to 5 p.m.
today in the Union Ballroom when
the General Motors show, "Pre-
viewsof Progress" gets ,underway
in a "dress rehearsal of the fu-
Illustrating the principles of jet
propulsion, demonstrators will
trace the history of the jet en-
gine from 130 B.C. to the present
with models of Hero's aeolipile, the
German V-1 buzz bomb jet en-
gine and engines used in the IOig-
las Skystreak fighter and the V-2
Other experiments. in the pro-
gram include a demonstration of.
the fastest polymerization of syn-
thetic rubber known to science and
experiments with freon, the "won-
der refrigerant," which can be used
to freeze a flower as easily as to
run a steam engine. .
Annual Mimes
More than 75 members and
alumni of Mimes reminisced and
relived Union Operas of the past
at the annual Mimes banquet last
night in the Union.
The banquet was attended by
Opera alumni chairmen from the
six cities on last year's Christmas
tour and other colorful figures in
Opera history.
Meetings are scheduled for to-
day in which the alumni chair-
men and opera officials will map
out plans for next year's Opera
Harry Blum, '54BAd, new Mimes
president, reminded all those writ-
ing scenarios for the new Opera
that the deadline is Monday.

MEANWHILE, in other parts of
the Union finalists in the open
house tournaments will be playing
off the semi-finals and finals of
their respective games.
Competition-in the semi-finals
of the table tennis playoffs will
be between Souka Abbas; Al
Magnus, '53BAd.; Ray Wilkin-
son, '53E and Jack Watson, '55.
Pool semi-finalists include Moe
Wasserman, Grad.; Larry Bietila,
'56E; Bill Townsend, '55, and Jack
IN THE playoffs of three rail
billiards John Steck, '54BAd; Jack
Conlin; Sandy Keston, '56, and
Tom Dudley, '53, will be maneu-
vering for the winners place.
Bowling finalists including
Ralph Cross, '56, who qualified
with a phenomenal total of
1,253 pins in six games, Gor-
don Hutchinson, Grad.; Bruce
Thornton, '53; Al Resnik; Jack
Cross, '56E, and Chuck Barn-
hart, the defending champion of
last year, will roll to determine
the final winner.
On the third floor, visitors will
have the opportunity to see dis-
plays and visit individual open
houses by the Interfraternity
Council, Student Legislature, the
Men's Rifle Club, Alpha Phi Omega
and the International Club.
These group open houses rep-
resent something new this year
in the history of the Union Open
Other items of interest in. the
open house will be the Michifish
aqua-show in the Union Pool and
music by the Ann Arbor Alley
Cats in the North Lounge on the
main floor.
Free refreshments will be avail-
able to all those visiting the Union
on the day when all doors are open,
the Union Council announced.

'M', Gophers
Play Tonight
For Crown
14 Goals Record
In Tourney Game
Special To The Daily
University's mncdiocre Terriers
scarcely provided Michigan a
warmup as the Wolverine puck-
sters smashed to a 14-2 win, thus
earning the right to meet Minne-
sota in the finals here tonight.
Michigan outskated, outshot,
and outfought the Boston club as
they jumped off to a 5-0 lead in
the first period and pummelled
the Beantown sextet the rest of
the way.
GEORGE CHIN, who racked up
five points on two goals and three
assists, put the Wolverines out in
front 1-0 at 3:12 of the opening
period and Ron Martinson and
Johnny Matchefts came through
with goals at 4:19 and 4:42 before
the Terriers had a chance to rea-
lize they were in a game.
The 14-2ascore piled up by
the Maize and Blue was the
highest total ever scored in an
NCAA tournament contest. The
previous high was 13 goals scor-
ed by Colorado College over an-
other Boston University sextet
three years ago.
Among the 14 tallies by the
Wolverines was included a goal by
Alex McClellan, his first of the
season, and a hat-trick by Ron
GOALS BY TellyMascarin and
Mullen increased the first period
scoring to five before the Telriers
briefly halted the onslaught. in
the second session, two goals by
Bert Dunn, the . first unassisted,
and another by Chin increased
the score to 8-0 as the players
left the ice for the second inter-
Doug Philpott blasted in a
Matchefts pass to increase the
score to 9-0 just 2:32 after the
players returned to the ice.
Boston University then entered
the scoring column for the first '
time when Dick Rodenhiser
converted Jerry Denning's pass
and thus spoiled Willard Ikola's
bid for a shutout.
Ikola had put on a remarkable
exhibition of goaltending wizard-
ry for 49 minutes until he was fin-
ally dented by Rodenhiser at 9:01
of the session. Bill Lucier then
replaced Ikola in the nets and fin-A
ished out the game for the Maize
and Blue.
* * *
BOSTON'S overwhelmed puck-
sters blinked the red light for the
second and last time at 14:57 of
the stanza when Jack Zanetti
score{ with an assist going to Paul
Whelan. After this brief letdown,
the Wolverine icers went back to
work and scored five more times
before the game ended.
See MICHIGAN, Page 3
Great Lakes
Get Tax Cut
WASHINGTON - (') - The
,Bureau of Internal Revenue had
good news yesterday for property
owners on the shores of the Great
The bureau agreed to permit in-

come tax deductions to shoreown-
ers for damages to property by
wind or wave action. But it de-
:ined to allow deductions for
what it termed "progressive de-
terioration" resulting from grad-
ual erosion
Mich), Keating (R-NY) and Os-
tertag (R-NY) were informed of
the bureau's rulings.
Commissioner T. Coleman An-
drews said in a letter to the con-
"It seems clear that loss due
to physical damage to buildings,
boat houses, docks, seawalls, etc.,


Fred Warng, Glee Club
To Perform Tonight

Associate Women's Editor
Fred Waring and his Pennsyl-
vanians are slated to perform for
two concerts at 7 and 9:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium under
the sponsorship of the Men's Glee
Club and the Panhellenic Associa-
Ann Arbor has been the scene of
several Waring concerts prior to
the performance tonight and while
the city has been memorable for
Fred Waring, a Fred Waring con-
cert has, been memorable for at
least one University student.
* *4 *
covered by Waring while singing
in a local restaurant and asked
to join the vocal group. It was
once the custom to have vocalists

Educators A pprove Proposed Post

President Eisenhower's plan now
before Congress to create a new
cabinet-ranking department on
health, education and welfare was
received with enthusiasm by Uni-
versity professors in those respec-
tive fields.
Dr. Margaret Bell of the Health
Service said the proposal was "very
fine and has been long anticipated
by the medical profession."

Education school described the
plan as a compromise giv-
ing education a better status,
thus placing it more in the pub-
lic eye. He said, however, it does
not "completely fulfill the hopes
of many educators who had hop-
ed for an independent agency
governing federal educational
He added federal education pol-

"Departmental status does not
give it any powers or functions in
addition to creating two addition-
al posts of assistant secretary and
permitting the chief to attend
cabinet meetings," he maintained.
Predicting an easy passage for
Eisenhower's plan, Prof. Ferrel
Heady of the political science de-
partment explained the Hoover
Commission had recommended the

Lewis Remains

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