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March 08, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-08

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See Page ,4

ZYl t e

Latest Deadline in the State


i 4







Playoff Berth After











Britain Promises
Boycott of China
Ship cents of Strategic Materials
By British Ships To Be Forbidden
WASHINGTON-(W-Britain has promised to help impose an
economic blockade on shipment of strategic materials to Red China,
it was announced here yesterday at the close of British-American for-
eign policy and economic talks.
At the same time, the two nations indicated the United States
has encouraged Britain to plunge into freer currency and trade
* * *

economic policy, closed out forma]
Participating were British Foreign
of State Dulles, British Chancello
of the Exchequer R. A. Butler an
Secretary of the Treasury Hum
The two diplomatically-worde
announcements boiled down t
1. The British will try to elim-
inate the sore spot in their re-
lations with the United States
- that is, shipments to Red
China of materials useful for a
war effort. At the same time
they will stand firm on their
Middle Eastern policy, especial-
ly as regards Iran.
2. The two nations will cooper
ate, and Britain will take direc
action in the sterling area, in
farflung attempt to loosen mone
tary and trade shackles with th
aim of strengthening free worl
economies to support a long strug
gle against Communism.
* * *
AS FOR trade with Red China
Eden told the United States hi
government, in addition to con
trols now in force, had decided:
1. To set up a new licensing
system which would make it im-
possible to carry non-British
strategic materials to Red China
in ships registered in the United
Kingdom and colonies.
Britain, and other U.S. Euro
pean allies already forbid ship
ment of their. own strategic ma-
terials to the Chinese Communist
(the United States forbids an
trade with the China mainland)
But in the past it has been pos-
sible to charter British ships t
carry Iron Curtain war goods t
the Chinese. This is now to b
2. Tightening up would be con-
verted to a virtual strategic ma-
terials blockade by refusing per
mission for "Soviet bloc or other'
ships carrying strategic goods to
the Chinese Reds to be re-fueled
at Britain's lifeline ports around
the world.
3. The U.S. and Britain, it wa
added, will concert efforts to get
other nations to shut off strategic
trade with Red China.
Eden and Dulles confirmed a
prior agreement that if an emer-
gency arises U.S. military air-
craft would use British bases only
after joint decision by the British
and American governments.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower yesterday named Jacob
D. Beam, Charge d' Affaires t
the U. S. embassy in Moscow, to
represent this country at the fu-
neral of Prime Minister Stalin.
Wis.) acted yesterday to speed
through the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions committee proposed legisla-
tion authorizing the St. Lawrence
* * *
SEOUL - Bloody infantry
clashes, crackled at sensitive
spots along the stirring muddy
Korean battle front early today
in the wake of the Reds' heav-
iest artillery fire for ay 24-hour
period this year.
* f *

on foreign policy and the other on
I talks which began here Wednesday.
Secretary Anthony Eden, Secretary
- eportation
;Aid Refused
By Meader
Rep. George Meader of Ann Ar-
bor reported yesterday to have
turned down petitions by Dean
A. C. Furstenburg of the medical
school and Dr. James L. Wilson,I
- chairman of the pediatrics de-
t partment, asking for a stay of the
a deportation order against Dr. Vera
- Hsi-Yen Wang Liu of the pediat-
e rics department.
d Rep. Meader was alleged to de-
Sclare that it was not his practice
to introduce private bills in Con-
gress such as would be required
, to stay the deportation order.
s* * *
- HOWEVER, Dr. Liu quoted the
Ann Arbor congressman as saying
yesterday he has found no reason
for the government's ordering her
out of the country.
Dr. Liu was notified by the U.
S. Immigration Department,
Thursday, to be ready for "vol-
- untary deportation" within 30
- days. The young doctor, who is
"totally in the dark" as to the
s cause of the federal decision, is
y now awaiting an answer from
. the Detroit immigration office
to Rep. Meader's report.
0On January 23, 1952, Dr. Liu was
o denied permanent residence in the
e United States after her student
visa had expired. At that time no
explanation was offered by the
Detroit board.
The board also turned down an
appeal of its original decision last
October, after a five month con-
I sideration. Although the immigra-
tion department found the young
pediatrician's affidavits and re-
quirements "favorable," Dr. Liu
alledges that it turned down the
request for citizenship because the
case was not "meritricious."
Dr. Liu said that following
the second World War, Chinese
students who had lived in the
United States for more than two
years had been allowed to apply
for citizenship. They usually
were allowed to stay, she main-
The 31-year-old native of
Shanghai is faced with the choice
of returning to Communist China,
or of finding a home in some other
country. Dr. Liu's husband, whose
visa has been extended can either
follow his wife from the country
or remain here. He is doing im-
portant research at the Univer-
sity's Engineering Institute.

