Monday. February 9. 193
Page Nine, Section Two
t.A'.niiuuyi, ,elriit Q H M. IA D IYP eNn SctnT
(Continued from Page , Section 2)
and Corinne Secord, Warren Nor-
quist and Carol Lutz, Paul Nowak
and Janet Myers, Roy Nowak and
Nan Gustaffson, James J. Nyberg
and Mildred Chapman.
PETER OAK and Betty Shana-
barge, Galen Ohmart and Cyn-
this LaPond, Bill Ohst and Jean-
nette Natzel, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam O'Keeffe Ralph Olsen and
Barbara Scott, James Olson and
k Robin Piatt, Keith Olson and Pat
Mooney, G. S. Oluonye and Hattie
Jenkins, Jerry O'neil and Dorothy
' Orr, Derek Orth and Miki Jessup,
Hersh Ostrow and Audry Seligson,
Bob Overloop and Mary Ann
Dale Pappe and Barbara Spen-
cer, Duane Parker and Betsy
Sauor, George Parker and Nancy
Bly, Edward James John Pastucha
and Helen Ann Waterman, Cal
Patterson and Janet Brown, Ed
Patterson and Barbara Bigelow,
Charles Patton and Patte Edwards,
G. Aaron Paxson and ,Cathy Alt,
Marvin Peacock and Ruth Hay-
ward, Dave Pear and Sue Jones,
Leonard Pearlman and Emily Plet-
man, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearson,
Jack Peirce and Ruth Nolan, Roy
Pella and Gayle Greene, John
Pelish and Mary Graham, Phillip
Penberthy and Beverly Blancett,
Richard Penney and Janet Ban-
Rog Penning and Arlene Gar-
ber. Gene Penzien and Barbara
Davis, Carl Pepper and Annette
Griffith, Ken Perkins and Joan
Hames, Burton Perry and Nancy
Towsley, Stephen Perry and Lois
Belk, Frank Peters and Mary Kane,
Dan Peterson and Barb Walker,
David Pethick and Martha Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Philbin,
Vaughn Phillips and Marian
Stubbs, Henry Piasecki and Sue
D'Amour, R. Dean Pierce and Lor-
raine Pierce, Fred Pincoe and El-
len West, Mark Piper and Wanda
Hubbard, Paul Piper and Pat Daly.
David W. Plumer and Ann Nel-
son, Galen Podesta and Anne
Hammond, Ed Poindexter and
Martha B. Wells, Chuck Pollard
and Barb Hill, Bill Pollock and
Helen Harrison, Jim Pollock and
Virginia Hansen, Deno Preketes
and Jackie Baumgartner, Fred
Prekosovich and Margo Davis,
Jerry Prescott and Lorna Ball,
Ken Preston and Peggy Ann
Quicker, Russ Price and Marg At-
kins, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Prosser,
Jack Putnum and Sue Roesser,
Gus Pyrros and Joan Horgan, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Pouitz.
BOB QUINN and Janyce Ayers,
John Rabel and Betty Clhen, Wil-
liam Rahn and Barbara Hills, Al-
vin Ranger and Mary Vegors,
Thoman A. Rankin and Nancy
House, James Rasbach and Joyce
Leonard, Hazim Rassam and Barb
Barrett, Bill Rector and Anne
Wuerfel, William Redifer and Judy
Priebe, Chuck Reed and Carol
Waite, Pete Reed and Joan
Thompson, John Reeber and
Nancy Brannan, Sandy Reiter and
Lois Manheim, Erlaud Reuter and
YESSIR!-That's my J-Hop baby
chucking his campus queen unde
broke tradition by attending the
his date broke tradition too, eat
and Janet Campbell, John Ryder
and Maggie Kermath, Tom Rykoff
and Rusty Silverstein.
BOB SACHS and Ledra Hirsch,
Ron Sachs and Cici Ostrou, James
Sagg and Torie Glazer, Paul Sal-
ditt and Gretchen Schweizer, Cal
Samra and Carol Loveless, David
Saxman and Lucy Bradner, Keith
Saxton and Margaret Berry, John
Sayles and Gail Leonard, George
Scardetta and Betty Ellis, Dean
Schafer and Eileen Spencer, Char-
les Schater and Marjorie Sisk,
Mike Scherer and Nancy Blair,
John Schippel and Doreen Orlo-
zoske, Don Schmitz and Mary Ann
Morris, Arthur Schneider and
Malverne Gleiber, Bob Schrager
and Barbara Mazer, Walter
Schrenk and Carol Drury, Gerry
Schroeder and Sue Peters.
Ralston Schultz and Mary Jean
Monkoski, Juan Scholnick and
Sandra Hirsch, George Schuster
and Carolyn Beckwith, Bob Schuur
and Carole Longnecker, Bud
Schwartz and Vonnie Shapre, Jo-
y, says 'M' lineman Dimly Seen, seph Schwartz and Margaret Luke,
r her maw. The famous gridder Maxwell Schwartz and Pat Veno-
dance in tweeds and homburg; cur, Dick Schwartz and Bernice
Lin al th baloos i siht. Kosar, Arthur Schwartz and Olga
ing all the balloons in sight. Lit
LsMurray Schwartzberg and
Gloria Berkowitz, George Scott and
Sherry Grossman, Warren Rob- Joyce Graf, Mort Scult and Jane
bins and Harriet Polier, Gerry Brill, Dave Sebald and Sally
Roberts and Elaine Gulden, Neel Shepler, Joel Sebastian, Dolores
Robertson and Nancy Bergdahl, Lowry, Walter Segaloff, Helene
Becker, Burt Seipel and Priscilla
Sandy Robertson and Joanne Vanaher, William Seerance and
Lichty, Bill Roeder and Doris Sa- Sid Lutz, Jim Servis and Ruth
bat, Jerry Rogers and Libby Jaffe, Olsen.
Paul Romero and Maria Rabell,
Ralph Rose and Betty Auerback, Blanme Seyferth and Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenberg. Gyer, Tom Shannon and Nancy
Henry, Dick Shapiro and Sally
Bob Rosenblatte and Elizabeth Kodish, Robert Searls and Carol
Baum, Bob Rosenfield and Judy Ferris, Don Shafer and Marge
Shapiro, Dick Rosenfeld and Edie Mowrer, Leslie Sher and Sydelle
Woldman, Jordan Rossen and Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Meredith Tigel, Martin Rosenthal Shepperly, Don Sherman and
and Marilyn Gordon, Jerry Roth Laurie Silver, Richard Shick and
and Marilyn Jacoby, August Roty Rosemarie Kotowicz, George Shif-
and Joan Huebner, Oley Rostovsky fer and Marilyn Jenkins, Allen
and Sue Newcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Shuster and Chickie Melet, Kent
Richard E. Roush, Melvin Rubin Shoemaker and Virginia Maain,
and Nona Everhart, Warren Russ Kenneth Shevin and Joyce Kaye,
and Beverly Pack, William Russell Martin Siezel and Nancy Weiss,
and Elizabeth Tomchuck, Ralph Bob Sievers and Nancy Wayd,
Rupp and Jane Buell, Walter Rupp (Continued on Page 11, Section 2)
Joyce Dannecker, Dick Rex and
Haryn Lozon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jim Richards and Helen Ma-
toras, Jack Richardson and Nancy
Davis, Bob Richardson and Lynne
Richardson, Tom Ricketts and
Cynthia Nicholas, Mel Rinzelberg
and Anne Kempe, Chuck Ritter
and Mary Hart, Chuck Rivkin and
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