Four Goals
Pace Squad
Victory Puts 'M'
In Tie for Lead
The Wolverine hockey squad is
Colorado bound.
Captain Johnny Matchefts scor-
ed four goals in his final game in
the Coliseum ice to lead his team-
mates to a 10-2 rout of Michigan
Tech and a berth in the NCAA
tourney at the Broadmoor Ice
Palace in Colorado Springs.
* * *
MICHIGAN ended the season
in a deadlock with Minnesota for
first place in the Midwest Hockey
League, both teams getting 19
points. The Gophers earned a tie
for the top spot by beating Michi-
gan State, 7-3 and 7-2, on Thurs-
day and Friday.
Doug Mullen led the Michi-
gan scorers with two goals and
four assists for six points and
George Chin was second with
one tally and four assists. Mat-
cheft followed with four goals
and Pat Cooney was fourth with
two scores and one assist for
three points.
The Cooney-Mullen-Chin line
pushed the Wolverines out to a
3-0 lead In the first period and
they coasted from there. Cooney
got the evening's first score as he
blasted in a screen shot from 20
feet out on theleft side on aids
from Chin and Mullen.
Fifty-one seconds later at 3:09
Mullen took a pass from Chin and
flicked it into the nets for Michi-
gan's second goal.
* * *
CHIN, WHO Was battered in
Friday's rough contest and played
last night with his left eye prac-
tically closed scored the third rally
when he stick-handled through
three Tech defenders to score at
13:27 while the Engineers were
short one man.
The fancy skating Canadian
,unior has now scored 14 points
in his last three games on seven
goals and seven assists.
Joe de Bastiani, star Engineer
wing cut the Michigan lead to two
goals at the end of the first period
as he came in on a power play to
beat Bill Lucier at 15:32.
* * *
MICHIGAN ICED the contest
in the penalty-packed second
frame, scoring three goals to none
for the Tech skaters. Thirteen
penalties were called in the middle
session including match miscon-
See 'M' ICEMEN, Page 7
Guards Battle
TOKYO -( - Twenty-three
North Korean prisoners of war
were killed and 42 injured in
bloody rioting yesterday at a camp
on Yoncho Island, the United Na-
tions command reported.
The Command said guards
opened fire when they were at-
tached by rioting prisoners during
a demonstration by some 2,000
"fanatical Communist North Kor-
ean prisoners."
The guards were stoned by the
prisoners, the command said. Sev-
eral of the guards were hit by the1
stones but none was injured ser-1











Stalin Plans
To Be Kept,
Pa perSays
There will be no changes in
Joseph Stalin's foreign policy of
"international co-operation and
development of business relations
with all countries," Pravda, the
Communist party newspaper said
yesterday, according to the Unit-
ed Press.
Pravda said that paramount
task now is:
"To secure an unbroken and
correct leadership of the entire
life of our country which, in turn,
demands the greatest concentra-
tion of leadership, not permitting
any dissention and panic and thus
unconditionally insuring the suc-
cessful translation into life of the
policy worked out by our party
and government both in internal
and external affairs."
Pravda said to help realize this
aim the Russian army and navy
will be strengthened.
Malenkov and members of the
new Soviet government stood with
bowed heads beside the body of
the 73-year-old leader and teach-
er who died Thursday night of a
brain hemorrhage.
As a 10 mile long line of mourn-
ers passed before the dead body of
Stalin, Malenkov, Lavrenti Beria,
deputy premier and new chief of
the newly merged ministries of in-
ternal affairs and security, along
with war minister N. Bulgan-
ian, and V. Molotov foreign min-
ister, watched the endless proces-
Red Chinese
Send Group
To Moscow
TOKYO - W)P - Communist
China hurried a high-ranking 18-
member delegation headed by Pre-
mier Chou En-Lai off to Moscow
by plane yesterday while the Red
Army in Korea pledged support to
the Soviet Union in a "fight to
final victory."
Gen. Peng Teh-Huai, comman-
der of the 750,000 or more Chinese
Red troops in Korea, messaged
Moscow his men "in memory of
great Stalin-will turn their sor-
row into strength."
In an obviously directed state-
ment, Peng declared the Chinese
and Korean Red armies would
"deal the enemy still heavier blows
if he dare engage in any advan-
tures," and threatened "ignomin-
ous defeat" to any Allied offensive.
Peng said the Chinese people
and the army he commands "will
stand alongside the people of the
great Soviet Union . . . and fight
to final victory in defense of a
lasting peace in the east and the
f est of the world."

-Daily-Larry Wilk
ANYTHING YOU CAN DO--On Saturday afternoon the Hopalong Cassidy crowd takes over the
campus, skating on an impromptu ice rink in front. of Mason Hall, playing "King-of-the-castle"
on the library steps or, as the lower classnien in this picture, flinging stones up the chute which
has become part of the decor of the Natural Science Bldg.
Illinois Thinclads Take Big Ten Title



Ohioan's Plan
By Kefauver
Democrat Favors
scale investigation of the whole
Korean situation was proposed
yesterday by Sen. Taft (R-Ohio),
who suggested a special commit-
tee might be created for the task.
Taft's proposal brought mmed-
late opposition from Sen. Kefauv-
er (D-Tenn.), another top runner
in last year's race for presidential
KEFAUVER said an investiga-
tion such as Taft proposed would
"plunge the conduct of the war
into politics" and might feed in-
formation to the enemy.
Taft, the Republican floor
leader, said "the whole subject
should be looked into."
He suggested that an investiga-
tion now under way into reports
that Allied troops in Korea have
been short of ammunition might
be broadened to cover the stalled
armistice talks, the handling of
prisoners of war, and related sub-
"We should know about all of
these thingsfor their impact on
whatever we are going to do in
Korea," he said.
* * *
strategy which President Eisen-
hower may be evolving on the
basis of his visit to the battle zone
last Dec. 2-5.
In a separate interview, how-
ever, Kefauver said:
"I think that before we decide
to make qny such investigation,
we ought to go into the question
of how it might affect national
unity and what information it
might give the enemy."
The Tennessee Senator, a mem-
ber of the armed services commit-
tee, said that instead of a broad-
scale investigation, he favors lim-
iting congressional inquiries to
specific matters, such as the re-
ported ammunition shortage.
* * *
broad inquiry was regarded in
some quarters as reflecting de-
mands from other Republican
lawmakers that something be done
to end the Korean conflict.
Eisenhower promised to make
an early and honorable end to the
fighting the first order of 'busi-
ness in his administration and
many GOP candidates made even
stronger pledges in last year's
Taft spke out shortly after
Gen. James A. Van Fleet, retir-
ing commander of the U.S. 8th
army in Korea, emerged tight-
lipped from an hour and 10 min-
ute conference with Eisenhower at
the White House.
Group Attacks
DeVine Action
Representatives of 41 lodges,
veterans organizations and other
groups, meeting in protest over
Prosecutor Edmond F. DeVine's
recent drive to end bingo and
raffles in Washtenaw County, vot-
ed last night to send letters asking
their state legislators to attend a
similar meeting two weeks hence.
Sen. Frank M. Higins of Fern-
dale. and Representatives Joseph
Warner and Lewis Christman of

I A - A-I--*- -1--A -4 ----L -- 4"

Special to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, III.-Rolling up
156%/4 points to Michigan's 49 1/6,
Illinois captured its fifth straight
Big Ten track and field champion-
Cited as Need
Of Democrats
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - More than 2,500
Democrats assembled at a Jeffer-
son-Jackson Day dinner last night
heard Eleanor Roosevelt encourage
them to work "not only for the
party, but for the country and hu-
manity as well."
Just because the Democrats are
now out of power does not mean
they should lose their sense of
responsibility like "the Republi-
cans did during the presidential.
campaign," the prominent Demo-
crat said.
IN LINE with this'sense of na-
tional and international respon-
sibility, Mrs. Roosevelt said. "It
does not do so much good to elim-
inate a few Communists as to elim-
inate causes which promote Com-
munism throughout the world."
Alluding to a comment report-
edly made by Secretary of De-
fense Charles E. Wilson, Mrs.
Roosevelt noted that "what is
good for our country is good for
humanity, and vice versa." The
primary duty of the party is to
"carefully examine whether
what is good for General Motors
is good for the country," she

ship before 3400 track fans here
yesterday afternoon.
Although the Wolverines gar-
nered five individual titles to =the
Fighting Illini's four, Illinois'
greater depth, especially in the
dash and hurdles, accounted for
enough seconds and thirds to car-
ry them through to victory.
* * *
PURDUE followed with 18% to
Indiana's 16 1/6 while Michigan
State, Iowa, Northwestern, Ohio
State, Minnesota and Wisconson
trailed in that order.
The meet's only double win-
ner was Willie Williams of Illi-

nois who scored in both the 60
and the low hurdles.
Stacey Siders, Illini half miler,
set the only meet record when he
sped the 880 in the best time of
Michigan's victories came in the
mile, two mile, quarter mile, shot
put and mile relay. John Ross who
took the mile, stepped into the
lead at the start and was never
headed. He won in the respectable
time of 4:13.6.
* * *
CARROLL ALSO lead from the
start in taking the quarter, while
See ILLINI, Page 6

Correspondent Reston
To 'View News'at Hill

ROTC Heads Hit 'Atlantic Article

Bringing a background of 14
years of national and interna-
tional reporting to the lecture
platform, ace New York Times
corresepondent James Reston will
speak at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
The reporter who scored one of
the major scoops of the year
through a mail interview with the
late Premier Stalin will talk on
"Reston Views the News" in the
sixth program of the current Lec-
ture Series.
AWARDED the 1944 Pulitzer
prize for his news dispatches and
interpretative articles on the Dum-
barton Oaks Security Conference,
the distinguished correspondent
has also written a best-selling
book 'Prelude to Victory."
Born in Scotland, Reston came

* * *


A five page "Atlantic Monthly"
article pointing out problems and
inadequacies of the college ROTC
program by President Harold W.
Dodds of Princeton drew a bar-
rage of "exceptions" from local
ROTC heads this week.
Princetonian Dodds, a close ob-
server of the effect of the ROTC
program on undergraduates and

"The weaknesses in the mili-
tary program are particularly
acute in institutions of the high-
est scholastic standards and
strongest fidelity to the liberal
arts ideal," he continues.
He aims a broadside at the aca-
demic side of the program, con-
tinuing, "basic faculty unrest
springs from the knowledge that
ROTC subjects are intellectually

ing and communications to sea-
manship and gunnery,
Such knowledge is vital consid-
ering that under combat condi-
tions anyone may be a casualty,
he pointed out.
* '* *
HE SAID that at staff level the
Navy has civilian educators in the
civil service constantly doing re-
search on the training and stan-


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